Angie’s Choice

I peeked at myself in the mirror. Stephanie finished applying the foundation, and was now putting blush on my cheeks. The skin on my face looked flawless. There was no trace of anything that could be mistaken for a shadow from facial hair. It was really working. I was enjoying this very much, and decided to put my fears to rest for the final time. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a daydream. I pictured myself in my wedding gown on the arm of a handsome man in a black tuxedo. He was much taller than I with deep blue eyes and a square jaw. He was looking at me as if I was the love of his life. Why was I feeling this way? It really felt as if the closer I came to being feminized, the more I wanted to be in the arms of a man. My daydream was interrupted by Stephanie’s voice.

“All done! Oh my! You are ravishing!”

My hair was still wet, and flat, but the makeup was like something out of a magazine! I was amazed, and entranced by my reflection. I looked up at the girls and stammered,“You were right. I want it all. I want to be a girl in the worst way. I will do anything for you. Teach me the ways of becoming a woman, PLEASE!!?”


Angie's Choice

By Angela Renee Rineheart

CAUTION! Explicit Sex Scenes Contained Within!

I had just turned 22, and felt as confused as when my Father passed away at age 13. I had no more of an idea what to do with my life now, as I did then. My relationship with my girlfriend of five years had arrived at a decision that needed to be made. Her family was constantly asking the question of “when are you two getting married?” It was almost springtime, and the questioning was heating up again for a spring wedding. I loved Tami, but I was confused as to which way I wanted to live my life. It was as if I was being pulled in two different directions.

Well, considering my unusual circumstances, I decided to try to get answers on the internet. That way, I could get answers to questions that were haunting me in a very shameful, private way. You see, ever since I can remember, I have derived a great deal of pleasure wearing clothing of the opposite sex. It started as a curiosity and grew into a true obsession. I was now beyond just trying on my girlfriends clothes while she was at work and masturbating. I really wanted to know what it would be like to not only look like a girl, but live as a female for a period of time. I had even shaved my legs, and started thinning my eyebrows. I let my hair grow long. It was thick, and almost reached my shoulders. My manner of walking became more upright because of spending so much of my spare time in heels. It was fun to discreetly behave in female mannerisms while in public, such as sitting with my knees together. Sometimes, I even had the nerve to cross my legs at the ankles. This generally provided an erection, especially because I almost always wore silk panties.

I had also obtained a fairly large collection that filled five large boxes of various female attire, makeup, wigs, and high heeled shoes. The boxes were hidden in the closet of the spare room in my apartment. Most of the clothing was purchased from second hand clothing stores. I even owned a wedding gown. I found it at a garage sale for $25.00. There were days I would spend hours in a tight corset, white lingerie, and my gown. Oh how I LOVED wearing that gown!

So after purchasing a computer, I typed cross-dresser into the yahoo search engine. I was shocked at the sheer number of websites that related to my passion. Hundreds, maybe thousands of male humans longing to look like a female. The more I looked, the more excited I became. It was amazing how a boy can look just like a girl with some alterations. I really wanted to try some of the incredible ideas. I started a secret file and started collecting ideas on makeup application, hormones, and female mannerisms.

I spent so much time reading about people that felt the same way I did, that I lost track of time. I was stunned out of my trance by the phone ringing. It was my girlfriend, Tami.
“Andy, what are you doing?”
“I was setting up my new computer.”
“Do you know what time it is? You were supposed to pick me up thirty minutes ago!”
“I am so sorry, Tami! I, I was looking at…….”, I was DYING to tell her. There was an instance that I almost told her a few months prior after she asked me about my legs being smooth. Instead, I made up some lame excuse about my hair getting caught in my socks, so instead of shaving around the ankles, I just shaved them fully. Here was another chance for me to come clean. I could not do it over the phone, though.
“Tami, I can get there in fifteen minutes.”
“Forget it, Andy. The movie will have already started.”
“Tami, can you come over?”
“What’s wrong?”
“I need to show you something.”
“What have you done?”
“Please just come over before I lose my nerve!”
“OK, OK. I will be right over.” She sounded pissed.

Now I have done it. I have committed to telling her. It’s only fair. She needs to know.
My heart started beating heavily in my chest. I had fifteen minutes to think of a way to tell her that I was not only not ready to get married, but that I wanted to try living an alternative lifestyle. It was a feeling not easy to describe. On one hand, Tami may flip out and leave me. On the other hand, I had just opened the door to a whole new, and what appeared to be EXCITING world. As I sat there, I pondered. Before I knew it, I was back on line, surfing again. I came across a T-girl dating sight. It stated that all I had to do was submit an email address and picture. Dating? My crotch began to stir. I never really considered going out in public, much less, dating. I was intrigued and checked a few profiles. Some girls were knockouts, and some were homely, but all were interested in being taken out on a date as if they were a real woman. I started daydreaming of what it would be like to go out in public dressed in nylons and high heels. I wasn’t sure if dating a man would appeal to me. I was attracted to women. I loved everything about them. I could drink in images of pretty women all day and never tire of it. I started thinking about being on the arm of a guy that was much taller than I and felt my crotch stir again.

The knock at the door shocked me out of my dream state. My heart started pumping again. I opened the door and there was a much agitated Tami, standing in the doorway with arms crossed.
“Andy, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
“I am fine…..I think. Tami, you had better come in and sit down.”
My heart continued to pound as I opened a bottle of wine and began pouring two glasses. I began by speaking to her about my Father. He became ill and had a stroke when I was 11. He was never the same, and developed cancer. I watched a man become weak and wither before my eyes. He died within two years. Tami knew all of this, and was very sympathetic, but wondered aloud why I was bringing it up. I started to talk about my childhood. I was the fourth of five children. The first two were a boy and a girl. The next was a boy, so my Mother and sister prayed for another little girl. That’s when I arrived. As a boy, my Mother and sister always told me that they wanted a little girl, but they joked that I was such a cute baby, that they decided to keep me. Tami had already heard THAT story too, and was starting to twitch in her seat. By now, we were both ready for a third glass of wine, and my courage was growing. She grabbed my hands, and looked me in the eyes.
“Andy, surely you did not ask me to come over so you could tell me about your childhood. What is going on?”
I poured a third glass for each of us and sat next to her.
“I have no idea how to tell you this. The truth is, I do not know enough about it to even assemble some kind of information to make it make any sense… me…Or you!
I, I have a problem. It’s a problem that has grown into an obsession. Tami, do you enjoy being a girl?”
“What? Andy, does this have anything to do with dressing up like a girl??”
My mouth dropped open, and I was speechless. The look on my face gave the answer to her question. I looked away and could feel my face flush bright red.
She grabbed my chin and drew it back towards her.
“Do you want to be a girl, Andy?”
“Yes! Wait! No! I mean………….I do not really know how to answer that question.”
She looked into my eyes and stared. I gave her a blank stare back. She smiled.
“Have you worn some of my clothing?”
“I had a feeling something was going on, but never got the nerve to ask you.”
“How did you know?”
“Well, a girl just KNOWS when her clothing…….AND MAKEUP have been messed with.” So, Andy…..” She got to her feet and started walking around, clearly a little bit tipsy, in an exaggerated “hip swinging” way. “Have you learned how to walk in high heels?”
My heart, which had finally started to beat at a normal rate started pumping heavily again. I was starting to get embarrassed. She had clearly been on to my secret for some time now. I looked at the floor and replied sheepishly.
“Yes, Tami. I own a few pairs.” As I replied, I thought in horror what the next question was going to be…….
“Where are they Aaaaaannnniiiiie?” She drew out the name like it had four syllables instead of two. “Do you wear pantyhose too?” I could not tell if she was delighted with these results, or pissed!
I kept my head lowered and pointed to the spare bedroom.
“In the closet, Tami. They are in the closet.”
With that, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. Even though I knew that she was going to find everything, I felt as if I was doing the right thing.
I could hear her reaction from where I sat. I felt as if I could not move. It was as if my feet were stuck in concrete.
“Wow, Annie! You have wonderful taste in dress clothing. Don’t you have anything casua…..OH MY GOD!! A WEDDING GOWN? Tami came running out to the living room, gown draped over her arm.
“Annie, I simply MUST see this on you this min……..
“It’s ANGIE!” I interrupted.
“I like the name Angie, not Annie.” I lowered my head again, and closed my eyes expecting more taunting.
Instead, she crouched down and put my chin in her hands.
“I love you, Andy. You are one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. I think that we can always be good friends. I am very disappointed that you did not share your secret with me. However, I can only imagine the fear you live with daily. Have you ever told anyone about your cross dressing secret?”
“No. You are the first to hear it from me. But now that I have heard that you suspected, it makes me wonder if anyone else does.”
“Since we are being honest, Andy, there have been many comments made about your sexual preference, and your effeminate manner.”
“Oh no! How humiliating!” I started to cry.
“Angie?” Tami continued in a very straight forward manner of speaking. “Would you mind showing me how you make yourself up?”
“Why would you want to see that, Tami?”
“Well, I have been curious for quite some time now. You are a really cute guy, and I think, with the right colors, you would make a very pretty girl.”
My head was swimming. What closet tranny would ever turn this opportunity down? But I was curious what people were saying about me.
“Do people think I am gay, Tami?”
“Think about it, Angie.” She kept calling me by my feminine name and I was beginning to enjoy it. “You grew out your hair, shaved your legs, what’s next?”
“I guess you are right. I feel so foolish!”
Tami then proceeded to tell me about things I just took for granted, but were right in front of me. How we always go out with the girls. (It seemed that over the last year, our dates consisted of her two best friends, Stephanie, and Jennifer, Tami, and I.
“Think about it, Angie. How many times have the four of us been to the mall?” We have become like four girlfriends hanging out. Be honest. How many guys do you know that would sit in a salon waiting for his girlfriend to get her hair done for over an hour? Did you think we did not notice the look on your face as you thumbed through the magazines? Sports Illustrated? No. It was straight to the women’s magazines for you, wasn’t it, Angie? Remember when your sister was shopping for prom dresses? You stood at the rack for hours! It was pretty obvious that you were daydreaming of wearing one. You were, weren’t you, Angie?.....and within the last year? Well, you kind of sit like a girl sometimes?
She was right. How I loved the mall. I loved girl-talk too! I was dying to get dressed up.
“Are you telling me that you can accept my cross dressing?”
Well, to be honest, I am not interested in spending my life with a guy that would rather dress like me, than a man.”
I lowered my head.
“Don’t get me wrong, Angie! I love you, but I want you to be happy. Trust me. I have been trying to find a way to tell you this, and you made it easy for the both of us. Now we can remain friends, but you and I can explore other options.”
Shit! What a turn of events. Tami was dumping me! I went to the kitchen and opened another bottle of wine. I filled both of our glasses to the top.
“Well, Tami. I love you too. I am so thankful that this happened. I feel hurt, but I am so thrilled that you understand. I must admit that I am curious of my potential. Can you help me look like a girl?”
Tami took another sip of wine and smiled at me.
“Yep! I am ready and willing. I could use some help, though. Would you mind if I text Steph and Jenn?”
“What?! I don’t think I am ready for that, Tami!”
“Suit yourself sweety, but I am telling you right now. Those girls have been talking about transforming you for a LONG TIME!” She then started laughing hysterically. The wine was really taking effect on both of us.
“Have you forgotten? Jenn works at a salon. She has come up with several cute ideas for your locks. And don’t forget Steph. Remember? Makeup counter at Nordstrom! She already knows what colors to use on you.”
With that, we both fell over laughing.
“Text them!” I said.
She pulled out her phone and typed in the following message: project boy2girl is a go.
“How in the hell are they going to know what you are talking about?”
She took her last swallow of wine and smiled.
“They will probably run out of the theater screaming with joy! You need to understand something. The girls and I are convinced that you would be happier as a female.”
“Whoa! Stop the train, missy! I do not want to be a girl!”
“Suit yourself. You may say that NOW, but just wait until you get a real taste of what it is like to spend some time as one. You may change your mind, missy. Alright, so are you going to want to do this right? I will start a bath for you. I want you to get silky smooth. Oh my God! I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening to me.
Tami’s text ring went off. “Is that them?” I asked almost screeching. She just smiled at me, cocked her head, and shooed me off to the bathroom. I was in deep, scared, but extremely excited. It was a similar feeling I came to know all too well as I would lay out clothing on the bed before getting dressed in secret. Only this time, I was not alone.
Tami followed me into the bathroom while reading her text message. “We are SO THERE, Tami! Please have (The Girl) smooth, with all foundation shaping clothing on, and perfumed. (She) is expected to be sitting upright at the Vanity mirror motivated for makeup transformation.”
“What does she mean by foundation shaping clothing?” I asked.
Tami went to the tub and started the water, appearing to ignore my question. She turned to me, smiled again, and spoke.
“In anticipation of this evening, the girls and I purchased some things that you will wear underneath your female clothing in order to give you a more feminine shape, Angie.
Now get into the tub. I am going to my car to get a few things. I want you to soak for at least fifteen minutes in order to get your body soft, and ready to shave. When I am finished with you, there will not be one hair left on your body.”
I shuddered with excitement, but did not say a word as she walked out. I stripped naked and watched the steam trail up from the tub, unaware of what lied ahead for me, but too excited to care about any possible consequences. I stepped in with toe pointed. If I was going to do this right, I may as well start getting into character….or was this the real me finally coming alive?
As I immersed myself, Tami entered the room again carrying a few bags. She opened a Bath and Bodyworks bag and removed a pink bottle. She poured it liberally into the rushing water near my feet. Immediately, my nose was filled with a heavenly, feminine scent.
“You likey?” Tami asked.
“Very much!” I said, and smiled broadly.
Tami then handed me a lotion that had the same sweet smell and instructed me to coat my entire body with the lotion. After twenty minutes of soaking, the alcohol had me feeling even drunker than before. I had completely lost any inhibitions about letting my female mannerisms show.
“Okay, Missy!” Tami startled me out of my daydream. She handed me a Venus razor for shaving, and a can of Edge for women shaving cream.
“I want you to get satiny smooth.” There was actually very little hair to remove. I was already in the habit of shaving my legs, chest, and butt crack. It was especially exciting removing hair from my underarms. I completed my task, and called to Tami. There I stood in front of the bathroom mirror. I was hairless and naked, with my hair up in a bath towel. Tami walked in and looked me up and down. “This is going to be like dressing a full size Barbie doll!” she squealed.
“Have you ever tucked your penis behind?”
“To be honest, I have tried, but without much success.”
She handed me a bag. Inside was a box that said GAFF. I have read about these things on the internet. She smiled and said,” the instructions are inside. I think you can figure it out honey.”
Also in the bag was some fleshy colored tape, two breast falsies, glue for the breasts, a pink set of bra and panties and a pink, satin corset.
As she was exiting, she said, “Oh, and don’t try to attach the corset. Call me when you are ready to put that on. You will need a little help.”
The Gaff was much easier then I imagined. My penis seemed to relinquish its need to be in the front of my body. It was if he was surrendering to a deep desire to soften, and go to a place where it could hide away so I could get on with what was a deep seeded need for me. The tape held it in place and it actually seemed to find a comfortable resting place tucked away.
The breasts were a B-cup. It felt as if the weight pulling on my chest was always meant to be there. It felt natural, and as I looked up at my reflection, I started to see a girl come to life. After sliding the French panties up, and hooking my bra straps, I called to Tami. She walked in and said, “Oh Angie!”....clearly pleased with my feminine progress. “Now it is time to complete your hourglass shape.”
She wrapped the pink corset around my waist, and attached the hooks. As she pulled the strings of the corset tighter, I could feel my crotch stirring. I started to think out loud. “Will this make me appear to have girl-hips?”
“Oh, yes, Angie. My goal is to get you down to a size 24 waist with the corset training. Once you get used to the exercise, and yoga program, you may not even need a corset. But for now, hold on to the door frame and brace yourself. I am going to pull the strings of this pretty pink restrictor around your waist and get your shape where it needs to be. Now, let’s hurry, and get you to the vanity mirror, so the girls will not be disappointed!”

I looked in the mirror, and saw a feminine silhouette staring back at me. “Now, I want you to stand upright, and walk ahead of me on the balls of your feet. Go into the spare bedroom swinging your hips the whole way. Sit daintily at the seat in front of the vanity mirror, and wait there for me.”
The corset really helped keep me upright. It was so tight, I could barely breathe. I loved it. I could hear Tami giggle behind me as I walked down the hall and entered the spare bedroom. She had set up a little vanity table. There were all kinds of cosmetics spread neatly ready to be utilized for my feminization.
I heard a knock at the door. It was Stephanie, and Jennifer. I could hear them giggling. “What in the hell am I doing?” I said.
Tami put her hand on my shoulder, and whispered softly in my ear, “What you were meant to do always, Angie.” She then kissed me and left the room to answer the door.
I sat at the vanity staring at my reflection. I tried to imagine myself as a girl. The shape of my face clearly leaned more to the “female” side. My cheekbones were high. I definitely looked more like Mom, then Dad.
I saw the girls walk in behind my reflection. They tried to suppress their giggles, and got “wide eyed” when I stood up. They were really sweet, and full of compliments, but made it really clear that they had some work to do. It was explained to me that I had to make a commitment, because they were not going to turn me into a girl for just one evening. If they were going to give me the full treatment, I would have to commit to living as a girl 24 / 7. I sat there with mouth agape as they explained the time, effort and commitment it took to maintain a feminine look.
“Well……..can we get your commitment?”
Not thinking of anything other than the lust that I was lost in, I smiled and nodded.
It was if the girls had done this before. They were like a well oiled machine. Tami worked on my nails. She gave me a manicure, and then added short tips. I was told that it would take some time to get used to longer fingernails, so they were starting out with a short length and work my way to longer. She also gave me a pedicure, with matching pink polish to match my fingernails.
Since Jennifer worked at the hair salon, she went right to work as if I was sitting at her chair in the salon combing out my hair and telling me exactly what she had in mind for the new me. She even brought a picture of the style. It was a pretty, straight cut that curled inward in order to shape my face. The length was just above the shoulder. She gave me the choice of whether or not I wanted bangs. I asked her opinion. She smiled and said that I had a pretty face, and was young, so bangs might be cute. So bangs it was. I looked at the picture she handed me, and asked her, “Will you girls make me this pretty?”
Jennifer just sighed and grabbed my chin the way Tami did earlier.
“Angie, my honest opinion is that you will make a prettier girl, than you currently make a handsome man.”
Stephanie chimed in as she was preparing my colors. “How do you think we came up with the idea of switching you over, honey? I will never forget watching you as you were drooling over the prom dresses at the mall. We felt so bad for you. Here was a sweet boy that really had every reason to be a sweet girl! All three of us stayed up practically all night talking about it. We all came to the same obvious conclusion. You………., Angie, with right training, and frame of mind, will make a beautiful woman!”
My confidence was increasing. I still did not fully believe them. Was this some elaborate ruse to embarrass me? If it were, they certainly put a lot of time, effort, and MONEY behind it. But why? Comments made by all sure seemed genuine.
What the hell! What was the worst that could happen? I was getting a free makeover and heading in a direction that I could only fantasize about……and DID, often!
Jennifer draped a plastic sheet over me and began to trim my hair. It was really happening. I was getting a cut that could not be mistaken for male.
Stephanie asked Tami if she was ready to pierce my ears.
“Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot to get the stuff. Can your buddy, Cindy do it tomorrow at Piercing Pagoda?”
I recognized the name. It was a shop in the mall that sold earrings and did piercing.
“Is that necessary?” I said.
All three women shot me a look that said, “Behave!”
“I guess it is” These girls mean business, I thought to myself. It’s time to find out what kind of payment will be required for their services.
I got up some nerve and spoke again. “I don’t want you get the wrong impression. I really appreciate everything you girls are doing for me….”
“But?” Tami asked
“Well, this is, and has taken much time, effort, and money. I do not mean to be rude, but, what is in it for you?”
There was about 10 seconds of complete silence before Stephanie spoke up. “Well, to be completely honest, we had a few ideas, but never really decided on what to ask for. We kinda thought like, for sure, that you would be grateful, but…….” Her voice just trailed off and she began applying foundation to my face.
Tami picked up the dialogue. “Well, let me try to explain our motives. In the beginning, I swear that all we had on our minds was helping someone that we considered a friend. It started getting expensive, so we started talking about whether or not it was even worth going through with. It has actually been on hold for a few months until you dropped it into my lap. Jenn, do you still have the list of ways Angie can pay us back?”
Jennifer always had a day planner and had a reputation as a meticulous note taker.
“Oh yes! I even added a few myself. Do you think she is ready to hear them?”
All three girls looked at me, and in unison said, “Whatcha’ think girl?”
I just shrugged. “Okay.”
Jennifer turned to the page in her planner and started to read:

1) “In order to function properly in high heels, she must practice. She may as well be doing things while practicing; therefore vacuuming our apartments in her high heels will accomplish two things. Clean apartments and good posture.
2) She must be available at all times when needed in case the boys outnumber the girls. In other words, be there at a moment’s notice to date the leftover guy, and be sweet to him.
3) Be available for experimental makeovers at a moment’s notice, including hairstyles.”

Tami interrupted Jennifer’s reading because she could see the fear in my eyes. “Perhaps we can finish reading that later, Jenn. I have changed my mind about sharing EVERYTHING with our little project. Let’s stay focused on getting her convinced that she can actually pass as female before scaring her.”
She squatted in front of me and grabbed my hands again. “You are just going to have to trust me. Honey. You have a promise from me that you will enjoy this experience. Yes, we do have a few selfish motives, but I believe that deep down, you KNOW that you want to experience life as the other gender, but fear, and self confidence is holding you back. Think of us as your confidence boosters.
I peeked at myself in the mirror. Stephanie finished applying the foundation, and was now putting blush on my cheeks. The skin on my face looked flawless. There was no trace of anything that could be mistaken for a shadow from facial hair. It was really working. I was enjoying this very much, and decided to put my fears to rest for the final time. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a daydream. I pictured myself in my wedding gown on the arm of a handsome man in a black tuxedo. He was much taller than I with deep blue eyes and a square jaw. He was looking at me as if I was the love of his life. Why was I feeling this way? It really felt as if the closer I came to being feminized, the more I wanted to be in the arms of a man. My daydream was interrupted by Stephanie’s voice.
“All done! Oh my! You are ravishing!”
My hair was still wet, and flat, but the makeup was like something out of a magazine! I was amazed, and entranced by my reflection. I looked up at the girls and stammered,
“You were right. I want it all. I want to be a girl in the worst way. I will do anything for you. Teach me the ways of becoming a woman, PLEASE!!?”
They started screaming and “high-fiving” one another. Jennifer grabbed the blow dryer, and curling iron. “Wait until you see yourself with somebody in your hair, girl!”

After she finished my hair, they helped with some faux jewelry, and placed a tiara on my head. My hairstyle was just like I had imagined so many times looking through magazines. Jennifer put blonde highlights in it. It was full and shaped my face. It was absolutely, and positively feminine! Tami announced that it was time to see that wedding gown on me.
I stood back from the full length mirror unable to stop staring at finished product. I had to admit. I was gorgeous. “Can we take pictures?” I asked sheepishly.

All three girls spent the night. We ended up taking over fifty pictures with a digital camera. They had a hard time talking me into taking off the gown until they showed me some cute new outfits, including lingerie. It ended up being my first slumber party. I went to sleep wearing a light pink camisole top and matching PJ bottoms. Stephanie gave me great tips on skin care and makeup removal, but I never removed my gaff or my corset.

That night, my dreams were filled with one thing. I was a full time woman with real breasts, and vagina. I was on my honeymoon with the same guy I daydreamed about. We spent the entire honey moon in two places, the beach, and in bed. It seemed so real. It was like I could feel him penetrate me over and over. It felt so real. He went so deep inside of me, but was so gentle, and loving. I kept having orgasms while he was pulling out. Then he would put it deep again. As he pulled out, I would have another orgasm. He kept looking at me and telling me how much he was in love with me. He also continually kissed me. I have never been so turned on! The more he professed his love, the more orgasms would come!

I awoke in a puddle of goo. The orgasms were real. It was 6:30 am and the apartment was quiet. I walked to the bathroom for a shower and passed the full length mirror. I stopped and looked. Even without makeup, I was hot! This was going to work! I smiled at my reflection. “Good morning pretty girl.” I said out loud. I could not wait to get my day started.
I wrapped myself in a fluffy pink terrycloth robe. My hair was disheveled, and kind of sexy. I found a pony tail holder and pulled it up and out of my face. I reveled in the idea of going out and getting the newspaper looking rather “girly.”
I opened the door, reached down to grab the paper, and heard the door open directly across from me. It was my neighbor, Andrew. He was a divorcee, about 45 years old. We did not know one another that well, but had made small talk in the past. I looked up at him. He grabbed his paper, nodded his head as if to say hello, then stopped, and did a double take. If he thought it was me, he must have been confused. I can imagine what ran through his mind seeing what he thought was his male neighbor wearing a woman’s robe, and matching pink finger and toenails. I quickly hurried back inside and slammed the door. My heart was beating furiously! What are the odds that Andrew would open his door at the same time as me? I leaned back against the inside of the door trying to catch my breath. I could hear Andrew’s footsteps. Was he coming over to my door? I looked through the peephole, and saw that he had walked over. He knocked.
“Andy, Are you in there?” I stayed silent. My heart was pounding. I looked around the apartment for one of the girls to be my alibi. I needed one of them to come to the door wearing the robe. As I wandered the small apartment, I began to realize that they had all left before I got up. I ran back to the door to see if he was still there.
He started speaking again. “Andy, I know you are in there. I really need to talk to you.” I remained silent, just staring at him through the peephole. He took a deep breath and started talking again. This time he pressed his body up against the door and spoke softer. “Andy, I never told you the cause of my divorce, did I.” I became curious and answered him.
“Why do you ask?”
“I feel that it is relevant to why I am now knocking on your door.”
“What do you mean?”
“Andy, would you please let me in. It’s not something I would rather not speak about in public.”
He sounded like he really needed to talk to someone.
“Can you come back in about twenty minutes?”
“Okay, but can I ask you a question?”
“Was that you that got the newspaper this morning?” I was busted, but something told me that I needed to answer truthfully. After all, I made a decision the previous evening to live a female. He would eventually find out.
I took a deep breath, and let it out as I answered in a rather breathy voice.
“Yes, Andrew. It was me.” I was still looking through the peephole to see his reaction. He smiled broadly, and replied, “Twenty minutes?”
“Ummmm, Okay. See you in twenty minutes.”
Okay, Angie. You have a choice here. Get yourself into male mode, and put on a baseball cap, or clean yourself up, and look pretty. He either thinks you are cute, or can’t wait to make fun of you. Wait a second, why does he want to tell me about his divorce?
I ran to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. The girls were right. I AM more female than male. I turned on the shower, got myself squeaky clean, and dried off. I powdered my whole body with a perfumed powder puff. It took me exactly ten minutes to tuck back my penis and testicles, choose a matching bra and panty set, adjust my boobs, and get into a pretty flowered dress. I decided to remain barefoot. I was putting on my watermelon lip gloss, when the phone rang. It was Tami.
“Good morning, Angie!” She sounded excited. “Are you ready for your next step into feminine bliss?”
“Tami, you will not believe this. My neighbor saw me as Angie, and he wants to come over and talk about it!”
“Wow, a boyfriend already?”
“Please stop with the jokes, Tami! I am really scared!”
“Okay, okay. Did you agree to talk to him? I mean, he won’t beat you up, will he?”
“I have a feeling that he kind of liked it.”
“Are you talking about Andrew?”
“Yes, he smiled when I told him that it was me at the door.”
“Oh my! That guy is a hunk! Let me give you some advice, Angie. Please do not respond until I am done speaking. This is going to sound odd, but right now, you need a quick lesson on guys. Will you just listen and not interrupt me?”
“Well, …..I guess so.”
“Guys like getting their cock sucked. This is not the guy to experiment with. He is the kind of guy that you want to have fall head over heels in love with you.” My head was spinning, but I promised not to interrupt her.
“Do you still have the Vicks Chloraseptic spray in the apartment?”
“Do you mean the spray that is used for sore throats, that you spray in the back of your throat to numb it?”
“Well, yes, but what has that got to……”
“JUST LISTEN!! If you are lucky enough to get into a situation where it starts to get intimate, you are going to WANT to suck his cock. If you want to fully satisfy him, you are going to have to take it down your throat. The only way you can do this is to relax the back of your throat. An amateur, such as you needs a little help. If you numb the back of your throat a bit, you will lessen the gag reflex. GOT IT?”
My mouth was agape as I listened. But the reality was this. I felt like an excited woman, and I wanted to feel what it would be like to suck a cock. It felt so odd, because being a homosexual never really crossed my mind. It was only when I felt feminine that I started thinking about being with a man sexually.
“Angie!” Tami’s voice startled me out of my trance. “You okay?”
“Oh, um….yeah, I think so.”
“Call me after he leaves, alright?”
I hung up the phone and heard a soft knocking at the door. I checked one more time in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection.
“You really do make a cute girl, Angie.”
I cracked open the door slightly, and poked my head out. He smiled as soon as he saw my face. I looked down and blushed. My eyes went straight down to his crotch. He wore tight jeans, and a blue polo. His hair was slicked back, and I could smell a rather masculine cologne.
“Wow. Um, wh-what should I call you? I mean….Uh, you do not look like your name is Andy……”
I looked into his pretty blue eyes and invited him in. “Call me Angie”, I said.
“Angie, I hope I am not being inappropriate, but I have to tell you something. You are truly a very pretty girl, and I am attracted to you.”
My heart was pounding. It was as if I had been waiting for those words. It felt like the ultimate confidence builder. I smiled, and thanked him for the sweet compliment. I invited him to come in and sit down. He told me that the cause of his divorce when his wife discovered that he was checking transgender dating sites. He explained that he never had the nerve to date a T-girl, but always wanted to. He reasoned that the T-girls go out of their way to be as feminine as possible. That really attracted him.
He also told me that he had his thoughts early on that his neighbor may lean towards the femme side, and when he saw me this morning, it was his confirmation.
He then asked me if I would mind sitting next to him on the coach. I moved over and sat down next to him. He then put his arm around me and told me that I smelled very nice. We were both starting to breathe a little heavier. I decided to give him a hint that it was okay to kiss me by placing my hand inside his shirt and play with his chest hairs. I could smell his cologne in the air as his endorphins filled the air. I felt small sitting next to him. He was at least 6” taller than me, and muscular. He leaned in and placed his lips on mine. He lingered for a moment, kissed me softly. It did not feel clumsy. It felt natural. He leaned in again and kissed me again. This time a little harder. I could feel his mouth open slightly and welcomed his tongue into my mouth. He then started kissing my neck and shoulders. My cock was tucked away, but stiffened. I could feel it pulsate against my butt. In between kissing me, Andrew asked, “Are you okay with this Angie?”
A breathy “yes, YES!” was all I could get out.
I had to feel what it was like to have his cock in my hands. My hand moved down to his crotch, and I started to unbutton his pants. He was wearing tight silk boxer briefs. He was clearly erect, and huge. I placed my hand on his penis and stroked it through his shorts. He moaned with excitement. “Oh Angie. It feels so good, Baby!”
I liked being called baby, and told him this. He smiled and asked if I was enjoying myself. I nodded yes, and continued stroking.
“Can I see your cock, Honey?’ I asked sheepishly.
“Baby, of course you can. I can’t believe how pretty you are. If I did not know you, I would just assume you were female.”
I really liked what he was saying. I really felt like a girl. I got off the couch and dropped to my knees. I pulled down his boxer briefs. This magnificent cock was staring back at me two inches from my face. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back.
I then remembered what Tami said about the Vicks spray.
“Honey, can you excuse me for two seconds?” I got up and ran to the bathroom, quickly grabbed the bottle, and sprayed the back of my throat.
“What’s up, baby?”
“I just want to make sure you enjoy this, Andrew.”
“I have already enjoyed being with you, Angie. You are a very special lady.”
I started by licking the tip of his head. It tasted a bit salty. I took his head into my mouth and played with his urethra by sticking my tongue in and out of it. His moans told me that he liked it a lot. The more I sucked, the hotter I got and the more I realized that I was pretty good at this. I stroked the shaft while kissing and licking his head. I then placed my hands on his butt cheeks. He started thrusting his hips towards me slowly. His cock was starting to hit the back of my throat, and I could feel myself starting to gag.
I looked up at him, and asked if he had ever received deep throat. His eyes got big and he shook his head. I asked him to push it in real slow and I was going to try my best to get it down my throat. It reached the back of my throat again, and I slid my tongue underneath. I swallowed as if taking a pill. It slid down as if it was meant to. Then came right back up. Andrew moaned loudly.
“OOOOOH BABY! That is fantastic!”
I swallowed again. It felt sooooo good! My cock was pulsating behind me and I erupted. I could feel my panties being filled up with warm seamen. Then he exploded. I could feel his warm semen filling up my mouth and started to gag, but I was able to relax, and continue swallowing. The warm, salty liquid slid over my taste buds and down the back of my throat until he was done.
“You likey, Honey?”
He bent down and picked me up like a rag doll. My butt was being supported by his big hands and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed me deeply, still breathing heavily.
“Angie, I think that I am already in love with you! I know it’s crazy to say so, and it’s probably just lust talking, but I have to tell you how I am feeling. I would love to make love to you,”
I was so caught up in the moment that I told him I felt the same way.
We decided to start dating. I did not want him to leave, and got the same feeling from him, but I promised Tami that I would be there to complete “the project”.
Andrew completely understood, and asked me if I would be willing to go to dinner with him that evening. Wow, a date where I am the female. I do not have to do anything, other than enjoy being treated like a princess. I accepted with a girlish giggle.
Before calling Tami, I needed to get some information about making love to a man as a T-girl. It was easy to find. I read several articles, and they all agreed on a few important things to remember.
(1) Always be sure to give yourself at least two enemas so you will be completely clean.
(2) If you are just starting out, use lots of water based lubricant.
(3) It will not feel good at first. Your lover will need to be patient.
(4) Get your anus stretched out with a vibrator, and or butt plug.
(5) Once pressure is applied to your prostate gland, you may experience an internal orgasm similar to what women feel.
#5 put me over the edge. If I could experience an orgasm like a woman, well….it just sounded like the ULTIMATE!

The rest of the afternoon was spent at the mall with the girls. I wore tight jeans, a tight sweater, and high heeled strappy sandals. I was HOT, and confident in my feminine appearance. It felt so natural to walk on the balls of my feet and swing my hips. I was so much more comfortable in the female role.
Clothes shopping, and getting my ears pierced were priorities. We all got manicures and pedicures, and then we stopped for a quick salad. (Gotta watch the new feminine figure).
The subject went between clothes, boys, and sex. I felt perfectly comfortable telling the girls about my experience with Andrew, and asked if they would come with me while I purchased the things I needed for anal sex. Stephanie chimed in with an interesting idea. “I wonder if you can use a douche in your butt?” We all looked at her and laughed. Then I started thinking about it. “Well, I would like to smell fresh for him?”
“Put it on the list!” Tami exclaimed.
It was getting late, and I needed plenty of time to prepare myself for my dinner date. I stripped completely naked and started a bubble bath. I read the instructions on the enema and lubricated my smooth, silky butt cheeks, and the insides of my sphincter. As I squeezed the liquid inside my hole, I wondered if this is what it feels like when a man ejaculates inside of you. Before I knew it, I had a hard on. Even though the experience was a bit messy, I knew it was the right thing to do. I gave my next enema to myself in the tub. It felt like the waste leaving my body was my maleness leaving me. My senses were being overcome by the perfumed water. After two enemas, I decided to use the douche. I was beginning to understand what women meant when they spoke of “feeling fresh.” It was now time to prepare my anus. I lubed my sphincter and the vibrator and lay down on the bed on my back. I recalled the instructions recommending that I start out slow and work at a pace that was comfortable. It was exciting, but after fifteen minutes, I was tired and not even coming close to an orgasm. I decided it was time to put the butt plug in place, and let it do the job stretching me out for the rest of the evening.

The place Andrew chose for dinner was a casual bar and grill. This would be my first time on the arm of a man so even though I was dying to get into a formal gown, I was content with staying somewhat casual.
I chose pink denim Capri’s, matching pink pumps, and a short sleeved white sweater. I accented the outfit with a pink bow in my hair, and a silver necklace, bracelet, and ankle bracelet. All three pieces had pink accents. My lipstick was a light shade of…what else, pink. I stepped back from the mirror completely taken with the pretty girl reflected there. I really was not hungry. I couldn’t think of anything other than Andrew being inside of me.

Andrew knocked on the door. I cracked it open slightly just peeking through, batting my eyes. They were extra long because I had used three different mascara brushes to lengthen them and make them appear fuller and longer. He smiled broadly and spoke. “This is exactly what I am talking about, Angie. You clearly took your time and maximized your femininity……..and my GOD!! smell heavenly!”
I blushed and looked up at him. “Thank you, Andrew. You look very handsome.” He was wearing a white button down dress shirt and cream colored Dockers. His hair was slicked back, and his eyes were piercing right through me. His cologne reached my nose and the female inside of me took over. Suddenly, I found myself asking him if he was hungry for dinner, or if he wanted dessert first.
He looked a bit stunned, but then smiled again. “What did you have in mind, Angie?”
“I must be honest. I have not been able to stop thinking about being in bed with you.” He smiled and put his hand on my face. Then he leaned into me and gently kissed my lips. “Are you ready for this?” he whispered.
“I think so.”
He picked me up like a bride being carried over the threshold, kicked the door closed and headed towards by bedroom.
“I want to make love to you, Angie!” He threw me on the bed and stripped completely naked. I took off my Capri’s, shoes, and panties. He was already rock hard. I reached into my nightstand and grabbed some KY jelly. After removing my plug, I slathered more lube in my sphincter. He was on his knees hovering over me. I grabbed hold of his cock and started to lick his head. He backed away and said, “No, sweetheart. I want to put my cock in your pussy.”
I smiled and slathered his manhood with KY. He grabbed a pillow and shoved it under the small of my back. This was it. He was going to fuck me like a woman! It went in quite easily, and he began to pump slowly. He kept referring to me as his beautiful girlfriend. I was trying to relax. I put my hands on his chest and told him how huge my boyfriend’s cock was. It was fun talking dirty. I was clearly made for the submissive role and enjoyed his weight on top of me.
“Oh Angie, your pussy is sooooo tight, Baby!” As he continued pumping me, he started kissing me with open mouth, letting his tongue go wild. I licked back lovingly and sucked on his tongue. He started pumping faster.
“I love sharing my pussy with you, Andrew! Tell me again how much you love me!”
“Oh Angie, you are so beautiful, and I love you! I want you to be my wife! I want you to marry me! I want to fuck you every day!”
We were both caught up in our lust for one another. He was really pumping me hard.
“I want you deeper, Andrew! Fuck me from behind!”
He spun me around and I landed on my knees. I felt his hands on my ass spreading my cheeks. He entered me again and continued pumping. He was definitely deeper, and I loved it! He grabbed my cock, and I came right away.
“Fuck me like I am your bitch in heat! I would love to be your wife, Andrew! Fuck me! Fuck me every night! Fuck me! Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
I could tell that he was ready to erupt.
“Are you going to cum, Andrew?........Andrew?”
“Oh Baby! Oh my sweet baby, Angie! I am …….going … …….”
I could feel every inch of his cock deep within my loins. He had grown to gigantic proportions. I felt like he was going to split me in half and could not wait for the eruption of my man inside of me.
He flipped me on my back again and started sucking my face again. I welcomed his hot, wet kiss. His pumping stopped as he started to ejaculate. It was warm and streaming inside of me. He lifted me up and I was impaled on top of him while he filled me up with what seemed like a quart of cum. He kept kissing me while he came.
Then it happened. I started to feel a very warm feeling coming over my body and began to shudder. I felt something stirring deep inside. I thought about my prostate gland. Is this what it feels like to………”Ohhhhhhh Andreeeeewww!!!” Even though I had just come, it felt as if I was cummimg again, and again, and again!!
We fell back to the bed in a sticky, gooey mess…..exhausted. I laid my head on his chest feeling as feminine as I have ever felt. I fell asleep to the steady breathing of my man. I felt comfortable in his arms.
There was no question in my mind. I loved being a girl, and having sex with a man. It was as if I was in love with being completely “taken” and rescued from my masculinity. I wanted my whole being to be feminine, and the more I behaved like a typical female, the more lost I became in a fantasy that was quickly becoming a reality.

A full Month passed, and Andrew and I had been boyfriend and “girl” friend. My ex-fiancée, Tami was very supportive, and she got the girls to back off their demands of payback. They all seemed to think that Andrew was just a fling, and I would be back with them, and playing the field like young girls should. But on our one month anniversary, Andrew had not changed his mind about his feelings for me. Neither had I. He once again professed his love for me, but this time, he was down on one knee and with a ring in hand. “Angie, I know this seems nuts, but I want to take care of you for the rest of my life. I think that I have always been in love with you, and this past month just confirmed it for me. In my eyes, you are a woman. Please be my wife?”

We were married three months later in a private ceremony at my Mother’s house. I guess I turned out to be the daughter she always longed for, but never had. Did she influence my behavior in the direction of “being girly”? Perhaps she did, but it does not matter now, because I am happy living as a girl. I finally got to wear a wedding gown in public, but it was not the gown that hung in my secret closet for years. Andrew insisted that I get custom fitted! The hours spent in the Bridal fitting room alone accounted for some of the most exciting dressing I will ever experience.
Andrew had quite a bit of money stashed, and he used it to purchase a three bedroom home on a hill with lots of privacy. I had never seen a larger walk in closet in the master bedroom. He told me it was all mine.
I did not fully understand why Andrew fell in love with me until I dated him for a full year. Andrew was as obsessed as me about being “complete” in my femininity. He wanted me to be absolutely as close to flawless in my female appearance as possible. This meant spending most of my waking hours on appearance alone. He hired a personal trainer to make sure I stayed slim, and toned. I visited the salon every Tuesday for hair styling, manicures, and body waxing. Andrew was very meticulous about my clothing too. My collection of lingerie alone takes up an entire dresser. He also insists that I greet him at the end of the day when he arrives home wearing a “Leave it to Beaver’s Mom” type dress, stockings, and high heels.
My girl friends tell me that he is a control freak. They are right, but Andrew loves me because I love being under his control. Being married to him means I can do the things that make me happy. I realized that there are probably very few, if any females that would ever agree to live a life that I have chosen. Andrew admits to his love of controlling me. Am I his slave? At this point in time, I do not care. One year ago, I did not know what I wanted, but I knew what I was drawn towards. I was unhappy. Today, I know what I like. Am I a superficial girl only concerned with my appearance?

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