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By Jeanette Student
He, our Harry had a very inquisitive mind from being a small child wanting to know how thing’s worked and why, what effect things would have on him like mud, salt, pepper, water, sand and oil. As he got older things developed into being interactive with cats, dogs and horses, and all manor of pets, he was a very tactile person, also gaining friends at school “who was your best mate” “who’s gang you would you be in“ then the teenage years kicked in and girls became the sole focus for his attention as they do for most teenage boys.
Harry had motorbikes and cars but these were to impress the girls. He had several girl friends some very different to each other from dumb blondes to University potential high flyers. He liked them all in their different ways, but he was still a virgin, in his late teenage years he finally experienced full sexual intercourse with a girl/woman, “Hazel” who was some years older than him and she took a pride in “breaking in” virgin boys. I think she saw herself as a bit of a “community service”, but she wasn’t totally conventual with her conquests, in as much as she would experiment with her desires and make her boys act them out.
Now our Harry was bedded by Hazel in one of her experimental periods, he met her at a fancy dress party he was dressed in a Roman Toga (which meant white underpants and a long white sheet plus sandals and a laurel reef on his head) she was dressed as a very desirable witch. Wine was flowing and one or two smokes doing the rounds, all in all he arrived back at her place, he thought he would have his way with her ! that’s how he saw things, she however had different plans she gave him a beer, and walked him into her bedroom then said the party was great but lets have some real fun!
She said he should have been a female Roman goddess and slid his toga off his shoulder and proceeded to wrap a white bra around him and fasten it at the back, adjust the straps and pad out the cups with some tights she then slid the toga sheet back onto his shoulder and set the laurel reef at a more female angle, like a hair band.
Harry being the virgin just went with whatever she wanted as his reward would be his lost virginity, something he wanted for ages a kind of right of passage so as to speak. (may be a bad term)
She was gentle with him (at first) and he experience the very heights of sexual satisfaction, when he woke in the morning he was still wearing the white bra, she woke about the same time and asked him to go and make her a coffee he was just about to take the bra off when she threw him a long pink nightdress from under her pillow and insisted he slip it on while making the coffee adding that she hadn’t finish with him yet ! He went off to make the coffees but was distracted by the feel of his attire he felt quite randy which Hazel could not miss on his return. When he had returned from the kitchen he put the coffees down at the side of the bed she grinned broadly and made him do a couple of curtsies before she pulled him back into bed by his “ram rod”, it was all exciting and strange but fun and immediate satisfaction in an all out raw sex session.
But that was it for Hazel, and he never got to bed her again, she went onto new conquests, new boys, but he held the memories for years to come.
Harry went on to have a string of girl friends some adventurous one who was into plastic coats and boots (for both of them to wear during sex romps), another wanted sex a lot, but in the open air in secluded spots, she maintained sex in bed was boring, she said sex in the outdoors and the possible chance of being viewed gave sex for her an exciting edge
He dallied with bondage, three in a bed, older women and casual trysts all over the place, so it came as a big surprise when he took up with a woman his own age and a respectable work colleague! Sheana. He was in love (and not in lust for once) they were together for a year, and then they were to be married, they had a great Wedding and honeymoon, and got back to work and looking at houses and plans for the future.
A first year went by and Harry tried to talk to Sheana about some of his adventures, with a view to developing some sexy games into their sex live, she listen and said she would be up for some games but no extreme or dangerous stuff she had read about in some of the women’s magazines.
Harry told me that’s where his present predicament had lead from. It had started with games with fluffy covered handcuffs (from Ann Summers) and two or three of their girly uniforms Nurse, French Maid and Air Stewardess, it was all going well and their games were developing into roll play he got really into the mistress and slave scenario and she took to the roll more and more.
On a particular night they had been out early to have a meal and see a film, but the film they wanted to see was not on, as it had ended it’s run and would be out as a DVD in weeks.
On the way home she had said we had better find another thing to do to amuse ourselves, “any ideas ?” he had said he quite fancied playing dress up with her as the maid and serving him was what he wanted, she said “yes, but with a twist! are you up for it?” well he could not resist and he said he was.
When they arrive home they had a quick rum and coke, then she blind folded him and removed all his clothes, she took him to the bath room and shaved his arms, legs and chest, as he was stood in the bath fully naked but still blind folded she showered him down then had him step out and towelled him down, then he smelt the perfumed talk being dusted over him, (this was all new to him and had him totally excited) she had him sit down and unknown to him she painted his nails and toenails Post office Red. She gave him another rum and coke as his nails dried. Next she walked him to the bed room and started to dress him in black bra, panties and suspenders then had him sit down on the bed while she put stockings on him, he shivered with excitement as the stockings were rolled up his freshly shaven legs and attached to suspenders, under the panties then stretched and clipped onto the welt, the stockings now made him tingle all over, she took out of the wardrobe the French Maids dress he had bought her, she then, with a little struggle, managed to get him into it, that was followed by the lacy apron and maids lacy cap.
All this time he had been going along with this game and getting very excited, but he didn’t know what he looked like. She produced her fluffy handcuffs and had him put his hands behind his back and click, click she had him in them. She sat him in front of her, then covered him up to the neck with a dark sheet and removed the blindfold very quickly she got to work on his makeup, blusher, blue eye make up and very red lipstick, again she blindfolded him and stood him up removing the sheet, she found a pair of black sling back sandals (they were the only shoes that had a chance of fitting him) she got them onto his feet and the walked him (wobbling a bit) through to the walk in wardrobe with its big sliding mirror doors, getting ready to be revealed to himself.
All through the procedure not a word was said between them, she had been taking pictures of him becoming the French maid, on her quiet new digital camera, she also set it up to take 6 time delayed by 5 seconds pictures as she took the blindfold off him to capture his reactions. He was totally amazed and just stood there staring at himself. She told him to wait there while she did something, she grabbed her unnoticed camera and went downstairs to her laptop and sent the pictures from her camera memory card to be stored on her secret email address (picture section) she had in addition to her regular one, (she felt she needed a bit of an insurance policy, not knowing how he would react) and then quickly returned to the bedroom.
She told him he looked very sexy and asked him how he felt, he was in a daze of emotions, she raised her camera and asked him if it was all right to capture the event, which, without thinking, he agreed to, she took loads of pictures and some video as a bit of fun. She unlocked the handcuffs and asked him “now Maid Wendy (his new name although he didn’t realise it) go down to the kitchen, wash and tidy up, pour a couple more R & Cs and return to the bedroom when I call you”, he just did as a maid would do and went off to do the prescribed work.
Just before he left she had him do a little curtsey. She quickly changed into her black basqe, stockings, black lacy French knickers, black satin blouse and leather skirt, she put on her black leather riding boots, re-did her make up in a raunchy style, she was getting into the dressing up role play too, but further than she had ever gone before.
She called Maid Wendy back to the bedroom when Harry arrived he was totally in ore of her, she seemed taller, plus more dominant looking, he loved it. She told him to put the drinks down and informed him that she was Mistress Sheena ! his Mistress and he was her Maid Wendy from now on, (she had remembered that he had said Wendy was such a girly name when friends were picking names for their newly arrived daughter, now it was his name) she picked up a glass of R&C and took a sip, he reached for the other glass, but she stopped him saying “Maids don’t drink on duty!” she finish her glass and went to the wardrobe she reached in to find her riding crop from her riding gear! This alarmed Harry somewhat, but he said nothing, she gave him the empty glass picked up the full one and said ”lets go and inspect your work if its not up to my standards there will be consequences” this made Harry tingle all over, he was loving it, but where would it go!
They went down to the kitchen, she immediately saw some water on the worktop from the glasses he had rinsed! She told him to touch his toes she then lifted the skirt of his uniform and gave him two firm cracks with the riding crop, she told him to stand up, he did and when he rubbed his bottom she told him to stop fidgeting in her newly found Mistress voice, she was really getting into this Mistress and Maid situation, he was totally turned on by the whole scenario.
It was only about half nine, so she decided to do a bit of training, first she taught him to curtsey properly, when he would meet her for the first time that day or for anyone else for that matter! To curtsey in a low and demure fashion and the second was a little “Bob” curtsy after receiving instruction he had to learn both and know when to use them.
They then went around the house she pointing out all the places where he would find the hover, dust pan and brush, mop, cleaning fluids, washing powders Iron, Ironing board and polish etc. he thought it a great game, but she had gone past the game stage she was setting up a new life style, if she could get away with it, but there must be rewards.
At the end of her riding crop there was a leather loop she told Harry/Wendy to lift his skirts up, she then took his erect penis and slid the leather loop over it, then pulling on the crop she lead him through the house to their bedroom. They had the most exciting sex of their marriage that night with him having to perform more foreplay and pleasure giving than he had ever done before, she loved every moment of it, and so did he.
When he woke in the morning, she took him into the shower where they paid a lot of attention to each other, during their towelling off he asked where the nail polish remover was, she said she had run out and would get some after breakfast, which, Wendy can make for me, she told him to put on the bra and panties from last night, she gave him a pair of tights to put on and went to the wardrobe and produced a plain light blue dress with white Peter Pan collar and bid him put it on, she buttend it up the back for him, then she informed him of what she wanted for breakfast and told him to wear the full white frilly apron in the kitchen so as not to mess up the dress, before he went she put the maids frilly cap back on him and commented on the 24 hour guaranteed lipstick she had liberally applied was living up to its promise ! He remembered to gave a little “bob” curtsey and left for the kitchen, she was absolutely thrilled.
Wendy was now the kitchen maid and looked the part, Light blue dress, white collar, big frilly white apron and Maids frilly cap, He felt wonderful and did not mind at all his new position because of the bedroom rewards, after breakfast she picked up his car keys for a run down to the shops leaving her car in the drive, low on petrol, she instructed him to do the washing up, clean the worktops, sides and floors and that she would be back soon.
She had not been gone a few minutes when he heard a car in the drive and a key in the latch, he wondered what she might have forgotten, then a familiar voice declare “its only me” as the kitchen door open and in came May his Mother in law! Harry was stood at the sink just finishing the breakfast dishes he froze, she recognised the dress, but that was it. She enquired “what’s your name “ very quietly he replied “Wendy”.
Well Wendy you can make me a cup of tea until Sheena turns up, to go shopping with me as we do on a Saturday morning. She knew very well who she was talking to and started to quiz Harry about his attire and position, he tried to make lite of it as a" continuation of a bedroom game" from last night, she wanted to know more and sent him up to the bedroom to bring down the maids costume he had worn last night, she liked it but thought it must have been very short and tight on him.
All through this short conversation Harry had been as red as beetroot, but she made him feel at ease and had asked a lot of question and gleaning a lot of information in that short time while the tea was brewing, he heard another car in the drive, his, it was Sheena returning with a thousand and one thoughts rushing through her head, when she saw her Mothers car parked up! had her Mother seen him? She totally forgot it was Saturday and shopping with her Mother! Had he left her? What the hell could she say or do! Her Mother met her with the words “you are just in time for a nice cup of tea, Wendy has just made” she was speechless. Harry and Sheena exchanged glances but said nothing.
As Sheena and her Mother sat down for their tea, May asked what duties Wendy had not started or completed this morning? Sheena quickly thought and said “Wendy had to make the bed and tidy and hover upstairs but only after finishing the kitchen.” He was dispatched to the kitchen then to the bedroom to complete his tasks, while he was hovering, May took her daughter to task as to where she would like to take this game and “how could she help?” she herself had something to declare about her life and knowledge of such exquisite situations that can be very advantageous to a woman, As did May’s mother! she used to call it “the power of the petticoat”!
Jeanette Student.
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When the game becomes...
A lifestyle and power shifts away. Harry begins willfully, the idea is even his though he had planned to be in control. Saturday morning and again as his mother-in-law enters he's a willing participant. It will be hard for him to back out or protest. Nice story forming.
Hugs, Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Jessi C
Thank you for your feedback, it all helps.
I hope to post more soon, but different stories.
J.S. x
Jeanette Student