The Early Years of Academy Life - Chapter 5 - Mantranna


The new capital of Naban and the home to the ruling class.


Metzza and Abilgail woke a few mornings after they had returned from the failed raid on Narizzan Inc, still smarting from the failure of the raid and the fact that yet again the blasted Vixens and that freak had stopped then from securing the weapon.
Abilgail rolled over and asked her lover, “Where did we go wrong? I still can’t work out what the hell went wrong.”
“I wish I knew, the freak scared the crap out of me with her Naj Blades. She is so fast and her partner, fuck me, the way the fight it’s as if they know what each other is going to do before they do it,” Metzza said.
“I say we need a council of war before we go any further, we need to know what we are facing and work out a method of beating it,” Abilgail said.
“Include the master in it or keep it private?” Metzza asked.
“Try and keep it private, but accept his influence if it happens, he may be nice and let us do what we set out to do, kill it and the group,” Abilgail said

* * * * * *

In a 50foot diameter circular room in Metzza private quarters Metzza and Abilgail were sparing with each other. The burn on Abilgail’s face was the injury Amy had given her. The room was circular and lined with wood panels the very centre was a fifteen foot combat circle and around the edge was various areas, one area had a bedroom another a small kitchen. The last main area was the area with a large round low table and cushions. Abilgail thought, ‘Where did she get magickal tattooes?’ as Metzza landed a punch against her kidneys.
“Ouch. That hurt,” Abilgail exclaimed as the punch hit.
“Good,” replied Metzza, “What the hell you thinking about anyway?”
“Amy and the fact she has Tattoos,” Abilgail replied.
“How can she, she has no connection to an alchemist,” Metzza said.
“I have no idea but she created a flaming Karrack blade, and it sliced into my armour,” Abilgail said.
“The only way she could have had access to an Alchemist is if her dad was one,” Metzza said in a tone that said, ‘of course, it has to be’.
A bang was heard as Rakcam thumped the door to be let in. Metzza called out, “It’s open.”
Rakcam opened the door and walked in with the rest of the unit. Rakcam said, “I’m still smarting from what those two did.”
Abilgail laughed as Rakcam’s complaint and said, “Rakcam I think we all can take away scars from that fight.” Abilgail then showed the group her burn scar.
“Oww,” said Mortainer, “That looks nasty.”
“It is. I’m keeping it as a reminder of how much I hate the female that caused it,” Abilgail said.
“Right people,” Metzza said as he walked to towards the large round low table, “we are here to discuss what the fuck happened on Frodar and also try and work out how to beat them.”
Rakcam said when he had sat down, “One thing I can report is that they know who I am, I know I met two of them and the pup the leader had at its heels at Trivvoth’s bash on Savraday.”
“And another thing we can confirm was that two people fitting their description was seen in the west and north of the river in Suraban a few weeks ago, they popped into a pub owned by a sleeper agent,” Jimbyrath said.
“The west and north of the river,” Abilgail said, “that’s interesting. As I know Amy lived in South Central with her father and four brothers and sisters.”
“Do you know the exact address love?” Metzza asked.
“Yes I do, 155 6557th street, South Central, right across the road from the Vixen’s home. Confirmed reports are that Duggie, her father, moved out a couple of weeks ago,” Abilgail said, “and has disappeared off the face of the planet. The agent who saw him move out, said he was with four other people and a couple of local lads from a local high school were seen helping him move out.”
“Do we have any photos of the people?” Rakcam asked, “and what about high level surveillance satellites?”
“Yes we do,” said Abilgail and placed the current file on the table and then continued, “it’s all in there.”
Metzza opened the file and took out the photos and stopped at the top one and said, “I know this guy. It’s Jaboc from Club Millana. I met him the night I got my butt handed to me by it.”
“That means he and his kids are safe, as the last report from the agent inside Echo Tech is that the last confirmed sightings was all the chairs were at the Club and involved in the operations of the Wacker War,” Jimbyrath said.
“Great that means as if the research I’ve done and dug up is true then they are protected by the Conspiracy,” Zarriban said.
“Nuts,” Metzza responded.
“Anything on the rest of them?” Abilgail asked.
“Yeah a back trace on Nibola Nibs Calton has revealed that a Pamela and Antony Calton were her legal guardians,” The One said.
“But the last reports are that they are packing up to depart for where is anyone’s guess,” Zarriban replied, “I can report that I have located eight trained volunteer T-Men two of which are Tattoo Archers and one is a Tattooed Assassin.”
Rakcam then said, “I have three confirmed street fighters who are willing to assist in forcing people into the open.”
“One good piece of news someone from our work in Suraban has contacted me and said she is willing and waiting for orders,” Abilgail said.
“Who was it, love?” Metzza asked as he took a sip from a bottle of wine.
“Samantha hun,” Abilgail replied.
“Do you trust her?” Rakcam asked
“About as far as I can throw her,” Abilgail replied, “I trust all my Suraban contacts in the same way, but she has contacted in and that’s put her up a step in my books.”

* * * * * *

The next day Warzkani bumped into Sam and knocked her flying and when he looked at her he saw in her eyes a longing to be free and a fire that could never be quenched by slavery.
Sam went about gathering up the items she said, “Sorry master, I must be more watchful in the future.”
Warzkani heard Metzza called his name and he turned and called back, “I’m coming.” When he had turned back Sam was gone. Warzkani thought to himself, ‘I need to find that person again.’

* * * * * *

Warzkani walked to his apartment and found his wife there making him his favourite dinner. Warzkani said, “Hun, I don’t want to ask you this but I need to get a message to my contact on the outside.”
“Why?” Torime asked
“I dumped into one of the slaves and saw a fire that burns in all free people, but from what I have been told she’s been here a couple of years and she is still a maid slave to the High lord,” Warzkani replied, “
“Ok, but how?” Torime asked.
“Take a trip on the public Line Runner and when in Capuchai go to the Round Bar and Grill in the Docks district and ask for Mr Tubanical,” Warzkani said, “You will then be taken to the safe house, where I need you to tell them I have found someone called Sam. From my initial observations she is not going to be broken by slavery or the work the High Lord has her doing.”
“Ok,” Torime replied.
“I’m going to try and make contact with her,” Warzkani said.
“What happens if she is a plant?” asked Torime
“If I am wrong then our friends know and can deal with it aporapitly,” Warzkani said.
“Ok hun,” Torime said.

* * * * * *

Sam was in her quarters with her eyes closed, she cast mana call and opened her link to Amy.
Amy’s voice entered Sam’s mind and said, “Mum can you heard me?”
Sam said in reply, “Yes, I can. How?”
“I’m training under a Alttanian Line walker to be able to cast real magick. You and I talking like this is magick, not just in the literal sense, but in the real one too,” Amy replied.
“I don’t believe it,” Sam said, “I’m just happy that my understanding of basic magick paid off. I’m happy that when I heard the High lord cast Mana Call my memory paid off. How have you been and how is Duggie and the rest of the family?”
“Everyone is great mum, a lot has happened since you were kidnapped. I now run with the Gangrel gang specifically the unit Paul and Sandra run with, from across the road to home. I’m also now happy married to Paul Patterson,” Amy replied.
Sam said, “Congratulations Amy, I hope the two of you will always be happy.” Sam thought, ‘I think my freedom will be coming soon. Oh boy are you in for a shock High Lord.’
“We will be and in a few years, mum, we’re coming to get you, to free you, and teach the High Lord Karazzakkia what it means to annoy the Conspiracy.”
“To that end I will do what I can to help you, but I never see the out doors or even a window, it’s as if we are underground. I have no idea where I am in the world or if I’m on Darra Von,” Sam said.
“You are still on Darra Von mum,” said Amy, “Ithian the gent who is teaching me and Hell Bright to be Line Walkers has told me that the Mana Call spell don’t work across dimensions.”
“Thank god for that,” Sam said, “I wish I knew where I am. Can I take it by the fact you know an Alttanian you know what Duggie is?”
“Yes I do, as does Bill, Hemma, Beatrice and Damien mum, I have a feeling that when we come and get you, dad and Bill are both going to be coming as well,” Amy said.
“That wouldn’t surprise me in the least,” responded Sam, “And who is Hell Bright?”
“Can I ask, are you alone and safe?” Amy asked.
“As safe as I can be,” Sam said in a matter of fact tone, “Thankfully the boss don’t have rune statues in the rooms, so I can do this in peace in quiet and I suppose to be asleep, my eyes are closed but my mind is still active.”
“Good, Hell Bright is one of my new friends, I quit school five weeks ago and I’m about to go to The Academy, a college for elite ghosts and Conspiracy forces. Currently I’m sat with my friends eating dinner cooked for us by Angel and Damieel, a Fallen Angel Risen Demon. The rest of my friends are Nibola Calton-Patterson or Nibs, Sandra Calton-Patterson. Yes mum before you say anything they are married, Nibs is a Trans person,” Amy said.
“Arh,” Sam responded.
“Paul my husband, Tina Griffiths-Detric, Anna Abs Griffiths-Detric,” Amy said.
“Another trans marriage?” Sam asked.
“Yes, another trans marriage. Ren brother to Hell Bright, Jum-fu and Wong-Ma, both of them are Jarrzarian and were friends with Nibs before she moved to Suraban, about 10 months ago and Daraus an Angel Wolf,” Amy said, “I’ve not actually finished mum, I could tell you the names of a lot of other people, but the most important ones are our fairy companions. Each of us except Daraus has a fairy companion, and we are linked to them and to our direct partner, which Paul is mine. To explain it here is difficult to say the least.”
“Then don’t try, say hi to everyone and also I hope to see them all very soon, and I’ll let you get back to dinner,” Sam said, “Oh before I go I heard the report Metzza and Abilgail gave the boss after the latest failure, ‘Those bastards surprised us again.’”
“Oh, yeah, how’s Abilgail’s face?” Amy asked smirking at the Burning Hands attack that surprised her.
“If you mean the burn on her cheek and eye, I have seen it, very nice, and she hadn’t told me it was from you. I think she is planning on keeping it as a reminder of how much she hates you,” Sam said, “Bye for now, I’ll contact you again in a few weeks hun, have lots of fun,” and Sam disappeared from Amy’s mind.
Just after Sam closed the link, she heard a quiet knock from the door and she stayed asleep and again a knock happened. Then after a couple of minutes she heard someone pushing a note under the door. She then got up and slowly opened the door and saw the back of a person walking down the passage trying not to be noticed.
Sam picked up the note and read it —
To Sam
From a fellow hater of the rulers.
I bumped into you a couple of days ago and saw a fire in your eyes that can never be quenched by slavery.
As I am a sleeper agent here I was wondering if there was anyone specific my friends could contact.

Sam looked at the hand written letter. It looked rushed. She would wait until the next time it happened.

* * * * * *

“Arh Sam,” High Lord Karazzakkia said, “You still not willing to be my concubine?”
Sam smiled at him and said, “What ever you do to me you will not break me, I am married to Duggie the father of my children and not an object to be in love with.”
“Ok then, but in recognition of your excellent service here, I am allowing you to move and if you wish become a slave boss of your own,” High lord said.
Sam thought quickly about it and said, “If I become a slave boss I will be allowed to treat those who work for me in my way.”
“Yes I don’t see why not,” High Lord replied.
“Then I accept your offer,” Sam said.
“Then I shall immediately organise your move to the surface facilities here in Mantranna,” High Lord said, “and I shall inform my Slave master to organise a slave team for you.”
Sam thought, ‘Soon you bastard I will show you a thing or two about treatment of slaves.’

* * * * * *

“Slave Master I have a new slave boss for you to supply with five slaves to start with, one unrulely one and the rest passive,” came the High Lord’s voice through a statue.
“Yes High Lord,” the Slave Master replied, “One unruley one and the other four normal placid slaves.”
“She is a trusted member of my personal slave staff and should be treated with respect,” The voice said.
“May I ask as to what you are wishing to do High Lord?” the slave master asked.
“To break her will and have her consent to be my concubine,” the High Lord said.
“My lord you must have other means to break a will,” the Slave Master said, “this may only strengthen her resolve.”
“Not when I offer the cream, it won’t,” the High Lord said.
The Slave Master turned to his second in command, “find me four placid slaves, I know exactly which unrulely one to give her,” and he strode off in the direction of the Tattooed Fighters.

* * * * * *

Sam walked in to the room where the Slave master had lined the five slaves up. She saw the five and after looking at the group she knew which one would cause her problems and walked right up to her and said in a matter of fact tone, “I may be you new slave boss, but I am not your enemy.” Then after a short pause, “I treat people in the same way I would like to be treated, I can’t stand toe to toe with you, for I am not trained in combat,” and again after a short pause Sam continued, “The High Lord has seen it his place that I be put in charge of you, but understand this I was once a Personal assistant to the High Lord when he ran Rotork Theaban in Suraban and I know what he expects.”
“Mistress,” said one of the other female slaves.
“Yes,” replied Sam, “and all of you please my name is Sam not Mistress.”
“But,” another one said.
“No buts I treat people fairly and expect to be also treated fairly,” Sam said and then Sam turned to the Slave Master and asked, “Do these slaves have tasks to be completed?”
“They all do, except her,” the Slave Master said and pointed at the Tattooed Warrior.
“Right, then,” Sam said, “The rest of you continue with your tasks whilst I take this person and go on a tour of Mantranna. I hope you have an idea of good places to see and visit. I am not interested in things like blood sports and the such.”
“Yes Mistress,” the Tattooed female said.
“What did I say about the word Mistress,” Sam said.
“That it was not to be used to refer to you,” the Tattooed female said.
“Correct,” Sam said, “you were saying?”
“Yes Sam,” the Tattooed female said.
“Good,” responded Sam, “now can I ask your name?” Sam asked as she and the Tattooed female turned and headed for the door, the other slaves returned to their tasks.

* * * * * *

As Sam and the Tattooed female exited the room, the Tattooed female said, “Inside you asked my name, my name if Felict (Fel-ieet).”
“Thank you Felict,” Sam said, “See that weren’t to hard was it?”
“No, it wasn’t,” Felict replied.
The pair came to the door that led from the High Lord’s palace on the surface to Mantranna itself. The room they were in was massive, measuring Sam estimated at least 200 metres long and easily 170 metres across and the roof was over 60 metres up and was covered in scaffolding and machinery. The doors themselves were constructed from the living rock and were made to move by what looked like massive hydraulic ram jacks.
Sam quietly asked Felict, “Call me ignorant, but how does everything work here?”
“Power is provided by the Super Nexus that is exactly under the centre of the control pyramid,” Felict replied, “Sam may I ask you a question?”
“Certainly, I have no secrets,” Sam replied, “To hold and have secrets unless they are told to you in confidence is wrong. In my eyes that is.”
“How come you are here?” Felict asked, “You seen an intelligent lady.”
“Thank you,” Sam replied as they reached the far side and the small door that human sized people used.
The Kittani on the control panel looked down at Sam who looked at him and said in a straight flat tone, “The High Lord as placed me as a Slave Boss, and I have his permission to leave the Palace, Kittani, now open the door.”
The Kittani stared in shock at Sam and immediately worked the controls to open the door.
Sam and Felict walked out side and just after the door closed Sam took a deep breath of mountain air, she then opened her eyes to view the sun and nature again after at least two years in the confines of the pyramid.
The view was one of over looking a vast city built into the very mountains. Sam then realised the blue tint she had been seeing whilst underground was the power of the Super Nexus being channelled and controlled. The mountains were gianonous measuring easy 30,000 feet plus even in the centre looked as if there were mountains.
The pair boarded a shuttle bus that would take them around the city, first stop Arena Mantranna.
Sam replied to Felict’s earlier question about why she was here, “I was kidnapped by the High Lord to be his concubine, but I point blunt refused to be it, and to break me he placed me as a slave in his private quarters. The one thing he didn’t to take into account is that I have a husband whom I love totally and also five children, who again I love totally.”
As the door to the shuttle closed Sam looked around at the other occupants and saw creatures that she had never seen, intermingling with the local humans and slaves. Sam whispered in Felict’s ear, “What are the other races?”
Felict looked around and saw the other races. Felict then replied in Sam’s ear, “Directly behind us is a Hawrk-Duhk. At the back is Shaydor Spherian or as we call them The Stilt People, the two at the front are.”
“Octomen, if I’m not mistaken,” Sam replied.
“Well done,” Felict said, “and the last group are Rulian Translators.”
“Thanks, I hope you don’t mind me asking?” Sam asked.
“No,” Felict said, “most slave bosses would have beaten me back then for being insultant, you didn’t which marked you out as someone different from the other slave bosses.”
When the shuttle had arrived at the Arena, the two Octomen got off and five small stone looking creatures got on.
Sam looked at Felict who replied, “Gargoylites, nasty smaller cousins of the bigger Gargoyles.”
Soon the shuttle arrived at the market place where the High Lord had told Sam to go and see about providing for her slaves. Both of them got off and slowly walked down the stairs to the market area and found a couple of Power Lords guarding the entrance.
Sam saw Metzza and Abilgail and shook her head in aspiration, as they were both walking towards her and Felict. Sam whispered in Felict’s ear, “Keep your head down, I’ll explain later.”
Abilgail saw Sam and said, “I see the boss has let you out on a leash.”
Sam turned to face Abilgail, and said, “No the High Lord hasn’t let me out on a leash, I was promoted to a Slave Boss and I am seeing the sights of Mantranna with one of the slaves I now run.”
“Right then lets see how this T-man handles herself in a fight,” Abilgail responded.
“No Abilgail, you have a problem with me and my Amy, them take it out on me, not those I am instructed to control and lead,” Sam said, “and we both know that doing so will lead you to being in the bad books of the High Lord.”
Both Metzza and Abilgail walked on after Abilgail hit the Felict on the arm. Felict rubbed the area and said, “What a bunch of arseholes.”
“Yes, they are,” replied Sam, “Let me introduce Metzza and Abilgail. They have had a few problems with people associated with my Amy in Suraban. Metzza wants a Nibola Calton’s head on a plate, because she beat Metzza in a street fight, and Abilgail wants my Amy’s head on a plate, all over the fact she plus others were the cause of destruction and exposure of a Slave operation being run from a hospital complex near where the friends were living.”
“Oh fun,” Felict said.
“Yeah, one problem, The High lord has forbid them from touching me,” Sam said, “and they both know that too well, so expect to have problems with them.”
“Ok thanks,” replied Felict, “I’ve seen then around the training school.”

* * * * * *

As Metzza and Abilgail walked away they saw Warzkani and Sisko walking towards the Market Place. Metzza said, “Hi.”
“Hi boss,” replied Sisko, “What’s happening today.”
“Not much, spend it and tomorrow enjoying yourselves,” Metzza said, “we have a training meeting the day after.”
“Done. Chat to you then,” Warzkani said, and he went back to looking around. He saw Sam and another female walking the Market. He asked Sisko, “Who’s that?” and pointed at Sam, “I’ve seen her around the pyramid.”
“Her, that’s Sam, one of the High Lords personal slaves,” Sisko said.
Warzkani thought to himself, ‘I wonder if there is a way I could help her.’ Warzkani said to Sisko, after he checked his new watch, “Oh hell, I’m ten minutes late for a chat with a friend, I’ll chat to you later,” and walked off in the other direction. He looked back and saw Sisko had also walked in the opposite direction. Warzkani then turned around and walked quickly in the same direction as Sam, and soon caught them up and said, “Good afternoon ladies, I hope you are both well?”
Sam and Felict both stopped and looked at Warzkani and Sam said, “Yes thank you, I’ve seen you before haven’t I.”
“I have to apologise for dumping into you a few days ago, I wasn’t looking where I was going, I’m Warzkani. One of the High Lords Chosen. Yes that is right, Metzza has said that we are the High Lords Chosen,” Warzkani said, “I know who you are Sam, but not your self young T-Lady?”
“I’m Felict, and thank you for asking, I’m a lot better now than I was,” Felict said.
“I know it may not be proper but, may I buy you both a coffee?” Warzkani asked.
“Certainly,” Sam said, and the three walked towards the local coffee shop.
As the group arrived and sat down, Warzkani asked, “Sisko a fellow chosen said that you were one of the High Lords personal slaves, how come?”
“I’ve been in the service of the High Lord for over two years and have been promoted to the position of Slave Boss and have been moved to the palace. Felict here is one of my group, she was doing nothing and we have been wandering Mantranna,” Sam said in reply.
“How about your self?” asked Sam.
“I’m an officer in the Nabanian Army and was chosen by Metzza to join the Chosen Ones, after myself and the two other crew of the Line Runner Transport assisted them in ‘capturing an escaped slave’,” Warzkani indicated the quote marks, “truth, the General in charge of elimating the resistance to the new rulers, failed in his job. The high lord thought it good to turn him into a bio-something.”
“That is horridable,” responded Sam.
“It’s what happens here now,” said Warzkani, “fail the High Lord or his master and either become an experiment or get fed to the meat mincer that is the Arena.”
“May I ask are you native to Darra Von Sam, Felict?” Warzkani asked.
“I am native,” replied Sam.
“No, I was born in the United Worlds of Warlock and captured and sold to the High Lord as prime stock for T-Men conversion.” Felict replied.
Warzkani looked around and saw his wife, Torime and called out, “Torime.”
Torime turned and saw her husband and females. Torime walked over and asked, “Who are the females hun?”
“Allow me to introduce the woman I told you about and a friend Felict,” Warzkani replied.
Sam turned to Felict and looked quite sternly at her, Sam smiled when she did not say a word in response to the mistake Warzkani made in referring to her as a friend and not slave.
“It’s been good meeting you sir, and I hope to see you around the palace,” Sam said and the pair stood and departed the table.
The pair walked quickly away and Sam dragged Felict into an alley way. Sam said when they had come to a stop, “You did very well then Felict.”
“What did I do?” Felict asked.
Sam realised the Felict had done that on natural response rather than programming. Sam said, “Lets just say, do you realised Warzkani called you a friend, and not by your correct title.”
“Oh shit he did didn’t he,” Felict responded, “Oops.”
“No not oops,” said Sam, “I noticed the words he was using, friend and the woman I told you about. Do you promise me that what I am about to tell you is secret and could have us both killed?”
“Yes, but not here Sam,” Felict said and led Sam deeper into the back alleys, and tunnels of Mantranna until Felict and Sam stood in front of a normal door way. Sam when I open this door you enter a world, where at the slightest mistake could lead to your death.”
“Yes,” Sam said, “Are you Conspiracy.”
“What?” Felict asked.
“I’ll tell you when you have opened the door,” Sam said.
Felict nodded and turned the handle and opened the door and allowed Sam to enter. “I have to apologise for the environment but its how we in the Mantranna Freedom Fighters find recruits and train.”
“No problem,” Sam said, “I don’t mind a bit of street fighting, I just can’t stand blood sports. What I meant was that my family and husband are involved in a force called the Conspiracy.”
“No!” exclaimed Felict looking at Sam in a shocked manor. After a second Felict continued, “I’ve heard of the Conspiracy, they are a force dedicated to destruction of the great evil powers like the Splugorth and the Vampires Intelligences that inhabit the Djint salt flats. We’ve had our eyes on you since you arrived. Do you remember the three who were present when the High Lord kidnapped you?”
“Yes I think so,” replied Sam and Felict opened a door and led Sam into a room dominated by a large screen.
The room measured thirty feet by twenty five feet and every five feet had a pillar of wood which supported the ceiling, except the middle area. In the middle of the room was a large table surrounded by low chairs, and other traditional Nabanian items of furniture. Sat at a large table to the left of the room was a group of three people, one a Kittani the other two human looking, but the left one of the pair was massive.
Felict turned and side, “Let me introduce Gribben,” and Felict pointed to the Kittani, “eUlladar,” Felict then pointed to the more human looking person, “and The Hulk.” Sam guessed that the Hulk was the large one.
“Arh good welcome Sam to the Mantranna Freedom Fighters,” The Hulk replied, “We were hoping that the High Lord Karazzakkia would release you up the chain of command and allow you the freedom to move around.”
“When I saw you two years ago, I saw that we repulsed you but didn’t,” Gribben replied, “When I got word of you being promoted to Slave Boss, I instructed our people to make contact.”
“One thing I have to ask, I think Warzkani could be a sleeper agent for another force,” Sam said, “I think he posted me a note a couple of days ago and he intentionally used words you don’t use in public around good little slaves. Felict he was concealing our rank from the others present. I think his wife knew about me.”
“Hell if he is then you could be a link to another force,” eUlladar said and turned to face Sam. The face was one of delicate features and pointed ears, “Allow me to introduce the three races, Gribben here is.”
“A Kittani, I know your race. Are you an Elf, and I have no idea as to yours The Hulk,” Sam said.
“Well done Sam,” replied eUlladar, “I am an Elf, a Wood Elf to be more accurate. The Hulk here is an Ogre T-Man.”

* * * * * *

A couple of days later Metzza and Abilgail were sat in there apartment when Zarriban entered and dropped the latest satellite images of Club Millana which showed a group of youths practicing in a formal pattern.
Metzza looked at the images and said, “That’s a formal practice square of the Karzzar. Have we got any images of the people working?”
“Yes, its in the file,” Zarriban said.
Metzza looked inside the file and saw a close up of Duggie and also Paul, and all the others around the edge, and a few of the practice group. Metzza said, “We need to know who the rest of those guys are.”
Abilgail looked through the file and said, “The Firey one, Clare,” when she came across Clare’s close up, “If she’s there then I bet the other one is too.”
“Who’s that,” said Abilgail when she saw Rose, “have we got the computer images these came from?”
“Yes we have,” Zarriban replied.
“Good because if I’m not mistaken she has a tattoo,” Abilgail said.

* * * * * *

After reviewing the digital images, “It is and it’s the Dual Headed Sword Staff.”
“If that gentleman is the Alchemist, then he must be skilled,” Metzza said.
“But look at the two of them that one I suspect is an Alchemist, but the other one looks like a Black Karzzar the tattoo is one of a Karzzar Master, and if he is he is more than likely to be a Alchemist,” Metzza said, “at least I now know of another Karzzar to be killed.”
“Fuck me, that’s Paul Delimetry, the ex chair of Digital Systems,” Abilgail said, “What the hell he’s a Black Karzzar and been Chair of Digital systems for the last 50 years and he don’t look older than 37 maybe 40.”
“Damn your right hun,” Metzza said. “He is going to be difficult to kill.”
“If your figures are right and it takes at least fifteen years to become a Karzzar Master and he’s been chair of Digital systems since at least 2038. That would make him at least 65 assuming no gaps and he started at birth.” Abilgail said.
“If this just get fucking worse. The age he should be and the age he looks, must mean that he is either immortal, or he’s Altantean Karzzar and probably an Undead Slayer to boot.”
“A bit more information it looks like a few months ago Trivvoth dropped off a candidate for Bio-Reconstruction and it’s now finished. I think the boss was planning on sending the person back in a couple of days to Rotork in the north and then the special couriers will deliver him back to Trivvoth’s,” Rakcam said, “Trivvoth quizzed me about when the subject would be returned to him. Another item of information it looks like the South East is a problem zone as the gangs are effectively uncontrolled.”
“Interesting, may be somewhere to put our feelers and see what bites,” said Abilgail.
“Another piece of information is that a group of youths stirred up a hornets nest a couple of weeks back. They had a run in with a group of youths at a youth hangout and some of the people were held to a draw when they went hand to hand, the other’s most got their arses handed to them. From the reports of people present an adult and a couple of younger people were talking through out the incident and the adult’s description matches Paul’s pretty closely. From what the contact said, they left pretty fast and were chased, their vehicles were packing some advanced firepower, MA280s and similar. Unconfirmed reports was that one was armed with an powerful energy weapon,” said Mortimer.
“What a weapon capable of threatening the new combat vehicles?” Abilgail asked.
“Easy, most of the MA series are capable of threatening our vehicles,” Sisko said.
“Your opinion Warzkani?” Metzza asked.
“Very much we need far more information, we need to find families and friends and know what they are going to do before even they know they are going to do it.”
“True we do,” Zarriban replied.


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