Chapter 4
"But I don't want to quit!" I yelled at Mom as she tended to my fat lip and black eye.
"I was afraid this was going to happen," she said to Coach Mills outside of the principal's office.
"Lucas, you should have made me aware you were being teased," Coach Mills said. "I know you were being tough because you're a boy. But you're also in the seventh grade. You are younger and smaller than those boys are."
What happened? One boy pulled a pair of briefs underwear over my head. Another one shoved me in my locker and tried to lock the door.
"We don't want any fucking faggots here," the boy said.
I tried to them I wasn't a faggot, but they wouldn't let up. I swung and missed, but another boy didn't. He hit me in the eye and my face hit the locker-room door.
I was saved by a senior on the varsity basketball team. He shouted at them, and tried to catch them. He was only able to catch one of the boys.
He then took us both to Mrs. Parker's office. She is the principal at the high school.
"Ms. Lacy, you and your son can come in now," Mrs. Parker said. "You, too, Coach Mills."
"I talked to Joey Perry, he was the senior who stopped them," Mrs. Parker said. "He caught one of the boys but said he didn't get a look at the other boys. Lucas, here, won't give me a good description of the other boys, and I think I know why."
She guessed I feared retribution, which I did.
"The boy who was caught won't give up his teammates," Mrs. Parker said. "I've informed Coach Holt that if the other boys don't come forward, I'll suspend the whole junior varsity squad."
"Ma'am, don't do that," I said.
"I don't have a choice," she said. "I'm not going to let this happen anymore."
"I can't understand how it could happen in the first place," Mom said.
"I can understand why you're angry, Ms. Lacy," Coach Mills said. "I am too. He's one of my kids. I just wished Lucas had let me know what was going on."
"Well, it's not going to happen again," Mom said. "Lucas, I don't want you to be on the team anymore."
"Ms. Lacy," Coach Mills said. "I WILL make sure it won't happen again. We want Lucas to be on the team."
"And I want to be on the team!" I shouted.
"Don't you raise your voice, young man," Mom said. "If they can assure me this won't happen again, I'll let you stay on the team if that is what you want."
"It's what I want, Mom," I said.
"We'll work things out, Ms. Lacy," Coach Mills said. "We'll protect him. But Lucas, don't try to be 'Mr. Tough Guy.' If someone is harassing you, I want to know about it."
"Yes, ma'am," I said.
Coach Mills's solution was to have me dress in her office. I was to knock once I got to school. She would let me go in and change before hitting the gym.
I received applause when I showed up for practice the next day.
"You should tell us if you're being harassed," Shelley Lambert said. "You're on this team. We've got your back."
"And not all of the guys on the basketball teams are jerks," Dominque said. "Joey's a cool guy. He's Shelley's boyfriend."
News of my brawl with the basketball team spread pretty quickly. Every girl knew it in the Saturday morning ballet class.
"Should we start calling you 'Rocky' now," said Amanda Mercer, one of the girls in the class.
"Okay, Amanda, I don't think that's too funny," Ms. Tucker said before class started.
"Jessi told me what happened," Beth whispered. "Those guys are big jerks. I hope you're okay."
I assured her I was.
Ballet was actually a place where I could de-stress from everything that was going on. It was kind of hard to have your mind on other things when you were trying to remember difficult combinations.
Ms. Tucker kept things pretty simple at the barre with plies, tendus, degages, fondues and developpes. I tried my best to keep my balance during the adagio at the centre.
But I enjoyed the allegro most of all, the jumps, the leaps. The girls were impressed by how high I could jump.
"Wow, your leaps are really powerful," Jessi said. "You're really coming along."
"Beth, Lucas, can you stay a few minutes after class," Ms. Tucker said after we finished up with bows and curtsies.
"Sure," we both said.
She told Beth to put on her pointe shoes.
"I hope you both don't mind if we work a little bit on partnering," Ms Tucker said.
We were actually both excited about it.
We worked on a few simple things. Ms. Tucker showed me how to turn her while she was en pointe. I followed her in another combination and turned her while she was doing a piroutte. We also worked on finger turns.
Again, I was amazed by how beautiful and graceful Beth was. I was completely mesmorized.
"I'm really glad you came," Gina said as I walked in the door at the Lenetti house the night of the rush party.
"I still don't know why I was invited," I said. "Boys aren't supposed to be in sororities."
"Melanie and I checked the by-laws, little sister," Gina said. "There's nothing in there that says a boy can't join Les Amies."
"Um, just the name seems to say that," I said. "It's girlfriends in French, I think."
"We'll Lucas, we think of you as a girlfriend, as a sister," Gina said.
I did actually take that as a compliment. We went through quite a few wars together as teammates during field hockey season.
The party started off just as Beth said. Melanie explained what the club was about. It was a "social organization" for girls to strengthen bonds and have fun.
There would be service projects. We would be feeding the hungry, visiting nursing homes and raising money for a children's hospital.
We would also be having something called a "winter formal."
It sounded okay. I knew most of the girls, so I decided to pledge.
The senior members of the sorority picked little sisters. Jessi was Melanie's little sister. I was -- you guessed it -- Gina Lenetti's little sister.
And as pledges, we got to do some silly things at the party. We played a few games of twister. We went on a scavenger hunt at a nearby mall...doing things like getting our pictures made with a man in a toupee', a woman with a wild hairstyle, had to talk a teenage boy into buying tampons, that sort of thing.
We ended the party by being showered with shaving cream.
Our first meet was at Sycamore High School. The gym was packed. My field hockey teammates were in the stands to cheer us on. So was Beth. Mom, Aunt Paige, Katie and Claire were there.
We were competing with three other schools, including Sycamore. St. Luke Prep and Lakeview Academy were the other teams we were facing. Coach Mills called them all tough competition to open the season.
"They'll all be there at the state meet," she said before warmups.
We started on the balance beam first. I was a little relieved that I didn't have to compete in the first event at the meet. It sort of helped me with my nerves.
Shelley turned in our best score, a 9.5. Kylie scored a 9.4. Jessi did okay with a 9.2. We were in second place after one event, according to Coach Mills' math.
Vault was next. I would be competing for the first time.
You should have heard the roar of the crowd when Kylie knocked down a 9.8 with her vault. Shelley scored a 9.4. Jessi and Dominique each had 9.1s.
"We need an 8.8 to take the lead," Coach Mills whispered to one of our trainers.
We each got two vaults. Our highest score counted. The top five scores counted.
Kacey Prentiss went next. Stumbled on her landing pretty bad and ended up with a 7.8. She fell completely on her second and ended up with a 7.4.
"Nervous?" Coach Mills asked.
I nodded my head yes.
"Just do your best," she said. "That's all I ask."
I took off my warmups. Again, I felt really naked in a leotard.
I ran down the lane as fast as I could, flipped over the vault and fell right on my butt. A wonderful 7.1 score popped up.
Kylie put her arm around me.
"The good thing about this is that you get a second chance," she said.
I started down the lane again. My hands hit the vault the best I think they've ever had. I flipped in the air.
And came down right feet!
I went over and grabbed my water bottle.
"Way to go little sister!" I heard Gina yell from the stands.
I went over to the stands where my field hockey teammates were sitting.
"I don't ever want to hear you complain about wearing a field hockey skirt ever again," Melanie Piper said.
"Frankly, I think leotards really suit him," I heard Emily Crue say.
Their humor really helped me relax.
It also helped that I got a break during the uneven bars. I didn't really notice until after the event that I forgot to put my warmup pants back on. I was just in a jacket and leotard like most of my teammates.
Again Kylie and Shelley posted good scores of 9.5 and 9.3. Jessi brought the crowd to its feet with a 9.7, her best score ever!
"Alright girls, we have the lead," Coach Mills said. "If we do solid routines, we'll win the meet."
This time, I went first. It was really simple. I had fun out there. I didn't make any mistakes doing my routine to "My Heart Will Go On," the theme to Titanic.
I know, really corny. But Coach Mills was the one who picked the music, not me.
I posted an 8.2. We ended up not counting it.
Dominique dazzled the crowd with a 9.9. Kylie nailed a 9.8. Shelley and Jessi had 9.6s. Kacey had a 9.3.
Did I mention that floor was our best event.
"Good job all of you," Coach Mills said when it was over. "If we continue to work hard and improve, I think we've got a really good chance to take state!"
"I can't believe I'm really doing this," I said to Beth as she readied my face with makeup.
"Nonsense, I zam ze artiste and zu are my model," she said.
She wasn't kidding. In addition to being a great athlete and an amazing dancer, she was also an incredible artist.
She wanted to paint me for a contest she was competing in, although her idea was...well...a bit unusual.
"Lucas, I can't believe you are being such a good sport," Beth's mom said.
"Oh come on, mom!" Beth said. "It's not like Lucas hasn't been in a dress before. He wears field hockey skirts during his games. He wore a dress at homecoming and a dress at his team's banquet. He even wears a leotard at his gymnastics meets. This is nothing compared to that."
"Well, you do look awfully cute, Lucas," Beth's mom said.
I was wearing one of Beth's sundresses. She put a flower in my hair, in addition to the makeup, the necklace and the earrings.
My nails were painted.
I held a once bitten apple in my hand.
"So what are you going to call the painting?" her mom asked.
"The Country Girl," Beth said. "What do you think?"
"What about country boy in drag," I said sarcastically.
"Nah!" Beth said. "You look too much like a girl. No one would ever go for that!"
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Two Chapters in one day!
Wow, this is a charming little story.
I was tiny in school and had a great time in gymnastics. I would have gone for a gymnasics schollarship but the draft was really going and I was gaaaarrrrannteeed a spot in the fools erand the called the Vietnam War.
Like this story.
Khadijah Gwen
I was wondering when the three bullies would
come around again to give Lucas another what for. Oh well at least the first assault is being handled. I liked the play by play at the gymnastics meet, and the painting Beth is doing of Lucas as The Country Girl. So Okay now I have a question. When is Lucas and "her" mother going to realize that Lucas is more successful as a girl and should stay a girl? I guess the next chapters will tell. And now "she" is Gina's little sister in the Les Amies sorority! What will be next? Thank you for sharing.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Maybe I;m reading this story differently,
Seems to me Lucas is enjoying his school life by utilizing the skills he has. While his outfits have been girlie thus far it is also been related to events going on his life. He dresses in what is expected for the occasion.
If I was his age, and could hang around pretty girls all day growing up. that would have heaven. At various times in my life I've hung out with exclusively with girls, and other times with men. He's in a great position right. No one is pushing him to change. He is quite happy to be playing with girls and accepted by them. It is a wonderful feeling at that stage of life if you can get it to happen for you too.
I do not see out fearless leader becoming all girlified, put on hormones. Basically change what they like best about him. He has a girlfriend who is gorgeous, and if they broke up I'm rather certain the other girls would give him a try.
Seems like a boy who is making the most of an opportunity to LEARN about girls right from the source. Nto a girl, may a crossdresser down the road...but no pills, operations..any of that...nope..
:) :)
P.S. If this illegible its because I started this a while ago and trying to type this under an Amnber Haze.
I don't really agree in this case
Especially not in this case, actually.
1. Lucas never goes out of his way to dress feminine, or to really be 'one of the girls,' but simply 'one of the team.' Every situation in which he has been dressed femininely has been either at the suggestion of his teammates to promote team unity, or for Beth, and while he hasn't posted any kind of a fight, he has not once simply chosen a girly item for himself, or asked for one.
2. For all the acceptance that the girls give him as one of them, Lucas has many traits that are typical male, and that are a part of what makes him such a fascinating character. His refusal to tell about the torment he received in the locker room is a prime example of this, in my opinion; he would rather face something like that himself, as a man, than to do what could be seen as the wimpy thing and report it. In addition, I noticed that it was mentioned quite clearly that he is taking the male role in the ballet class, with no objections or seeming unhappiness about it.
To my eyes, Lucas is a boy who is courageous enough to do what he likes regardless of what the general social situation might dictate is typical male behaviour, and that's actually one of the elements of this story I like the most so far. I've heard people say countless times on this site how crossdressing or femininity does not a transsexual make, but I guess due to the large population of readers and authors who are either pre-op or post-op that route is the most often took regardless of how flimsy a premise might actually exist for its occurrence in a character who for all intents and purposes was happy as a male. It is nice to see a story that doesn't beat you over the head with the "he's a girl!" stick, and instead looks into a more subtle portion of the gender spectrum and how it affects people.
Melanie E.
Criteria for success?
"When is Lucas and "her" mother going to realize that Lucas is more successful as a girl and should stay a girl? "
One hardly thinks that the criteria for being a girl or even thinking one should be a girl is simply because one can be good at it. One could be an excellent marksman. Does that mean he should be a killer - because he is good at it? Should every boy who is a 'failure' as a man become a woman? That's actually the specious argument put forth by those who oppose transexual athletes, that they could be more successful as women than as men and thus changed sex.
Lucas so far is simply a boy who is very good at things thought to be feminine without showing any desire to actually be female.
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On the Flip Side, Chapter 4
Me, I wonder when Lacy will decide to do a bit of thumping on those jerks? I could se him thump them if they accosted one of the girls.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I really like the
way Torey, How you end chapters with Lucas finding yet another way explore the feminine side of his nature... Too me it just shows that here we have a boy who is comfortable with himself, Someone who quite clearly is doing what he enjoys....And if others think it strange...Well thats there problem!
I'm With Frank
What I like about these stories is that Lucas is doing it all without being feminised. He's still a boy with a girlfriend and everything he's doing is HARD in terms of work and toughness.
He wears the uniforms and dresses with insouciance and style. Great!
Name Change?
In starting high school is where most kids pick up their nick-names... many times given to them by people who are NOT their friends!
Knowing high schoolers, I wonder when "Lucas Lacy" will become "Lacy Lucas"?
Or is that TOO obvious?
As I read this charming
As I read this charming story, I sit wonderong how many of the male ice skaters, ballet dancers and the like were deemed "wimps", "faggots" and such by others who believe themselves to be soooooo macho? Every person, male or female, has some body type that can cause them to be "pigeonholed" by others who don't like others who don't meet their perfect standards. It is a sad commentary on life that this happens all to frequently. I find Lucas to be a young man who simply knows himself and likes to get along with others. He should be emulated by others rather than being "bashed". Jan
The character of Lucas is being developed beautifully
and change will come when he is ready.
Les Amies
Regarding the name of the sorority, Les Amies, Lucas said: "It's girlfriends in French, I think." Actually, what it means is simply "The Friends".
I'm enjoying reading about Lucas, his friends and classmates and the things he's doing that are usually 'no-go' for boys! He seems to be handling it very well, enjoying being part of the girls' teams and putting his best efforts into every activity.
I'm inclined to believe that he'll remain a boy at the end of it all!
Yes and no - translations.
There are different forms of words in French based on gender. Compare:
Ami - friend, male.
Amie - friend, female
For an example that exists in modern English - a borrowed word:
Fiance/fiancee - male and female forms correspondingly.
While your translation is sound, Lucas said it right. ;)
And I must confess - I was not a diligent French language learner at school. ::blush::
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Fabulous Story Torey
Don't change a thing! (as if you would?)
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)