A jinxed night on halloween

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A jinxed night on halloween

by Misrah

"Eh, man this was one hell of a party!" Stan laughed and raised his beer can into the night sky.

"Word, man!"Alex answered. "Just too bad we were not invited. But I think we've given the event a little touch of Sigma Sigma Alpha I'd say! And we're up for more!"

"Yeah!" his friends loudly bawled out their agreement. They didn't even care that it was raining a bit. The alcohol in their blood kept them warm.


The guys knew how they had to react to this chant and joined their leader in shouting:


Their fraternity had a questionable reputation to defend, and as long as Alex was in charge he wanted to be damned if they wouldn't. The night was young and so were them, the 'party-animals' in full effect. The host of the party they had, well... kind of crushed had bought loads of beer for the party and they chose not to let any of it get expired or something and before finally leaving also filled up Ken's backpack as a little supply till they would reach the next party at Stan's.

Alex didn't feel any guilt about what they had done. Judging of the house the parents of this dude for sure were wealthy enough to compensate the little damages they might have caused to the furniture. And maybe this skinny little freshman-nerd would learn something from it. The college was huge and so they propably wouldn't even see him again. And even if. He wouldn't dare to mess with Sigma Sigma Alpha. They had almost like the whole football team in their ranks, including Alex himself.

Anyway, right now they were walking down a road in those suburbs, drank their beers, sung and had fun scaring out the "decent people" who crossed their way. Many kids were on the streets on their trick or treat tour. The adults around were mostly their parents. Alex only passed few young adults, which propably were also on their way to some party. Due to their drunken, loud behaviour most people tried to look away as their group was heading towardst the parking lot. He was sort of fine with that.

Shortly before they reached their target Alex saw a young woman who sat on the socket of the statue of some Civil War hero in the middle of a crossing. This whole picture seemed most unusual. Quite a good costume she had there. She had dressed up as a witch and reminded him a little of the one in... he had trouble rembering the title of the movie for a sec... Yeah, Wizard of Oz it was.

She might have been something like twenty years old. And under the black shabby dress she wore he could recognize some very nice curves. Under the green make up and the ridiculously long fake nose which she had obviously glued to her face, this actually might be a real beauty.

"Well, let's find it out." he decided silently. So he walked over to her. "Eh! 'evening there! If you lose this ugly 'carrot' there, you might get a chance to party with the studs of Sigma Sigma Alpha!" The young student had always been self-confident, but with alcohol in his blood he got almost presumptuous.

"You mean my nose?"

She would also have a good voice... If it just hadn't been for that almost aggressive undertone.

"Hey hey take it easy, Missy. Come on. You gotta admit: It's an ugly costume and it's fitting you not a bit." he babbled.

She looked him up and down.

All of their group wore halloweencostumes. Stan was dressed up as a cowboy, Mike as Frankenstein, a.s.o. Alex, thinking of himself as the Alpha-male of the group, had dared to dress up as a woman. It was a regular costume just off the rack. Just a poorly made imitation of a dress combined with a pink-colored wig with pig tails, far from looking any real. His ego was way big enough to take some jokes from his friends. And he guessed that the ladies would admire it in a man if he's also willing to make a little fun of himself sometimes.

"Well, look who's talking." The 'witch-girl' answered. "But I guess I will help you out on that."

Along with these words she pulled out some kind of stick from under her cape and pointed it in his direction. Before he could make any reply or react otherwise something like a flash lighted up and blinded his eyes.

"You crazy bitch!"

After a few seconds his eyes got used to the dim light of the night again.

"You're shooting around with a laser or something... AT PEOPLE'S EYES?!

The 'witch' just giggled mean.

"What kind of a nut-job are you, YOU SICK BITCH?!"

Alex really was more than pissed. If it hadn't been for his buddy Stan and the fact she was just a chick, he would have run over there to punch her in the face. He for sure liked playing tricks on people. He just couldn't stand to be the target of one.

"Eh, man. She's just a weird wacko. Let's just go and leave it at that. This cunt's not worth the trouble... " Stan tried to clear up the sitation.

Usually Alex wouldn't have let her gotten away with that. But as mentioned: He had had a couple of beers already and so he finally let it go and slowly calmed down. Of course not without turning around several times, cursing at the weird girl.

She just laughed behind him with her strange voice.


Alex came to the conclusion that he had stuffed that bra of his costume (which he had secretly borrowed from his sister's dresser) with way to many tissues. This thing costantly felt tight and so he grabbed under the dress taking some more of the tissues out, throwing them into the waste basket beneath the sink.

Anyway at least the evening seemed to have turned out good. They all had returned to Stan's place, continuing their party there. And as many of the guys of their fraternity were quite popular at the campus, there were lots of people, chicks and alcohol. Maybe too much alcohol. He was pretty drunk now, but even he realized that he was stumbling a little when he walked over to the toilet and tried to get the front part of his costume-dress up.

Suddenly the door opened and some dude came in. "Oh, uh... I... I'm so sorry."
Alex didn't know him. He was no fraternity brother. Surely some friend of Stan, he guessed.

"Ah, don't mind bro, it's allright. Just gimme a sec to finish here an'..."

"Um... You better sit down..."

The guy must have had some brews, too. Otherwise the deep red color of his face and the shaky hands he layed on Alex's shoulder while he assisted him to sit down would have been hard to explain.

"Yeah, guess you're right, man. Don't wanna make a mess of the place."

"There you go. So take good care of yourself, you hear."

"Never seen a man taking a piss? Never been to a public restroom, you twit?" Alex mumbled after the young man had hastily left the bathroom. Anyway, no time to think too much about this fellow. First and foremost he definitely had to get rid of some liquid now...


Alex closed the bathroom door behind himself. A lot of strange encounters this evening... But what the heck: He was stoned and a little drunk. Things like that could happen in a condition like this. He had spent like the last hour in the company of four girls. They just kind of came to him, introduced themselves and had a really good conversation. Maybe this was his lucky night. Eh, just saying: THEY had come to him. Good sign, veeery good sign!

The four girls were still talking when he came back and rejoined their group. They nodded with a smile without interrupting their talk. They discussed some chick flick, shades of colors for clothes with names he never even had ever heard of.

"Eh, Alex." he felt a hand softly touching his arm. The girl's name was Sue, a very beautiful girl of asian heritage which stood right next to him. "What took you so long? - Red Lola?" she whispered.

"No, I didn't bring any girl 'n stuff."

"Er... Okay then. Do you need some?"

'Now we're talking!' Alex thought while he put on his (as he thought) proven 'charming smile'.

"Well, how could I resist such an offer?"

She opened her handbag, fumbled around in it for some seconds and then kind of discreetly put something into his hand. What would it be? A message, a condom? His heart raced. - But when he finally took a quick look at what he now held in his hand his jaw simply dropped. With a puzzled look on his face he looked up and over to Sue again.

But she just nodded with a friendly smile as if everything was in order. Not knowing what else to do, he nodded back also forcing a smile.

"You don't have to be embarrassed." Sue had leaned over to him again and whispered in his ear. "It's just a natural thing."

Well, if her aim had been to irritate him she had definitely reached her target. Alex was really unsure how to react to this. What was this all about? Was this one of those little tests with which women so often attempt to bring men out of concept. Did she wanna test if he would freak out on a product of feminine hygiene? That must be it. He pulled himself together and put the 'thing' into a pocket of his costume. Okay, if that was 'the price', he would keep the thing for her for a while.

She was one of the most beautiful girls on campus, that was certain. But slowly he seriously started to hope she was worth the effort. If this was her way of 'playing hard to get', she definitely went for the 'hard mode'. Alex quickly emptied the drink he held in his hand.

The other three girls still were at their discussion about fashion. "And that's what I mean." Tessa said. "I say like you gotta find your colors. It's like with Alex. I mean this azure of the costume so matches the magenta of the hair." she pointed loosely in his direction with a kind of patronizing look on her face.

Ahuh, Okay. So he figured she must have caught a glimpse on his sideburns, his real hair under the wig. So magenta was 'chickish' for blonde or what? Whatever, who cared? At least the costume seemed to be a hit. You know how it is. Woman use to talk a lot and if you want to get one of them into the sack you have to smile, fake interest and at least try to listen to what they say.

"Well, *chrrr...*" Alex had to clear his throat. "Th.. thanks." he answered. His voice sounded awkward. Damned tobacco. He just made a mental note to himself not to smoke too much when he planned to hit on chicks.

The girls kept busy with their chit chat. To him it was just boring and so he kept silent most of the time, laughing along with the girls whenever he felt it was expected, when after some time Sue again addressed him.

"I'm so gonna get me some 'fun' tonight." she again whispered, suggestively winking her eye. "How about you, Alex?"

-'YESSS! Here we are, Alex! Back on the track again!'-

"Well, absolutely." he raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Way to go, Alex." Sue giggled into her hand. "Just tell me. What do you think of this one?" He followed her finger which she pointed out at Ken Masterson, a linebacker on his team.

"Ken? He's on the team. A good sport, nice guy."

"Well, too bad that I saw him first. - See ya later, sweetie."
She winked again before she shortly patted his shoulder and walked past him, over to Ken.

'Er... Did I miss something or what?' - Okay. This was enough! Another drink went down in one. That woman had first talked to him for hours, hit on him and then just walked away like he was thin air?! This was definitely too much for Alex. He had always been the first choice of the women when it came to the team and now he seemed to get outranked by Masterson, the linebacker? He felt like he could even hear the pumpkin lanterns at the dark windows laughing at him. Coming to think of it he had to admit the guy actually HAD a very well trained butt. And this bulge in his jeans. Did the guy have ever had such a big... equipment. And why did he notice that for the first time right now?

'Damned Stan and his fucked-up weed. What was in this shit?'


He had had three more drinks since he had taken a seat on that couch. Three drinks too much. Now Alex just sat there, resting his elbows on his knees, the pink 'hair' of the wig hanging loosely into his face.

"Eh, Quarterback! Are you alright, my man?"

Alex slowly looked up and recognized his best friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Stan had a surprised look on his face. "I just thought you were somebody else."

"W.. well, who did you except.. err.. expect? Friggin' Santa Claus?"

Stan sat down beside him and laid one hand gently on his shoulder as he talked to Alex with a very unusual calm tone of voice.

"Eh, listen. My name's Stan. I'm the host here. - But you look pretty drunk and I guess it would be better if we got you to bed now. Just trust me."

"I don't wanna go to sleep. I just wanna s.. sit here a little and..."

Alex was starting to complain, when Sue appeared on the scene.

"Stan, wasn't it?" The young man nodded. "Well Stan. I know Alex. Just let me do the talking, alright hon?"

Stan nodded understanding and took a step backwards.

Sue sat down beside Alex. "Eh Alex, be reasonable. It's better if you call it a day for tonight. You should go with him." She gave him a kiss on the forehead and whispered. "Wow, good catch. He's really cute." With this she waved goodbye and walked over to Ken who waited at the entrance door. Together both of them left. - Alex just sat on the couch and slightly shook his head. He had long given it up to get any sense out of that asian bimbo's crazy babbling.

"Well then." Stan stood up offering Alex a hand. "Let's get you upstairs. You need some rest."

"You're a really good friend, Stan. You know that?"

"Um... Have we met before?"

"You ask if you know me, man?" It's ME. - Alex, for christ's sake!"

"Alex...? - I'm sorry but..."

Still there was no recognition visible in the eyes of his friend. So at least he seemed not tobe the only one who got fucked up by that weed. Maybe if he reminded him of something he simply MUST remember. But what could that be. Oh, yeah. Their big game in Chicago last year.

"What is it with you? Don't you remember us playing? Our best game we everhad together?"
I mean, how you ran with those balls against this bear again and again. Don't you remember? That was your best day ever! It went back and forth, but you made yard after yard. And in the the end you so scored, oh man you so scored and God be my whitness. It was your big thing, your most glorious day ever!"

"Course, course. Now that you say it..."

To be honest Stan had to admit to himself that he had simply no idea what this person was talking about. Pink hair... That should have left a memory. But he none whatsoever. - But hey: He was a member of Sigma Sigma Alpha. One of the fraternities known mostly for having THE best parties of them all. And there of course had been some rough nights of heavy drinking. So therefore and according to the description it might have been quite possible that they had 'met' before.

"But it's really time to bring you to bed now, Alex."

"Yeah, well okay. I f... feel kind of tired anyway."

Stan knelt down right next to the couch, grabbing him fromunder his back and knees with both arms. Did the dude actually plan on carrying him?

"Well good luck with that, pal." he laughed. "I weigh like..."

Alex couldn't have been more astonished as his ol' friend lifted him up like a feather. It didn't even seem to strain him. He must have been doing extra training session or something. He never had realized how well built Stan was. These huge pecs, and even with his at the moment quite blurry sight he could easily tell that the guy's arms were probably twice as thick as his own. He just hoped the dude hadn't started taking steroids or something.

"Better lay your arms around my neck. I wouldn't want you to fall down."

Alex didn't object and did as he was told. He was dead tired and knew he had to get into a bed.

So his friend carried him up the stairs to the upper floor, when Alex suddenly felt something hard pressing against his thigh.

"Eh man, I hope that's a gun down there." Alex giggled, knowing that things like that can happen to a man when he's drunk. He knew Stan was as straight as it gets and hey, they had been best buds for years. But somehow suddenly began to feel a strange, but not unpleasant feeling between his own legs which irritated him.

"Do you mind?"

"Ey, man. You know I'm not gay."

"Hoped so." Stan winked one eye and smiled.


Stan had brought him into a sleeping room. Judging by the size of the bed it obviously was the one of his parents.

"I so have to get out of this stupid costume." he pulled the dress over his head and threw it over some chair nearby. Then he got rid of his boxers. He didn't mind that Alex was around, also taking off his own costume. Hey, they had seen each other naked in the showers after practice countless times.

Alex was releaved that he was finally about to get some sleep. But first he would get rid of this wig and bra. He grabbed one of the pigtails and ripped at it. "OUCH! HELL!"

"What is it?"

Alex still fumbled around with the hair. But no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't able to get the wig off. It seemed to be stuck somehow. Even if he had no idea how that might have been possible.

"Could you please gimme a hand with this, Stan? I can't get these off."

"Sure, just kneel down on the couch and lean forward. Might be a good position."

Alex figured that his buddy maybe planned to pull on the thing or something to get it of. But why in Stan's oppinion this would be a better position for that, was beyond him. Anyway, he was too drunk to be in the mood for asking to many questions.

Stan meanwhile grabbed into the hair from behind. - But the pull that he had expected now didn't come. Instead the pink hair fell into Alex's sight. Stan handed him the two scrunchies who had held the pigtails.

"There you go."

"Huh?" Carelessly Alex threw the things in a corner of the room.

"Now go on, Stan. You have to grab the hair if you wanna do this."

"Well, O.k. If that's the way you like it."

-'Hm, maybe the rain out there had been the cause...'-
"I guess it must have gotten a little wet and thereby sticky. It seems to have gotten a little tight." Alex said, impatiently wishing that his friend would finally go ahead and rip that friggin' stuck wig off his head.

"Yes, I can tell from here."

"Hey, I can take a little pain. - Just rip it!"

"Don't you worry. I'll be gentle. Promise."

"For Pete's sake, just do it Stan."

"Your wish is my command, milady."

"Who are you calli... UH! - Uhhhh! Oh my god! What's happening?!"

-The end-

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