Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman, Ch 11


Chapter Eleven

“Magic, it’s a Bitch”


I pushed through the door and started moving up the stairs. The building had been segregated into what looked like two apartments per floor. I made it up to the landing on the second floor when a blonde, shorter and a little chunkier than me rushed out of an apartment.

“Kris! It’s so good to see you.”

I had to drop my bags to return her hug. Based on her enthusiasm she must really be happy to see Kristina.

“It’s been too long! Come, come in.” Before I knew it she’d grabbed the backpack I’d dropped during our hug and headed into an apartment. I followed and couldn’t help noticing that this was an older building with clean but worn looking furnishings. I shut the door behind me and saw that the long entry hall had a door to the left and right, since the doors were standing open I could see that on the right was a bedroom filled with feminine touches - little throw pillows, stuffed animals, and several plants. A little farther down on the left was a door to what looked like a bathroom.

Jenny continued down the hallway her flight attendant uniform cut tightly enough to give me a good idea about her figure. The hallway opened into a living area with a kitchen on the left. She sat my backpack down next to the sofa and picked up the clicker to the large flat screen and shut it off. Then she turned and gave me a bright smile.

“Are you hungry? I take it you’ve been driving most of the day?”

The open hospitality and friendship on her face made me feel guilty over the fact that I was deceiving her. I wasn’t really her friend Kristina, yet I had to play the role I’d been assigned, so I gave her the best smile I could.

“Starving. How have you been?”

“Great, just give me a moment to change and then I’ll fix us a couple of salads.” She moved toward the bedroom and said over her shoulder, “You know where everything is, just make yourself at home.”

I glanced at the TV, I doubted that she’d want to watch the things I typically watched. Besides, getting American football on a Berlin cable station was unlikely. Instead, I ignored the TV and tried examining the apartment to see what I could learn about my host.

The heels of my boots made a clacking noise on the hard wood as I moved into her kitchen. I ran my fingers lightly over the worn granite counter top. Then I randomly opened one of the white oak doors and saw that I’d discovered Jenny’s plates. To my left I spotted a wine rack and after a few more minutes of searching I found a bottle opener.

“Well she said to make myself at home.”

With that I opened a bottle of Merlot and started searching for glasses. It took three tries to find her wine glasses and then I poured two leaving one on the counter while taking the other to the back window.

I discovered I could look out the back window of her apartment into what must be some kind of community park or garden right behind the building. This late in the year everything was in but I figured during the summer it was probably a nice place to sit.

“Hey, Kris, I see you found the wine.”

I turned around and was a little surprised at the transformation. The pretty, professional looking flight attendant had changed into a girl next door in jeans and a sweater. Jenny scooped up the glass of wine and took a sip.

“Mmmm . . . So, what brings you to Berlin? Not that I’m complaining.”

I froze for a second and then gave her the best Kristina smile I had, “Ah, work, actually. They’ve got a branch here and I’m supposed to be doing training for the next week.”

I did my best to make the lie sound believable. A week of training would give me time to hang out until Kristina got here and an excuse to disappear during the day.

“The company will pay for a hotel, but I thought I could crash with you for a few days.”

“Of course you can stay here! Although, the couch isn’t as nice as a bed.” As she said this Jenny moved into the kitchen and started pulling things out of the refrigerator. “Do you mind making yourself useful?”

“Of course not.”

With that she started handing me vegetables, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, and an onion, “The knives are in the drawer behind you.”

I watched out of the corner of my eye as she pulled out a cooked chicken breast and stuck it in the microwave to reheat, and then dropped a couple of eggs into boiling water.

“So, how are your mum and dad?”

“They’re doing well.”

“Really? That’s great! I thought your dad was having trouble after the surgery?”

I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about but tried to adlib it, “Yeah, at first, but he’s doing much better now. Although, I’ve not seen them for a couple of days. Work has been super busy.”

The microwave buzzed so she got out two bowls and another cutting board. I was almost finished with the veggies and saw Jenny quickly slice up the chicken.

“How’s your job?”

“I’m still out four days a week. You’re lucky you caught me. I leave the day after tomorrow and will be gone until next Monday.” Lettuce went into the bowls and I noticed, with a twinge of jealousy that the sliced chicken all went into one bowl. I started handing her the veggies.

“I can check into a hotel if that would be easier.”

Jenny gave me a quick look, “Nonsense. You can stay here while I’m gone. No reason to use a hotel.” By now the eggs were done so she drained the water and quickly peeled off the shells before slicing them and adding them.


I nodded and Jenny dug out a half wheel of Parmesan and used a hand grader to shred it.

“There’s dressing in the door of the refrigerator.”

I opened the door and saw several bottles. I grabbed the light vinaigrette and looked at Jenny.

“That’s fine.”

So I brought it over to the now finished salads. Jenny had also cut two chunks of bread from a single loaf and added that to the side of each bowl. For a second I had to fight down the temptation to grab the salad with the chicken, but I knew better. ‘Why the hell did Kristina have to be a vegetarian?’ I thought, snagging my bowl.

I followed Jenny over to the living room area and sat at one end of the sofa. Jenny settled into the opposite end tucking her feet up under her and gave me a bright smile. For the next couple of hours we ate, finished the wine, and I did my best to evade questions. I could tell that my lack of understanding was causing her to become a little confused but I didn’t know what to do. Finally in desperation I asked if I could use the bathroom and get ready for bed.

That did the trick and she disappeared into her bedroom to find me a blanket and pillows for the sofa. I went into the bathroom and closed the door with a feeling of relief. The image of the blonde woman staring back at me from the mirror was still strange. She looked tired, ‘I guess that’s why Jenny bought my story so quickly.’ I thought. I started in on the still weird nightly ritual required to maintain this body. I washed my face, brushed teeth and hair, and got rid of the damn bra. I silently cursed whoever had come up with the concept of bras! Why the hell did all of Kristina’s feel a little small? Then it hit me, “I bet her breasts swell up a little while she’s having her period.”

That reminded me I needed to use the toilet. So I hiked up the dress and dropped my tights and panties, and was greeted with a disgusting mess. The pad was completely saturated and blood had leaked into my underwear. I would need a fresh set before bed. Then I realized at this rate I’d be through all of the underwear I’d brought from Kristina’s before she arrived in Berlin.

As I sat there on the toilet wrapping the pad in toilet paper I grimaced. ‘How long does a period last,’ I wondered. A part of me knew it was normally about four days, but I didn’t really want to think about that right now. I glanced over at the old fashioned looking tub. Jenny had added a hose and curtain to turn it into a shower, but I looked at it a little skeptically. I guess I’d have to figure it out tomorrow. I pulled a fresh set of underwear from my backpack added the required feminine hygiene product and got dressed. I was glad I’d thought to bring an oversized t-shirt from Kristina’s for sleeping in, it would be much more comfortable than sleeping in a dress.

By the time I left the bathroom Jenny had done a great job of transforming the couch into a bed. And even though it wasn’t that late, the alcohol from the wine combined with the stress of the last couple of days left me feeling tired ready to go to sleep.


I looked over at Jenny. She’d obviously heard me leave the bathroom and followed me to the living room.


“I’ve got to be up early tomorrow. But I should be home by four. I know a great little café, why don’t we plan to go out for dinner?”

“Sounds fantastic.” I said, trying to fill my voice with an enthusiasm I didn’t feel.

“Okay, it’s great to have you here.” With that she gave me a hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’m glad to be here. Thanks for letting me crash.”


I didn’t have any trouble falling asleep, but when I did I started dreaming immediately. The dream was full of color and sound and the feeling of an unidentifiable menace. Then I was running, at first I was in my normal body charging through a forest, the branches and brambles of trees and bushes slicing into me as I fought my way through. I burst into a clearing and as soon as I did my clothes transformed into a sundress and to my horror my body shifted to match.

In the middle of the sun bright clearing was a blanket with a basket and a man. I, unwillingly, approached something just drew me to him despite my reluctance. Then as I got closer he turned to face me. It was the handsome cop from today. He stood up and gave me a friendly smile, his eyes locking onto my chest, “Hallo, Ich habe auf Sie gewartet.” Then he gestured to a spot next to him.

Even though I didn’t speak German I somehow knew that he was inviting me to sit down and eat with him.

“Yes, thank you.”

I felt myself nod, even though I wanted to say no, for some reason I was helpless within my dream. He took my small hand in his much larger one, and I felt a thrill run through me. I knew on some level that I was tall and strong for a woman, yet next to this guy I felt like a little girl. It wasn’t something I was comfortable with, yet I smiled up at him.

He sat down and I settled in next to him, tucking my legs under and to one side while smoothing my dress artfully around me. From somewhere behind him, he pulled out a bottle of Champaign and with a smooth motion popped the cork sending it flying into the distance without a care.


“Yes, please.”

He quickly poured two glasses and when he handed me mine our hands brushed. I felt a thrill shock through my system. ‘Why, the fuck, is this guy affecting me so much?’ I wondered while blushing at the contact. I took a sip of the light bubbly wine and instantly felt it go up my nose causing me to sneeze.

“Geht es Ihnen nicht gut?” The concern in his voice was endearing as he moved closer to me gently patting me on the back.

“It’s just Champaign, it sometimes goes up my nose.” I said, and then flushed, “I’m sorry.”

“Kein Problem. Sie sehen sogar hübsch aus, wenn Sie niesen.”

With that he reached up and brushed my cheek with his hand. Once again the feeling of his warm masculine hand sent a thrill through me. Then he leaned in and I froze. His eyes were so blue it was like looking into the sky and then his lips brushed mine.

I was intensely aware of my body, and how it was reacting to his. My chest felt tight and my nipples were like twin bits of stone and I knew the ache and moistness in my groin had nothing to do with my period. Then he leaned away and I had to catch my breath.

“What’s your name?”

“Ich heiße Martin”

Suddenly I felt like I needed to be honest with Martin, “Uhm, I know we just met, and this is just a dream, but I’m not the person that you see.”

He leaned back looking amused, “Sie sind also keine schöne Engländerin?”

All at once a shadow raced across the clearing and I shivered as the shadow touched me and then I glanced at Martin and he changed. His body morphed becoming smaller and his clothes shifted from casual collared shirt into a stained t-shirt and jeans and his hair darkened with grey touching the temples. By the time the changes were done I saw that I was sitting next to the lead thug from the train. He looked around confused and then when he saw me he grinned evilly.

“Kristina, we’ve been looking for you, love.”

I shuddered and moved away from him as he leered down at me. Now the feeling of being small and protected shifted into being threatened.

“Stay away.” Then I added, “This is a dream, you’re not really here.”

At this he blinked and looked around, “A dream? Really?”

I didn’t know exactly what was going on but I willed it to change, and the dream shifted. I couldn’t tell where I was but I was suddenly thrilled. Maybe I did have some control over this strange dream. I glanced around and saw that I was standing in some kind of executive office with a full wall of windows overlooking a forest scene. I heard the buzzing hum of distant voices and turned to my left to see a conference table and a group of men and one woman. They were all wearing suits and looked like they were standard corporate types.

The man at the head of the table was in his early fifties and looked very fit. His rust red hair had a touch of grey but the iron look of discipline around his eyes gave me the impression he wasn’t someone to fool around with. Then I recognized him from the dram of Kristina’s flat. I could see that they were talking but I couldn’t hear anything. I moved toward the table willing myself to hear the conversation.

“So tell me, again, why is this a problem?” Red said.

The man to the left of the head of the table looked embarrassed. He was short and overweight, and his face became flushed with agitation as he started talking.

“Ah, well, we think that she took one of our prototype crystals and tried to get to the Society with it.”

At this the man at the head of the table glared at the fat guy and I could swear that his eyes started to glow.

“Josef, are you telling me that our enemies have a copy of one of our most prized and secret projects?”

The question was spoken coldly but I sensed that everyone at the table, without moving, had eased away from the guy at the end of the table. The short guy looked up and apparently unworried and nodded.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. The woman was able to hack our security, she down loaded files, and then gave herself permission to access the vault.” He took a deep breath, “Director Drake, these IT people, they can do things with a computer that I never dreamed. Once she changed her permissions she was able to get into the vault and she took a crystal. I doubt she understood what she took.” He shook his head, “Our records indicate that she has some magical potential, but it is dormant at the moment. She isn’t an agent, and isn’t a real threat.”

The Director remained impassive and then said, “That’s not what I’m being told. Then he pushed a button on the intercom in front of him, “Stephanie, would you ask Ms. Jackson to come in, please?”

A pair of doors behind me opened and when I spun around I saw a petite Asian woman enter in a conservative business suit. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun and it took me a second to recognize Elvira from the club. She came to a stop a few feet from the table and put her hands behind her back in classic parade rest.

“You requested my presence, Mr. Drake?”

“Yes, Ms. Jackson, you are responsible for the retrieval team that attempted to apprehend Ms. Curtis. Please report.”

“Sir, after our initial interview we deemed her a low threat. I directed a two person security team to take her into custody. Surprisingly, she dispatched them. Then we made a second attempt, this time through a third party, and she once again proved more resourceful than anticipated. Presently she is unaccounted for.”

There was a low murmur around the table and Director Drake silenced it with a look. “In your estimation, based on what you know about Kristina Curtis, should she have been able to evade your agents?”

The woman shook her head slightly, “No.”

The pause gave those around the table a chance to look at each other and then the short guy to the director’s left said, “So what do you suspect?”

Now, for the first time the woman they’d called Ms. Jackson looked a little unsure.

“I now think, that she has used the crystal to switch bodies with someone. We just can’t figure out who. We’ve reviewed the members of Kristina’s family and her friends and there isn’t anyone with the training and skill to do the things that she’s done since our team tried to bring her in.”

The lone woman sitting to the right of the director spoke up for the first time, “Can you quantify this new threat for us? Just what has she been able to accomplish?”

Ms. Jackson looked at the board member, “A two person team forced entry into her flat. She killed one, and subdued the other. Then a four person team was divided while searching for her on a train. Two were subdued and the other two tricked while she escaped. Average citizens aren’t able to pull off anything like this, it requires training.”

The female executive nodded, “Is it possible that she was able to reach out to someone new? Or that she might have a friend or two who aren’t close to her in recent years that she might have gone to?”

At this Ms. Jackson shrugged, “Anything is possible.”

Before she could continue the Director cleared his throat. “At this point it’s all just speculation. However, our agents in Cancun have been watching the Society compound. They have brought in a new apprentice, a male, as yet unidentified. I suspect that once we have his identity we will have the identity of the person pretending to be Kristina Curtis. Then the dream faded.


I woke up to the sound of the front door closing. It took me a second to figure out where I was and then I climbed out of bed. The dream I’d had still clung to me making it hard for me to really grasp the fact that I was in an apartment in Berlin. Instead, my heart was racing with excitement. The dream had been disturbing but the first part had been pleasant. I let my mind drift to the imaginary glade and the handsome cop and my nipples started to become hard. I could almost feel the brush of the police officers lips.

‘What’s wrong with me?’ I wondered. Then my sarcastic voice answered, ‘Besides being stuck in the body of a woman and having your first period?’ I couldn’t help grinning a little and then I remembered my girlfriend Jill. After the first day of her period she was always horny. Was I experiencing a similar reaction? In an effort to distract myself from what I was feeling I tried to focus on the last part of the dream.

The last time I’d had a dream like this it was just before I’d been attacked and it had saved my life. Before I’d swapped bodies with Kristina I’d never had such vivid dreams. Normally, I just dropped into a deep sleep and woke up with no idea what I’d been dreaming about. The spell that Kristina had used to swap us had done something to me, ever since landing in her body I’d had such vivid dreams. I’d always been the kind of person to get a hunch, and I tended to trust my gut, in fact my instincts had saved my life on more than one Operation. As I thought about it I couldn’t remember a time when my instincts had lead me astray. ‘Well except for when you met Kristina.’ I thought wincing. Was it this body? Being a female that had kicked my intuition into high gear? Or was it something else? What if this magic, the body swap spell, had awoken something in me, something that had kicked my limited precognition into high gear? I shook my head, “There’s just no way to know.” I said to the empty room.

I climbed out of the makeshift bed and after a second dismissed the dream. Even if it was true, there wasn’t anything actionable in the dream. It had let me know that they’d figured out that someone else was in Kristina’s body, but as yet they hadn’t connected any dots. Although, if they had the Society compound in Mexico under observation, then the chances of Kristina leaving unobserved were slim. I should probably report this as soon as Kristina and I talked next.

I collected my backpack and headed through the empty apartment to the bathroom. By now I thought I’d started to adjust to my new body that is until I dropped my panties and saw the blood on the pad I’d worn to bed last night. ‘God, this sucks!’ I thought, with a shudder, and I was just on day two!

“Well, at least I didn’t mess up my underwear this time.”

Despite what was going on with my new female parts the act of peeing was starting to become somewhat normal. Then I glanced over at the shower and felt the needed to clean up. I turned the water faucet on and adjusted it to a good temp and then turned the knob that directed the water up the hose to the shower head. I stepped into the shower remembering to protect my nipples from the direct stream. I stood there for a little while enjoying the comfort of the warm water massage my shoulders. Then I found Jenny’s loofa and body wash and started getting clean.

I quickly learned that my whole body was much more sensitive while I was on Kristina’s period. As I soaped up my breasts I couldn’t resist massaging them, enjoying the sensation of soft, slippery, skin under my questing fingers.

“Ummm . . .”

Without really thinking about it my right hand drifted to my crotch. I brushed my lower lips and felt a jolt of electricity run through me.

“Ohhhh . . .”

A part of me wondered about playing with my girl parts while I was bleeding but another part reminded me of doing it with Jill in the shower during her period. I focused on the little nub of flesh just above my slit and I felt it sort of expand as I rubbed it.

“God, that feels good.”

The sound of my female voice suddenly turned me on, “Mmmmm.” I couldn’t resist moaning a little, enjoying the sexy feminine sound. If I closed my eyes I could imagine that I was in the shower with Jill. That I was running one hand over her breasts tweaking her nipples, while using my other hand to play with her clitoris. The image of caressing my girlfriend while feeling the results of those caresses was impossibly erotic.

I continued to massage my breasts focusing on my nipples, alternating between rubbing and pinching. It was like my whole body was now an erogenous zone. Was this how Jill felt when we made love while she was having her period? I moved my left hand away from my breast to slow explore my firm, round back side. I’ve always enjoyed a sexy female butt, but I’d never appreciated what it might feel to have it played with from the inside. I turned around so the water from the shower was now massaging my back. Then I bent over slightly so that the water was hitting my butt. I, reluctantly, reached out to grab the side of the tub with the hand I’d been using to rub my pussy. As I did I felt my breasts swing away from my body as gravity did its thing.

I ran my left hand along my crack feeling my anus and I shifted my body slightly so that the water was hitting bottom. Then I continued exploring and found that I could reach my pussy lips from behind. My male mind was almost shocked to realize that I had access to my private parts from either the front or back. On one level I’d known this, I mean I’ve had sex with woman from behind, but to physically explore my pussy from behind was surprising and different on a whole new level.

Now the need, the ache, intensified and I switched hands so that I could stroke my clitoris from the front. The stream of water was still stimulating me from the rear and I had to clutch the side of the tub with my left hand for support. Then I worked a finger up and down exploring my pussy lips, parting them slightly. The ache I’d felt earlier had turned into a fire, I needed something, something that could scratch the growing itch inside of me. Just as I was about to push a finger up into my pussy my eye caught the image of my backpack through the clear plastic shower curtain.

‘How would it feel?’ I wondered and then I wondered if I dared to try it. I’d used my fingers to explore Kristina’s inner depths a few days ago and it had been great, but my body wanted, needed, more. I reached out and pushed the curtain back, not caring how much water I got onto the floor as I moved to my backpack. It only took a few seconds to find the toy, all the way in the bottom, and then I was back in the tub.

This time I sat on the floor of the tub and put the plug in so it would slowly fill. The warm water from the shower felt great on my legs and crotch. The water added a level of stimulation and I sat the dildo next to me as I used my fingers to explore my clitoris. I’d lost a little momentum when I’d made my brief trip to get Kristina’s toy. However, the dual sensation of water and my fingers brought me slowly back and soon my whole body was quivering with need.

Then before I could think about it I picked up the toy with my right hand and with my left I parted my lower lips placing the shaft of the dildo between them. I tried to imagine that the dildo was my cock and I was using it on Jill’s pussy as I slowly worked it up and down. My lower lips were spread to either side of the dildo as I used the bulbs tip to stimulate my clitoris.

My breathing was getting ragged and then unbidden the image of the blonde cop leaning in to kiss me popped into my mind. I let out a little gasp, ‘What the fuck?’ I felt shocked, yet my body responded, it desperately wanted something inside of it. I could feel the first signs of an orgasm and I turned the dildo so the tip was now pointed into my pussy. Then without bothering to think about it I pushed it inside of me. I felt a slight popping sensation and I was thankful that this wasn’t a large toy. This was all I needed to push me over the edge and I moaned in pleasure. Yet I knew that I hadn’t satisfied my body’s need.

I could feel my lower lips stretching to accommodate the dildo but it wasn’t painful. Then I started working it in and out, just a little at a time. With each stroke little electric jolts of pleasure hit me. I knew that the toy I was using wasn’t as big as a real penis. But it was larger than two of my fingers together and the tip was shaped like a male member. This allowed me to hit the bundle of nerves just inside my pussy with each stroke.

I rapidly climbed to a second peak and I felt my body tense up. I began to use the ring of muscles within my canal, clenching down on the dildo, and it occurred to me in a flash that I was using muscles I shouldn’t even have. But I didn’t care as the uncontrollable spasming of another orgasm shook me.

“Ahhhh. . .”

As I came down from my orgasmic high I felt the urge to try again, and I knew that as good as that was I wasn’t satisfied, the ache, was not only still there but it was demanding more. I started working the toy in and out, faster and faster, deeper and deeper. Now, I was lifting my hips in time to my own stroking while the outsides of my knees were pressed against the sides of the tub in an attempt to allow for the deepest penetration possible.

“Oh, god, oh, god, oh, GOD!”

I barely registered my own voice as I focused on my need! The need to be filled, to scratch an itch on the inside, was so intense it was overpowering all other thoughts. I worked the dildo in harder and harder meeting my bodies need with the amazing intruding fullness of my toy as I stretched and filled my pussy.

The warm water directly hitting my vagina added another level of stimulation and now my arm was starting to get tired and my lower lips were beginning to ache, yet my body drove me on. Again, the image of the handsome cop floated into my brain and even though I tried to ignore it my body responded. I was now completely lost in a world of erotic sensation and needed. My panting turned into moaning and the sound of my own feminine pleasure drove me over the top for a third time.

“Oh, oh, ohhhhhhh . . .”

This time when I started to come down from my self-induced carnal high, I realized that the water had changed from hot to warm. I looked down and I could see the end of the purple toy buried in my pussy. I reached down and slowly pulled it out and felt a strange popping sensation. It was as if my body didn’t want to give up the shaft it had been clutching.

To my annoyance I saw blood and my own cum on the shaft and head of the toy. I sat up and looked down to see a steady flow of blood floating way from me in the water. I stood up on weak legs and rinsed off the toy. Now I felt a little disgusted with myself. Here I was, in Kristina’s female body, and I couldn’t wait until her period was over to play with myself? Was I losing my mind? Where was my self-discipline? Was it possible that a young, healthy, horny female body would overcome my male identity with its need?

Not wanting to think about any of that I pulled the plug on the tub and watched as the water drained away. Now, all of a sudden, I was in a hurry to finish up and get out. As I cleaned up I realized that my use of the toy and my stimulation of my feminine plumbing had sort of opened the flood gates. There hadn’t been much blood as I used the bathroom before, but now I was actively bleeding from my crotch. I dried off and used a wad of toilet paper to keep from dripping all over while I added a fresh pad to my panties. Then I slipped them on with a sense of relief.

“I wonder how woman two hundred years ago dealt with this problem.” Then I chuckled, “I guess I know where the phrase, ‘on the rag,’ comes from.”

I quickly pulled on jeans and a t-shirt and glanced at my watch. It was mid-morning. Then I looked around at the mess I’d made of the bathroom. With a sigh I went to work, cleaning up the water, and to my embarrassment, a bit of blood, from the floor and the side of the tub.

Once done I went into the living room and got a banana and glass of water and sat down on the sofa figuring I’d watch some TV. After about an hour I gave up. I couldn’t find any English channels and my German just wasn’t good enough to watch TV. For the first time since I’d left Kristina’s apartment I felt like I was safe and could let my guard down. There was no way the Syndicate could track me to Jenny’s place. This made me wonder if it was because I was relaxed that I’d been comfortable enough to do a little more exploration. That led me to thinking about what I’d done in the shower. The use of Kristina’s dildo was bad enough, but the flashes of the male cop really had me worried. My body had responded to those thoughts pushing me to an incredible orgasm. But what was happening to my mind? Was I losing my sense of identity? When I returned to my body would I prefer men to women? What was happening to me?

I stood up. I didn’t have anything to do and I desperately needed something to occupy my mind. Besides I was full of energy, what I needed, I decided, was a trip to Jenny’s fitness center. Jenny had left me directions the fitness center she used and she said that they allowed people to pay for day to day use. I could get a workout in and distract my mind from what I’d been doing. ‘Just a couple days Jimmy-boy, and you’re back where you belong in your male body.’ I thought.

I grabbed some gym clothes from my bag and stuffed then into a smaller sack I found in Jenny’s apartment and then headed out. Jenny had left me directions to her gym, which was supposed to be a few blocks from her apartment. So it seemed like a good idea to leave the car in Jenny’s driveway and walk to the gym.

The gym reminded me of a 24-hour fitness center in the United States. Modern, with lots of glass and good equipment. There was a free weight area, and area with cardio machines, treadmills, elliptical machines, bikes, stair-climbers . . . I started in the free weight area and set up a rotation with dumbbells to get some cross-fit type work in. I was shocked at how much weaker my body now was adjusting down from 25 lbs to 2 ½ lbs dumbbells. Even with the lighter weight I was able to get a good workout in and then shifted to running one the treadmill.

This was a new experience for me. I’ve worked out several times in Kristina’s body, but running, with wider hips, flesh bouncing on my chest, and the lack of my familiar equipment in my shorts left me feeling very strange. Luckily mid-morning wasn’t a peak time for exercise so I didn’t have to worry about a bunch of jocks eyeballing at me.

I finished up and was pleased to see that I basically had the woman’s locker room to myself. I had a flash back to sharing a stall with Lana and shuddered. It wasn’t that I hadn’t enjoyed sharing with Lana, but the whole experience had left me feeling confused. I still couldn’t understand how, women felt so comfortable being intimate around each other. Although maybe it was just women who were good friends or maybe it was just Kristina and Lana. I shook my head in amusement, since I really didn’t understand, despite being the current occupant of Kristina’s body. After all, I’ve changed with guys, hundreds of times, but there’s a man rule that says we’re supposed to ignore each other while naked. Lana and Kristina had seemed very comfortable with each other in a very different non-sexual way.

After I got cleaned up and changed I figured I’d get a quick bite to eat before returning to Jenny’s apartment. I saw an interesting looking café when I’d walked to the gym so I figured I should give it a try. The server settled me into a small table and I ordered a water and a veggie wrap. Then I pulled out my phone. I was a little reluctant to check it, but I knew that I needed to know what was going on. So I put the battery in and then powered up it up. As soon as it came on line I saw that I had a couple of missed texts from Lana, and one from Kristina’s mother.

I ignored these and sent a message to my old cell.

Me: Made it to Jenny’s. Be careful, they are aware of Cancun.

I didn’t think I could risk anything more detailed so I sat my cell on the table and when my lunch arrived I dug in. I was starting to get used to Kristina’s diet but I still missed the strong taste of a nice piece of meat. This made me wonder if she was still following her vegetarian diet in my body or if she was eating meat. I hadn’t given her any restrictions. I finished eating and paid the bill making sure to leave a good tip. Since I still didn’t have a reply I left the phone on and headed back to Jenny’s apartment.

I made it onto the sidewalk when I started to feel dizzy. A little bewildered I moved to lean against a building and focused on breathing deeply. After a second I heard the click-clack of heeled boots and looked up to see a small Asian woman approach. It took me a second to realize it was Elvira.

“Hello, Kristina, or whoever you are.”

I blinked at her owlishly. “What?” A distant part of my mind registered that a van had pulled to a stop a few feet away.

“Come with me, girl.” She put her arm around my waist and helped me stagger to my feet.

“Where are we going?”

“To a safe place.”

Then I was in the van and I felt a sting in my arm.

“Ouch, what was that?” I said, and then the world started swimming around me.

“Just something to help you sleep, dear.” Elvira said and then darkness descended.


This time I didn’t dream. I felt my awareness return and I tried to look around, but the room was very dark. There was a window to my right and I tried to turn toward it only to discover that my arms and legs were in some kind of hospital restraints and my movements were severely restricted. I blinked for a few minutes and then realized that the room wasn’t as dark as I’d originally thought. It was dark, but there was enough light coming in from the window to allow me to see.

I tried to sit up but there was another restraint across my chest holding me down. Now I glanced down and saw that my clothes had been removed and I was wearing some kind of hospital smock. Then I heard a beeping and looked over to see a monitor flashing red next to my head.

Just then the door opened and a short fat man in medical scrubs came in and turned on the overhead light. I blinked for a few seconds trying to adjust to the light and then my breath caught when I recognized the man from my dreams. This was the guy who’d been sitting at the board room table talking to Director Drake. He was followed by Elvira, and I knew beyond a doubt I was screwed.

“What’s going on?”

I tried to sound innocent and confused instead of scared. Obviously the syndicate had caught up to me. I didn’t know what they had planned but it couldn’t be good. The Asian woman, who I’d thought of as Elvira, but now suspected her real name was Ms. Jackson, moved around to the right side of my bed while the man moved to the side closer to the door.

“I’m doctor Mengele and I’ve,” here he paused and looked at the short female, who gave him a quizzical look, “we’ve got a few questions for you.”

“I’m a citizen of the United Kingdom. I demand you let me go or allow me to speak to an attorney.” I said, trying to go on the offensive. Unfortunately, both of my visitors just laughed at my outburst.

“You’re just as much Kristina Curtis as I am Elvira Chen!” The woman to my right said and something clicked. In my dream she’d been called Ms. Jackson, and when I’d been in Ireland I’d seen a video of a woman how looked a lot like Elvira in a rite that I now realized must have been a body swap. Elvira Chen must have died that night in Maxwell Jackson’s body!

“Do you think you’re in some kind of public institution?” The doctor asked, and then shook his head. “No one will find you here. You are not under arrest, however, the way you are treated will depend on you. If you answer our questions things will go easy for you. If you fight us, then things will get unpleasant.” As he said this there was no emotion in his voice, it was as if he didn’t care either way but wanted to get on with the task at hand. “Now, please tell me your full name?”

“Miesha Tate.”

“And how did you come to be in Kristina’s body?”

“She asked me to swap with her. She needed to get away, a vacation from her life, if you will. I didn’t believe that she could do it and was surprised to wake up in her apartment and in her body.”

I figured, that if I mixed a little truth with some lies it would leave these guys guessing. Just then the Ms. Jackson raised her hand.

“Herr Doktor, she is lying to you. Miesha Tate is an American Mixed Martial Arts Fighter. There is no way she swapped bodies with Kristina without us spotting it. She’s just too famous.”

“Are you sure about that?” I asked trying to inject as much doubt into the woman’s story as I could.

“It is as I thought. You will not cooperate. Fortunately, I came prepared.”

The doctor reached into his coat pocket and pulled out what looked like a ring. I curled my hands into fists but between the two of them they forced my left hand open and the doctor slid the ring onto my index finger. As soon as it was on I felt a tingle ripple through my body.

“What are you doing to me?”

“Getting answers. Now, tell me your true name.” The doctor commanded, and with that he held up his hand and I saw a matching ring on his finger.

“James C. Frost.” The words came out to my horror.

“Excellent, James, that wasn’t so hard was it?” The doctor said sounding pleased.

“No.” I whispered involuntarily.

“When did you become Kristina?”


“Why did you agree to the swap?”

“I didn’t, Kristina used the crystal but didn’t explain what was going on until after the swap. She told me I needed to help her if I wanted to get my body back.” I focused on trying to limit my answers, but it was like I had no control over my responses.

“What do you know about the New World Research and Development Corporation?”

“It’s a front for something called the Syndicate.”

At this Max and Dr. Mengele exchanged glances. “What do you know of the Syndicate?” she asked.

I didn’t feel compelled to answer so I kept my mouth shut. “Answer her!” Dr. Mengele commanded and I felt my mouth open.

“The Syndicate is some kind of criminal organization, based out of Europe, focused on black magic and world domination.”

At this Dr. Mengele looked very grim. “My dear, I’m afraid you know too much.”

Max held up her hand, “Doctor, wait, we need to capture Kristina and find out what she knows. She is probably working with a Society Adept. Perhaps a trap is in order?”

My mind felt like it was wrapped in cotton, but I could understand this at least, “There is no way I’m going to help you!”

At this Dr. Mengele, grinned evilly down at me. “Oh, my dear, you say that as if you have a choice.” Then he lifted his ring and it started glowing an evil ruby-red. I felt the ring on my hand respond as I strained against my bonds.

“Your name is Kristina Curtis. Now, tell me your name.”

I fought the urge to speak but I couldn’t resist, “My name is Kristina Curtis.”

“You are a woman, and love being a woman.” the doctor continued. “You like dressing in a very feminine way and enjoy makeup, fashion, and flirting with men.” I felt his words hitting my mind and if I could have shivered I would have. Yet the commands continued. “You don’t know anything about fighting, and are intimidated by large men. You want nothing more than to submit to strong men and do as you’re told.” I wanted to scream as I felt each command sink into my mind. “You will do everything you can to convince everyone that you are now and have always been Kristina Curtis. Even when you meet the real Kristina in your former body, you won’t remember that were once James. Instead, you’ll be very attracted to him, you’ll arrange to meet with him and then report the time and location to Ms. Jackson.”

The doctors words droned on and on and I lost track of the commands as one mental shackle after another slammed into my mind. Then darkness descended.

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