Brose at The Center - Part 10

Brose at The Center

by Jennifer Sue

Don't mess with me!

Part 10

The Rio Piaxtla entered the Gulf of California twenty two kilometers north of Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada’s secure compound on the coast. It had been easy for Brose to locate the compound from satellite reconnaissance photos. The site and most traffic in and out had been tracked since shortly after Brose had returned just in case the cartel decided to betray the Butt Kickers. Those analyzing the surveillance were sure Jose and Zambada were currently in the compound.

The first priority was to get their prisoners safely aboard the MV Klassen. The Butt Kickers were ready when the Zodiac arrived at dawn. Half an hour later they had the outboard motors mounted on their rafts. Several Butt Kickers transferred to the Zodiac so the rafts would be a little less crowded for the open sea powered trek. They shoved off from the beach heading to the spec on the western horizon. They made the twenty five kilometer to the freighter in four hours, arriving at 1000 hours. The transfer onto the waiting freighter went fairly easily. The only issue was with Oberst Schroder who had to be zapped and carried. As soon as they were aboard, the MV Klassen fired up her engines and set off southeast at full speed.

Brose stood before the cowed Nazis as they were all gathered on the deck and gave each a steely gaze before smiling like a cat about to eat the canary. “As I told you, how you’re treated will depend on how you cooperate with us. Oberst Schroder has set a poor example for you. You will not be allowed a chance to hurt anyone, including yourselves. Your chance to be a martyr for the Fourth Reich is forever gone. Since you still consider yourselves to be subordinates of Oberst Schroder and until you renounce his leadership, you will be treated as he is. Communication with each other is forbidden. The twelve day voyage to our destination will give you a taste of what your future holds if you do not cooperate. Use the time to think about your future. Enjoy your cruise... NOT!”

The adult Nazis were taken into the hold and chained every thirty feet down either side. Blankets were hung so they could not see each other. They could stand and stretch, but could only move on a five foot clanking steel tether. Buckets were provided for relief and bottled water for thirst. The plan was to bring them on deck one at a time for an hour a day on the twelve day cruise to Vancouver. Blankets were provided for sleeping and a dim light was maintained. Guards were posted and each prisoner had a video camera trained on them which along with the collars monitored their every movement. Any attempt to speak to each other was stopped by a judicious shock. They were to be kept in near total isolation during the voyage..

Werner and Marc stood with some of the emerged Butt Kickers in front of the stern superstructure and watched as Brose spoke to their former commanders. They were also able to watch the men being chained into their portion of the cargo hold.

As soon as she’d spoken to the Nazis, Brose spent time communicating with the Center intelligence department. True to their word, the Center interdictions in the drug smuggling had ceased with the capture of the Nazis. The Cartel was pleased as the Nazi’s were now out of their hair, but were also quite uneasy as they had no idea how the Butt Kickers had gotten in or out. The near utter destruction of the base and the dead bodies provided ample evidence they had indeed been there. Any lingering doubts cartel members had that the Butt Kickers had eliminated the base in Bolivia was gone. They were all were glad they had not had to cross paths and sincerely hoped they never had the misfortune to do so.

After traveling forty kilometers, the MV Klassen stopped ten kilometers off shore from Zambada’s compound at 1430 hours. Brose had briefed her selected extraction team during the trip and their equipment had been prepared. As soon as the freighter dropped anchor, Brose, Casper, Blaze, River, Emo and Dom along with Msg. McNeil, Cpl Michael, Pfc. Hernandez, Pfc. Melendez and Pfc. Molina headed back to Mexico aboard two Zodiacs.

The compound was built on a spit of land a kilometer and a half long north to south and a kilometer wide. A sizeable irrigation lagoon had been created by damming a nearby riachuelo about three hundred meters from the beach at the northern end of the spit. The compound proper had many trees and was five hundred meters north/south and two hundred meters east/west with a fifty meter swath of trees separating it from the lagoon while five hundred meters of forest stretched between it and the shore of the Gulf of California. The northern end of the compound was two hundred meters south of the dam breast. On the seaward side of the dam was the estuary of the stream, which formed the rounded northern end of the spit. A security building and patrols with well trained guards and dogs covered the northern coastal and eastern lagoon approaches to the compound. A dock had been built by the dam allowing boating access to the Gulf of California.

The one and half kilometer long coast of the spit south of the rounded northern end was rocky with virtually no beach. The inbound waves crashed against stone cliffs three to five meters high, with eroded rocks creating jagged projections that would destroy any craft that attempted to put to shore. Because of this, Zambada’s security deemed the gulf shore secure and only ran a once a day patrol. The coast south of the spit had a narrow sandy beach that was easily accessible from the gulf. The north/south coastal road was about eighty meters inland and the area between the road and the beach was open land for five hundred meters south of the spit providing a clear line of sight. As the spit began, the coastal road turned ninety degrees inland to the western shore of man-made lagoon. The north side of this portion of the road, the base of the spit, was treeless and open, a hundred meters wide for two hundred fifty meters away from the shore. Heavily armed and well paid guards and dogs patrolled and watched this access to the spit.

The neighboring small village was a kilometer west of MF15D. The village is square shaped about one half kilometer per side. There is a small town center with a church, typical of many rural villages. The tracks of the Sud-Pacific railroad run north to south along the village’s western border. A well maintained gravel road ran one and a half kilometers before it split in two, each portion about four hundred meters long, one running to the south/west and the other to the north/west, both crossing the lagoon. On the other side of the lagoon they linked with the north/south coastal road as it headed to the lagoon and followed the western shore of the lagoon to the north. A guard house and armed patrols on the inland side of the lagoon as the north/western branch crossed covered the area between the open area from the shore at the south of the spit and the lagoon. The three guard outposts covered all southern, eastern, and western approaches to the spit.

The Butt Kickers approached the compound cautiously so the ten kilometer trip took two hours. As planned, they headed for a location on the forested spit of land about five hundred meters south of the northern end where the dam created the lagoon. The location they landed was rocky, but it was also the western most part of the spit. It projected into the Gulf Of California fifty meters beyond the surrounding areas, thus splitting and diverting the incoming waves. This had created a twenty meter wide highly eroded section that was fairly calm with few breaking waves. In addition, the projection had been eroded to the point where it was possible to land the Zodiacs and pull them out of the waves. A narrow rocky but easily passable erosion gully had been formed which allowed them to ascend the cliffs into the forest. It was 1700 hours as they cautiously entered the forest. The compound was five hundred meters due east from their landfall.

It was 1800 hours when the reached the compound. Silently they followed the edge of the compound north for a hundred fifty meters to the road that led to the dam. As the area was out of sight of the guard posts, they were able to slip across to the other side. Then they made their way fifty meters south to the walled residential compound. The area had been thoroughly mapped out by satellite so they had no problems getting to the walled compound where Jose lived with Uncle Issy. By 1840 hours they had the lackadaisical guards spotted and Casper had placed unobtrusive cameras throughout the compound. Casper also ghosted into the security room and had no problem installing loops on the cartel surveillance camera feeds. They settled down to wait the completion of the final meal of the day for Mexicans, la cena. As expected, the meal took place at 1900 hours on the outside patio. Zambada, three women, and Jose sat about the table.

Zambada headed off to a private club at 1945 hours. As the others headed indoors, the staff cleared the table. At 2000 hours while the soldiers kept watch outside the walls of the hacienda, Brose, Casper, Blaze, River, Emo and Dom slipped inside. Casper ghosted in, then let the others know what was waiting. Emo projected depression into those they encountered. Dom probed their minds to locate Jose, then told them they needed to relieve their bladders. Once the coast was clear, they entered. Brose used knock-out gas to put those they encountered to sleep in the sanitary facilities. After vacating the gas, Casper ghosted inside to zip tie them in place and gag them even though it would be at least two hours until they awoke.

Jose was surprised to hear a knock on his bedroom door before it opened. Usually they just barged inside. His mouth dropped open in surprise when he saw Brose but it quickly turned into a broad smile. “You...”

“I’ve come to bring you back to the Center,” Brose said with a big smile as she felt her body begin to tingle. “I’ve got a team with me so don’t let them frighten you. We’ve got to move fast. Let’s go.”

Jose didn’t hesitate. He hated his life with Uncle Issy and since initially meeting Brose had been even more morose than previously. For Jose, growing up as an orphaned Mexican girl living with her grandmother in Ismael Zambada’s family, it had been ingrained into Juanita to be quiet and obsequious. She grew up a quiet and shy girl who kept her intelligence masked. Her transition occurred in Uncle Issy’s hacienda and had been witnessed by the staff and family. It was only due to the cartel’s fleeting familiarity with the Nazi mutants that they realized what Juanita’s change meant. Naturally, they kept Jose a secret, especially once they realized he was a human lie-detector. There was quite a house cleaning in the Sinaloa Cartel over the next few months which only cemented it’s position at the top of the heap. Jose was kept in his place and while treated well, was not allowed much freedom outside the hacienda. The quiet and shy girl never had much self-esteem. After the change, what self esteem Jose managed to build was torn down by the guilt his lie detection engendered over those who were eliminated.

The US emerged who had grown up as American girls had more freedom, independence and self reliance than Mexican girls growing up in a traditional macho environment. Most of the now male emerged at the center quickly adapted to their new gender. Self confidence was seldom a major issue for them. Jose on the other hand had never been allowed to adapt. Any attempt at self assertment was promptly shut down. Jose had even been contemplating suicide. It was only his Catholic faith that kept him from ending his life.

All her life Juanita found solace and escape in Romance novels. The strong, virile handsome men on the covers had set her heart aflutter and filled her dreams. One of the most popular and enduring models used to represent the idealized male lover was Fabio. With his rugged good looks, his powerful physique, wavy long hair and dazzling smile, he became the visualized ideal of Juanita’s long wished for knight in shining armor to come and sweep her off her feet and take her away from her humdrum life. When she transitioned, the dominant male image in her mind was Fabio. After completing the emergence, Juanita looked like a hunky teenage version of Fabio. Seeing her long dreamt knight in the mirror only served to frustrate her, especially since her sexual orientation had also changed. Once she became Jose, she found herself aroused by women but was constantly frustrated to see her former heart throb in the mirror.

Since he’d met Brose, she’d become the subject of his fantasies. She was strong, confident, and seemed unflappable. She hadn’t blinked an eye when talking to Uncle Issy! When she told Issy she wanted Jose to come to the firing range, he was thrilled, not only at the chance to get out of the compound, but to be able to spend time with his hero...ine! It had been awkward and difficult to hide his erection as he sat beside the confident girl. Then when she demonstrated her accuracy with the pistols, he almost swooned.

Since then, his dreams had changed. The knight he’d always dreamed of rescuing him had become a knightette named Brose. Now his dream had been fulfilled! She had come to carry him away! Jose opened his desk and pulled out a leather pouch that held a few treasures. It was the only thing he wanted. As they exited his room he was surprised to see three other teens, obviously emerged. Needless to say he was excited and eager to learn more about others like him! Brose quickly and quietly introduced them as they slowly they cautiously made their way down the halls. Jose almost jumped when a girl suddenly materialized in front of them.

“Two maids coming this way,” Casper said then smiled at Jose. “I’m Casper” she whispered to Jose.

Jose swallowed and nodded. Then his eyes almost bugged out as Casper faded out.

Brose concentrated for a moment, then the sound of two bodies falling was heard. As they turned the corner, he saw the servants passed out on the floor. Casper opened a door on a nearby room and River and Blaze easily carried the two women inside and secured them. In moments they were on the move. Jose was a bit unnerved to see none of the familiar guards at their posts.

“I put them all to sleep like the maids,” Brose whispered.

Outside, they headed to a door in the wall and stepped outside the hacienda where heavily armed soldiers materialized out of the encroaching twilight. Since they wore the same uniform as Brose and her friends, Jose rightly figured they were part of the rescue unit. It was 2015 hours. No alarms sounded and no one was aware of the rescue. By 2045 hours they slipped away from the compound into the trees heading back to the Zodiacs. With night vision goggles, the team easily made it to the shore in half an hour. By 2115 they were underway, heading to the MV Klassen. Still monitoring the surveillance equipment they had used, the compound intrusion alarm sounded at 2130. They reached the ship by 2300 hours. By 2310 they were underway.

Using the satellite hook-up through the Center and several land relay stations, Brose called Zambada. It took only a few moments after the call went through to the compound to have Zambada pick up the phone. Everyone in the chain of command had immediately moved the call up the line when Brose told them “I’m the Cat, I need to speak to Mr Zambada.”

“Mr. Zambada, you can stand down your guards,” Brose stated within a few minutes of placing the call. “You were never in any danger. I apologize for our methods, but I know our raid was the only way to get Jose to the Center. We did our best to minimize any injuries to your people. When I asked nicely for you to allow Jose to join us, you adamantly refused. We don’t like to leave our fellow emerged behind. We’re like a big family. In this case I’m going to stretch Center rules. Normally, we don’t allow any emerged to contact their family, but since you already know he’s changed, I can allow a bit of closure. Please get your sister, his grandmother, to the phone so you can both say goodbye to Jose. This will be the one and only time he’ll be allowed to speak to you.”

“Carlotto, get Marie, now,” Zambada spoke before returning to the phone. “I’ve seen photos of what you did to the camp. My men were shocked to see the utter destruction and death. You could have taken me out tonight, why didn’t you?”

“Mr Zambada,” Brose said. “Indeed I could have easily taken you out tonight. But we had a deal and I promised you our intentions were not to hurt you or your men. As I said when we first met, we stick to our deals. As far as the Nazi camp, we have the officers and the two emerged. I’m afraid the rest put up a fight. While we were in the area, I figured it would be the best time to get Jose since he was not part of any deal we made. In his room you will find a memory stick on his desk. As I promised we would do when we safely made it out of Mexico, it contains the details of how we tracked the border crossings. Use it as you will.”

“I appreciate your honesty and not hurting me or my men,” Zambada stated. “So, will you tell me how you got in and out?”

“All I can tell you is I led four other emerged in, accompanied by five soldiers,” Brose stated. “We used our emerged talents. I took out the Nazis in Bolivia in a similar manner.”

“Ismael, Jose is missing,” a nearly hysterical woman called out as she entered the room.

“Jose is gone but he is not missing,” Zambada told his sister. “He has been taken by other mutants who call them selves ‘emerged’. Jose told you about the girl from the US that was here a few weeks ago. She and her friends came back for him. They are good people and I think Jose will be happy with them. I have them on the phone. They called to let us know he is safe and went with them willingly. Jose would like to say goodbye.”

“Jose...,” Marie gasped as she grabbed the phone proffered by Zambada. “Are you safe? Did you want to go with these people?”

“I’m fine, Abuela,” Jose stated to the speaker phone. “I’m safe and happy to be with my own kind. I’ll always love you and keep you in my heart. Tell Uncle Issy I love him too even though I hated doing the things I did for him. This is best for all of us. I love you Abuela, goodbye.”

“I love you too, Jose,” Marie wept just before the line went dead.

Jose broke down in tears. Brose hugged him. Once he settled, they all turned in for the night. Both Brose and Jose had rather erotic dreams.

The next day as the MV Klassen began to round the tip of the Baja peninsula, the Butt Kickers gathered on the deck. Brose introduced Jose to everyone then to the surprise of Marc and Werner, their collars were removed. The former Nazi emerged members of the Butt Kickers, Putin, Casper, Bones, Damalis and Dom moved to sit on either side of Werner and Marc. The duo recognized Jose from their encounters with the Sinaloa Cartel. They had not realized he was an emerged. The two were clearly confused and apprehensive. They certainly had been treated differently than the adult Nazis. They had watched the five emerged they knew who had switched sides since their capture. While obviously serious about their jobs, they were also clearly full members of the team. On top of that, they actually seemed satisfied and happy with their situation. The Cat had told them they would be given a chance to join the American emerged. It seemed to be a genuine offer, especially since they had delayed their departure from Mexico to rescue Jose.

“I guess you’re wondering what happened to us,” Dom began to speak. “Brose happened. She’s as tough as she seems. Seeing her use a weapon is mind boggling. She simply does not miss. We’ve seen her with two fifteen round 9mm holstered pistols. She’ll stand with her back to the firing range while five people on her left and another five on her right stand behind shields down range every twenty five yards out to one hundred twenty five yards away. Each has three one inch diameter clay ball targets At a signal from the range supervisor, each tosses their targets into the air one at a time as rapidly as they can in different directions. When the first balls are tossed, Brose is signaled. She turns and draws her pistols, independently yet simultaneously aiming and firing to take out all thirty targets before they hit the ground. You heard her during the fire fight we had the other night, that was her with her .50 caliber Desert Eagle taking out guys. Someone died with every shot. She’s able to sense when someone is going to stick their head out to fire and has a bullet in them before they can squeeze their trigger. The .50 caliber slug can blast right through small trees and even cars.”

Werner and Marc had heard the big .50 cal barking repeatedly during the fight. The distinctive sound was terrifying. They knew that all emerged had abilities, apparently the Cat was a deadly marksman.

“What’s weird is that weapons expertise is not her emerged talent,” Damalis spoke up. “She was a marksman before she transitioned, honed her skills hunting rats on her uncle’s hog farm. The change simply amplified her previous abilities. She’s also immune to mental attacks and probes. Not only that, she can follow the mental trail of the person who tried to ping her. That’s how she was able to take out the other emerged she encountered in fire fights. She also can also locate people by their strong emotions. She can’t probe minds, but she feels them, she says she can ‘smell’ their fear. That’s how she locates and targets opposition soldiers.”

“But that’s her secondary skill as an emerged,” Bones added. “Her primary ability is to create gases. She can make smells like flowers, or a dead body, or create methane and add a spark. She took you out in the bunker by sucking out all the oxygen. She could just as easily have pumped in cyanide. She got into the base in Bolivia by breaking into the air circulation center and pumped the base full of knock out gas. By the time Nazi reinforcements arrived, we’d all been rescued.”

“How did you know you were being rescued,” Marc asked.

“Because our bosses never trusted us,” Dom replied. "They had our area fully monitored visually and with audio. Everything we did, everything we said was being watched. To top it off they had a tank of Zyklon B hooked up to our vent system. All they would have to do is hit a button and we’d have been dead. The blast door on the staircase was to trap us inside so they could kill us if we became too dangerous. We all knew they mistrusted us. We were simply tools. They treated us well but kept us segregated. Brose discovered our situation and told us. Once the bastards knew we knew, they slammed the blast door and tried to gas us. The Butt Kickers froze the Zyklon B pipes and valves, then dug their way under the blast door to rescue us. After that, we cooperated.”

“If they had wanted to kill us, they could have let them gas us,” Bones stated. “They could have killed you too, especially after what you tried to do to Brose. Look, it’s like Brose said. The Center is a good place. We have nice rooms, go to school, train in our skills, and some of us go on missions. The Butt Kickers are the only offensive unit. The others are rescue and clean up units to bring in the newly emerged or clean up a messy emergence to keep our existence a secret. Give them a chance.”

Marc and Werner were confused. They didn’t doubt their quarters had been rigged to kill them. But they had been indoctrinated in the Nazi credo all their lives. Their only source of doubt was they had been girls growing up, second class citizens in the Nazi scheme. After they’d transitioned, their female past was held against them as making them somewhat less than the ideal Nazi superman.

The next several days were relaxing. Except for the holds, Jose, Marc, and Werner were allowed full run of the ship. They joined in the daily rigorous exercises the Butt Kickers endured. They began to feel a sense of freedom and comraderie they had never before experienced. They were also told they had to select new names and should decide before they reached port. Marc became Curt Harris and Werner became Hank Bruce. Jose asked to access a computer to look up some information. Limited permission was granted, and his internet connection was routed through The Center where it could be monitored for search purposes only. Jose accessed an Irish-English dictionary and name etymology sites to select his name. In honor of his knightette he decided to become Ambrose Seamrá³ige (Seamrá³ige is the Irish word for Shamrock).

The Butt Kickers could see the mutual attraction between Ambrose and Brose and all chuckled at the honorific selection. The duo blushed at the good natured ribbing that ensued. Amborose was quickly shortened to Amb, pronounced AM-BEE.

Just before noon of the sixth day, a US Navy MH-53E Sea Dragon helicopter arrived having flown out of the San Diego Naval Base. With a capacity of fifty five troops, it was easily able to load the Butt Kickers, the three newly acquired emerged, and the ten Nazi prisoners. The prisoners were bound hand and foot, gagged, ears plugged, and bags tied over their heads before they were carried from the holds and loaded aboard the chopper. The Butt Kickers and their three emerged guests boarded last. Amb and Brose sat next to each other. It was amusingly obvious to the others the awkward twosome was infatuated yet neither had ever had any experience in such close personal relationships.

The chopper landed at Munn Field on the US Marine Corp base at Camp Pendleton where a Department of Homeland Security jet, actually from the Center, was waiting. They arrived at the Beta site airfield two and a half hours later. When they touched down, the Butt Kickers remained on board until the adult Nazis had, one by one, had their feet untied but otherwise kept in their enforced individual isolation to be taken to solitary confinement deep inside the mountain base. Even Oberst Schroder was subdued as he was led out.

Much to the relief of Curt and Hank, they and Amb remained aboard the plane with the Butt Kickers. As soon as the prisoners were off loaded, they took off for the Alpha site base. It was 1730 hours when they boarded a bus for the short ride to The Center. Once inside they marveled at the open and brightly lit corridors as they were promptly taken to the cafeteria where they were stunned by the number of emerged they saw clustered around tables eating and talking freely.

Upon seeing the Butt Kickers arrive, the entire cafeteria stood and applauded. Brose called the Butt Kickers to attention, then as a unit they saluted their fellow emerged. Cheers rose from those present. The Butt Kickers had once again successfully completed their mission.

Once the excitement calmed down, Brose led her unit plus three guests through the line to select their food. Needless to say that was an eye opening experience for the three newly arrived emerged. Never had they seen such variety. Memories of family feasts from Curt ans Hank’s childhood made their mouths water. Amb had never gone hungry, but the variety was mind boggling. After they filled their trays they headed to a section where several tables had been pushed together.

Michael, Mindy, Elaine, Edwin and Natalie were waiting for them. They greeted the Butt Kickers with enthusiastic hugs, then turned to greet Amb who was obviously nervous and sticking as close to Brose as he could without touching her. They instantly understood the pair was on the way t becoming a couple. The five smiled then turned to Curt and Hank.

“I’m Elaine now,” Elaine smiled as she introduced the other’s of their group.

“Believe it or not, I like it here,” Edwin smiled. “They’ve helped me get my anger under control and I’m doing well.”

Needless to say, Curt and Hank were more than a bit overwhelmed by their open reception. The fact that Edwin had certainly changed and no longer seemed menacing went a long way in helping them accept this place was real. For Amb, the entire experience was invigorating. No longer was he a lone mutant. He was one of the emerged!

As they ate, most of the other students stopped by to welcome the Butt Kickers back and to welcome Amb, Curt and Hank.

Brose stood as she saw two emerged approaching. “Amb, Curt, Hank, I’d like to introduce our commander, CW2 Kristyn Keys, and the commander of the Alpha site, WO1 Max Stevenson.”

Tony, Curt and Hank stood and apprehensively shook hands with the no nonsense looking commanders.

“Relax,” Kristyn smiled which broke the tension. “Welcome to the Center. You seem to be making an attempt to fit in. I like that. Unfortunately, you’ll have to be debriefed and restricted until we’re sure you can be trusted.

“These are collars we all wore when we arrived,” Edwin explained as hefted a bag that had been by his chair and dumped the bag of collars on the table. “They won’t hurt you but can knock you out if you get out of control. They also track your location. The good thing is that all the Butt Kickers and each of us will also wear one until you’re able to be released. We do it to show you we are with you and support you. You won’t be humiliated by being the only ones to be collared.”

As he spoke each person who had eaten together picked up a collar and locked them in place about their neck. Elaine handed the last three to Amb, Curt and Hank who meekly accepted them and placed the collar upon themselves. The significance of being allowed to collar themselves was not lost on Curt and Hank.

“Thank you,” Max smiled. “Putting the collars on was your first test and you passed. Curt, you’ll be rooming with Michael. Hank, you’ll be with Edwin. Amb, you’ll be with Dom. They’ll be your guides for the next few days as you learn your way around, are debriefed and learn the rules. Welcome to the Center.”

Amb, Curt and Hank were more than surprised. They’d expected to be locked up. But they were being given rooms with other emerged. This place had definite possibilities.

The Butt Kickers were debriefed the next day. Due to their cruise, they were allowed only a day of light duty to relax before moving back into their routine of classes and training.

Amb was debriefed and cleared in two days. It took two weeks for Curt and Hank to shake their programming. They readily cooperated with their interrogators answering any and all questions. No one missed the fact that Amb and Brose were nearly inseparable during their free time.

Except for Oberst Schroder, the captured Nazis also spilled everything they knew. While there was little of value learned since the Fourth Reich had been fairly well gutted, there was quite a bit of incriminating information added to the heaps of evidence against the captured Bolivian Nazis. A few links to other terrorist contacts were also revealed. The Nazi and AZIF threat had been utterly vanquished.



For Brose, her life changed. Taking down AZIF and the Nazis had become an obsession. It was only since AZIF had been eliminated that she fully realized that for the first time in her life she had true friends. Her life-long solitude had been vanquished during her crusade. In addition there was Amb. His manly good looks and sculpted body seemed totally at odds with his vulnerability. Yet those attributes made him all the more appealing to Brose. When still Dave, macho guys had been his worst tormentors so now it was no surprise that cocky guys simply did nothing for Brose. She spent a lot of time with Amb, helping him to feel better about himself and his life. With a girl as physically powerful and self confident as Brose, he could let his guard down and simply be him. By the time the control collars were removed, they had become a couple... an odd couple even for The Center. A type A personality strong, confident girl who learned to enjoy her femininity and a ripped handsome guy with a type B personality... they meshed wonderfully. At a quick glance Tony appeared to be the ideal romantic man with a pretty girl clinging to his caring arm... they would make a great cover for a romance novel. In reality, it was Tony who was clinging to Brose. Both were quite happy with their relationship... they were in love... something Brose had thought she would never find.


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