The Golden Band - Part 3

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Shopping with Beth was delightful. I'm pretty sure she was even more excited than me about buying so many new clothes. First we went through the lingerie department and stocked up on bras, panties and stockings, not to mention several new nightgowns for each of us. Then it was off to look at dresses, skirts, blouses, jeans and all manner of clothing. We spent more than we should have and I am now the proud owner of a closet full of Womens attire. We boxed up Paul's things and moved them to the garage, just for the time being, in case... Well you know.

Worn out from our shopping we readied for bed, cuddled up and drifted off.

By this time I had only been wearing the arm band for two days and already; I had shrunk in height, grown breasts, my hair was down to my bum and deep auburn in color, my eyes were now emerald green and my voice was softening.

Over the next three days, little happened save for my voice changing a few more octave's and becoming more moelodic.

My boss has seemed to grasp the basic jist of what's happening and appears to be quite pleased actually. I'm trying not to think of what scheme he has up his sleeve with regards to my situation.

Beth seems fine with all the goings on and our son now thinks of me as his aunt, though we tried to explain, truth is I'm not sure I even understand it all.

Everything seemed as though it had run its course. The band had fully integrated into my arm and only the outline was still visible. Sort of like a faded tattoo. The eyes were still quite green, though not as bright or vibrant as in the begining.

It was the evening of the sixth night when all hell broke loose! After returning from a late night at the club, Beth and I had settled into bed. Our satin nightgowns gliding over the others as our bodies became entangled and we kissed. I began to feel, what I thought were stirrings of arousal, when I stopped and pulled back. My face contorted in excruciating pain as my body doubled over and I fell off the bed. As i hit the floor, I gasped for breath and Beth was instantly at my side.

"Oh my god! Katie! What's wrong?" She pleaded as I struggled to breath.

" feels..." Another burst of intense pain stopped me from finishing.

"Katie! Please! Tell me what I can do to help!" Beth said frantically.

I took a deep breath and managed to explain before another bout caused me to scream.

"It feels like my insides are being ripped out!"

Suddenly, everything went black.

When I came to, I was back in bed with beth sitting beside me. Tears rolled down her face as she wiped mine with a cool cloth.

"Mm, what happened?" I whispered through parched lips.

Beth's eyes lit up and she nearly knocked me back out by hugging me so tight.

"Don't EVER do that to me again!" She scolded.
"I've been worried sick over you!"

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Nearly a whole day." She informed me while helping me to sit up so I could drink some water.

It was whilst moving about and situating myself that I noticed an odd emptiness between my legs. My eyes widened, then closed as I thought, "No. Please not that."

"What Katie? What's wrong?" Beth pleaded.

Opening my eyes, I caught Beth's and slowly looked down.

"NO!" She exclaimed.

I hesitantly pulled back the bed sheets and lifted my satin nightgown. My eyes welled up with tears as I saw that my testicles were gone, their sack had become introverted and my tallywhacker was but a mere stubb.

Beth wrapped her arms around me and we sat there, huddled together, crying.

Finally, Beth whispered; " I am so sorry honey. Just know that I still love you and will be right here beside you."

I managed a nod and held her a little tighter.

"I...I guess we know now that its permanent." I stammered.

"I guess we do." Replied Beth

I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"Could you get me a pen and paper?" I asked.

"What for?" Beth inquired as she got up and fetched a pen and pad from her night drawer.

"Well..." I began, "the only thing that hasn't changed yet is my mind and I want to write this experience down just in case."

And so, we are back at the beginning. The last of my male self is pulling its way in, amid twinges of pain that now only give me cause to wince, and has been replaced with a delicatly soft, moist, pink vagina. The faded outline of the arm band is gone and no trace has been left. Beth lays beside me with her head resting on my thigh as I write the last of my experience down on paper. I have no idea what the future holds for Beth and I, but she assures me that we will face it together. Her resolve brings me great comfort.

As such, I leave you all with one final note. If ever you should find a small antique box containing a golden serpentine arm band with emerald eyes, well...if you decide to put it on, I wish you all the best! It will change your life! Best wishes. Katie.

I hope that you all found my first story to be entertaining. As always, comments are welcome and appreciated. XOX Bri.

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Many Thanks

BriannaD's picture

I would like to extend a huge kiss and thank you to everyone that has commented, messaged me or given kudos. I was hesitant to write this but after all your support and encouragement I have decided to write many more stories. I hope you like them all. XOX Bri.

Making a big life change is pretty scary. Know what's even more scary? Regret! XOX Bri.

The Golden Band

rlarueh007's picture

I'm just curious why you stop here when more to be told about this? Richard

good story, it could have

good story, it could have been taken in several directions or even continued farther but a good premise

Awwww, no more of this very

Awwww, no more of this very interesting story? I can definitely see many, many more chapters contained within it. However, I also understand that the author/authoress control their story/s and the direction/s they will take. I very thankful for this story you have presented to us all. Thank you for it.
Hugs, Janice Lynn

Real nice

Jamie Lee's picture

This is a nice little story, and nicely written.

But it left me wondering about the arm band. Where did it originally come from? Why did it cause the transformation? Is it a curse or a blessing?

Many questions, few answers.

Others have feelings too.

love it

I love your story. Now I am looking for that band too. lol