Trimming the Tree - Part 2

Trimming the tree part two
A story by Allie Elle

Jonathon got out of his chair and walked around the table and gently
wrapped his arms around the young girl. He gently rocked her and kept
looking around for whatever had threatened the little girl. He could not
find anything but he was still feeling somewhat protective of this girl,
Derek looked around and saw the boy rocking Emma and that the child was
crying. All the tow of them could get from Emma was the two words "be
good" repeated over and over again.

As the adults reacted to what was happening with Emma, Jonathon was still looking around he was almost acting like a big brother to this girl. Derek had worked out that what was being said was a mantra that she was using to try and remind her that she was under attack. His heart was almost fit to bursting when he realised what had made this child so damaged. Jonathon looked at his mother and waited for her to say something but she smiled and nodded as she made her way to the table to join the rest. Sylvie was still trying to apologise about how she had reacted and Francine Roberts Jonathon’s mother was trying to calm her down.

“My dear judging by that poor girl’s reaction there is a lot of trauma there so you did the best thing in the world.” Francine replied to the apologies gently.

Sylvie watched the boy closely and also Emma more of the teenager had seemed to slip and there was a very frightened toddler was looking out at the world. The waiter that had knocked the chair holding Emma approached slowly his face a deep crimson when he had realised he was the one responsible for causing pain to this young girl. Following the waiter came over the manager who was also red in the face when he heard the waiter apologise. He knew Sylvie was important to the town and did not want to get in her bad books for this incident. Sylvie waived off the free meal and gave Francine her phone number and told her to call to allow the two children to have a play date.

Jonathon was a little taken aback at the mention of a play date like he was a three year old then he saw the point of it as the girl Emma was obviously younger than he was. At that he did feel like a big brother and made a promise to himself he would act like that to protect Emma from anyone who would hurt her. As Derek strapped Emma back into her push chair Emma started to fuss and Derek wondered why, he then saw his young charge reach to her new friend and hold her arms out.

“I think she wants to give her knight in shining armour a hug son” Derek said with a laugh.

Jonathon blushed and accepted the hug his face a deep crimson and he laughed with the older man. Francine smiled when she saw how her son was reacting to the girl and now knew that the caring side was not beaten out of him. The group left the restaurant and both Francine and Jonathon looked at the large black limo and wondered just who the new friends were. Sylvie blushed when she saw the two of them looking at her car and the fact that Derek was acting like a chauffeur slowly lifting Emma from the stroller and gently putting her in the car seat that was just visible through the rear door. Emma was giggling as she picked up the teddy bear that she had left in the car.

“Sylvie I hope you don’t think I am being forward but how old is Emma?” Francine asked gently.

“Francine that child is as old as she appears but outwardly she is around eight” Sylvie replied gently.

Francine looked shocked and then straightened her shoulders; she then went on to explain she was a physical therapist and had noticed the splints and wondered if Sylvie had arranged therapy. Sylvie could not believe what fate was throwing at her, first her daughters old nanny and now a physical therapist and Emma’s god mother being a nurse there was a total chance that this child could be healed both physically and emotionally with the help of the new friends that were being made. She wasn’t very religious but she felt as though God had his hand in the repairing of this damaged soul that had come into her care. Derek helped Sylvie into the back seat just as her cell phone rang, it was Grace checking on her god child and Sylvie explained what they had been doing and she heard the laugh from the other end of the line.

They drove through the city out into the country and Derek took the roads gently avoiding the worst roads to save jolting his passengers. After about twenty minutes they reached the large metal gates that marked the start of Sylvie’s estate and Derek wound his way through the roadway between the paddocks. The horses and other animals that Sylvie had rescued reacted with curiosity at the car and some raced alongside the fences. A young filly paced the car distance and speed seeming to enjoy her freedom kicking up her heels. Derek saw this and also Emma did too suddenly a young sounding voice rang through the back of the car

“Mama!!! Ook Mama Horsie!” Emma screamed in delight. Sylvie laughed hearing the joy that had been missing from the Childs voice.

Emma started to bounce in the car seat just as Derek pulled up in front of a huge ranch house. Sylvie did not wait for Derek but unbuckled Emma and managed to get them both out of the limo and carried her into the house, she gently laid her charge on a sofa as Derek carried in the shopping bags and carried them upstairs to the bedroom they had set up for Emma.

Sylvie collapsed on the chair facing the sofa and watched Emma for a short while hearing Derek putting things away. The child had settled on the sofa after craning her head round to look at the room. She started to suck her thumb again and Sylvie reached out and gently removed the thumb and replaced it with a pacifier. Derek came downstairs again and smiled when he saw the scene in front of him, it was something he missed seeing since Sylvie’s husband and daughter had passed away from the auto accident that had cut their life short. He had rarely seen his employer this relaxed and happy in a few years. Emma started to fidget and yawn and gently Derek without a word went to pick up the child, Sylvie followed as she wanted to see Emma’s reaction to the room.

They continued upstairs and Emma cuddled into Derek’s chest her eyes closing and the small procession entered the room next to Sylvie’s that was set out as a dream bedroom for a little princess. No money had been spared although the bed was a hospital cot the rest was all sugar and spice. Derek laid Emma on the cot and gently Sylvie undressed the child, Derek cursed as he was stood at the pillow end and saw the healed welts on the Childs back. Sylvie looked up but Derek shook his head and helped Sylvie dress the child for her nap as well as changing the well used diaper. The two adults after kissing the child walked back down stairs and Derek poured himself a stiff drink as Sylvie switched on a baby monitor.

“Sylvie whatever that child has been through when I get my hands on his parents I will not be responsible for my actions!” Derek growled.

“Derek Emma is a she not a he, the poor girl was born as a hermaphrodite” Sylvie responded firmly.

Derek nodded and took a deep drink of the spirit in his glass; he seemed to relax as he looked at his employer and saw a hint of determination in her eyes. He knew that she would move heaven and earth to help this child heal, this was one of the things he admired about her once she was working on something she would never give up. Sylvie picked up her cell phone and checked numbers and turned to her main house phone and dialled, first off she called her old nanny and as she talked she wondered why Fiona always used her maiden name instead of Adams. Fiona was pleased to get the call and agreed to move back to the ranch to help Sylvie look after her new charge. Next Sylvie called Grace at the hospital and explained to her that she had employed a nanny to help with Emma; finally she called Helen and made a report on how Emma was doing and to arrange for the doctor to come out and visit.

Whilst Emma napped the two adults continued working out the best way that they could help the child. Emma slept on during her sleep the dreams and memories flowing through her mind as she slept. She dreamt of happy times but half way through the dreams changed into darker dreams and she started to cry as the harsher memories trickled through the happier state that she had reached. In her dreams the young boy that she had met in the restaurant became someone who was intent on hurting her and she started to thrash around and cry out.

Downstairs to cry as came through the baby monitor and Sylvie turned her face full of concern and she heard the thrashing and thumping coming from upstairs. Derek could see the concern on his employer’s face; before she could react he made his way upstairs. As he reached Emma’s room, he could see the small child thrashing around. Suddenly she woke up her face marred by a mask of pain, suddenly she screamed as one of the casts impacted on the wall. Derek without thinking gently picked the child from the bed cradling her in his arms. Emma laid her head on his chest Sobbing slowly eased as she relaxed; Derek gently stroked her hair and rocked her.

Sylvie joined two of them she was surprised by the gentleness in her employee, seeing him cuddling the distraught young child there was a compassion that she rarely saw. Gently Derek eased Emma back to the bed that and gently folded the covers over the child. Sylvie approached the bed and gently a kiss on the creased forehead, and smoothed down the covers. Both the adults after seeing them Emma had relaxed sufficiently to fall asleep again left the bedroom and returned back down stairs. Derek turned to Sylvie and she could see the tears brightening his eyes, without a word she gently enfolded her trusted friend and employee in a firm embrace. Sylvie was rather surprised by this as Derek had never shown any emotion of this type in the past; he had seemed a rather aloof person.
The following morning Sylvie approached the preparation she had to make in relation to the changes in her lifestyle now that she had someone to care for, she also had to consider the fact that she had lied about Emma’s problems to others. Picking up the phone she dialed the number Francine had given her, after a few rings the other phone was picked up.

“hello Francine Miller,” Francine’s voice was clear,” how can I help this morning?”

“Francine, hi it’s Sylvie I was wondering if you could possibly call here today to arrange therapy for Emma.”

The two women talked for a short while arranging a suitable time, Sylvie ever conscious of possible movement on the baby monitor. When she heard the mattress moving Emma’s room, she made her way upstairs and peeked in. Emma hearing a movement by the door slowly opened her eyes and smiled, Sylvie in the short while that she had known Emma had begun to recognise the shifts in her personality. What she was faced with this morning was the teenaged Emma, the signs of the teenaged intelligence were apparent. Sylvie Made her way to the bed and gently pulled back the covers if seeing the state that Emma was in, deftly changed her charges diaper. Emma smiled in appreciation of the lack of fuss that Sylvie made. There came from downstairs the sound of the front door opening, and Derek’s voice rang through the house letting the occupants know that he was here to start his workday.

Shortly after became the sound of someone Hammering on the door Derek not wishing Sylvie to possibly face an angry mob on her doorstep Derek opened the door. Francine stood there rather sheepishly apologising for hammering on the door, then explanation she held up two rather over filled bags. In her face was coloured with embarrassment as she tried to foot juggle the third rather stuffed bag through the doorway. Sylvie looked at the rather encumbered young woman and the bags that she was pushing into the hallway. Derek being the ever present gentleman tried to pick up the third bag, he grunted at the weight of it and his face went red with the effort.

“What on earth?” Derek looked at their visitor as he half lifted and half dragged the bag through the door. Francine if indeed it was possible seemed to blush and deeper shade of red, and muttered an apology as she walked through and closed the door behind her.

“well I told you I was a therapist a lot of the stuff I need to treat Emma.” She replied

“Francine there is no need to be defensive just the amount of stuff” Sylvie replied easing the ruffled feathers.

Francine managed to marshal all three bags into the lounge, where she started to lay out all the equipment that she had brought with her. There was an exercise mat, arm and leg weights, balls and toys. Everything that was set out appears to be in chaos but Francine knew there was an order behind how she set things out. Up until that point Emma had been nowhere to be seen, when she had heard the hammering on the door she had automatically assumed that it was her father and had hidden underneath her covers. When she heard the voice of the lady that Sylvie had been talking to the restaurant she managed to untangle or herself from her blankets. Sylvie at that point had returned to the bedroom and gently picked her up, and carrying her down where Francine had set out her tools of her trade.

Francine was sat in the middle of what appeared to be toys and looked up when her patient was brought to her. She gave a gentle smile seeing the apprehension in Emma’s eyes, putting the floor alongside her she motioned for Sylvie to put her down. Sylvie’s new charge looked around her wondering what the next change in her life was to be, all these changes in her life were happening so quickly. From what was found in the hospital to the fact that she was living the role she felt herself to be mentally were starting to create a roller-coaster of emotions in her head. Francine moved Emma around to face her and gently using our hands examined the casts on the child’s lower legs. She needed some reference point from where to start a physical therapy than was needed as her gaze moved Emma’s face she was slightly taken aback by the intelligence in the child’s eyes.

Emma looked at Francine’s face and it seemed that the adult was appraising her closely, with a smile Emma crossed her eyes and hoped her tongue out. Sylvie saw this and she smiled and playfulness of her charge, with a gentle smile Sylvie left taking Derek out to the barn to look after the animals under their care. Emma looked to the door has two adults left wondering why they had left her with a stranger, she looked around at all the toys and things surrounding her.

“Emma?” Francine looked at her new patient and tilted her head, “my name is Francine honey I’m a therapist and here to help you.”

“I’m pleased to meet you,” Emma replied,” I remember you from yesterday although your recollections of maybe slightly confused.”

Francine nodded realizing that Emma was about to open up to her rather surprisingly, she moved around so she could look the child in the face. She moved round so she was facing Emma, and moved some of the exercise equipment and toys out of the way. Emma stared straight back her blue eyes and intense locked on Francine’s, there was a deep pain yet a deep understanding in them and Francine could not help but react. She gently reached out and touched Emma cheek, she was surprised by the fact there was a tear moistening her cheek. She gently brushed the tear away and smiled warmly and moving closer to Emma enveloped her in a hug. Emma responded stiffly at first, more used to any contact leading to harm rather than to love.

Is Francine felt Emma’s body relax sure reacted by pulling her closer, and behaving like a parent gently brushed Emma’s hair out of her face. Emma seemed to shudder and smile, with careful and slow and painful movements she wrapped her small arms around Francine’s neck and buried her head in Francine’s shoulder. Slowly the small frame with racked with sobs, the force of them almost shaking the child’s body with their intensity. This concern Francine was the injuries were still relatively new to Emma the uncontrolled movements have to the limbs and to the slowly healing bones.

To be continued……

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