A Pink and White Dress

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A Pink and White Dress

Janet L. Stickney
[email protected]

If you were to say that I was scared, you would be right. I stood there completely dressed as girl, complete from the skin out, including panties, white pantyhose, a bra stuffed with socks, and a party style dress that did nothing but scream femininity. Pink, with white lace trim, short enough to reveal my knees, pushed out by the three petticoats enough to make it sway with every step I took. My hair, once tightly bound in a manly ponytail lay on my head in a mass of ringlets, held in place by the at the back of my head by a large pink bow, letting the ringlets cascade down the back. Pink and white earrings dangled from my earlobes while my face was made to look perfect for a girl. Reddish pink lipstick and a perfume, left me feeling very silly, but mom had made me wear this stuff, and I could not stop her. When I looked in the mirror, my only reaction was Damn! I didn't look bad as a girl, but that dress would have to go, that's for sure!

I had committed no crime, had not breached her trust in any way, yet taking the word of a stranger, she believed that I had done just that, and as a punishment, I was made to dress that way. I was taken to the familyroom where mom took some pictures of me, then I was taken by car to the person that had accused me. The woman, when she saw me, almost broke down in tears, then admitted that another boy had done it, telling me that she was very sorry and all that. Mom gave her what for, and in no uncertain terms demanded that the woman pay for everything I had on, plus something for me, because I had been humiliated. The woman wrote mom a very generous check, and we left for home. On the way…

"I'm sorry honey, I really am, but she sounded so sure it was you!"

"I told you where I was, and you didn't even check!" I was angry. "No…the very first thing you did was assume that I was guilty, and make me wear this…this…get up!"

"I know' mom said with a sigh, "I should have believed you, I was wrong, I'm sorry." We didn't say anything for as bit, then, "But you look just darling as a girl, you do know that don't you? I mean, if you looked like a girl more your age, then perhaps…"

"No way mom! I'm not going to do this…ever again!"

"I just thought that I would mention it, that's all, but if you don't mind, I would really like you stay dressed like this until it's time for bed. Would you do that for me?" I looked at mom with a whole lot of doubt, but…"you don't have to go outside, and I won't let anyone see you, if that's what's bothering you."

"Why?" I asked, "should I do that for you? You wouldn't believe me when I told you the truth, and you know that I don't lie to you! Now, you want me to dress this way all day?"

"You don't have to" mom said, "I just think you look quite pretty as a girl, and I thought you did too."

"Not wearing this get up I won't!"

As soon as I said that I knew that I had screwed up, because mom said that was fine, she had something else I could wear, just for that one day mind you, and without even thinking about it, I had inadvertently said I would do it! The minute we got home, mom helped me out of that dress and the petticoats, then slipped another dress over my head and zipped it up. It was also pink with white trim, but it looked just like the dresses I had seen the girls in school wear. Mom handed me another pair of shoes, so I slipped my feet into them, and once again looked in the mirror. What I saw there scared me, not because the girl was stone ugly, but just the opposite! Mom changed my hair, brushing it out with a part down the middle of my head, then left the room, telling me that dinner would be ready at five. I stayed there, looking in the mirror, shocked at the way I looked. "Not bad" I thought, then tried to dismiss the very idea that I looked nice as a girl, afraid to admit, even to myself, that it wasn't that bad. I thought about staying in my room, but I had almost five hours to kill before dinner, so I went into the familyroom to watch television.

Mom was sitting there knitting, and didn't say a word as I sat down and clicked on the television. When it came on, and by chance, or my rotten luck, one of the most popular afternoon shows came on, featuring of all things, boys that wanted to be girls! As much as I wanted to change it, I didn't, because I wanted to see how other boys my age looked as girls. When the first one came out I almost choked. She, and there was no other word for her, looked beautiful! She had blond hair, blue eyes, and wore hip hugger pants with a tube top with short heels. She was gorgeous! The next girl that came out was a brunette, taller than the first with a fuller body, but just as cute. She wore a skirt and blouse. The third girl was also a blonde, and wore a pink suit jacket with a gray skirt. Their ages were 15, 17, and 15 respectively. I was drawn to the screen, and listened intently as each one explained how and why they felt like girls, then their mothers came on in support of their sons. The boys, the way they were dressed, all looked like their mothers. They talked about how they started, showing pictures of themselves at young ages, then the mothers detailed how they helped make their sons into girls. The host, known for her understanding ways, listened, amazed at how feminine all of the boys were. All of the girls modeled various clothes, and not once did any of them exhibit any sign that they were boys!

When the show was over, mom and I looked at each other, saying nothing, but considering what we had just seen, and the way I was dressed, we both knew that we had learned something. But as much as I had said no to dressing in girls clothes, it was only that little girl stuff that I hated. I kind of liked the way I looked in the outfit I had on, and was pretty sure that nobody would know who I was if I went out. Just that one admission, even to myself, caused me to wonder if I was going crazy, yet I felt a sort of strange feeling come over me when we had seen those girls on television. I had been comparing myself to them, and thought that with just a little more help, I would look just as good, but I just couldn't say that, not to mom anyway. But the way she was staring at me, well, I think that she knew what I was thinking. About an hour later mom casually mentioned that she was willing, if I was, to buy me a few more outfits, saying to me…"you would be just as darling as those girls we saw on television, if you're willing to try it that is." Why mom wanted to have me dress as a girl aside, and after having seen myself wearing a dress just like that some of my classmates wore, I couldn't say that she was wrong.

But for me to agree would diminish my vision of my own masculinity, what little I had of it anyway, and while I discovered that wearing a dress wasn't that bad, just how could I say that to her? The question of why mom had suggested it lingered, nagging at me. As I sat there, my knees together and my hands on my lap, I wondered once again how I would look, if I did agree to go all out. If I did say yes, that might satisfy the strange feelings I was having about the way I looked wearing a dress, but what about mom?


"Yes dear?"

"What made you" I said, "say that I would be just as pretty as those girls we saw? Is that what you want me to do? Dress like a girl? Why? I mean, you know that I didn't do anything wrong, that woman told you that, so I was wondering why you bought this dress for me. I mean, that first one, well that was punishment, but this one isn't, and you bought it anyway, kind of like you knew what would happen. Now your suggesting that I do it again! Why?"

Mom sat back for a moment, then sat straight up. "It's not that I want to turn you into a girl, if that's what you're thinking, I like having a son. But when I was looking for a way to punish you, and after I had bought that little girl outfit, I saw the dress you have on, and just couldn't resist! I bought the shoes to match, just in case, and the minute I saw you in the dress you have on, I could not help but wonder what it would be like to have a daughter, just for a little while, maybe even just once a month say, but I would never demand that you do it, I just suggested it. That said, think about this for a moment. You're 14 now, and haven't grown one inch since last year, while all of your friends have gotten taller, wider, and filled out. Heck, your friend Thomas is shaving now! You try out for every sport they have, and as yet, you have failed to make the team even once! That's not your fault, it's a fact of life! To prove my point, I want you to stand up, go over to the tall mirror, and tell me that you look anything like a boy right now."

I did what she told me, and like before, I saw that it was true. I didn't look like myself, just a sort of girlish me, not exactly cute, but still…

"All" mom said as she walked up behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders, "I mean is, and I really hate to say this, you certainly look wonderful as a girl, and sadly, maybe a bit better looking as a girl than a boy, and it's something that maybe we could try. I'll even let you help me pick out another outfit for you."

The other stuff mom said was true as well. All of my friends had grown bigger, while I had remained the same size. I stared at my reflection, still unwilling to admit that I had a growing attraction to the girl I saw in the mirror. If I did say that, mom would probably understand, then again, she might just take it into her head to do something crazy. Mom and I stood there for a moment as we both thought about what was happening to us, me in particular. Mom said that she wanted a daughter, part time anyway, and I discovered wasn't that much against it! I must have grinned, because…

"What?" mom asked, "what's so funny?"

As much as my boyish pride had not let me admit that I could not compete with my friends, I had never quit trying, which let me maintain my ego intact. I might fail, but it wouldn't be for lack of trying. Then I saw myself as a girl. All my life I had been a boy, with no thought about dressing as a girl, yet when I had been forced into it, something came over me, something unexplainable, strange, and at the same time, wearing that dress and seeing myself in it made me feel as if I had found a new direction, a new way to fit in. All I had to do was swallow my pride and tell mom how I felt, but rules would have to be in place, or who knows what could happen, so...

"If I agree to do this" I said in a confident tone, "then you have to get me everything I need to do it right. Otherwise I'll be the laughing stock around here. Plus, you can't force me to get dressed up. You can ask, but not force me. If I decide to get dressed on my own, I'll accept help from you of course, but like I said, if I do it on my own, then you have to agree to never let on that I'm a boy, or try to embarrass me. I'll do it, for you of course, because you said that you want a daughter part time, and that's the only reason…okay?"

"Okay" mom said with a smile, "But I have some conditions too. When you are dressed as a girl, you'll have to do your very best to act like one, and I'll help you with that. As you say, if you do get dressed on your own, I will not, and I strongly agree on this point, embarrass you in any way, but I will add that I wouldn't do that at any time, ever, no matter what happens. We will just have to muddle through it, but if you act like a girl, and I say that you're my daughter, how can anyone refute that? Is that alright with you?"

Of course, I said yes, sure that I had the upper hand. If I wanted to become a girl, then I could, and mom could not force me to wear a dress. Then again, I had not planned as well as I thought, which would come to haunt me later on, but right then, I felt that I had won. Almost as soon as we agreed, mom suggested that we go out to the store and find me some more clothes, since, as she reminded me, I had insisted that she "get me everything I need to do it right". For the first time, I had an inkling that perhaps, maybe, I had not been as clever as I imagined myself to be. Mom touched up my makeup, handed me the lipstick, waiting until I put it on my lips, then handed me a purse, and walked to the door.

I had set the rules, and had to face the results, meaning that I had to go with mom and help pick out a new wardrobe for myself! But it was broad daylight, and a lot of my friends would be outside, and that gave me the chills just thinking what would happen, when, not if, they saw me dressed that way. Mom waved me onward, and I reluctantly stepped outside, walking to the car, then trying to hunker down as mom drove down the street. Mom did not say anything at first, then told me to sit up straight, telling me that good posture was the first sign of a lady, and since our agreement demanded that I act like a girl at all times when I was dressed, she reminded me of it again. When we got to the store I got a bad case of the freeze ups, and just sat there while mom waited. Then, with maximum effort, I opened the car door, and stepped out into the bright sunlight. Mom walked towards the store, leaving me with no choice but to follow her.

Once inside, mom went straight to the lingerie department, picking out two more bras, two packages of panties, a slip, then a padded pantybrief. From there we went to look at dresses and skirts. By the time we left that area, I had three skirts, four blouses, two tops, a pair of girls jeans, two pairs of heels and two pairs of flats, three dresses, a nightgown, and then, just when I was sure that we were done, she stopped at the jewelry counter, insisting that I might as well have both ears pierced as one! I left the store with a pair of pink and gold earrings firmly embedded into my earlobes. Mom was smiling when we left the store, telling me that we had made a good start! Start? I thought, well, I was sure, that I had more than enough clothes, since it wasn't as if I would be wearing them every day!

When we got home mom wanted me to try everything on, including that padded pantybrief. Everything I tried on fit perfectly, and hung just right, because with the padded brief, I had hips and a rounder bottom. The last thing I tried on was the pleated navy skirt. I stepped into it, then zipped it up before I pulled on the white pullover top. Mom was ecstatic, and when I looked in the mirror I saw why. I had very shapely legs! The hem of the skirt was well above my knees, and that top was clinging to me, well enough to let my bra show right through it, even if faintly! Mom sat me at the vanity, and brushed my hair out a little, then let me look. Damned if I didn't look just as good as a lot of girls in my class! It was beyond my ability to stop it, and a wide smile appeared on my face. Mom said nothing for a moment, then reaffirmed our agreement, leaving me to wonder why she said that. I joined her, first in the kitchen, then, after some prodding, on the patio.

"You never did tell me what I should call you honey. Up to now, it hasn't been a problem, but…"

"I don't know mom, I like the name Carolyn, how about that?"

"That's nice dear. It suits you" she said, and went back to her knitting.

We sat there for a while, then I got up to get a soda, one for mom and one for me. When I walked outside I came face to face with my very best friend in the whole world. Halfway out the door, I couldn't run in the house, that would only make things worse, so I bravely walked out, handed mom her soda, and sat down at the table. Sweat ran down my back and my hands were shaking, but Tom did not seem to recognize me! He looked at me, smiled, then turned to mom and asked where I was!

"Thomas, this is Carolyn, she'll be staying here off and on for a while. I don't know where Kenny is at right now, but you're free to join us and wait if you like."

"Well" Tom said with a grin, "maybe for just a little while."

Frantic with worry, mom merely smiled at me and went back to her knitting, leaving me to cope with my predicament all alone. Tom, as he always did around girls, turned on the charm, then asked me if I might want to take a ride around the block, asking mom if it was okay. Mom saved me from total embarrassment when she told him that I better not. He stayed a bit longer, then left for home, without once giving me any idea that he knew who I was. When he left my heart returned to an almost normal beat, but I had to use the bathroom, real bad, so I ran in the house. Mom came in, laughing softly, which made me mad, since I was sure that she wanted Tom to know who I was. When I somewhat irately said something about it, mom, in a very calm manner, assured me that wasn't true.

"If you remember, I said that I would not embarrass you in any way. In fact, that was one of your own conditions! Not once did I try to embarrass you, and in fact, I could have told Tom that you were free to ride around with him, but didn't! And, I will remind you that one of MY conditions was that you would conduct yourself as a young lady at all times, which you did. I told you I would say that you are my daughter, but on the other hand, you simply cannot accuse me of trying to make a fool out of you every time someone sees you! You did very well when Tom was here, acting like most girls would around a boy, but I suspect that he'll be back tomorrow, or maybe some time later, looking for a girl named Carolyn. What do you plan on doing then? Are you going to blame me again when you get a case of the nerves?"

"No" I said somewhat morosely, "but Tom…he's my best friend! If he finds out, he'll tell everyone else, and I won't have any friends left!"

"Tom isn't like that and you know it! Instead of worrying about it so much, why not wait until tomorrow and see if he stops by? If he doesn't say anything, maybe you should just tell him yourself. That way he will at least get the truth."

"Yeah right mom! I can just imagine that conversation! "Gee Tom, that was me in that cute little navy skirt, I hope you don't mind, but I dress up as a girl once in a while."

"It won't be as bad as all that Carolyn."

"Not after he gets done beating me to a pulp it won't!"

"Carolyn! Stop that right this instant! You and Thomas have known each other almost since birth! You two have shared clothes, beds, food, and heaven knows what else since then! He is virtually a brother to you, and wouldn't hurt you for anything! Now calm down, relax, and help me make dinner. Then you can change."

Well, I changed clothes alright, but the real test was coming in the morning, and I knew it. What I didn't realize was that the girl named Carolyn that Tom had met, had tweaked his interest, and worse, I realized, there hadn't been any time for her to have left! That meant that I would have to dress as a girl in the morning, just in case Tom came over, which knowing him like I do, was a sure bet. My heart sank when, the next morning, mom confirmed my worst fears, but told me that I did not have to dress as a girl if I didn't want to, telling me that she would find a way to keep my secret. Mom had stayed within our rules, but in her usual way, had adroitly left it up to me. My first instinct was to be myself, but that was not to be. Tom called before I left for my room, asking mom if Carolyn was there, and could she come riding with him.

"It's Tom. He wants Carolyn to go riding with him. You better tell me, because I cannot stall him forever honey."

Taking a terrible risk, I simply nodded my head yes, because I just couldn't see how I was going to get out of it. Mom told Tom to come over in an hour, then she took me to my room.

"Get some panties on while I get you something appropriate to wear." I did as mom said, then saw what she pulled out of the closet. "This is perfect! It's just as cute as can be, and will help hide your…not very girlish parts quite well. You'll just have to be careful how you sit down. Now lets get some makeup on you."

Actually, mom had me do my own makeup, using just foundation, and even that was very light, plus some blusher on my cheeks. The bra was small, but we stuffed it with nylons, then she held out the skirt. I stepped into it, then zipped it up, then gave me the white ankle socks to wear with my gym shoes. The skirt was pale blue with small pleats while the top was plain white, sleeveless and hugged me pretty tightly. The skirt was quite short, which mom said was fine for riding a bike, telling me that all I had to do was be careful not to show anyone my panties. Then she brushed out my hair, parting it down the middle, then making pigtails which she added small blue ribbons to. It made me look like I was six, and asked her to do something else, so she redid my hair into a ponytail, but had to trim my bangs with the scissors to make it look normal. I still had to wear a bow, but it was at the top of the ponytail, and didn't look to bad I guess. Once she was done, she handed me the soft red lipstick, told me to use it, then gave me a dash of perfume before she put a pair of earrings in my new holes. They were small blue and white bears.

"Mom? What do I tell Tom? Who am I?"

"That is entirely up to you. If it was me, I would simply tell him the truth. Who knows, maybe he'll see more of you, if that's possible, if he knows that you can become a girl".

The doorbell rang, then, "I'll use your bike, okay mom?"

"Of course honey. Now, I'll bet that's Tom at the door, so go let him in, and remember, be a good girl today."

I said nothing to that remark, and nervously went to open the door. Expecting Tom, I was surprised to see our neighbor standing there. Not wanting to make a fool out of myself any more than I was about to, I called out that "it's for you" without calling mom "mom", and went outside. There's nothing like a stomach full of fear to start the day, but with our neighbor there, I was probably safer outside than in, so I went to the garage and wheeled out mom's bike just as Tom rode up.

"Hi" he said, giving me his famous grin, "Lets go down this way. There's a pond down that way."

I knew where he was going, but I didn't say anything, simply following along on mom's bike. The skirt was short enough to cause me concern, especially when the wind blew it up, but I managed, and we were at the pond in a few minutes. Tom jumped off his bike and ran to the edge of the water, looking for fish, just like he always did. I put the bike down, and walked over to where he was.

"You know" he said without moving his head, "you're the prettiest girl on the block."

I was the ONLY girl on the block, and he knew it.

"Why didn't you tell me."

I knew what he meant, he knew who I was.

"I…I was afraid" I said, then sat on the ground, one leg under me so that panties wouldn't show.

"I knew when I saw you and your mom leaving yesterday. What's up with all this?"

So I told him, about how I was falsely accused and made to dress as a girl, then shamefully told him that I found out it wasn't so bad, wearing a dress I mean. Then I told him that after he showed up, I didn't think I could just disappear, Carolyn would have to leave first, and that's why I was dressed right then. With a grin he grabbed his bike, motioned to me, and we headed down the side street, turning at the corner. We rode around for about two hours, then, on the way back we stopped at the Dairy Place and got an ice cream cone, which he paid for. It was only a little way to the pond, so we carefully rode back there, and once again sat on the ground. I no longer felt quite as strange as I did when I left the house, and wearing a skirt and top simply quit being the center of my focus. Tom had bought the ice cream, a "treat for a pretty girl" he said, which gave me the willies at the time.

Tom had sat down next to me, but didn't touch me. We were close, but I never gave it any thought, merely enjoying the ice cream and being with my friend.

"You know Sarah?" Tom asked, "she's starting to be a real pain. She wants me to take her to the Slicer next week."

Sarah was an almost cute girl, the younger sister of Janet, who was dating Tom's cousin Mike. "Yeah, I know her. If you don't want to go with her, take someone else! It's easy!"

"That's what I was thinking" Tom said with a smile, "I'd like to take someone else… and I was thinking of you."

"What!" I said, almost jumping straight up. "You can't take me! One, I'm not a girl, and two, just look at me! Do I look like a girl? You're crazy Tom!"

"You need to look in the mirror Carolyn, because next to Sarah, you make her look like the guy in a dress! I'll bet that with some help from your mom, you would look terrific, and besides, you're my best friend aren't you? Don't best friends help each other when they're jammed up?"

"I'll think about it, but I'm not promising anything! If even one person found out who I really was, you know what would happen…don't you?"

"Just think about it" Tom said with a grin, "besides, what can happen? I'll be with you all evening! Do it for me…please!"

We rode back to my house, I went inside, while Tom went home. Mom must have known by the look on my face that something was troubling me, because she asked what it was. When I told her what Tom wanted me to do I started crying, which is when she hugged me.

"It's entirely up to you honey. I told you that it would always be your choice, but your crying only tells me that you have thought about it, and might even want to do it for Tom. If that's the case, then you have to tell me. I'm sure that we can find just the right party dress for you to wear, and I guarantee you that when I'm done with you, you'll be the prettiest girl at the dance, if you want to go as Tom's date that is." After a pause, "Are you thinking about it?"

Just how could I ever admit to mom that it was true? I had wore a skirt and top all day, and actually felt normal! If truth be told, I guess I didn't mind dressing as a girl quite as much as I thought I would, especially if I dressed my age. I looked up at mom, unable to say what I was feeling. Just a few days ago I was a normal if small guy, without the slightest thought of dressing as a girl, and never had as a matter of fact! Now, as I looked down, I saw the twin mounds of the tiny breasts and the skirt, I wondered why, all of a sudden, I not only didn't mind, I was actually beginning to like it! Mom had made it clear that it was my choice, but if I said yes, then she would demand that I do it right, whatever she thought that meant. To me, it meant that I would have to not only look like a girl, I would also have to act like a girl. Mom sat across from me, put her hand over mine, and waited, then…

"Honey, if you want to go change right now, and never become Carolyn again, that's fine with me, and you know that, but I have the suspicion that you like the way you look, more than you're admitting, plus, I'll bet that you have discovered something else about yourself, and that scares you." In her calm gentle voice, mom had spoken something that no real boy wanted to hear. "That's what's bothering you, isn't it? You found out that you like being a girl, don't you?"

I could not bring myself to say the words, yet, when my head nodded yes, I began to cry again. Mom sat there with me for a while, then together, she and I went to her bedroom so we could repair the damage to my makeup. While I was putting on my foundation, mom said, in sort of an offhand way, that if I had my hair styled it would make it easier for me to look like a girl, saying that she was confident that they could find a style that I could wear both ways. She made it sound so easy, and I wanted to say no, but looking in the mirror, I just couldn't. The girl that looked back at me was the girl I had become, and I knew, without any doubt at all, that I did not want her to disappear. I felt myself wanting to be that girl, and I wanted her to be pretty. When I was done with the makeup, mom asked me to tell her, exactly what it was that I wanted. She picked the wrong moment to ask me, because that's when I blurted out that I wanted to be a girl!

"It's way to early" mom said, "to make that kind of decision Carolyn, however, we can get your hair done, and maybe have your nails trimmed and polished. Then you and I will talk to Thomas about this date. If he can convince me that he is not going to let everyone make fun of you, then I'll let you go. We'll even get you a party dress and some low heels. Is that alright with you?"

With another nod of my head, I agreed, and after mom got me a purse to carry, we left for her salon. As we drove by Tom's house his mother waved at us. The salon was a small place, but the woman that ran it knew mom quite well, and after she explained what was going on, the woman took me to a chair and began by washing my hair. My hair is sandy blonde with a lot of soft brown in it, below my shoulders, and straight. The woman suggested that I let her make it all one color, and with a nod from mom, I agreed. Dyes and various other chemicals were used, then she began to cut my hair. As long strands hit the floor I was sure that I would be bald, then, as I watched in the mirror, she created a very feminine style that was curly yet soft, came almost to my shoulders, and was all blonde. After she sprayed my hair, she started in on my nails, and quickly made each one look thinner, with rounded ends, painting all ten a soft reddish brown color. There would be no denying how I felt about myself, especially once someone saw my nails, or hair for that matter. When she was done, mom paid the bill, and we went home. I couldn't help it, I felt very feminine right then.

Mom stopped at a big shopping mart, and we went in. She handed me a package of pantyhose, told me to open it, and go in the changing room and put them on, which I did. Then I tried on heels. Mom selected a pair in white plus another pair that were black, but told me to wear the white ones. When I looked in the mirror I saw that the heels made my legs look pretty good, which I didn't anticipate, and I didn't have any trouble walking in them since they had low heels. When we turned on our street, on the way home, we saw Tom and his mother on their porch, and with a look and wink from mom, she pulled into their driveway. Without a pause, I got out of the car and joined mom as we walked to the porch. Tom was grinning while his mother merely looked at me before a grin appeared on her face.

"Hello! This must be Carolyn! Tom hasn't stopped talking about you since yesterday! Please, come sit down!"

"Mary", mom said, You know what's going on here, so I won't go into that. But I am here to make sure that if I let her go to the dance with Thomas, he will make sure that nobody bothers her, and to make him understand that he has to treat her just like he would any other girl. Carolyn is special, and I will not have her subjected to ridicule because she's different."

"I wouldn't do that!"

"I was sure of that Thomas, but I just wanted to make sure that you understand what could happen to Carolyn if you make even the smallest mistake."

"Thomas and I" His mom said, "had a talk after he came home this morning. I'll not pretend to understand why this is happening, but I can accept it because these two have been like brothers all their lives. Now I suppose, it'll be more like brother and sister. In any case, I told Thomas that he should think of Carolyn as if she were his sister, and protect her as if it were true. He says that he can and would do that." Turning to me, "I see now why he asked you to be his date. Your very pretty, and your hair is just lovely!"

"Later, probably tomorrow," mom said, "we are going to go out and find her a nice dress, complete with all the things she'll need to look simply wonderful in it. Maybe you would like to come over in a little bit Thomas, I'm sure that Carolyn would like to change clothes first, but I think you two need to talk a little."

Mom and I went home, and I put my gym shoes back on. Mom added a little perfume, told me to touch up my lipstick, then left me to wait for Tom. When he got there, he was on foot, so we walked down the street to the pond. We didn't touch, until we were almost there, then he took my hand in his! We sat by the tree, side by side. I didn't say anything, and Tom still had my hand in his when, without the slightest warning, he bent over and kissed me, right on the lips! I was so stunned that I didn't say anything, but saw Tom sitting back grinning at me.

"I won't let anyone even get a chance to bother you Carolyn! You can bet on that!"

"You kissed me!" I said pulling away, "why did you do that!?"

"Because you're not my sister, you're…gorgeous, and I…I couldn't help myself! Why? Didn't you like it?"

I couldn't tell him if I liked it or not because it happened so quickly, but…he was my best friend, he knew that I wasn't a girl, and he still kissed me! Not saying anything, Tom pulled me to him, and kissed me again, much longer, and a lot harder, then I felt his tongue on my lips, and let him enter. I felt chilled, red hot, and scared, yet thrilled at the same time. When he let me go, we were both smiling, yet I didn't know why. I jumped up, and ran towards the street, only to be caught by the arm and stopped dead in my tracks.

"Carolyn, this is all new to me too, but I couldn't help myself! Really! You're jut so…cute that I couldn't resist!"

"Tom" I said in a shaky voice, "maybe we shouldn't…"

"Yes" he said, "we should. You're going to be the best looking girl at the Slicer, and you'll be with me. Sarah will piss her pants when she sees you!"

"Is that what this is all about? I asked in an angry voice, "Sarah? All you want to do is make her jealous, and use me to do it! If that's what you have in mind you can go by yourself Thomas James!" He put his hand on my arm, but I jerked it away. "Don't touch me! I'm going home!" I knew that I sounded like a girl, but I was angry. He had kissed me, but I didn't care. I walked off leaving him standing there.

By the time I got home I was in tears, breaking down the minute I stepped inside. When I told mom what had happened, all of it, every word, she did not, as I suspected she would, call Tom's mother. Instead she told me that boys my age often used one girl to make another jealous, but in her experience, that never worked, and besides, she could tell by the look in Tom's eyes that he wanted to be with me. She told me that it was just part of the ritual we call dating, and if I were going to be a girl, then I had better learn how to fight back, like a girl does, using my feminine wiles. Since I didn't know what feminine wiles were, mom explained it to me.

"Girls are not all that sweet when it comes to men Carolyn. Tom likes you, and you like him, which means that when Sarah makes a move on him, you make sure that he doesn't have any choice but to stay with you. You hold his hand, kiss him, something that holds him in his place, and lets all of the other girls know that he belongs to you. It will also let Tom know that he belongs to you, at least right then. Now, tell me all about Sarah."

By the time I finished describing Sarah, mom was grinning, then told me not to worry, she had an idea, but added that if I agreed to it, I would probably have to be a girl for most of the summer, and since the Slicer is the last dance of the year, and we were out of school anyway, it wouldn't matter. I had no idea what she was talking about, and forgot all about it as soon as I was in my room. That night I slept in a nightgown for the first time. It wasn't so bad.

In the morning mom told me to wear a skirt and blouse, one that buttoned up the front, and pantyhose with flats. When I was dressed I tried my hand at makeup, did okay, then mom helped me brush out my hair. To my great surprise, it popped right back into place! As soon as I did my lipstick, we left the house. I assumed that we were on our way to find a dress, but it was almost two hours before the stores opened, so I had no clue, and mom wouldn't tell me, but the minute we pulled into the parking lot and I saw the sign, I knew. It could not have been any plainer. The sign said "The Breast of Everything". I followed mom inside, then, over the next two hours, I was turned into a girl. Mom told me that I didn't have to do it, but visions of Sarah taking my best friend away from me would not let me say no, so I was fitted with breast forms that were glued on, plus a special panty of sorts. When the woman was done, I stood there naked, looking in the mirror, and could not see one sign that I had ever been a boy! I could not help but to put my hands on the small, but very well proportioned and shapely new breasts, then my hand found the other changes, and for the first time, I knew what a girl felt like. When I got dressed it was clear that the tiny bra I had worn didn't fit, so I went without, but the panties filled out perfectly, and my skirt hung like it was supposed to.

By the time we left the shop I was convinced that what I was doing was right, and now that I looked like a girl, my confidence level soared. But mom held me back, making sure that I acted normal, and not like a wild girl, bra or not, insisting that I behave. By then the mall was open, and I was fitted for my first real bra, which was a 34A. I begged, and got one that had pushup pads in it, was low cut, and fastened in the front. That was the one I wore out of the department. From there we went to a well known specialty lingerie shop and I was fitted with a corsolet, again a 34A, but it pulled my waist in by at least two inches, and gave me a great figure. Both the woman that fitted me and mom told me that I should wear it when I tried on dresses, to make sure the fit was correct. The dress shop was across the concourse, and going in I saw all sorts of colors, and dresses in every style. After trying on about ten dresses, mom and I finally settled on one that she liked and I could live with. It was all white, with a pair of spaghetti straps holding up a square cut neckline, with a fitted bodice, flaring out at the hips to end at a hemline that was just above my knees.

By the time we got home and I had everything in my room, I began to realize why it was that I was so excited! I had breasts and much more! I loved my new bra and the dress of course, but being able to look like a girl no matter what I wore, well, I was thrilled. When I discovered that I liked to dress as a girl I was surprised, but that was nothing compared to being able to look at myself naked, and know that it was right for me. I undressed to take another look, and with no sign that I was a male, all of those growing feelings of femininity I had washed over me, only stronger than before. I loved the way I looked, regardless of what I really was under it all, and I knew right then that being anything other than a girl wasn't for me. I got dressed in a pair of shorts and a top, then rode my bike down to see Tom. Did I forget to mention that I didn't have a bra on?

Tom wasn't anywhere I could see him, so I knocked on the door, which was opened by his mom.

"Hi Carolyn!" she said as she looked at me, from the head down. "It looks like you are taking this seriously! Does your mother know that your out of the house without a bra on?" "No" I said meekly. "Then" she said with a motherly scowl on her face, "I suggest that you go put one on young lady. I'll tell Tom that you'll be back. Now scoot!"

By the time I returned, Tom was outside, but when I was at home getting the bra on, I pulled my shorts up tight enough so that there wasn't much doubt about me. Tom grabbed my hand, and we ran down the street, headed for the pond again. When we got there, Tom swept me into his arms and apologized for saying what he did, then he kissed me again. I told him I had a killer dress, and also mentioned that if he so much as looked at another girl I would have his gonads on a platter! At age 14 we both had plenty of hormones in our systems, which was evident when Tom told me he had to sit down. He had a problem in his pants that he didn't want me to see, which was funny in a way, because I had seen him naked many times, and had even compared ourselves once.

We only talked, and he told me, no, promised me that he would not leave me stranded at the party, and begged me to believe him when he told me that he wasn't taking me just to make Sarah angry. I wanted to believe him, but reserved a small portion of disbelief, just in case. We both knew that I would be treading on shaky ground by going with him dressed as a girl, but what he did not know was that I was no longer as concerned as before. I knew that I could, if I had to, prove that I was a girl, but didn't really look forward to trying that. Tom walked me home and I went in the house to help make dinner.

On the day of the Slicer, I started getting ready around noon, starting with mom using a hair remover all over my skin, which I showered off, then a bubblebath, which was all new to me. The oils in the water made my skin softer, and when I rubbed in the lotion afterwards, my skin was as soft and supple as any girl my age. Having become used to using the bath like a girl, I knew enough to wash up carefully, then I went to my bedroom, slipped on the high cut white nylon panties, then sat at my new vanity, which was merely a few boxes with a top laid on them, and began my makeup. I had my foundation on when mom came in and told me to use the loose powder. It made my skin look extra smooth, and soft! Eyeliner was a soft plum with a light gray over that, highlighted with black eyeliner and a black pencil. Mascara made my eyes look bigger and stand out a little more. The blusher was a peach and coral blend that I had discovered looked real good on me, and made my face seem a bit thinner.

Mom put my hair in rollers using a gel, then I grabbed the corsolet, wrapped it around myself and fastened the hooks. Mom tightened it, I pulled on the white pantybrief then I sat on the bed to pull on the pantyhose. I stepped into the dress, then mom zipped it up and I sat down so she could finish my hair. When she was done I knew that there was no way anyone would recognize me, and I was smiling when I stepped into the white heels. When mom wasn't looking, I reached into the bra and pulled up on each breast, gaining a little cleavage while showing the tops of my breasts. The perfume mom handed me was new, and I loved the smell of it! Mom told me it was a small "first date" gift. I changed my earrings to pink pearls, the put the matching choker necklace on. I didn't wear any other jewelry. Mom and I stood side by side as I looked in the mirror.

I looked more like mom than ever before! Handing me a new lipstick, I took it, put it on, then went to my small desk to get my purse. I had planned on taking my wallet, but the purse was too small, so mom told me to take just my lipstick and a small brush, her cell phone, plus the twenty she handed me. I had about half an hour before Tom would be there to get me, and wanted to wait for him in the familyroom, but mom said no, telling me that every girl wants to "make and entrance" and would have to come back to my room ten minutes ahead of time. I was nervous of course, but when the time came, I went to my room to wait for mom to call me.

I heard my name, opened the door, stepped out, walking down the stairs carefully, seeing Tom and his mother standing there in the front hall. His mom's eyes went wide, but Tom stood perfectly still, his mouth open as I walked the last few steps.

"Damn!" he said, then smiled at me.

"Carolyn", his mom said, "You are simply stunning! I had no idea that you…"

"She's gorgeous mom! I told you, didn't I?"

"Yes Thomas, you did tell me she was gorgeous, and you were right!"

"What we need" mom said, "is a few pictures to mark the occasion. You kids stand over there."

Mom took almost an entire roll of film, then his mother drove us to the school. When we walked in I was gripping his hand so hard that he mentioned it, but I couldn't help myself. Tom introduced me to his friends, who happened to be my friends as well, and not one of them recognized me. When we got to Sarah and her friends, I got the evil eye from her, but smiled back, and let Tom lead me away from them. When the music started Tom took my hand, and for the first time I danced with a boy, which wasn't very hard, since all I had to do was follow him. After we each had several soft drinks, he had to excuse himself, so I also went to the restroom. After having functioned as a girl for a while, I knew the routine, it was just that I had never used a public restroom. I had to go, so I walked across the gym and into the ladies, did my thing, then while I was washing up, I found myself surrounded by Sarah and her friends.

"Tom is mine little girl, so stay away from him after this!" Sarah sounded mean, but I knew she was all talk.

"Well" I said, if he's yours, then why did he ask me to this dance instead of you? Maybe your not his type, or maybe he doesn't like you, or possibly he doesn't like pushy girls! In any case, I'm with him tonight, and tomorrow, and probably the next day. If I were you, I would find someone else, because Tom is mine, not yours, and I'll make certain of that later!" I touched up my lipstick, then walked out leaving Sarah sputtering.

My hands were shaking by the time I reached our table, and I could not see Tom! I sat down only to have Bill come over and ask me to dance. Not seeing Tom anywhere, I said yes, and let Bill take my hand. We danced a few, then he took me back to the table where I saw Tom talking to Sarah. Bill waited until I was seated, then started to walk away, but Tom asked him to stay.

"You know," Tom said, "both you and Sarah are here alone, and Carolyn and I are together, so maybe you to should hook up. That way nobody will be by themselves." Looking right at me, he added, "I was just explaining to Sarah that I have asked Carolyn to be my girl, and she has accepted."

I had? I saw Tom wink at me and smiled at him as I took his hand. "Yes, that's true. I tried to tell you Sarah, but what can I say? I said yes, and that leaves you without a date. Bill is here, so maybe Tom was right, maybe you two should get together."

Sarah grabbed Bill's hand, almost dragging him away from our table, leaving me shaking again.

"That went well, don't you think?" Tom asked, even as he took my hand in his. "Sarah wanted to know everything about you, from how old you were to where you went to school, lived, all of it. All I told her was that if you wanted her to know anything, she would have to ask you, and you could tell her yourself." Sitting back…"You really let her have it Carolyn! You sounded just like any girl I ever knew as a matter of fact!"

"And just how is that?" I asked.

"Catty" he said with a grin, the took me back to the dance floor.

As the dance went on, couples drifted away to find secluded corners where they could…do things. Tom took my hand, the we walked outside. The night was cool but night cold, and as we walked towards the big tree, he stopped me, looked right into my eyes, then asked me if I would be his girl! Before I could answer, he pulled me very close, and kissed me. That previously unknown response returned when I shivered. Feelings, emotions that I never felt before drove me closer to him, if that was possible, and I whispered one word into his ear, and that word was "yes". His mom came to get us soon after that, taking me to my house. Tom walked me to the front door, and while his mother watched, he kissed me again. If you were to say that I was floating when I went in the house, you might just be right!

Two days later I got an invitation to a pool party at Sarah's. When I showed it to mom, she laughed, and told me that it was high time I got a swimsuit anyway, so we went to the mall where I tried on several, including a modest bikini that covered almost all of me, but without a waist nipper or my corsolet, I didn't have the shape a girl has, so I opted for a suit that had a bit of restraint built in. Mom thought it was more revealing than the bikini, which is of course, why I picked it! I also bought some shorts that fit better, another skirt, and some girls gym shoes. On the way home, mom told me that she thought that Sarah was going to try and win Tom over by wearing something skimpy while at the same time try to make me feel inferior. No chance!

When we got home I put on my swimsuit, then slipped into a pair of my new shorts and gym shoes, then walked outside, turned, and headed for the pond. There was no part of me that didn't believe that I was a girl, a change that I had never thought possible, but as I walked the sun hit my face while the wind riffled my hair, and I felt more alive than ever. I had managed to stand up to Sarah while remaining lady, Tom had asked me to be his girl, and Bill had been drawn to me. I knew without being told, that Sarah would try something, what I didn't know, but I was prepared for whatever she used. Only Tom would have to stand with me, and while he asked me to be his girl, mom had reminded me that boys are as fickle as girls, and often get led astray. She told me not to take it personal, it was the way men acted. She said that if Tom dumped me, then I should find someone else! I sat by the pond for a while, then went home.

On the day of Sarah's party, I once again prepared carefully, then put my suit in a small bag rather than wear it, opting to wear a pair of tan shorts and a thin pink top with my gym shoes. Tom came to get me, and we rode our bikes to Sarah's house, which was about ten blocks away. Her mother was very kind while her father seemed to be watching all of the girls a little too closely. Sarah was all sweetness and light, which was all show of course. Her eyes spoke of a devious plan. Tom and I went around talking to everyone, then about an hour later we all went to change into our suits. I joined the girls of course, and without any apparent thought, I slipped off my top and shorts. The bra was next, then I held out my swimsuit while I stepped out of my panties. Pulling on the suit I saw Sarah watching me, and grinned inwardly. Slipping my shoes back on, I grabbed my towel and left the rest of the girls to change.

Tom looked very hunky in his speedo, and when he saw me, I saw his eyes open wide as he walked over. Sarah and the rest of the girls arrived soon after, and I had a chance to see Sarah's body for the first time. Taller than I am, she was actually quite well built for a girl our age. I smiled at her, drew a scowl, then ignored her, concentrating on Tom, who was busy staring at my boobs. A short time later, Sarah casually sat down with us, and easily mentioned that she thought a boy named Kenny lived where I said I lived, and she wondered, in an offhand sort of way, if I were Kenny. Since I figured her to try something like this, I was ready.

"But…weren't you the one staring at me when I changed? You did see me naked? In fact, you were watching me so hard that for a moment I thought that you were going to ask me out yourself Sarah! And, since I know that you saw me naked, you know that I am a girl, and not some boy name Kenny! Did you want to ask me out? Is that it?"

Several girls heard what I said, drawing snickers from them, but they also saw me naked, and they thought I was a girl, and told Sarah to back off, because she was all wet! Angry as hell, Sarah stomped off, not only losing, but embarrassed that I had mentioned the way she was staring at me. Tom and I stayed about three hours, then I went to change clothes. Gail, a close friend of Sarah's was there changing as well, and said…

"Sarah is such an ass sometimes Carolyn. Just ignore her and she'll give up."

As my suit hit the floor, I stood naked for a moment, then opened my bag to get my panties. I put them on, then my bra, top, and shorts. Gail told me that a lot of girls wondered about me, if I really were Kenny, but after seeing me naked, she said she knew better. Then she told me that those very same girls would all like to have Tom escort them. I figured as much, after all, he is a hunk. Tom and I went home, and saw a lot of each other for about a month, then we sort of drifted apart. As the time to start school drew closer, I knew that mom and I had to do something, because I simply could not give up being a girl. That's when she changed my name. That fall I started school as Carolyn, tried out for the cheerleading squad, and made it! It was the very first time I had ever tried out for a "team", and been accepted!

Sarah quit bothering me before school started, and strangely, by the end of the first term, she and I were fast friends! All of my mannerisms, the way I spoke, and all of my actions were that of a teenage girl, which mom commented on many times. She put me in a charm school three days a week to help me act like a lady, and that led to mom and I becoming even closer. Just after Christmas that year Bill started to follow me around, then he asked me out. Not as tall as Tom, he was wider, and cute, like a teddy bear.

Mom and I had long ago moved all of my boy clothes to the basement, since my girl clothes were expanding past all available space. I had my own vanity, posters of hot boy groups, some dolls, and like teen girls all over, a diary. I wrote in it every day, but left out one small thing. That next summer, when Bill and I were out, I touched him in a place I should not have. That same summer mom enrolled me in a program, and by the time my Senior year started, I had the body of a girl my age, all without any padding. Still going with Bill, we were reaching the point that he wanted more than I could offer, and that caused me to agonize, trying to find a solution to make him happy and keep me chaste. It was all pointless when Bill started dating Gail, a long time friend.

I started college, a complete woman, taking an English class, one that the professor demanded we write an article that was so far fetched that nobody would believe it. Using my diary, I wrote this piece, changing the names of course, and got an "A", because, according to that lame professor, no boy would opt to be a girl, not like I wrote it anyway. I almost laughed when he said that. In that same class, I met a guy named Henry. I'd write more, but I have a date and have to get ready.

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