Julina of Blackstone - 014 - Underpinnings

Foundations are laid in many respects

Julina of Blackstone
Her Chronicles

by Julia Phillips

014 - Underpinnings


The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended.
This story is copyright © 2013 - 2020 Julia Phillips. All rights reserved.

It uses some of the associated characters and situations that arise from the world called ‘Anmar’ created by Penny Lane, whose stories
are also copyright © 2010 - 2020 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

Julina of Blackstone
Her Chronicles
014 — Underpinnings

The third day of my so-called 'freedom' dawned. This time I remembered that I was no longer responsible for everything, but long habit would not allow me to just lie abed. And the events of yesterday made me get up and stoke the fires, thus helping Kords who was tasked with producing some hot water as well. Soon we all three were once again starting the day proper with a joint soak.

Breakfast followed and then the lettering lesson; this time I used the lesson as a practice for future ones. I wanted to get some help, some feedback, from my family to make it easier and better for the students to come. I began by asking each of them exactly which bits they had found most difficult. The answers I got actually surprised me in that it rapidly became apparent that there was a definite split between the feminine and the masculine.

Although not everyone found the same difficulties, it was a general fact that the females found the finer points of actually using, actually manipulating, the chalk or the reed (or the rare stick of charcoal) much easier than the males, but the males found remembering the groupings of letters, for example, to be so much easier than the girls.

I myself remember Mama drumming into me that group of letters, at least one of which appears in every word, and that it was hard work. Eventually, I found that it worked if I thought of those letters as the children and my close friends. Then it was easy to remember the group as a whole.

The boys seemed to just get it without problem.

This gave me something for my mind to churn over before the lessons in the schoolroom would start.

(Older Julina says: “I didn't know at that time that there was a name for this group of letters — they are called 'vowels' as Magser, the teacher who came up from Tranidor later, told us in classes.”)

“Alright then,” I said, “now that you DO have the groupings straight in your heads, how was it that you managed to fix the groups? What event, or what thought, or what mental key made the difference? If I have to teach absolute beginners, how can I make it easier for them?” I tried to encourage them to think really hard about this. “If we can find a good way to get this over to those new students I am going to have, our family could become the most influential one in all Palarand!”

That seemed to do the trick and make them determined to help. They all sat back and thought, even the boys who showed an extra dose of maturity that I had not envisaged.

Kissa replied first: “For me, it was assigning colours to the letters in that group. I matched a colour to each letter in my head; white, red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple and black. For the other letters, I just remember the sounds of them, although some I also associate colours with. Actually, thinking about it, I associate colours with nearly everything. How strange.”

Kords said: “I see those letters as vegetables. We don't have a meal without vegetables, just like we don't have a word without one of the letters from the small group. I sort of build my words by thinking of cooking. And, of course, by saying the word to myself in my head to choose what other letter goes where.”

The boys just remembered them, as a group — all eight of them.

I left home shortly after the lesson had come to an end. What I had learnt from the kids gave me much to think about for my future lesson plans. I needed to fit in a visit to Epp to discuss it — I could organise that visit this afternoon when I saw her in the new schoolroom.

But first, I went down to the Claw, the pouch hanging from my waist-tie filled with vegetable and fruit cubes for the frayen.

My way, of course, took me past the building plot and I could see that they had rebuilt to the state from yesterday before the storm and had restacked the piles of wooden things. There was more of the base down, and the stones had all been driven into the ground, which made the floor layout far easier to discern.

My arrival in the Claw's courtyard coincided with Mistress Pomma bringing a saddle with her. My inner feelings wanted me to shout to all Anmar: “MY SADDLE” but I suppressed the urge. Just seeing it there in her arms, actually physically there, made me suddenly very excited, even though I could feel that tightening downward pain beginning 'down there'.

Parrier came out and greeted us, a little more respectfully than he had the last time I was there. I wondered if he had learned a lesson or was just reacting to another woman's presence.

I introduced them and, after a brief chat, Parry turned round and led us into the stable area. We waited while he went to a cluster of stalls and briefly disappeared from our view, only to re-emerge shortly afterwards with Dralla on a leading rein trailing behind him. Mistress Pomma was then able to demonstrate the correct positioning of the saddle on the animal itself. It was essentially very simple and she made sure to point out which way round the thing had to be.

If frayen could talk, Dralla would have said: “Hey this is different, but comfortable.” Her face conveyed that message, along with appreciation for the titbit I slipped her from my pouch.

Mistress Pomma pointed out that there are dangers if the saddle is secured too loosely, it could slip and jettison the rider. The strapping has to be tight enough to prevent that, but not TOO tight for the beast's comfort.

We all laughed when Trumpa made a jealous snickering sound, so she was let out and Parry first, then I, positioned the new saddle on her back. It was a little awkward for me due to my lack of height and having less strength in my arms. I was also being careful due to the impending Call; I didn't want any undue strain. It took a little bit of effort at first, but once I had a feel for the balance, it all clicked. Trumpa also was grateful for the munchie I slipped her.

“Julina! Your saddle has arrived already. I was not expecting either you or your saddle quite so early!”

“Oh, Mistress Sukhana! Well met. May I introduce Mistress Pomma, wife of Master Waldan, our saddler. She too is interested in riding.”

“Good morrow, Mistress Pomma — oh that IS good news, whilst I try to ride just a little every day, and I know that my Tixi likes it, 'twould be wonderful to have some company.”

“Good morrow, Mistress Sukhana — Mistress Julina is right, but only in as far as she goes. Alas, I have no beast — and my husband is reluctant to get me one. He HAS taken my measurements, but I doubt that a saddle for me is even in his order book.”

“There are two things Mylady has taught me in the short time we were together. The first in regard to riding is this: It helps to establish a sort of friendship with your animal as the two of you become a team and wonderful things can be achieved - HOWEVER, being able to ride means merely that you CAN manage on ANY beast. Finding a beast for you is easy, why Mistress Julina here effectively has two, and they both need regular exercise.”

I was about to protest, but realised that she was right — when Papa had any extended trips, the other beast left behind became miserable and difficult.

“The second thing I learnt from Mylady, is that there is ALWAYS a solution, and more often than not it is readily to hand. We just have to think it through. When Mylady first taught me, on the very first occasion, I did not have my own saddle and I used another’s. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, just less comfortable than my own — but in those days I could not, of course, make the comparison as my saddle had yet to arrive. I confess that that first feeling of being mounted was very wonderful — so wonderful that I shall never ever forget that moment.”

Mistress Pomma looked nervous, but excited at the same time. She was about to say something when Sookie snapped her fingers as a further thought occurred to her.

“Oh I am so stupid sometimes! I should have thought this through so much more. Do either of you have a riding skirt and the under-breeches? If not, then go to the seamstresses as soon as you may. I believe that Mistress Patilla has been experimenting with those skirts and breeches. Oh!”

That exclamation at the end was of some considerable force, so our attention sharpened more, if that was even possible. We waited as she gathered her thoughts.

“Have you heard of a bra? Or bras?” Our blank looks gave her her answer so she continued: “I suspected as much. A bra is another thing that Mylady Garia has introduced to Palarand. It is an item of underwear for women. So I think you, Parrier, might not wish to stay for this part of the conversation?”

His face showed curiosity and relief all at the same time, and he acknowledged Sookie as he turned about, carrying my saddle with him.

Sookie waited until she had led us out into the courtyard again and we were far enough away from anyone else before continuing in a lower voice: “A bra is a garment that conveys more comfort and control to a woman when it comes to her breasts. Mylady Merizel informed me that, within weeks of being introduced, every woman — and I DO mean EVERY woman, nobles and servants all — in the Palace was wearing one. With typical foresight, Mylady had sent to her here a complete set of bra patterns for the seamstresses. Apparently every woman fits into one of about a dozen different shapes, so you just need to be measured and they can make bras for you. I have been wearing one for some time now. I should advise you that a woman should have at the very least five of the things, and another two slightly larger for when the Call arrives.”

She giggled as she continued: “I happen to know that Master Brydas has been producing the required buckles in ever-increasing quantities. I can promise you that, particularly when it comes to riding and having your breasts bounce up and down, a bra is infinitely more comfortable than a bodice. Mistress Hasinet has become the expert in bra making, I am told. I really do thoroughly recommend that you get your bras as soon as you can!”

“This sounds most interesting, thank you Soo, er... Mistress Sukhana! There is a lot here to consider. Not just items of attire but also exercising the beasts. I personally would have no objection to Mistress Pomma using Trumpa for riding, or maybe Judd when Papa is using Trumpa. But, Papa MUST have a fit and ridable frayen to do his job, so I am torn between caution and permission. I suppose that using one just for gentle lessons would be alright, if that is possible? But if anything bad happens, then that would be a disaster. On the other hand, the beast DOES need some exercise. Oh Maker! I don't know what to advise.”

“Well we can do nothing about actually riding until you are fully equipped with both attire and saddles. But I can give you a start in looking after frayen and establishing the required relationship. I'm pleased to see you have brought the titbits with you. Give some to Mistress Pomma so she can get used to feeding them to a beast.”

And so our first lesson started, not actually riding, but getting to know a better approach to the beasts, and using gentle but firm voice commands - but my body eventually cut it short. I didn't need to say anything to Sookie, she just took me to the bathhouse after we took our leave from Mistress Pomma, making a further appointment for the same time the next day.

… … …

Thus began my first ever 'relaxed' Call. After that first clean-up, I half-hurried to Mistress Patilla first, then on to Mistress Hasinet; in both homes, I found more information about the various garments. Both seamstresses measured me (in differing ways, of course) and Mistress Hasinet confirmed to me that this 'bra' thing was indeed a comfortable improvement. She was kind enough to show me her own — the one she was wearing right now, and she actually showed me the advantages.

Which made me wonder how I could manage to get Michet measured, as I would like to give her one as a present. It rapidly became obvious that I would have to do this myself and so I got Mistress Hasinet to teach me how to measure women.

I struck a deal with her, that she would make one for me free, AND one for my friend, if I would measure four hands of women, and write down the measurements. This would free her to a certain extent. I would go to her each morning immediately after I had finished my lettering lesson with my siblings. She warned me that I should try to measure the women NOT during their Call time, as breasts swell then.

“Oh! I am on my Call right now! Does that make such a difference?”

“Oh yes! A normal everyday bra will be just too small at that time, causing some discomfort. Alright then, I'll have to guess the reduction needed, but my experience so far tells me that I can get that quite accurate nowadays — and you are still maturing, so maybe it will not be too much of a reduction — too loose immediately, but in a few weeks' time, then perfect. I can tell you that every seamstress and the healers are all wearing them. And Mistress Epp and a few others of our 'circle'. I get more orders each day as the word goes round. I might have to have a temporary assistant to deal with the demand. I say temporary simply because sooner or later, every woman in town will have their supply and it will only be the growing girls who require quite so much work then.”

“But Mistress, if the town grows as much as some are predicting, then there may be ten times as many women living here!”

“Maker! THAT many? Oh my goodness. I shall have to train more than one assistant. Oh! I don't suppose that you …?”

I laughed as I replied: “Thank you, Mistress, for the honour, but I have already the promise of some employment and my life, despite being theoretically more free now, is actually far more hectic than it has ever been.”

This was how it came about that I explained far more to her about my home life, and the dining 'Salon' and indeed much more about the town developments with which I had been directly or indirectly involved. It was a pleasant interlude as I chatted while she worked. I suppose that maybe half a bell passed thus.

I returned to the Claw in time for my original appointment and found Sookie involved in a staff dispute. She mouthed to me to return in a further half bell, so I nodded and decided to pop into Michet's, just to have a few moments with her and Kassama before the appointment in the afternoon. There were a few things I wanted to clear up.

… … …

“So please tell me the EXACT wording of the oath you took to your father those many years ago.”

“Why does it have to be so exact? I promised not to let others know. It's quite simple.”

“Ah! But did you promise simply not to tell others — or was it that you promised never to reveal the secret? Because, if the latter, then a simple accident that occurred with us, means that your oath is already broken — through no fault whatsoever upon your part.”

“Oh! … Maker! ... This is complicated isn't it? But I can remember the words exactly. I was to 'never tell anyone'.”

“So there we have it. In theory, those of us who know can spread the word …” Her face dissolved into acute alarm, so I hastened on : “Not that we would, of course. But you are going to meet several people in the Salon planning stages, so some will need to know — like any future staff. They might be upset that you had been lying to them. You need to think about this carefully. And if we are going to discuss design ideas for the Salon and its decoration, then Gythy needs to know in advance; as, if she knows that everyone is of the 'weaker' gender, then she won't assume that there will always be a 'stronger' man around and so on, which may affect the storage of the heavier items. If I, but only with your permission, of course, were to tell her, then the oath business doesn't come into it. I am prepared to swear any oath that you may require me to do, but I strongly urge you to give me permission.”

She turned and looked a query at Kassama, who pursed her lips. She thought it through and then nodded her acceptance, adding “But, only Gythy at the moment.”

We all agreed on that and I passed on to talking about the other girls.

They both had a small problem with remembering that Gythy was her full name and Gyth was my familiar term — when both the others had the 'y' ending as the familiar.

Kassama said she liked Kelly, but was unsure about Molly, and Michet confirmed these first impressions as being her own as well.

“I am honour-bound not to reveal the entire story, but poor Molly fell under the influence of Perril, the old shoemaker's son who was killed by the ptuvil. Since then she has had many headaches and strong compulsions that she doesn't like, but feels she has to do. My idea was to keep her with me in the kitchens, and away from most of the clients. I feel sure it could work that way.”

“Sounds to me like she's been hypnotised,” said Michet matter-of-factly.

“Hap no tied? What on Anmar is that?” I burst out. Kassama also showed she had no idea.

“Ah! Hmmmm. The word is actually hypnotised',” she spelt it out for us, “and it is a sort of trick, usually performed by travelling players. They find someone, speak a load of mumbo-jumbo, make the victim use their eyes to follow a moving object as it swings to and fro, and then the victim goes into a sort of sleep — but they are awake, just not aware of what's going on around them then. Their mind is open to suggestions which the hypnotiser then makes. These suggestions are planted into this open mind of the victim, I repeat, without them being aware of it. They usually make the victim do something silly like bleat like a pakh, or bark like a grenn, or flap arms as though they were an avians wings — but these actions are only performed when a certain key word or deed happens. The victim can't help themselves and, as soon as the operative command is issued, does the programmed action. The person who does the hypnotising includes a stop sequence, maybe a double-click of the fingers, or three words spoken in a specific order, or something like that. Once the stop sequence has been said or done, the victim snaps back to being a perfectly normal person again.”

I breathed deeply as I realised that this was almost certainly what had occurred with Molly. But how the evil Perril had learned how to do this was a mystery — until I remembered that he went quite often down to Tranidor. Perhaps a travelling show had taught him, probably been paid to teach him. I felt myself get angrier and angrier as I thought about what that nasty piece of work had done, and …

Kassama laid her hand on my arm: “Call?”

I nodded.

“Deep breaths. You were getting exceedingly angry. Sit here for a moment and put your head back.”

I did as she bid, and she massaged my head, paying attention to my temples and the small of my neck particularly. It was wonderful, and by and by, I was once more a rational person.

I had a quarter of a bell plus a few moments more before I was to return to the Claw, and so I told them about bras. I whispered to Kassama that I needed to get Michet's measurements and she nodded her agreement. Our quick minds came up with a scheme as we decided to give Michet a little more education in women and their shapes. So I stripped to my waist, showing her the height of my waist in relation to my hips and breasts. We explained that a woman's waist height can vary over body types, and got her to study how my breasts hung and so on and so forth. I also showed her on my body how to measure for a bra, pointing out that different women have different shapes of breasts; not that I explained that this was how to measure for a bra — I made it seem I just wanted to use the numbers for a comparison. We then managed to get Michet to strip to the waist as I used her to 'demonstrate' how she was different to me. I don't think that Michet suspected for a moment that this was also a prelude to her present to come.

In the end, I measured Kassama too, amongst some reluctance — she declared that she could never imagine herself wearing one, she was so used to a bodice that anything else would seem 'wrong'. But I coaxed her with the cover story that we were showing Michet the differences that women have between them. I made a note of everything on my little slate, telling myself to transfer them to paper as soon as I could. I knew Sookie had some sheets, so I hoped to borrow one when I got there. I committed the figures to memory as well, just in case. By then, I was again slightly overdue at the Claw so I promised to return as agreed at the sixth bell.

… … …

I went back to the Claw for the third time this morning, and walked into the courtyard to be greeted by a chorus of teasing, sarcastic applause. Maker! I had forgotten all the others were coming along too.

Sookie was kind enough to support me, by saying I had arrived early but she had told me to come back in half a bell, so the others sort of accepted it — it didn't stop their teasing mind you. They were actually quite considerate of my condition, and weren't as mean as they could have been. (Let's just say that THAT was dealt with as and when throughout the days that followed and mention it no more. I find it distasteful but have had to make mention of it, as certain events were shaped by it.)

Sookie looked particularly charming in her riding skirt — the briefly-onlooking Master Brydas showed his enjoyment of the sight. They waved to each other as he took his leave, and we all knew that there would be a promise solemnization ceremony there eventually. It just showed in both their bodies, and the looks they gave each other.

It was a fun-filled break actually, Sookie put us all at ease and we had some good food. It was in the midst of all this that she also taught us a very valuable lesson …

“So, you are all probably going to earn some coin up to Master Michen's? I don't want to be an interfering old woman, but I do have some advice for you, if you would allow me to tell you?”

We all nodded our assent, as by then Sookie had gained our trust and respect.

“You must all remember that you have this opportunity only so long as the establishment works. And it will work only as long as the clients are prepared to come there. Which means it will be up to YOU all to set the tone of the place.

“If you make it an enjoyable place to come back to, then the business will prosper. If you are rude, or noisy, or offhand, or mean to your clients then they will not return — it is as simple as that. Yes, Master Michen will set the overall tone, but YOU will be the ones cooking for and serving the clients. There will be times when a client is mean or nasty to you, but it is then Master Michen's job to protect you. If you are mean or nasty back, then the OTHER clients will also see that.

“Just remember that you are the ones that create the atmosphere — be nice, polite and friendly, but not TOO friendly. There will come a time when someone has had a little too much to drink and if you have been too flirty, say, with them, they might think that they will end up spending at least a night with you. As soon as you do that, then the whole restaurant will be regarded as being a whorehouse, and all your friends will be regarded as working in one.”

She paused to let that sink in. We were suddenly all very serious as we pondered her words.

“The secret of this as an evening venue will be a reputation of a safe, quiet, polite place that is a cut above anywhere else in town. You will all have to strive mightily to bear that in mind.” Again, she paused.

“So let me ask you something — what do you think is the reason that anyone would come there for an evening?”

“To get away from the normal hubbub in the Bell!”

“To have a dignified place to entertain visitors or discuss business.”

“To impress a friend.”

“Yes, to all those. But there are many more reasons. Some people, maybe a widower here, might not want to eat at home alone, might just enjoy the company of other folk, without necessarily having to actually react with them. Some others will undoubtedly use it as a way of showing off. Some will say: 'Oh, I am a member at Michen's' in an attempt to try to make someone else feel small. And there will even be some who come along just to find fault. There are many, many more reasons. So how do you think you might behave, knowing that there are all these different points of view?”

We all sat there thinking hard, suddenly nervous about the responsibilities that we would have. This was no game, we all fully realised.

“The answer is very simple — you don't need to think very hard about it. “ She paused for a brief while.

“Just ask yourself a question: 'What would I expect if I went there for an evening?' ...” Again, she paused for effect.

“That's it. That is the key to it. Just by thinking that, and always thinking that, means that you will try to provide the clients with exactly what you would expect for yourself.

“Always judge yourself against this standard, and everything will fall into place. If you object to seeing someone chewing while talking, just as a simple example, then make sure that you don't do that yourself. Maintain always a degree of womanly aloofness without being snootily snobby like some I could mention in this town. If a client tells you a joke, then smile at the very least — even if you have heard it twenty times already. But feel free to laugh out loud if you find the story funny. It is all about basic manners and not being false.”

It was so obvious, we all laughed in relief, but were told quite strictly that it was no laughing matter. Again, the responsibility was brought home to us.

After this though, Sookie skilfully brought us back to a more carefree mood and we once again relaxed into a rare moment of sisterhood that we hadn't enjoyed for a long, long while — and, never before whilst eating out together, effectively as adults.

After we had finished eating, and just before we were to go out to the stables, I mentioned the riding attire, and mentioned also the measuring for bras.

Oh boy!

“You had better take them all up to the women's area and measure them then, Julina. They may not yet be convinced, but I KNOW they will end up having them, so they can count to your twenty.”

“Would you perhaps have some paper for me, Mistress? It is so much easier to record that way than on my slate?”

“That's very sensible, my dear. A good thought. I have some here in the next room, I shall fetch it.”

We had been eating in an office room next to her quarters, the one that apparently Mylady had used as HER office. So it was a matter of heartbeats before she returned with some paper and a shaped stick made of a mixture of charcoal and wax, as she explained to us all. The end of these sticks could be shaped with a knife to make a sharply defined mark. The wax came from a country called Plif which was down by the mouth of the Sirrel river we had all heard about, but none of us had ever seen — except maybe Sookie herself. She explained that it was best to wind a small piece of cloth around these sticks to prevent a mess on the fingers holding them. Her final comment about them was that they came from a long way away and were not easy to replace, so I should treat this one as a precious item. She called it a 'reedlet' which made a little sense, it being obviously related to the reed we used with ink to write on parchment, and now paper, documents.

She then showed us upstairs to an empty dormitory, women visitors being extremely few and far between in those early days. I showed the girls what to do, and Sookie herself (she was still 'Mistress' to the others, of course) stripped off her upper clothing (with help from a servant of hers) and demonstrated the advantages. She did remind us that we were all still growing and that we would likely have to get some larger ones as we matured.

She then surprised me by getting me to measure the servant that had accompanied us as well, while she ran downstairs and rounded up anyone who could be spared from their duties and who had not yet worn a bra. By the end of that session, I had measured and documented the sizes for Michet, Kassama, Molly, Kelly and Gyth and seven others, making a round dozen — only eight left to go for me to reach my target. There was Swayga this evening and probably Kords — which made only another hand or so of them to find. And I knew also that Kelly had promised to tell her mother, so there was another one …

It also made me have a further thought, that it would actually be easier for everyone if a large group of women turned up all at once, and then the measurer could do HER job all at once. I made a mental note to pop down to Mistress Hasinet with that suggestion.

That done, Sookie took us all down to the stables and demonstrated as she told us about establishing a relationship with the beast, and how to talk softly with them, some of which she had already covered with Mistress Pomma and I earlier. The frayen were not reluctant to come and get some titbits again - I still had some with me, and Dralla and Trumpa both enjoyed them as my three friends took turns to let them nibble out of their hands.

Using my saddle, we demonstrated to the others how to place it on the beast, in this instance Master Michen's.

Suddenly, Sookie swung herself up on Dralla and adjusted her skirts as she settled into the saddle. We all gasped, not just with the suddenness of the event, but also with admiration at the fluidity of the movement.

Speaking softly, Sookie got Dralla to move at a walk in a circle around us. Dralla's face also showed a pleased sort of wonder as she got used to the new saddle and its positioning. She gave off an air of satisfaction.

After two complete circuits, Sookie then demonstrated how to climb down; well 'climb down' isn't the correct description — that sounds ungainly — it was more of an elegant, fluid dismount. I couldn't wait to be able to do that; I further noticed that the others were all looking wistful and had been enthused with a desire to ride. One little voice in my head did sound a little warning though as I wondered if this would cause any problems in the near future.

We all thanked Sookie for a most enjoyable and unforgettable way to spend nearly a bell and a half. Kelly gasped, and said she had to rush back home to help ring the bells and Molly said she had promised to meet her mother up at the campingplace, so we split up. I was grateful for this, as I just about had time to pop down quickly to Mistress Hasinet's to tell her my thoughts about having an announced measuring appointment (about which she gave her approval) and I could take Gyth with me, and somehow find a way to tell her Michet's secret.

… … …

“When may we think about meals being served here, Master Michen?”

“Well, your Honour — excuse me, I don't really know how to address a Steward …”

“I think that simply 'Captain' should suffice. I have been accustomed to that for the past many years, and it is a lot easier to my ears. I have to keep reminding myself just who the Steward is, when people call to him.” His easy laugh put us all at ease, and the atmosphere noticeably relaxed.

“Well then, Captain. In theory, we could start this evening …” I gasped with shock but Master Michen held up a hand “... as we have something of everything required, including the staff. But I would remind you that the idea is that potential diners inform us in advance so that we have a day or more's notice of requirements. We wish to promote more of a club feeling, rather than that of a public dining hall. Furthermore, we have yet to receive all the forks we have ordered, and we have no complete set of dinner plates and matching cutlery. Some of the kitchenware is ageing and so on. I would much rather get all that in place than open with lower standards.”

“I fully understand, Master. And indeed approve of the sentiment. However, I have a suggestion, ...” we all focussed our attention as he paused for a few heartbeats.


“We are all of us agreed that this should be the temporary schoolroom and that we should start the absolute beginners as soon as is practical — allowing the excellent Mistress Julina to bring them up to a level of knowledge for Mistress Megrozen to build upon?”

We all nodded our agreement, that having been decided barely ten moments ago.

“Well, it seems to me that that would be part of the activities that will take place in this new Community Hall, as would many other activities — including Assembly meetings. With storage space devoted to the school materials, I am sure space could be found here to store some of the Assembly requirements, we seem to carry such a lot of stuff around and we have no fixed place at the moment — sometimes in the Claw, sometimes in the Bell, sometimes even in my house.

“So my suggestion is that we have our next Assembly meeting here in this room on the same day as this next week. We will rent the room from you for its use and we will be able to discuss our matters over a pleasant meal, which we will leave up to you to choose. There will be no need for matching sets of crockery and cutlery, and you could treat this as a trial run, a way to iron out any wrinkles that might not have been seen in advance. Your staff, and yourself, would appreciate a trial run before opening to the public, I'm sure, and we would be glad to be of assistance in the setting up of a valued and much-anticipated resource. What think you? Indeed, what does anyone think about this suggestion? Let's have a general discussion.”

There was silence for a good two moments as we all applied our minds to it. That is not to say that there was no communication going on. Kassama, I and Master Michen all looked questions at each other and then eyed agreement that it could indeed be done. I have to say that I agreed with the Steward's reasoning and a trial run would be invaluable.

Not all the Assembly were present, but more than half were, along with Master Michen, Kassama, myself, Gythy, Mistress Epp, Mistress Lendra and Mistress Sukhana, so the room was quite crowded and there were 13 voices that could be considered. Mistress Lendra had been included to be sure that the arrangements were adequate for public use and Mistress Sukhana had come up with us to see about suggesting ways of storing the drinks she would be providing.

What could have been chaos was actually resolved very easily with almost unanimous agreement. The Captain and Masters Jepp, Yarling and Bezan made their way out, ushering Mistress Lendra (who had also been visiting Master Morden) and Mistress Epp before them. Master Brydas slipped his arm round Mistress Sukhana and she leant up against him as they followed the large group down the corridor. Master Michen requested a quick word with Master Blandel. Gythy and I waited behind Master Blandel until the men had finished, while Kassama went off to check on Master Morden.

“It occurs to me, Master Blandel, that both uses — a schoolroom and a dining room, might benefit from one or two large flat slates mounted on the walls, and ...”

“Oh don't ask me, Master Michen. I'm useless. Ask at the masonry, young Mostar will put you right, if he isn't gallivanting about on all sorts of complicated tasks that he seems to be into nowadays.”

“Master Blandel! I am shocked! This doesn't sound like the man who developed those clever ideas scarce a year ago! What is the matter? You seem down in spirits somehow.”

“So would you be, Michen, so would you be.”

Michen looked confused but I signalled to him with my hands from my position behind Master Blandels' back and mouthed “Trogan's jail” to him; his face lit with understanding. Then changed as he looked worried and floundered around a bit, trying to find some way to ease the awkward situation.

I was sure that everyone on the Counc … er ... Assembly would have tried to jolly him out of it many times already, obviously unsuccessfully. So I took Gyth by the hand and ushered her out, to leave the two 'men' to talk together. But I flashed a message to M to argue with him, and I would return in three moments to help. M was glad I had a plan and nodded acceptance.

I rapidly explained to Gyth what I was about to try and she nodded her understanding and acceptance of the plan. She told me she would run down and across to the Bell to see if Kasinna was available. The front door banged quite noisily as she dashed out.

I waited outside the door to the salon for a little but then judged it was time to intervene, so I barged in and started being the strict mother that I had had so much practice at.

“Now then, what's this nonsense I heard before? How DARE you say that you are useless? You are one of my favourite people and went up in my estimation when that BANDIT,” I pretended to spit on the floor for emphasis, “was so evil to those he locked up.”

I don't think that Master Blandel had been spoken to like that since he was an apprentice, and both he and M were taken aback by my forthright approach. I knew that I had to keep on once I had started on this course, so I didn't let up.

“From what my dear friends Kasinna and Senidet have told me, we all owe you an ENORMOUS debt. If it hadn't been for you, they wouldn't be here today. YOU and you ALONE are responsible for giving them the necessary strength to get through their horrors. So what's all this wallowing in self-pity all about? You went light on whatever food they gave you so you could slip a little extra to them. You told them stories to take their minds off their horrors for just a little while. And now you're sorry?

“You survived, yes, but that's something to be glad about! And now, right now, right this very moment, the Town has so much need of you and your skills, but you're just going to give up? Where's your fight gone? Where's your reason to get up every day? I am very disappointed in you. What was the point of your heroic behaviour, if you just make everyone depressed? Snap out of it man.”

He looked shocked at how harshly I was talking and then his face crumpled and he started crying — deep racking sobs that made me want to mother him, but I knew that would be counter-productive at this moment. I needed him angry and to have some pride rekindled. But a little voice in the back of my head recognised that this was probably the first time he had let go of his grief.

The extent of his despair became more apparent as he blurted out: “I gave up. Me of all people! Shocking. I never believed I would. Always believed I was strong. But I just caved in. I couldn't handle it like the other men.” He dragged in a ragged breath.

“Oh, I'm not a fit person to be seen with,” he wailed.

“Well, that's true, at least.”

That shocked him into looking sharply at me — the best bit of a reaction so far. M was looking as though he/she had been hit over the head with a club.

“All this self-pity and whining makes you uncomfortable to be with.”

Was that a spark of anger I saw?

“But that's only weeks compared to all the good things you have done here in Town over the years. Are you to throw all that achievement away?

“I just don't understand men! A little setback and the whole world comes to an end. Mostar is going to be very busy soon with all the new stone-lined drains and water-supplies, but is also required to do some work in our existing aqueduct and Cistern. He can't do everything and your selfish self-pity is holding back all the wonderful developments that others want to make to our Town, so we ALL can have an improved life. Start living again — for all of us. Be the leader you were this time last year. Stop wallowing in your misery and bring your skills back to us.”

I sniffed in a dismissive manner as I spun on my heel and went out, slamming the door behind me.

Once outside, I nearly burst out crying myself. I was breathing heavily, and scared that I might have got it wrong. I sank to the floor, back against the wall — hoping that I had indeed done the right thing, but half-convinced I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.

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