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Character Age:
Other Keywords:
Soul Mate
This is difficult to talk about given the situation. Ahhhh let me just tell you what happened instead.
“Hi! You are Sheila, aren't you?” I said as I was balancing a stack of books trying to put them back in the rack in the library as my punishment for arguing with the Ag teacher. You see I wanted to be taught how to use the woodworking equipment; instead I always had to sweep up the shavings and dust the shop. I wasn't allowed to do anything else except do three dimensional drawings. I sat there day in and day out drawing squares and complex objects until I could see them in my dreams. I got them right all the time, but I still only got C's. I hated Ag class.
“Uh yeah, you're Sam, aren't you from Mrs. High's class?” she answered.
“Yeah, anyway could I get you to take the top three books for me for a second? Please?” I said.
“Sure.” she answered with a grin.
I managed to set the others on the table without dropping them. “Thanks.” I said.
“Anytime.” she said.
I looked at her and thought gosh she is even prettier up close. The word was that she was dating only the older guy’s in the class. “Can I help you find a book or have you found what you are looking for?” I asked as I put some of the books in the correct place according to the Dewey Decimal System that had been pounded into my head by the librarian.
“I was just looking, but thanks anyway.” she said. “So, you work in here a lot I noticed.”
“Yeah, so have I.” I said rather sarcastically. “I'm doing my detention time again.”
“What did you do to get detention?” Sheila asked.
I noticed that she had a sad sound to her voice. “I got into it with the Ag teacher again. All he has me doing is mechanical drawings and sweeping and dusting. I don't get to do anything else; however the upside is I have just about learned where every book in the library is. Can I show you my favorite?”
“Sure.” She said.
I took her over to the part of the library that the guys called “Chick Ville” and took out a romance novel, it was a paperback of the kind you find in the drug store called “Never Ending Love.” It is about a girl who finds love in her teenage years and the things she must do to keep her parents from ending it. “I really like this one.” I said holding the book gently. “Would you like to read it? I know it's not what you could call a great novel, but the ideas presented are sweet and innocent and I found the heroine adorable.”
She looked at me like I was an alien from Mars. Then she took the book and thumbed through it. “Let me ask you a question? Are you gay?”
“I'm happy as a rule, but gay I wouldn't say that. I don't think.” I said somewhat innocently.
Her whole demeanor changed then and it was like a light came on in her. She smiled the biggest smile and then she started laughing. I must have been beet red because my face was burning. She reached out and took my hand and leaned in close, “Gay means you like boys as boyfriends.” she said.
I suddenly realized what she was getting at. “No!” I exclaimed and started to walk away.
She held onto my hand instead to keep me from leaving and looked into my eyes with those big brown eyes of hers. “Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just that your vocabulary is far from being masculine. Boys generally don't use words like sweet or adorable and they don't read books like this. Even though I think it's.... Adorable. I think you are adorable. I want to know why you don't hit on the girls like the others do or try to get into our panties.”
The librarian came walking by about that time so I didn't get to answer instead I acted like I was showing her where a book was, “I think you will like this for some lite fun reading or I can show you something like Anna Karenina if you like.”
“No, I really just wanted something to occupy a little time. This will do nicely.” She said and winked at me.
I went back to putting the rest of the books up, but I couldn't help but wonder why she would ask me questions like that. I finished all of the assignments I had and asked if I could be excused to get ready for my next class.
“Yes you may but if you don't mind my interfering, Sheila is a wonderful young lady and it would be nice if you got to know her.” she said.
“Yes mam she seems that way.” I said and as I turned to leave the principal came in and handed me a piece of paper.
“Sam the Ag teacher doesn't want you in his class so I am transferring you to something else.” he said.
I looked at it and saw that I was being placed in home economics for the rest of the year. “Thanks at least I won't have to sweep up the wood shavings.”
The next day in Mrs. High's class Sheila came in and sat down next to me in one of the empty chairs that always seemed to surround me. Three of her friends followed her and sat down around me. I started to get nervous and was unsure of what was going on. They just nodded at me and smiled. I thought I had done something wrong. “Hi, girls what's up?” I managed.
Paula, the ring leader looked at me and said, “Nothing Sheila told us that she ran into you in the library yesterday and that you were extremely nice to her. We want to know why?”
I stared at them all looking at me. I felt like a gunfighter in a duel in the old west with one waiting for the other to blink. I blinked, “I just treated her like I would like to be treated, and she was very nice and helped me out when I needed it.”
“So you aren't gay then?” asked Beverly.
I rolled my eyes not understanding why they thought I was gay. I know I wasn't the tall strapping young man in the class but....well I was about the littlest in the class and I guess I was slightly feminine in appearance with my long hair and delicate features. “No, I don't like boys!”
“Do you like girls?” asked Paula.
“That only leaves animals and inanimate objects?” I answered sarcastically. “Yes I like girls. Why wouldn't I?”
“You don't ever talk to us, or have anything to do with us.” said Sheila softly.
“I didn't think you wanted to have anything to do with me.” I said and hung my head. “I mean I'm not big and muscular. I don’t play sports and I don't really know how to carry on a conversation that is witty or entertaining. So I guess, I just didn't think anyone wanted to have anything to do with me.”
“I do.” said Sheila. “I want find out what you think. I think you are beautiful.”
“So do we.” said Paula.
That was the beginning of the whole thing, I was met every day by them and I hung around with them and we talked about a lot of things. Mostly girl things, that were very interesting to me also. It seemed I had a memory for whatever I read and I read all the time. I thought it strange that with my vocabulary, I didn't know what gay was. Mom worked in a bookstore and I got to help her in the afternoons. When I got my work done I read all the time. I was also a speed-reader with one hundred percent retention or that was what the counselor said.
My brother was several years older than me and he was gone off to school in Colorado. He was the stellar opposite of me a football star and a track star. He was tall dark and handsome as they say and he was as arrogant and mean as they come. He picked on me mercilessly causing me to cry every day that he lived at home. Dad seemed to encourage it.
My Dad came in occasionally, but didn't stay long when he did. He worked somewhere off from here. He and I didn't get along very well at all. He fussed at me about my hair and how I didn't keep the yard up like my brother did and a myriad of other things. It seemed as though money was always tight, but when Dad came home he always had a huge wad of it in his pocket. I never saw a letter from him and I would know because I was the one to get the mail every day. So he wasn't sending mom and me any money. He and Mom seemed to fight a lot when he was home over things like, there wasn't enough food in the house, but that was all we could afford. I remembered that we always had an abundance of everything while my brother was at home though.
My Dad was always on my case about one thing or another and would become almost vicious at times making it difficult for me to try and get along with him. I mean I really loved my Dad although he didn’t seem to reciprocate the emotion. I now had the dubious honor of having to mow the yard each week and if I didn’t then he would knock me around for it, even though he only came home at most once a month. I still tried to get along with him though and made every effort to laugh at his jokes and pay attention when he was talking. Nothing seemed to work. He was all the time saying that he wasn’t raising a sissy and he sure as hell wasn’t going to raise a girl. I wondered what he meant by that last statement since Mom was the only girl in our household. I asked one day what he would do if he had a girl in the family and the answer caused a lot of tension around the house.
“I would put it up for adoption right after it was born and wouldn’t bring it home.” He said. Mom was standing right there and she got mad.
“Not without my consent you wouldn’t. If we have another bay and it turns out to be a girl then we will keep it and love it. I will not put any child up for adoption just because it doesn’t suit your ideals and your bigoted way of thinking.” Mom yelled and the fights were on then. Dad left a little while later saying he had to get back to work and Mom slammed the door behind him as he left.
I went to my new class that day with considerable trepidation. Damn, I was downright scared. I knew that the other students would have a field day with it. The first boy in an all-girls class. I just knew that I was going to be heckled, teased and bullied over it, but I guess that was part of my punishment for arguing with a teacher even if he was a jerk. The teacher didn't help matters any by telling the rest of the class that I was there over her objections. Some of the girls were pretty rude about me being there, but there wasn't a thing I or the teacher could do about it. Then Mrs. Donnaly thought it more appropriate if she called me Samantha since all of the others were girls.
Sheila, Paula and Beverly were in the class with me and they didn't find the humor in the name that the others did. They kind of ran interference for me and helped me as much as they could. We were learning colors and how to mix and match them; I actually found it very interesting and picked up on it quick. The teacher wasn't impressed that I read the entire book in about an hour and was up to speed on everything in the class after that. She had me taking all of the tests that had been given up to then. I passed them all without difficulty. She grudgingly was impressed with that.
Word got out about my name change in home economics and the whole school started calling me Samantha. I got hazed a lot over that, and some of the lower genetic level types took it too far on occasion. I got cornered by three of them in one of the empty rooms and they tried to make me do things that I wasn't going to do. Paula happened by and got a teacher to break it up. I suffered several bruises because of that and my good pants and shirt were torn to shreds. I had to wear my gym shorts and t-shirt the rest of the day.
Sheila asked me where I lived one day out of curiosity. When I told her, she was surprised that I lived a block from her house. “So why haven't you come to see me then? And I don't want to hear that you didn't think I wanted you there.”
“Actually, I didn't know that you lived so close. Beside that I have to help Mom at the store in the afternoons and on Saturday's so I really don't have a lot of social time.” I admitted.
“Where does your Mom work? And what time does she get off?” Sheila asked.
“She works at the Blue Stone Book Store over in the mall. She runs it. We get to leave at eight when it closes.” I said.
“So what do you do on Sunday? Do you go to church?” She asked.
“Dad doesn't believe in church so we don't go. I want to, but he refuses to let me. I don't see why I can't though since he's almost never at home. I have read the bible twice and I love it since it seems to offer more than just an existence for man. Jesus had to have been a genius to be able to know and read all that he could, but being the Son of God I guess he was. To be fair though I have read about Buddhism and several other world religions too.” I said.
“Well, have I got an offer for you, then. Why don't you come over after work on Saturday night and go to church with us on Sunday. You can sleep in our extra room and we can sit up late and make a party out of it. Paula, Beverly and some of the other girls are going to be there. It will be fun how about it?” Sheila begged.
“The best I can do is ask my Mom and let you know.” I said.
That afternoon I asked Mom if I could go. She seemed a little hesitant about it, but relented and let me go after calling Sheila's mom to make sure that it was alright. I finished all of my chores at the store and instead of reading another book I walked out into the mall, something I had never done by myself. Mom didn't mind, but told me I had to be back by seven thirty so off I went. I walked down to one of the arcades and looked in, however I decided that I didn't need to go in because some of my main tormentors were in there; also I didn't have any money to play a game anyway so I walked on to one of the department stores and looked at the clothes. I found myself drawn to the girls section because we were learning to sew and had to make a dress in Home Ec. Mrs. Donnally had made it a point to tell me that I had to make a dress and model it just like the other students in the class. I don’t think she likes me.
I was looking at the dresses and one of the sales ladies came up to me, “May I help you young lady?” she said. I wasn't offended over the gender gaff because it was a common occurrence.
“No mam I'm just looking.” I said.
“You know I'll bet you don't have two nickels to rub together do you?” she said. I hung my head and said, “Yes.” I thought I was about to be thrown out just about that time. The opposite happened.
“We need someone to work in the department and I have a sneaking suspicion that you would be perfect. Would you mind talking to the store manager I'm sure that you would be perfect for the job.” she said. I agreed and she got on the phone and called someone.
In a few minutes a very pretty lady came up and introduced herself to me as Cynthia Jones the Assistant Manager. She said the manager had to leave early for the day. “So you need a job?”
“I have a job helping my Mom in the book store, but I don't get paid.” I said.
“Is your Mom, Janet Hill?” she asked.
“Yes mam, do you know her?” I asked.
“I most certainly do. She and I were in school together. She has single handedly made that store a success. I have tried to get her to come to work here on several occasions. Let me tell you what we need and let's see if you want the job. As you know though since you are a minor you can only work a limited number of hours per week.” she said.
“I know, I have read the child labor laws as well as the Fair Labor Standards Act. They were on her desk one day. I was looking for something to read.” I stated.
“Okay then. What we need is someone to help with the stocking and the cash register; also we need you to assist the young ladies that come in here to pick out clothes that they will be happy with. You will have to do some lite cleaning and do some carrying of boxes as well. We will pay you the minimum wage starting out. If you do well I will give you a raise in six months. Oh, and I am going to have to call Janet to get her approval.” she said.
“I would love to have the job then.” I said.
“Can you wait here while I go and talk to your Mom?” she asked.
“Yes mam, I don't have to be back at the store until seven thirty.” I replied.
She took me to the back to her office and I waited outside in the hall. She called me into her office a few minutes later and closed the door. She looked at me for a minute and then pulled out some forms and had me to fill them out. They were the standard application forms and a W-2. Then Mom showed up. I was wondering what was going on then.
“Sam.” she said with a funny look on her face. “Sam, Cynthia called me and told me that she wants to offer you a job in the girls department.”
“Yes mam. I thought it would be great to have a little extra money.” I said. “Is there something wrong?”
“Honey, She, thought you were a little girl.” Mom said.
“Oh!” I said. “Well that happens a lot and she didn't ask me if I was a boy or a girl.” Then I looked at Ms. Jones and said, “I'm sorry I thought you knew.”
“Sam, I thought about it and I think you are cute and I still want to offer you the job, although it will mean that you will have to dress as a girl. I have talked to your Mom and she is willing to let you do it until you think you need to stop. Right now it is up to you.” Ms. Jones said.
I thought about it for a minute and looked at Mom. “What do you think I ought to do Mom? I mean I don't want to do anything to embarrass you.”
“Sam, you will never embarrass me with anything you do, well except for arguing with that jerk Ag teacher who deserved it.” She said with a grin.
“Then I'll do it.” I said.
“Then you will need some clothes.” said Ms. Jones. “Come on I will set you up with three outfits and some shoes for now. You can add to them as you feel the need out of your earnings.”
She got me three dresses and two pairs of shoes and under wear. I had to be measured to make sure that I got the right size, but Mom did that and picked out some nice dresses that would be comfortable to work in. I started the next afternoon and I had to come in dressed.
My hair was pretty long and I kept it tied back with a scrunchy all the time. I really didn't see that I needed to do anything to it but Mom thought different. She was acting different all of a sudden taking an interest in my appearance and welfare; it was like she wanted to do this. She took me to the hair salon in the mall and asked if they could do something with my hair that night. The manager who knew my Mom told her to leave me and she would make sure I looked awesome for my new job. Needless to say I got the works. They layered my hair and put highlights in it and one of the girls shaped my eyebrows and cleaned them up a lot. Then as an afterthought one of the girls came over and took a pair of pliers looking things and pinched my ears with them. They had me with my hands under an apron so I couldn't reach up to see what they had done. When I was finally let up the hair dresser a guy who I thought was a little weird anyway announced that I was the most adorable thing he had ever seen and tried to hug me.
They sent me on back to the store and I had to pass the arcade on the way. The guy, that I was trying to avoid was standing outside ogling the girls as the passed by. I walked on the other side of the hall to miss him but he suddenly called out. “Hey cutie why don't you come on over here and let's go have a party.” I kept going and he didn't follow me. Back at the store Mom and the girl that was helping her just fawned over me telling me how cute I was and complimenting me. I really didn't get to look in a mirror until I got home that night. I fainted dead away.
When I came to Mom was holding an ice pack to my head. “A little too much to handle all at once, huh?” she said. “I thought you had already had a chance to see yourself in the beauty shop but apparently not.”
“Sorry Mom I guess I was a little surprised by what I saw. And these, well I can get used to them.” I reached up and felt the gold studs in my ears, but the really feminine hair cut was going to be hard to explain.
“I really didn't want them to do all this, but I have to say it looks good. I think I will have them cut mine the same way. You do look great though. I'm jealous.” she said.
“Awh Mom!” I exclaimed. “I will never be as pretty as you no matter what.”
“Thanks coming from you that is the sweetest thing.” she said.
“Mom can I call Sheila and warn her that I will be looking a little different tomorrow?” I asked.
“I think that would be a great idea.” she said.
I called Sheila to warn her and tried to explain how I was going to look. She didn't understand at first and then she picked up on it and said for me to hang up and wait. I was wondering what she meant. I thought I was in for it so I went up stairs and got ready to take a bath. Mom told me to shave my legs and my underarms and put some of her lotion on my skin. I had just finished when Mom told me to hurry up I had a visitor.
I put the panties on that Mom had bought for me today and my favorite big fluffy robe and went downstairs. Sheila and Beverly were sitting in the living room with Mom talking. I peeked around the door and Mom saw me. “Come on in. They want to see you.” said Mom.
Beverly's mouth fell open and then she exploded. “Sam, I love your hair. It's so cute and sexy. Turn around let me see the back.” I did. “Oh my goodness I'll bet Cooper down at the mall did it, didn't he. You know he's the best. You lucky thing.” she said.
Sheila just stood there grinning and then out of the blue she reached up and pulled me to her and hugged me. “I told you. You are beautiful.” she whispered in my ear. Then Beverly joined in and the three of us started talking at the same time. Mom stood up and left us standing there giggling and talking. She came back in with a pitcher of tea and four glasses of ice. We sat on the couch talking and having a great time.
“Alright girls!” Mom announced. “Sam needs something from you right now.” we stopped and listened to her. “He needs your assurance that you will keep this between you and him alone. I know he already has a hard time in school as it is so let's not make it worse okay?” she said.
“Mrs. Hill we will keep this confidential no matter what.” stated Sheila. “I have grown very fond of him in the past few weeks and I don't want to hurt him.”
Beverly looked at me with her green eyes and said in a very uncharacteristic way, “Samantha, you are the only person at that school who takes me seriously and I have enjoyed knowing you. I don't know why, but you give me a lot of confidence to exceed my personal expectations, I just act like the dumb blonde so people won't know that I really am a caring and intelligent person, but you don't let me when I am around you. So I will not break this confidence for any reason.”
I was stunned by Beverly's speech. Sheila suddenly said, “Yes! I knew it. I knew you weren't an air head. I found those philosophy books under your bed that day and I have been waiting to hear you talk like that ever since. You Go Girl!” she said.
“You mean to tell me that you have never heard her speak that way?” I asked Sheila who just shook her head. “Beverly, I have been seeing a much higher intelligence in you and I just couldn't get you to show it why now?”
“Because like you, not talking to anybody or being out going, it was easier than being ridiculed or made fun of as a brainiac. I didn't think anyone wanted to hear an intelligent blonde speak and I didn't think they would like me if I did.” she said.
“Beverly, if you don't speak up and let people know what you think, then they will assume that they have the right to think and make decisions for you. Don't act dumb just to fit the pretty dumb blonde mold so people will like you. Be a leader and be the intelligent person you are.” said Mom.
“What are you hiding that you need to let out?” I asked Sheila.
She just looked at me and didn't say anything. I suspected that she had something that she really didn't want us to know, but she would have to tell us in her own time. I wanted to be there to support her when she did.
“So tell us about the job?” Sheila asked.
“I am going to be working in the girls department of Clines at the mall helping the sales people and the customers.” I said.
“Are you going to have to wear a dress?” asked Beverly.
“Yes, I already have three of them.” I said.
“Alright it is time to model one for us then.” said Beverly. “Go on put one on. I want to see.” and she started pushing me.
“Go on you have time to put one on and show them. Then we are going to have to take them home. No arguments and I am not going to let you walk home at this time of night.” Mom said.
I took one of the dresses and went into the bathroom and put it on. It was a plaid jumper with a white lace blouse. I came out, but I was barefoot so I took the black flats out and put them on and went back into the living room. They both just stared at me until Sheila broke the silence by taking a picture of me with her cellphone. Even Mom was speechless. Then she took me over to the full length mirror in the hall and showed me what I looked like. I was amazed at the person I saw. A very pretty young lady that could be any ones daughter!
I tried to speak but all that came out was a stammering and stuttering. Finally I just said, “I didn't know that I looked like that.”
Mom stood behind me and I looked like a younger her. She started crying. I thought I had hurt her by dressing this way. “I'm sorry Mom. I'll take it off and cut my hair tonight.” I said.
“Oh no you won't young lady. I am so happy to see you looking like this. You don't know how good you make me feel right now. I am the luckiest woman in the world to have such a beautiful daughter now. I love you very much.” and she hugged me tight. Then she stood up straight and dried her eyes, “Come on we have to get these two wayward girls home. Just put your coat on and let's go.”
“Why we gotta be wayward?” asked Beverly in her dumb blonde voice.
“Beverly!” we all shouted.
The next day I hesitated about going to school, but I knew that I had to so I screwed up all the courage I could muster and walked over to Sheila's house to walk with her to school like we arranged last night. I walked up and knocked on the door and her mother answered it. I introduced myself and she asked me to come in and wait. She said Sheila was almost ready. I said thank you and was standing there in the foyer when I realized that I had the posture of a little girl, hands and all. I wondered if I had always done it or if I had just started doing it.
Sheila came out looking hot. She had on a sailor type dress that had a pleated skirt that was above her knees. It was blue and white the colors of the school. I asked if she was a cheerleader and she said, “No silly, but today is Friday and we have a pep rally and we are supposed to show our school spirit. So where is your school spirit why aren't you wearing blue and white for our Blue Devils?” she said.
“I completely forgot it was Friday.” I said. “I'll just run home and put my blue and white jumper on.” Sheila nudged me and laughed. “Why don't you laugh more? I remember the first time we talked you looked sad?”
“I'll tell you some day. Come on or we are going to be late.” she said changing the subject.
“If we are it's because you were primping.” I said teasingly.
“It was so I could look good for you.” she teased back. “Did you get the English assignment done last night? I had a hard time with it.”
“I got it done; I just don't know if I did it the way Mr. Rogers wanted it done. I had a hard time with the different rhythms of those poems. I'll tell you I can read and understand any book but you give me a poem and I am lost. The only poem that I seem to like is you.” I said and looked at Sheila with a smile.
“That's really sweet. Thanks.” she replied with a smile and I thought it looked like she was blushing.
As expected the guys all gave me hell and so did some of the girls. Actually some of the girls were a lot harsher, one called me a faggot and another called me a pervert. I had been called a lot worse so I didn't let it bother me. I knew when the novelty of the situation wore off things would settle down. I hoped it wore off soon. In Mrs. High's class Paula saw me for the first time and couldn't keep from playing with my hair and told me how good it looked. We told her what was going on and asked her to keep it to herself.
“I promise not to tell a soul. Especially for you Sam.” she said.
In Home Ec, we had to make an omelet for the cooking part and we had to declare the type of dress we were going to make. I had decided on a simple jumper along with the rest of the class. The teacher came by while I was getting my ingredients ready and complimented me on my hair do and earrings. The rest of the class agreed with her. I made the best omelet of the class and got an A for the effort. Maybe things were looking up after all.
That afternoon I went to Mom's store and changed into my dress and brushed out my hair. She came in and put a little lipstick on me and gave me a purse that had the lipstick, a little money and the key to the house. “A girl needs her purse.” she said and hugged me. I left and went to the store where Ms. Jones met me and gave me the stamp of approval. Then she took me out to the floor and left me with the lady that I had met the day before. She taught me how to work the register and how to hang the clothes and had me straightening them up. I made three sales that day and she showed me how to register them so that if there was a commission I would get it. I actually loved wearing the dress it seemed a lot more comfortable than I imagined. The feel of cool air around my legs was better to me than having to wear pants. Most of the girls that came in already knew what they wanted, but on occasion I would have to help lead them to something that they liked and looked good in. I learned fast that some thought they looked good in things that they looked horrible in. That was when you kept your mouth shut and went with the old adage “The customer is always right.”
I came in the next day before the opening time and stayed until five and then I was off. I had to walk by the arcade again and the boys were out cat calling the girls as they walked by. I was alone as I left the store and headed out into the mall but a couple of girls that were going my way came up behind me and asked if they could walk with me at least until we got past the arcade. I recognized them as being a year ahead of me in school. Both were knockouts.
“Sure, I don't mind.” I said.
“Thanks Sam.” one of them said.
“You know me?” I asked nervously.
“Sure, you're in the grade behind us, but to tell the truth I don't really care what you look like. I think you're sweet.” she said. “By the way I'm Amanda and this is Cybil.” and we shook hands. “So why are you wearing a dress?”
“I needed a job and I found one at the department store back that way, but they wanted a girl and I looked like one and they hired me. So where are you heading?” I asked.
“We are going to the book store and then I need a new skirt and some shoes.” said Cybil.
“Then before we walk down to the book store can I show you something?” I said.
“Sure.” they said.
I took them back into the store and showed them the new line of clothes that I had spent the morning putting on the racks. She went nuts over them and bought two and a new pair of shoes. The sales lady leaned over and whispered to me. “I like this, find them in the hall and bring them into the store and make a sale.” she said grinning and winked at me.
The three of us walked out talking and headed to the book-store. As we started past the arcade, there they were the three that thought male rape was fun. I saw one drinking from a bottle in a sack and he appeared to be about at the intoxicated point and was really being obnoxious. He really became crude as we walked by him; he made several suggestions that were sickening. I noticed that Amanda and Cybil just turned their noses up and didn't look at him so I did the same hoping that he would get the message. Instead he started following us saying things, referencing our disdain for him and how he could get us to fall in love with him because of his physical prowess. He came in close to Cybil and she suddenly turned and slapped him hard and yelled, “Don't you ever put your hands on me again!”
He grabbed her and drew back his fist. In the blink of an eye and without thinking, I came from the side, hit him on the jaw with my fist, and knocked him down. About that time, one of the security guards showed up and took him away. “Cybil are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?” I asked.
Cybil looked at me funny and then threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. “Thank you for coming to my rescue! He would have hit me if you hadn't stopped him.” She cried. I took a tissue from my purse and dried her eyes to keep her makeup from running.
Amanda looked at me and said, “Boy you are full of surprises, but I love them all. You are my hero.”
“Before you start calling me a hero my legs are like Jell-O right now. I didn't even realize that I had hit him until after I did it.” I said.
“I don't care. You did it and I love you.” said Cybil.
At the book-store they told Mom what I had done. Mom just smiled and hugged me. A security guard came by and took our statement and Amanda asked if he would walk them out to where their boyfriends were. I stayed with Mom until closing. I had forgotten all about going over to Sheila's house, but Mom reminded me. As much as I hated to, I guessed that I needed to put on my boy clothes again. She told me to leave my dress on because I looked fine in it. “Listen if those two girls didn't care then I don't think the girls at Sheila's will mind either. I bought you a set of pajamas today so you can have something other than an old sweatshirt to sleep in and I packed you a bag with a new dress to wear tomorrow. You can wear the shoes you have on tomorrow and I put a blouse and a pair of jeans in too for tomorrow after church. So let's go.”
I took my bag and walked up to Sheila's house and knocked on the door her mother answered it and did a double take. “Oh my you don't know how much better you look in that dress. Come right on in here young lady. Sheila!” she called. “Sam is here.”
Sheila came out and found me standing there scared to death that her mother or father were going to throw me out. Instead they all hugged me and pulled me into the house. I put my bag in the extra bedroom and was practically drug into Sheila's bedroom where there were four other girls Beverly, Paula, Crystal and Gail. They all just squealed at the sight of me wanting to know if I liked being a girl, and was I going to do it all the time. I answered questions for the longest time until I it was my turn to start asking them questions about how to do certain things like fixing my hair and walking and talking. They showed me how to walk and stand and sit and how to smooth my skirt when I sat, one of them even showed me how to kiss by using my hand. It was a ball. I never noticed Sheila's parents standing at the door watching me. Her father it turned out was a child psychologist and he was very interested in me.
The next morning I got up with the rest but I had a surprise when I awoke. Sheila was in the bed next to me snuggling close. I jumped out of bed and shook her to wake her up. She opened her eyes and smiled at me, “Good morning sunshine,” she said while stretching. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah but waking up was a shock! What are you doing in here with me?” I demanded. I was confused and shocked to see her laying there.
“Oh don't get your panties in a wad, Beverly snores and I couldn't sleep so I came in here to sleep. We didn't do anything anyway. That I know of.” she said with a peculiar smile.
“But won't your parents say something?” I asked scared silly that they would find us.
“No they sleep in on Sunday's.” and she got up and I couldn't help but see that she didn't wear any underclothes to bed only a nightie. She started to walk by me, stopped and gave a little hug and then went on to the bathroom.
I sat on the edge of the bed totally blown away by this turn of events. Am I so sheltered and naive that I think this is unusual or do girls do this all the time. I mean I am a boy after all and we aren't supposed to sleep with girls unless we are married or so I thought? I walked to the bedroom with the other girls and sure enough, Beverly did snore, loud. The other girls had pillows over their heads to block out some of the sound but, I was sure that it wasn't doing a lot of good.
Still reeling from waking up next to Sheila I saw her come out of the bathroom and walk into her room take off her nightie, making her completely naked in front of me. I felt a sudden powerful urge to run, I turned quickly and ran to the bathroom and took care of the morning ritual. I guess that any other guy would have had an erection after seeing her like that, but I didn't. As a matter of a fact I have never had one, was I deformed or even worse was I gay?
I got my clothes and went back into the bathroom and stripped and was taking a shower. Sheila came in while I was drying off. I pulled the towel up in front of me, “Sheila, please let me have a little privacy I am a boy after all at least that is what is on my birth certificate.”
“I don't doubt that is on your birth certificate but you are a girl. Just look at you. You have breasts and your bottom is bigger than your waist. You only have that appendage you pee out of and it doesn't get hard. There is very little hair on you and you have the face and hair of an angel. Yes, you are a girl she whispered in my ear softly. So don't worry about anything.”
I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to lose her as a friend, but this was just about more than I could take. I took a few deep breaths and opened my eyes to see hers close to me. “Now get dressed.”
After getting dressed I asked, “Sheila, how did you know? I mean how did you know that I was growing breast?”
“I felt them the first time I hugged you. I knew then that you were a girl. Boys don't have breast like us. I didn't know about the bottom for sure but I couldn't help but notice that you didn't respond to girls down there like the boys do and you don't have the same contours that boys have down there either. So I decided to take a chance and find out and I was right.” She said.
“Is it that obvious?” I said.
“Yes. We have all noticed it. But don't worry if you don't want anyone to know we won't tell.” she said.
“Thank you, I haven't even told Mom about it. I sure don't want my Dad to see them either.” I said.
“Well it won't be long before you won't be able to hide them the way they are growing. Do you have a bra?” she asked.
“No.” I replied.
“Well I'll let you wear one of mine then.” she left and came back with a pretty white one with lace on it and she put it on me.
I liked the feel of the way my chest didn't sag or jiggle, because when they moved around it was rather uncomfortable. This had been a traumatic but enlightening day so far. I have to say that I really didn't like the shower part mostly because I have always been a rather private person but finding out that my appearance in school was more feminine than I had known was information that I needed. I guess it explained why I was picked on so much.
She dried my hair and showed me how to fix it so it would look nice with a hair band. Then the others started waking up and went to the kitchen and she got me a bowel of cereal to eat. I really didn't have much of an appetite right them but not wanting to seem ungrateful for all the trouble she had gone to I ate it. Was I letting her lead me in the direction of being a girl or was I really a girl? I was so shook up and confused that I didn't know.
The rest came down after taking their showers and getting ready. The giggling and talking started anew but I had a hard time joining in. Paula came to me and put her hands on my shoulders and asked, “Sam, have we done something to hurt you?”
The tears started then, I couldn't talk I was so upset. I just wanted to go home but I wasn't going to say that, “I found out this morning that I am really a girl!” I blurted out.
The others were silent until Paula said, “Why do you say that?”
“I saw him as he came out of the shower and I have to say I never saw a boy that looked like that.” Sheila said.
I dried my eyes and looked at the others there in admiration for being able to put up with me. “Thank you, Paula, I needed that.” The others cheered and all of them gave me a big hug. I have never been treated by anybody like this before and it was intoxicating. I suddenly felt as though I was being appreciated, for me not what I thought I ought to be.
Sheila's parents got up and came downstairs dressed. Her mother was dressed for church, although her Dad was dressed casually and he announced that he would be a little late for lunch because he had a golf game arranged. Her mother asked him why he didn't go with them once instead of playing golf. He didn't answer instead he kissed her and left.
The church they went to was actually right down the street from my house. I had never been there because Dad said it was a waste of time. I had one of my work dresses on and it really wasn't dressy the suitcase Mom had packed had some nice boy clothes in it although I really didn’t want to wear them. Sheila's mom took me back up stairs and had me to put one of Sheila's really nice dresses on and she got one of her coats to go with it. “Now that's better. Come on we still have time to get a doughnut before church.”
The rest of the girls whistled and cat called me until her mother made them stop. I was blushing hard, and was really embarrassed, but kind of happy at the same time. The doughnut shop was full of people and I really didn't want one so I was just going to stay in the van while they went inside. Mrs. Wheeler wouldn't hear of it and made me come with them. The clerk was this guy from school but he wasn't in our class so he didn't recognize me at all. He even tried to flirt with the girls but Mrs. Wheeler put a stop to that.
I stood in the back and looked around at all of the people wondering, if there was anybody in there that I knew. Yep there was, Ms. Jones looked up and saw me. She came over and gave me a hug. “Hello Sam, don't you look gorgeous this morning.” she said. “Hello Susanne, are you going to church this morning?”
“Hello April. Yes, I am taking these young ladies to atone for their sins this morning. I see you already know Sam.” said Mrs. Wheeler.
“Yes, she works for me at the store. So who are the others?” asked Ms. Jones.
Mrs. Wheeler introduced them all to her and asked, “Are you going this morning?”
“Yes I am, but “I” don't have any sins to atone for.” she said and added, “I don't have time to make any sins.” and both women laughed.
“Would you like me to save you a seat?” asked Mrs. Wheeler.
“Yes, please. I was leaving now maybe we can all walk in together.” said Ms. Jones.
“Great. See you there then.” replied Mrs. Wheeler.
Ms. Jones met us at the church and went in with us the place was packed. I had never been in a church before except for one of Mom's cousin's weddings. I leaned over and told Sheila that I didn't know what to do. She said she would lead me through it. We stood and sang and we stood and prayed and sang some more and listened to the preacher talk. He seemed familiar to me. It was over before I knew it. I felt exhilarated by it. The message was about not judging. A message I needed to hear.
We lined up to walk by the preacher like the others to be greeted by him. When I got close enough my suspicions were right I did know him. He lived right next to us even though I had only seen him once or twice in the yard I was sure he would recognize me. I tugged on Mrs. Wheelers sleeve and she leaned down to see what I wanted, “He is my neighbor.” I said suddenly terrified.
“Don't worry Sam he won't bite you and I won't let him embarrass you.” she said and took my hand in hers. The rest of the girls moved in closer to me like they were protecting me.
We were at the end of the line and as we approached the preacher he smiled and shook Ms. Jones hand and made small talk by asking when he was going to get to marry her off. She laughed and hit him on the arm. “Not for a long time.” she exclaimed.
“Well, I'll be here when you get ready.” he said. “So Susanne it looks like you have your hands full. Hello Sam, you look lovely today. I am glad you finally decided to come I was starting to develop a complex because I thought you didn't like me.”
Mrs. Wheeler and the girls all did a little cheer and a fist pump.
“Am I missing something?” he asked.
“I'll tell you about it one day.” said Mrs. Wheeler. “What are you and the Mrs. doing for lunch?”
“Are you buying?” he asked.
“Yes, but don't forget I'm on the finance committee so I know how much you make.” replied Mrs. Wheeler.
“Yes I know, but I have a lot of expenses and it would be nice for you to buy us lunch.” he said with a grin.
“Then get your lovely wife and meet us at Courtney's for lunch.” Mrs. Wheeler said.
Courtney's was an awesome restaurant. I had never been there because it was so expensive we couldn't afford it. Before my brother left we ate out a lot when Dad was home but now we couldn't. I felt bad because Mom would love to go. She loved to socialize before, and would get dressed up and looked “Hot.”
Mom was about five foot five and about one hundred ten pounds soaking wet and had a figure of a model. She had a treadmill that she walked on every morning before breakfast that she used to stay in shape. Dad accused her of staying so good looking because she had a boyfriend. I always thought that was cruel but then Dad always seemed cruel to me. He came home about three weeks ago and got drunk and tried to cut my hair with a pocket knife. Mom grabbed me and we ran out of the house and stayed away until she was sure he was asleep or gone. That was one time I was truly scared of my Dad.
At the restaurant, Mr. Wheeler met us. He complimented us on how beautiful we were and made a big deal out of finding a table where we could all be seen. The preacher and his wife came in and he sat down next to me. All through the meal he and Mr. Wheeler kept the conversation going about golf. At one point the preacher said that he thought he would play hooky next Sunday and go play a few rounds with him. I giggled at that.
“So you think that is funny huh?” The preacher asked.
I looked down and said. “Yes sir.”
He reached over and pulled my chin up, “Don't look down. You are way too beautiful to ever hang your head down. Beside my wife would kill me if I skipped. Also I am David Roach not sir, but I prefer to be called Reverend.”
“Yes sir, Reverend.” I replied.
“That's a little better, we'll have to work on it a little though.” he said. “So why don't I see you more around the house after school? Do you work?”
“Yes sir I work for Ms. Jones and before I helped my Mom in the book store.” I said.
“Ahh, beautiful and hard-working a fantastic combination.” he said.
As we were leaving Reverend stopped Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and also Ms. Jones. They talked for a minute while the rest of us walked outside. “What do you think they are talking about?” I asked. I had a funny feeling about it since they were casting glances at me every now and then.
They came out and said their good byes and Mrs. Roach came over to me and gave me a big hug. The said, “Please come over to see me sometime. I think you are adorable.” and she kissed me on the cheek.
“Yes mam I will.” I said.
We went back to the Wheeler's house and changed clothes. I put mine in my bag and hung up Sheila's dress. The rest of the girls wanted to go for a walk so I asked if we could go by my house so I could let Mom know I was alright. They agreed and we walked over to my house. I walked up to the door and opened it and Mom met me. “Sam and I have to talk to in private for a minute. Would you girls wait here for a minute?” she said and took me into the living room. “Sam your Dad is coming in for the night I have talked to Sheila's parents and you are going to stay there tonight. Now go up stairs and get some clothes for school tomorrow and I will talk to you at the book store.” I went up and got the clothes I would need and put them in a sack and we left and went back to Sheila's house. Then we took off again. We were walking down the street when Dad drove by, but he didn't even look our way.
The park was full of people enjoying the last of the balmy fall weather. There were a lot of kids there and a lot of boys that the girls were going crazy over. Sheila took my hand and we walked to the swings. She sat on one and I sat on the other. I noticed that she wouldn't look the boys’ way even when they called her name. She just sat and moved back and forth slowly looking off into the distance. She almost seemed sad. I thought I had offended her somehow and I didn't know how to ask why she was sad.
“The last time I was here, I was swinging here on the swings. I had slipped away because my Dad was home and Mom wanted me to disappear for a little while to give my dad time to cool off. He was mad because I hadn't cut the grass all week. Mom tried to tell him that it had rained every day and I couldn't, but he just got meaner. At one point he grabbed me and tried to cut my hair with a pair of garden shears. She pulled me away and pushed me over the fence and I ran. I stayed here all night too scared to go home.” I stated.
I wanted to run away because I knew that I was going to be punished for being here like this. My life was full of negative things that I couldn't explain. Like the time I was walking by the water hose and it suddenly sprang a leak or the day Dad was mowing the yard and the blade came off the mower and spun by me barely missing me but hitting Dad's new sports car. He blamed me for both. It is like I have an albatross hanging around my neck dragging me down. In school I took a beating for a locker door breaking and hitting one of the eighth graders in the head. I was sure that something was going to happen to me every day that I woke up.
“Have you ever experienced love?” Sheila suddenly asked.
“I love my Mother. Is that what you mean?” I asked wondering where this was going.
“No have you ever met a girl that you fell in love with?” she clarified.
“No one, I have never been that close to anyone before.” I replied.
“Have you ever kissed a girl?” she asked.
I hung my head in embarrassment and said, “As I said. I have never been that close to anyone before.” I stood and started to leave. I thought she was making fun of me.
“I am not making fun of you. I was thinking of something, but now isn't the time for it. Please stay, I am enjoying your company very much.” she said and had a sad look in her eyes that I couldn't identify.
“Sheila have I done anything to offend you?” I asked. “If I have I will do anything to make it right.”
She smiled and shook her head no and continued to swing. I stopped the swing and looked into her eyes while holding the chains still. She looked back and I saw a tear coming out of one. I took my finger and wiped it away and brushed her hair back from her face. We froze like that for a few minutes. Then the others came over to see what was going on. Sheila smiled and put on a happy face for them. The confusion in me was growing.
“Come on guys let's go the boys are going to have a football game and we are invited to watch.” said Paula.
Sheila jumped up and took my hand and we ran over to the football field and found a place on the side to watch them in the shade. I couldn't help noticing that Alice one of the girls with us was really interested in playing. She finally couldn't stand it anymore and went out onto the field with the guys. Folks she was a badass receiver. She never dropped the ball and when she got it she went for the end zone hell bent for leather. Paula told me she was a monster soccer player too. One of the older guys came over and sat down between Sheila and myself. He was all sweaty and dirty but I oddly found it intriguing. He was more interested in Sheila than me so I was all right with it. Then one of the others came out and sat down next to me. He didn't say anything at first and I thought he wanted to be next to Paula. But then he started talking to me.
“You are that weird kid from the grade behind me aren't you?” he asked. “Yeah you're that guy that they threw out of Ag for being gay.” then it happened. “Beat it. Now! We don't want you around the girls in our school.”
I must not have been moving fast enough for him because he suddenly jumped on me and started hitting me. Paula and Beverly jumped on him and Alice came over and kicked him in the face. He backed up from them holding a bloody nose. Alice was mad. “Don't you ever hit one of my friends again you asshole.” she said.
“Hey if you want to hang with a sissy that's fine with me.” he said. The rest of the guys told him to get lost and went back to the ball game.
I got up and was seeing double from being hit so hard in the head. I had taken harder beatings before and he wouldn't have hit me so many times if I had been able to get to my feet. Sheila saw that I had a bruise starting on my face and that I was bleeding from a bump on my head and helped me up and took me back to her house. Her mom took one look at me and demanded to know what happened.
“Some jerk jumped on her for no reason.” stated Sheila.
“That's not exactly true.” I said. “He recognized me from school and told me to leave and when I didn't move fast enough for him he jumped on me pinning me to the ground and started hitting me. I'm alright; just a little dizzy that's all.”
Mrs. Wheeler patched my head and put me in the bed to see if the dizziness would go away, however every time I tried to sit I got sick to my stomach and the room started spinning. The police came and asked me what happened and took a statement. I really didn't want to involve them. Hell, I didn't want it to happen. I looked like I did in school and I didn't have a dress on but he still attacked me. I knew something bad was going to happen. By that afternoon I wasn't any better so Mrs. Wheeler called my Mom who came and got me and took me to the emergency room where a young guy said he was the doctor and that there wasn't anything wrong with me even though I was vomiting every time I opened my eyes. He didn't examine me or X-Ray me or anything. I heard him talking to a nurse telling her to throw the little fag out. So Mom took me to another clinic. The doctor there was a female and she looked in my eyes and took an X-Ray of my head, and called an ambulance to come and take me back to that hospital to be admitted. She called the first doctor and chewed him out for not examining me and said he wasn't going to work in this town anymore.
I don't know how Mom kept it from Dad that I was in the hospital, but she did. I found out later that things had already gone from bad to worse at the house. He came in and had already been drinking by the time he got to the house.
“Hello, honey did you have a good trip?” she asked him.
“It was alright. I can only stay tonight. I have to be back by tomorrow night for a run to Las Vegas on the night freight. So where is the little bitch? Is he upstairs playing with dolls.” he spat.
“Carnell, do you have to start right when you walk in the door?” Mom asked.
“Start when I walk in the door? What the hell is that? Let me tell you right now I pay the bills here and I expect to be able to say or do what I want. Do you hear?” he screamed.
“Don't start with me. You don't pay a damn thing here. I have to pay the taxes and all of the utilities. You don't pay a damn thing. If all you are going to do is come in here and take your frustrations out on us then get the hell out!” Mom replied in force.
He took another drink and threw the bottle at Mom who dodged the projectile. “Don't you yell at me b----- I'll slap you silly!” and then he threw his keys at her and she caught them and took off out the door.
She took off and made it to the Reverend’s house and tried to hide in the recess at the front door. Dad came out looking for her and turned and ran the other way for a while. Mom was standing there trying to decide if she needed to make a run for it or stay put when the door opened and a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her in. It was the Reverend. He closed and locked the door behind him and pushed mom on into the back of their house where his wife was waiting. Dad was screaming obscenities out on the street, but no one would open their door or acknowledge him. Then the police showed up and they got into a fight outside when they tried to arrest him for being publicly intoxicated. Three police officers got him down after tasing him four times. Mom came out after they carried him away and they said that he would be held for eight hours until he sobered up and then she could come and get him. She told them he was going to be there a long time before she came and got him.
Reverend David and his wife took her back home and went in with her and helped clean up where he had trashed the kitchen trying to catch her. “Janet where is Sam?”
She looked at him, surprised that he knew him. “How do you know Sam?” she asked.
“We had lunch with the Wheeler's today and he was there.” he said.
She knew that David had seen him in a dress today. Now how was she going to handle it? She didn't want to put any more pressure on Sam and she didn't want to ruin his chance at a normal life either. “He's at the Wheeler's for the night. I try to keep him separated from his father as much as possible. Especially when his father is like this.”
“Why was he wearing girl’s clothes?” he asked.
Mom looked at him and sagged into a chair. “When Sam was born Carnell wanted another boy but when he came out he had what looked like a vagina and a penis. Carnell ordered the doctor to close the vagina because he wasn't having a hermaphrodite kid so they closed it. He kept growing more and more into a young lady in looks and everything else. I know he has breasts I have been putting off seeing a doctor for a while but it looks like I am going to do it. I just can't afford it right now.
David's wife came over to Mom and put her arms around her. “She is a lovely child; I think things will work out for her. I think we can ask the church to help if you don't mind. Maybe we can raise the money somehow.”
“You call him a she? Why?” asked mom.
“I know a girl when I see one and Sam is a girl. Period and I think you need to start looking at it that way.” she said.
“I know, the other day when Susanne gave Sam that job I was so proud of her. I knew that she would do well and so far she has. I just don't want her to have any problems. I know she gets bullied a lot at school and some of the teachers encourage it. I'm afraid that she will really have problems if she doesn’t become a female.” she said and stood. “I can get things done from here. Thank you so much for coming over.” The Roach's left and Mom finished cleaning up.
She looked down and still had the keys to Dad's car in her hand. “I wonder,” she thought to herself and she went out and opened the passenger side door. She started looking though the glove compartment and found the registration. The address was correct or what she thought was correct, a check stub had a whole new address on it and the amount was nothing like he said he made. I was three times what he told her. She was getting madder and madder. Then she happened to drop something out of her hand and it rolled under the seat. She bent down to see if she could see it. She didn't want Dad to know that she had looked through his car so she was going to have to put everything back the way she found it minus the check stubs she had found. She leaned down do look under the seat and got a surprise. There lying under the seat were three thick bundles of money. She counted them and they amounted to thirty thousand dollars. Now she was starting to get worried. What was he doing to have that kind of money with him? Then the question got answered, he was buying a house with another woman where he was staying according to a sales contract that was with the money. That capped it right there, she put the money in her pocket.
Still not satisfied she walked to the back and opened the trunk and looked through it. There she found a diamond ring and a diamond tennis bracelet along with a personal computer and several CD's that had something on them. She took all of that too. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! She laid the computer on the front seat and went inside for a minute. While inside the phone rang.
“Yes, is this Mrs. Wheeler?” she asked.
“Yes, listen there has been an incident. Sam got beat up pretty bad and he is in the hospital right now. Can you come down?” Mrs. Wheeler asked.
“Yes I'll be there in a few minutes.”
She went out and tried to start her car but it wouldn't start. She turned and saw Carnell's shiny new car and took the door keys off the ring for her car and went back in and put his bag in her car and left the keys in it. Then she got in his car and drove off.
She walked in just in time to see the doctor go in his room. “Hello, I'm Sam's mom.”
“Ah we were about to put out an APB for you. I'm Doctor Kriss I was the one that admitted her to the hospital. Let me explain what is going on right fast. Sam was hit in the head with a fist and now has a skull fracture in the area of the forehead. Now don't get upset because the bleeding that was causing him trouble has stopped and will be resolved without us having to do a thing about it. Thank God. The problem now is that he developed some abdominal discomfort down low. I noticed a scar under the… for a lack of a better description, the penis, although I think that it is nothing more than an extended ureter, a birth defect. I want to know what the scar is from?” She asked.
“At birth she was born with that appendage and what appeared to be a vagina. My husband in a rage ordered the doctor to close the second opening and make him a boy within minutes of his birth. So he is a boy on his birth certificate and everything else. I thought that she was a girl from birth and my husband made a mistake.” Mom explained.
“Where is your husband now? Will he interfere or does he have parental rights?” she asked.
“Why do you ask?” inquired Mom.
“Because the abdominal pain is menses, Sam is starting her period and there is no place for the blood and bodily fluid to go. She needs surgery and pretty quick.” The Doctor said.
“My husband won't interfere. I can sign for her to have the surgery. I have insurance and I can pay the deductible.” Mom said.
They got me ready for surgery and wheeled me the the operating room. Mom decided to go and get the computer out of the car and see if she could get an internet connection to send her assistant manager a message on Face Book, telling her she wouldn't be in in the morning. She got it to send the message without any problems. Then she started looking around in the computer and found a ledger for a company named Carnell's Railroad Salvage apparently he had a side business buying and selling rail road salvage, things like merchandise that wasn't claimed, damaged merchandise and other stuff. She opened the ledger and found that he was worth a million dollars, with three hundred and fifty thousand dollars in cash in a bank account alone. He had a warehouse and several trucks Mrs. Wheeler was an accountant and she started looking at the ledger and told her that this was just the tip of the iceberg.
He had three other bank accounts in two other states and another warehouse here in town. Mrs. Wheeler was amazed at the amount of inventory and that was listed in the ledger. She couldn't believe that he had gotten this from unclaimed merchandise. Then Mom remembered the CD's and pulled them out of her purse. Mrs. Wheeler opened each one and the final one was the one that told all. There were names, dates and amounts of money that he had paid to different people to possibly illegally obtain the goods in the warehouses.
“Mom looked at her and said, “He tells me that he is just barely making it when I ask him to help with the bills. I could use that money to put Sam through college.” she sighed.
“Do you have a personal bank account that he doesn't have access to?” Mrs. Wheeler asked.
“I have a little checking account of my own.” Mom said.
“Give me the account number. He has his account number and password listed right here I can transfer all of it to your account and he won't know it until it's too late. And I am going to send all of this to the FBI for them to look at, but the key is he can't know what happened. Until the Feds come knocking.” said Mrs. Wheeler.
Mom gave her the account info and she moved all of the money to Mom's account. Then Mrs. Wheeler sent the ledger and the contents of the CD to the FBI. Now they put the computer back and returned the car and parked it where it was before. She left the keys on the front seat with his bag. Mrs. Wheeler let Mom get some things she would need for a day or two and took her back to the hospital. Dad came up right after they left and walked up to his car and looked in and saw the keys and his bag in the front seat, figuring he was being thrown out he just got in and drove off.
I came through the surgery without any problems and when I woke up Mom was asleep in the chair next to the bed. I didn't wake her, instead I just watched her and admired her for coming here alone and staying with me. I wondered if Dad knew where I was or if she had kept it a secret.
I felt wet down there and I called the nurse instead of waking Mom. The nurse came in and pulled the sheets back to reveal several bandages down there and a tube coming out. She removed the blood soaked bandages and put some new ones on then she emptied a bag that was hanging on the side of the bed. “Are you hungry yet?” she asked.
“No mam, but I am so thirsty right now. Can I have some water?” I asked.
“Sure, I'll go get you some ice in your pitcher and some water.” she said. “Are you hurting any right now?”
“I don't feel great but it's not bad right now.” I said.
“Well, I can get you something to help with the pain if you need it.” she said.
“Thanks if it gets too bad I'll call.” I said and she left and came back with some ice water and I drank two glasses.
Mom woke up and stretched. When she saw me awake she wanted to know how long I had been up. I told her and about the nurse changing my dressings and bringing me some water, but I wanted to know how she got here without Dad. “Mom I thought Dad was at home.”
“Don't worry your pretty little head. He doesn't know that you are here and I don't think he will be coming back any time soon.” she said. “Sam I need to tell you something before we go any farther. I want you to understand that what happened is not your fault and I love you no matter what.”
“What's wrong?” I said.
“Sam, they found out that you are a girl last night, not only that, you have started your period. You had to have an emergency surgery to fix what was done to you at birth. Now this is going to be a little hard to deal with for the first couple of times, but we are going to get through it. I have already called April and told her you might not be in for a few days she is coming to see you before work this morning. Mrs. Wheeler has told Sheila that she can see you this afternoon so you don't have to worry about a thing.” she said.
I was to concentrate on getting better so I could go home. They put me in a CT and did another CAT scan to see if I was still bleeding in my head. I knew that my headache had stopped and I didn't have any more double vision. The Doctor was nice, she came around to see about me two or three times that day. She was a gynecologist who was moonlighting at a clinic on the weekend. She told Mom that the ER Doctor was fired this morning for malpractice and the Hospital administrator came and told Mom that if she didn't seek legal action against that Doctor then they would write off everything that the insurance didn't pay. Mom agreed. My doctor examined me and said that I was a normal little girl and that the bandages should come off in about a week and I should heal up in seven to ten days although I wouldn’t be completely healed for several weeks.
I went home in two days and had to go back for a checkup in two days. Mom showed me how to use a sanitary pad and when to change it then she showed me how to wipe my bottom after I peed from front to back so I wouldn't pick up any nasty bugs from the back. I still hurt from the surgery, but I had to get up and move around so I wouldn't get stiff or bed sores. I mostly sat on the couch and watched TV. Mom came in one afternoon early from work and had a delivery truck with her. They brought in a new TV for my room and a new TV for the living room. Then she held out a box for me to open. It was a new computer. My old one was falling apart; it had been my brothers when he lived at home.
“Mom how are you affording these things?” I asked.
“Let's just say that your father made a generous donation to the keep us happy fund and leave it at that.” she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I also got new clothes and so did she. The next day she came home with a newer car than the one we had. It actually ran without any difficulty. The Preachers wife was coming over on a regular basis to check on me while Mom was at work. She told me that I was lucky I could have really gotten sick if they hadn't fixed me. She would sit with me and hold me like Mom did. I asked if she had any kids. She told me that she couldn't have kids because of a child hood illness, but God had blessed her with other things. I got her to tell me about God and Jesus, I wanted to know. She loved talking about them and I learned a lot. Then I asked if it was alright if I told God thank you for keeping me alive. She said he would love that. I prayed to him for the first time and it felt good.
On Friday I was at home for the last time and Mrs. Roach had just left when the door bell rang. I answered the door and saw two men in suits standing there. They identified themselves as FBI agents and wanted to talk to my mother. I told them that she was at work and that they could talk to her there. They left and I called Mom and told her they were coming. She didn't seem surprised at all and changed the subject to me. We talked for a few minutes and hung up. I found out later that she hadn't touched the money they transferred to her account, but instead she sold the ring and bracelet she had found and got a lot of money for them. The agents asked her about the files they had received and wanted to know about the money. She told them she was holding it until she was sure that it wasn't ill gotten gains or something like that. Anyway they finally let her have it and she didn't have to work as hard as she had been. She even bought the store and reopened it under her name.
Sheila had been coming over every afternoon to bring me my homework and help me with it. She was absolutely a life saver; I would have fallen way behind if she hadn't. She told me that the other kids knew about the surgery to correct what had been done and they all thought it was great and looked forward to me coming to school as Samantha. Mom had bought a sewing machine and I was learning to use it. She bought me several patterns to practice on and some material. I found a dress pattern that I wanted to use for Home Ec. and started on it.
Sunday, Mom and I both went to church and I was surprised when I heard her sing. She never sang around the house but she sang in church. She had a beautiful voice that made me think of an angel. The Preacher caught us as we were walking out and thanked us for coming Mrs. Roach caught me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Mom quietly thanked the preacher for saving her the other day and for helping with me. He took her hand and said, “I didn't do anything for you I wouldn't have done for anyone else. And you are welcome.”
I got up and put on a school dress, since we had to wear a certain color and style and walked over to Sheila's house to walk to school with her. I knocked on the door and when it opened Sheila, Paula and Beverly were waiting for me. They took pictures and hugged me. They were more excited for me than I was. Then it happened. Sheila pulled me to another room and kissed me. I mean a real kiss not a little peck. “I am so happy you are all right. I just couldn't contain myself.” she said with tears forming in her eyes. I wiped them away with my finger and told her that I was happy now.
School was interesting that day. Two boys ran into walls trying to look at me and the teachers didn't know what to call me so I told them to keep calling me Sam which was short for Samantha. The day wasn’t all peaches and cream either, some of the bully’s weren’t satisfied with the explanation that I was found to actually be a girl instead of a boy. The boy that tried to molest Cybil in the mall waited until I was alone in a hall and attacked me. He hit me twice before a teacher came up and told him to leave. The teacher made no effort to send the bully to the office and did not see if I was injured. She told me I had to go to the office for fighting and turned and left. I couldn’t believe it; I was being punished for being attacked. I went to the office as ordered and asked to use the phone to call my Mom. When I told her what had happened she came to the school as fast as she could. When she got there all heck broke loose and the bully was suspended under the no bullying rule and the teacher got a written warning for letting her prejudices get in the way of doing her job properly. The principal tried to hide behind a technicality by saying that according to the law and my birth certificate I was still a male and should not be wearing feminine attire to school and that it was disruptive to the student morale. Mom told him that she was in the process of getting my birth certificate changed and I was a female and that I would present as one whether he liked it or not.
He finally relented and agreed that even though the paper work showed a male I was not exceeding the dress code and would allow me to come dressed as I was. There were a few other little bumps in the road while I was at school however they became fewer and fewer as time went on.
Later that day as Shelia and I were walking home we saw a teenager who was a couple of years older than us and we recognized that it was a male who was dressed as a female. I stopped him and asked him if he wanted to be a girl. The person looked at me and said. “Yes I have always wanted to be a girl and I heard that there is another boy in the eighth grade that has just come out as a female and it has given me the courage to come out as a transgender. I know I have a long hard road ahead of me, but I just can’t be a boy anymore.”
“Well I am that person, but we found out that I was actually born a girl and it was fixed so that I can live as I am supposed to be. I think that what you are doing is one of the bravest things I have ever seen and I will support you as much as I can.”
“Thank you so much for your support.” He said and waved goodbye to us and walked away.
Shelia turned to me and said, “I guess it is my turn to come out now.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well, all of the times you would see me looking so sad and wondered why.” She said and looked away from me with that sad look again. “You see, I don’t like boys. I like girls and when I saw you in the library that day I just couldn’t believe that you were a boy and I fell for you right then. I would understand if you didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore.”
She started to turn and leave me, but I grabbed her hand and kept her from leaving. “I don’t like boys either. I like girls.” I said and pulled her to me and kissed her right there on the street. That was the start of a long and wonderful relationship that is still going on now twenty years later. I not only got a new life that I loved, but I also got a soul mate for life and we are inseparable.
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Thank you
'for a lovely story ,quite plausible and well told .
Well done
That was very well done and thoughtfully presented. Thank you.
Solid First Story...
Welcome to BC -- hope you'll like it here.
One question: "ag teacher"? I'd never heard the term before; then again, I'm city born and raised.
But I can't figure why someone with Sam's interests would want to take an agriculture class rather than some sort of shop if he wanted to learn an industrial skill. (Or for that matter, why mechanical drawing and woodworking would be primary agricultural subjects.) I didn't see anything to suggest Sam -- obviously the bookish type -- would be looking toward farming as a future occupation, or that he had plans to take on the physical labor of farm work as a part-time or summer job in order to improve his physical strength or appearance. It doesn't even sound like something his father would sign him up for, unless the guy thought it would make Sam better at mowing the lawn.
Not a major hangup; not even really worth this much comment space. I initially wrote just to find out what an ag teacher was, then looked it up on Google.
In many schools in the south
In many schools in the south of years ago the term Ag was a catch all for agriculture, industrial arts and many others. Also boys weren't given the option of participating in things like home economics and as a result those who didn't "fit" in were sent there to be taught the ways a "man" learned to make a living. A side note: females weren't by the same token allowed to take Ag.
Dennis N. Adkins
This story is so cute. It brightened my day, despite how awful it's been!
I love happy endings and I'll be thinking fondly of this one for a while.
Now Come On All of You !
A New Author has treated us all with a wonderful story, that even had a happy ending - something rare indeed in these far from happy times. I am SURE we can give the tale more than a miserable 20 odd points, so let's show our appreciation by making that at least a 100 ! If we please the writer we have a better chance of soon reading some more !
May I also thank you, dear Author, for letting us all read this one, for free ?
nice, and sweet
very well done
The third story is as good as
The third story is as good as those posted previously. Thanks for sharing them with us!
Thank you for a wonderful story. I loved it and so happy for Samantha
Ag Class
Nice story. Thank you.
It just hit me! When I was in the eighth grade I was in "shop." The teacher was a very nice older fellow who treated everyone with the utmost respect. I wanted to be good at making bird houses and trivets, but didn't have the "knack." I would burn the wood using the power sander, dip the white paint brush in the red paint, etc, I just wasn't handy. One day I suggested to him that I might be better placed in a journalism class writing for the school newspaper. He agreed.That occurred several years before the first Super Bowl. I never thought of that as being any less masculine.
Until now.
Many of my stories carry the theme that people know much more about us than we assume. I'm sure that's true.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thumbs Up
This story ranks along with your other stories (one of my all time favourites Jungle Demon) well told ,well written,and well thank you for sharing these stories
Lillian xxx
Beautiful Story
You did very well with a soft story. Certainly a ton of emotional drama in the telling of the tale done softly. I loved the story. I loved the direction it went and how it was told.
Hon, what I am about to explain is in no way a sarcasm or condemnation of what or how you write. Please, I loved the story. The Ag class should be Shop class. In Agricultural Class they learn animal husbandry, crops, and plants along with everything to do with farming, ranching, forestry, lawn care, etc.
Most of your story is descriptive. Think of history books, Social Science, Physics, Math, etc. All those are descriptive. They explain things.
Some of your story is dialog. Think of people talking to one another. That is dialog.
It is a good writer who can use dialog to tell the story and add descriptive to make the stage for the characters to act on. Like a movie producer or playwright the actors move through different stage settings but the movie or play is majority dialog. We like to see and hear the actors talking and inter acting within the setting or each other. It makes the movie, the play, the novel more real using dialog over descriptive. Think of it as a movie. Set the scene and move your actors into that scene. Then give them their script and let them talk.
Your story was well told and it flowed smoothly from scene to scene without any holes. Nice.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I found it a lovely read with many interesting factors. I hope the father got what he deserves and Samantha has a better experience at school in future.
Thank-you for this...
- LKPridgeon
Wonderfully charming
This is a wonderful and charming story, a story which is easy to read, understand, and one which makes it easy to feel what the characters are going through.
Sam's dad, and those who bullied him or thought they were God's gift to women, are a major waste of the air on the planet. They could best serve everyone by being allowed travel to one of the gas giant planets. Without a ship or supplies.
The character of Sam is a wonderful example of a person who can go through adverse actions and still maintain their caring personality. A personality which also tries and not hurt others by any of his actions.
It was interesting that Sheila, and many of the other girls, saw something in Sam which was severely lacking in many of the other boys. Something which made him stand out even though he lacked the physical stature of the other boys. Something which angered those who saw in him what they lacked. That something turned out to be, besides actually being female, a caring and respectful nature. These last two made him different enough to stand out in the crowd as though he was wearing a "kick me" sign.
Because of his caring and respectful nature, others responded to him in a like manner. Unlike the way they had to respond to those boys who thought they were gifts to the world. Some of these boys were lucky they didn't end up walking funny after some of their actions.
The character interaction kept me interested enough to read the entire story. And it was how well the story was written which made that interaction interesting enough to hold my attention.
Others have feelings too.
sweet ending
thank you for sharing it!