Princess of Russia

The Princess of Russia
By Kellen

Note from the author. These is the bare bones of a story I want to tell. I would like someone to help me with this as I am very inexperienced as a writer. I have this story in my head but not sure how to tell it. I hope it does not suck. I know I took some of our dark history and made it in the modern world.

chapter one

Another day was ending for Heidi as she stood outside watching the warmth of the sun vanish. She watched the sky bath itself in the orange glow of the sitting son. It would end as it always did for the past five years. It always did and she dreaded the evenings activities from the man who decided five years ago to call himself her husband. No one bothered to ask her if she accepted it. Apparently her opinion of the matter didn’t matter in the least. She was captured and delivered to the estate. A priest read the vows and it was done. Why or how was never explained to her.

Sure enough, the disgusting pig of a man came though the doorway. She watched in fear as the large man ambled toward her with lust filling his eyes. A lust directed toward her. It seemed right in his eyes as she was his wife. He was a massive man, standing over six foot five and the commanding general of the military forces. General Hans Beck. He pulled his wife into his arms and began kissing her. She had learned long ago not to resist his sexual advances. Such things brought pain and suffering for her so she allowed the disgusting pig to grop and kiss her body at will. She was his wife and she did her expected duties too. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back and moaned in pleasure. “I love you, Hans.” Her tongue slithered into his mouth like that of a loving adoring wife. Letting none of her true feelings for the man who destroyed her life show. Hours of painful persuasion taught her to hold her hatred and anger in, never letting it show.

The nights activities happened as it always did. Eventually the foreplay lead to activity in bed. She found herself in bed hugging her pillow wondering how her life had happened like this. She looked at her beautiful manicured fingertips with the red glint reflecting the light from the chandelier. She was given everything she needed and provided with lavish wealth. Her estate consisted of over a thousand acres with forests outside the door, lavish gardens, countless servants to obey her every command. Within reason of course. She could order anything she wanted, any sort of dinner or lunch no matter the expense. She had all sorts of clothing and all of them very expensive. Her wedding ring must have cost over million deutschmarks. Its diamond was more massive than any other woman in the country and possibly the entire world. There were men with more power and money than this man. But few with as large of an ego who wanted everyone to know. He did everything to make her happy. She could have everything she asked for except one. One thing that was more important than all of the possessions. The ability to determine the course of her own life. The freedom to decide where to go, what to do in her life and who was allowed to have sex with her.

She had shut her eyes and emotions to the feeling of the man ontop of her grunting and penetrating her with his enormous sex organ. Her legs were spread and she felt the violation and emotional pain of the penetration that never felt like love making to her as it penetrated her vagina. It felt like a violating rape. She had no right to say no. She had tried within the first year and it resulted in painful punishments as a result. She just helplessly allowed him to rape her with no recourse available to her.

He finally finished after an hour of sex with her. He pulled out after ejaculating a massive load into her and rolled over and began snoring.

She buried her head into the pillow and wept as she had done for the past five years. “Why did this happen to me?” She asked. She drifted off into an uneasy sleep after she cried her eyes out.

She woke up early enough knowing what was to come and sure enough it did. Minutes later she found herself kneeling on the floor with her mouth filled with his cock. Her lips sealed around the organ bobbing along its length hoping for a quick reprieve from this disgusting act. She always hated this more than the sex itself. This felt more personal and somehow like she was doing it to herself. With the sex, she just let him violate her and could tell herself she was being raped and there was nothing she could do. With oral sex, she couldn’t drift out, she had to maintain control over her body and keep her awareness to providing him with the pleasure he desired, with her own mouth. Her thoughts were focused to keeping a slow steady rhythm with her lips sliding along the length of his cock. Her tongue maintaining contact with the head swirling around from her backstrock. Keeping her tongue stimulating the soft underside during her forward motion. She kept the rhythm slowly making it quicker and quicker the way he trained her to do. The way he preferred his blowjobs and after fifteen minutes, she was rewarded with two mouthfuls of semen that flowed from the tip of the cock into her mouth. It was disgusting as she was forced to swallow it. How did a man ejaculate as much as this man did. Two entire mouthfuls. It was a lot of cum to swallow and always made her very nauseous. He simply walked away as she struggled to keep from getting sick. She rushed to get a drink before she got sick.

He left to do his duties and she dressed for her daily activates. The day was as it always was with soft footsteps approaching her from behind. His soft sweet voice asked from behind her, “What will we do today mommy.” She turned to the very cute two year old standing behind her. His smile was so precious. “Reiner, Well today we will be something new.”

She knelt and embraced the young child with all of her love. “You will be seeing someone new today who will take you somewhere. I have to follow my husband on an inspection of the Wehrmacht. I hope we will meet later so we can have some fun. Would you like that?”

The child hugged her and said, “sure.” She kissed him on the forehead as a black suited man entered the room and appraised the mother and child warmly embraced. She stood up and said to the man, “You know the drill. Take good care of my son.” The man took the childs hand and walked out. She had no choice but to trust this man whom she never met before with her precious child. She watched helplessly and hoped with all of her heart that it would work. If it didn’t, then it didn’t matter either way. They would both be shot.

Another black suited military officer approached her with instructions to take her to her husband for a very important meeting with the General staff. One in which the leader of the nation was supposed to attend. This man was a highly ranked colonel of that division of the military. She followed him into a appropriately marked military vehicle and he drove her to the base nearby. She prayed again that it work as planned. It was so dangerous and complicated that she didn’t expect it to work at all. They would all probably either be shot when it was attempted, or it would fail and they would be shot later at the earliest convince. There was a small chance of success and It had to be taken. Or else, nothing would change and she would grow old in this imprisoned cruel nation and her son would grow up to a loyal citizen and probably become a loyal officer of its cruel military doing unspeakable atrocities with pride.

She turned toward the offer and smiled. “Are we Ready Colonel?”

“Yes, Ma’am. All the preparations are in place. I have the suitcase ready for the General. We are ready to go any time you are.”

She hugged the Colonel, “I am ready, Claus. Then she kissed him deeply. “I love you Stauffenburg. You are a good man and that is rare here. Lets hope our plan succeeds.”

“It will. Lets go deliver the package to the general for his meeting.” He smiled as they were led into the car. They were heading toward the wolfs lair deep in the forrest.

She turned toward the colonel and said. “Clauss. Why cant you go with me, I am so worried about you. Even on the slim chance I get away. What about you, you have an even slimmer chance with the plan you are doing. What is it called again?”

“Valkyrie, maam. Everything will go as planed. We will succeed.”

“If not, then you will be shot.” She was so worried.

“If I don’t succeed then this madman will remain in command and we will have a war that could turn nuclear. And anyway, Mrs Beck. If I don’t even try this and I go hide with you in your nation. You think I will be safe with you when war erupts?”

He had a point. “Most likely not.” She had to agree.

“I have to do this. Have confidence. We will kill the man.”

They passed several checkpoints and were searched by SS officers and were allowed to proceed. She was handed the briefcase, “This is it. Your husband forgot his case and you are delivering it to him for his meeting with the general staff. The Fuehrer is arriving shortly.” They pulled into the fortress and walked in. The Colonel stepped inside of a restroom to arm the case as Heidi watched him arrange the timers and arm the explosives. “This should do the job. But before they could arm the entire thing, an aggressive officer was knocking on the door telling them that General Beck was waiting for his case. They had to rush out.

The large man was waiting and she handed him the case saying, “Here my hsband. You will be the most famous general in the entire reich.” She kissed him deeply and accompanied him into the meeting room where there were nearly a dozen very highly ranking generals. She listened as they were discussing the operation to occupy the sudetenland and Rhineland in the east. They were assigning the troops and divisions that would be required to incorporate the sudentenland into the reich. Then they began discussion various ways to evict the jews. Then the discussion took a darker turn as they started discussion what to eventually do with them. Heidi wanted to call them madmen, but she didn’t want to be shot.

The door opened and several men walked through the door. The generals snapped to attention and saluted. He was the Furher. She watched and shivered at the cruel expression and the total madness in his eyes as he looked at the men in the room. Then his gaze fell on her. They all saluted, “Heil Hitler!” She raised her hand too. He saluted back and they began discussing the operation again as he interrupted. “Himmler and I have discussed a special operation we have called, the final solution. It will begin within the year. Now what have we discussed for the Sudentland.”

Heidi had to leave with Stauffenburg and Beck followed. “My husband I need to go home. I don’t know what they are discussing and I need to go. Can Claus take me home. You and those generals have fun taking orders from a bohemian corporal and see how this war of yours goes. I just hope it doesn’t get us all killed.”

Beck had places to go also so they parted ways and Heidi got permission to go back home. Stauffenburg took Heidi out of the base. They were stopped at the final checkpoint when it finally happened. There was an enormous blast in the distance. She looked at the officer who was now reluctant to let her go as sirens pierced in the distance as men began shouting. She looked as innocent as possible. She was the wife of a high ranking general anyway. He let her pass and they fled away. She rushed to a jet and it took off. Finally, she was headed to the safety of the motherland.

Suddenly, the place began being targeted by SAMS on the Border. Luftwaffe began shooting at them as they approached the border of Germany. Luckily, it was all arranged and MIGS came to escort them into the motherland. The Measerschits cowardly broke off preset. Heidi listened to the progress of her lovers attempted coup with despair. It began strongly enough with the Fuehrer thought dead. His army divisions were able to take control of the capital and round up all the loyal officers and SS under the guise that it was the SS themselves who were attempting the COUP and assassinate the Fuerher.

It couldn’t last and soon, the truth was revealed and Stauffinburgs officers were arrested and the uprising thwarted.

She listened in despair as the Fuerher came on the radio and addressed his people announcing his survival of a cowardly attempt on his life and ordered all officers to rise against Stauffenburg and his people. Then it was announced that Beck was in charge and brought in a bomb to try to kill her. He was sentenced for execution along with Stauffenburg.

They flew nearly twelve hours and they landed in the dusk of night. She was escorted to a new group of officers who said, “Welcome back. We have been expecting you princess.”

She gratefully accepted the greeting. She was finally in the safety of the motherland. A place she had never been in. They debriefed her and told her of the attempted uprising by Stauffenburg and Beck. They had been executed along with all of the officers that were following Stauffenburgs mad plan. It never had much of a chance at success. She was led into a hospital as doctors examined her. An OBGYN examined her as she put her feet in stirrups. Fingers probed her vagina and a speculum inserted in her to take fluid. He was amazed, “My god, Nicolai. This is the most extensive anyone has ever went with Sexual Reassignment Surgery. Every part of your body is female. That Vagina is the so natural and fully functional. You deal with everything a woman deals with. How do you do it?” The woman asked.

“I assume, like any other woman.”

“But you aren’t a woman!”

That was a true enough statement. She was now practically a female to male transsexual. She was not comfortable or happy in her body at all. “I know, but I try to be as womanly as possible. I must deal with this even if I hate it. Is there any chance I can ever be a man again?

“I don’t know, I don’t think we can reverse this. And, your son arrived. If you were to be a man, what would he think of it? Would he accept it?”

She suspected they were all lying. Surely what was done to her could be reversed. They do female to male transitions every day. There was no reason they couldn’t fix her. She could even have a natural functioning penis and testicles. They did that for women transitioning to men. There had to be a reason they didn’t want to fix what the doctors did to her in the first place. Must be orders from above.

Highly ranked officers and members from the government walked in to her recovery room and explained their plan to her. Her heart dropped as they explained the reasoning and ways to use her unwanted transformation for a political affect. So that was why they refused to reverse what they did to her. It was all for political bullshit. She said to the officer, “You want me to do this?”

“Yes. It will help us all and you know the risks better than all of the rest. You were held captive by the enemy for so long. Imagine how our people would react to you if they knew the truth of who you are. Do this for us.”

She thought to herself and then said, “Fine. I will help you. If I do this, when it is all done, reverse this. Please, I hate this life.”

They smiled and said, “Yes we will.”

She saw their false smiles and knew they were lying to her. They would help her or else. But for now, she knew the threat was coming. She saw the storm. It was a very grave threat that her nation would have to meet. She had to do her duty as they lead her away to prepare to meet the people of her nation for the first time in her entire life. She was led into a room for a good nights sleep. Arrangements were made for the morning so she curled to sleep holding her son tight. Then she thought how her son would react if she did get a successful reversal of what was done to her. Would he understand? She cursed quietly.

She was standing in the warm glow of the morning sun. She looked up at the glowing ruby star shining brightly on top of Spasskaya Tower. Her son was happily in her arms. Reporters were recording her. She blinked at the flashes of the camera. She said, “People of the Motherland. I have returned. By the grace of almighty god, I stand again on Russian soil. Soil consecrated in the blood of our people. I have to say we face dark days ahead and we must all rally to victory. Rally to me, people of the motherland. I have returned to you from captivity. I have been held in captivity by our German enemy for five years. I was captured and enslaved by a brutal man of the SS. Tortured, sexually humiliated and violated. I am the daughter of Yekaterina Vorontsova daughter of the great Tsar Nicolas. She was in Berlin at a time of peace when she was captured and imprisoned by the SS. She had overhead secret plans of their government when she was arrested. She was abused by generals and eventually got pregnant with me. She was killed while trying to escape with me and I was raised by our enemy. My mother called me Nicholai. My husband called me Heidi. That’s a german name so I prefer to be called Princess Katrina. She defeated the red terror of Vladimir Lenin and rescued the people.

I am here to tell you of a grave threat to our people. Our enemy of Germany is assembling a massive force to wage total war.. Their Fuehrer is assembling troops to occupy the sudetenland and the Rhinelands We must all prepare for war. This will be a war for the survival of the motherland. I am Princess Katerina. Princess of the Russian empire.”

She wondered how they would react if they knew she was the princesses son who was captured. Then she had to conclude, it would be embarrassing and her address might not be as powerful. Her country would then scorn her. A princess captured by the enemy and abused was much more incitful. Her country would rouse in much anger at that. As the son, they would probably laugh and wonder what man would be so weak to let it all happen to him. They might question his loyalty and wonder if he wanted it to happen. It made sense and how he had to endure the humiliating of being the princess of Russia and help rouse her people to war.

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