Wishes Not Granted, Chapter 3

Wishes Not Granted, Chapter 3

Sylverdyne suggested that "Genie Wishes" by Morpheus was the inspiration for Wishes Not Granted. Sylverdyne was correct. Thanks! Also I'd like to thank Morpheus for writing pretty much every story he has written. To me he is one of the greatest authors of TG fiction on the net with his ability to consistently produce quality stories.

Chapter 3

Rhida soon figured out that just because you can't loose your balance on a magic bicycle, that doesn't mean you can't run that same bike right into some bushes and land with your ass in the air.

This was a failure in the making before she even sat on the bike. As soon as she sat on the bike Rhida knew that it was going to be a challenge. Every time one knee was up and the other down, her new friend would shift inside just enough to matter. From past experiences Rhida knew that she could be paralyzed from shock or pain. She had never considered that a person could be overwhelmed by pleasure. It was both exciting and disconcerting.

While she was riding past the park about three fourths of the way to Gary's place, the sensations building in her finally reached a peak. An orgasm hit her at full speed, like that retarded sparrow that splattered on her windshield last week. Her arms flew to her shoulders, gathering her upper half in a hug. As her feet came off the pedals, she closed her eyes and forgot about the world. Rhida barely felt the impact as distracted as she was by her body. She flew over the handlebars and landed with her waist straddling a hedge and her ass pointing at the stars.

It was a pigeon that finally drew her back to her senses. The damned air rat actually landed on her butt and sat down for a nap, claiming her ass as its own. It fluffed up a bit and sort of scooted around for a while before she managed to get it to fly off. After shooing it away she put her hands on the ground and slowly rolled off the bush and into the grass. On standing, the dirt seemed to flake away or just fall off on its own. She was spotless, as if she had just dressed herself after a shower. Magical clothing did have it benefits.

Deciding not to have a repeat occurrence despite how good it felt, she would just have to carry the dildo. In hindsight, it was a mistake to try it with the dildo inside to start with. Who was going to see her holding a dildo while riding a bike two hours past midnight? Nobody, thats who. So Rhida hiked her skirt up and squatted in the bushes to retrieve the phallic fiend. To her senses, it felt just as good coming out as it did going in. This was a body that never quit!

Dildo in hand, Rhida remounted her bike and continued her journey. She never noticed the guy in the house up the street. Binoculars in hand and pressed tightly against his glasses, the guy never blinked. What a sight! He never thought he would get a free peep show while stargazing. After watching her ride off and turn a corner, it was time to turn in for the night.

In short order, Rhida finally arrived at Gary's house. The lights were still on in both his and his sisters rooms, thank god. When she passed their mailbox, she laughed to herself just like she always did. It was too funny that their last name was Oaks. She still remembered giving him a Pokeball for Christmas. Her only regret was not having thought of putting a Pokemon key-chain inside it until the day after.

Rhida laid her bike down on the lawn and walked up to his window before remembering that she was holding a dildo. Still a bit miffed at not being able to put it down, she squatted with her back facing the window and put it back in it's box. Once the deed was done and she had her breathing under control, she was ready.

Rhida opened his window and crawled into Gary's room like she always did. Now this might sound like they were still in high-school or something, but Gary still lived with his parents. The house was so close to a local college that there was no real need move out. His parents didn't mind him bringing girls home, and once he got his nursing degree he would get a job at the local hospital and move out. At least that was Gary's plan.

Gary heard his window open and figured it was Rich so he didn't bother to turn around as he called out, "Sup Rich." Who else would be coming in his window so casually at 2:20am? He just hoped his girlfriend wouldn't wake up. She was great but she didn't like it when Rich dropped by and she was naked under the covers.

"Hey Gary. Just here to see Kelly." Rich said before walking to and exiting from Gary's door. Gary turned around at the voice only to catch an impossibly beautiful and wealthy looking businesswoman leave his room and close the door. Who the fuck was that? By the time he actually checked it out, she was already inside Kelly's room.

Rhida tried the handle to Kelly's bedroom door but it was locked.

"What do you want?" she heard from inside.

"Kelly, let me in. It's Rich." Rhida said.

"Doesn't sound like Rich." Kelly thought. "Wha..." she didn't get one word out before she stopped talking. The woman was gorgeous! She looked like a fashion model or something showing off the latest in sexy business wear.

Rhida took Kelly's pause and obvious gaze as her queue to enter. Kelly just stared at her and let her pass before closing her door. As soon as she entered the room. the woman started turning her pictures face down and threw a sheet over her mirror.

"What are you doing?" She asked the strange yet beautiful girl in her room.

"It's... I'll explain later. Theres a good reason. Really." The lady replied. Even her voice was nice.

"Uhh... who are you?" Kelly finally asked. She didn't like people catching her off guard.

"Oh yea, sorry. It's Rich! I found a genie and she turned me into a girl because I wanted to have sex with her and I can't see myself naked because I look like her and I know you have a camera and are totally into girls so I came over here so you can take pictures of me so I can keep them for later." Rhida explained.

Kelly didn't understand a word of it. It was gibberish and crazy talk. After thinking about it, neither did Rhida. Rhida stroked her chin in contemplation before continuing.

A moment later she asked, "Yea that didn't make any sense did it?"

"No, not really. Who are you again? Not that I mind crazy good looking girls in my room." Kelly said, retaining her cool exterior manner. Inside she was flustered.

"I'm Richard, Gary's friend. Well, I was until tonight anyways. I got turned into a girl!" Rhida explained.

That sounded like total bullshit to Kelly. "You expect me to believe that? Is someone putting you up to this?" She said as she looked at Rhida with a 'yea, right' expression.

"Okay, I can't really prove that I'm Rich, but I can prove that I have some magic and via logical extrapolation you should be able to deduce magic is real and that me turning into a girl isn't that far a stretch." Rhida explained in a clear, lecturing tone.

"You certainly talk like Richard. Alright, show me your stuff." Kelly said in an amused voice. This was interesting.

What Kelly did not expect was for the woman to begin stripping! She was stunned silent as this beautiful creature placed her purse on the bed and began removing her clothes. Rhida was unaware of the way that she moved her body while she was removing her clothes. She wiggled her knees and narrowed her shoulders to cause her breasts to jiggle excessively and her hips to sway. It was a very good display and she was doing in unknowingly.

Kelly could feel herself getting turned on, but didn't care at all because the woman seemed to be aware that she was in to other girls and decided to strip anyways. Her breasts were very large, but also very shapely. Her waist was small but not excessively so, and her hips were wide. Rhida's classic hourglass shape and toned but not muscular features looked like they were designed by an artist.

Once Rhida was down to her lingerie she said, "Now watch." and willed her lingerie to change color from charcoal black to an opaque white.

For her part, Kelly was both amazed and horney but tried not to show it. She didn't expect the color changing lingerie nor the tantalizing manner in which the woman so casually showed it off. She looked ready for a Victoria's secret photo shoot. Even her hair was styled like she was in a salon just minutes ago.

"How did you do that?" Kelly asked. A bit of wonder showed in her voice and on realizing that, she toned it down. She had an image to maintain.

"Need more proof? Alright, tell me what you want to see and I'll change the lingerie to match." Rhida challenged her.

Kelly had just the thing. "Okay then, how about a sheer black body stocking?"

"Uh... I don't actually know what that is..." Rhida said, embarrassed once she realized that she didn't know what various kinds of lingerie were called.

Kelly laughed a little and smiled. In addition to being beautiful, the woman was very cute. "It's like wet-suit made from pantyhose." She offered.

Now that was something Rhida could understand. She concentrated and almost instantly felt the shift. When she looked down, she couldn't believe the effect. She looked naked. Hot damn!

Despite Kelly's efforts to maintain her cool attitude, her eyes almost jumped out of her face. Oh my god! Not only was that completely impossible, everything about the girl was on display. She wanted to just walk over and grab the woman everywhere.

"How did you DO that?" She asked in disbelief. She had some friends that thought they were witches or something, but she never really thought that magic was real. But this, this was different. This was her room so she knew there were no smoke and mirror tricks going on. And the lady was essentially naked considering how sheer that body stocking was, so she wasn't hiding anything up her sleeves.

"It's magic. The genie said I could change this stuff into any other type of ladies underwear just by willing it." Rhida explained. "Ready to believe me?"

"I can't explain it, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to believe it either. What did you want with me anyway?" Kelly asked. She didn't know what to think.

"Well when I changed into a girl, I tried to look at myself naked in my mirror. But, since I look just like the genie she doesn't want me getting an eye full of my new body and she has some kind of power over mirror reflections. But I've got this plan. I remember your dad bought you that really good camera that he got from that auction one time." Rhida began to explain.

"Yea, it's on the shelf right there." Kelly pointed.

Rhida continued. "So I figured that since a photograph isn't a reflection, you could take all kinds of naked pictures of me for later. Part of my wish was to have really good sex and I want to get it on camera so I can, well... you know. When the genie isn't looking. She totally can't know I'm doing this or I'm never going to get my dick back."

"And you think I'm going to let someone photograph us having sex?" Kelly asked. Not happening. Well, at least the camera part. She could definitely help in the sex department.

"What? Oh! No, I mean Ive got this dildo I can't put down and apparently that covers the having sex part. I just want you to photograph me while I'm doing it." Rhida explained. She didn't think that Kelly would consider she was talking about sex. She wouldn't have the courage to ask Kelly anyways.

"I don't see any dildo..." Kelly said.

"It's... well... yea..." Rhida said. She looked at her feet as her face reddened and pointed towards her new anatomy. She hadn't thought her plan all the way through except for getting naked pictures of herself. She never really considered that another person would be here doing it. It was stupid considering cameras don't operate themselves and it should have been obvious, but she has been distracted lately.

When Rhida pointed and blushed, it really turned Kelly on. She could feel herself getting damp just thinking about this woman. It was really cute to see how embarrassed she was. "Show me" She said as she was walking to the camera. She had a smile on her face that she couldn't contain.

Rhida was still blushing deeply, not really expecting the sudden shyness after the request even though it was stupid because it should have been obvious considering the nature of the photos she was wanting to take. She changed her body stocking into a garter belt and stockings with no panties. Her body was now completely on display as she sat on the bed and spread her legs.

Kelly couldn't believe this was happening. This kinda of stuff only happened in porn stories, but here was this woman with a perfect body clad only in stockings spreading her legs on her bed at 2:30 in the morning! She picked her digital camera up and turned it on. Once it was ready, she turned it on and pointed it at the woman. She was going to remember this for a long time.


This was so embarrassing but it was totally going to be worth it, Rhida thought to herself. So far so good. The genie hadn't called her phone or zapped her or anything. Maybe the genie wasn't all powerful at all as she was starting to think. Come Sunday morning, she would be back to her usual self and have a secret stash of genie porn that nobody else needed to know about. She clenched down on herself to push the dildo out once she heard the camera click. Slowly but surely it slid about halfway out and stopped.


Kelly almost peed herself when the dildo came out. She really did have one inside her! Figuring this was something that was never going to happen again, she decided to try her luck and play director. "Beautiful. Now take the dildo and lay back on your elbows. You're doing good."


Rhida was glad that Kelly was into this. She thought for a moment before actually doing this that it would be hard or require some convincing. Now she thought she might have a harder time leaving that she did getting in!

"Gorgeous! Now put your knees together and lean forward on them. You can put the dildo to the side for now. So, you really are Gary's friend? Not that I completely believe you." Kelly told her.

Rhida forgot herself for a moment until she tried to put the dildo down and remembered she couldn't. "I can't put the dildo down. It's like my hand just wont listen. I had it inside me most of the way here, on a bike no less. I have to keep it on me, or in me. And yes, I'm Richard. And Ill be back to my old self Sunday morning." Rhida explained.

"You rode here on a bicycle with a dildo inside you? Why didn't you just put it between your boobs? They're big enough." Kelly asked.

"Because I... Well, Shit! Why didn't I? Lemmie try." Rhida said to herself. She put the dildo between her boobs and squeezed them together with her shoulders before letting go. She could let it go! Goddamn it, she really could have used this knowledge like twenty minutes ago. Then again, she never had boobs to use as a dildo storage space before.


When Rhida leaned back, she found out that she couldn't stop clenching her breasts together. She figured that it was keeping her from dropping the dildo. Then she had an idea. What if Kelly could take the dildo?


"I wanna try something. Can you try taking the dildo away? I know I can't drop it but maybe you can pick it up. I think it might just be a mental compulsion on my part." Rhida asked Kelly.

"Sure." Kelly agreed. She walked over and Rhida leaned forward, holding her breasts together like she was offering herself to Kelly. Kelly squeezed her legs together. On man I'm going to loose it if she keeps doing things like that, Kelly thought.

Kelly palmed one of Rhida's boobs and trapped a nipple between her fingers, rolling it lightly as she groped. Rhida was surprised. Not at being groped, but because she was expecting it to feel better. So far her nipples didn't feel much different that before she was a girl.

"That... doesn't really do anything for me. I don't think Genie is done designing her form. A work in progress maybe?" Rhida speculated out loud.

Kelly shrugged her shoulders and let go. She grabbed the dildo and wiggled it loose from Rhida's not inconsiderable breasts. Rhida for her part seemed to squeeze her breasts together harder while trying to hold on to it. It looked more like she was giving it a boob job. The dildo came free shortly enough and now it was in Kelly's possession.

"I knew it! Suck it, genie. Score one for me." Rhida said.

While Rhida was distracted with her victory, Kelly thought something didn't quite add up. Her camera wasn't in her other hand anymore. Looking to her side, it was on her dresser. Only she didn't put it down. She was distracted by thinking it over when she was pushed! It was like some force was shoving her towards Rhida, but it was her own body.

She practically flew onto the bed and landed on top of Rhida. Her body was acting on its own! She found herself kissing her way up Rhida's body, stopping momentarily to suck on a nipple and fondle the other before continuing up her neck and finally sealing her lips onto Rhida's. Rhida brought a leg up under Kelly's skirt and between between her legs, causing Kelly's body to grind her panties into Rhida's thigh. This was just too awesome!

Rhida hadn't expected Kelly to come flying at her like that and was too stunned to do anything. It was not often that girls threw themselves at her, literally or otherwise. When she started kissing up her body, she just let her. It felt too good! She brought her leg up to help Kelly along. Kelly's arms encircled Rhida, and finally they kissed!

It was a long and very sensuous kiss. Kelly kept grinding herself into Rhida's leg and Rhida figured she might as well go along with it. She reached her hands up under Kelly's shirt and snaked them under her bra. Kelly's boobs felt great. This was much better than touching her own! She started to kneed them and roll Kelly's nipples between her fingers. It didn't take long before Kelly breathed really hard into her mouth. She felt Kelly body start to shake and hug her really tight. She just made another girl orgasm. Awesome!

It took a while, but eventually a new problem started to become apparent. Kelly couldn't pull her mouth away from Rhida's. They couldn't get their tongues out of each others mouth either. It was like their mouths where glued together. They both opened their eyes and looked at the other.

Rhida tried talking first. "ah thuk ee ha a ah uh." Yea, that didn't make any sense.

"Huuu? ah han uhherhanoo." Kelly replied.

It took a few minutes for both of them to understand that talking was just not going to happen without control over their lips or tongues. Kelly took the initiate by trying lift both of them off the bed into a standing position. Rhida went along and soon they were both standing, looking very much like over-enthusiastic lovers. Rhida still had both hands under Kelly's shirt and on her boobs. Kelly was still hugging their bodies to each other with the hand that was holding the dildo. With her other hand she pointed to her door. They worked their way to it.

Rhida thought she knew where this was going so changed her lingerie into something more modest. Kelly used her free hand to creek open the door and listened for anyone in the Hallway. Once she was sure the coast was clear they carefully opened the door and made their way to the living room. The trek was slow going as each had to learn how to step in motion with the other.

As they were passing the bathroom they heard Gary's doorknob turn. Alarmed, they ducked into the bathroom and barely managed to get the door closed as Gary walked past them! They both stood still in the dark bathroom, listening for Gary to finish whatever it was that he was doing. While waiting, Rhida could barely make out the shape of the bathroom mirror in the darkness and really hoped that the genie wasn't watching.

Eventually Gary returned to his room and they heard the door close. Both of them made their over to the living room where Kelly grabbed her backpack. The goods in hand, they crab walked back to Kelly's room. It went faster this time because they had a bit of practice. Once they were safely inside, Kelly opened her backpack and pulled out a pencil and notepad.

With her free hand she started writing on the notepad.

kelly#I can't let go!

Rhida reluctantly let go of Kelly's boobs and put her bra back into place before she took the pencil and began writing as well.

rhida#It has to be the dildo. I didn't think it would effect someone else!

Once Kelly realized that Rhida's hands weren't under the same spell as their mouths, she rolled her eyes.

kelly#Now I believe you. Only a guy would hold on to my boobs as long as he could. That and I can't seem to control half my body.

rhida#I don't know what to do!

kelly#Maybe the dildo's compulsions effect whomever is holding it. Try to take it from me.

Rhida agreed. It made sense. She reached behind herself and was able to encircle the other half of the dildo with her hand. Once she had a firm grasp, it was like the glue between them just disappeared. Both of them almost lost their balance as they separated.

Kelly was the first to speak. "Wow! I thought maybe it was a trick or something but theres no way that was a trick! It's really real! I still almost can't believe it. I believe you now Rich. How did this happen? I really wasn't paying attention to your story earlier but I'm all ears now." She said in wonder.

Kelly leaned back against a wall and Rhida sat on the bed and began explaining how it happened.

Richard bought the lamp at a police auction. He had never been to one before and it seemed like it would be a fun experience. He didn't know why the lamp interested him, but it did. It was just cool looking. So two bids and $12 later he had his own brass lamp. It wasn't dusty so much as dirty. Some of it looked like dried spit or something.

Once he got it home he took a rag and started washing it. The last spot was tough and he just kind of laid into it with a rag to get it all off. Once it was clean he decided to take a towel to it and started rubbing the hell out of it to get it dry. Thats when the genie appeared.

Black and tan dual coloured smoke that sparkled with invisible glitter poured out of the lamp. Richard didn't know what was going on until the smoke formed into an incredibly beautiful woman clad in some very enticing lingerie that showed off all her curves to great effect. She was on her knees and bowed towards his feet saying "I am the genie of the Lamp. How can I serve you master?"

Once that was done she stood up and said "God I hate that. Every time! You're Richard, right?"

"Uh..." Was all he managed to say.

Ignoring the stare she was getting the genie continued. "You own the lamp now, so you can wish for whatever you want. I know you probably don't believe me so here."

The genie pointed her hand at his face and he felt something that he couldn't quite explain. It was just a feeling all over his skull that went away almost before he noticed it. When the genie handed him a mirror, he couldn't believe it. He had a fresh shave and a haircut! There wasn't a hair out of place. Even his eyebrows were trimmed. It made him look really good. No way!

So he could wish for anything? "I wish we could have sex." Richard said. What the hell, might as well aim high.

"Oh goddamn it." The genie said as she slapped a hand over her face and looked at the ground. "No." She simply stated.

"It pretty much degenerated from there. I ended up making a wish that she somehow turned on me and now I look like her until Sunday." Rhida explained to Kelly.

After hearing the tale Kelly replied flatly, "You had it coming."

"Is it so bad to want to get laid? I mean, come on!" Rhida argued.

"It is when the girl doesn't want too! She was right. You are lucky she didn't send you down town." Kelly told her.

"Yea I guess. So... Can I keep the pictures?" Rhida asked in a hopeful manner.

Kelly looked at him as if she were deciding something before grinning. "Sure. I'll have to get them printed out at a photohut. You can have them Monday. But you should keep it on the down low. You don't want your genie friend finding them." She told him. What she didn't say was that she was going to get a set printed for herself too.

After thinking about it, Kelly asked "If you're intent on being a guy again, that probably means you don't want to anger her. What's her name anyway?"

"I... don't really know. Ive just been calling her Genie." Rhida told her.

"So why risk your dick for the sake of some porn? You're playing with fire you know." Kelly said.

"I know, but I might never get a chance to really see this body. I mean, look at me. These tits are huge. Not just huge, but fuckin' awesome. And my legs look super long. Ive been dying to see myself for like two hours. I'm freaking hot! You're into girls, tell me you wouldn't have sex with me right now." Rhida explained.

"Okay, you got me there. Still, you're taking a risk." Kelly told her.

Rhida was about to thank her for her input when they heard a crash come from outside the house. It wasn't too loud but in the dead of night it was very distinct. Rhida got dressed quickly while Kelly went to check it out.

Kelly came back as Rhida was slipping on her shoes and told her, "Your car looks like it just plowed over our mailbox. You better come outside before more people come out."

Rhida rushed outside and Kelly grabbed her purse before following her.

"I didn't drive here! She turned my car into a bicycle. I left it against the mailbox." Rhida explained on her way out.

When she got outside, sure enough there was her car. The post was snapped off at its base and the box itself was being crushed by the back tire. Gary was in his boxers looking around trying to find someone. He had to be looking for Rich.

The lights in peoples bedrooms began to turn on and Rhida was scared. "Shit! I don't have my keys!"

"I think they're in your purse. Here, lets go!" Kelly said, handing Rhida her purse.

Sure enough, the keys were inside. She didn't bother to lock the doors on her car because nobody would steal it. Rhida got in and put the keys in the ignition. Kelly got in the passenger side but Rhida didn't waste time asking. She kept trying to start the engine.

Gary walked over to the half opened window and asked, "Why do you have Richards car? You know her Kelly?" He didn't try to stop them or anything. Being hot gives a girl a lot of leeway.

Deciding to give her rep a little boost Rhida said, "I left his condoms in my purse and forgot it in Kelly's room. He just loaned me the keys so I could get them." She smiled as she said it.

Kelly just stared at her with a 'why me' look.

"Wait, REALLY?" Gary said. No way was Rich banging a chick this hot. How the hell?

With that, the engine turned over and Rhida gunned it before anyone came to investigate.

Chapter 4

As they were driving back to her place, Kelly looked inside Rhida's purse. She wondered what the little black box with the red button was for.

She pushed it out of curiosity.


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