All Things Denied 7 - 'Gaby & Sam'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 1
All Things Denied

Chapter 7 - 'Gaby & Sam'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

Dinner with a boy in Maddy's class leads to some revelations for Gaby.


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Photo Credit: Used with her permission....“Let Me In”  © by simpledrama .

Chapter 7

After they dropped off the rest it was actually dark when the minibus, now with just the two British escorts, Jessica and Maddy, parked up at Augusta High.

“Well, goodnight Jess … Maddy,” Mr. Pilling called out as he and Fran headed to the car the school board was leasing for their use while they were in Grottoes.

“Night … John,” Jessica replied.

"We'll meet up about ten in the morning," Fran reminded Jessica. "G'nite, Maddy."

“See you then,” replied Miss Bell.

“Er … G’nite Miss,” Maddy replied.

“Come on Maddy … if we're real quick getting home, we'll just catch ‘Buffy',” Miss Bell said with some excitement. Gaby followed Miss Bell to her car and saw it was a black VW Jetta, exactly as described by the real Maddy.

“Come on … get in,” Jessica urged. Gaby found the door took a bit of effort to open. The catch was stuck and it needed a bit of assistance from Miss Bell to get it open.

“I really should get them to look at that … they said it's probably just a bit out of alignment when I asked at Doug’s last Fall,” Jessica apologized.

Maddy's quick briefing of Jessica’s place was pretty accurate and Gaby had no problem acting as if she’d been there hundreds of times, even in the dark. It occurred to her that she’d ridden by the house several times when her training rides took her out to Piedmont and beyond. When they got inside, Gaby again felt that it was familiar. True to her word, Jessica got them home in time for “Buffy” and for the next thirty minutes the two languished in front of the television.

“It's that time, already? Damn! C’mon, Maddy … we don’t have much time to get ready. We have to be at the Roberts in an hour!” Jessica urgently exclaimed.

“The Roberts?” This was news to Gaby. Maddy never told her about doing anything with the Robert’s.

“Remember? I told you this morning, we're having dinner with them tonight,” Jessica replied. Still seeing an inquisitive look on Maddy’s face, she added, “Samuel's parents?”

“Umm … I must have forgotten … sorry,” Gaby offered, still somewhat bemused.

“Put on something nice!” Jessica instructed as Gaby started up the stairs.

“…’kay,” Maddy answered.

Gaby arrived at Maddy’s room, resigned to whatever she has set her up for. Looking around, she spied a phone and promptly fell upon it, quickly dialing the Walters’ number.

“Umm … hi, this is Ga … Maddy Peters … can I talk to Gaby … please?” Gaby found herself having to think carefully, before she spoke.

“Oh, hi Mad … it’s Deb. Sure … I'll just call her down,” Debbie cheerfully replied.

“Thanks,” Gaby responded as she heard Debbie obviously put her hand over the receiver and call for Gaby.

Time drags on when you’re in a hurry and Gaby held on for what seemed like hours before she heard Maddy’s voice on the other end.

“Hullo?” Gaby asked.

“It’s me, Mad!” Gaby quietly replied into the phone. Last thing she wanted was for Jessica to overhear the conversation.

“… Maddy … what's up?” Thinking carefully, Maddy inquired ever so aware that both of the Walters’ girls may be within earshot.

“I'll tell you what's up … dinner at the Roberts! … An’ just who is this Sam-u-el?” Gaby hissed. The tone of her voice told Maddy that Gaby was not pleased!

“Oops! I forgot about that,” Gaby innocently replied in an attempt to dismiss the whole anticipated conversation.

“Convenient!” Gaby retorted, unconvinced of her girlfriend’s sincerity.

“Honest … I'm sorry!” Gaby apologized. In truth, Gaby did think Maddy did sound like she meant it, but she still had a nagging feeling about it.

“So who's this Samuel character?” Gaby demanded.

“He's in my homeroom an’ he gets a lift home with us sometimes ... that’s all,” Maddy innocently offered.

“Oh?” Gaby replied, still unconvinced.

“There's nothing going on,” she defensively blurted.

“I never thought there was … until now,” Gaby quietly and slowly, allowed.

“Really ... we just do homeroom together … honest!” Maddy pleaded.

“We’ll talk about that later!” Gaby made no attempt to hide her displeasure and then added in a more calm tone, “But right now … Jessica expects me to get ready for this dinner ... an’ just what am I supposed to wear?”

“You’re angry with me ... aren’t you?” Maddy weakly asked.

“Maddy!” Gaby hissed.

“Sorry … I... I brought the dress you gave me for my birthday … by the way ... I like the stuff you got last weekend. Can you really walk in those heels? I’m impressed! You mind if I bor...” Maddy quietly carried on.

“Mad!” Gaby’s impatience was beginning to show.

“Oh, alright! … (sigh). If you go in the wardrobe, you’ll find the dress hanging up … lingerie is in the dresser, second drawer from the top … just don't go poking around,” Maddy whispered as she thought she heard someone re-enter the once vacant living-room.

“May I remind you…” Gaby sarcastically began, confident that she scored a point against Maddy. “...They’re my drawers for the weekend … an’ I’ll need clean undies before the weekend’s out … won’t I?”

“Yeah … well … okay,” Maddy reluctantly conceded.

“What’s wrong … Mad?” Gaby thought she heard some sadness in Maddy’s voice
“Nothing. I ... I gotta go,” Gaby mentioned. “Brit’s calling me.”

“G’nite then, Mad … an’ remember my ride in the morning!” Gaby answered.

“Okay. Have a nice dinner … an’ … I really am sorry I dropped you in it,” Maddy softly apologized. Just as she was putting the receiver down, Maddy quickly brought it back up to her mouth, “Maddy? …”

“I’m still here Mad,” Gaby whispered.

“I love you.” Maddy then heard the distinct sound of her girlfriend placing a kiss on the receiver before she hung up.

The dress was where she said and with little effort, Gaby found fresh underwear. While looking for something appropriate, she came across several intimate items that she couldn’t recall ever seeing Maddy wear.

“Mad’s always told me you pick out the dress first, then the lingerie,” Gaby thought to herself as she chose an unfamiliar lacy bra and panty set “These should do quite nicely.”

After grabbing an unopened pair of beige pantyhose, Gaby closed the dresser drawer. Maddy’s black dress pumps with a two inch heel, completed the outfit. Now that the clothing issue was solved, that just left the shower!

“There you are Maddy … I was beginning to wonder … my … but that dress looks lovely on you,” Jessica gushed.

“Thanks … ummm … it was a birthday present!” Maddy admitted, slowly twirling to show Jessica the dress.

“Well … whoever bought it for you has great taste,” Jessica replied.

Maddy blushed a bit, never thinking that when she tried it on and bought it for Maddy’s 14th birthday, that she’d be wearing it herself to a dinner. In some nagging way, Gaby felt a bit uncomfortable knowing that she could easily pass for Maddy and vice versa.

The drive to the Roberts’ was barely five minutes from start to finish as they only lived at the other end of Piedmont.

“Hi, Jessica … and you must be Madeline. Sam never stops talking about you,” Mrs. Roberts greeted them as she allowed the two to enter the house.

As Maddy unbuttoned her coat and started to remove it, she noticed that Mrs. Roberts was looking at her.

“My … that's a pretty dress. It looks very nice on you!”

While Mrs. Roberts was hanging up their coats, Maddy noticed a slight and spotty youth bound into the hall that they had now occupied. She at once assumed that this must be Samuel.

Hey, Maddeeeee … glad ya could come! Did ya enjoy the caves?”

Gaby was taken somewhat aback. She reasoned that it’s one thing to dress up in Maddy's clothes and look like her but to be thrown into a social situation and to act like her with total strangers was something totally above and beyond. They knew her, but how well? As soon as she thought about it, Gaby added it to the ever-growing list that she had for Maddy concerning the dinner and Samuel. In the meantime, she reasoned she’d just have to play it by ear and do the best she can to be Maddy.

“It was quite nice,” Maddy politely replied.

“C’mon, kids. Sam don't keep Madeline out here … take her into to the family room,” Mrs. Roberts directed.

“You wanna soda, Maddy?” Sam asked while playing the ever attentive host.

“Please … ummm … have you got anything ‘diet’...?” Although familiar with the American’s use of ‘soda’, Gaby still had to think fast while momentarily forgetting what her Maddy drank.

“Oh sure … that's all Mom drinks. Diet Pepsi okay?” Gaby nodded her approval.

“And who's this delicate flower?” Gaby found herself blushing deeply as Mr. Roberts greeted her arrival in the family room.

“Dad … this is the girl I told you about, Maddy Peters. Maddy, this is my Dad.” Sam eagerly performed the introductions.

“Nice to finally meet you Maddy. C’mon in and grab a seat.” Mr. Roberts invited Maddy to make herself at home with a sweeping gesture of his hand. “That boy’s constantly talking about you!”

“Um, thanks … Mr. Roberts,” Maddy replied. She was still unsure of her performance. As Gaby sat down, one question kept racing through her mind. “Just what did Sam tell his ‘rents about Maddy?”

“Where ‘bouts in England do you call home, Maddy?” Mr. Roberts asked.

“Warsop. That’s a small town near Nottingham,” Maddy offered.

“I'll get that drink Maddy,” Sam enthused.

“Okay … thanks.” Casting her eyes around the room, Gaby spotted what looked like a safe and comfortable seat then proceeded to head for it.

“It’s warmer over here … by the fire,” Mr. Roberts offered, indicating both a large overstuffed armchair and a couch. Considering her dress, Gaby chose the ‘safer’ of the two and took the chair.

“So, Maddy … my son being a bore yet?” Mr. Roberts asked in an attempt to lighten the situation.

“Er … not really. So far he’s been a perfect host,” Maddy answered. Considering he’d only offered to get her a drink, she figured she told the truth.

“Well, he seems to be quite taken with you … it’s Maddy this and Maddy that ... and now I think I can see why,” Sam’s dad confided.

Gaby again blushed a deep red but was rescued from further embarrassing compliments by the arrival of Jessica and Amanda Roberts.

“What have you been saying Cory Roberts?” his wife asked seeing that Maddy still had colour in her cheeks.

“Nothing Mand…” Mr. Roberts innocently replied and then noticing Jessica, tried to re-direct the conversation. “...hi, Jess!”

“Hi, Cory. You got one of them for me?” Jessica asked, indicating the beer in Mr. Roberts’ hand.

Sam brought Maddy her drink while his father quickly got up to fetch one for Jessica, thankful for the excuse to leave the room.

While Gaby sipped her drink carefully, she took the opportunity to check out the rest of her surroundings. As she was looking at the many family photos and paintings scattered throughout the room, she noticed Miss Bell ‘freeze’ as she was about to take a sip of her beer and give her a curious wide-eyed stare.

“Dinner will be about ten minutes ... people!” Amanda announced as she returned to the living room after checking on the meat.

“Ummm … excuse me … but could I use the toilet please?” Gaby timidly asked Mr. Roberts.

“Oh … sure Maddy. Sam show her the way!” his dad suggested.

Sam jumped up from his makeshift seat on the arm of her chair. Until that moment, Gaby was unaware he was even there.

“C’mon Maddy! It’s off the hallway ... I’ll show you,” Sam mentioned.

Gracefully getting out of the chair was harder than she thought it would be, but in the end Maddy managed it. Once safely behind the closed door of the washroom, she sat down to take care of things and at the same time tried to think of how she got here and what her next step would be. Obviously, this Sam had a crush on Maddy. Question was, was the feeling mutual? Why did Maddy accept the dinner in the first place? Gaby filed these additional questions away for a future time.

Luckily, with the three adults running interference, any hopes that Sam had of advancing his relationship with Maddy were effectively stomped on. The food was okay and most of the conversation centred around Sam's older siblings. After they'd eaten, Maddy was quite surprised when Jessica announced that both of them would have to leave in short order. Despite Sam’s consistently thwarted attempts to have a romantic moment, she still thought that it was a bit rude to just eat and run.

Sam's face predictably dropped at the news. Obviously, he was hoping to get some one-on-one time with Maddy! Even though Jessica announced an early departure at dinner, it was almost ten before they walked out the door.

“Glad that’s over with!” Jessica extolled as she and Maddy got into the car. “I never would’ve guessed Sam to be like that with girls. He’s so quiet at school ... and to think that Cory and Amanda allowed him to get away with it like they did!”

Jessica pulled out of the Roberts’ driveway and onto the main county road heading back to her place. The return trip was a short and quiet one, with Gaby staring out the front passenger window at the passing countryside. As Jessica pulled into her driveway and turned the car off, she turned to her young passenger.

“I’m really sorry about Sam. Are you alright ... Gaby?” The sound of her name brought Gaby out of her trace and she jerked her head around to look at Miss Bell. “Gaby ... I asked if you were alright?”

“I’m Maddy...” Maddy nervously pointed out.

“Ut uh ... I ... don’t ... think ... so!” Jessica quietly replied as she leaned across the centre console to the front passenger seat and worked to move Maddy’s hair behind her left ear, finally uncovering it as she uttered the last word.

“Maddy doesn’t have this piercing, but I clearly remember that Gaby did when we were in Warsop. You’ve obviously had it removed … but the hole’s not quite healed over yet,” Jessica observed. “Am I right?”

“Yes, Miss...” Gaby forlornly admitted.

“Who’s idea was it to switch places on me?” Miss Bell quietly asked.

“I kinda guess it was both of us,” Gaby sheepishly replied and then quickly added, “But we weren’t doing it to you … honest! We wanted to get Brit! You gonna take me back to the Walters’ now?”

Gaby looked as if she was going to cry. They made no provision in their deal to cover what to do if she was discovered!

“Do you want me to?” Jessica softly asked the distraught teen.

“A part of me says ‘yes’ ... just to get it over with ... but Mad will never let me hear the last of it, if you do!” Gaby quietly admitted.

After a short silence, Jessica leaned over, gently cupping her hand behind Gaby’s head and gave her a peck on the forehead.

“The part that says ‘yes’ ... is it a small part?” Jessica joked.

“I think so...” Gaby softly giggled.

“Good! Then, why don’t we go inside and get out of these clothes? I think we’ll both be more comfortable in our nightgowns ... I know I will! After that we can have some hot chocolate or something and talk for a spell ... okay?” Jessica softly suggested. Gaby nodded her head and the two girls got out of the car.

“Maybe a weekend away from Britney might be just what the doctor ordered. I know her mom can get a bit much, after a while!”

“C’mon ... we’ll make this our own “girl’s weekend” ... just the two of us! Okay?” Jessica suggested as she unlocked the door and they stepped inside.

“Now … go change and I’ll make us that hot chocolate ... or would you prefer tea? Maddy tells me I make a pretty good ‘cuppa’!” Miss Bell enthused as she hung up Gaby’s coat.

“Tea please, Miss...” Gaby replied as she ran upstairs to her room.

Once back in Maddy’s room, Gaby stripped to her bra and panties before rummaging through 'her' things, looking for a nightgown.

Thinking about all the new lingerie she’d found in Maddy’s drawers, Gaby decided to take a closer look in the closet to see what else was new. Within a few moments, she found a couple of dresses and skirts that she’d never seen on her girlfriend. She had no idea of how long she was occupied with Maddy’s wardrobe when she heard the back door close and Jessica come up the stairs.

“I’m just going to change. I’ve already put the water on, so I’ll meet you downstairs ... okay?” Jessica relayed as she poked her head in the door.

Seeing Gaby standing by the closet door in the lingerie she picked out earlier, Jessica couldn’t help but recall her past confusion about Drew in Warsop. Even when they left England, she still had doubts about Drew’s gender but had to admit as a boy, he made a convincing girl. Now, Fran’s letter laid the confusion to rest.

As she headed downstairs and out to the kitchen, Jessica thought about the letter’s implications and of Fran’s words while at the same time, picturing Gaby back in Maddy’s room.

“Even though Fran told me Maddy doesn’t know about the letter, how can that girl tell me with a straight face that Drew’s a boy?”

“Tea’s ready!” Jessica later called up the stairs.

Gaby didn’t realize that she’d been sitting on Maddy’s bed and thinking about the day’s events for any length of time, but accepted it was long enough for Jessica to change then return to the kitchen and make her a tea as well as a coffee for herself.

As Jessica was bringing their drinks out to the living room table, Gaby came down the stairs wearing an ankle-length emerald green silk nightgown trimmed in lace and a matching cover-up. Miss Bell stood up and watched as the young teen made her Grande entrance.

“You look very pretty in that, I must say,” Jessica offered. “But ... you’ve got to lose those yellow fluffy slippers!” she added with a laugh as she noticed the slippers. “They certainly don’t go with the nightgown.”

“I think they’re the only ones Maddy brought!” Gaby answered.

“Remind me to take Maddy shopping so we can correct that!” Jessica playfully commented.

As Gaby placed her tea on the end-table by the sofa and then sat down, Jessica noticed how naturally she moved and sat like a girl, folding her legs up under her. While Gaby made herself comfortable, Jessica went and sat in the big chair opposite her young guest.

“I guess we should first settle a few things ... okay, Gaby?” Miss Bell mentioned.


“First ... when we’re not in school or at a school function ... it’s either ‘Jessica’ or ‘Jess’ ... not ‘Miss’ ... alright? That rule applies for your entire visit, not just this weekend … okay?” Jessica firmly stated. Gaby nodded that she understood.

“Now … second ... ummm ... what do I call you while you’re here? We both know you’re supposed to be Maddy … but … since your cover’s been blown ... I think we’d both be more comfortable with something else ... so that just leaves us with Drew … or … Gaby.”

Jessica’s youthful, ‘laid-back’ presence quickly made Gaby realize that she was far more than just a teacher; she was a friend she could feel comfortable with.

“Gaby ...” Gaby softly replied.

“Is that short for something?” Jessica inquired.

“Gabrielle ... that’s my name, now. It was Drew … as in … Andrew.” Jessica carefully put aside her coffee and sat up, when she heard Gaby’s admission.

“Gaby … before you go on ... I think I should tell you that Miss Cowlishaw showed me the letter from your doctor when we picked you up at the airport,” Jessica confided.

“Oh...” Gaby softly replied. Jessica moved from her chair and smoothing her housecoat beneath her, sat on the sofa close to Gaby.

“Care to tell me about it? You don’t have to, of course … if you don’t want to,” Jessica softly mentioned. “Though, I must admit I’m a bit confused … and curious. Maddy’s repeatedly told me that you’re a boy and yet ... what I saw a while ago up in her room...”

Gaby nodded.

“She … doesn’t know ... about the letter,” Gaby slowly admitted.

She then proceeded to give Jessica a summary of her life, from the fancy-dress charity ride with her mother to the present. When Gaby finished, Jessica got up and offered to make the girl more tea while she grabbed another coffee. Before she went to the kitchen, Jessica leaned over and gave her charge a long supportive hug.

“I always thought there was something special about you and that Fran and I should keep an eye out for you ... and now that you’ve told me your story ... I really think it’s even more important that you let either of us know the instant you feel at all uncomfortable ... no matter what the reason.”

As she started to walk back into the kitchen, Jessica turned and in a serious voice reaffirmed, “Gaby ... I mean it! If you feel uncomfortable with anything ... anything at all ... you let Fran or myself know immediately ... okay?”

“Yes...” Gaby weakly replied.

Bringing out a tray with their tea and coffee refils plus some potato chips and dip, Jessica put them on the table in front of the sofa then returned to her seat beside Gaby. In an effort to change the subject, she reached for a handful of chips.

“So … tell me … how do you like America so far?”

“It’s okay...” Gaby quietly replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Not living up to your expectations, are we?” When the teenager’s expression didn’t change with her light-hearted remark, Jessica knew that Gaby’s comment masked a bigger problem.

“Is it because of tonight?” Jessica decisively asked.

“That’s part of it,” Gaby whispered.

“C’mon, Gaby ... you were okay with telling me with your life story. You even told me stuff you said Maddy doesn’t know, for Heaven’s sake! Now, I think I’m a good listener ... so you talk … and I’ll listen ... okay?”

“I dunno ... it’s lots of little things, I guess,” Gaby softly replied.

“School being one of them?”

“Kinda. I still don’t know most of the kids in my classes.”

“Really?” Jessica asked with some skepticism.

“If I do, it’s only because I watch who answers when the teacher calls their names.”

“Why’s that? I’d have thought that after two weeks you’d have made some new friends.”

“A couple of kids said ‘hi’ on the first day, but that’s all. Most of the kids don’t talk to me unless they have to ... like if we’re paired up in class or sumpthin’. If I try to join in a conversation … they’ll either turn away or walk off. Even Brit goes off with her friends and leaves me,” Gaby stated.

She what?” Jessica was furious.

“It’s only when we’re in school. Back ‘ome … she’s Brit,” Gaby quickly added.

“Only in school?” asked a puzzled Miss Bell.

“Most of the time ... but sometimes she hangs with me. Brit says her friends understand that because she’s my host … she has to spend some of her time with me,” Gaby admitted.

“That’s very magnanimous of her friends ... allowing you two to share time together!” Jessica sarcastically replied.

“And who’s doing this … do you know? You said you felt it was ‘most of the kids’ ... not all?” Miss Bell probed.

“I guess it’s mainly the junior cheerleaders an’ some of the other girls plus a few of the boys. The rest just seem to ignore me because those other kids do.”

“Why didn’t you say anything before?”

“Dunno ... I’ve become used to it, I guess ... an’ it’s not like you can make the kids like me. Anyway ... I’ve made some of my own friends outside of school.”

“Outside of school?”

“Uh huh. It's kinda like a cycling club ... only it's not a club. Erin ... she owns this bike shop in town ... meets up with some of her customers every Saturday an’ we go riding for a few hours. Sometimes I even meet up with a couple of ‘em on Wednesdays after school, for a ride,” Gaby allowed with a thoughtful shrug of her shoulders.

She continued answering Jessica’s questions and talking about her trip until exhaustion threatened to overtake both of them. As they both got up and cleaned up the mess in the living room, Jessica became increasingly concerned over Gaby’s non-acceptance by the other kids. When the dishes were cleaned up and the lights turned off, they both walked to the bottom of the stairs.

“Any plans for tomorrow?” Jessica inquired as Gaby started up the stairs.

“Go riding with Erin ... then off to Diane Bigg’s place with her to see how they make bikes!” Gaby enthused.

“But you’re supposed to be Maddy for the weekend ... is that something she would do?” Jessica playfully asked.

“No … but Gaby would! I was supposed to get you to drive Maddy to the Walters so I could spend time with Gaby an’ then we’d walk to Erin’s Cyclery where I’d be me for the day ... until Mad an’ I had to say g’nite,” Gaby explained.

“Hmmm ... okay. That works out perfectly. You probably heard me earlier at the school, say that Fran and I were planning to get together tomorrow ... and with Maddy gone for the day...” Jessica admitted. “What time were you thinking of leaving?”

“Before eight?” Gaby replied. “Erin likes to get started early.”

“Wel-l-l-l ... okay. I think I might persuade myself to join the living that early,” Jessica playfully countered. “That'll give me plenty of time to get back for Fran.”

“Guess I'll say g'nite, then...” Gaby suddenly came down a step and gave Jessica a quick peck on the cheek, much to Miss Bell’s surprise.

“That’s exactly how Maddy does it,” Jessica softly stated.

“Then I did it right,” Gaby playfully replied, but as she resumed heading up the stairs, she suddenly turned after a few steps and ran back down again, only stopping when she threw her arms around Jessica’s neck in a tight hug.

“Thank you!” Gaby whispered.

“For what?”

“No one’s talked with me like that before ... let alone listened to what I was saying. It felt … nice,” Gaby softly replied while tightening her hold on Jessica.

“No one?” Jessica whispered. She felt Gaby shake her head.

After several minutes, the two broke the hug and Gaby gave Jessica another kiss on the cheek. “G’nite ... Auntie Jess!”

“Nite, dear ... sleep tight,” Miss Bell whispered. She felt her eyes getting moist as she watched Gaby bound up the stairs and into Maddy’s room.

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To Be Continued...

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