Education in the Hills - chapter 26


I've never met him before, who is he?

I would like to thank my dear friends,
Angel O’Hare, Karen Page, Joni W., Annette MacGregor and Holly H Heart
for their kindness, help, support, and input.

Education in the Hills
Chapter 26

By Penny Reed Cardon

Hi MayBee
I don’t think I’m ever going to understand
grown-ups. First they tell me I’m going back home
with Miss Adams. Then they ask me if I want to go
to England with RJ, which I think would be lots of
fun. So answer me this, why am I on a plane
headed for Chicago?

Oh well, I’ll write more later. I have to shut
down now, the plane is about to take off. I'm not
exactly sure when, but I'll be seeing you again in
a few days.

Give yourself a hug from me.

I guess I should be signing this

One good thing about flying from Newark to Chicago, you don't have to go through customs. All you have to do is get off the plane and walk for a mile, under the glass arched ceiling of the concourse. Then there's the hour wait for the baggage handling system to get you your luggage; well, RJ's, Miss Adams, and Ellen's luggage. Then you go out to the sidewalk and wait, and wait, and wait - and wait some more. Eventually the right shuttle bus comes along to take you to where the car rental agency is.

All right, so I exaggerated a little ... okay, so I exaggerated a lot. But, being that I have the shortest legs it seemed like I was always running to keep up. Not to mention that I had a hard time remembering not to run around and play when I was bored, playing the part of Sally was more than a little habit forming.

It wasn't until RJ was arranging for a car, well, a minivan that I remembered to turn my PDA back on; discovering I had received a note from Mary Beth.

Jeffrey! When did that happen?


I knew we would have a lot of catching up to do once we got back together. I figured there was nothing wrong with getting an early start, so we sent messages back and forth, while we were going from the airport to the hotel.

In a restroom in the Quebec airport, it was part of
the rescue plan.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So what are you doing in Chicago?


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Riding in the back of a mini-van.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Where are you going?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A hotel some place in Chicago.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ok. So, what are you doing in Chicago?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Texting with you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Munchkin, you keep this up and you're going to find
yourself on the receiving end of a five minute
tickle session.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

OK, OK, you win! No tickling. We're waiting for
the school to do their last concert in Toronto and
start the long bus trip home. We will join up
when you get to Chicago. In the meantime we'll do
a little sightseeing and I'll have some long talks
with Ellen.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

That's better. I am looking forward to being with
you again. Why the long talks with Ellen?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had another of those weird mind things happen.
Ellen says it’s time to dig deep. I'm not sure
what she means, but it sounds scary to me. I don't
think I want her, or anyone else, anyone digging
into my brain.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Don't be silly. You know you can trust Ellen. She
would never do anything to hurt you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I know. Still sounds scary. I wish you were here.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm sorry I can't be there for you. We'll be
together again real soon. Then nobody will
separate us.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sounds good to me. We're at our hotel. Will chat
more later.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tonight’s concert is from eight to ten. Look
forward to chatting after that.


'There she goes with the hugs and kisses thing again. She and I have never sent text messages before. I wonder if she always signs like that. I wonder what she meant when she said nobody will separate us. Oh well, more important things to worry about, like being alone with Ellen.'

RJ took care of the details at the hotel registration desk. Kimberley, that is, Jonathan and I shared a room once again, no surprise there. What surprised me a little was that Ellen and Miss Adams also shared a room. I had assumed they would have had their own rooms. As it turned out, the only one with a room to himself was RJ.

We were on the fifteenth floor of The Allerton. It wasn’t as large a room as the one in Quebec, but that's okay. We did have a real good view of Lake Michigan. After getting settled in our rooms, we went out for dinner.

After dinner came my next surprise, well, not really a surprise. It had been several hours since we’d escaped from Frances' forced incarceration. Now I found myself trapped in another hotel room. Understand, I wasn’t trapped because someone was guarding the door, I was trapped because I was being semi-forced to do something I didn’t want to do. I was attempting to break through the drug induced memory losses in an attempt to relive what turned out to be a nightmare, several nightmares actually, for Ellen's diagnosis and dissection. A nightmare that I fervently wished would go away, or better yet, had never happened.

I don't know how long Ellen and I talked that night. I know I did a lot of crying and I think I blanked out once ... maybe twice. I remember waking up early in the morning with Jonathan's arm around me.

Out of habit, I carefully slipped out of bed and quietly tip-toed into the bathroom. Some habits are good. I guess I wasn't quiet enough, because Jonathan was smiling and holding the blankets up when I came out.

The next time I woke, about ninety minutes later, I remember that I was supposed to text with Mary Beth before I went to bed. After I was dressed, and ready to face the day, I sat down and sent my apologize.

I'm sorry I didn't write last night. Ellen kept
me busy. She was asking questions about what
happened at school, trying to get more of my
memories to surface. I spent most of the evening
crying. I hope today is better. We'll be
spending more time together, after breakfast.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I was so worried when I didn't hear from you, last
night. Glad you're doing okay. I'm so sorry
you're having to go through that all alone. I wish
I was there to hug you.


With Mary Beth signing her notes with those hugs and kisses things I began to wonder how she would respond if I did the same.

I wish you were here too. Hugging Jonathan just
doesn't feel the same.

I have to go now. Jonathan looks hungry and if he
eats me for breakfast he'll get sick.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It’s about time. :-)

Not to mention that I'd kill him later.

Send more when you can.


‘Now what did she mean by “it’s about time”?’

We had breakfast in the hotel's restaurant, after which Ellen and I spent more time together. Not what I’d call a fun way to spend your morning.

By lunchtime, Ellen declared that we'd made excellent progress and that we would spend the afternoon with the others, sightseeing. I wasn't sure what she considered excellent progress; personally I was exhausted and wanted a nap.

After lunch, again in the hotel restaurant, we stopped in the lobby where there were lots of brochures for places to see and things to do. Even though it was only a few days before Christmas, the sky was clear and the sun was bright. From my room I'd seen quite a few sailboats running back and forth across Lake Michigan. I found a brochure that advertised sailboats for hire and expressed a desire to try a little sailing. Ellen, however, insisted that it was far too cold to be in a sailboat out on the lake. I settled for a promise of adding some books on sailing to the school library and some small sailboats that could be used on a lake near the school.

It was decided that we needed a little history lesson, so we went on a tour of the Sears Tower. It seems that field trips are not for enjoyment purposes only; they are supposed to be educational. I don't know about everyone else, but I learned a lot on this trip. For one thing, never go into an uncontrolled situation without an alternate means of communication.

After going to the Sky Deck of the Sears Tower we stopped in the gift shop. RJ let me pick out a couple of post cards, which he paid for. I wrote a quick note on each and gave them back to RJ to mail. I figured Charles, Karen and Mom would get a kick out of cards from the Sears Tower. After all, how many buildings do you know that have their own zip code.

We went to dinner at a place called Capi’s Italian Kitchen. It's a restaurant on the west end of what’s called Navy Pier. While we were eating, RJ whispered, “I thought you’d like this place. You can get a better view of the sailboats from here. I think your idea of sailing is a good one, and I look forward to getting some boats for the school.”

After dinner we walked around the pier. I never figured out why they call it ‘Navy Pier’, there aren’t any Navy ships there; at least not until later when I had time to do some research. While on the pier we did get a good look at a four masted schooner by the name of WINDY. She would have really been fun to sail on; maybe another time.

When we got back to the hotel, we discovered there was something RJ didn't tell us, I guess he likes surprises. While they were making arrangements with the airlines and for the hotel in Chicago, they arranged for two suitcases to be sent down from Toronto. To my great surprise and relief, I didn't have to spend the next few days as Jeffrey; without any changes of clothes. After changing and talking with Kimberley, we decided to surprise our friends by not telling them about our change of clothes and portrayed gender. Of course, that wasn't going to stop me from sending messages to my friend and partner.

Hi MayBee,
You won't believe the day I've had. First I spent
the morning with Ellen, then we went to the Sears
Tower. Had dinner on the Navy Pier and I got some
good pictures of a ship named WINDY. How was your


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hi Jeffrey,
This is a fine time for you to want to chat. We're
leaving for the hall in ten minutes. Everything is
on the busses, except our travel clothes. We'll
change clothes and leave Toronto right after the
concert. Good thing the seats on the bus are soft,
well they're sorta soft. We should be in Chicago
around one tomorrow afternoon. See you soon.


'That was a short conversation. Short ... but I'm not sure I’d call it sweet.'

December 19th

After enjoying a late breakfast, we packed everything and waited in the lobby for our bus to arrive ... and we waited ... and we waited. We were told that only one bus would be stopping in Chicago, the others would continue on. As there were some students from each year that wanted to visit American Girl Place, there was some creative juggling of who would be on what bus. There were two things that surprised me later, first, that some students from years G and H wanted to be included in the visit. Second, that there were a number of boys that wanted to see a place that caters to girls, dolls, and doll accessories.

Kimberley and I sat in the lobby talking about nothing in particular, when I saw a bus pull into the hotel's half circle drive. Excitedly, I jumped to my feet. Sadly, I sat down when I saw a second bus pull in behind the first, that couldn't be our bus. A few moments later, Kimberley stood up smiling. I followed where she was looking and saw lots of familiar faces. We raced to the revolving door, at a fast walk. Being that my legs are shorter, I expected Kimberley to win easily. To my surprise, I was first to the door.

'I think she let me win.'

I pushed my way through the revolving door and stopped suddenly when I reached the curb. I stood motionless, looking across the large driveway at the swarm of students spilling out of the busses. I'd just noticed that Kimberley was standing next to me when I heard Hope yelling, "Hey look, there's Matilda!"

"Where's Matilda?" someone cried out.

If I didn't know these were my friends I'd have tried hiding behind Kimberley, because suddenly the swarm was headed in my direction. With almost no time to react we were surrounded with friends and "Hello's," "How are you?", and "Good to see you," from all around. Although I had yet to see her, I knew Mary Beth would be somewhere in the undulating mass of humanity.

Without any advance warning, I felt three things happen. First, pair of arms snaked around my shoulders from behind. Second someone took hold of my hands. And third, someone kissed my left ear. The three sensations brought forth mixed emotions. The arms, encircling me, I recognized as Mary Beth's and I felt elated. My hands were being held by Jenny, which gave both a feeling of calm, mixed with terror. As for the kiss to my ear, I assumed that it came from Mary Beth. I was shocked that she would do something like that with so many people around. It was amazing to me that I could experience so many feelings and emotions all at the same time.

Remembering that Jenny knew how I felt about Mary Beth, I ignored Jenny and dropped my head back. As I laid my head against Mary Beth's shoulder, I looked up to see her smiling face.

Returning her smile, I asked, "Hi MayBee. Miss me?"

"We'll talk about that later. I thought we were meeting Jeffrey and Jonathan."

"Surprise!" Kimberley and I echoed each other.

'We don't make very good twins, but this scene reminds me of another one of mom's old movies; which one ...?'

"Where were you this time?" Mary Beth asked, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, just trying to remember something. Anyway, our suitcases were delivered last night. We thought it would be fun to surprise you," I replied, as I turned around so I could face Mary Beth. I tried backing up a step, but that was impossible with everyone else around us.

"At least it's a pleasant surprise," I heard Angel declare. As I looked at them, there was no question in my mind about the relationship between Angel and Kimberley.

The friendly chatter continued for several minutes before I noticed Ellen, RJ, and Miss Adams loading suitcases onto the second bus. I was pleasantly surprised to see Kimberley's cases and mine being loaded as well.

I knew that what Kimberley and I had been through the last few days was considered top secret and could only be discussed in private; which made the ensuing conversation somewhat of a challenge. We did our best to maintain the post hypnotic trance cover story for all those around us. I now had to admit to knowing that I'd spent the last few weeks acting like a toddler, and I apologized to everyone for the things I'd done that had upset so many.

Mr. Peterson came to my rescue, although I don't think he realized it, by calling for everyone’s attention. "Now that our two lost sheep have been reintroduced to our flock, I believe there was some interest in a small history lesson. To be precise, history as it is portrayed by the American Girl doll collection."

For a moment I thought the entire school was there, the cheering was so loud.

"That's what I thought," continued Mr. Peterson, waving his arms. "Remember this is to be a learning experience and when we get back you will each be expected to write an essay on what you've learned today." That brought a profound silence, followed by some groans. Mr. Peterson was smiling as he added, "Somewhere between twenty and fifty words should adequately cover the subject."

Everyone was silent again, their minds trying to process what they'd just heard. I think I was the first to start giggling, followed by several others.

"Twenty to fifty words?" Angel asked, stifling a chuckle. "That doesn't even qualify as a drabble, let alone an essay."

"In truth ... you are correct," Mr. Peterson replied, with a smile. "However, it was worth the surprised expressions on everyone’s face. American Girl Place is a few blocks from here. Shall we be off?"

As everyone headed for the busses, I grabbed Mary Beth's arm and skirted around the front of the bus, heading for the crosswalk at the corner, with Angel and Kimberley right on our heels.

"Let's go for a walk," I called out.

"Where we going?" Mary Beth demanded.

"American Girl Place, where do you think we're going?"

"What about the bus?"

By this time there were several others from Year A standing with us at the crosswalk, waiting for the lights to change.

"It's only two blocks away, we went past there yesterday. By the time they get everyone on the busses, get them settled, get the busses out of the parking lot and maneuvered around so they can stop on the right side of the street, we'll be there with time to spare," I explained to those around us.

As the lights changed and the crosswalk indicator displayed a green person walking, I realized there was more than half a busload following after us.

Remembering another one of Mom's old movies, I whispered the title in Mary Beth's ear, "Where Angels go ... Trouble Follows."

She gave me that look of hers, the one that says 'What in the world are you talking about?' I guess she hadn't been paying attention and didn't know how many had followed us. I motioned for her to look behind us.

As she swung back around she started laughing, "So now you're telling me that one of us is an angel?"

"Who's an angel?" Angel asked from over Mary Beth's other shoulder.

"I guess you quality as an angel, Angel," I cheerfully replied. "But, having so many following us reminded me of an old movie I saw once."

"Walking down the street reminds you of a movie?" Kimberley asked.

"Not walking down the street, having everyone following after the four of us."

"So what's the movie?" Angel inquired.

"An old one that you've probably never heard of, 'Where Angels go ... Trouble Follows.' It’s one that my Mom and I saw some place," I replied.

"So, I'm the angel and everyone behind us is the trouble that's following me?" Angel asked.

"Sounds good change to me. It'll be nice to have trouble following someone else for a while," I jokingly confessed.

"Sounds like a candidate for movie night," Hope volunteered from behind me.

"What's movie night?" Kimberley wondered aloud.

Niki piped in, joining the conversation, "It's something we started just after the Munchkin and MayBee got here."

Hope joined in, explaining, "Actually, it's more of a movie morning, because Saturday morning, after swimming, is the only free time we've had. But we all get together and watch old movies."

"Old movies, like how old?" Angel asked.

"The 1939 ‘Wizard of Oz’ is the oldest one we've seen, so far. ‘Where Angels go, Trouble Follows’, was made somewhere around 1967 or 1968," I elaborated.

"Good heavens, those are ancient," Angel gasped. "You got something against modern movies?"

"They may be old, but all the movies we've seen have been really good," Niki defended.

"And we all agree on the movie we're going to watch," Hope added.

"Not only do we agree on the movie, but we research each movie before it is viewed. We have learned something from each movie we have seen. Not to mention that all the movies we have seen come from a time when movie making was considered an art form, requiring craftsmanship; not computer animation," Jenny added.

'When did those two catch up with us?'

"We've been waiting for Matilda to get back to being her old lovable self before watching a movie she’d recommend, an old movie that was one of the first to use something called split screen photography. It sounds kinda strange, but we figured it would be a fun movie," Aaron added.

"What movie would that be?" Angel asked.

"It was something like Caged Parents, was it not?" Jenny inquired.

"Close, but not quite. It's a Walt Disney movie, made in 1961, with one girl playing the part of identical twin sisters. It’s called ‘The Parent Trap’."

"How can one girl play the part of twin sisters?" Angel wanted to know.

"You'll just have to watch it and see. I can't speak for the rest of the year, but I'd be okay with the idea of you and Kimberley joining us for movie night," I offered.

"We would have to check with the others," Jenny added.

"That will have to wait until later," I said, as I stopped with my back towards a large set of doors. Raising my arms I loudly announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have arrived. Behold, American Girl Place."

"Oh Munchkin, you're so melodramatic," Mary Beth laughingly teased. "Come on everyone, there's no sense in standing around out here, the party's inside."

Everyone had a great time. There were displays for each of the American Girl dolls. Each display explained the time period, lifestyle, and history represented by each doll.

Mary Beth and I were unsuccessful in our attempt to talk Mr. Peterson into obtaining additional friends for Samantha and Nellie. We did manage to talk him into buying a set of sewing patterns for Nellie's and Samantha's other outfits, to be mailed to the schools P.O. Box.

As closing time rolled around, Mr. Peterson announced that the first bus was ready for boarding in front of the main doors and the second was around the corner. Everyone headed for the doors and then broke for one of the two busses. Not having heard any assignments, I wasn't sure which bus I should get on; not that it would have mattered; they were both going to the Manor.

Suddenly my left arm was being dislocated. "Were you planning on staying in Chicago?" Mary Beth asked, as she dragged me around the corner.

"No. It's just that I didn't-"

"You're on this bus, with me," she smiled as she took a step up, pulling me up the steps after her; much like a big sister would drag her little sister along.

"So, where are we sitting?" I asked quickly, as I shuffled along.

"We've got two seats near the back."

"Why clear back here?" I asked, as Mary Beth directed me towards the window seat.

Leaning close, she whispered, "Because this is where the toilet is."

"Oh. You noticed?"

"Well yeah. I mean, the alarm goes off on your PDA and you take off running for the bathroom. It's kinda hard not to notice. Besides, when Ellen and I were talking in Toronto, she told me you had a new little problem and would need some special help when we get home."

"That's all I need, more special help. But then, when haven't I needed special help of one kind or another?"

"It's just because you're such a special person." She added a hug to emphasize her last statement.

Mary Beth and I spent the next three hours talking. We talked about what I'd seen and done in Chicago. We also talked about what she’d been doing over the last six days. We had to save most of what I’d seen and done until we could be alone.

After returning from the restroom for the second time, I decided to ask Mary Beth a rather personal question. "What are the arrangements for sleeping?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know we sleep in the seats, but are there any pillows or blankets? It's just a bit chilly in here."

"What, you're complaining of it being chilly, you? You're the one that keeps your room cooler than the rest of the school."

"That's just because I like to sleep under lots of blankets," I shyly admitted.

Mary Beth couldn't keep from giggling before she answered my question, "There are pillows and blankets in the overhead compartments. The seats lean back some, and then you try to get as comfortable as possible. On our way to Quebec, a few of the older students changed into flannel jammies in the restroom. I guess they had them stuffed in their travel bags."

"Travel bags?" It was at that moment I realized I didn't have a travel bag. I had a carry-on from our plane trips, with a change of clothes, my toothbrush and other toiletries, not to mention my other temporary necessaries.

I stepped into the aisle, looking for one of the few people who knew of my special situation. Not seeing any of the four I sat down, albeit a little glumly.

"What's the matter?" Mary Beth wanted to know.

"I kinda need my small suitcase. Is there any way to get in touch with someone on the other bus?"

"Well hey, Miss Computer Wizard, have you tried your PDA?"

"Um, no. We're in the middle of nowhere, so they don't - . Are you telling me they've got a wireless network setup between the busses?"

"Hey, don't ask me what they've set up. I don't know anything about how they work. I just know we can send messages to anyone here or on the other bus. We can also download stuff from the Manor, and we can play the on-line games."

I didn't waste any time in sending a note to Ellen, explaining my problem and needs. She confirmed my suspicion that all the suitcases, from the hotel in Chicago, were on the other bus. She apologized for not thinking about my situation before we left Chicago and asked if my need was immediate or could I wait until a scheduled stop, several hours away when they would change drivers.

I confessed that I'd been drinking more since boarding the bus, than I had been the last few days. The school had thoughtfully stocked the busses with a more than ample supply of bottled water and juices. I went on to tell Ellen that with some effort, I would try to hold out until the scheduled stop.

Ellen indicated that she understood how difficult my challenge would be and she again praised me for my effort and sacrifice. She indicated that if my situation were to change suddenly, I should inform her immediately and she would get me what I needed. She plainly stated that wearing a wet pull up wasn't acceptable. She didn't want me to be uncomfortable now, or in the future, in dealing with a rash.

While I'd been sending messages back and forth with Ellen, quite a few of the older students had taken turns at the restroom. A lot of them emerged wearing heavy flannel pajamas. They had obviously been on long bus trips before. I was a little surprised that no one from the older years had felt it prudent to pass down such useful information. That was when I started a special document, one that I would add to as my experiences grew. I titled my doc 'Things Year A Should Know When Traveling.'

"What was that all about?" Mary Beth asked, once I'd put my PDA down.

I leaned close to Mary Beth, not wanting everyone around to hear me, "I sent Ellen a note, telling her that I would like to have my tooth brush and the nightgown I'd packed, and a change of underwear, if you know what I mean. She asked if my need was immediate or if I could wait until they changed drivers. I replied by saying I didn't know that the drivers were diapered, too. To which she replied 'Ha, Ha.’ Then I told her that my need wasn't immediate and that I'd try to hold out until they swapped drivers. My pull-up is a little wet, but I don't want everyone to know that we're stopping because I need to be changed."

Mary Beth scowled at me and got out her PDA. A couple of minutes later, one of the chaperones near the front of the bus went up and spoke with the driver.

As the bus pulled off the freeway Mary Beth showed me her PDA and the note she'd sent.

The Munchkin is trying to be brave again. She is
wet and does need some dry things. She didn't say
so before because she will be embarrassed if the
others know we were stopping because she's wet.
How can we fix both problems?
Mary Beth

As I finished reading what Mary Beth had sent to Ellen, the bus came to a stop and I turned toward the window to hide and grumbled, "MayBee, why did you do that."

'Do you know how long five minutes are when you know that everyone is staring at you, or at least you're sure they're staring at your back? Each second seems like a full minute and a minute seems like - you get the idea.'

I'd been hiding for about five hours, pretending to be asleep, when someone gently shook my shoulder. "Hey there Munchkin. Sorry to wake you, but I thought you would want your toothbrush and stuff. I hope I grabbed everything you need."

I was surprised to hear Kimberley's voice. Relieved, I turned to be greeted by her caring smile. "I thought I have to tough it out until morning," I muttered.

Handing me my carry-on bag she smiled, saying, "No. When I asked Ellen about stopping so I could get my stuff, I reminded her that your stuff was also deep in the belly of these land whales. She laughed and told me to sharpen my harpoon. Anyway, she said stopping for a few minutes is no big deal. I'll see you in the morning, at breakfast. Bye now."

"Bye Kimberley - and thanks," I called out, as she made her way forward.

"Boy, now I'm jealous," Mary Beth complained, eyeing my carry-on. "All we got were these little gym bag things, like we had when we go swimming."

"I'm sure if part of your trip was by plane they'd have provided you with a bag like this one," I replied, trying to explain the difference. Actually I was guessing, but my logic sounded reasonable.

"I suppose," she admitted.

I put my bag on the floor and sat back in my seat. For the first time in my life, I was grateful for short legs.

After about five minutes, Mary Beth learned over and whispered in my ear, "Aren't you going to go chang out of something wet?"

"Yes. I just didn't want it to seem too obvious." I whispered back.

I let another minute or two pass before I hopped out of my seat. I knew I never be able to maneuver my bag in that tiny restroom. My only option was to take what I needed and quietly slip into the restroom. I was surprised when I opened my bag. I guess Kimberley had done some rearranging for me, because I now had a choice of wearing my red plaid flannel nightgown, the one with white lace, or Jeffrey's racecar pajamas. For about zero point six two seconds I thought about offering the pajamas to Mary Beth, quickly deciding against such an idea. She probably wouldn't have minded the racecar pattern, being five sizes too small was another thing.

As I was wrapping my nightgown around a fresh pull up, I noticed some small plastic bags stuffed into one corner of my bag. Adding a plastic bag to my bundle I headed for the restroom.

"Feel better?" Mary Beth whispered, as I was putting away the clothes I'd just removed.

I knew I was blushing, as I timidly nodded.

Climbing back into my seat, I decided to thank Kimberley.


Thanks for your help. I appreciate the warm

Do you know when we're stopping for breakfast?
I'd like time to change out of the nightgown
before we stop.


PS thanks for the plastic bags.

"What are you doing now? It's past time for sleep and we haven't said our prayers yet," Mary Beth complained.

"SHHHH," several people complained from around us.

"Sorry," Mary Beth and I echoed softly.

I turned back to Mary Beth and whispered, "A note to Kimberley, thanking her for the nightgown and asking what time we'll be stopping for breakfast. I want time to change into regular clothes."

"Well let's say our prayers and get some sleep. I don't know what time breakfast will be, but if it’s like our trip out, it will be early," she whispered back.

We took turns saying our prayers. It's hard to kneel in a moving bus that only has enough legroom for your feet, but we managed. Somewhere during this time, Kimberley sent me a note.

You’re welcome, Munchkin.
I wasn't sure which you'd prefer under the
circumstances. I found a roll of bags in the
cargo compartment and thought a few would be

We'll be stopping for breakfast at a truck stop in
Nebraska, somewhere around 5:30 am. At that hour
nobody is going to care if you're wearing
nightclothes, day clothes, or if you're dressed as
a princess looking for a ball. Although under the
circumstances, I wouldn’t recommend the latter.


Not wanting to wake everyone with a 'go empty my bladder' alarm, I decided to take my chances on waking up before wetting down; it worked once, so I hoped I would be lucky twice.

'What the heck, if I wet once more it's no big deal. I'll be home tomorrow and I know that with timing and a little muscle control, or is that the control of a little muscle? Either way I shouldn't have to worry about being embarrassed ever again. At least I won't be embarrassed because I wet myself.'

I shut down my PDA, leaned my seat back and stuffed a pillow between the window and me. Then I turned around so I was sitting sideways in the seat, with my back nestled into the pillow. I brought my feet up onto the seat, and wrapped the bottom of the blanket under my toes. There you have my recipe for a Munchkin sleeping on a bus. Snug as a bug in a rug, as one might say. The only problem was, I was lonely. I was on a bus full of people, Mary Beth was in the next seat, and I was lonely. I just wished I had someone to hug, or someone was hugging me.

December 20th

I gently woke to the vibration and gentle swaying of the bus, along with hushed voices, somewhere nearby. I looked at Mary Beth and smiled. She had mirrored my sleeping position, although, I don't think she was as comfortable as I was. It’s a size thing.

I quietly slid out of my seat and tiptoed into the restroom, pleased that I didn't need to change anything. As I was relaxing so nature could take its course, I felt the bus change course and start to slow down. "Timing is everything," I muttered to myself, as I assumed we were stopping for breakfast, but a little warning would have been nice.

As I emerged from the restroom, Mary Beth looked like she was ready to leave, except that she was scowling at me. "Where were you?"

Giggling, I replied with a question, "Are we going to start that again?"

Changing her expression from a scowl to a grin, "No. I'm just kidding."

"All right, would you two stop fighting," Hope called out. "It's time for breakfast, so come on."

"Be right there, I just need to get my shoes and a coat," I called back.

Mary Beth stood in the aisle, tapping her toe, while I got ready to face the cold morning air. As we scurried from the bus towards the warmth of the TA Travel Center, I couldn't help but notice the large snowflakes that were starting to fall. As we went through the double set of doors, we noticed about half the students were lined up to use the restrooms. The scene caused me to giggle.

'I'm glad I used the toilet on the bus. Having to hold onto the walls as the bus swayed back and forth was better than having to hold up a sagging pull up while I waited in line.'

Miss Adams was the first adult we saw from our group; she was directing traffic as it were. "Good morning. You two ready for breakfast or do you need to use the facilities first?"

"I'm good," Mary Beth answered.

"I used the facility on the bus just before we stopped," I meekly replied.

"Wonderful," Miss Adams said with a smile. "Do you see RJ over there?" She was pointing towards the far side of the restaurant.

We both nodded.

'How could we miss him, he's over six feet tall.'

"Very good," Miss Adams continued. "Make your way to him and he'll show you where our group is sitting."

We thanked Miss Adams and headed across the restaurant.

"Morning RJ," Mary Beth and I chorused, as we approached.

"Good morning ladies. A bit casual this morning, aren’t we Matilda?" RJ inquired, looking at the nightgown beneath my coat.

"No more than the students who are in their jammies," I quickly countered.

"I stand corrected," he admitted with a smile. "Well now, here's the deal for breakfast. Our group has this half of the restaurant and you may select anything from the breakfast buffet. There were enough places set for everyone. There's no seating order. So, just find a place setting with a plate, pick up the plate and help yourself. If there's no plate on the table it's because someone else has it. Just consider that place occupied."

"So that's why a bunch of the people waiting for the restrooms had plates in their hands," Mary Beth exclaimed.

"They picked them up first so they knew who they'd be sitting with," I finished her sentence.

"Well, enjoy your breakfasts," RJ concluded.

We slowly walked around the tables, looking for two plates together. There was one plate here and one there. Some tables were completely filled with students, eating. Some had only two people but no empty plates. There was one table that had four plates, two missing plates, and two people casually eating breakfast; they were Ellen and Mr. Peterson.

I looked at Mary Beth as she looked at me. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. She frowned and shook her head.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"For what?" Mary Beth asked.

"For taking so long to get ready."

"Oh come on, let's go face the music."

"Mind if we join you?" I asked, as we approached Mr. Peterson from behind.

"Not at all," Ellen replied from across the table.

Mr. Peterson turned to smile at us. "Please do."

We thanked them, as we removed our coats. Leaving our coats, we each picked up a plate and headed for the buffet. There was a short line, which meant we had a little time to chat with the other students.

The line moved quickly and all was going well until I got to the breakfast sausage links. There was only one and it was on the far side of the pan, in the steam table. Being that I’m altitude-ally challenged, I was up on my toes trying to reach across to grab the last sausage link with the tongs. As my luck would have it, one of the servers from the restaurant appeared with another pan of sausages.

The lady quickly removed the empty pan and dropped the full one in its place. While watching the process I was smiling, knowing I’d get a few more sausages. At that moment the lady’s eyes and mine met.

“Well, hello there little one. You're a cute little thing. How did you get in this part of the restaurant? Come over here and take my hand, and I’ll help you find your mommy and daddy,” she casually said.

My smile quickly turned into a frown as the steam table shook violently, moving several inches.

“What was that?” the lady asked, as I dropped my plate and made a beeline for the table with Ellen and Mr. Peterson.

Grabbing my coat, I started back across the restaurant.

“Matilda, what’s the matter?” I heard Ellen call out.

“Nothing!” I yelled out, while shaking my head; more to keep myself from crying than to make a non-verbal statement.

‘Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Not here. You can’t let anyone see you cry. Have to get to the bus.’

As I got to the double doors Ellen caught up with me. “Matilda, where are you going?”

“The B-Bus,” I managed to say without completely breaking down.

“Fine, we’ll both go to the bus,” she said, taking my hand.

We made our way to the bus, breaking a trail through the fresh snow. Ellen pressed a control and the door swooshed open. It’s a good thing she was there, I didn’t know about the control and would have been standing in the snow with tears frozen to my cheeks.

After the door was open I hiked up the stairs and ran down the aisle. Ellen was a few moments behind me; I suppose she took the time to close the door.

Finding me in my seat, with my face buried in the pillow I’d used the night before, Ellen sat down in Mary Beth’s seat and pulled me into her lap.

“Now, now, what’s the matter?” she lovingly asked.

“Me. I — I’m the m — matter,” I cried.

“And what makes you think there’s something the matter with you?”

“Cause I — I’m so - so L-LITTLE.”

“Who said you’re little?”

“She did!”

“She, she who? Did one of our students say-“

Shaking my head I interrupted her, “Lady in restaurant.”

“I’m certainly glad it wasn’t one of our students. Listen to me Matilda; I don’t know why you’re smaller than everyone else your age. To me and everyone at the Manor it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are a special young lady that has some special gifts and you care about other people. In my book that makes you a very big person; at least where it really counts.”

“Thanks,” I sniffled.

“I tell you what, when we get back we’ll have a talk with Dr. Harris. We’ll see if he can come up with a medical reason for your apparent lack of physical enlargement, OK?”

‘There she goes again, with her extra words to say a simple thing. Why can’t she just come out and say I’m short? After all, I can’t kick her while I’m on her lap.’

I looked up and nodded.

After I’d stopped crying, Ellen let me slip off her lap and sit back in my seat. With my knees pulled up, and my nightgown pulled down, Ellen wrapped a blanket around me. We’d been sitting quietly for a few minutes when the bus doors opened and we heard several others coming back on board. I slowly looked up and saw Mary Beth smiling at me, along with as many for Year A as could fit in the aisle around her.

“You okay?” she asked.

I forced a smile and nodded.

Ellen got up and Mary Beth sat down. “I’ll leave her in your care,” Ellen said, and then she made her way through the mass of students.

“Thanks Ellen, we’ll take good care of her,” Mary Beth replied, taking my hand into hers.

“Boy Matilda, you should have heard the older students lay into that waitress,” Niki proudly proclaimed.

Em had to add her two cents worth, “Yeah, they told her off but good n' that you are a part of the school n' what an inconsiderate thing she said n' what a neat person you are n' how lucky she was to have had the steam table between the two of you n' how the last person that called you little walked with a limp for a week.”

'We really need to teach Emerald to breathe when she talks.'

Then Tony joined in, “Then Melissa found where the carry-out foam boxes were kept and everybody took turns putting stuff in them for you. I think you’ve got enough food here for three days.”

Almost out of nowhere, six of those big white foam boxes appeared. I slipped my feet off the edge of the seat and slowly the six boxes were piled on my lap.

The tears started flowing again, tears of joy this time, knowing how much I was truly loved by everyone at the Manor. “I can’t eat all this,” I timidly professed, peeking out from behind the stack of boxes, teetering back and forth.

"Here, you take one of these, MayBee. You didn't get breakfast on account of me."

"Oh no, those are yours. I've got my breakfast here," she explained, waving a single foam box.

"Well what am I supposed to do with all this?" I wondered aloud.

"I tell you what," Tony offered. "You look through all of them and pick the one you want. Then we'll pass the rest out to anyone who wants them."

"Thanks you guys, you're the greatest."

Mary Beth and I had just gotten a good start on our breakfasts, along with some casual conversation with those around us, when the bus doors opened and more people came on board, lots more people. Every seat was quickly filled and there were people standing in the aisle when Mr. Peterson stepped aboard and announced, "Could we have everyone scoot in a little, we'll need to have three in each set of seats plus some in the aisle in order to squeeze everyone in. Thank you."

With only half an announcement, actually it wasn’t even half of an announcement it was just a request for us to imitate a large can of sardines, the restrictions on the rumor mill were completely gone. The speculations, as to why we were packing two busloads onto one bus, were circulating fast. As for me, it simply meant postponing breakfast a little longer.

"You don't suppose the other bus has broken down and we're going to be this crowded all the way home, do you?" Mary Beth asked, as we closed our foam boxes, raised the armrest that separated the seats, and scooted together.

"I doubt it. This is way over capacity for one bus," I replied, as Daphane from year C sat down with us.

"More than likely this is-" Daphane started.

"Thank you. Now that we're all in out of the cold," Mr. Peterson started.

"An announcement!" I finished Daphane's sentence, while Mr. Peterson took a breath.

"Thank you for making room for everyone, and I apologize for this inconvenience," Mr. Peterson continued. "I only want to go over this once. I'm sure you've all noticed the rate at which the snow is coming down."

"The roads are closed and we can't get back to the Manor," Daphane whispered.

"It seems that Mother Nature likes to play practical jokes. This is the beginning of a fast moving, heavy winter storm. The roads from here to Rock Springs have just been closed. The good news is that the storm is moving fast and should blow over in about four hours." Mr. Peterson was forced to pause for a few moments because of the cheering. "However it will be at least six hours before the roads will be open." That brought the cheering to an abrupt end.

As Mr. Peterson was making his announcement, I set my breakfast box on my suitcase and got out my PDA. I quickly discovered that, yes; the travel center has Wi-Fi. I quickly worked my way in to do a little research. The fact that I didn't have an authorized access code wasn't a problem for me. A little more challenging perhaps, but it also added to my enjoyment. It felt good to be myself again, computer in hand, slipping through logic and code as if I were dancing among clouds on silver wings.

'Oh wait, that's supposed to be "Danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings." But where do I know that from?'

"So it appears that we'll be stuck here for at least the next six hours, perhaps eight. In the meantime, Ms Hansen has reminded me that it's been almost forty-eight hours since most of us have bathed. The travel center has several individual shower rooms, and we're making arrangements to utilize these facilities while we're here."

"What are you doing?" Mary Beth whispered.

"Exploring this town," I briefly replied.

"Miss Adams and RJ are working out a schedule and you'll be given a fifteen minute warning as to your shower time. That should be sufficient time to collect your things and make your way to your scheduled shower room. In the unlikely event that we have to stay longer than anticipated we will have to explore our options before deciding what to do or where to go."

At that moment I pressed send on my PDA. A moment later Mr. Peterson's PDA started beeping, indicating an urgent message.

Mr. Peterson quickly extracted his PDA and silenced the alarm. After reviewing the message he continued, "It seems that someone else has been thinking along the lines of 'what if.' Let's see, according to her research, there are eight motels nearby that would appear suitable. Not to mention five grocery stores, but she's complaining that there's only one theater, although I'm not sure why she even included that in her report. One final note, she included that for educational purposes there are three museums that may be worth visiting."

The idea of going to a museum was met with groans all around.

Mr. Peterson's PDA pinged again.

"Hmm, this one says, it’s been a while since she's had the opportunity to see a movie. I guess that explains why the first note included the theater. While I have to agree this is all good information to have, I think we'll stay here for the time being and see what Mother Nature does. In the meantime, we'll see if the travel center has any DVD's that are suitable for viewing on the bus systems. You are free to make yourselves comfortable on either bus or in the restaurant, but please remember to watch for your shower times."

Another ping emitted from Mr. Peterson's PDA.

"Do they have popcorn to go with the DVD's?" he read off, with a chuckle. This was followed by a cheer from most of the group. "I see that meets with everyone’s approval. No guarantee, but we'll look into the possibility. Thank you for your attention and we'll keep you informed as to the weather situation. One last thing, I said you can use the restaurant as a lounge, but, I don't want anyone wandering around alone. Always stay with your study partner and I'd like those from years A and B to partner with pairs from the older years." With that said, Mr. Peterson made a hasty exit before any other messages arrived or questions could be raised.

Mary Beth, Daphane, and I couldn't keep our giggles in any longer, and we burst into laughter. Everyone around us was wondering what was so funny.

From the row behind us, Kathy Ray asked, "Matilda, were you sending Mr. Peterson all those messages?"

I answered honestly, although still snickering, "No ma'am. This time, I had accomplices," as the three of us started laughing again.

"Well, I guess there's been no harm done, but if I were you three I wouldn't push Mr. Peterson right now; he has a lot on his mind," Kathy Ray cautioned us as she made her way past, heading down the aisle.

Before anything else happened I took the time to add, "No harm done and nobody in trouble this time. Thanks for the assist, Daphane."

"My pleasure. Any time you're having a go at the admins, count me in. It' us against them ya know," she replied with a smile.

"Us against them?" Mary Beth asked. "Like a battle?"

"Sorta, it's more a battle for laughs, to see if we can get them confused and tongue tied. See you around." Daphane got up and moved down the aisle, leaving Mary Beth and I a little puzzled at her last comment.

"Now what?" Mary Beth asked.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to finish my breakfast. After that, I think a change of clothing is called for," I replied, while tugging at my nightgown.

"Good thinking. Then what?"

"Then - we'll have to wait and see what the day and Mr. Peterson brings."

I'll tell you right now that spending a day on a bus is mostly BOARRRRRRRRing. Mary Beth and I finished breakfast and she told me about Wardenclyffe. I changed my clothes and we talked about Chicago with those around us. I passed around my PDA, showing everyone the pictures I took of the windjammer Windy.

About ten they arranged for, and started the first movie on our bus. There were small LCD displays built into of the seat backs, well one display for two seats. They didn't have a popcorn popper at the travel center, which was a bummer, but The Great Escape was a really good movie. I'm sure they picked that for its historical value.

After all, almost everything we've done at The Manor has had some kind of a learning experience tied in, although I'm not sure what I was supposed to have learned from my time as Sally.

I know that moving around all the time had become a habit, sitting still for so long was driving me crazy and I'm guessing my constant tapping and humming was driving everyone around me crazy.

Lunch was a challenge, not the eating thereof, the acquiring there of. It took a lot of coaxing from most of our year to get me to leave the bus. There was no way I wanted to cross paths with the lady from this morning.

Lunch was another buffet, as expected; build your own salad, several kinds of soup, and do it yourself hoagies. Being that I'd had a late breakfast, I wasn't very hungry. I found a little salad and a fourth of a hoagie to be quite filling.

With Christmas but a few days away, the conversation around the table focused on the upcoming caroling trips. It felt so good to be part of the group again, to talk with my friends and be myself.

All the talk of Christmas Carols must have gotten to most of us. It wasn't long before I heard someone humming ‘Oh Come All Ye Faithful’. Before they got through the first stanza, six or more had joined in. 'Born the King of Angels' was sung quietly by about a dozen students. As they started the chorus, everyone from the Manor had joined in, students and administration.

After we'd finished singing there was a little silence and confusion, because Mrs. T wasn't there giving us directions. It took about ten seconds before someone started singing ‘Oh Little Town of Bethlehem’, with everyone quickly joining in. When we'd finished I started singing one of my favorites, ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’. Everyone else joined in before I got out Herald.

'I think they were trying to drown me out.'

That's how we spent the next hour, scattered around the travel center's restaurant, merrily singing one carol after another.

Something strange happened when Mary Beth started singing a slow and beautiful rendition of ‘Silent Night’. Although I expected it, nobody else joined in. She looked at me. She had a strange look in her eyes, almost as if she were afraid she'd done something wrong. I think she was going to stop, so I smiled and mouthed keep going.

Almost bashfully, she continued. As Mary Beth finished, the restaurant was in complete silence with the exception of a squeaky exhaust fan somewhere. Several seconds passed before I heard any other sound and that was someone from the other side of the restaurant, clapping. Before long the entire travel center exploded in applause. Poor Mary Beth, she hadn't received praise from anyone in a very long time, at least not from anyone outside the Manor. She quickly did an impersonation of a ripe tomato.

Coming to Mary Beth's rescue, Mr. Peterson started singing another carol. As everyone joined in, it took the attention away from Mary Beth; everyone's attention except mine. When no one was looking I leaned over, kissed Mary Beth's cheek and whispered "I love you." At least I thought no one was looking, I found out later I was wrong.

After we'd sung six more carols, Mr. Peterson signaled it was time to end our impromptu Christmas concert by standing and singing, "Oh say can you see . . ." As if on cue, everyone stood and joined in. There was a brief applause as we finished the first verse, which abruptly ended as we started on the second verse. At first I was confused, but later it was explained to me that all of the schools concerts were concluded by singing the national anthem of the country we were visiting, followed by The Star Spangled Banner. Something I've always found strange is, how few people or groups ever perform the entire work, as Immigration Manor does. I've always found the fourth verse of our national anthem to be very moving.
(Here is a little something for your viewing pleasure. Five very talented young ladies, two of the girls were six, two were seven, and the last was eight years of age when this was recorded.)

I don't know who it is, but someone likes slapping me across the face. Just as everything is going smoothly and I start to relax, another mystery is dropped into my small lap. I don't know where they obtained that particular DVD. Someone must have brought it with them, because there's no way the travel center would have had it on their shelves. I mean, I took a quick look at the movies on the rack and they were all movies that came out about a year ago, or more, and ‘The Polar Express’ had only been in theaters for a month. It's still showing at the expensive theaters. It wouldn't be showing at the cheap theaters for another three or four months, which is the only place Dad ever took us.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about seeing ‘The Polar Express’. It's a movie I wanted to see ever since the previews came out. I'd given up on the idea of seeing it after starting at the Manor. I didn't know the S. P. A. had that kind of connections.

What I will complain about is, that halfway through the movie, Mary Beth and I were notified that our shower time would prevent us from seeing Santa.

All I can say about the showers at the travel center, they were clean, they did have hot water, boy did they have hot water.

'I think it's going to take a few days to get over being scalded. You'd think they'd have something to keep the water balanced when another shower is turned off.'

And, the showers weren't meant for two people, not even two people me size.

After being scalded, I'd had enough showering and got out before my time was up. Finding that I was finished before the rest of my group, Mary Beth, Angel, and Kimberley, I sat down on a small bench outside the shower area to wait.

I hadn't been waiting long when a very large man came lumbering down the hall towards me and the showers; compared to me he was very large. He was shorter than RJ and I guessed he weighed about two hundred seventy five pounds.

"Hello young lady, mind if I join you?" he asked, with a deep almost booming voice.

Nervously I forced a smile and nodded as I scooted to one end of the bench, clutching my carryon a little tighter. The bench groaned as the strange man sat down, taking up the rest of the bench.

“Thank you,” he said, after he was down. “The folks that schedule the showers told me I’d be up next.”

Even though I was nervous and a more than a little scared, I timidly offered a bit of advice, “Be careful, the water can get really hot.” I showed him my very red arm.

"Thank you for that information, miss - um, do I know you? Have we met somewhere before?" he asked, turning slightly to get a better look at my ever increasingly nervous face.

"I don't think so," I timidly replied.

"I know where I've seen you before. You're part of the group that was singing Christmas carols in the restaurant, after lunch. By the way, my name is Kenneth."

"Hi Kenneth, I'm Matilda."

"Matilda! You're Matilda? That other girl, the one who sang Silent Night, the one whose cheek you kissed, was that Mary Beth? I thought everyone from that school was supposed to be home and warm in their beds by now."

By this time I was really getting freaked out.

'Who is this guy, how does he know about me and Mary Beth? Better yet, how does he know about Immigration Manor, and what does he want from me? I wish Angel or Kimberley would get out here.'

"I don't care what anyone else says, I think you'd look better with hair your own color,” Kenneth continued.


* * * To Be Continued * * *

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