She turned to me “Hun why don’t you tell her your story? I’m going to go see if I can find the doctor to check if we can take you home.” She looked back at Jen and said in her ‘serious’ tone staring right in her eyes “And you treat Caitlin nicely, she is the same person you have known for 24 years so I don’t want to hear any crap from you.”

Chapter Three
There was a quick succession of knocks on the door, by the time it was finished I knew it was Jenny on the other side since she had always knocked the same way ever since we were kids. I looked at mum with wide eyes, imploring her to get her to answer the door. She just spread her hands wide like to say ‘nothing to do with me, you get it’. Did I tell you she was evil? I’m sure I mentioned it.
‘Come in!’ I shouted in my new girlish voice, so I wouldn’t need to get up to open the door.
Jen poked her head through the door cautiously probably thinking she had the wrong room, however on seeing mum sitting on one of the chairs beside the bed she strode into the room. She was wearing her work clothes, a smart black skirt suit. She works as a manager of the ladies wear department in a high street clothing store. The only thing deviating from the ‘professional business woman’ look was a tatty rucksack she carried over her shoulder.
She slowed to a stop in the middle of the room a bit confused as she looked at me, you could see the gears in her head grinding away. Her thoughts were probably along the lines of ‘Who’s the strange girl? Why’d the door say MacIntyre? Why is mum sitting talking with her, when the police had said they had found John? Wait … why does she kind of looks like me?!’
“Hi” I said shyly to her.
“Um … hi” she said back, she looked at mum for an explanation.
Mum looked at me her eyes dancing and turned slowly “Jen meet your little sister Caitlin” she said indicating me with a flick of her hand, not taking her eyes off Jen so she wouldn’t miss her reactions.
Jens eyes just kinda bulged out in a mix of shock and confusion, then you could see the gears go into over-drive and about ten seconds later her face turned angry. “You mean she is my half-sister by dad on some tramp he met down the pub?” she said with spite and crossed her arms.
Mum just sat back in the chair and laughed and I tried hard to stifle a giggle behind my hand but failed miserably. Jen just stood there tapping her foot looking pissed and looking from mum to me then back again.
I could see how her logic was working here. I after all, look to all intents and purposes like I’m around 19 years old. This means that Jen would have been around 7 when I was born and she sure as hell doesn’t remember mum being pregnant with me. So logically I must look like her because of our fathers shared genetics and was born from one of his conquests after a one-night stand, which used to happen regularly at around that time period. Quite a neat little story and it matched quite well with historical facts, she could write scripts for soap operas.
When mum had stopped she motioned to me again and said “Jen this IS John, he seems to have undergone quite a change in the three months since he disappeared.” Jen just looked a little disbelieving at this statement “Jennifer” she warned in her Do Not Argue tone.
She turned to me “Hun why don’t you tell her your story? I’m going to go see if I can find the doctor to check if we can take you home.” She looked back at Jen and said in her ‘serious’ tone staring right in her eyes “And you treat Caitlin nicely, she is the same person you have known for 24 years so I don’t want to hear any crap from you.”
Jen just gulped and blanched a little … when mum uses a ‘serious’ tone you believe what she tells you and do what she says. At least this means that I wouldn’t need to go over the ‘This is your life Quiz’ unless I felt like it, because Jen would now have no doubt that I was who I said I was because mum wouldn’t lie about shit like this.
I got her to sit in the chair mum had recently vacated, then I went over what had happened to me on my last day as a guy and what had happened over the last 3 days. By the point in the story where I collapsed after discovering missing parts down below she was crying. I could hear her saying “I’m sorry” quietly between the sobs.
“Sorry for what?” I asked as I passed her some tissues from the box on the bedside unit.
“It’s my fault this happened to you, I asked you to do that wedding as a favour! Now look at you … you … your”
“… a damn sight prettier than I was before?” I prompted and stuck out my tongue at her, and she giggled a bit weakly. I could feel some tears of my own starting up though and needed some of the tissues myself.
“But if I had even just been there you wouldn’t have been changed by that weird girl, you know?” I just shook my head at this, wiping my eyes.
“Listen if you had been there maybe you would have been changed as well, and I don’t think you would have liked living as a guy much. I mean you would have to throw out all of your shoes for a start! Plus I know how important your job is to you, so you can’t just take holidays for every wedding that crops up on the weekends”. I could see the look of pain when I mentioned getting rid of shoes … terminal shoe-a-holic, it would have killed her.
“So I don’t blame you at all, I love you Jen and would never blame you for anything like this and I think I will be needing your help a lot to get used to this” I nodded towards my body “can you please be my teacher?” I suggested.
She wiped at her eyes and smiled at me “Of course sis, and it’s just as well I get a staff discount cos you will need a lot of new clothes”
“I can call you Jen Sensei?” I gushed at her and she playfully tried to swat me.
Right at that time mum came bustling back into the room with Doctor Anstruther. “I have spoken with your mother Caitlin” he said quickly looking at my mum when he said the name “and agree that you can go home today, I have informed Constable Allan and she should be here in a short while with some paperwork for you. Do you wish your family to be present while I summarize what the plans for the next stage of your treatment should be?” I just nodded, they would drag it out of me later anyway.
“We have done a lot of tests in the past few days and I would appreciate if you would agree to come back in occasionally for some more in the future, not as much for physical reasons but for research.”
“Your unusual change in gender could revolutionise how the world looks at genetics and in the field of Gender Dysphoria as a treatment could save many people from a great deal of discomfort, pain and in some cases prevent them from committing suicide. If we can find out how the change was achieved that is. Currently we are having your blood and tissue samples analysed by specialists, we have plenty of it in stock at the moment anyway”. He smiled at me and I flinched, damn right they have enough samples … my arm was all bruised from so many needles.
“I have here your prescription for the female contraceptive pill and you should start on it as soon as possible” my mum looked at me and nodded her head like she thought it was a good idea, Jen just looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I just sat there mortified and tried to hide behind the covers.
“Psychologically you seem to be taking your changes quite well, except for the fainting spells from the initial shock. I have arranged an appointment with a Psychologist who specialises is the treatment of Gender Dysphoric patients. You are not technically Gender Dysphoric as you never had any wish for this change in your life. However she should be best to handle any confusion that should arise from the change such as problems with your sexuality and coping with your gender identity”. He passed a letter with my appointment details and the prescription.
“There seems to be no other problems so …” he was interrupted by a knocking at the door and went to open it. “Ahh Janice we were just wrapping up here so if you wish to take over please do” he said to the policewoman, said his goodbyes and then left.
She strode into the room and smiled at me “Nice to see you looking well, I was on my way to see you when the doctor phoned,” and I introduced her to my mother and sister. “I have the clothes you were ‘found’ wearing” she avoided saying arrested in front of my mother since I had been innocent after all, and placed two white plastic bags against the wall next to the door and walked over to the bed.
“I have a letter here for you to send away with your application to change your legal documents” and handed me an envelope. “I know this is unusual but if you need or have contact with the police in the future and don’t feel comfortable explaining your situation to another officer please call me on this number or phone the station and ask for me by name” She removed a pen from her pocket and scribbled down her mobile number on the back of a business card that had general details of the police station. “Or call me even if you just need someone to speak to and we can meet up for a coffee and talk”.
“Thanks a lot for all your help, I’ll make sure to call” I smiled and hugged her, she returned the hug and then left after a quick goodbye to everyone.
Jen poked me in the side while smiling “Your quick, 3 days in that body and you already have a girl chucking her phone number at you. Any ways get changed into these so we can get the hell outta here”. She chucked the beat up backpack to me. I looked and inside were clothes that I had worn as a guy. I said to Jen that they would never have a hope of fitting me now.
“Yeah mum told me to pick up some of your clothes before I came here, but I obviously thought you would fit your old ones since I never knew about the change. We will need to go shopping tomorrow, you have a lot to buy”. She grinned at me, damn I hate shopping.
I ran to the toilet with the bag and stripped out of the horrid green hospital robes and pulled on a pair of my now ill-fitting boxer shorts. I then jumped into the jeans, which were now really baggy! Well they were a tight fit on my ass but were too wide around the waist, they also were too long so I had to roll them up quite a bit.
The other things in the bag were my old sweatshirt that I used to exercise in, some socks and a pair of trainers. The cuffs of the sweatshirt were now too long and my old shoes were way too big for me and felt like trying to walk in clown shoes. I shuffled out of the toilet holding up the jeans with my hands so they wouldn’t fall down.
Jen burst out laughing when she saw me and I could see a flash of amusement in my mums eyes. I just glowered at them. “Well c’mon then lets get this show on the road” I said huffily to them. Jen went out to the hallway and fetched a wheelchair and said “Since you can’t walk in those shoes just throw them in the bag. We’ll go down and I will bring my car to the front door and get you home.” The last she said with a worried glance at mum. They were hiding something! But I was just too glad to be getting out of this place to care too much, so I happily complied and sat in the wheelchair.
Mum had wheeled me right up to the car and then she forced me to accept an invitation for dinner tomorrow night and to make sure Jen came too. I said goodbye to some of nurses and Dr Anstruther as we were on our way out and in no time I was seated in Jen’s VW Passat. Not that I needed too much persuasion, getting free food cooked by your mum every now and then was one of the plus points of living close by!
After about half an hour of driving I noticed we were heading in the wrong but familiar direction. “Why are we heading to your place?” I asked a bit worried.
She looked at me a little apprehensively “Well you know how you were gone for 3 months? Well basically your rent was due at around the same time you disappeared. So after a month and a half and you still hadn’t returned, the Landlord made us come pick up your stuff and we had to put most of it in storage waiting to see what had happened to you.”
I rolled my eyes “Bloody great now I’m homeless as well, just what I need at a time like this”. I frowned and started to rub my forehead with my hand.
She looked at me and said “Well you can live with me for a while if you want. Lisa has been away for a couple of days on business and should be back later tonight. I’m sure she won’t mind you staying in the spare room for a while”. Lisa is Jen’s flatmate and they had moved in with each other 3 months after meeting at college. She was nice enough I guess but I had always found her a little bit ‘cold’ whenever I tried to speak to her on nights out and at barbeques.
“But you don’t like having …” I started but she cut in with “male flatmates?” with a smirk eyeing me up and down.
“Ah … okay I guess I can move in with you for a while. Maybe it will be fun … well fun now that I’m your little sister anyway. It was hellish living with you when I was your brother” I laughed.
I wont bore you with stories of what living her had been like, however the experience was one that showed why siblings want to move away from each other as soon as possible, preferably far far away.
Jen lived in an upstairs flat in a two-up, two-down block. I grabbed what few things I had with me including all the paperwork I had been given, remembering to hold up my jeans as we trudged up the stairs into her flat. When we got in Jen showed me to my new room. I sat down on the bed for a minute and my eyes started to droop, trying to tell me I should sleep soon.
Before I knew it Jen had disappeared to her room and then returned with some white panties a plain white t-shirt and handed them to me. “There you go, change into those and get in bed before you fall asleep in your clothes”. I stood up and went to pull off my sweatshirt but then I remembered Jen was still in the room. I stared at her and she said, “Don’t mind me, I wanna see if I should be jealous of my lil sis” she grinned.
I shrugged and started to remove my clothes. I mean it would be weird if I was the old me, but now its not like I had anything she hasn’t seen before. Some reservations must still be ingrained into my head, because I turned away from her when I was taking off the boxer shorts and then pulled on the panties. Jen wolf whistled when I bent over and said “Nice ass!”.
As I stood up I turned around to face her “So what do you think of the new model?” I said with a smile and posed in nothing but the panties.
“Sportier than the last one that’s for sure.”
“Yeah quite a bit shorter and lighter as well though.”
“Don’t remind me!” she mourned “I usually go to the gym a couple of days a week and you go disappear for wee while and look like that, not an ounce of fat on you!” She pointed at my chest “Well apart from the important places. I got you beat in that department though” and pushed her own chest out proudly and stuck out her tongue.
I just sniffed and tossed my hair “Any more than a hand-full is a waste” I said with fake scorn and giggled.
I pulled on the t-shirt, sat on the bed and looked at Jen. She looked me up and down “I can tell you something though. You will need a baseball bat to keep the guys away, cos your too damned cute!” she stated.
“Can I get one with nails sticking out of it? Gives it more persuasive power” I joked.
“Anyway you sleep now in the morning and then we can go shopping for some clothes for you! Plus it’s a good excuse for me to get some for myself.” After I got into bed she hugged me and then left quietly. I fell asleep shortly afterwards.
And again accepting constuctive comments :) Managed to kinda sort out mortgage ... the mortgage advisor says "The underwriters are looking at it". Will have to move back in with the parents tho *cries* as there is a space of a couple of weeks between moving into new flat and when I get evicted.
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I love the "British" style, and you are no exception.
This is a great little story. Just keep it up, I can easily see more chapters in this.
Merry Christmas
The new Caitlin does seem to be coping well. We'll just have to see how well she does with the Shopping trip from Hades! Please more?
Coping ...
... way, way too well! No thought at all of trying to find a way to get changed back ??? No anger at the "goddess" No self-pity at all? There is the Brit business of a stiff upper lip, but he seems actually cheerful and determined, even just a bit enthusiastic to simply get on with life as a female. The only thing I can figure is that whatever the goddess did to change him also included messing with his mind so that options other than acceptance simply would not be thought of. Why would the goddess do this since, to her, she was just granting a request?
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Very charming AND quirky
As Sue Brown said this rates high on the quirky meter. I like quirky.
As a reader and sometimes writer what I want to know is why. Why does a character do someting, what are/is the motivation? It is your story but may I suggest Cailin has so far taken this quite calmly. Why? Is Jesse right and Brigdit's magic makeover gave her a female mindset? Or is he/she a very adapable and pragmatic person. Was he secretly TG and didn't realize it. Remember he's had few dates. Why did the goddess say she was waiting for him. Is that her trademark spiel to mortals she encounters or was she specifically looking for him?
I could be funny and say since he was used to the kilt, dirk and sporan, a skirt, spike heels and purse is little different but then I would have hoards of rabid scotsmen bashing down my door and bagpiping me to death.
Seriously, as I may have mentioned in a previous comment, why was he changed? And why was some of her genetic material added to his? She could have easily made him into his female equivalent, I would think. Something bigger is going on here beyond a quixotic goddess transforming a man into a great beauty. Why the age reduction? A gift or so that she can be as fertile as long as possible. This goddess is associated with the home fire, fertility among other things. Will her calm break down and she have a panic attack or worse on leaving the hostpital and trying to function in the wider world? And what of her sister's man-hating(?) roommate? Will she befriend Caitin, make cruel fun of the former man or be so attracted to her she tries to have sex with her?
I smell a long lost family legacy or blood relation to the goddess.
This has lots of potential, funny and serious. Great start.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Interesting and rather
Interesting and rather different story. I am looking forward to seeing where you take Caitlin from this point on. She seems to be neutral with her change right now, would that be from the goddess's role in this? J-Lynn
Dwi, I Have Just Finished Reading A Walk In The Mist And
I found it to be a good read. You have given us an unusual story here. I am wondering when you will continue the story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine