Jubal: Senior Year: 1

Jubal: Senior Year

Copyright  © 2011 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Jubal's senior year marks a number of changes in her life.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I had a personal request in a PM to start the 'real' life story of Jubal at the beginning of her senior year in high school. I might as well.

Jubal sat at her desk. The last passage she'd written in the story seemed filled with words, but the content was lacking. A preponderance of words would be the best way to describe it. Overabundance fit as well.

She realized that in thinking this she was simply stalling from the inevitable task of deleting the last five hundred words she'd written and beginning to tell the story again.

"You coming down for breakfast any time today, baby."

"Yes, Mama Joey. I'm coming down now."

Jubal straightened her clothing and then headed down for breakfast.

"Why look at you. That isn't your normal wear for a school day. What's the occasion?"

"Other than being the first day of my senior year, and my first day officially as student body president?"

"Yes other than that. You're more excited than normal to be going to school this year. You're. . .there's a boy isn't there!"

Jubal began to blush and play with her hair a bit. She'd considered bleaching it a couple of times, but most people had gotten used to the black on her, and she thought they might miss it if she came with another color.

Especially certain people who had been commenting on it this summer.

"There's a specific boy."

"Mama, leave it, okay? Yes, I like a boy."

"You like George."

Jubal's blush deepened to crimson and she hit her face in her hair. She nodded slightly and Mama Joey began to laugh.

"It's not funny, Mama."

"It's hilarious, baby. George has been your friend for a very long time."

"Only six years, Mama."

"When you're only ten, well almost eleven, that is a long time. Does he know?"

"I think he still sees me as the awkward little boy he first met in third grade."

"Jubal, no one who looks at you is going to think you were a boy."

"But, Mama. All the other girls are. . .well. . .endowed."

"All the other girls are seventeen or eighteen."

"Okay, so I'm a little younger than they are."

"You're a little younger than George is."

Jubal took a deep breath and sighed, "I know. and logically I know this won't work out. He'd have to wait about six years before anything can happen, and I have a pretty good idea how boys are."

"How do you know that? Because I was comforting both Amanda AND Katie after their breakups this summer."

"So that was it. I thought we were having unscheduled torrential flooding."

"I care deeply for both of them, but it really put a damper on writing."

"You still trying your hand at that?"

"I sent the first couple of chapters as a test to Beverly, and she said they show potential. She also said I need to not try as hard. I need to be natural about it. Write it like I'm telling a story. I try, but it never quite comes out the way I want it to."

"Tell. . .why didn't I think of this before. Follow me, baby."

Jubal followed Mama Joey down the hall. She'd known that there was a storage space under the stairs, but in the three plus years she'd been here, Mama Joey had never looked in there.

"This stuff used to belong to my husband."

"I never knew you were married."

"There's a lot about me you never knew. Not that I wanted to keep it from you, just that it never came up. We've been worrying so much about you."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I've loved having you in this house. It's never dull, that's for sure. Ah, here it is."

She handed Jubal an old micro cassette recorder.

"He was a lawyer, my husband. Bought me this house his first year out of law school. He made noises a couple of times about moving us into a bigger place, but I wouldn't have it. This place has always been big enough for me."

"When did he die?"

"Oh, long before you were born, honey. Anyway, he used to record all of his client meetings on this, and then transcribe them later. I figured that it might help if you told your story to the recorder, and then did the same."

Jubal looked a little skeptical, but at Mama Joey's hopeful expression she relented and smiled.

"I'll try it out, Mama. Can't be any worse than my current writing."

Mama Joey hugged her. "I know it will work for you."

Jubal looked at the clock on the wall and started, pulling from the hug. "I've got to go, Mama."

"Then shoo. Be off with you. Go knock him dead."

"I'll try not to kill him too much."

She rushed upstairs to get her book bag and then rushed out the door. She usually ran to school, as Griffin Academy was only a couple of miles away. Today, she was more conscious of the way she looked so she went at a more sedate speed.

When she got to school, she smoothed the white dress over her knees, and adjusted the brocade vest. She took a step toward the door only to be run over by a blue and green blur.

"Hey, watch where you're going."

"Sorry, Frosh. I needed the door more than you did?"

"Frosh? Excuse me?"

"Freshman. You'll get used to it, baby."

And then he was off through the doors and racing through the halls of the school.

"I wasn't asking for clarification, you jerk." She said under her breath as she entered the school.

She had government for her first period class this year, which simply meant that she had a student council meeting every day. After morning announcements of course. She was feeling even more like a figurehead than she'd assumed she would last year.

Announcements were given from the front office, so she went in there to begin her duties.

"Hey, Jubal! So, you ready to begin the adventure of our senior year?"

"Yep, but apparently some new student thinks I should be starting my freshman year."

"Well, you have to admit, beautiful, that he has a point. You're younger than my sister, who is a freshman this year."

"Ok, Lance, I admit. I'm the same age that Amanda was when she started as a freshman."

At the mention of Amanda's name, Lance winced.

"Why did she dump you again?"

Lance winced even harder. "You know we don't have to go into that."

"Just checking. So, we ready for the morning announcements, or what?"

"Yes, I have them here." Lance had gotten himself elected as the student body secretary. Which was a fancy way of saying step and fetchit. He got the onerous task of preparing the morning announcements.

"Well, let me see them."

He seemed a little reluctant to hand them over, and I could see why as I began to read them.

"I can't say this."

"What? You have at other times."

"But I was always joking."

"Well, be joking this time. Hank and Cathy both agree that it is funny."

Hank was the senior class president, and Cathy was the student body vice president. She'd been the only person to run against Jubal last year, having put in her name before Jubal was roped into candidacy by her friends.

Jubal thought sometimes that the other girl held a grudge against her. There were rumors that the voting for SBP had been unanimous in Jubal's favor.

The bell rang announcing that classes had begun, and Miss Landau handed Jubal the microphone.

"Before I begin, I did not write this. It is I, Queen Jubal the First with your start of year announcements. All charters for clubs must be presented to Mr Brellin or Mrs Kinks before end of school on Friday. As with every year, a new club charter must be written and presented.

"Open tryouts for the football team begin tonight after school. . .I am not reading this."

Jubal turned to Lance and handed him the microphone and paper. "I'm delegating the rest of my responsibility for announcements today to you, Lance. Please finish."

"Um. . ."

"Lance, your grade in this class is based upon participation in student government activities," Miss Landau said with a little smile.

"Um, alright. Give me the paper."

"Begin with Open tryouts, lance."

"Open tryouts for the football team begin tonight after school, where the hot team captain, George Eades will be leading the team through its paces. Other announcements will be made regarding changes as the week progresses. It is I, your queen and benevolent ruler, Jubal signing off.

"There, happy?"

"Lance, please don't do this again. That was embarrassing for both of us, don't you think?"

Lance nodded, blushing furiously.

"I have to agree with Miss Franks, Lance. You have a responsibility to provide the announcements in a clear and concise manner. That is all. Sure, a little spice is okay, but don't put things in there that would embarrass our president." Miss Landau was a firm believer in leading through lesson.

They headed to their classroom to begin the council session and plan some school events for the year.


' Before I begin, I did not write this. It is I, Queen Jubal the First with your. . .'

"Who's the ditz?"

"That's Jubal, new kid."

"Like short of Jubilee? Parents were big x-men fans or something? And my name's Kirk, not new kid, or fresh meat."

'Open tryouts for the football team begin tonight after school. . .' he heard a male voice say

One of the girls turned to him and looked at him as if he were insane. "Jubal is her name. Jubal Marie Franks."

"Her parents must have hated her to give her a girl's and a boy's name." He was used to getting laughs, and even started himself before he realized no one else was laughing.

"Listen, Kirk was it? You have a lot to learn about Griffin Academy. Comments like that could get you suspended?"

"What, because I am mentioning how silly her two names are?"

"Mr. Gessler, I assume by the fact that you're sitting in class, that you read and signed the student handbook, as of course you would have to in order to register for classes."

"I, um, skimmed it, Mr. Anderson."

"And while you, um, skimmed it did you happen to skim the section entitled 'Hazing'?"

"I guess, but isn't that the same policy that most schools have? Don't do it you bad wittow chiwdwen you?"

"Mr. Gessler. While the school you went to previous to this might have been lenient in this regard, we are not. In the past five years since implementing this policy we have suspended seven students and expelled one. This is not because we do not catch students, but because students police their own.

"You would be wise to remember that."

"But high school is about cliques and rivalry. The nerds are picked on by the jocks. The outcasts avoid everyone. The princesses rule from on high. The cheerleaders move between the princesses and jocks. Everyone survives and is happy as soon as over and they can go back to their own lives."

"Not in this school, Kirk. And Jubal may be the biggest nerd in our school. Considering she's taking more than half of her course load as concurrent enrolment online through the University." Katie'd had enough of this idiot.

"Wait, she is a super nerd. . .and giving the morning announcements? What is she the student body secretary or something? And how was she elected to that."

"Kirk, it would be a god idea to shut your mouth now," Katie said. "You've reached your knee and are still inhaling foot."

There were some giggles from a couple of the girls and a few of the boys chuckled.

"What? What did I say?"

"Jubal is the student body president."

"While Mr. Gessler does an impression of a goldfish, I'd like you all to turn to chapter one. Welcome to AP Biology. I'm sure that we'll have a pleasant year, those of you who have not been dissected."

"Mr. Anderson, We get to dissect cadavers in this class?" Katie asked.

"No, but hope springs eternal."


With the distance to the University, and Jubal's complete lack of vehicle transportation, she used the computers in the library to connect remotely to the live cast of the sessions. She wasn't the only one, but the professors usually kept her where they could see her. She had a tendency to ask the pertinent questions.

After her first couple of courses in her sophomore year, word got around about her.

She'd taken all of the science courses to her, and her English general education courses were completed as well. She was taking a creative writing course this semester, hoping it would provide some help with her book.

The first day of school, and already alone in the library.

She was only half paying attention to her professor, as she had already read the syllabus, as well as the first half of the textbook. Today was a general introduction to the course, with the slight possibility of some new material.

She found herself thinking about the student who had run into her at the door this morning. She knew that she looked a year or two younger than she was, which at ten took a significant portion off her actual age, but she didn't think she dressed like your average freshman.

She was poised and confident.

Why couldn't he see that in her?

Why did it matter at all if he did?

It was a chance encounter and. . .

"Ms. Franks? A little something about yourself for the class please?"

"Oh, I'm ten years old and a senior at Griffin Academy High School. I'm taking this class because I've taken all the other concurrent education courses at the University, and a publisher wants me to write my life story."

"That ought to be short," one of the other students said loud enough to be picked up by the mic.

"Ms. Franks is not exaggerating when she says she's taken all of the other courses, and with A's as well. She is the reason we are currently looking at the quantity of concurrent education courses. As she is currently in the class, I will be running a modified curve this year. The second highest student in the class will be getting a 99%. Ms. Franks will be getting whatever her grade is in relation to that, however far above 100% it goes."

"That's not fair!"

"Ms. Franks. Please tell the class what your grade did to the previous class you had a curve grading system in."

Jubal blushed but replied, "the second highest grade was a B-."

There were a couple of gasps and sounds of shock. "We grade on a curve in many of these courses so that it is based upon the abilities of the students in the class, and better judges how good the professor was at teaching the subject.

"Students like Jubal throw off the curve because they learn all the material regardless of how poor a teacher I am."

There were a couple of laughs at this.

"Now, it would be a good idea to listen to the questions Jubal asks, as well as to their answers. She is as much the teacher in this course as I."

Jubal wondered how much of this was true, and how much was to defuse potential problems she might have with these students in the future. I had embarrassed her all the same.

The bell rang, but she still had another five minutes left of class. As Lunch was next, that meant she had the time. She'd just have to hurry a bit to eat so she could be to her next class, P.E., on time.

When you take classes during summer school not because you need them, but because you're bored, you tend to get way ahead of the curve. She was taking P.E. to fill in a hole in her schedule, since she'd already fulfilled her P.E. requirement her freshman year.

And it would be fun to be with girls closer to her own age for at least a part of the day.

The class ended and she signed off and headed toward the lunchroom.

Again the green and blue blur ran over the top of her.

"Hey, watch where you're going!"

"I was watching, and you seemed a much more pleasant obstacle to collide with than the wall, frosh."

He continued running down the hall, seeming to head in the direction of the cafeteria.


Kirk entered the lunchroom and looked around in wonder. The tables were arranged in concentric circles, with an opening in front of him that would allow students to pass into the inner rings. He couldn't discern any arrangement of groups at all. He saw letterman jackets scattered amidst Goth clothing, and cheerleaders seeded throughout.

I was starting to wonder where he would sit, when he spotted one of the people he'd been looking for.

"George! My man!"

"Hey, Kirk. So you decided to defect from Sampson after all?"

"Yeah, it helps that I got accepted to Griffin. Loved that letter of recommendation from your dad."

"Don't mention it."

"You're dad is a rich alumni, who has donated money to this school every year."

"No, I really meant, 'don't mention it.' Some of my best friends are here on scholarship and I really don't like to advertise who my father is."

"Gotcha." Kirk sat down in the seat to George's left. Katie, who Kirk had ignored 'til now, was on Kirk's left and made a noise, but George shook his head.

Kirk heard the sound. "Oh, you. Why'd you have to bust my chops so hard in AP Biology this morning."

"Well, Jubal happens to be a friend of mine, as well as George's"

"You're friends with a nerd, George?"

"Kirk, I've. . ."

"Let me handle this, Katie. Kirk, you're here to play football, right?"

"Hell yeah. It's the reason I came here."

"Well, keep in mind if you get suspended for hazing, or anything like unto it, you're off the team for the rest of the year."

"You've got to be kidding me."

Katie smirked at him, "Nope, it's the truth."

"Hi, I do believe that you're in my seat."

Kirk tuned and looked behind him and smirked, "Coming to join your betters, Frosh?"

The girl he'd run over a couple of times today in the white dress and brocade vest glared at him. He didn't find it very intimidating coming from the pixy face.

"Jubal, he's not worth it."

"Wait, this is Jubal? I thought you had to be a senior to be the Student. . .oh, crap."

"Yes, I'm a senior."

"Look, I didn't mean anything by it."

"Well, I'm sure you're aware of the hazing policy?"

Kirk turned white as a sheet, and George stepped up to his rescue. "Kirk didn't mean anything by it, Jubal. Let him be. It's his first day here."

"Well, I supposed I could over look it this once if he apologized by taking me on a date."

When everyone started looking at her in shock, she blushed. "I just said that aloud, didn't I?"

Jubal sat down on the other side of George and wouldn't even look in Kirk's direction. He wasn't all that cute, and he was so rude, and sure he was an okay runner, but there was nothing. . .well, he did have a nice firm behind. . .no. She would not think about how the muscles moved as he ran off. . .

"George, this is all your fault, I'll have you know." Jubal said, trying to hide some of her embarrassment in anger.

"Me, what did I do?"

"You broke up with Katie, that's what."

Kirk and George were still mystified, but Katie's shock and growing half smile let Jubal know that she knew.

This is not good.

"Jubal, I think you and I need to go to the ladies room."

Kirk began to make a comment about girls going in packs to the ladies room, but George shushed him.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Katie lit into Jubal, "You've got a crush on George."

"Why did you two have to break up? Before that I was content with him just being my friend. It wasn't until he was on the market that I started having all these difficult thoughts, and then I began to realize that I liked men. . .oh, why did you guys break up? It would have been so much easier to deal with this if you'd just kept on 'til graduation."

"Jubal, honey, you know why. George wanted me to go to Texas A&M with him, and I want to go to the Fashion Institute."

"But, I'm not old enough to deal with it."

"Based on your reaction to Kirk, I think you are perfectly old enough."

"But. . ."

"No buts, Jubal. I wish you luck with George. You to fit better than he and I ever did."

"Then why do I think this way about Kirk?"

"Probably because he has a nice butt."


"Well, he does!"

"That's not the point."

"Well, I see you noticed as well."

Jubal nodded. "And when he's running? I think I'll have to avoid the football games if he joins the team because those tight pants. . ."

Katie stopped for a moment and turned bright red. "Oh, you're bad."

"Oh no I'm not. I'm perfectly innocent and pure."

"Well, you're pure, that's true, but you've never been innocent since I met you."

The two girls giggled as they walked back over to their table and their half eaten meals.


"Hey big bro, meet any cute girls today?"

Instantly Kirk's mind flashed an image of Jubal.

She's so young. And she's so irritating as well. Just because she's a ten year old senior doesn't mean she has to act like she knows everything, and that morning announcement? 'Queen Jubal'?

"Wow, sighing already? You're infatuated on your first day? Who's this girl whose already captured my bro's heart."

"What? No! She's your age, sis."

"Where did you meet a fifth grader? And why would you want a ten year old. That's kind of gross."

"No, she's a senior and smart and, oh. . .crap. I need to avoid going back."

"Bro, come on, it can't be that bad. I mean she's smart if she's a senior."

"You can't tell ANYONE, Beth. No one. I would never live this down. I mean, for once I don't care how a girl looks."


"She's smarter than I am, Beth! I mean, I thought I was good being ready to graduate as a sophomore. I haven't been able to have a real conversation with a girl in years, well except for you."

"That's because I'm not a girl, I'm your sister."

He chuckled at that, and she joined him after a few moments.

"So, maybe I'll challenge her to a game of chess for the right to date you, bro."

"Oh no you don't. Last girl you did that to went away in tears."

"She was the one that thought being the head of the chess club meant she could play."

"Well, you've got a point there."

"Hey, thinking of Stephanie, she wasn't that much of a looker."

"What are you talking about. She was pretty."

"She had braces, freckles, and coke bottle glasses."

"And impeccable fashion sense, beautiful hair, the cutest little button nose. . .blue eyes. . ."

"Stephanie's eyes were brown. Although the other ones kind of fit. Are you sure that you aren't really metrosexual or gay or something? I mean fashion sense?"

"Great, I think I've got a bit of a type, Beth."

"What are you talking about?"

"I like a confident girl who dresses well and takes care of her appearance."

"Well, now you know, just find one of those your own age."


Jubal began dictating the moment she was in her room, and continued on for the next couple of hours. She spoke clearly, but quickly, noticing that there was a half speed button on the recorder, so she could slow it down if she missed something while transcribing.

Then, she began transcribing it. She had the first two chapters rewritten and sent off to Beverly Daius before the night was over. It had taken her almost a week per chapter the first time she'd tried to write this.

She sat down to relax, and immediately her mind wandered to Kirk.

"Must keep busy. I can't deal with this. Ok, let's do chapter three then."

She'd done her homework at school for the same reason that she was working so furiously on her book. She wanted, needed , to distract herself.

She stopped for a moment, thinking about what she was doing. Why did this boy capture her mind so. It wasn't because of his behind, although it was fun to watch.

He was, something. . .something about the way he carried himself. Something about. . .

She was pissed at him for running her over. She wasn't infatuated. She hated the jerk. He was good looking and knew it. He was arrogant and conceited. That's why he was occupying her thoughts.

Ok, she just had to focus on her anger over his poor behavior and actions and she'd be able to move past him.

Then she could get back to her life without him.

She ignored the tears in her eyes as she began working on the third chapter again.

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