Changing Keys: The Return Of Jillian Tucker - Chapter 1

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Changing Keys-The Return Of Jillian Tucker Chapter 1
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne
Jillian Marie gave me permission to bring Jillian Tucker back
Synopsis:Changing Keys-The Return Of Jillian Tucker takes place just after the events depicted in 'Changing Keys' by Jillian Marie as Jillian is thrown from the wreckage and remembers bits of her past as she heads towards the wreckage, only to be overcome with a grief that overthrows her mind. She is found by a caring couple, and taken to a hospital where she is treated.

Jillian can’t believe that she survived the wreck. She was thrown away from the wreckage by an explosion that jettisoned me and my seat through the shattered windshield. She was thrown from the wreckage, and landed in a snow bank, her hawk-bill nose broken on impact. After a few minutes, she stirs as the bitter cold seeps into her pain wracked body.

Painfully, turning over, she sees the wreckage,” My GOD, I was saved from the inferno, I must help them if I can. I never wanted anything like this to happen."

Slowly getting up, testing herself for injury and finding none, the intrepid Jillian pulls her scarf around her head and dons her sunglasses and begins the slow trek back towards the wreck. As she looked at the fire engulfing her van, she trekked towards the accident, intent upon rescuing Kentucky Straight from certain death. As she neared the scene, her life paraded before her as she recalled events that led up to this horror.
Prequel, thirty years ago

Looking at himself in a TINKER-BELL costume, James thought, 'If only I had some pantyhose or tights, I would make a cute pixie.'

"Jack? Is that you in that dress?"

"Yes it is, Jenny."

Running to her room, Jenny returns with a pair of skaters tights and tosses them too Jack.” Here you go, take off that dress then put on the hose."

Sitting down and do as she said, James asked, "Why are you doing this for me?"

"Because, you are my beloved brother."

Standing up with hose on under the costume, he asked,” What do you think?"

"The perfect TINKER-BELL James."

"You think Mama will like it?"

"No, you should be Peter Pan."

"But he is a boy, not a girl, Jenny."

"AH, Yes. Brother James. 'Tis true, but he wears green tights and a green shirt."

"Jenny, can I wear your panty-girdle under the tights?"


"So I can look like a girl. Girls have always been Peter Pan on Broadway."

"Yeah, and I wouldn't want to go against tradition," she giggled.

"No, Bad Karma. Very Bad Karma, he agreed, giggling.

"Strip that off then, while I get the other outfit."

She ran, and got the outfit, then, secretly putting it on, "How you like me as Peter?"

"Very cute."

"Let's switch costumes."


They undressed in the same room, not caring about their different genders, until they both started to notice each other. They were only in their tights when he felt a strange feeling of incompleteness as he looked at her body.

Jenny noticed his longing look, 'I can see that my brother is jealous of me because I am a girl, for some reason. I know that he has secretly dressed in my dance costumes when he could, but now that our bodies are starting to develop, I know that it will end soon as he bulks up from his small size.' "Jack, we made a mistake in changing together. We are no longer kids. You know."

"Jenny, when I saw you, just now, I saw a girl, not my sister. A girl that I want to be," he sighed."

"Let's get dressed, then and see how we look."

She quickly donned her Peter Pan top, and shoes, motioning for him to don her Tinkerbell costume. When he does, she guides him to her bed where they talk.

"Jack, do you remember that tea party?".

Jack sighed, I remember, we were sitting at the children’s table in your room, having a tea party with your favorite dolls and my teddy bear."

Jenny touched his hosed knee, "I was wearing my best party dress, while you had squeezed into one of my others that had a little more room in it. We were having fun until our mom came in the room, “Jack! What do you think you’re doing?” was all she said."

"Then I got up from the table and started running for my room, removing the dress on the way. I slammed the door shut, threw myself on my bed, and started crying my eyes out."

"Mom was furious with both of us, she took the dress, and stuff that you wore and took them to her room, saying that you had contaminated them."

Jack hugged her, "I didn't know, Sis. But that wasn't the end of it, either."

"I know, Jack, Mom found your stash of girl's clothes," she sighed.

"Yes, I came in from school, the door, having just got off the school bus. The house seemed empty, so I headed straight for my bedroom, ‘Maybe there’s time for a little girl time,’ I thought as I climbed the stairs."

As I entered my room, I was shocked into reality to find my mom standing by my bed with the contents of my bottom dresser drawer…not to mention the very back of my closet…laid out in front of her. Everything…my panties, bras, hose, my one dress, nightgowns…all of it laying there with her burning holes in it with her eyes."

Jenny looked sheepishly at Jack, "Jack, I am sorry that happened, it was my fault that happened."


"I should have put them in with my stuff before she found them."

He smiled, and shook his head, "No, Sis. It's MY fault for not asking for you to help me. I accept the responsibility, and shame."

"OK, Jack, What did she say?"

“'What is the meaning of this?” she said, barely restraining herself from completely exploding."

“'They…they’re…um…” I stammered."

“How many times must we go through this?” she asked, holding up a handful of my delicates. “Where did you get these?”

“I…I bought them. With…with my lawn mowing money,” I finally managed to stammer out as I lost control of my tear ducts."

Jenny looked at her brother with respect for his inner strength, "What did she do then?"

"She gathered up all of my things and carried them out of the room with her, saying, “No son of mine…would dress like a sissy.” She stormed out the door and presumably downstairs where she disposed of my beloved things. Despair overtook me, and I fell to the floor unable to hold myself up as my body was wracked with sobs."

Jenny hugs her sister, Jack, "It's sad that our mother cannot accept your cross dressing. When she discovered your girls clothing, she starts to burn them, but I grab them and takes them to my room."

Jack smiled, "Thanks for helping me."

Jill hugs her sister to be, "Jack, I love my sister."

Jack looked at her in amazement, "YOU MEAN THAT, YOU ACCEPT ME AS YOUR SISTER? “He asked in a strong whisper, aware of their Mother's attitude about those she considered to be freaks.

"Yes, you are my sibling, right now, you are a boy, but I know that you want to be a girl, like me."

He blushed, "Well, almost, Jenny."


"You see, I actually want to BE you."

Jenny hugged her sibling, "But if you were me, who'd I be?"

"We'd be twins. You'd be Jenny, and I'd be Jerri."

"I'd love it if that were possible, but such things only happen in those SRU Wizard stories."

"I know, if only Mother would accept me, but you do. That is why this happened. Now, I know that you love me for who I am."

"Oh, if she was a mother to you, as she is to me, but even now, she treats you as a second class citizen after she caught you in one of my dresses. I can't let you live without knowing love!!"

Holding her,"Jenny, our love for each other is strong what happened here was because we both needed to discover things about ourselves, and each other. Now, let's remember this as our special time."

Hugging back, "Forever and always."
A week later, their mother had to work on Saturday, So, after cleaning the house, and doing the laundry, the sisters went to Jenny's room to play dress up.
“I wish this fit,” he said as he removed the dress from its place in his sister’s closet so that he could hold it in front of himself.

“That probably would look nice on you, if it were big enough,” his sister’s voice startled him out of his musing.

He blushed furiously, and without looking at her said, “Sorry.”

She giggled and said, “At least you didn’t stretch it out.”

He couldn’t help but join her in giggling, "Not enough time."
Then one day, Jill gives Jack wonderful news to cheer him up, they were playing dress up, giving Jack peace from his inner torment.

"Jack, [admiring her older brothers portrayal during their play time] you look so pretty in my brownie uniform. Even the tights look good on you."

"Thanks Sissy, I just wish I could join," Then he started crying.

Grabbing hold of her distraught brother, Jenny gently guides him to the bed and sets down with him on the edge, "Jack, I've talked to the other girls, as far as we are concerned, you "are" a brownie. Heck, even Mrs. Greene says that she wishes you could join."


Nodding, "Really, she even has an old uniform you can wear at the meetings,"

"But mom, she won't tolerate paying for my tuition as well as yours."

"You make money cutting grass."

"Yeah. So?"

Punching him in the arm, "Silly goose,"


Laughing, "Use your *grass money to pay your tuition. I mean, you already pay for mine."

Silently crying tears of joy, "Thanks Sissy, I hadn't thought of that. I guess you got the brains in the family, I got the *problems*"

"No, my soul sister. The problem is ours." Grabbing her bible from her nightstand, placing it on her lap. then his and her hands on top, "My soul sister Jillian, before "GOD ALL MIGHTY," I vow to support you as you become the sister you are in your heart. May HE remind me of my vow should I ever forget."

"My "LORD JESUS, I know I was born Jack, but I am Jillian deep inside of me. Thank you for giving me Jenny as my sister. She has become more than a sister to me. She has become my MOTHER in my heart. I know that my biological Mother is supposed to love me, but she can't seem to accept me as YOU made me."

Both, in unison, "In YOUR Mighty NAME, AMEN."

Placing the Bible back on her nightstand, "Oh, Jillian, I wish Mommy was different."

"Me too. I love her so much. I just wish that she could love me as well."
As she continued across a stream by walking on a beaver dam, she continued to remember. As he grew up, his natural musical talent was discovered by the Music Teacher, Mrs. June Whittaker, she encouraged his vocal talents and his guitar playing when she found him playing Happy Birthday for her.

She gave him an old guitar she had, and when he took it home, his mother was finally pleased with him, believing that he would become a man, instead of a sissy freak. But Jack was soon able to acquire a car for himself which delighted his mother. Luckily, he was able to have the Auto Shop at Princeton High School, their Alma Mater restore the old black Pinto Wagon for transportation, that his Auto Shop buddies for playing guitar at the many parties around the school...

They were in the choir, and band, like Jack, and formed the Auto Shop band to play gigs around the school. The rear area was made into a bed for him, while his guitar sat in the front passenger seat with his luggage, and groceries. But his mother found his cache of girl’s clothes in his car, and even though Jenny said they were heirs and were in there in case she had an accident at school, she knew better.
When their mother died, she left the entire estate to Jenny, leaving Jack with nothing. The worst part was that he needed the house and money because as a musician, he was constantly in between gigs that were often miles away. But that was nothing to the abuse that he suffered at school. As he walked down the hall toward the boy’s room, a couple of football players grabbed him by the arms and dragged me into a supply closet, “We’re gonna give you what you want, sissy!” one of them hissed.

The other one, who was standing behind Jack, put his hands on his shoulders, pushing Jack down into a kneeling position. The one in front of him undid his fly and pulled down his pants and underwear. “You know what to do,” was all he said, as he forced himself into Jack's mouth. Such abuse was tolerated because of Jenny's unconditional Love for Jack, making their special time balm as Jack faced life, and abuse that the school would not stop.
After crossing the beaver dam, Jillian remembered meeting Kentucky Straight
Here I am, sitting on my bed, guitar in hand, with my headphone amp and portable CD player strewn in front of me. As I teach myself the guitar parts to Guns ‘n Roses CD “Appetite for Destruction”, it occurs to me that this is the one and only place in the world where nobody seems to want me gone from their world. When I’m playing my guitar, I am at peace.

Sitting here, doing exactly what I’m doing at this moment is the one and only form of recreation allowed me by the outside world. The rest of the time, I’m looked down upon as being less than everyone else. So much so, that sometimes I start to believe the same thing.

But when I’m playing guitar, all of that goes away. That’s why I do this same thing nearly every day after school, all evening long until Mom says its bedtime, and then sometimes I’ll keep working past then.

Maybe if I can become a good enough guitar player, people will accept me and start to treat me just like everyone else…

Every night, I sit down with a different CD and work until I’ve learned all the guitar parts on the recording. Some nights, I might even do two.

“Why did I answer that ad?” I ask myself for the thirteenth time since I got in the car to drive over here. After sitting in the car for a few minutes, unsure what to do, I get out, unload my guitar and amp from the back seat, and carry them up to the front door.

I knock, and when someone answers the door, they say, “You must be Jack. Come on in, the guys are set up down in the basement. Go on down and get your gear set up, then we can get started.

Once everyone is ready, someone calls out a song title…”Welcome to the Jungle”…and the drummer counts it off. I start in with the opening guitar part, and then as the rest of the group comes in I discover a feeling I’ve never known before; that being the feeling of making music with other human beings.

As we work our way through song after song, all of which I know very well from my nightly practice ritual, I start to believe I’ve found what it is I’m supposed to do with my life. For the first time, I actually feel like I belong somewhere, and I decide that I like that feeling a lot…

Then there the time that I found out that they knew my secret.

Knock, knock! Came the sound from the door, followed by Dave’s voice, “Dude, you about ready?”

I began rushing around madly, removing my feminine articles of clothing in a flurry and pulling on a plain terrycloth bathrobe before opening the hotel room door. “What is it? I know it’s not time to check out yet.”

“Sorry, I just thought you might wanna go get some breakfast before we have to head out.”

“Thanks, but I’m not much of a breakfast person, ya know?”

“I hear ya. It’s way too early for me too, but Billy Joe figures if we can all force down a meal before we head out, we should be good for a solid four or five hours before we have to stop again.”

“I guess I can see that. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll meet you guys down in the restaurant, okay?”

“Sure,” Dave responded before turning around and heading down the hall.

I watched him walk away for a few seconds before closing the door, leaning back against it, and sliding down to sit on the floor while letting out a huge sigh…

But after years on the road, I was getting tired of their macho attitude and wanted out. I was approaching their room when I heard them talking about me. For some reason I decide not to barge on in, and opt to stand just outside the door where I can listen in on the conversation.

“Dude, we gotta cut him loose. It’s embarrassing, man.”

“But he’s the best we’ve found, period. How in the Hell do we go about replacing him?”

“I don’t know, but the guy is such a pussy. Nobody’s gonna take us seriously with a wimp like him around.”

“I hate to do it, because the guy really can play. But you guys are right. He makes all of us look like fags or something.”

Standing outside the door, I start crying silently. I decide to not even acknowledge them, and I turn around and leave, never to return…
Then there was the attack that almost killed me. I’m outside the club, by Sarah’s car. I look toward the back door of the building and see Billy Joe, Dave, Terry, and Mick the keyboard player all hiding around it, waiting. The door opens; another me comes out of the building, and is attacked by the four of them.

I run toward them, shouting, “NO! Stop!” but no one acknowledges my presence in any way. I try to grab hold of one of them to try and stop them, but can’t, my hands go through him as if I didn’t exist.

I feel the pain caused by each blow, and continue to stand there trying to interject myself into the attack in some way to no avail. I whisper, “Why?” and suddenly everything stops.

I say, “Why?” again, this time more loudly, and without moving or looking toward me I hear Dave reply.

“You pervert! For a year and a half we needed you to earn a living. Once you decided to quit, the reason for putting up with you and your queer ways was gone.”

Once again I asked, “Why?” this time pointing at my body lying motionless in the middle of the ongoing attack.

This time, the voice replying belonged to Billy Joe. “Because we hate you. We hate your faggot ways, and we hate the fact that you made us put up with them for so long.”

“But I wasn’t doing anything to you. Why hurt me?”

It was Terry’s turn. “You put our lives at risk! You quit, leaving us to find a replacement without notice? After we put up with you and your disgusting perversions? And you ask why we hate you? Why we want to hurt you?”
"LORD JESUS, I know you that just saved me from my very own stupidity, but my stupidity is costing the lives of my former band members. Dear LORD. How can I accept being the cause of their pain and suffering? All I ever wanted was peace between us. [Sighing] but I guess they are to full of hate for there to be peace between us. I truly wish that was not so. But they must choose their own path; just as mine is with my beloved Sarah and "Starlust."

Then a massive fireball briefly turns night into day

"NO!! THAT SHOULD BE ME, NOT THEM !! WHY? GOD, WHY THEM AND NOT ME?!?!?!" Jillian screamed into the unyielding darkness.

Try as she might, she is unable to approach the inferno that is setting nearby leaves on fire, only to be put out by an early morning drizzle that erases her footprints.

"LORD. Please forgive me, but I cannot live knowing that I caused their deaths."

With those final words, Jillian Tucker withdrew from the world. In her place, a new Jillian was soon to be born, one without the burden of the old Jillian's memories.
Jillian meets a caring couple who take her to a local private hospital with psychiatric ward where she is cared for as she mends physically. But her amnesia remains as she tries to remember her past. She also meets a former enemy turned friend who helps her.
Driving down that same freeway are Theodore Brian Jessop and his wife, Allison Nancy Jessop. Both are doctors, heading into work at the Woodlands Free Clinic, a combination research hospital and psychiatric ward. As they ride along, they see a bloodied woman, walking by the roadside in a daze, "she" is found by some sweet kindly motorists.
Allison spots Jillian, "Teddy, look over there."

Looking at Jillian, he applies the brakes, "SHIT!! I'm pulling over to help! NOBODY should be out here, today! Too damned cold."

Cuffing her husband, "Watch you language, kiddo. But, you're right she needs our help."

"Yes Mommy dearest," he sighed as he completed the U-turn.

She smiled at his banter, "Just because I look like Joan Crawford is no reason to insult me, Gilligan," she giggled as they pulled over, stopping near "her."

"OK, looking like Bob Denver has its rewards, one of which is you."

Allison blushes, "Careful Teddy, this poor lady has had it rough."

Teddy looked at the burning wreck, "If she survived "THAT," she will survive anything."

Allison sat Jillian on a nearby log, "Not for long, dear!!"


Wiping away the blood, "Her nose is broken; she can’t breathe worth a damn. It's amazing that she even walks."

"SHIT!!" Teddy carefully places an over sized breath mask over her mangled face.

"It's OK, Honey, you're safe," said Allison.

Teddy looks into her eyes, "Damn! Doesn’t she react to anything?"

"No, she is a zombie. It's as if the accident overloaded her mind, Teddy."

He looks at his wife, "Her only hope to return is Janice."

Jillian leans against Teddy, "You pray, Ted. She seems to like you."

"Dear GOD, I ask YOU to watch over this stricken soul, Give her solace and strength to return. I ask this in your MIGHTY NAME. AMEN!"

"Me too, Love, me too."
Jillian felt a PRESENCE gently enfold her. For the first time in her life, she was at peace. She now felt safe with these two people and sighed in contentment, "Look, Teddy, she has relaxed! It's as if she trusts us!"

"Allison, whoever this lady is, she has been hurt by others. I will protect her, as I would you," he said as he carried Jillian to their Aerostar minivan and strapped her into the seat.

"Thanks, Daddy," Jillian murmurs as she smiles.

"Sleep, Princess. And let Mommy and Daddy get you safely home," replied Teddy with a smile as Allison shut the door.

"Teddy, she has accepted you as her daddy, can you think of anything more special?"

"No, but look at this strap that I picked up from where she dropped it," he said as he passed a worn leather strap with stenciled lettering on it.

"According to this, her name is 'Jillian', and is there not a Jillian Tucker who plays for the band, Starlust?"

"There is, she could be her."
Jillian is taken to the local hospital where she is tended to by the E.R. staff and becomes a patient of Janice Sorenson, former enemy turned friend. Janice is a trans-sexual, she was James Moore, one of Jillian's former tormentors when she was Jack. As James, she would bully him and harass him in school, but that changed all too soon.

A baseball crushed Moore's testicles when he was 10. When he began developing as a girl, his family moved away and dressed James as Janice to avoid the torments heaped upon Jillian. They knew that their son had been bullying him and wanted to avoid the same torment for their new daughter. Janice had a best friend named Jeff who did not torment Jack as he was in the choir, and liked Jack. He knew what other boys said about Jack, but refused to participate. He had a secret love for his best friend that would soon become a reality.

"Jeff, we are moving away," she wept.

He wipes away her tears, "Why James? I thought you guys loved it here."

"Remember that ball that hit me?"

"Yes I do. We had to rush you to the hospital, why?"

"It crushed my gonads. Now I am developing like a girl."

"I don't believe it."

James bravely lifted his shirt to reveal a training bra holding his new breasts, "See?"

"You mean that you will become a girl, now?"

She lowered her shirt, "Yes, please don't hate me Jeff. I can't help what I am becoming!!"

He cups her chin in his hand, "Why are you saying that?"

"Because of how I've been treating Jack Tucker."

"Now don't be silly, James. We have been best friends ever since kindergarten," he laughed.

She smiled at him, "I know, but what about me, now that I'm becoming a girl?"

"I don't care if you become a girl, as long as you are MY GIRL !!"

"Your girl? Jeff, are you sure you want me as your girl? I can never have any kids."

James waited, silently praying for a miracle as Jeff held her chin in his right hand.

"Yes James, I am sure. You are my girl, one day, my wife. Now what is your girl name?'

"Janice Lee Moore. But if we marry, I will be Janice Lee Sorenson."

"But what about Jack Tucker?"

"Jeff, you have not been the one to antagonize him, I have."

"Do you now stop hurting him?"

"Yes, Now that I am like him, I see things differently. Besides, with me moving, I can't very well hurt him now, can I?"

"But what if you meet him in the future?"

"I will do whatever I can to help Jack, even if he has become a woman."

Getting down on his left knee, holding her left hand in his right hand, Jeff proposed.

"Janice Lee Moore, will you marry me?"

Crying tears of joy, Janice jumped into her husband-to-be arms and wept as her fears were released and her soul was cleansed of the pain and anguish of losing her best friend.

"Yes Jeff, I will marry you."
Janice kept in touch with her best friend Jeff through letters, phone, and summer vacations where their families saw their young love develop into true love. Janice went on to become a cheerleader and homecoming queen at her school with Jeff as her escort.

Although tempted, they refrained from consummating their love until after graduation from college because of an unexpected gift.

Janice had a vaginal opening covered by her penis and gonads. When the doctors repaired her injury, they were able to redirect her urinal tract into her new vagina. Best of all for her, she needed no dilation.

They married and adopted orphaned twins. Jeff secretly wishes that Janice could get pregnant. Little realizing his wish could soon come to pass. But for that to happen, Janice must make a choice between her career and Jillian.

All during this time, she wanted to find a way to help Jack. Now, happily married, she will find herself facing a moral crisis. Can she be objective with Jillian? Or will she let her heart be her guide.
In the E.R. , Jillian is rushed to surgery where her nose is rebuilt, saving her life.

Carrying Jillian into the E.R., Teddy places her on a gurney, "WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!"

Rushing over to them, the crash team wheel her into a treatment room, followed by Teddy and Allison who are both scheduled for E.R. duty at this time.

"Status, nurse."

"Her vitals are green to go."

"Good, keep an eye on her. Emergency plastic surgery like this is very delicate work. I just hope I am up to it."

"James, does she actually need surgery at this time?"

"Yes, if I do not operate soon, her sinus cavity will be compromised. All that I'm going to do is stop the bleeding. I will conduct surgery as soon as the swelling goes down."

Soon, Jillian is under the surgeon's knife as he repairs the damage to her face, unknowingly activating her latent psychic powers. She had never believed in them because of her mother's despising of who Jillian wanted to be, but under the love and support of Sarah, it began to blossom.
Meanwhile, in Administration, there is a meeting taking place that will change everybody's lives. The Surgeon General has arrived with the Director of National Science Medicine Organization to discuss the implementation of a new surgical procedure.

"Doctor Braithewaite, you are the Administrator for this hospital, how would you like to be heading an entirely new research department?"

"And why would the Surgeon General want to install anything in this private hospital?"

"Simple, you also have a psychiatric ward here that can help us with the research."

"And why would the N.S.M.O. be interested?"

"Because, we believe that we can help barren women to have children."

"Okay, but what does my psychiatric ward have to do with it?"

"We can even make a man turned woman into a mother."

"Well, Janice Sorenson, one of our staff qualifies. If I was you, I'd ask her to participate."

"I will, but do YOU agree to host the program?"

"Director Gregory Nash, go ahead and open up your clinic. In fact, there's the basement that's just been renovated that you can use," she said as she handed over a key.

"Thank you, Beth. We will be set up, shortly."
Meanwhile, back at the 'Tucker' home, Jenny and Sarah are meeting in the dining room to talk about Jillian.

"Sarah, it's so damned hard to believe that Jill is gone," she sighed into her hot tea.

"I know, she had her whole life ahead of her. Why did she have to die like she did?"

"In a way, it was poetic."

"Poetic, maybe. But still a waste."

"True, But there's at least ONE good thing that comes out of her tragic death."


"Yes, according to her will and insurance policies, after her burial, YOU are her sole beneficiary."

"But why did she NEVER tell me?"

"Maybe she never had the time with all that's happened. What will you do with her stuff?"

"Jenny, I will use her room to keep her guitars and speakers. As for her clothes, wash everything and put away. I can't handle having a damned garage sale for her stuff," wept Sarah.
During her coma, her transgenderism is seen to.

"Will you look at this?"

"This lady is in transition. What should we do?"

Jan said to wait until she is awake and ask the lady."

Jill stirred, "Ask me what?"

"Ma'am. you are in transition, correct?"

"Yes, I am, why?"

"Do you know your name?"

Jillian frowned, No."

"We can 'tuck your manhood up in you and give you a woman's groin, if you wish. But if we do that, you'll have to pee, sitting down, and learn proper hygiene. But that's all that we can do until you remember."


"The operation is reversible. You might not want a girl's groin, later on."

"Yes, please do that."

Jillian's groin is manipulated until it resembles a woman's vagina. No parts were removed. Her man hood was 'tucked' up inside of her, the extra folds of skin layered to create a vagina. Now, Jillian will be forced to live like a woman.
Meanwhile, back at the Tucker apartment, there's a meeting of Jenn, Shelly, and Sarah as they are in Jill's room, filled with her guitars.

"Oh, Jill! Why, oh why did you have to go? Why could you not have let one of us go with you?" pleaded Jenn as she caressed an acoustic guitar.

Shelly held her close, as they both wept, "Jen, you know how selfless she was. Jill would never think about imposing herself on other, especially Sarah," Shelly sighed.

"Jenn, I'm changing my family name to Tucker," announced Sarah as she hugged them.


"Jill and I would have married one day, that’s why. And now I am changing my major to psychiatry."

"Because of Jill?"

"Yes Shelly. There are many more Jill Tuckers out there who need help that aren't getting it. I will help them in loving memory of Jill."

"Thanks, Sarah. Jill would like that. But with her death, my love for Starlust is gone."

"Mine too, but we need a guitarist."

"We'll find one."

"I hope so, Sarah."

With that, they locked her bedroom door, making it a shrine to Jill's memory.
Jillian returns
Looking up to the ceiling, she is at peace. All memories of her life buried in her inner self.

"Well hello there, welcome back. I am Janice Lee Sorenson, your counselor, according to your chart, you're Jillian."

"If you say so, I don't know who I am. But Jillian sounds right."

"Do you remember anything?"


"Don't worry, we will find the real you together. You will not be alone."

"Thank you Janice, that gives me comfort."

"As your counselor, I can recommend for you to go through therapy to see if you are really a girl inside. All that it would take is a brain scan."

"What about my amnesia?"

"Your amnesia will not interfere with who you really are."

"When can it be done?"

"Right now, if you wish."

"I do."
Jan takes her down to the therapy lab and has her to sit in a recliner with amplifiers aimed at her head, Jill, this recliner will ask you questions and record your responses, verbal and brainwave scan."

"Okay, I'm ready, she smiled as she sat back.

Jan activated the test that ran all night as it delved deep into her psyche, revealing inner battles and fight to be herself, showing Jill to be Transgendered.
Jan woke Jill up with a smile, Good news, Jill."


"I am putting you on a special diet and hormonal treatment to become a woman."


"And while you were under, you received a course in being a woman, including proper manners. Soon, you will be the perfect model of beauty, grace and dignified poise."

"Glad to know, but right now, I have a killer headache."

"That's a part of the process that taught you to be a woman, Jill."


"Yes, somebody had installed a hypnodrip program into the recliner. THAT'S why it took so long, sorry about that," she sighed.

"That's OK. Just let me rest, and I'll host a party for you."

You're on."
"That's perfect Jillian, a perfect "Martha Stewart" party. You were the perfect host."

Curtsying, "Thank you Janice. I never thought that I would ever be the "Happy Homemaker."

"Now Jillian, we are giving you a chance while here to safely see which career to choose. Now if you want to be a housewife, stay the course, if you want to be a hooker...."


"Got'cha., giggled Jan.

"Why You!!!' laughing as she threw a punch on Janice.

"FOOD FIGHT!!!!" with that battle cry, Janice launched herself at a laughing Jillian.

After the Food Fight, both are tired and splattered with messy foods.

"Janice, why did you do that?"

"I knew you were in need of release of pent up emotion, a food fight always helps."

"Well, Martha Stewart, You Ain't"

"And am I ever glad."
Later that day, Janice is called into Beth's office, "Janice, I hear that you are becoming friends with our new patient, Jillian."

"Yes, I am. I admit that I might be compromising myself, but she needs my friendship, Beth," she sighed as she sat down.

"Don't worry, in fact, your friendship is why I called you in," she smiled.

"Oh? Why?"

"Jillian is doing quite well, but still has a few 'manly' mannerisms that will out her to the public. But they will fade in time."

"Beth, why all the interest in Jill?"

"There is a research program that can give you and her a functional womb. Do you STILL want to be a birth mother?"

"More than anything! But I'd need to ask Jill if she wants to be one, too."

"I fully expect you to ask her, think she might agree?"

"I don't know."
Jan goes to Jillian's room, "Jill, are you in?"

She unlocks the door, and it opens, "Come on in, Jan. Welcome to my new home."

"Very pretty, but I have some sad news."


"Yes, fortunately, even though you still have a few 'manly' mannerisms, they'll fade in time as you unlearn them."

"Jan, why all of the concern?"

"Because, for you to ever succeed in getting out, you need to blend in, or be outed to those who would hurt you."

"You think that is why I am here?"

"All I know is that you were found near an accident site. We don't know why."

"So, do you know who I am?"


"Please tell me."

"You are Jillian, you were driving and skidded on black ice, colliding with a van."

Jill shook her head, "That sounds right. And I have a sister, too. Right?"

"We still don't know who you are, Jill. But no doubt somebody misses you."

"Jan, even knowing this, I still can't recall a face," she sighed.

"That's Okay. You still are recovering."
Jillian and Jan bond as friends over the next year as she attends to the many therapy courses and learns many new skills. Her bandages are finally removed, but due to the reconstructive surgery, her face is different, preventing her from learning her true identity.

"Jan, how do I look?" Jill asked as she gazed at her reflection. Now Jill bore a striking resemblance to Lindsey Lohan, except that she was taller and the hormonal treatment had given Jillian a svelte, willowy figure.

"You are beautiful! If I did not know about your secret, I'd swear that you're a woman," admitted Jan.

"But I AM a woman! Just because I have the wrong reproductive organs doesn't make me any less of a woman than you are."

"Jill, I am like you."

"No way!"

"Yes, when I was younger, an accident castrated me, so I became a woman," she sighed.

"Oh! I wish that I was that lucky," she admitted.

Jan hugged her, "Maybe for you, it'd have been the answer, but if not for my best friend, I'd NEVER have made it. Now, we are very happily married, and I love him, very much."
"Jill, bad news."


"You still need another hypno therapy session in order to ascertain that you are ready to be a woman," Jan sighed.

"Why is that?"

"We need to make sure that under stress that you don't revert to calling yourself by your old male name."

"But Jan, won't that keep me from remembering who I am?"

"Not in the Least. We will simply be reaffirming your choice in your psyche, and reaffirming your identity, too. In fact, you may very well remember, but see those memories as those of another."

"What if that happens?"

"Then, we will help you to merge your two selves."

Jan leads her to the therapy room and Jill sits in the recliner, "Jill, this medicine and tape combined will do the job."

"Isn't the procedure dangerous?"

"Hardly Jill, you will have a "king-sized headache when you wake up though."


"Yes, Jillian?"

"Don't you "actually" mean a "QUEEN-SIZED HEADACHE?" she giggled.

"I suppose I do 'Oh Mighty Queen," she laughed back.

"Hmph. You got that right, "peasant."

"Oh, Jillian, you are so much fun to be with. I consider you more a friend than a patient."

Jill took both her hands in hers, "Janice, I can't think of you as my therapist anymore, you have become part of my family."

"Jillian that humbles me. I lost my best girl friend recently. Now, you come along and break through my wounded heart. I can't thank you enough for giving me back my heart."

"Janice, I loved another woman before. In time, I hope to return to my Sarah. Until then, please be my Sarah."

"Jill, I am not a lesbian."

"Don't be on my account, be my best friend while I am here."

"Always my dear Jillian, always."
With those words Janice committed herself to a course of events that would shake the world, "Good news Jan, the doctors say that the bandages come off today. Will you be there?"

"With bells on."

Jan heads down to the lobby where Jillian is absently strumming her guitar, playing the solo that she played when she was a part of STARLUST. As she began to remember the chords, she began to cry, remembering her love for Sarah, yet unable to remember her name.

"Jill, that was so beautiful! It must have come from your heart."

"It did, [sob] Jan. But, [sniff, sniff] even though I can see her face, [sob] and recall her name, [sob] I still can't remember our love," she sighed.

"Jill, you've suffered from a head trauma, and concussion. Amnesia is to be expected."

"Will I ever remember?"

"In time, you may, but I must tell you that nobody knows when or if you will ever remember. You may spend the rest of your life, here."

"That's Okay. As long as I can call you my friend."

"Of course you can. But please remember one thing."

"Sure. What's that?"

"I am happily married."

A month later, Beth calls Jan into her office, "Why haven’t you told Jillian about the procedure?"

"Beth, she has to heal physically and mentally before I tell her about the process. And she still has issues that she's dealing with from her past. Do you want for her to lose her mind because you can't wait!?"

"What about you?"

"I will have the procedure done to me. That way, Jillian will have me to act as her guide."
Jillian is now healed up from plastic surgery, having her manhood tucked inside to give her a false vagina, gives Jillian comfort as she live as a woman.

"Well Jill, how does it feel to look like a woman."

"Wonderful, I look in the mirror and I know I can pass as my sister."

"Were you and your sister close?"

"She was more a Mother to me than a sister, my "MOTHER" rejected me after she found my cache of girls clothing. She was about to burn them until Jenny stuffed them in her things."

"Did she get into trouble for that?"

"No, in fact, "MOM" thanked her, said that the clothes were hers now. Jenny let me wear my stuff when "MOM" was at work."

"Sounds like she really hated you."

"Aren't parents supposed to "LOVE" their children?"


"THEN WHY IN THE HELL DID SHE HATE ME?!?!?!" Asked Jillian as she broke down and cried herself to into an emotionless sleep.

Jillian awakens from her hysterical sleep, "Jillian, you must give up the ghost of motherless love and accept your sister as substitute. Otherwise, you will always break when your mother shows. Take that power away from her. You can do it."

As the orderlies wheeled Jillian to away, Jillian pondered what she heard in her heart.
But the orderlies take Jillian to an empty room to rape her.

"She may still be a guy, but a tight ass is still a good fuck."

"Stow it Ben, just get it over with."

"Don't I get a vote boys?"

With cat-like reflexes, Jillian crushes the orderly’s testicles. The ruin evident in the blood and semen splattered around the room.


The commotion brings others to the room including Janice.


"Janice,they were about to "rape" me. Should I have let them?"


"You just went a bit overboard just now."

Jillian walks over to Janice who guides her to her office, "That may very well be, but as James I was repeatedly "raped" by the "homophobes. This time I FOUGHT BACK."

"With a vengeance, I'd say."

Don't worry Janice, you are safe with me."
She is in the Meadow Room a room set aside for nature and music. Seeing the guitar, she reaches out, tunes it and begins playing. The bittersweet song touches the audience and reveals the truth to Janice. My god that is Jillian Tucker!! She was listed as dead after the wreck. Now she is here by some miracle. Now I can make amends for mistreating her back in school back when I was James. I know Jeff always liked James. He never was cruel to him. Jillian, I vow to help you to return to your family, it is the least that I can do for one that touched my heart and soul when I was ready to quit.
Janice was tired mentally and physically from the workload she faced ever since Jennings left. Soon, Janice would be a patient too.

"Janice, your taking on too much, you need a vacation,"

But Paul, who will take over for me? I am doing Jennings work load as well?"

"I called in a few favors, only your patients will need your attention. No more clinics for you."

"What about the "Bull?" He won't like it."

"Too bloody hell with him!!! Your sanity is more important than the "BOTTOM LINE!!"

"Thanks Paul, Now I can relax."
Janice went to sleep on Paul's couch. She awoke refreshed and went home where Jeff had made plans to attend a concert.

"Hi sleepyhead, Paul told me you finally played hooky. Feels great, Don’t it?"

Hugging her beloved and resting in his embrace, she answered, "Paul rescued me from myself today. [sighing] I owe that man so much. Yet he refuses to acknowledge any friendship.

"Silly girl, Paul loves you as much as I do. But he loves his wife Millie as well."

Looking up at Jeff, "How do you know this?"

Paul told me back when you first started. He was afraid he'd cross the line."

"Tell him that we are friends and get over his angst. I know I can trust him."


"Yeah, If he tries anything, you will trounce him, but good."

"You got that right."
Heading to the meeting room, they both fall in love with Jillian. Never knowing it was James Tucker on stage.

"Well Jillian, where did you learn to play like that."

"Believe me, I wish I knew. All I do know is that I am here," she sighed

"Well, don't worry, we will get you all better."

Then, seeing her guitar strap on the guitar sends her into overload as she remembers. In her final moment, she calls out to GOD.
Jillian finds herself in a meadow. She is wearing a white flowing gown. Looking under the gown, she find her lingerie sandals and hose are all white. Walking around, she soon comes to an arbor. She steps into the arbor and sits down. Soon, she senses a presence sitting next to her. The stranger is a gentleman in his prime. He is ageless, yet his eyes are as old as time. His presence soothes Jillian.

"Jillian my child, you have overcome much already. But you still have far to go. Fear not, I have overcome the world."

"Who exactly are you and where am I? Am I finally dead?"

Gently laughing,"No child, you passed out when your past overloaded your mind. Your soul is here with me in Heaven. While here, you are safe."

"Where were you before? I needed you then, yet I only see you now? How can I trust you?"

"I never break my word to anyone. I was always there, even if I was not seen."

"Why are you here now?"

"Because you accepted Me. I am with you always, Even to the end."

"You love me even though I am transiting to a woman? I thought You were against people like me."

"My child, I accept all who call on my name. But many are called, few are chosen."

"Am I one of the few?"

"Yes my child."

"But why were the guys allowed to die in the wreck? That should have been me."

"My child, they were on their way to kill you. They chose death, while you chose LIFE."

"But they died when I caused the accident."

"No Jillian, they ran into you."


"When they saw the van, they chose to send you into the ditch. They chose to murder you."

"Did an angel protect me?"

"Yes, The Arch Angel Michael brought you forth, but you had to choose life or death for your self. When you withdrew, you could not choose at the time. So Michael has stayed with you all this time."

"May I see Michael?"

A golden angel appears in front of Jillian, "Greetings Jillian, I see that you are well."

"You look just like my Daddy."

"Jillian, he is in heaven now, he awaits you and Jenny,"

"What about our Mother?"

"She is there too. She finally found the love for you that she forgot."

{rushing to embrace Michael, he scoops her up in his arms}

"Jillian, rest your soul for a while. There are things that will soon put you through the TEST."

"What TEST?"

"Jillian, yours is a special case. You challenge the LAW. You must choose for yourself how to live, as a man or as a woman."

"I thought that was already decided."

"No child, there are certain forces in the world that are going to challenge your choice. But stick with Janice. She will be there for you through the trial."

"Then can I rejoin my sister and "Starlust?"

"Yes my Child."
"Wake up sleepy head, you have had us worried."

"Janice, I remember, I know who I am. I was James Tucker. Now I am Jillian Tucker. I remember you too. You were Jack Moore."

"Yes, I was Jack, but now I am Janice."

"Why did you change genders?"

"A childhood accident removed my testicles. We moved away to avoid the persecution the kids heaped on you."

"Are you happy as a woman?"

"Yes, Jillian, very happy. I am glad you remembered your name. Are you ready to return?"

"Not quite yet, I still need to accomplish a few goals such as becoming a woman and finding a balance."


"Yes, I wrecked because I was unable to focus. Hopefully, when I have transitioned to a full woman, my hormones will be balanced."

"Well, my friend, you have plenty of time, relax and enjoy the journey, Jillian; I vow to help you in any way that i can."

"But why?

"To make amends to you for tormenting you back then."

"Janice, That was James, not you. James left when Janice came to us. But, I forgive you."

Then the two girls held each other as they cried tears of joy over their new friendship.
Jillian looked at ease in her tennis dress and hose. Her grace was totally different from the former clumsiness from before. Sitting down, Janice noticed that Jillian's crotch was smooth, no bumps from "manly" bits.

"Well Jillian, how do you hide you male parts so effectively?'

"The doctor "tucked" my manhood up inside of me. Now I have the same form as a real girl."

May I see? I never witnessed such an operation.."

Then Jillian simply dropped her panty, revealing a realistic vagina. The grin on her face was worth the dumb struck look on Janice's face. Pulling up her panty, Jillian smugly sat down.

"Next time, I will know better with you Jillian."

Shaking her head, wondering if Jillian would become a "show off."

"Don't worry Janice, I am not a "show off, I just wanted to play a joke on you."

Well, as jokes go, that one went over my head. Do me a favor, warn me when you are about to joke."

"Why? That takes all the fun out of it."

Seeing that Jillian was strong enough to pull pranks on friends, Janice decided it was time to get serious, "Jillian, we have a police report on your accident. I need you to verify what is on the report."

Jillian sat there for a few minutes, wrestling with her inner self, then in an eerie dead voice, she began her story, "Very well, Jillian Tucker was unloved by her mother and fellow schoolmates. Her only friend was her sister Jenny. Jillian suffered from abusive students that forced her to service them sexually. She lost her virginity in the first grade to an eighth grader. She felt shame most of her life. Only her time with Jenny gave her solace until she discovered her love for music. It was Mr. Clark, the music teacher that introduced Jillian to the guitar. Her love of music gave her an outlet for her pain. Soon, she was invited to play at parties. There, she was accepted.

"Soon, her abusers stopped bothering her as much. Jillian had made many friends that kept most of the abusers away. But this was only in her senior year. Her life was a living hell that she endured. When her mother died, Jenny changed the title deed so that both Jillian and Jenny were on it. She did this to show Jillian her love for her brother-sister. After graduating, Jillian began to take hormones. She slowly developed a womanly figure that was hidden by baggy shirts. Her first band at first accepted her unique nature, but she overheard them planning on dropping her, she quit the band.

Back home, she joined "Starlust," her sister Jenny's band. During this time, she fell in love with Sarah. Soon, they were together. Then Jillian had to face down an abusive cop. After she won her case, she slid on a patch of 'Black ice' and collided with her former band mates. She was thrown from the wreckage; the strain of causing the deaths of others overthrew her mind. Jillian Tucker died then, I Jillian Marie Doe was born."

Janice was amazed at the story. It backed up the police report and confirmed many theories she had.

"Jillian, are you saying you are Jillian Marie Doe?"

"I am Jillian Marie Doe. Tucker is too weak to live. As Doe, I am strong enough to fight."

"Have you had the operation yet to become a woman?"

"My surgery is scheduled for the future."

"Jillian, it is getting late, I need to attend a meeting. Take care of your self."

Jillian stood up, then headed for the door, then turned to Janice, "God night, Sleep tight, Don't let the bed bugs bite."

Oh how I am going to dread this meeting. Getting involved with this special interest group has been nothing but trouble. Now they want Jillian for their experiment. How did they find out? There are no "blurbs" on Jillian. They must have tapped my computer, If so, I will quit and to hell with them and their worries.

Jillian disrobed and got ready for bed, slipping on a pair of sheer-to-the-waist nude pantyhose then matching shorts and sports bra, she snuggled into her covers. Meanwhile, hidden cameras recorded her movements while a group of men had wet dreams watching her.
For more a detailed account of Jillian's story, please read the original "Changing Keys by Jillian Marie
The End Of Changing Keys: The Return Of Jillian Tucker-1
To Be Continued In Changing Keys: The Return Of Jillian Tucker-2

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Return of Jullian Tucker


Thank you for spending time writing this. It is always nice to see someone attempt to put a story onto paper, or in this case, the screen. Quite a novel use of the brackets to denote action, but different people use different techniques – some use the ~ to denote thought. I'm still thinking if I like it or not as it seems to affect the flow of the story and might be more used in a screenplay where action is divided from speech.

Two items seemed at odds with the rest of the story and the original
1. The use of incest - It didn't seem to add anything to the story and probably would stop a lot of readers from continuing
2. The cameras at the end – It didn't seem to match anything else but that might be explained in part 2, so I will hold judgement.

Strange thing is I don't remember seeing this on the front page. I must be going blind. I will read on.


The Synopsis

was done as another chapter, the incest I used to shoe their love. and the cameras are dealt with in part 2 . Remember, Jillian is away from all she knew. She is in a clinic where she is monitored by the staff and others. This is really a science fiction story, once you read chapter 2, you will see why.

May Your Light Forever Shine


Stan, this is a strong story, but there are some things I need to speak with you about in private. I won't air my criticisms here.

It is quite clear that you truly do believe in your faith, and that's good. I have none of my own in that respect other than in myself and the people around me. But I would never diss you for having yours. Faith is a very hard thing to have at times, or describe to others in any reliable sense that someone can really hang on to without knowing it themselves.

I have, and always will respect those who have that kind of faith. Oh, good story, too. I'll talk about it's mechanics in private with you, though. :)