Glimpses timeline & other info

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This is a timeline for the Glimpses characters. It'll have other info as well, at least until & unless it becomes necessary to split things.

Note that info will be "as revealed so far".

Significant events

Sat, April 1, 1989 Donald Sutherland born
Fri, June 11, 1993 Ronald Sutherland born
Tue, September 21, 1993 Dorothy Gayle born
Thu, February 28, 2002 Flying Fox powers manifest
Fri, June 28, 2002 Blip powers manifest
Sat, June 21, 2003 Donald finds stone circle
Sat, August 7, 2004 Don & Alice origin event
Fri, September 7, 2007 Connie, Art, Don & Alice start at Whateley?

Name: D'artagnan "Art" Gayle
Aliases: Dorothy "Dot" Gayle
Code name: Blip
Ratings: warper (teleportation)
ESP (clairvoyance?) level unknown, [redacted]
Techniques: fencing, gymnastics
Weak vs.: normal human vulnerabilities
Backup/ Team affiliation: family

Costume: Zorro outfit, with mask, without hat

Teleportation to anywhere he's been or can see. Cameras & photos don't work, Binoculars & telescopes can work. Has to know where target is relative to him to use "seen but not visited" teleport.

Has ability to "see" target area. Not normal eyesight. Some sort of ESP?


Name: Constance (Connie) Sutherland
Aliases: Ronald Sutherland
Code name: Flying Fox
Ratings: flying, strength, PK (contact?), force fields (contact & centered) levels uncertain, [redacted]
Techniques: fencing, gymnasticss
Weak vs.: unknown
Backup/ Team affiliation: family

Costume: Zorro outfit, with mask, without hat, in russet brown that matches her hair & fur.

"powered armor" effect is force field based. Logarithmic response.


Name: Donald "Don" Sutherland
Aliases: none
Code name: Bishounen
Ratings: EX-1?, ESP-2, [redacted]
Techniques: none
Weak vs.: normal human vulnerabilities
Backup/ Team affiliation: family, [redacted]

Name: Allison "Alice" Sutherland
Aliases: none
Code name: Lolicon
Ratings: EX-2?, ESP-2, [redacted]
Techniques: Lolita, age inappropiate behavior, kawaii, goth, [censored], [censored], [censored], [redacted]
Weak vs.: normal human vulnerabilities
Backup/ Team affiliation: family, [redacted]
Age: [redacted]

Costume: varies. Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy, Magical Girl, Wednesday Addams, etc.

The ESP-2 is that they can duplicate physical "skills" after seeing them once. This doesn't mean they can learn a martial art from one move. It does mean that they can duplicate a kata (adjusted for their body size & shape) after seeing it once. Ditto for dances, and some sleight of hand (they have to be able to actually see the motions).

More properly, they will know how to move to duplicate the kata, gymnastics, routine or whatever. But they are still subject to their body's limitations on strength & flexibility. If they aren't strong or flexible enough they'll know without trying. But they'll also know the optimum way to "train up" to the required strength & flexibility.

They've actually gained a lot of strength from duplicating some mime routines (floating in freefall for example).

This ability was actually intended to [redacted], but turned out to be of much greater application.

Early on they picked up dance moves, some combat skills and gymnastics from watching Dot & Ron. Since then, they've made a point of watching gymnastics videos and dance videos. They've picked up some martial arts stuff, but it's pretty scattered and random. Ito will not be impressed. But they'll pick up anything they get shown in class.

This helps a little with sex, massage, etc. But only a little because you need to learn to "feel" not just what your body is doing, but what their body is doing. It still helps quite a bit.


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Thanks, this will help alot

Thanks, this will help alot in keeping up with the story plot.