Spring Break Gender Break! (Part 3)

Spring Break Gender Break!
Part 3 - Owning It!
By Drew Miller
Andy thought he was going to be able to go back into boy mode after assuming the identity of his fraternal twin sister,
but when he and Alana's friend Christina arrive in Miami, Spring Break truly turns into a gender break for him because
of circumstances beyond his control...
very attractive circumstances that is!

Part 3: Owning It!

We met Ben in the lobby. He was wearing tan cargo shorts, a button-down blue striped shirt, black sandals, and wrap-around sunglasses; meanwhile, I was still wearing the same sundress while Christina chose a fuscsia babydoll to wear with white capris.

Casual yet handsome, Ben escorted us over to the Mexican restaurant. We made the usual small talk as we made our way down the boardwalk. I kept trying to steer the conversation back Christina’s way, but Ben seemed to be more interested in me, even more than my T&A. By the time we were seated on the patio, it was becoming increasingly difficult to answer his queries with a single short sentence. Still, I was as flattered as I was nervous from this rather charming attention.

When the hostess led us to our glass-topped table, I knew I needed a drink ASAP to deal with my nerves from not only Ben’s attention but a lack of attention from the other members of our party who had yet to grace us with their presence.

Where the heck are they? He assured us they’d meet us here.

My mind still swarming with questions and what-if scenarios, a modestly attractive college-aged waitress with bleached blond hair and a genuine smile greeted us.

“Good evening,” she said. “Can I get you started with some drinks?”

Christina said, “I’ll have a non-alcoholic strawberry daquiri please.”

Then the waitress looked at me with more than a friendly smile.

“And what would like Miss?” she asked.

I whipped out my I.D. from my purse and grinned.

“Since I am of legal age,” I began. “I would like a Margarita por favor.”

While Ben ordered a beer, Christina nudged me.

“Are you sure you want to be drinking right now?” she whispered. “You might want to wait for the Xanax to wear off.”

“I’ll be fine,” I said, with a dismissive wave of my hand.

When the drinks arrived, Ben offered a toast.

“Here’s to the most amazing spring break ever in the most incredibly…beautiful beach in Florida!” he declared.

When he emphasized the word beautiful, he cast a smile in my direction.

Blushing, I said, “I’ll drink to that!” I dove right in with a couple of slurps of the tangy beverage. “This is like the biggest and the bestest Margarita I’ve ever had,” I announced.

Based on the perplexed yet amused expression on Ben’s face, I knew I had forgotten myself a little. This time, I took a few more lady-like sips. My taste buds were awoken as quickly as my femininity had been since agreeing to accompany Christina to this exotic spring break destination.

“I’m serious though,” I reiterated. “This is the Best. Margarita. Ever!” I gushed.

“Was I right or was I right?” said Ben. “I told you this place is good. When it comes to restaurants, I’ll never steer you wrong.”

Christina nudged me.

“Girl, you might want to slow down a little,” she urged.

“Relax,” I assured. “I’m a big girl. I know my…Ahh! Ah! Brain freeze!”

Christina rolled her eyes and smiled.

“So Alana,” said Ben, nibbling on a tortilla chip. “Is this your first time in Miami?”

“This is my first time in Florida,” I said. “And hopefully not my last.”

Ben said, “Do you…”

“Just a sec Ben,” I interjected. “Our waitress is looping back this way.”

“Another drink Miss?” she inquired.

With eyebrow raised, I said, “Ohhh yeah. This girl is thirsty tonight.”

Ben grinned at Christina.

“We’ve noticed,” teased Christina. When the waitress’s eyes landed on her, she said, “I’m good thank you.”

“And you sir?” asked the waitress.

Christina cleared her throat. “Ben,” she said.

“Hmm?” said Ben, taking his eyes off his smart phone. “Oh right. I’m good…for a little while at least.”

“Did they just text you?” wondered Christina.

“Yeah,” he said, in deflated monotone. “It looks like they’re not going to be able to make it tonight.”

“Oh,” said Christina. “That’s too bad.”

“So, do you want to place your order now?” asked the waitress.

“Might as well,” said Ben. “It’d be a shame to waste such a perfect evening as much as the other two chairs.”

“So what are you going to order…Alana...besides more Margaritas,” said Christina.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I dunno…Hey. I’ve got an idea. Ben, why don’t you go ahead and pick something for me. You know what’s good here more than I do.”

“It’s all good,” declared Ben.

The way he said “good,” I got the impression he wasn’t just referring to what was on the menu if you know what I mean. My heart surged again and I hoped my cheeks didn’t redden too much in front of my new admirer.

“Okay,” said Ben, rubbing his hands together. “Why don’t you bring us three orders of texas fajitas please.”

I started rhythmically clapping my petite hands. “Texas fajitas, texas fajitas, la, la, la, la, la la la,” I sang.

“You have a beautiful voice,” said Ben.

I smiled at Christina, trying not to cackle.

“Seriously,” said Ben. “I mean it.”

With a devilish smile, I said, “Maybe I’ll do some karaoke later.” I dipped a chip in some salsa and slowly brought it to my full lips. Then I slowly and sexily ran my tongue across my salty lips. “Mmm…I ate some chips just to try it. I hope my figure don’t mind it.” I placed my hand on my hip.

“I think your dress might,” said Christina.

“Uh oh,” I said. “I hope Alana don’t mind it.”

Referring to myself in the third person elicited a raising of an eyebrow from Ben. Christina tried to allay any suspicion with a nervous little laugh.

“C’mon…Alana,” said Christina. “We need to take care of that before it stains…Excuse us Ben.”

I started cackling. “I’ll be right back. We have to go to the little girl’s room,” I said in a sing-song kind of tone.

Christina grabbed my hand and hurried me inside the restaurant as if she were my mother. The bar to our right and the row of tables to our left were like the shoulder of a narrow road. I played the role of the erratic driver. Christina steadied me as the wait staff weaved around us.

We reached the sink, and in retrospect, for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, I held up the front of my dress and started licking off the residual salsa.

“Yummy in my tummy,” I said.

“Stop that,” chided Christina. She pulled my hand away and smoothed the front of my dress down. “The other girls are starting to stare.”

I pulled my ID out of my purse and flashed the three other girls washing up at the sink in a different way.

“It’s okay,” I assured. “I’m a girl. It says so on my license. See?”

“Sorry,” said Christina with an embarrassed smile. “My friend’s had one drink too many.”
With flushed cheeks, Christina started vigorously treating the stain. “Lucky for you,” she said, “I always carry a stain remover pen in my purse…There. Done. Like it never even happened.”

Swaying side-to-side a little, I said, “Almost.” I made a b-line for one of the stalls, relishing the clicking sound my wedges made on the tile floor the whole time.

Stepping in, it didn’t even occur to me that standing up was an option for me. It was like I was on autopilot as I hiked up my skirt, slid down my panties, and plopped on down on the cool seat.

Still assuming the role of the mother hen, Christina sat down in the stall next to me.

“Ahhh,” I uttered. “I’m peeing,” I quietly announced to Christina. “I’m peeing in the girl’s restroom.”

“Shush!” implored Christina.

Partially ignoring her, I started tapping my foot to a familiar rhythm. “I sat down just to try it,” I whispered. “It feels so right I can’t deny it.”

After tinkling, I joined Christina at the sink. Her silence sobered me up ever so slightly.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I really don’t know what’s gotten into me.”

“I do,” she said, forcing a half-smile. Like a mime, she chugged a few drinks.

“Okay,” I relented. “I’ll be a good girl and take it easy.”

“And try to take it easy on Ben as well,” urged Christina. “With those batting flirtatious eyes I mean. It may seem like just innocent fun to you, but…be careful is all I’m saying, especially when it comes to guys.”

“Okay,” I said, following her out.

If only my father was here to hear what Christina had just said to me!

We rejoined Ben. However, the recently reigned in “Alana” would prove to be as short lived as a summer night.

I sat down to the site of my entrée, and another addition.

“I took the liberty of ordering another Margarita for you,” said Ben.

“Thanks,” I said.

But there was no gratitude in Christina’s eyes. Nor was there a withering glare. I was as impressed with her restraint as Ben was with my ability to hold my liquor no doubt.

The hot Florida sun drifted toward the horizon. Spanish guitar drifted our way on the cool breeze of evening. As I digested, a wonderful feeling of perfect contentment washed over me like cool surf on a beach.

I sipped the remnants of my fourth or fifth margarita. It didn’t matter which. What did matter was what I was going to say to a certain request directed my way by Ben.

“I was thinking,” he said. “It’s such a nice evening and I was wondering if you’d like to go for a walk along the beach with me.”

I looked over at Christina.

“Are you feeling up for it?” I asked.

It wasn’t until I looked into Christina’s tranquil contemplative eyes that I understood that if he were communicating via facebook, only one of us would receive the event invite.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to,” said Ben. “If you and Christina have other plans, that’s cool.”

“Don’t feel like you need to call it an early night on my account,” said Christina.

“Umm,” I said, meeting Ben’s hopeful eyes with my searching ones.

Christina yawned. “It’s been a long day. I think I’m going to go back to the room and take a hot bath.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I’d like to…the walk I mean.”

“Great,” said Ben. “Let me take care of the check first.”

Christina stood up and enjoyed a luxurious stretch like a cat during a sunbath.

I latched onto her like a child to its mother’s leg.

“I love you Christina,” I said. “You’re like the bestest BFF a girl could ask for.”

Christina smiled and whispered in my ear.

“Just be careful,” she advised.

I whispered right back.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “It’s not like I’m going to get pregnant or something.”

“Shall we?” asked Ben.

A warm smile brushed its way across my face as the cool breeze brushed between my soft legs, rippling my dress ever so slightly.

We didn’t walk hand-in-hand as we stepped onto the cool sand of evening. However, I wanted so much for my right hand to grasp his instead of grasping my cute little tan wedges.

Umbrellas and chairs were being folded up and the stragglers were trudging their way back to the strip which was lighting up.

I spun around when we reached the shoreline.

“Wheee! Isn’t this wonderful?” I exclaimed. “I just love digging my toes into the cool sand. Don’t you?”

“Mmm-hmm,” said Ben.

“Do you want to see me do a cartwheel?” I asked.

“Maybe after we walk down a ways…that way,” he said.

The cool surf glided under the arches of my dainty feet, giving me a pleasant shiver every now and again.

With a faraway look in my eyes I said, “I feel like a little…girl again.”

“And I feel…I feel kinda happy again,” said Ben.

“Oh?” I wondered. “You’ve seemed pretty happy since I first met you.”

“I just figured maybe if I smiled enough, I might actually start smiling on the inside,” he said.

His smile temporarily retreated like the frothy waves an instant later.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“I almost didn’t come down here,” said Ben. “I was afraid that every time I saw a couple on the beach I’d be reminded of what I’ve lost.”

Now I couldn’t help myself. I reached over and grasped his large hand.

“Well you’re not alone now,” I said.

Ben smiled. “I’m glad I came down,” he said. “I’m glad I got the chance to meet you Alana.”

“Me too,” I said. “I almost didn’t come either. But I’m glad Christina talked me into it.” We gazed deeply into each other’s eyes. My heart started thumping in my chest and I could feel my cheeks flush. “Whew,” I declared. “I feel really warm all of the sudden. Do you? It must be all of the margaritas.”

“You did have quite a few,” said Ben.

“I know, right?” I said. “This place might as well be Vegas because I’m doing a lot of things I don’t normally do. I know this is probably hard for you to believe, but I’m normally quite shy.”

I stopped and gazed across the water at the pale pink-orange horizon. Ben stood next to me and we listened to the waves as they scraped and lapped the shore.

“I got the impression you were a delicate flower when I first met you,” he said. “But there’s nothing wrong with being shy.”

I shifted my attention to a lone seagull patrolling the shore overhead. I pointed to it.

“But there’s something wrong with being alone, and I should know,” I said.

“It’s no fun,” said Ben. “That’s for sure.”

He stroked my hand. I had never had my hand stroked before, not by a girl and certainly not by a boy. It did something to me, something I’d never experienced before. A delicious tingly sensation rippled through my body. Warmth surged within me, stirring my blood and reddening my cheeks.

He gazed into my eyes and melted my heart with a gentle smile. When he leaned in, I was completely powerless to resist. I closed my eyes and lifted up my chin.

When our lips touched, all I can say is wow! The localized tingling sensation was even more pleasurable than the whole body one. My blood stirred even more during the long passionate kiss. But that’s not the only thing that was stirring.

My eyes went wide with panic because of what was starting to reawaken…downstairs, if you catch my drift. It was trying to break free from its restraints as much as my passion had.

Stupid birth defect!

“I’ve…I’ve gotta go,” I said.

“Why?” wondered Ben.

“I’m not feeling well,” I said. “It’s not you. I had a wonderful time. I’ve just got to go.”

I turned and rushed away, kicking up sand the whole way. When I did, Ben shouted in my direction.

“Will I see you again?” he asked.

All I could do was manage a nod.

I darted back to the strip, wedges in one hand and the other pulling my skirt away from my hips. From the beach back to the boardwalk, and from the boardwalk back to the hotel, I was terrified “it” was going to break free from its restraints, so much so that I took the stairs instead of the elevator.

When I reached my floor, I padded across the carpet, fumbled for my keycard and burst through the door. My heart was still racing when I collapsed on the bed and started sobbing.

I directed all of my pain, embarrassment, and frustration at the mistake between my legs. I smacked it a few times, eliciting a few more stinging tears which joined the stream down either cheek.

“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” I cried. “It’s not fair. It’s just not fair. Why did you do this to me? Why God? Why me?”

It wasn’t until I cried myself out that I realized something was conspicuously absent.

I knocked on the bathroom door.

“Christina? Christina?”

But there was no one.

“I’d better text her,” I said.

My heart raced but this time in a bad way, a very bad way when I realized something else was missing.

“Oh shit! My purse!”

My first day as a woman and I’d already been absent minded enough to leave it somewhere.

Great! I’ll probably get my period next.

I rushed downstairs. But I didn’t even make it across the lobby when I heard a familiar voice echo across the marble floor.

“Forget something?” said Ben with a smile.

I rushed over to him and embraced him without a second thought.

“Thank you,” I said breathlessly. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” I gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

Now it was his turn for his cheeks to flush.

“No problem at all,” he assured. “But it’s really not me you should be thanking. Actually, it was Christina. She handed it to me shortly after you rushed off…Why did you rush off?”

“It doesn’t matter,” I assured. “I feel better now.” I grinned ear-to-ear as I clutched my purse closer. “Much better…Where is Christina by the way?”

Ben shrugged his shoulders. “All she told me was that she was going to hang out with a friend at a club.”

Arms akimbo, with incredulous eyes I said, “And what club would that be? The kind that looks the other way and lets impressionable underage girls in?”

“Sorry, but I’m not Christina’s keeper,” said Ben.

“Yeah,” I conceded. “Maybe she texted me about her change of plans…no, nothing.”

“Do you want me to help you track her down?” asked Ben.

“Umm,” I began. “Sure. Why not? Like I said, you know this place better than I do…Let me ask you a question. If you were a young girl in Miami who, let’s say just for the sake of argument, has a fake ID, where would you go?”

Ben beamed a wide smile.

“I don’t know about the young girl part,” he said. “But I do know a couple hip clubs that just might meet the criteria.”

“Good,” I said. “Let’s go before Christina goes all “girls gone wild” and ends up in a Youtube video that her father finds on the internet.”

“After you,” said Ben.

Now it was my turn to play the role of chaperone. I only hoped it wasn’t too late.

To Be Continued in Part 4...

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