Reality vs Dreams vs Isa: 4 Isa Faints

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What would you do if your life took an all new meaning?
Reality vs Dreams vs Isa
by Amaya the Night Rain
Part Four - Isa Faints

After arriving home and taking a rest for the night the twins woke up to find something slightly different in their rooms.
On Isa desk and on Clara vanity there was a medallion with their names engraved on it. Each medallion was shaped as a star.
This start surrounded their names and was surrounded by a circle with rose like thorn’s pointing inward.
On a close inspection they found a note placed besides the medallion with their mom handwriting on it saying that they should wear it today.
Isa thought that this might be because of their upcoming trip to Disneyland in Paris, so Isa bought the medallion over the head and let it slip down, closing the eyes expecting the cold sensation of metal but… it never happened.
Isa looked into the mirror and saw the medallion against the t-shirt of the “DAZMON” band. Looking down the medallion that in the mirror could be seen was gone.
Confused by this Isa did what a strained teenager that just woke up to a strange event would do, Isa fainted promptly on spot.
Meanwhile Clara was having a more difficult time with her medallion, she simply wondered “why in the hell” did her mommy asked her to use any kind of necklaces, she hated them, they brought to much attention on to her chest.
Attention that she hated with vigor and perseverance, never the less she felt compelled to try it on and as she did so, she saw the medallion vanish as soon as it touched her skin and a warm feeling started to fill her body.
Like magic or a balloon popping she felt her chest start to deflate at same time her skin took on to a pearly complexion as her almost permanent tan vanished. Her hair that had been a bit tad too short began to flow till it reached her bottom, at same time her black beaching started to vanish and acquired it’s normal tone of whitish-blond.
A sudden attack of hiccups filled her and because of this she saw herself getting smaller and younger looking in the mirror for each hiccup that escaped her lips. Afraid that she would vanish she tried in vain to stop from hiccupping, when they stopped after 2 or 3 minutes she had gone from 157cm to 146cm tall. Just as the hiccups stopped the warm feeling that had enveloped her was gone.
The look she was giving to the mirror was one of horror her body and face had changed completely. She ran to call Isa for help but when she arrived Isa’s room she didn’t recognize it, the division of the house where Isa’s room used to be was now somewhat smaller and was transformed in storage space, cloths and boxes where hanging or lying around in hangers or on the floor.
Her horror rose with the thought that she had just made Isa disappear from existence. She ran back to her room closing the door with a force of a bang. She was about to fall onto the floor while her back was against the door when a figure started moving in her field of her peripheral vision. She had just a while ago been looking into the mirror and what she saw now was a copy of her rise and started to shake its head.
Her copy stopped what she was doing when she took notice and looked at Clara.
Clara saw her copy eyes grow large almost too inhuman proportions. Her copy raised both hands to her mouth and fainted on spot.
Clara horror vanished as her copy fainted. She ran to her to make sure she was alright.
-'who the hell is she?' Clara said out loud.
A moment later she almost knew the answer as the wheels in her pretty head clicked together like pieces of a puzzle after several processing errors.
She looked around, her room had changed as well now that she looked at it, it was larger, her once single bed was now queen sized, her vanity had more cosmetics that she could ever remember having but there was one thing that made everything click into sense, the photos on the walls.
Those photos made it clear that the person lying in her arms was her twin, her sister. A sudden shudder passed through her, a heavy headache formed in her mind and filled her senses as memories that never had been started to fill her head. The strain on her brain was too much to keep her awake. She fainted on top of her twin just as a thought began to fill her head…
-"She is Isa…"


To be continued...

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Reality vs Dreams vs Isa: 4 Isa Faints

Very interesting. Will be fun to see why all of the magic is happening.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine