Education in the Hills - chapter 37


To OZ?

To OZ!

I would like to thank my dear friends,
Angel O’Hare, Karen Page, Joni W., Annette MacGregor and Holly H Heart
for their kindness, help, support, and input.

Education in the Hills
Chapter 37

By Penny Reed Cardon

February 12, 2005

Four days before we were to leave we had our last meeting with Mr. Peterson.

"Good morning ladies," Mr. Peterson greeted us, as we entered his office.

"Guid morn tae ye, Mr. Peterson," I replied, with a profoundly Scottish accent.

Mr. Peterson complemented, saying, "I see you've been as diligent in your language class as you have been in the rest of your classes."

"Aye, 'at we hae, Mr. Peterson, 'at we hae. Twas a struggle at first, but we managed tae gie th' hang ay it," I continued.

"And how well has Mary Beth taken to her language studies?" he asked, looking at Mary Beth and noting that she hadn't said a word, so far.

"Why surely now, Mr. Peterson, being quiet asn't become a sin now, as it?" she replied.

"Of course not," he chuckled.

"Being 'at there be soo much ta learn, we did split it up a wee bit. Ah concentrated oan th’ mair modern an’ th’ easily understuid dialects," Mary Beth started.

"While I concentrated on the on the older, or heavier accented dialects," I added.

"From what I'm hearing, it sounds like you've both succeeded admirable."

"Thank ye, Mr. Peterson," we chorused.

"We've worked huir uv a stoaner. Is everythin’ ready fur us tae lae next Wadensday?" I asked.

"Yes, everything is ready. I finalized the arrangements a week ago. You'll be flying from Salt Lake to Philadelphia. After a two hour layover, you'll board another plane for the seven hour flight to London, Heathrow. After being cleared through customs, and another layover, you'll board a third plane for the last leg of your trip, landing in Edinburgh a little before noon of the 17th, of course that would be local time."

"Tois days oan planes an’ airports, withit changin’ clase ur takin’ a shower, we’ll min’ (Two days on planes and airports, without changing clothes or taking a shower, we'll stink)," Mary Beth complained.

Mr. Peterson quickly calmed Mary Beth down, "It won't be that bad Mary Beth. After all, how strenuous is sitting or casually walking around an airport? That's what you'll be doing, for those two days."

"Ah guess yoo're reit, sittin’ an’ walkin’ isnae ‘at stoaner. But still, tois days!" she complained.

"Mr. Peterson, coods ye arrange fur a travel size container ay dreich wipes (Wet Wipes), ur somethin’ loch ‘at? We coods use them tae freshen up, in a private restroom," I requested.

"At's a guid idea," Mary Beth agreed.

"Yes, indeed, Matilda. An excellent suggestion, I'll make the arrangements for them right away.

"Mr. Peterson, th’ flecht tae London, ‘at's an overnecht flecht, correct?" I inquired.

"Yes it is, why?"

"Och, Ah was thinkin’ abit changin’ intae a nightgoon efter we dak’ aff an’ changin’ back affair wa lain, (Oh, I was thinking about changing into a nightgown after we take off and changing back before we land,)" I replied.

"Nae a bad idea, Munchkin," Mary Beth agreed.

As long as you change in the lavatory."

"Weel, Ah nae gonnae change in th’ aisle!" Mary Beth exclaimed.

"Nor would I expect you to do something so obviously indecent. However, I've heard of people, of various ages, who change their clothes in their seats, while covered with a blanket. Although, the airline personal take a dim view of that practice."

"That's okay, I'll tak’ th’ privacy ay th’ lavatory, ower th’ possibility ay accidental exposure every time," I stated.

"Ye an’ me baith," Mary Beth added.

"And I'll make it three, if I were going and if changing into pajamas was socially acceptable for a gentleman of my years."

Both Mary Beth and I were giggling at the prospect of Mr. Peterson running around an airplane in his pajamas.

Changing the subject, I asked, "Is mah passport ready an’ am Ah supposed tae keep it wi’ me?"

"Your passport arrived this morning. Being that you're under age, RJ will carry both of your passports," he replied. "Tuesday evening, a small suitcase will be left in each of your rooms. They should be large enough for two or three changes of clothes plus your tooth brush and any other toiletries or hair supplies you might wish to take. They are the largest cases that are allowed as carry on luggage. If you have questions about what to take or how to pack, I'm sure anyone from the older years would be happy to answer your questions."

"’At takes caur ay th’ trip details, but Ah hae an unrelated question. Can ye arrange fur whit woods appear tae be an inspection by th’ board ay education? (That takes care of the trip details, but I have an unrelated question. Can you arrange for what would appear to be an inspection by the Board of Education?)" I asked.

"You want me to deliberately invite a government inspection?"

"’At isnae whit Ah speart. Ah speart, if ye coods arrange whit woods appear tae be an inspection by th’ board ay education. Surely yoo’ve bin ben an inspection ur tois, sae ye woods be able tae coach someain’ free a body ay th’ schools support aread, as tae hoot ae act an’ whit tae ask. (That isn't what I asked. I asked, if you could arrange what would appear to be an inspection by the Board of Education. Surely you've been through an inspection or two, so you would be able to coach someone, from one of the schools support areas, as to how to act and what to ask.)"

"Support areas?" he asked.

"Ay coorse, someain frae th’ laundry or security ur somewhaur else. Jist someain ‘at th’ student hae ne’er seen, (Of course, someone from the laundry or security or somewhere else. Just someone that the students have never seen,)" I explained.

"Okay, I think I know what you're asking, but you haven't said why."

"Weel, we ne’er actually tauld th’ others when we waur gonnae Auld Reekie. Sae tysday, after uir meetin’ wi’ Ellen we can teel them ‘at some inspectors ur comin’ an’ it woods be best if Mary Beth an’ Ah werenae haur. We’ll tell them th’ trip tae Auld Reekie was pushed up an’ we’re leavin’ Wadensday morn, which we ur. ‘En oan fuirsday t’ sae called inspectors shaw up, attend some ay th’ classes, ask questions, hae some picters ‘at they compaur against lae ay th’ Black Sheep, possible interview some ay them. (Well, we never actually told the others when we were going to Edinburgh. So Tuesday, after our meeting with Ellen we can tell them that some inspectors are coming and it would be best if Mary Beth and I weren't here. We'll tell them the trip to Edinburgh was pushed up and we're leaving Wednesday morning, which we are. Then on Thursday the so called inspectors show up, attend some of the classes, ask questions, have some pictures that they compare against the rest of the Black Sheep, possible interview some of them)." I explained, in much more detail.

"Humm, that's pretty elaborate for a hoax. But, I think I know a few people that would enjoy taking part in such an elaborate ruse. What pictures are you talking about?"

"Frae Marry Beth’s birthday ceilidh, lest year. Mah mammy took lost ay picters. Aam sure she’d coods gie some fur th’ inspectors tae flash around. Ay coorse, Ah was wearin’ th’ broon wig an’ we waur baith in fancy ceilidh dresses. An’ wi’ us gein’ gain, nobody haur will swatch loch th’ burds in th’ picters. As lang as th’ inspectors ask th’ reit questions, a’ fowk can answer honestly. (From Mary Beth's birthday party, last year. My mother took lots of pictures. I'm sure she could get some for the inspectors to flash around. Of course, I was wearing the brown wig and we were both in fancy party dresses. And with us being gone, nobody here will look like the girls in the pictures. As long as the inspectors ask the right questions, everyone can answer honesty.)"

"Whit dae ye pure techt, th’ reit questions?" Mary Beth asked.

"Weel, if they ask th’ question ‘aur th’ onie other ten year-auld students oan campus? A’ folk can honesty answer nae, coz we wooldnae be oan campus when th’ question is speart, (Well, if they ask the question 'Are the any other ten year-old students on campus?' Everyone can honesty answer no, because we wouldn't be on campus when the question is asked,)" I explained.

"Och, Ah kin. It's loch when Ellen hud me dreich yer clase in th’ jawbox?" (Oh, I understand. It’s like when Ellen had me wet your clothes in the sink?) Mary Beth exclaimed.

"Ah! That’s it, noo ye kin." (Yes! That’s it, now you understand.) I replied.

"Now I'm confused, when did you wet Matilda's clothes in a sink and what did Ellen have to do with it?" Mr. Peterson asked.

Between the two of us we related the events that took place, on the first day that I started to impersonate Sally.

Once enlightened, Mr. Peterson continued, "Now I understand, both what Ellen was teaching you then and what you mean now, by asking the right questions. How many inspectors were you thinking of, Matilda?"

"Hoo mony warld th’ Board ay Education usually send, fur an inspection ay a skale thes size?" I questioned.

"The one and only time we've had an inspection by the Board of Education, they sent a team of three," he replied.

"Three it is," Mary Beth stated, with a smile.

"Was th’ inspection team haur a body ur tois days?" I asked.

"They were here for two days. We put them up in the four room suite that you occupied while Sally was with us." Came the reply, along with some additional information.

We spent another fifteen to twenty minutes talking about the trip to Edinburgh. Then we rushed to the cafeteria for a quick lunch before running to our next class. After dinner, we were all gathered in the year lounge and everyone wanted to know about today's meeting with Mr. Peterson.

While trying to look nervous, we informed everyone that the inspection teams had concluded their search of the private ALL girl schools in the area. About a third of our friends rejoiced, proclaiming that because the search was over we could all relax. That was when I dropped the next bomb. As calmly as I could, and while fighting to keep a straight face, I informed them that the search had been expanded to include all of the private co-ed schools. The joyous mood disappeared as fast as a snowball would disappear on a Phoenix sidewalk in August.

February 15, 2005

"Good evening Ellen," Mary Beth said, after we were granted permission to enter her office.

"Good evening ladies," Ellen replied. She was already seated in her overstuffed chair, awaiting our arrival.

"So, what's the latest unsubstantiated information on the search for two girls who are not missing?" I inquired.

"That's what I would like to know," Ellen replied, cheerfully. "Being that you two are the source of the unsubstantiated information, I'd like you to fill me in on the latest from the rumor mill."

Mary Beth giggled as she asked, "But, for a student to teach a teacher is presumptuous and rude."

It was quiet for a few moments, as Ellen leaned forward and regarded Mary Beth with a look that told us we might be in trouble. Without changing her expression, Ellen said, "I didn't know that Willy Wonka was in the school’s library of movies."

It was after she'd surprised us with her response that Ellen sat back in her chair, with a smile on her face.

It only took me a moment to realize Ellen had been pulling our leg. I quickly stated, "It isn't. Mary Beth has seen it and gave a brief synopses when we were discussing future movies, for movie night, with the rest of our classmates. We wondered if it could be added to the available movies."

"That's something to think about," Ellen replied. "Which version were you thinking about, the older one with Gene Wilder, or the more recent remake with Johnny Depp?"

"There’s a version with Johnny Depp?" Mary Beth asked.

"That answers that question. I'll try to get the 1967 version, it was the better of the two, in my opinion. I think the Black Sheep will enjoy it. Now, back to the question of the latest rumors, would you please fill me in, so I know how to reply to questions from the other students?"

We filled Ellen in on the discussion we'd had with Mr. Peterson, including the arrangements for the supposed inspection by some pretend Board of Education members. Just to add a little spice to the charade, Ellen agreed to meet with the Black Sheep, sometime Wednesday, to help them learn the art of answering a question, without lying, or giving away too much information. Ellen also agreed to talk with Beca and Lizy, so there wouldn't be any confusion or anxiety, when the inspection team showed up, Thursday morning.

"The Marshals are coming, so MayBee and I are getting out of Dodge!" I announced, once all the Black Sheep had gathered in the year A lounge.

"What do you mean 'The Marshals are coming'?" Niki asked.

"She means that the inspectors from the Board of Education are coming here," Mary Beth explained. "They called Mr. Peterson this afternoon, announcing their arrival on Thursday morning."

"And, 'Getting out of Dodge' means?" Misa asked.

"It means we're leaving for Edinburgh early tomorrow morning, like 1:00 am early, instead of sometime in mid-March," I elaborated, giving a little more misdirection information.

"But, you couldn't have learned to speak Scottish yet, it's only been two weeks since you started learning it," Howard stated.

"You're right, Howard. Two weeks is just enough time to get a start at a new language," Mary Beth agreed.

"So what are ya going to do?" asked George.

"Well, the idea wasn't for us to pass as natives, speaking fluently. Rather, we're supposed to understand enough of what's being said if or when someone is trying to converse behind our backs, thinking we don't understand them," I elaborated.

"But, it's still only been two weeks. How much could you have learned in that time?" Wally asked.

"About two weeks’ worth," Mary Beth sarcastically replied.

"We'll just have to do our best," I replied.

Knowing that we had to be awake and ready to leave by 1:00am, Mary Beth and I didn't stay and visit with the Black Sheep for very long. We also skipped out on our regular visit with Ellen. We had a short visit with Rachael earlier in the day and skipped choir practice that evening.

"What clothes should we take?" Mary Beth asked, as we went up to our rooms.

"For the day that we're checking out the new PDA's, I think we should wear our school uniforms. After all, we are representing the school. The rest of time, I suppose we can wear whatever we want."

"With the white knee-high?"

"I'm sure it'll be cold. I think the heavy white tights would be a better choice."


"Those suitcases aren't very big," Mary Beth complained, once we saw them.

"If we fold everything neatly we should be able to packed three sets of clothes, stockings, underwear, and something to sleep in."

"Three sets of clothes?"

"Sure. We'll wear one outfit for the first two days, while traveling. Our uniform on Friday, at the manufacture. A different outfit for the two days traveling back. And one more outfit, just in case of something unexpected."

"It's going to be a tight fit in those bags."

"Well do the best you can." I said, as Mary Beth went to pack her suitcase.

As we were discussing what to pack, I had been mentally arguing with myself. I was trying to decide which form of protection to pack. In the end I concluded that, where I may not like them, the crinkly pull-ups would provide better protection if I couldn't guaranty finding a restroom whenever I needed one. Reluctantly, I went to my closest to get a supply of the pull-ups I'd been using. When I entered my closest, I was surprised to find something new on top of the dresser drawers. Sitting in plain sight was a colorful package of Girls, Under Jams with an envelope on top. I smiled as I read the note.


Knowing that restroom locations may be uncertain while traveling and your dislike for the audibly detectable protection you had been using, I procured these for your use. According to reports they are quiet and undetectable under normal clothing.

Enjoy your trip.


I opened the package and examined one of the Under Jams and I was very pleased. They didn't crinkle or make any noise when I flexed and twisted them. I could tell they weren’t cloth but I'd say they were the next best thing. I grabbed a nightgown went into the bathroom. I undressed and dropped everything down the laundry chute. Then I pulled up the Under Jams, they weren't quiet as snug as the panties, but it felt like they should keep things in place. I guess that when I needed more protection than the pads offered, these will be quiet acceptable. Slipping on my nightgown and brushed my teeth before returning to my closest. There I picked up the package of Under Jams and went out to my bed where I emptied the package into my little suitcase. After a little organization I went after the rest of the clothes that I needed to pack. I managed to get everything in except for my black Mary Janes. About that time Mary Beth came in with her suitcase.

"All packed," she declared, as she set her suitcase by the door.

She came back to where I was trying to create space for my shoes, where there wasn't any. Curiously she picked up the empty Under Jams package. "What's this?"

"Something new that Ellen left for me."

"What, no more white, diaper looking things?"

"Well, they're still in my closest and I'll consider wearing one from time to time just to make you happy, but only because you think I look cute in them. However, Ellen thought these would be better for me when we're traveling and I agree, comfortable and no noise."

"Oh, so you've got one on do you? Let's see then."

I knew what she was suggesting and I was only too happy to disappoint her. Moving aside some clothes, I pulled one of the Under Jams out of my suitcase and offered it to her.

"You're not going to model them for me?" she asked.

"As soon as you start modeling your panties for me," I replied, matter of factly.

"Humm, okay, point made," smiling, she took the Under Jams from my hand. She looked them over and asked, "Are they comfortable?"

"They feel a little different from what I normally wear, but not in an uncomfortable way. They'll take just a little getting used to and then I probably won't notice the difference. Not at all like those white pull-ups I had to wear as Sally. I never got used to those."

"Well, as long as you don't get depressed and mopey on me; like you did before."

"Nope, no more mopey, grumpy, Munchkin here."

"That's good to hear. I'm going to get ready for bed. Back in a minute."

After Mary Beth had slipped through the door, I noticed that the she'd taken the Under Jams with her.

'Could it really be true, does Mary Beth have a hidden secret?'

It didn't matter how I arranged things, I just couldn't get the shoes into the suitcase and have it close properly. Then I remembered the pockets on the front. Quickly I folded everything back and pulled four of the Under Jams out, putting the shoes in the open hole. At last, the suitcase sipped closed and everything looked good. Then I put the four Under Jams and the wet-wipes, in the large front pocket, where it would be easy to get to them when needed. Lastly, the toothbrush in its plastic tube, the little tube of toothpaste, and brush, went into the small front pocket.

"You know, they are kind of snug," Mary Beth said, as she came back.

"I'll bet they're snug on you," I giggled. "They're only four sizes too small. You know, you can be really nutty sometimes."

"Yes, but you still love me."

"And I always will."

I set the alarm, we said our prayers, and we climbed into bed. With the prospect of getting only five hours sleep, I decided to talk about the possibility of Mary Beth hiding a secret for another day.

February 16, 2005, Barely.

This is another first, for this mixed up Munchkin, getting up at midnight is really strange. We’d gone to sleep at midnight a few times, but getting up at midnight isn't something I want to do on a regular basis. We managed to shower, dress, and find our way to the administration building, before 1:00 am, without falling down or freezing. We even managed a side trip, past the cafeteria for some fruit, which we called breakfast and would eat in the car.

We were a little surprised when we arrived in the, administration building, lobby. We expected to find RJ waiting for us, but we didn't expect to see Miss Adams.

"Good night RJ. Good night Miss Adams," I greeted.

"Good night?" Miss Adams asked.

"Well, it's way too early to be a good morning and it is practically the middle of the night," I explained.

Both RJ and Miss Adams chuckled, as Miss Adams replied, "I see your point. And a good night to both of you."

RJ quickly exchanged our standard PDA's for a couple of travel PDA's. Then we were off to the freezing parking lot, where our chariot waited. I don't know when RJ got up, but the car had been running for a while and was toasty warm inside.

I remember eating a banana and I remember waking up with my head on Mary Beth's lap, in the airport parking lot. The rest of the trip was a complete blank. After getting our suitcases out of the trunk, we walked to a lighted, transparent, shelter. There we waited for a bus to take us to the terminal. At least it wasn't as cold in the shelter as it was at the Manor.

I vividly remember the bus ride to the terminal, every bump and turn and stop changed the pressure on my bladder. I put up a valiant fight against the forces at play. I'd like to say I was victorious in my battle. I'd really like to say I was victorious, but I'd be lying. We'd just left the parking lot, heading for the terminal, when Mother Nature won and I lost.

Mary Beth must have been watching me, because shortly after I lost the battle of will verse weak muscles she learned over and whispered, "I'm sorry."

I turned to her and whispered, "Thanks. Stay close behind me, I don't know if I'm leaking."

"Of course I will," she whispered.

We sat quietly as the bus pulled up to the first terminal. As we were pulling up to the second terminal RJ indicated this was where we needed to get off. True to her word Mary Beth stayed close. At one point she slowed down, dropping back about ten to fifteen feet.

"Don't dawdle, Mary Beth," Miss Adams said when she noticed.

"Yes ma'am," Mary Beth replied, as she quickly caught up. Leaning down she whispered, "No sign of leaks."

"Thank goodness," I replied, with a sigh of relief.

A little farther down the walkway I noticed a sign for a family restroom. From past experience, I knew that a family restroom would have one toilet, a sink, a baby changing station, and a lockable door.

As we approached the restroom I called out, "Miss Adams?"

"Yes Matilda."

"I need to stop in here for a few minutes."

"Now, Matilda?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Very well, Matilda. We'll wait here. RJ hold up a minute."

I entered the restroom and locked the door. Setting my suitcase by the door, I folded down the baby changing station to lay my coat over. Stripping from the waist down, I quickly cleaned up and pulled on a fresh pair of Under Jams. Dry again I dressed and exited to join the others.

"Ready to go?" Miss Adams asked.

I could feel myself blushing as I nodded.

Miss Adams knelt down and took my free hand, "There's no need to be embarrassed, Matilda. Ellen briefed RJ and myself. What you had to go through, helping Sally and her family, was very courageous. No one here will think badly of you or do anything to embarrass you. You're very special to all of us. You let me know if you need anything."

I smiled and nodded again. I was still a little embarrassed that they knew about my problem. At the same time I was relieved to know that I had friends that were looking out for me.

RJ had gotten our boarding passes while I was changing. Being that we weren't checking any luggage, we headed for the security checkpoint.

"Everything okay in the restroom?" Mary Beth whispered in my ear, as we waited in line.

Considering the subject Mary Beth brought up, I kept my reply to a barely audible whisper as well, "Well, I'm down one and I think I messed up by wearing tights."

"What's wrong with the tights? Didn't they keep your legs warm?"

"Oh, they did a great job of keeping me warm. The problem is that when I have to change the Under Jams, I have to strip off everything from the waist down."

"Oh, now I see why you went for the family restroom. It would be really embarrassing, changing like that in a little stall, in a very public restroom, even for me. By the way, you're down two. I hope me playing around with one of the Under Jams, last night, doesn't make you run short."

"I don't think I'll run short. We're only going to be gone five days and there were fifteen in the package. At school I've only been using one of the pads, so as long as there are restrooms close by I should be fine."

"Well, we'll be in airports and airplanes for the next two days, so there should always be something close by."

I nodded my agreement, as we reached the front of the line.

What fun security is; check the boarding pass against your photo I'D and the individual, suitcase on the conveyor, toothpaste perfume PDA and shoes in one plastic tub, coat in another tub, walk through the archway and hope the alarm doesn't go off. Collect everything at the other end, hoping they don't want to search your bag.

We were a little early so we stopped and got some breakfast sandwiches and OJ at one of the food vendors that dotted the concourse. We had a few minutes to spare when we arrived at the gate, so we took some time to eat and relax before boarding.

Mary Beth was getting really excited as they started boarding our flight. Of course there was the usual boarding announcements over the PA.

"First we'd like to board families with small children along with anyone that needs special help."

A few minutes later we hear;

"Thank you for your patience. Now we'd like to board our first class passengers."

"That's us," RJ said, as he started for the boarding gate.

Mary Beth jumped to get right behind RJ. "Were flying first class, Munchkin. Isn't that great?"

"Yeah, just great," I replied, with just a bit of sarcasm in my voice. As I followed Mary Beth.

RJ had reached the gate and handed over his boarding pass as well as mine and Mary Beth's. The ticket agent looked at the three passes and the three of us. Smiling he ran them through a scanner and handed them back to RJ. "Enjoy your flight ladies."

Mary Beth giggled.

I smiled and said, "Thank you."

"You don't sound very excited to be in first class, Matilda," Miss Adams stated, as she followed behind me, down the companionway.

"Remember, I've flown first class before. I'm not looking forward to sitting in a booster for the next four and a half hours."

"Yes, I remember that trip. I'm not sure you'll have to use a booster seat, this is a different airline and a different airplane. I'm sure the flight attendants will be able to think of something, we'll just do what we can do to make this trip more comfortable."

As we entered the aircraft, RJ went down the aisle and slipped into the second row, on the starboard side. Talking to Mary Beth and me, RJ said, "You two are in the next row."

I slipped into the next row, followed by Mary Beth. Almost before I had a chance to breath, let alone sit down, Mary Beth was pulling on my shoulder pointing out the window. "Look how they're loading the rest of the luggage."

"Yeah," I eloquently replied. "Sort of like gorillas playing with blocks. I'm glad we didn't need anything bigger than these little suitcases, with changing planes twice; there's no guaranty that we and our luggage would end up in the same place."

"Oh, Matilda, can I sit by the window? Humm. Please?"

"Sure, I've seen clouds before."


"That's right, clouds. Once we're in the air all we'll see are clouds and blue skies."

"That's okay, I'd still like to sit next to the window."

"It's no problem, the window seat is all yours," I said with a smile, as we changed places.

Then Mary Beth gave me a big hug and she sat down. As for me, I slid my suitcase under the seat in front of me. Then I proceeded with a little used maneuver consisting of a hop, grab, and pull, as I climbed into my seat.

I nervously sat back, quietly watching the long line of passengers walk past me. I made eye contact with some, with others I avoided eye contact. In general I was assessing the threat level of each one as they passed by. My survival instincts were on high alert, as I pushed myself as far away from the flow of traffic as possible, some habits are hard to break.

After all the other passengers had gone past, I calmed down and started thinking about my seatbelt question. Looking along each side of my seat, I pulled out the seatbelts and inserted the tab into the buckle. I pulled on the loose end until my munchkin size muscles cried enough. Sadly I was able to slide forward about six inches.

Sliding back I cried out for help, "Mary Beth, can you get this seatbelt any tighter?"

She reached over with both hands and pulled hard, "That's it, Munchkin. I can't get it any tighter."

"Thanks." I replied, as I stroked the seatbelt. "It’s as tight as a guitar string." Sliding forward I was still able to move five to six inches. "But it's still too big for me. This really sucks."

"It’s just a lit loose, what's the problem?" Mary Beth asked.

"The problem is, that because it’s so loose they'll treat me like a little kid and put me in a booster seat. I sure hope Dr. Harris can figure out why I'm not growing and fix it so I can."

I guess Miss Adams heard me talking to Mary Beth, because she went up front and talked with one of the flight attendants. Miss Adams came back and sat down and the flight attendant went back into the coach section of the aircraft.

Mary Beth was still standing, looking out the window. "They've finished with the luggage out there. Hey, that ramp has its own motor, a guy just got on and drove it away like a long go-cart. That looks like fun, but those earmuffs would sure wreck a girl’s hairdo."

Just then the flight attendant appeared next to my seat. "Miss," She was looking at Mary Beth. "You need take your seat and put your seatbelt on."

Mary Beth quickly sat down and started fumbling with her seatbelt.

"Excuse me Miss." The flight attendant was definitely looking at me this time. "It appears that you're not being properly restrained by that seatbelt." 'I knew what was coming next, the talk about needing the booster seat. "Company policy says that we have to put you in a booster seat, for your safety. Unfortunately, we don't have one on board at the moment. By the time we contact maintenance, get a seat brought over, move the companionway back to the plane, and get you situated, it could delay the flight almost an hour. Instead of delaying the flight, I was wondering if you would do me a favor."

I smiled as I replied, "Forget about the booster, but say I had one if anyone asks?"

"Oh, we couldn't do that, like I said, the booster is for your safety. What I was thinking is, the seats in coach are a little smaller and I think they'll fit you a little better while keeping you safely restrained. So, with your consent of course, I'd like to escort you to a seat in coach while we take off. Once they turn off the ‘Seatbelts’ sign I'll come get you and escort you back up here."

"No booster seat?" I quietly asked.

"No booster seat," she confirmed, with a smile.

"Do you have two seats together, so my friend can come with me? It's her first time in an airplane."

"I'm afraid we're pretty full today. I didn't see two empty seats together."

Turning to Mary Beth I asked, "Will you be okay by yourself?"

"I think I'll be okay, by myself, for twenty minutes." she replied.

"You sure? I'll stay here if you want me to."

"That's our Munchkin, thinking of others before herself," Miss Adams said, as she turned back to face us. "Go on, Matilda, take the seat where you'll be comfortable. I'll sit with Mary Beth during the takeoff."

"If you're sure," I replied, as I reached for the seatbelt buckle. "Umm, I think I'm going to need a little help here. We got it so tight, I can't get the buckle to release."

There was some giggling all around as the flight attendant gave the buckle a firm pull, freeing me.

"Thanks," I said politely, as I slid out of the seat.

I followed the flight attendant towards the back of the airplane, about ten rows before she stopped. "Excuse me ladies," she spoke to two elderly ladies, with an empty seat between them.

"Is there a problem," the lady sitting next to the aisle asked.

"Not a problem, just a small favor. It seems this young lady is a bit small for the seatbelts in first class and I was wondering if you two would keep her company during our takeoff?"

They both took a look at me and smiled. "We'd be happy to," they both replied.

"Thank you," I replied.

The lady on the aisle moved her feet so I could slide past. Smoothing my skirt down, I sat on the edge of the seat. Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted and moving backwards.

"There you are, all settled in," said the lady on my left, as she fished out half of my seatbelt. She appeared to be well over sixty years of age.

"Yes, we know how troublesome it can be, sliding backwards in such a lovely skirt," the lady on my right explained, fishing out the other half of the seatbelt. She also appeared to be over sixty years of age. "By the way, I'm Margaret Baldwinn."

"Oh yes, and my name is Eleonore Baldwinn. Most folks call me Ellie."

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Eleonore, Miss Margaret. My name is Matilda."

"Oh my, so formal for such a young lady, Miss Eleonore and Miss Margaret. When was the last time we were addressed so formally, Margie?"

"Oh my, let me think - I believe it was when Walter and Joseph went to daddy, to ask for our hands in marriage. Do you remember sister?" Miss Margaret replied.

"Oh my, that was so long ago, sister, but I do remember. Daddy was on the back porch, in that old wicker chair."

"And he had his hunting rifle across his lap. Joseph and Walter were so nervous they wouldn't go up on the porch."

"That's right, they stood just beyond the azaleas. They had their hats in their hands and they was shaking like autumn leaves about to fall from the old maple tree."

"And when they finally asked daddy if they could marry us, daddy didn’t say a thing. He slowly raised his gun and pointed it right between those two fellas."

"They both looked so silly, scrambling around on the ground as daddy reached for the trigger."

"Oh my yes. Two fellas down and daddy only fired one shot."

"It was a pity, I never saw Joseph again and he was such a cute fella," Miss Eleonore bemoaned.

"I ran into Walter about six months later. I tried to explain that daddy wasn't shooting at them, but he just wouldn't let me get close enough to say much."

"There was one good thing that came from all that excitement; that old fox never raided the hen house again."

"Now just how was that fox supposed to raid the hen house after daddy made a hat out of his hide?"

"Well, he never did."

"Oh sister, I just don't believe some of the things you say," Miss Margaret said, shaking her head.

Just then the jet engines roared and we started our takeoff roll. I'd been so involved in the tale, the sisters were telling, I hadn't noticed that we had moved to the runway.

After we were airborne, Miss Eleonore asked, "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, Matilda?"

"I'm afraid there isn't much to tell," I replied, while trying to decide what I can tell them and what I can't. "My name is Matilda McNeill and I'm ten years old."

Miss Margaret interrupted me, "Excuse me, Matilda, but aren't you stretching the truth just a bit?"

"I'd say more than a bit sister. She can't be more than six or seven years old," Miss Eleonore added.

Growling, I jumped in quickly to redirect the conversation, "I assure you, I am ten years old. The fact that I stopped growing just before my eighth birthday has caused me no end of grief. There were several bullies at my old school who felt they're sole purpose in life was to tease and torment me, because of my size."

"Oh, you poor dear," Miss Eleonore interrupted.

"However did you manage to study with that going on?" Margaret inquired.

"Fortunately for me, I was able to change schools. My new school is fantastic. Nobody bullies me. Everyone their respects one another. The schools doctor is trying to figure out why I'm not growing. And the staff really care about each student, we aren't just processed through the school system."

"Oh, that's wonderful that you've found people who care about you, isn't that right sister?" Miss Eleonore asked.

"Yes indeed sister. A proper education with proper educators who care, that's essential for young children, these days."

"Tell us more about this wonderful school of yours," Miss Eleonore prodded.

"Let's see, they teach all the usual things, mathematics, English, science, geography, and computers. Then there's the music and theatrical stuff."

"What sort of music, not the horrible noise that comes out of the radios these days, is it?" Miss Margaret inquired, with an air of distaste.

"Oh no, our choir director wouldn't let us sing or play anything like that."

"A choir, how nice. What sort of music do you sing?"

"Me? Oh, I don't sing. If I even think about singing, everyone else would run for some ear plugs." I giggled at the slight exaggeration. "There's something wrong with my ears, I don't hear tones correctly. So when I try to match a tone with someone else, my voice is way off. I actually play the Glockenspiel in the orchestra."

"You don't hear correctly, but you play the Glockenspiel. How can you play if you can't here the tones?" Miss Margaret wanted to know.

"My sense of timing is very precise and for the Glockenspiel each note represents a specific bar. So I just have to hit the right bar at the right time. It sounds funny to me, but it's what I'm used to hearing. So I just strike the right bars, at the right time, and it will sound like music to everyone else."

"That is one of the strangest things I've heard, tone deaf but plays the Glockenspiel," Miss Margaret admitted, while shaking her head.

"I can do you one better. I've seen a video of a young lady that plays the Xylophone with her shoes off," I told them.

"Why would she play with her shoes off?" Miss Eleonore asked.

"Because she's deaf. She feels the music through her feet and she plays wonderfully."

"Now I know you're fibbing," Miss Margaret commented.

"Not at all. Her name is Evelyn Glennie. Like I said, I've only see the one video, but it did show her playing with her stockings on, but no shoes."

"Evelyn Glennie, I'll have to watch for her. And where would we go to see you perform?" Miss Margaret asked.

"I really couldn't say. We're a small school and we don't perform outside the school, very often. Not to mention that, as students we don't know when or where we'll be performing until a few weeks beforehand."

'This is getting a little too close to home. What should I say if they ask the name of the school? I wish I could use my PDA to contact RJ.'

Just then my salvation appeared, in the form of my friendly flight attendant. "Have you been behaving yourself, Matilda?"

"Oh my yes," Miss Eleonore replied.

"She's a wonderful traveling companion," Miss Margaret added.

"That's good to hear. Are you ready to rejoin your friends, in first class?" the flight attendant asked.

"Yes ma'am," I replied, as I un-hooked my seatbelt and slid forward. "It has been a pleasure meeting both of you and I look forward to visiting with you before we land."

Mary Beth was looking out the window as I stepped from the aisle to stand between the seats. Quietly, I slipped up behind her, and asked, "Anything interesting out there?"

"AAAAHH. Oh Matilda, it's you. What do you think you're doing, scaring me like that?"

"I didn't know I was scary, a little strange I'll admit, but I wouldn't say I’m scary looking. I was just wondering what you're looking at."

"Oh, you nut. You may not be scary, but you can still scare people. Anyway, doesn't that cloud look like a dragon?"

"Which cloud?" I asked, slipping between Mary Beth's legs and the back of RJ's seat.

"That one, straight out and to the left," she pointed. "See, there's the head with pointed ears, and there's the open mouth with jagged teeth."

I looked at the cloud formation Mary Beth was pointing to; it took me a few moments to adjust my thinking. Slowly, the dragonhead came into focus. "Okay, now I see it. Fortunately, there's something missing."

"What's that?"

"The rest of the dragon. That's a pretty big head, if the rest of the dragon was out there it would be enormous, almost big enough to eat this plane."

Mary Beth looked at me strangely, like she was trying to figure out if I was serious or not. Me, I fought hard to keep a straight face so she'd think I was serious.

"You do know that dragons are mythical, they don't really exist, right?" Mary Beth asked.

"They don't?" I asked, as seriously as I could.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my Matilda?"

I cocked my head a little to the right, and asked "What's a Matilda?"

Mary Beth pushed herself as far back into her seat as she could, while saying, "RJ, Miss Adams, I think we have a problem."

RJ looked back at us and ask, "Matilda, are you doing you’re captured by aliens routine again?"

I slowly turned to look at RJ, "You just don't know how to play along."

Suddenly a pillow collided with the back of my head, causing me to lose my balance, slightly.

"Now Mary Beth, no violence," Miss Adams scolded, while giggling at our antics.

I snatched the pillow off the floor and with my arm cocked, I turned to face Mary Beth. Miss Adams called my name a fraction of a second before the pillow went flying. The pillow landed in my seat, as I looked at Mary Beth with an evil grin.

"That gives me one free shot next time the pillows are flying," I said, as I climbed into my seat, sitting on the pillow.

"But only one," Mary Beth replied, with a smile.

"I thought you two were going to behave yourselves?" RJ asked.

"We are behaving ourselves," Mary Beth stated.

"After all, we didn't bring our slingshots or our squirt guns," I added.

"You don't have any slingshots or squirt guns," RJ said.

"That's why we didn't bring them," Mary Beth replied.

Turning to Mary Beth, I asked, "You did pack the water balloons didn't you, for tomorrow night at the hotel?"

"Two dozen." Mary Beth said, proudly.

RJ was looking a little flustered and was starting to turn red. "All right you two -"

Miss Adams interrupted RJ by placing her hand on his arm. "You don't see these two together very often, do you, RJ?"

"No, but what's -"

"It's just the way they are, just two friends having fun."

"They're like this all the time?" RJ asked.

Mary Beth quickly replied, "No."

"Only when were awake," I added.

"And not in class," Mary Beth finished.

"Yes, well, you've had your fun, now it's time to get serious," Miss Adams said. "Your lessons for the three days that you'll be missing have been loaded onto your PDA's. We have about three and a half hours before we land in Philadelphia. Let's see how much you can accomplish?"

"So much for a break," Mary Beth moaned.

"RJ, are there twelve volt power jacks in first class, so we can plug in the travel chargers?" I asked.

"I'll find out. For now, just work until the low battery alarm flashes. Just remember to shut down the Wi-Fi, airline rules, no transmitters. We have a two hour layover in Philadelphia, we should be able to plug in the standard chargers there."

"How do I shut down the Wi-Fi?" Mary Beth asked.

I smiled and held out my hand to Mary Beth, "Just power it up and hand it to me."

It took just a couple of keystrokes and I handed the PDA back to Mary Beth. The same keystrokes on my PDA and I was ready to dig into today's lessons.

Three hours later and I had completed just over half of my work, plus helped Mary Beth with hers. Guessing when my escort would arrive, I made one last restroom run before landing. Then I had a quiet talk with RJ. I explained about the Baldwinn ladies and the conversation we'd had. Then I asked him, what do we say if someone asks the name of the school.

"Just refer to the school as, The Manor. If they question further, you can say it's a school for gifted students," RJ replied.

"Does that mean I'm gifted?" Mary Beth asked.

"Of course it does. Everyone is gifted in one way or another," Miss Adams replied, with a smile.

"And, you'd have to be gifted to put up with me for all these years," I added.

"That may be true, Munchkin, but I don't think most people consider insanity a gift," Mary Beth teased."

"OH, so you're saying a person would have to be insane to put up with me?" I exclaimed, obviously trying to sound hurt.

"It's more like my families motto; you don't have to be crazy to live here, but it helps," Mary Beth replied. That had all of us giggling.

Right on time, my friendly Flight Attendant appeared, almost out of thin air. "Are you ready to go back to your other seat?" she kindly asked.

"Sure. Are you going to come and get me after we land?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to, the aisle will be too crowded. I'm sure your friends wouldn't mind waiting for you, right here. We'll just ask those nice ladies to escort you this far. After all, they'll be walking right past here anyway."

"That works for me. Everyone okay with that plan?"

Everyone agreed, so I pocketed my PDA and off we went, I wondered what the sisters would talk about this time.

"Well, there's our young traveling companion," Miss Eleonore said, with a smile.

I quickly slipped past Miss Margaret and smoothed down my skirt before sitting on the edge of the seat. Once again I was lifted and moved back.

"And our newest friend, perhaps our youngest friend." Miss Margaret added, as she fumbled with one half of the seatbelt.

"What about little Pricilla Walker, isn't she younger than Matilda?" Miss Eleonore asked, as she pulled out the other half of the seatbelt.

"Pricilla grew up years ago, sister. She has two children of her own," Miss Margaret stated, as she fastened the seatbelt.

"Oh my. Well what about Sue Anne Pickering, she's only eight," Miss Eleonore professed.

"Eight plus ten, sister. She's graduating from high school in June," Miss Margaret corrected.

"Really, are you sure? Well, what about that little girl that bought Uncle Edward's company. She is only a little older than Matilda," Miss Eleonore proudly pronounced.

"You're right about one thing Sister, Miss Drake was fourteen when she bought Uncle Edward's company, but that was more than thirty years ago, Sister," Miss Margaret again corrected.

"Oh my, where have the years gone Sister? Margie, is it possible that we are getting old?"

"Of course not, sister. We passed old quite some time ago. I think we're approaching ancient,"

Through the entire exchange I was softly giggling.

"Matilda, you think it's amusing to grow old," Miss Margaret asked.

"My apologies Miss Margaret, Miss Eleonore. I was not giggling because of the number of times you've journeyed around the sun. I was giggling because you remind me of myself and my friend Mary Beth."

"Oh my, sister. I like the way she said that, didn't you?" Miss Eleonore asked.

"The way she said what?" Miss Margaret asked.

"She didn't say we were old. She said we've been traveling a lot," Miss Eleonore explained.

"But we are old, sister," Miss Margaret stated.

"No we've just traveled around the sun quite a few times," Miss Eleonore said.

"Sister, the earth travels around the sun, and it takes a year to make the journey," Miss Margaret explained.

"Which makes the earth old, not us. We just went along for the ride," Miss Eleonore declared.

"Oh, sister, you're just impossible," Miss Margaret exasperatedly sighed.

As the planes wheels came in contact with ground and we started slowing down, I cheerfully stated, "Touch down! That make four times I've been in a plane, four successful take offs and successful four landings. I think it's kind of nice when the number take offs and landings equal each other."

"Of course they equal each other. They have to equal each other, Matilda," Miss Margaret said.

"You know what they say, what goes up, must come down," Miss Eleonore added.

"Naturally, but it's the way they come down, that's the question. I did say successful landing, which implies that everyone happily arrived at the airport terminal. An unsuccessful landing would include smoke, fire, things breaking, and very unpleasant circumstances for all."

"Good heavens child, where do such strange thoughts come from?" Miss Margaret asked.

Miss Eleonore looked at me like I'd suddenly sprouted a second head.

"I'm sorry. When I was being bullied daily, not only was I on the constant look out for an escape route or location to hide, I was constantly thinking about what would happen if I didn't get away or hide."

"Oh my, how positively dreadful. That's no way for a child to live," Miss Eleonore exclaimed.

"Certainly, you don't have to constantly be on your guard anymore?" Miss Margaret asked.

"No, no I don't, but old habits are hard to break."

"Well now, knowing what some of my habits are, I would tend to agree with you, Matilda," Miss Margaret said, slowly nodding her head. "Perhaps, rather than trying to break our old habits, we should work on developing new habits."

"Humm, new habits, like helping others or helping people who can't help themselves?" I asked.

"Yes, something along those lines I imagine would be considered a good habit," Miss Eleonore agreed.

As the activities of last four months flashed across my mind, I said, "I think I'm well on my way to making it a habit."

"Wonderful, let's make a toast, to new habits," Miss Margaret exclaimed.

"But sister, we don't have anything to make a toast with," Miss Eleonore reminded her sister.

"Oh, you're right. Oh well, to new habits and new friends," Miss Margaret said, raising an imaginary glass.

Miss Eleonore and I raised our imaginary glasses and chorused, "To new habits and new friends."

The plane made a little jerk as it came to a sudden, but not unexpected, stop. Looking out the tiny window we could see the companionway being extended. It was a moment later that the Fasten Seatbelt signs were turned off.

Miss Margaret stood, reaching into the overhead compartment she extracted a large wheeled carry-on bag, which she passed to Miss Eleonore. She then extracted a second wheeled carry-on bag, which she set on the floor next to her. As the passengers were exiting the plane, row by row, our turn to move into the aisle quickly approached.

Miss Margaret looked at Miss Eleonore and asked, "Are you ready sister?"

"Ready." Came the reply.

"Are you ready Matilda?"

"Ready, willing, and able," I replied.

Smiling, Miss Margaret said, "To OZ?"

To which Miss Eleonore replied, "To OZ."

Of course I started laughing.

"Just what seems to be so funny?" Miss Margaret demanded.

I shook my head and motioned for them to move into the aisle, when it was our turn. Both the sisters looked at me strangely, but a moment later Miss Margaret moved into and started up the aisle. I followed, still laughing, but not so boisterously. Miss Eleonore followed after, still with a look of concern.

As we passed the little wall that separated first class from coach, I saw Mary Beth, RJ, and Miss Adams waiting. They were standing and when Miss Adams saw me I heard her say, "There's our missing Munchkin!"

Miss Margaret looked back at me and asked, "Munchkin?"

A moment later I heard Miss Eleonore ask "Munchkin?"

Cheerfully I replied "Munchkin."

"Well, I guess that explains your laughing a little while ago," Miss Margaret said, as she let Miss Adams go in front of her.

Mary Beth handed me my bag and got in line behind me and asked, "So these are the ladies you were sitting with?"

"But of course, we'll do the introductions once we reach the terminal," I replied.

Once the six of us had exited the airplane and made the turn to go up the companionway, Miss Margaret again ask, "Ready?"

Miss Eleonore and I chorused, "Ready."

Followed by Miss Margaret saying, "To OZ."

And we replied, "To OZ."

We couldn't lock arms, due to me being so short and we were each carrying or pulling a bag, but the three of us broke into song.

"Ohhhh, we'rrre off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of OZ. I hear he is a wiz of a wiz if ever a wiz there was . . ." of course I was singing very softly so I wouldn't be heard.

Both Mary Beth and Miss Adams joined in, while RJ abstained. So as we entered the terminal, with the five of us singing, there was some strange looks along with some laughing. It really didn't bother us, because we were having so much fun.

Our song ended and we stated laughing at ourselves. I then did the introductions for our merry little group. Before going our separate ways we exchanged addresses, of course Miss Adams gave them the P.O. Box for the Manor.

We stopped at the first restroom and took some time to freshen up a bit. From there we proceeded from terminal B to terminal E. It was a good thing there was a five hour layover, it took us half an hour to walk through three terminals and two concourses. Not to mention, dodging around the other passengers and motorized carts, as we made our way.

After running a marathon, we found the gate we'd be departing from.

“We’ve got about four hours before they start boarding, and it is about lunch time. What do you say about a nice sit down lunch, before we strap ourselves into that long aluminum cigar, with wings?” RJ asked.

Down the concourse a little farther, was a nice food court where we each managed to find something appealing. After finishing lunch, we went back to the waiting area and found some outlets. RJ pulled out the chargers and we all plugged in our PDA’s. Miss Adams and RJ’s PDA’s, didn’t really need charging, but after crossing the pond, we’d all have to use an adapter on the chargers. While waiting, and with the PDA’s charging, Mary Beth and I took advantage of the time to finish our schoolwork. About ninety minutes before we would depart; two representatives of the Airline showed up at the ticket counter and RJ went to speak with them.

I knew the look on RJ’s face, he wasn’t getting the answers he needed or was happy with. Apparently, with some reluctance, one of the Airline reps picked up the phone and made a call, handing the phone to RJ. After several minutes on the phone, RJ handed the phone back.

After RJ came back and sat down, Miss Adams asked, “Is everything all right?”

“I don’t know yet. We’ll have to wait for the plane to arrive, before I’ll be able to answer that question,” he replied. “I explained that I didn’t like our group being separated, so I asked about the plane we’ll be on from here to London. The folks at the ticket counter didn’t know anything about the seatbelts, so I requested they called the airlines maintenance department. After I explained to the maintenance manager the problem we had on our last flight and asking about this plane, he had to confess that nobody could answer my questions. Eventually he agreed to send someone up to visually inspect the plane.”

Ten minutes later, someone from the airline, wearing a tool belt, arrived at the ticket counter and RJ went to meet him. A few minutes later, they disappeared through the door that led to the concourse. All of the PDA’s had completed their charge cycle, so while RJ was off inspecting the plane I packed up the chargers.

It was about fifteen minutes before the door to the concourse opened and RJ emerged, followed by the gentleman from the airline, with the tool belt. They both went over to see the agent at the ticket counter.

After RJ came back and sat down, Miss Adams again asked, “So, is everything all right?”

“It is now,” RJ said, as he turned towards us. It turns out that, on this plane the seatbelts are adjustable, you just need a couple of wrenches to move them. So with the boarding passes, we were assigned in Salt Lake, we adjusted the seatbelts for Matilda’s seat. You did want the window seat on this flight, didn’t you?”

“Um, sure. The window seat is just fine. RJ, what would have happened if they weren’t adjustable,” I asked.

“Then I would have rebooked all four of us into coach. Who packed up the chargers?” he asked.

“Everything was charged, so I put everything back in your bag,” I replied.

“Very neatly too. Thanks.”

Fifteen minutes later, they opened the door and started boarding the flight.

‘Yes, I’m glad to say that the seatbelt fit perfectly. I wonder what the odds would be of getting the same plane and seat when we come back home, I’m sure Spock would say, astronomical.’

Once the captain had turned off the ‘Seat Belts’ sign, I pulled my nightgown out of my bag and headed for the lavatory.

“What’s this all about?” RJ asked, as I was passing by, in my night gown.

“Well, it’s after six now and it will be after six in the morning when we land, London time. Mary Beth and I plan on sleeping most of the way. We just figured we might as well be as comfortable as possible,” I replied, with a smile.

The flight attendants were serving dinner when I got back to my seat, so Mary Beth waited until she finished her dinner before changing. One of the flight attendants saw our nightgowns and got us a couple of pillows and blankets.

After quietly saying our prayers, we leaned back the seats, loosened our seatbelts so we could lay on our sides, reached across to hold hands, and settled down for a few hours sleep.

* * * To Be Continued * * *
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