The Unexpected Part 1 (Edited)

The Unexpected

First time authors note: Parts of this story are true, and other parts based on wishful thinking or fantasy. While the genre isn't for everyone, submissives who understand the need to submit might be able to relate. For others the consensual act of "somewhat" agreeing to a transformation might at least be an enjoyable fantasy. I fixed most of the puctionuation errors, and only puplished a part 1. I will be more careful in writing in the future.
Any feedback is welcome, and I will strive to include it in the updated version. Hopeful aka Ellen

The Unexpected

My wife and I have been married for a few years now, she knew I liked BDSM before we got married, she tried it, but it wasn’t for her. She honestly tried, but she couldn’t wrap her head around that this was supposed to be fun, and she didn’t understand my deep need to submit.

So to find a fix for my needs I needed to search outside of the home with her blessings. The search was not entirely successful, some fun was found, but the submissive needs still needed attention. Sad to say, only a true submissive knows this need to be real.

Over the years I’ve hinted that she could have it her way, get anything she desired all she had to do was make me her slave or submissive then her every need could be met. She tried at times, but it was just simple window dressing and sexual favors, but it was better than nothing. Alas, I thought it was a lost struggle, until all of a sudden the tables turned.

One night she came home from work, and I gave her the customary hug and asked about her day… but she had a glint in her eye. During dinner she had the same mysterious glint, and a semi smile, something was amiss. I did not have a clue to what a turn around my life was about to take.

After dinner, she made a simple statement, “We need to talk. I spent some time on your computer and found all the web sites you frequent and also found all of the ad’s you placed looking for a Mistress and what turns you on in BDSM. My you have some kinky thoughts, did you really mean what you said?”

I stammered, “Yes, you know that I have always been honest with you and others, you also know how peeved I am by the fakes on the internet, but I didn’t think you cared, just that it was harmless entertainment while you were at work.” I replied.

“I know you like to have your body toyed with, abused, tormented and abused, and from my reading you also yearn for some form of humiliation, total loss of control, and being put into your place, is that still your desire?” she asked.

“Yes, even for short periods of time anything is better than nothing, there is nothing I’d rather do when the opportunity is available, you met my last Mistress it’s been such a long time since then, are you changing your mind about being my Mistress?” I asked nervously.

“I have been giving it a lot of thought and I think I finally fully understood what you meant about being able to have your cake and eat it as well, to have what I want. All of this at your expense, so I decided that it was worth another try, after all it’s a win--win situation for me.” She gave this remark with a certain determinedness that was so unlike her. “You will see what I mean in due time.” she added as an afterthought.

It was a week or two of agony for me, I wanted to broach the subject again, but did not want to be pushy, she gave no hints, it was like it was a forgotten subject, and the time had passed, as well as the thought. Back to normal I thought, and I continued my internet search and play with little to no success.

As was customary, the next morning I woke up after she had left for work, made my coffee, and found a note awaiting me in its familiar place. I was expecting the normal note, the one that said whether the cats came in to be fed or not… and was very amazed at what this one said. I read it with eyes wide open in amazement.

“You have been really good in not pushing the idea over the last few weeks of being a submissive or my slave, and kept your mouth shut. Now I have some simple instructions for you, so simple that even you might be able to understand. First take that shit eating grin off your face, I know it’s there.” Whoops I thought, she knows me too well, as I continued to read.

“First, I know how you love to be naked all day, and that is to stop as of now! If you go to into the bedroom there is a large box in the closet, with the clothes you will wear all day, and you will wear them until I tell you to change, along with additional instructions, so get to it!” I was amazed, and had mixed feelings, I liked the feel of being naked, it was total freedom, and well with a bit of erotic sensuality thrown in … what did she have in mind for me?

I pondered these thoughts as I had my coffee, and finally went searching in the closet for the magic box. I found it behind all the clothes; it was a large box with a note attached to the front. The note was simple it simply stated, “This is your last chance, if you open the box and do not comply with my instructions this subject will never be brought up again! Inside you will find boxes numbered, with instructions enclosed. You will start with box number 1 and when those instructions are done, you will open box number 2 until they have all be complied with. Remember this is your last chance… think long and hard!”

My imagination was in over drive, what mysteries were inside the boxes. What did she have in mind for me! A part of me was afraid to start, and the other part was intrigued with the possibilities. I took a deep breath, opened the large box, and found the box numbered “1.”

It was a smaller box and as promised, there was a note attached in an envelope marked “open only if you are truly willing to comply.” I had to know, it was comply with her wishes or continue life in frustration.

I took the envelope off, with a sense of foreboding opened the envelope, and started to read the note. “This house is a mess, and till I am satisfied with its appearance it needs a “woman’s touch”, so till then get used to the idea of being a woman when you are home alone.”

I shuddered… this is not right, I thought, she likes me as a man! The note continued “inside of this box you will find a razor and Nair, remove all of your body hair including your beard and side burns, arm hair all of if, the only hair I expect to see on you is on the top of your head! From this time on, no more hair cuts for you. When you have finished continue to box number 2.”

With a deeply troubled heart, I followed her instructions, not knowing what the other boxes might contain… but knowing that my nemesis had finally caught up with me. If there is one thing I detest is housework! I took the beard off first… not seeing my naked face in many years was a surprise, I could hardly recognize the image in the mirror.

I showered quickly applied the Nair and waited for it to work, before completing her “simple” instructions. As I finished my scrubbing of body hair I looked once again at myself in the mirror, devoid of the body hair and beard… it was a very new sight to get used to.

She was used to my shaving parts of my body in my kinky sort of way, mostly just my balls and pubic hair, but this was not what I expected. Being told to do it, was exciting but the living as a woman part was extremely embarrassing, just the thought of it made me shudder.

The embarrassment was one thing, but my inner self was betraying my mind, my bodies arousal at the thoughts of what might be ahead were extreme and visible which showed in the mirror, I had a massive erection. I thought of taking care of that problem, but decided to move on to box number 2.

Again, I removed the envelope, and took out and read the note. “Good, I see you have made it this far, and knowing you, you have a massive hard on! Did you think of playing with it? I hope you didn’t, because it’s mine to control now.” She knows me well!

I continued reading. “Now set up your magic showing off nude web cam to take a video, I want to watch you jerk yourself off before you open this next box, make sure you save the video. When you are done, open the box and comply with the instructions that are inside.” My humble wife knows me better than I thought as I went to my computer room.

I set up the cam to make a video, and started it to record my “session”; my erection seemed even larger than life as I contemplated what lay ahead. I retrieved some lotion and started to play with myself, applying lotion to my hard cock and balls, it felt so smooth.

I started to move my hands back and forth thinking of her instructions, what was she to have me wear? My cock belonging to her now did that have any other implications, what would she require of me, and quicker than I thought possible I ejaculated a massive amount all over myself.

The climax was so intense I thought I was going to pass out from the bliss. After regaining my breath, I cleaned the keyboard and myself up, the splatters that wandered to the desktop, closed and saved the video, and with a now, very much limp and empty ball sack went back and retrieved the unopened box number 2.

I opened this box with a very intense curiosity… what could it contain, it was a smaller box and seemed light in weight. I opened it, and could only stare at what it contained.

Inside was a pair of red panties and what I presumed was some form of male chastity device. The instructions were tucked to the side and I opened the letter and read. “Yes no more daytime wanking for you my dear. Now that your cock is a manageable size, put this on and lock it.”

She continued, “You will find that it will hold you cock extremely close to your body, and it will not allow it to increase in size, well it might but it will not be comfortable. I have the key, when I want to use your cock, I will, but for the duration, the important thing is that you cannot play with it. Have it on yet? Have you noticed you have to pee sitting down now? Now put on the panties and proceed to box number 3.”

As I clasped the bindings on my new device, I had serious second thoughts, but once I heard the lock engage I knew I was committed to whatever plans she had in mind. I put the panties on, they were very feminine but not thin, they were of a thicker fabric, and once they were on I knew why, they effectively covered the fact that I was a man. The only thing showing though the fabric was a bit of raised hump, it looked like what men call a pronounced “camels toe” on a woman.

On to box 3, it had the now familiar envelope on the front. I read her new instructions for this presumably even more humiliating box as well. I took out the note and noticed its heading read “Rules.”

I glanced at them and knew I was a goner, it was either comply or settle for normal sex for the rest of my life, which by any means was not a bad thing, we had a terrific love life; it just meant that my “kink” factor was now under her control. The rules I found were her way of having her cake and eating it to I noticed. They were simple and direct:


1. As you know by now, you are to dress like a woman whenever you are alone. When I am home, it will be up to my whim, if you remain a woman or become a man.

2. If someone comes to the door, you may wear a robe.

3. You will remain hair free daily, showered, and completely shaved.

4. You will wear whatever clothing I have laid out for you while you do your chores.

5. Endless hours on the internet are not allowed anymore. You may continue your hobby, and limit yourself to 3 hours of internet chat. While you chat both of your web cams will remain on showing your new attire.

6. You will do all the chores I set out for you that day, or suffer the consequences.

7. As you can surmise, your daily jerking off to porn is no longer allowed.

8. I am concerned about your health, and you will take your vitamins, no more shirking this! They are in the boxes according to the daily dosage.

9. You will loose 2 pounds a week or suffer the consequences.

10. I hope you enjoy the new you, my toy, and slave. You are to address me as Ma’am or Mistress when we are alone, and do what ever I ask. If I want you to be my man, you will be given permission and I will unlock “my” cock for my use.

You may now open the box.

Simple and direct I thought, I had no idea of what the consequences she warned of might be, but I knew I was being 100 percent “domesticated.” I knew that my chat days were over, even with her semi-limited permission, what woman would want to chat with a man in drag and on cam!

I opened the box with certain trepidation of the unknown, and was astounded by its contents. I was assuming a bra of some sort, to further humiliate me, but it was the breast appliances that astounded me and a bra of the same shade of red as the panties. They were odd; they were semi hollow and had an opening where the nipple would normally be. In addition, there were more instructions underneath with another envelope attached.

The note was lengthy; the instructions were explicit. “You can’t be a total woman without breasts. Its now time to put the nipples I pierced for you those years ago to good use. Inside of the envelope you will find your new nipple jewelry, these are special, and when you have them installed you will epoxy them closed. They won’t show too much when you wear men’s clothing (not).”

I understood why she added the “not” part, they were fairly large and thick, and would look like a very thick nipple under a shirt. I continued to read, “When you have them on and glued, attach the wire to them and thread the wire through the breast appliances hole where the nipple should be, and put the appliances over your breasts.”

The note continued, “Now my lovely, you will find two items that look like nipples also in the envelope, you will thread the wire into them and slowly twist till your own nipples are extended within the hollow of the breast… not to tight… you don’t want to tear those little darlings. When they are just tight enough they will hold your new breasts in place. Now you can put the bra on. If you’ve been gutsy enough to get this far; time to open the next box.”

I followed her directions to the tee, I didn’t want to harm my nipples, they were my instant “on” button to achieve an erection. I inserted the new jewelry, glued them solid, and put the devices on. I started to twist the “fake” nipples as directed and felt my own nipples being extended, when they were snug but not too tight, I noticed that with the material the fake nipples were made out of and the appliance they stuck in place. My cock yearned for release with the tugging feeling at my nipples, but my chastity device left me frustrated and totally contained, and the pressure of the partial erection hurt. Now I knew total sexual frustration.

It had now been a few hours into opening these magic boxes of my total humiliation. It was weird, I felt the call of the submissive, my special needs were finally being met, but not in the manner I expected.

Only three more boxes to go, I thought. The next one was a small box, so I knew it could not be that bad. It did not have an envelope attached so I just opened it. Inside was a bottle of bright red nail polish, two bottles of remover, and some fake fingernails as well with yet another set of instructions.

I read them slowly, “The polish is for your toenails and fingernails, you will notice there are two bottle of remover, since you might have to transition from female to male on my whim. The fake nails are to be applied over your freshly painted fingernails till yours grow in. Now how you hide this from visitors during the daytime is your problem, not mine. Perhaps we might consider fakes without polish that look natural sometime in the future. Paint away my precious.”

With deep remorse, I painted my nails, now this would be hard to hide, especially my fingernails. Was this her way of making sure I quit ordering stuff over the internet I thought. As the nails dried, I went for the next box, which compared to the others was quite thin.

There again was no envelope, and I opened it slowly. Inside were a few pairs of sheer nylons and a garter belt. The note was only a one-liner, “self explanatory, figure it out yourself.”

It took a while to figure out how to use the garter belt, the nylons were pretty simple. There was another short note at the bottom, “put a run in these and it will cost you dearly.” That left one more box, which by the dimensions I knew contained footwear.

I opened the box, this time there was another short note, “To be worn at all times, except for visitors.” The shoes looked like they were designed by the devil. They must have had three plus inch thin heals, and there was very little actual shoe, just a few straps to keep them on.

My humiliation seemed complete as I put them on and adjusted the straps, under the shoes was an additional note from my “dear” wife “Call my cell phone when you are properly attired.” It was almost lunchtime by this time, and I made the call.

She answered after 2 rings and just said “Well?” I stuttered a bit on the phone, and said “Ma’am I’m calling as you asked.” She replied, “Good, now go into your computer room, and turn on your cam, and log into the yahoo under the following log in name and password (which she provided) so I can see my new “maid” and slave.”

I complied; I did not even know she new how to set up an account, I logged in and she IM’d me, “Now turn on the cam.” I turned it on, and looked at my image knowing she was looking as well. My nipples were turned on, my cock contained and I guess it reflected on my face. She said on the phone, “What’s the matter my slave, feeling a bit sexually frustrated? Well get used to it, your cock and body or now totally mine to use, no more self gratification for you.”

She continued, “Out on my dresser are additional instructions for you to follow for the remainder of the day, see you when I get home.” and she hung up.

I found the remainder of the instructions where she said she left them. I read them thoroughly, expecting to find just a list of chores, and was not expecting what she had written.

“You might as well find out now versus later, go to your computer with this letter, you will find that all your chat sites have been erased replaced with new ones. The new ones are only for sissies, and slaves, which you now are, and I now own you, lock stock and barrel. You will only chat with females who enjoy sissies, no males at all ever.

“If a woman says “orange,” you must do whatever she asks you to do. Now you know why it took a few weeks to get this all arranged. When and if you decide to chat, it can only be on these sites and I will watch the history to make sure you do as you are told.

“I will let you get used to the new you for most of the afternoon, but the following chores must be done before I get home or else!” at which she named the chores to be done, what was to be dusted, what was to be cleaned, waxed and scrubbed. At the bottom was a warning… “Don’t ruin your new clothes and hope you enjoy the heels.”

The heels were horrendous, my feet ached, my ankles wobbled, but I got the chores done. With every move, I felt my nipples being pulled and released somewhat, it was driving me insane but my constrained cock was in complete bondage, I had to just suffer. After the chores were done, hopefully to her satisfaction, I had a few hours to kill and went to see what she had changed on my computer.

I was still logged into the Yahoo account my new Mistress or should I say “task master” had created, and had a number of messages awaiting me, I had forgot to turn off the cam and noticed I had about 15 viewers, and I wasn’t even there!

All of the IM’s from Yahoo, were from woman I have never chatted with before, who made comments about the “new” me, and commented about my profile (which I did not have a clue about) and made comments about seeing me during my transformation.

It turns out that the sneaky wife had put a cam on the laptop in the bedroom where all the initial transformation had taken place. My humiliation was about as complete as it could be, and then I went to check out my new profile.

The title was “Sissy Maid for Hire” and in the “about me” portion, it made mention of my transformation, and that new duties could not commence till the “Mistresses” house was in order. It also gave the rates and my wife’s new email address where specific inquiries could be directed.

I was floored… well one saving grace, it would take a while for the house to be totally up to her “new” standard. As soon as I appeared on the cam, I got flooded with another deluge of IM’s raving on the new me and wishing me luck. I politely responded and logged out, and turned off the cam. If I was not chatting then the cams could be off.

I saw all the new sites she had created, many of them were about how to do household work, laundry, and how to make your self-beautiful. Then I saw the “sissy” and slave sites I found she had created a full profile for me already, detailing what was and was not allowed in chatting with me, what I was to be doing etc., and who was allowed to contact me. My degradation was complete.

My wife, arrived home at her normal time, and I was still in the computer room. She yelled, “Where is my sissy maid?” I sheepishly made my way to the living room, embarrassed to shit, the sexual frustration of the day had driven me insane, but the embarrassment of what had happened was even more extreme.

I tried to sweet talk her into undoing what had happened, and she would not have any part of it. “This is what you have been hinting at and pushing me to do for years, now it’s done, it will be MY way from here on out. The only way out of it is if I say so, or you decide to leave, which is not likely, everything is again back in my name.” I looked down at the floor and with nothing better to say, accepted my fate, and said the only thing I could “Yes Ma’am.”

At this final announcement of my total acceptance she said, “Now let me look at you!” She circled me, gave little sounds of approval, and then said, “Now let’s see how you did with the chores for today!” I followed her like a sad puppy from chore to chore, she criticized where needed and grunted approval when appropriate, “Now I can have the clean house I always wanted!” she stated with a form of triumph in her voice.

She made dinner, and when I went to sit at my normal place, she abruptly said “NO! When I am home you will sit at my feet, no other place do you understand!” I replied, “Yes Ma’am” and sat on the floor with my dinner plate. After dinner, she had me clean the plates and put things away then she retired to the bedroom.

I thought perhaps my urgent need for sexual release was going to happen but I was mistaken. She showered, and then lay on the bed on her stomach, “I need a massage sissy, better make it a good one.”

I got the lotion and started a long massage to her naked and delicate skin… the mere sight of her was arousing, but I could not do anything about it. She then said she needed some tension relief. At that she rolled over and motioned to her pussy, “Eat away till I tell you stop!”

I got into a comfortable position and hit all of her magic buttons, I gave up counting how many orgasms she had, but it went on for a long time, it seemed for hours. After she told me to stop, she said, “Now I truly know what you meant about being your dominate was only a win-win situation for me, you out did yourself.”

She kept me dressed in female attire all evening, just the bra, panties, garter belt, nylons, and those shoes from hell while I administered to her needs. When it was our traditional bedtime, she told me to get out of my attire, including the breast appliances.

When released my tender nipples throbbed for hours, it was a long night, with my cock caged up, but sleep finally found its way. We cuddled as we always do, skin on skin in our sleep, and after my definitely different day the feel of her skin felt damn good.

I awoke the next morning, after she had left, to the sound of the alarm clock, when did she set that I wondered. Draped over the clock was a new set of instructions. I was afraid to even look, but decide to get my morning coffee before hand.

When I got to the kitchen, there was a note on the coffee, “Did you read the instructions first sissy?” This was going to be hell; she had my number in spades. I returned to the bedroom to read the instructions, they were just as explicit as I had feared.

With a sense of another day in virtual hell I read today’s instructions, they did not leave a lot of room for debate, or ways to sneak out of them. They mentioned to shave (all of it), shower, scrub up and get dressed in yesterday’s apparel, take my medicines and vitamins and look for the chore chart that was on the refrigerator.

The one thing I found worthwhile was a note at the bottom, “Follow the directions and perhaps there shall be a reward for you.” I got my self shaved, removing the barely felt stubble, and put my new breasts on, the nipples were a bit sore from the stretching they received yesterday, but my mind was only on the fruits of my labor of the day… the potential reward.

Today’s chores included scrubbing floors, and dusting. Doing this in those heels from hell and not damaging the nylons was tricky, it just took a lot longer than it should. The bending and stooping was reeking havoc on my nipples as they extended and I was always aware of the skin stretching, my cock wanted release and it hurt when aroused, the device was just to tight to allow a hard on.

I was able to get the chores done by a little past lunchtime, and went to find something to eat. On top of the leftovers was a little sticky note, “I hope you are doing a good job my little sissy, if you have completed your chores the afternoon is yours.”

I ate my late lunch, and then logged into my computer. There was an email from my old Mistress, how the heck did she get this new email address. I read the email with interest and was floored. “I hope you are enjoying yourself, your new Mistress has been talking to me and I have shared all I know about you, I have mentored her as well on ALL the ways that she can have it HER way”

How the heck did she know, and when did my wife contact her I wondered. “How does it feel to not be able to make light of submission and joke about it?” she asked, and continued with “Your wife is hooked now, all you can do is accept your fate and comply, I have mentored her well, welcome to hell, sissy.”

I was floored, all my secrets had been shared, not that I had many secrets, but the few I had were somewhat embarrassing. I logged into my IM program and as per the previous instruction started the cam’s. I was curious to who my wife had given my Yahoo ID to.

As soon as I logged in and started the cam’s, IM’s started trickling in. The viewers on my cam started to increase as well... who where these people I thought. What did they want? Most of the IM’s were humiliating, stating that I wasn’t a real man to allow what happened to happen. Others were congratulatory on my transition. Then a strange one appeared.

The message was simple “I want to see what you look like, stand back from the cam and show me “orange”” Remembering my instructions, this was the magic code word, whoever said this was in control and I had to comply with their wishes.

She (I presumed) told me to show all, my fingernails, toenails, how well I had shaved, drop my panties so she could see my device, it was embarrassing to say the least. Then she started to chat in a normal manner versus exploiting my humiliation. She asked of my fears, and I was quick to say that I wanted to be a man, not a sissy.

She replied, “Well that is not to be, especially now, so either you accept your lot, or suffer.” She put it into a light I needed to hear. “It’s not about being a sissy, something you never learned it’s about giving up total control, it’s not just play time, it’s real.”

With that remark, I knew it was my former Mistress. “How well you knew me,” I replied, “I guess I’m learning, the hard way.” Her reply was succinct “Acceptance of your lot is the key to enjoying your submission,” with that she signed off. I had a lot to think about now.

That night when my wife came home from work, she seemed to be in cheerful mood. She inspected me to make sure she could not find any errant hairs, and inspected my housework chores that I had completed. She seemed pleased that I did a good job.

She asked about my day… and how it felt to be a sissy maid. I was honest, “I detest housework as you know, with the added distraction of these heels from hell, and my nipples being pulled and tugged, having to sit to go pee, it has been both good and bad. I am pleased that you are happy with my work so far Mistress.” With that she reached over and twisted my fake nipples a few more turns, now they were now really tight!

Since we have been married, I have smoked cigars, she did not necessarily like it, but for her it was better than cigarettes. When she ever brought up the subject of quitting, I always found of way a weaseling my around it. I like smoking. She asked, “How many cigars have you had today?” I told her about 10.

At which she asked, “Did you enjoy them?” I said I had, then the kicker came, “I hope you did, because they are the last you will have, since you can’t very well go shopping for more the way you look now.”

Crap I thought, she was really taking advantage of this situation. I just hung my head in dejection; my last vice was taken care of. “On a positive note though,” she said, “You did your chores very well today, and a reward is in order later tonight.” My thoughts raced, what could the reward be, then the true sense of my total submission started to settle in, if I obey without fault, I will be rewarded.

Little did I know what that my former Mistress had taught her. In due time, she told me to do something completely unexpected. It was getting dark out; she told me to go to the car in my feminine bra etc. and drive around for an hour and be back at 7:30 PM exactly.

I was very nervous as I snuck outside to my car, this was my first time outside since this misadventure started, I moved very quickly especially when the motion detector turned on the floodlights, and I got inside the car real quick. I stuck to back roads, I did not want anyone to see, not that they could but it was the thought that they might be able to see inside.

Sticking to the back roads was a mistake in one regard, with each bump of the road my pierced pulled nipples tugged outward even more. The affect on my contained cock was absolute torture. I was glad when it was time to return home. As I drove back into the driveway, I noticed another car parked out front, one that I did not recognize.

When my watch said it was 7:29 PM I made the mad dash to the front door, displayed for all the neighbors to see. The front light was on as usual, and damn the door was locked. I rang the doorbell, knocked, whatever I could, and waited, trying to cover my shame. It only lasted for a few moments until I finally heard the locks release and I dashed in quickly to find sanctuary again inside of the house. What, and who I saw astounded me.

The living room furniture had been moved creating a large open space, and standing there beside my wife was my former Mistress! I knew of her fondness for inflicting pain at my expense, I could only look, as she commented on the new me. She told my wife, “You did very well, you are a quick study.”

I looked at the living room and noticed there was some form of apparatus hung from the ceiling beam. It looked like a form of swing with attachment points… and what I presumed was the seat of the swing had a large dildo installed.

I was beside myself, and then to top things off there in a corner was a lap top computer with both cams hooked up to it. My wife called sternly to me, “Come here sissy and assume your position!” at which I went to her and sat at her feet. She told me, “Now is the time for your reward for being a good sissy maid, you have followed my directions very well”.

She then put a blindfold on me and told me to stand up, which I did with a sense of doom in my heart. While I was standing there, they walked around me, which I could only tell from the sounds of their footsteps, and then she put earplugs in my ears, which deafened even that sound. From that point on, I could not see, and just barely hear loud noises.

One or both of them started to remove my nylons and garter belt, while the other removed my bra, and then untwisted the fake nipples and removed the fake breast forms. Someone was in front of me, and I felt them remove the panties, and then they release my imprisoned cock and balls from the locked chastity device; it has been a few days since I’ve been able to feel them hang and it felt blissful. My wife yelled and I heard her, “If you endure this (muffled words).. Tonight you might be able to be a man!”

With that, I sensed rustling around me. Some form of bindings were attached to my wrists and ankles, then what felt like warm oil was applied to my hanging ball sack, I thought that this might not be so bad after all. That thought did not last long when I felt a large quantity of lubricant squirted in my ass and I new that it was going to be worse than I thought.

I felt the swing behind me, and that large dildo started to be forcibly pushed into my well lubricated ass… it hurt, it was too large I thought… but with an extra push it was all the way in and I was totally impaled. From my previous first glance it looked huge and long; but it felt even larger inserted deep inside of me.

They moved me a bit and had me sit on the swing… with that huge thing stuffed inside of me as I felt myself being lifted a few inches off the floor. The seat of the swing was quite narrow and only about 2 inches of width supported my weight… but that discomfort was nothing compared to the feeling in my ass.

My arms were attached to the side ropes of the swing which were then extended over my head. I felt my ankles being attached to what I presumed was a spreader bar, and now there I hung… on the swing, my ass impaled, my feet spread very wide apart. When they finished… they left me I presume to contemplate my fate.

I do not know how long it was, it could have only been seconds or some very long minutes until I felt someone fondling my hanging ball sac. Someone was wrapping something tightly around it high up on the sac at its base.

My cock had been aroused with a very firm erection as soon as it was released from the chastity device, and it remained untouched by them except for occasional happenstance touches. I then knew the purpose of what they wrapped around my ball sac. I felt them being tugged down, they were somehow adding weights to drag them down and stretching my ball sac.

With each weight added, I felt them fall further away from the normal comfort of my body, until I heard a brief snatch of conversation… “Wow, they can really… followed by 25 pounds” and still they added weights till I heard “A foot!!! That oil works …” the only remaining thing I heard was “35” which I assumed was pounds.

It was extreme torture, but my need to submit and “feel” was being totally met. The ball sac being stretched beyond endurance combined with that massive thing in my ass, it was a toss up to which felt worse or good. The left me alone for sometime, how long I do not know, but if my memories of my former Mistress were to believed this was not the end of it.

When they started again, I could only sense they were there. I felt a very tight clamp being applied to each nipple, which at first was an instant turn on until they tightened them down even more, then what felt like a round soft object was placed over each of my breasts. I heard some noise but could not place it, but found out soon enough.

Some form of suction device was drawing my breasts outward and stretching the skin. As I felt myself being stretched.. I heard the snatches of continued conversation “B cup…” and after awhile “C cup…” followed by laughter. They again left in me in this position again for a while; time was now relative, I had now idea how long.

My balls were stretched from what I could hear and surmise 35 pounds of weight and extended if I heard correctly about a foot. My breasts were sucked out to a C cup size if I heard right, and I knew that it would leave a dark large round “hiccie”. My ass was stretched beyond belief, it did not feel like it was when it went in, it somehow felt larger (little did I know that it was inflatable).

I must have drifted in and out of that magic space sub-missive’s call “sub space” as time passed it felt damn good, the torment was exquisite and I know longer cared what would come next. It is a place I have visited only once before, I was beyond caring, all I could do was “feel”. I came out of it a little when I felt movement around me and all I could hope for was “MORE!”

The rest was somewhat of a blur. I sensed being lowered somewhat and that I was now standing with my arms being held rigidly over my head. I couldn’t feel the swing under my butt but the dildo was still there. It must be detachable then all hell broke loose. I felt the firm sting of a flogger cut across my back followed by a sharp feeling against my still quite hard erection.

Gads I thought, I am be flogged and my cock was being caned. Then the flogger moved its way up and down to include my ass cheeks. I felt the welts raising and with each whack, especially on my ass cheeks. Some of the strands hit the huge dildo in my ass causing more stretching.

I felt my skin noticeably warming up as the flogger continued to flail, and felt my cock bouncing with each slap of whatever was striking it, the worst of it though was when the weights were kicked, and my balls bounced even more than they were ever meant to be. Who was doing what I did not know and I again drifted deep back into “sub space,” I was now beyond thinking; all I could do was feel.

To be continued???

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