Dragonfly, Part 3

Copy Cat and Halt did a visual inspection of the buildings security systems and have made a shocking discovery that the system was indeed sabotaged. Someone, possibly Drake himself, used an energy weapon to destroy a junction in such a way that prevented the system from alerting Copy Cat.

Tobias himself, was in the gym learning the new limits of his female body. Having discovered that he was now more flexible and agile than before but found the trade-off of not being as strong as before. What upset him was that he couldn't figure out how to remove his new armor. As he stared at himself in the mirror of the gym, he took in the new features of his armor. He had no helmet but he did seem to have a tiara of some sort that covered his entire forehead that had one large gemstone in the middle and two smaller ones on either side, the gemstones being dark blue in color. He felt the edges of the tiara as they ran over his ears just under his hairline down to the back of his neck where it seemed to merge with the collar. He turned and looked at his back to the four dragonfly wings that adorned his back. He felt thankful that they didn't give the look of faerie wings. It was while he had turned to look at his side profile he saw a long insect tail-like thing protruding from above his rear. It looked like a long thick rod sectioned in insect scales. He tested moving it not sure if it was a part of him like his wings or just part of his armor. It did move to his command but it didn't flex like an animal tail, like a cat, but he could still move it with reasonable effort. Still, he couldn't move it enough to where he could sit comfortably in a chair which irked him somewhat, having already realised that even if he could turn off his armor his wings would prevent him from getting a decent nights sleep and with his new chest it limited his positions for sleeping.

Shrugging it off for now, he turned to the dummy targets set up at the other end that he, Copy Cat, and Halt used for target practice. He pulled his throwing knives out, one in each hand, aim his shot and threw the first knife. It spun through the air and hit the dummy center mass. A few seconds later, it disappeared before reappearing on his waist, an additional part to his original power, and he threw his second at the next. As it spun towards its target, the throwing knife suddenly split into three individual knives which all hit three separate dummies. Tobias was dumbfounded as he watched two of the knives disappear before the center one faded as well before showing up on his waist like the first one. He pulled them out again and looked at them, they had never done that before but decided that he liked this upgrade as he tried again intentionally willing both his knives to split again as he threw them. They both split again and two knives hit each of the dummies, two in the head and two in the center mass. He practiced this several more times until he was sure he was sure he could control this new power. He looked over his shoulders at his wings and flexed a muscle in his back causing them to twitch. He hadn't tried flying yet but with his "death" and the possibility of someone waiting for them, he wasn't in any hurry to learn yet.

Copy Cat and Halt returned from repairing the damage and reinforcing the system as well as adding more security nodes to cover the blind spots they found. When they started to discus their plans in what to do when an alert sounded. On checking the wireless, Copy Cat said that there was a bank robbery that had gone bad. With their current plans on hold, the three stood together, this time inside, while Copy Cat teleported them all to the roof top of a nearby building by the bank. The robbers were well armed but judging from their position on the opposite side of the street from the bank, the police showed up just as they were taking off. A ruined car pushed up against a spraying hydrant was evidence of that hypothesis. The three were immediately in action as one of the robbers fired a grenade launcher of all things causing one of the police cruisers to explode. Halt and Copy Cat landed by the police still shooting, Copy Cat pulling out an energy rifle and handed it to Halt before pulling another out for herself and began shooting, what ever it hit was instantly covered in frost. Tobias ran a little further along the roof top until he was behind the robbers where their attention was lax. As he dropped down, he threw his knives willing them to split. He hit one behind both knees causing him to drop. This, unfortunately, drew his companions attention causing him to hit just one other in the foot with one of his knives while the others struck harmlessly in the ground. As soon as he hit the ground he stayed low as he ran to the robbers as he pulled his knives out again throwing one, willing it to split to hit them in their hands to force them to drop their weapons. It worked. One of the two that turned to him got his head blown off from one of the police, distracting the second as he turned and ducked. Tobias used this to his advantage he closed the distance with a final push using his throwing knife in hand to push it into the robbers hand causing him to scream out as he let go with his shooting hand. Tobias finished up by throwing his fist in the robbers stomach causing him to double over and collapse. The final robber was able to turn his weapon on Tobias but he was hit by Copy Cat's rifle and was covered in frost after which he fell to the ground shivering. With the crisis over the police began to move in to arrest the robbers, with the exception to the dead one.

As the police put the robbers away and Copy Cat assuring one that the affects of her frost rifle were temporary, Tobias' eyes darted around feeling a little paranoid, rightfully so considering the circumstances, and was surprised when one officer came up to congratulate him.

"Thanks miss, I heard about what happened to Dragon. I'm sorry to hear about it, he did a lot of good for the city."

Tobias didn't know what to say. Even though he knew that some hero's have come back from the dead like Ms. Miracle and more recently Circuit but he wasn't sure how everyone would react if he told the public that he was Dragon. No, it would be best for now to let everyone believe that he really was dead.

"Yeah, I never thought that would happen," he told him honestly.

The officer nodded, "So what's your name?" he asked giving Tobias a determined look.

Tobias looked over his shoulder, one of his wings caught his attention, and turned back to the officer, "Dragonfly, my name is Dragonfly," he told him.

The officer shook his hand, "Good to meet you Dragonfly. I hope you do team Valiant proud," he said before helping collect evidence.

"Me too," Tobias said, returning to his own team. They returned to the roof and teleported back to their base. Thankfully, no one was waiting to off them when they returned. Though that didn't stop everyone from checking the entire building from top to bottom. Having been satisfied that everything was unchanged, they went their separate ways. Copy Cat to her workshop, Halt to the gym, and Tobias went to the room he used when he had to stay over.

He sat down on his bed silently swearing the fact that until he turned off his armor he would be unable to use any chair with a backrest. It had been a long day and he didn't want to dwell on his assassination, feeling another twinge in his chest, he decided to call it a night. Deciding to leave the covers as they were, he laid on his side feeling foreign parts of his body shift from his new breasts to his long hair to even his wings. He briefly tried sleeping on his front but the uncomfortable squishiness of his breasts changed his mind for him and fell asleep an hour later on his side.

It was around midnight when he woke up with a kink in his neck, grumbling as he got up to stretch. As he walked down the hall, he noticed that the lights were off yet he could see everything clearly if marred by a ghostly after image over everything. Tobias looked down at his hands, seeing the same but slightly different ghost after image over them as well.

"Weird," he thought as he looked at his surroundings, more specifically the ghostly after images, "It's like an aura or something," he noted as he looked around seeing patches of after images along the floor like footprints. It seemed that every time he turned around there was something new he discovered about his new body. Once again he had to admit that the spirit woman who saved him was right about what little she gave him would be too much for him to handle. He was still avoiding his body and focusing on his armor and new abilities. He'd seen some newly developed get overwhelmed by their powers and got consumed by them either turning to crime or just flat out destroyed themselves. He hoped that last part didn't happen to him, it wasn't pretty when that happened. Deciding he had enough of this ghost vision, he went back to his room deciding that he worked enough of his kinks out to sleep again. Another fitful hour and he was asleep again.

The next day Tobias woke up with another kink in his neck along with a stiff shoulder where he then walked down to the kitchen where a sleepy Brenda was sitting at the table drinking from a coffee pot with one hand and working on a half-built device of some sort with the other.

"So, what are you building?" Tobias asked her.

Without looking up from the device she replied, "It's a new containment unit for developed criminals like Princess that use hypnotic effects," she explained as she drank from the pot, "This way we won't have to worry about chasing after them and potentially risking more civilians."

Tobias nodded in agreement before giving her a smirk, "You do realise that you're drinking from the coffee pot right?"

Brenda looked at the pot for a moment before registering what it truly was, "Oh. I was wondering why I didn't need to refill it," she said before taking another drink.

Tobias chuckled at that while he got his breakfast ready, he scowled at the chair by the table before he turned it around to sit on it sideways. They both sat in silence, Tobias eating his breakfast and Brenda working on her device while drinking from her coffee pot.

Not ten minutes later did Brenda look up at Tobias as if noticing him for the first time that morning, "Are you still wearing that armor?"

Tobias looked down at himself sheepishly, "Yeah, I haven't figured out how to turn it off yet. And there aren't any clips or anything I can undo to take it off either," he pulled back a lock of hair that got in his face behind his ear.

Brenda sat agape at him, "You mean to say you haven't had a bath or anything since the day you were..." she trailed off looking guilty.

"Magic armor," he said quickly to get her mind off that sore subject, "Just one of the advantages over normal gear," he said with a weak smile.

"I could have made something like that too but I'd still feel icky at the end of the day."

Tobias chuckled at her saying "icky". It was little things like that that made people believe she was the younger than she really was.

"So... What happens now if you need to use the bathroom? It's not like magic armor comes equipped with depends right?"

Tobias stopped eating, "I've... never thought about that," realising that he hadn't felt the need to but Brenda's question made him not want to tempt fate. "I think I'm done with breakfast," he said as he got up and left the kitchen.

He returned to his room and went to the attached bathroom. He might not be able to wash his body but he could still wash his face and hair. As he washed he took note of how silky and smooth his hair is, not to mention long. The skin on his face felt soft as well. When he was done, he had a hell off a time drying his long hair. The towel he normally used to dry himself off with had gone wet and his hair was still damp. Deciding to let his hair air dry he went back into his bedroom and sat down on the floor crossing his legs. As he sat up straight, he closed his eyes as he began to concentrate. It was obvious that his armor was different now, both in appearance and ability. When he first got his armor it had been so effortless to use it, from its weapons to simply turning it off and on. If he was going to master both his armor and his body, he'd have to start now. Especially if there was someone gunning for them.

Shoving that thought aside for now he cleared his mind again and focused on his center while steadying his breathing. Ten minutes later he could feel a tingling in his chest where the gemstone sat, a second later he felt something leave him while simultaneously feeling his mind and awareness expand to the whole bedroom. Even with his eyes closed, it was like he could see his bedroom from several different view points. He looked at himself from one of these viewpoints to see the ghostly after image over himself. He moved closer to himself while looking at his room from the others seeing more ghostly markers. He wasn't sure why but it felt like the markers were made by him from when he went about his business like he really was leaving a part of himself behind as if to prove he had been there. As the view point he used to get a closer look at himself got closer, he started to hear the flicker of wings coming towards him. This startled him enough that he opened his eyes to see what it was and saw a dragonfly flying towards him. He fell to the side as it darted away. He got dizzy for a moment from seeing things now from four different view points including his own. He steadied himself and closed his eyes again till the dizziness went away then slowly opened his eyes again. As he looked about himself he could see a total of three dragonflies flitting about. When he stared at them with his altered vision he noticed that the after image they had matched his own. As if they were a part of him, like three small bits of his soul he sent out. As a test, he mentally commanded them to land in front of him and was pleasantly surprised to see them do so right where he wanted them to. With them all facing him he reached out to one with his hand and as he touched it he felt a tingle, it then flashed before disappearing towards his hand. Tobias felt a rush of something flow up his hand and arm as he watched it vanish feeling something return to him. He willed the other two to return to him and felt two more rushes of energy as they did so.

With a quick breath he looked down at his armored body, "Ok, I can send out soul sprites in the form of dragonflies now too," he said to himself as he sat up straight again and closed his eyes. "Now if I can only turn this damn armor off," he mumbled as he steadied his breathing and concentrated again.

It took him two hours to find the mental switch that would allow him to shut off his armor. It felt like an unused muscle as it took him another hour to slowly flex it. As he did so he could feel his armor shift around his body, slowly receding to its dormant state. At long last, he was sitting naked on the floor of his bedroom.

Tobias breathed slowly as he opened his eyes once more and looked down at his bare breasts. It was the second time he saw them in all their bare glory. As much as he hated to admit it, they were nice and full and round with the right amount of bounce when he moved, which caused him to blush furiously. He then check his wrist for the bracelet, the dormant form his armor took, but was surprised to see it not there. He franticly searched the floor around him looking for it. He got on his hands and knees looking for it and was in such a frenzy searching that he hadn't heard the knocking on his door.

A now fully awake Brenda had gone to check on Tobias. Having heard some sounds coming from his room, she knocked on the door. A few more knocks later and no response but still hearing various sounds behind the door, she became concerned and decided to enter.

"Sorry for just barging in but you didn't answer and I heard these noises in here and..." she was meet by a naked woman with long black hair and large dragonfly wings growing out of her back currently looking under the bed. Her shapely butt was pointed straight at Brenda much to her embarrassment. This had Brenda caught, like a deer in the headlight, she was unable to form a coherent thought and did the only thing that got her back in motion.

She booted the woman's butt so that it was no longer pointing at her.

Tobias fell over in a start, stunned from the sudden impact from behind. He rubbed his backside as he turned around angrily, "Who the... Oh. What do you need Brenda?"

Brenda, still mortified, held her hand in front of her face, "First, put on some clothes first," she pleaded.

Tobias finally realised his bare self and ran for his dresser, deciding to forgo underwear since they probably wouldn't fit him anymore anyways and pulled out a pair of sweatpants he used for training and slipped them on. He then looked for a shirt and pulled out a white t-shirt but was met with a problem. There wasn't any way to pull them over his wings.

"Damn it," he spat before turning around to Brenda while holding his shirt up to cover his breasts, "Um, it seems that I'll need a different kind of shirt to wear that'll be compatible with these damn wings," he sighed with annoyance. The wings seemed to flick in defiant response which caused Tobias to growl as he looked at them.

Brenda, relieved that her friend was, mostly, dressed again stared at Tobias and his wings. They certainly would limit his clothing options. She thought for a minute, he would have to wear something of hers until he could get his own. But she didn't have anything that would fit him except for... she looked down, a sad look on her face before covering it up with a false smile.

"Come with me, I think I have something you could use for now," she told him. "Hold onto your shirt for now though," she added as she saw him about to drop the article of clothing.

Tobias blushed as he brought the shirt back up and held it over his chest as he followed. They soon reached her room and entered. Brenda went to her closet and began digging through it. She eventually pulled out a large box from the back and set it on the bed as she sat down beside it. She placed a hand on the lid almost longingly as a look of nostalgia fell over her face. She then opened it and first pulled out a package and threw it at Tobias.

"Here, you'll need these since your underwear won't fit you anymore. Don't worry, I never had a chance to wear them myself," she said as a pained look flashed across her face as she continued her search through the box.

This hadn't gone unnoticed by Tobias and grew concerned, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she answered as she wiped a tear away, "These are just my old clothes, emphasis on "old"," she gave a weak smile. "These were the cloths I had before I got stuck looking like this," she said as she gestured down at herself.

Tobias' eyes widen at that, he knew that she had unintentionally trapped herself looking like a seventeen year old girl. But he never thought she was ever homesick from the way she acted most of the time, she just didn't strike him as the person to hold onto things like that.

She eventually pulled out a black top with a low back, enough for his wings to clear, "This is a wrap around. You basically put it on like a jacket and clip it in front," she paused wistfully, "This was one of my favorites. I wish that I could still fit it, but you need it more," she said before handing it to Tobias to try on.

Tobias had already pulled the panties and was slipping his sweatpants back on when he grabbed the top. Just like she said, he was able top put it on like a jacket as he pushed his arms through the sleeves and then pulled one side around covering his breasts and found a loop to keep it in place. He pulled the other around that also went over his breasts and fastened the clasps keeping it in place. It still showed off his mid drift.

"That should keep your "girls" in place until you can get a real bra. I'd lend you one of mine but you look larger than even the old me," she told him.

Tobias blushed again as he tested the top by moving his arms and rolling his shoulders, The top was indeed "tight" enough to keep him in place. He even jumped once feeling his breast bounce embarrassed slightly at the alien sensation.

"So, what were you looking for before I came anyways?" Brenda asked looking a little sheepish.

Tobias blushed yet again, convinced his cheeks were going to become burned in a permanent red, "I was looking for my bracelet. It's what my armor looks like when it's in its dormant state," he explained as he held up his wrist for emphasis.

Brenda blinked, "You mean that necklace and belt aren't it?

"Uh," Tobias started as he looked down at himself. Sure enough he could see what looked to be a necklace that went down his chest. He lifted his top to see the obsidian links as it traveled down between his breasts where it seemed to connect to the gemstone in his chest. "So I can't take it off, " He thought to himself as he poked at it but was unable to move it. Like the gemstone, it too was embedded in his body. Deciding to leave it for now, he bent over to look over his chest to check his waist. He twisted and turned, trying to get an angle but couldn't quite get a decent view.

Brenda giggled before she could bring a hand up to stifle it. At Tobias' glare she gave him a playful smile as she pointed to the large mirror over her vanity table. Tobias huffed then growled at himself for what he considered a very feminine reaction as he stepped over to the mirror and focused on the area around his waist. Like his necklace, his "belt" seemed to be made of the same obsidian material and just like his necklace, the belt was firmly attached to his body and immovable.

"This is new as well," he said out loud to himself, "I hope this is the last of the surprises," he said at last.

"There is one thing I'm wondering," Brenda started.

Tobias gave her a questioning look that prompted her to continue.

"You've had those wings for well over a day and I haven't seen you use them at all. Not even when we jumped down from the roof top to stop those bank robbers. Do they work? Or are they just for show?" she asked curiously.

"I.. don't know," he answered truthfully. He never had wings with his old armor and couldn't fly before but now that he had them, and with Brenda's questioning, he was more than curious now and wanted to try them out. But it was too dangerous to go outside just to see if he could fly, not with what happened the other day.

As if sensing his concern Brenda got up and started walking out of her room while dragging Tobias with her, "Come on, you can use my training room," she told him as they went to her workshop.

When they arrived, Brenda continued to pull Tobias over to a door standing well away from the wall that had wires and other tech in it. "This was the prototype for my bag. It doesn't have the near infinite space my bag has but is more than big enough for just training and weapons testing," she explained as she open the door. When they walked in, Tobias could see that it was indeed huge. At Tobias' star struck wonderment Brenda grinned, "It's about three square kilometers in here. Big enough to see what you can do."

Tobias nodded and looked up and around the artificial room and then back over his shoulder at his wings, "Let's see what you can do," he said to himself as he willed himself up into the air.

His feet remained firmly planted on the ground.

"Er," he started embarrassed, "Looks like flying is a little harder than it looks."

Brenda chuckled, "That's why I like tech. Jet packs are easy, turn it on and boost the throttle," she bragged.

"Har de har har," Tobias replied as he closed his eyes and focused, feeling for the new muscles that would move his wings. Finding them was easy but it took him nearly fifteen minutes of testing them to getting use to them where he didn't have to think about them as much. Another ten minutes of moving them into the right way where his wings could provide lift. Once he was ready he looked up again, took in a breath, and flapped his wings.

Instead of a gentle lift like he was expecting he shot up at incredible speed that caused him to immediately break his focus and sent him tumbling to the ground. Rubbing his arm and shoulder as he got up, he gave Brenda a glare as she laughed at him.

"And a point goes to the jet pack," Brenda stated as she got her breath.

"Jet packs run out of gas," Tobias shot back. Brenda shrugged but didn't say anything, she kept a grin on her face though.

Tobias stretched before getting a determined look on his face. He prepped himself again now knowing just how easy it was to fall out of the sky. Again, he flapped his wings and shot off into the air. He was a kilometer up from the ground before he stopped and glided a short distance before twitching his wings causing him to slide sideways before he continued forward. As he flew, it was becoming clear that he couldn't hover but he could glide a short distance before needing to flap his wings again. Once he was sure of his lower limits, he decided to see what he was capable of and poured on the speed. Soon he was doing sharp loop de loops, and barrel rolls that would put the best fighter jets to shame and he was able to change directions on a dime practically. He looked down at Brenda below who was waving her hand excitedly and cheering him on. He smiled down at her and pushed himself faster still.

It wasn't long after that that he felt cooped up in the room they were in. All of the sudden, three square kilometers seemed all too small. Tobias felt that he reached the limits that Brenda's training room could provide so he turned back and landed down in front of Brenda who ran over to him, throwing her arms around him still excited from his aerobatics display and gave him a peck on the cheek. Tobias was surprised by the sign of affection as she pulled back looking into his eyes. She surprised him again when she leaned forward again kissing him passionately full on the lips. The kiss lasted for several seconds before Brenda pulled away once more with a look of lust in her eyes as she looked at him waiting for his response.

Tobias stepped back, still reeling from the kiss, "...Brenda..."

"I know that I look like a teenager and you probably think I'm just having a school girl crush but," Brenda started as she crossed her arms holding herself as she looked down at her feet, an air of apprehension about her, "I've had feelings for you ever since we started working together. I didn't act on them because I was afraid I'd make you feel like a pervert since I look like a teenager." She gave a weak laugh, "How funny is that? I'm twenty nine years old and I'm afraid that I'd make you look like a cradle-robber."

Tobias tried to protest but she continued.

"Since I knew that no one would accept my feelings for you, I was fine with just being your friend, but when Drake shot you..." he voice broke as she held back a shudder, "...And when you fell... Everything broke in me. I saw you die before you fell into my arms and I just couldn't go on without telling you what I feel about you. It was so bad that I was willing to maim you when your armor started to grow. If Halt didn't stop me when he did... You'd still be dead and I'd still be broken." She shuddered again as tears fell down her face, "I was so happy when I realised that you came back that I almost went back to just playing your friend again. But with the possibility of someone directly attacking us, things are just going to get more dangerous," she looked up at him in the eyes with determination, "I lost my first chance to tell you. I'm not wasting my second chance. Dragon, Tobias, I love you!" she exclaimed.

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