Amaria: Chapter 1: The Apprentice

Kuval, Manara Space Station’s administrator and senior scientist stared out his large oval window towards his home planet Amaria, a blue and green planet with cloud formations over most of the larger of the three continents. Must be raining today he thought as he reflected on his twenty years of service to ASI (Amarian Space Institute). Kuval could not believe the progress made so far in technological growth in the last few years, he was happy with the contributions that his station had made for this endeavor over the last year. Kuval then poured himself a hot cup of his favorite tea as he sat back down at his console in the center of his small office; a glass top desk with four black legs attached in a circular fashion and was surrounded by four walls, one of which had a large monitor screen on the right side of the office. His desk is adorned with a computer console a writing utensil holder, made by his son while in the first year of education. Also atop his desk were folders strung about with pictures and identifying papers of resent applicants for the apprentice program for the upcoming year. After many weeks of consideration of all the great applicants he had, he found his new junior apprentice to join his team. A Lovely short young woman with brown eyes and hazel eyes, twenty five years old and educated the ASI Technical Higher Learning Center Jualdia, with a degree in mathematics and science. He had chosen her not for her grades or degrees but on her application letter she had written. Linaria had spoken about her tough upbringing and efforts to make it through school while working at school library to earn her way through school and her dream to become a member of ASI Research Station Manara as a lofty goal to set.

Kuval sipped at his tea and then pressed the intercom button. A buzz is heard in the outer corridor. “Yes Kuval, what can I do for you?’ Anali, Kuval’s medium sized 24 year old research assistant with blond hair asked.

“Can you have Ardin report to my office please?” He asked politely.

“Yes sir, right away.” Anali put through a call to the stations associate scientist.

Kuval took another sip of his tea and set it down as his intercom buzzed. “Sir, Ardin is on his way up, he should be here in a few minutes.”

“Thanks Anali, that’ll be all for now.” Kuval waited a few minutes by sipping the last of his tea then setting the empty cup in a water basin attached to a wall. He glanced at his refection in the mirror hanging above the water basin and looked at himself. “I’m getting grey around the top; my age is catching up with me.”

“Nonsense sir, you’re still looking young and fit.” Ardin said with a chuckle as the tall 30 year old with brown hair walked into Kuval’s office. Kuval offered Ardin a seat, and as he sat Ardin asked. “I assume you have found our new apprentice for this year?”

“Yes, yes I have, and I think she will bring new ideas and talent to our staff here.” He said as he pushed a paper jacket containing Lanaria’s stats and letters in it over to Ardin. Ardin studied the material in silence for a few minutes and the set the file down. “Impressive sir, one of the top candidates, I agree; she will make a great addition to our staff.”

“Good, now that I got that done I need you to go down to Amaria and escort her up to Manara. Brief her on the way up as much as you can, then I will cover everything else when she arrives.”

“Ok sir, I will. When do you want me to head down to the planet?” Ardin asked a little excited, he always enjoyed taking a little time off on the surface for a little entertainment and distractions, he loved his work but it could be a little dull at times without new discoveries.

“Tonight and I want you back her in three days. I don’t want you to spend too much time indulging yourself. I want you back promptly.” Kuval handed Ardin another file containing a picture and name of the new apprentice.

“Yes sir, I will not let you down.” Ardin said a little disappointed at the time constraint place on him. Oh well he thought next time. As Ardin left the office, Kuval picked up the buzzed the intercom.

“Anali, can you put me through to Limie in ground control please?”

“Yes sir, just one moment please.”

Kuval spent the few minutes straitening up the mess on his desk as he waited for the communication to go through. Just as he finished putting away the files in storage the intercom buzzed once again so he could call Limie at ground control because the Jindan Manara’s only shuttle was on the planet for minor repairs and upgrades.

“Sir, I have Limie for you, Go ahead.” A clear deep voice could be heard over the intercom. “Limie here, what can I do for you Kuval?”

“I am good thank you; I have a new apprentice coming to the station in three days. Can you send the shuttle Jindan up to the station at once? Ardin will ride it down and pick up a student named Linaria. Please schedule them a return trip in three days please.” Kuval explained to Limie.

“I’m good, let me check the maintenance record and see if it’s ready to go.” Kuval could hear the tell tale signs of Limie checking the computer terminal at his end. “Yes, it’s ready to go. I will get you a pilot immediately and send it up within the next few hours.” Limie said with assurance.

“That’s great, thank you.” Kuval said with appreciation for the quick turnaround of the Jindan’s maintenance.

“Any time sir, have a good day.”

“You have a good day to good bye.” Kuval then ended the call by pressing a button on the communications panel then asked his assistant to make an additional call. “Anali can you put me through to the ASI commissioner’s office please.” He once again asked politely of his assistant.

“Just one moment sir.” Anali responded.

While waiting for the call to go through he used his computer terminal and reviewed the latest telescope radio recordings, pausing on a few and marked them for future scrutiny. Not too long after finishing his intercom buzzed.

“Sir, I have Commissioner Sural for you, go ahead sir.” Anali said as she transferred the call to Kuval’s office.

Kuval was happy to speak to his long time friend. “Sural my old friend, how are you this fine day?”

“I am doing fine Kuval, and you?”

“Great day here in orbit, I called to let you know that I have chosen this year’s apprentice, her name is Linaria and is from your own school, Jualdia.” Kuval said to his friend, happy with his decision.

“Yes, I know her, she is an outstanding student and will make a valuable researcher and assistant, I will inform her immediately” He said proudly knowing that other schools had just as good or even better candidates. “I am positive she will be ecstatic, when should I tell her to be ready to go?”

“In three days, Ardin will meet Linaria at the school and bring her to Manara the following day, please tell her of the departure day.” Kuval instructed Sural to convey the itinerary to Linaria.

“Ok, I will let her know the great news, can you send me the travel arrangements.”

“Yes, of course I am sending the information now.” Kuval punched a few buttons on his terminal and transmitted the information to Sural.

“Got it my friend, have you found anything interesting this week?”

“Just a few radio signals that I think will be a good first try with Linaria and her skills, but nothing exciting yet.”

“All right then, you have a good day, I will speak with you again soon.” Sural said to his friend.

“Ok, Bye my friend.” As Kuval ended the call he went back to his terminal logging radio transmissions for further interpretation.

Sural got up from his desk in the middle of a lavish office surrounded by book shelves, animal skin covered chairs, a red and yellow floor covering with window looking out on the campus of the school. He walked out the front door to the green of the courtyard he strolled to another building with the same red and blue colors three stories high. He made his way to the front door of student housing and walked down the left hallway of the first floor and knocked on the third door of the room on the right. A lovely young lady of twenty five opened the door. “Hello commissioner, what can I do for you today?” Surprised by the visit by the commissioner and gestured for Sural to come in.

“I am here to give you some wonderful news to tell you.” Noticing her expression changed from questioning to total excitement.

“Good news, what news is that?” She said with continued excitement and anticipation noticeable by here constant fidgeting knowing that she had applied for an apprenticeship on the Manara space station.

“As I am sure you are aware that the ASI station Manara was in the process of choosing this year’s apprentice. Well, get a hold of yourself, you are the one they have chosen, congratulations.” As Sural gave Linaria a quick smile and handed her the document with her travel itinerary.

“Oh wow, Kuval choose me. I can’t believe it. I am ecstatic!” Linaria was clearly excited. “When do I leave for Manara Space Station?”

“The day after tomorrow, go ahead and pack your things and go to the transport station and a scientist from the station named Ardin will meet you and take you up to Manara.”

“Ok thank you, I am so grateful for this opportunity I will pack up tomorrow and I will make you proud of me.”

“Of that I have no doubt.” Sural said with glee. “I am already very proud of you just for being selected.”

“Thanks again Sural, have a good day.”

“I will, you do the same.” As Sural turned and walked down the corridor.

Linaria slung herself on a chair and cheered to whole world. Her excitement could defiantly be felt. She sat and began to comprehend her future. She then took stock in the belongings she should take to the station. She then got up from the chair and almost floated towards her closet, opening the door and grabbed from the top shelf a bag in which to pack her belongings. She then thought to that she defiantly had too many things to bring with her. She thought, ‘I am going to have to box up some of my things and put them in storage for a while.’ Then she laid her bag on the chair and left her room in order to contact her mother and give her the great news. Linaria punched a few buttons and made a call to her mother Verana who was also a graduate of Jualdia school of music and was well known for the music she had composed.

“Hello.” A musical voice answered the communication.

“Mom, it’s me, I have some great news.” Linaria said excitedly she could hardly contain herself. “I’ve been selected as this year’s ASI Space Station Manara new apprentice. Can you believe it?”

“Lin my dear really, that’s wonderful. I am so happy for you Linaria; this is a wonderful opportunity for you. Congratulations you deserve it.” Verana said with glee and pride.

“Thanks mom, I know I will do my best and make you proud.” Linaria said with assurance.

“When do you leave for the station?” Her mom asked.

“The day after tomorrow, I am to meet a male named Ardin and he is to take up to the station and brief me on what is to be expected.” She told her mom.

“Well call me when you get there, and keep in touch with me ok.”

“I will mom, I’ll talk to you soon, bye.”

“I’ll look forward your first call, bye.”

As the call ended Linaria walked back into her room and lay on her bed contemplating her future. She then fell quickly asleep and dreamt of the trip ahead of her.

Linaria woke up early the next day. She had slept very well and was still excited about her selection. She then began grabbing her things and began to pack them into suitcases for her trip tomorrow. Linaria spent the rest of the day packing and organizing her things. Later that evening she decided to go and see her friends for some last minute fun.

Ardin found himself once again in the space port on Amaria, it had been almost two months since the last time he had step foot on his home planet. He walked out into the bright sunlight and into the square just outside of ASI’s transportation center. A large rectangular building with two floors and a tower with window’s all around in the center of the square. He briefly looked around and took a deep breath. He was certainly glad to be back, even for a short time. He then walked across the square to the community transport station and boarded a transport that was heading towards the school where he is to pick up Linaria. Ardin sat in a seat towards the front of the transport, a four wheeled vehicle shaped in a cylindrical cigar shape with large windows and 30 seats for passengers. It pulled away from the stop and Ardin put his head back and closed his eyes for the rest of the trip to Jualdia. Ardin woke up just as the transport stopped and he heard over the intercom. “Last stop Jualdia station.” He then got off of the transport and walked up the steps to the administration building. As he approached the center desk in the rotunda he saw a young woman sitting at the desk, he smiled at her and asked. “I am here to meet Linaria, I am from Manara Space Station, I’m Ardin, and can you get a hold of her and let her know that I am here to pick her up.”

“Yes of course, right away sir.” The young receptionist said. “You can wait over at those tables for her to arrive.” She indicated with her hand pointing to tables along the wall. She then went to her terminal and began to type.

Ardin then turned to walk away and then sat at an open spot at one of the tables, picked up a pamphlet and read it as he waited. After just a few minutes he recognized Linaria walk up to the center desk probably asking the young receptionist where he was sitting. Ardin then stood up and walked over to where Linaria was standing and offered his hand in hello. Linaria turned around and saw Ardin walk up to her, she then knew this must be her escort to the station. She smiled brightly as she shook his hand. “Hello, I’m Linaria; you must be Ardin from the station.”

“Yes, I am. I am pleased to meet you. I am here to make sure you get up to the station safely and I will brief you on the way up.”

“Oh great, nice to meet you to, I am totally excited about going to the station.” She said with glee.

“We are scheduled to leave for Manara in two hours; I hope you are ready to go.” Ardin asked.

“I am defiantly ready to go; I just have to grab my things and go.”

“That’s good, I will help you with your bags and then we will take the transport to ASI transportation station, have you ever been in space?”

“No, this will be my first time. I am really looking forward to it.”

“Well let’s do this then.” Ardin said with a smile.

Ardin followed Linaria out of the administration building towards student housing. Linaria opened the door to her room for what could be for the last time. On the floor just inside were three bags all packed and ready to be taken. Ardin walked into Linaria’s room and picked up two of the bags and Linaria picked up the last one.

“Is there anything else?” Ardin asked as he prepared to walk out with the heaviest of the three bags.

“Nope, this is all, let’s get going.” Linaria said as she walked out of her room and looked the door as she closed it.

Ardin lead the way across the school campus to the transport station. They waited a few minutes for the transport to show up. Once the transport arrived Ardin and Linaria boarded the transport to ASI transport station and sat in the middle. A few more students boarded the transport, the doors closed and the transport departed. Ardin asked Linaria if she had any expectations. “Linaria, what do you think of being selected for this assignment?”

“I feel ecstatic, and I know that this experience will be a great one, and that I will do my best to contribute to the mission.” Linaria said with a little pride.
“That’s what I was hoping you would say, Kuval had to pick just one person out of hundreds for this opportunity and he took a while to pick just the right candidate. After he told me I was coming to the planet to bring you up I read your record and knew he had chosen the right person.” Ardin said with true admiration for Kuval’s selection.

“Why thank you Ardin, I appreciate that.” Linaria said

After only a few minutes the transport arrived at the space port and Ardin and Linaria got off and walked towards the front doors. Linaria was taking it all in, turning her head side to side admiring all the Amarian Transport station and space port had to offer. Several green white and blue flags were flying overhead with the light breeze, the sun was just about half way across the sky as Linaria looked towards the deep blue and pondered what was to come. Ardin once again picked up a bag and walked into the front doors, holding the double glass doors open for his new colleague. As Linaria walked into the space port, she could clearly see the space transport on the landing pad and was surprised by its size.
The ship had a clean design to it, grey with green and white emblem of Amaria on the front and side with a triangular shaped nose with a large rectangular body and a door on the left side and a hatch on the rear, with emergency escape stenciled above it. Ardin could tell that she was intrigued and told her the name of the craft that would be taking them both up to Manara.

“That’s the Jindan; she’s going to be taking you to your new home for the next year.” Ardin explained.

“I can’t wait, can we board her?” Linaria asked excitedly.

“Of course, we will just put your things in the back and climb on in.” Ardin said as he guided Linaria into the shuttle craft for the first time.

Inside were to pilot seats in the front, a storage area off to the right side in the back with supplies stenciled with Manara Space Station. Ardin and Linaria set her bags next to a big grey box in the storage area. Ardin then gestured towards the seat on the left side of the pilot’s station and he took the seat on the right. Ardin could not help but see the confused look on Linaria’s face, sensing she had a question on her mind Ardin explained.

“Well we will just call this your first lesson in piloting the Jindan, you have to learn sometime. So sit back and listen and I am sure you will pick it up very quickly.” Ardin waited a few seconds for the realization of piloting the Jindan for the first time to sink in. “First of all we need to do a preflight of all in flight systems. In the right side of your seat there is a pocket an inside you will find the check list required.”

Linaria reached into the pocket with her right hand and pulled out a red rectangular tablet computer with a buttons on the bottom and right hand side. She placed it on the console in front of her and looked over at Ardin. “Ok, now push the lower left button marked with the square symbol and it will turn on the pad. In case of a failure of the pad there’s a copy of written instructions in a pouch under your seat.” Ardin instructed.

Linaria pressed the button marked with the triangle with her right thumb, as the computer pad powered up she could see the check list appear and it had ‘Welcome to the Jindan, press the enter key to continue’.

“The enter key is on the right hand side marked by a star on the button.” Ardin explained.

Linaria pressed the star on the pad and the check list loaded and listed all the procedures to get started. “There’s a lot here.” Linaria said with a little apprehension.

“Don’t worry; it becomes much easier as you get practice. You will get twice a week lessons until you are ready to pass the final check ride.” He said to calm her fears.

Linaria looked at the first set of instruction and began slowly inputting commands and pressing buttons on the front and left side console. The Jindan came alive as systems were powered up. Finally as Linaria finished the first set of instructions the last step was for the cabin door to close. As she pressed the switch for the door to closed she heard a soft whoosh as the door closed and the cabin pressurized.

“Ok, Linaria now that the preflight is complete are you ready?”
“Yes I am.” She answered with excitement.

Ardin began with. “All we need now is departure clearance and we can go.” Ardin was writing on a pad of paper and handed to Linaria.

“What’s this?” She asked.

“It’s our call sign and departure clearance instructions to ask departure control.

“Ok thanks. Departure control this is Jindan one zero six, request departure clearance to Manara Space station.” Linaria said perfectly and with confidence.

“That was very good Linaria.” Ardin said pleased with her performance.

“Thank you.” Linaria responded and departure control came through seconds later with the clearance for them to leave.

“Jindan one zero six, this is departure control, you have clearance to depart with an initial heading of one eight zero then climb to one zero thousand feet and then enter normal orbital approach.”

Ardin interjected immediately. “Repeat what they said with the clearance so they know you understood.”

“Yes sir.” Linaria took a deep breath and repeated departure controls instructions. “Departure control Jindan one zero six departing for Manara Space Station on an initial heading of one eight zero then climb to one zero thousand feet and then entering normal orbital insertion.” “

That was great Linaria, now let’s go.” Ardin said and pointed to power and pitch controls. “Now select full power and a 15 degree pitch on the pitch control.”

“Will do, by the way you can call me Lin for short.” Lin said as she adjusted the power and pitch controls. The Jindan then rose with grace and ease into the air, turning as it lifted above the space port. Off into the blue sky, higher and faster as it gained altitude.

“This is easier than I would have thought Ardin. Thanks for letting me pilot us to the station.” Lin said with glee and appreciation. “

You’re welcome; now once we reach 100,000 feet input the following into the navigation computer.” Ardin handed Linaria another piece of paper he had written on. Lin looked at the papers instructions and nodded her ok. Once the shuttle craft reached 100,000 feet a beeping sound could be heard in the cock pit. Lin entered the data the Ardin had given her and once she hit the accept button the Jindan accelerated at a great rate and turned full nose up towards space. A few seconds later the sky faded to black and the star could now be clearly seen. Off to Linaria’s right the moon of Amaria could be seen a reddish brown orb that lumbered in orbit of her home planet.

“Wow, would you look at that. This is great, it’s so…beautiful. I can’t believe the view.” Lin exclaimed with pleasure and wonderment of a child.

“Yes it is, now take a look overt to your right.” Ardin gestured towards the Amarian Space Station Manara. “Oh my, that’s…that’s amazing. I did not realize that it was that big.” Lin was exasperated with her new home for the next year.

As the Jindan continued turning the whole station came into view. A circular inter ring that has a dish antennae at the top pointing toward deep space. The center ring has four sections coming out in a spoke pattern at 45 degree intervals that are about half the size of the inner ring. The surfaces are white and dark grey in color. Each section has viewing ports on either side and they are spaced evenly and have an oval shape to them. The spoke closest to them was different from the others; it clearly had a docking port at one end obviously to accept the Jindan. As Lin took in all of this new experience she felt a rush of excitement and an almost childish glee as the Jindan approached the station.

“The station is amazing Ardin, what’s it like inside?” Lin asked.

“It’s like any research station on Amaria, work stations, offices and laboratories in each section. The center is the main section and houses all the computers and radio telescope receivers and is where we will be working.” The Jindan took a sharp right turn towards the spoke with docking port one painted on the side closest to the edge of the port. On the port door was written ‘Caution, do not open inner door prior to pressure equalization.’
Suddenly the Jindan came to a complete stop just a few feet from the port. Ardin explained the next task. “Ok Lin, now we need to get clearance to dock and use the thrusters here.” Ardin pointed to the thruster controls. “Just use one or two bursts on the right side to ease us over then when you here the proximity alarm hit this button here.” Ardin pointed to a button marked coupling lock engage/disengage. “I’ll request clearance for you while you study the thruster controls.” Ardin then pressed the communications button and requested clearance to dock. “Manara Space station this is Jindan one zero six requesting clearance to dock at strut one with two person and cargo on board.” Ardin completed the request and waited for clearance to come in.

Kuval’s voice came through the com and gave clearance. “Jindan one zero six, this is Manara, clearance granted and welcome home.”

“Alright, now like I said just one push on the thruster control, no more than one at a time, just to nudge us softly to the dock port and the engage the locking clamps.”

Linaria took a deep breath then reached over and pressed for right thrust. A small hissing sound could be heard as the Jindan slowly eased to the left and in a few seconds the proximity alarm sounded. Linaria had her finger lingering over the engage button and pressed it once. A loud clunk was heard and the Jindan was safely docked to Manara. Ardin looked over at Lin and said. “Now press the pressure equalization button above your head on the left and when it turns greet from red you may open the door.”

Lin pressed the button, a whoosh; the same as before on takeoff was heard once again. The indicator light flashed red three times then changed to green indicating a good seal and the pressure in the Jindan was the same as inside the station. Lin then pressed another button and the door on the left slid open with ease and at the same time the door to the strut opened and a white light illuminated the entrance to the station. As Linaria stood up and walked towards the back she noticed an older gentleman standing in the corridor, he was tall with grey hear and green eyes. “He sure looks distinguished.” She thought to herself. Linaria smiled at the new man as he entered the Jindan.

“Welcome aboard the Manara Space Station my dear, Welcome.” Kuval extended his hand in friendship towards Linaria. “How was your trip Linaria? By the way I am Kuval, Senior Scientist and Administrator her at Manara.”

“I am very pleased to meet you sir.” Linaria grasped is hand and shook it in greeting. “Thank you for this opportunity to be an apprentice here. I know I will do my best and try not to mess up.”

“Don’t worry about it Linaria, we are all known to make a few mistakes from time to time, just as long as we learn from them and not make the same ones twice, don’t you agree Ardin?”

“Yes sir, absolutely.” Ardin answered remembering his first big mistake and not backing up the nightly radio telescope recordings. Luckily he had recognized his mistake and corrected it on his own the next day. “Lin I know I have made a few myself.

“Well that makes me feel a little better. Thanks for your encouragement and acceptance.” Lin responded to their statements of not being perfect. She honestly felt better.

“Lin?” Kuval questioned both in general.

“Yes sir, I like to be called Lin for short. It’s what my mom has always called me since I was little.”

“Ok and you may call me Kuval, short for Kuval he snickered at his own joke.

“Well I guess a tour of the station is in order, I will have some of the maintenance personnel collect the cargo and put your bags in your living space.” Kuval directed her down the corridor toward the center of the station.

Lin was taking all of it in with excitement and glee of a child again. “I can’t believe this place, it’s wonderful, and how many people are working on the station Kuval?

“In total 17, three radio telescope scientists, including you, two computer engineers, five maintenance personnel, three support personnel who cook and clean, a doctor and two astronomers…..oh and my very special assistant Anali, she’s your age so you just might like her.”

Kuval lead Linaria into the center of the station turning towards the right, Ardin went to the left. “Sir I will me you and Lin in the computer center when you are done with her tour.”

“No problem, see you in a few.” Kuval answered back. “He’s probably going to raid the kitchen.” Kuval again laughed at his own joke.

“Thanks for the lesson.” Linaria told Ardin as he proceeded down the center corridor.

“You’re welcome.” Ardin said as he disappeared around the next corner.

“I knew he could not resist giving you a lesson in piloting the Jindan. So, how was it for you?”

“It was fun and easy too. Only hard part was the docking. I was worried at fist but got through it.” Lin answered Kuval.

Kuval continued showing Lin around the station, stopping at each cubicle and explaining its function. He showed her the communications center, astronomical center, medical bay, living quarters and engineers cubical. When they stopped at the dining hall there was Ardin sitting at one of the three tables eating away.

“Hi you two, enjoy the tour so far Lin?” Ardin wiped sauce from his chin that had dropped onto his chin.

“Let’s leave those two alone, they need their privacy.” Kuval laughed loudly obviously referring the huge sandwich that has all the fixings dripping out of it.

“You’re so comical Kuval, very funny.” Ardin even laughed at the joke this time.

Kuval then lead Lin to the grand finale, the computer and radio telescope center. A large door opened as they approached, a young woman with blond hair and about the same height as Linaria came through the door almost bumping into Kuval. “Whops, sorry Kuval, Oh hi you must be the new apprentice Linaria right.” Anali said she would have shook Linaria’s hand but had a handful of file folders and looked to be in a rush. “Nice to meet you Linaria, I will chat with you later I’ve some filing to do at the moment.”

“It’s no problem Anali nice to meet you to, call me Lin.” Lin shouted as Anali darted down the corridor.

“She’s a great assistant; I never have to get on her case on anything.” Kuval said with admiration. “She’s your room mate as well; I almost forgot to tell you.”

“That good, I was afraid I would be lonely up here, but now I’ll have someone to talk to.”

“Shall we go in?” Kuval gestured towards the still open door to the computer center.

Kuval lead the way and inside. Lin was astounded at the sight before her, computer consoles along the right side of the room, radio receivers on the left, and three work centers in the center all with access to the mainframe. Kuval took her on a tour of the space and explained each consoles purpose. Then he led her to the door at the end and stated. “And this is my office, and that desk with the big pot on it is Anali’s desk. Kuval continued and ended up at a desk with only a keyboard and monitor on it. “This will be your work space here.” Kuval said as he tapped on the metal surface of the desk. “You may do with it as you please. Just keep it clean.

Lin pulled out the chair that was under the desk turn it and sat at her desk. “It’s nice sir. I brought some pictures I can put on it, thanks.”

“Ardin’s desk is across from yours.” Kuval pointed to the desk with about ten folders strewn about the surface in a haphazard fashion. “He never cleans his desk; he’s usually down in the radio center adjusting frequencies. Well that’s the end of the tour; you may go to your quarters I showed you earlier and unpack your things. Dinner will be in two hours, I’ll see you then.”

“Thank you for the tour Kuval, I enjoyed it immensely.” Lin said honestly, and then she looked around the center of the room once again to take it all in. She then walked over to the door and walked down the corridor towards the living quarters. As Lin entered her new living space she saw that her bags had been placed on an empty bed on the left side of the room. She then walked over to the oval window looking off into space and then once again she got a look at Amaria. “Beautiful.” Lin muttered to herself reflecting on her new surroundings.

“Yes it certainly is beautiful.” Responded Anali as she entered the room they now were sharing, Anali also saw that Lin was startled as she spoke. “I’m sorry Lin; I did not mean to scare you.”

“It’s alright Anali; I was just enjoying the view when you came in. Don’t worry, I am ok.” Lin said as she smiled at her new roommate.

“Good, so what do you think of all of this?” Anali asked as she gestured around towards the rest of the station.

“It’s a lot to take in at first glance, but I think I will get used to all of what goes on here.”

“I’m sure you will Kuval was scouring the applicants for this position a great deal over the last month. I think his choice is a good one. Anali said in a friendly manner.

“Well thank you for being so kind so far, I am sure you and I will be great friends in no time.” Lin said with assurance and hope that they would truly become good friends. “How long have you been on the station?” Lin asked her new companion.

“Since the beginning, Kuval brought me with him after the station was brought online a year ago; I’ve been working for him since I left school. This is by far the best job I have had.” Anali said with pride and accomplishment in her voice.

“That’s great Anali, I just hope that I do well and contribute to our planets future in one way or another. I can’t wait to meet the rest of the crew. I’ve only seen a few of them while on tour with Kuval, they were all too busy to chat, but I am sure I will get to know them all shortly.”

“Oh you will meet all of them for sure, when Kuval said you were to meet him in the dining hall later, that’s for all of us to get together each night and discus our progress and anything else that comes up we need to talk about.” Anali explained their weekly get together's.

“Oh really; he left that part out, well now I am really looking forward to dinner now.” Lin said as she unzipped her back and began putting away her clothes in a reddish brown chest of drawers that was inset into the wall of her side of the grey and white room.

“Well I am sure you will enjoy it. Here let me help you put your things away.” Anali offered and then helped Lin put her things away. After about 30 min they had finished putting away everything and straitened up the room. “Well Lin I think we should go ahead and get ourselves to the dining hall.”

“Ok, just lead the way.” Lin said pointing down the right corridor with her hand.

“Just follow me milady.” Anali said as she chuckled.

Anali and Lin walked casually down the corridor and entered the large dining hall. Both of the tables had been pushed together into on long table, in a conference style. Once they entered they noticed that Ardin was already seated on the left of the head of the table in the first seat. Lin smiled at Ardin for a brief moment of recognition. Ardin then pointed over to the right side just across from him indicating were Linaria would sit this evening.

“Sit right over their Lin, would you like anything to drink while we wait for the others?”

Linaria made her way over to that side of the table Ardin had indicated, she took her seat and Anali sat right next to her. “Um… yes please, I’ll have Lindinberry juice.”

“I’ll have Amarian ale and one Lindinberry juice for Lin.” Ardin asked Emil the cook behind the counter.

“Sure Ardin, just one minute.” Emil said then turned to pour the drinks that Ardin has asked for. After pouring the drinks Emil came out of the kitchen and handed the drinks to Ardin and Lin. “Hello my dear, you must be the new apprentice.” Emil asked with a smile.

“Yes, I am Linaria but you may call me Lin for short.” Lin said as she stood and offered to shake Emil’s hand in greeting. Emil took her hand and shook it in welcome as the both smiled. “Welcome Lin, welcome to Manara and I hope you like what I have cooked for dinner tonight, roasted chinat.”

“I am pleased to meet you.” Lin answered, chinat is her favorite fowl. “Chinat that sounds good, I’m sure I will enjoy it.”

Lin sat back down still smiling and took a sip from her cup. At the same time Kuval followed be everyone else came into the dining hall. All of them took seats at the tables that had been put together. As they sat Emil came out and took the last seat open on the right side. Everyone at the table was talking to each other and the volume was loud.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, could be heard as Kuval stood up at the head of the table and hit the side of his glass with his spoon and spoke. “Can I have your attention please?” Everyone quitted down. “I would like to introduce to you Linaria, she is from Jualdia. She is also our very first apprentice scientist here on Manara.” Kuval pointed to Linaria and she stood up and greeted everyone with a nod. Kuval then began introducing all members of the team; he started with the doctor who was sitting to the left of Anali. “Starting on your left next to Anali is our station doctor Binaji, Across from him is our two computer engineers Celine ad Danie, then there’s Fianne who is sitting next to Danie.” Each person stood and gave a welcoming not as they were introduced. “Next to the doctor is Niara one of our station engineers, the other four are Fianne, Athia, Pardja, and head engineer Quint. Next to Quint is Amil and Emil, there brothers and our cooks and next to Pardja is Marna, he’s housekeeping. Next to him are Timit and our station astronomers. And that’s everyone.” Kuval then sat back down as all those in attendance greeted Linaria.

“Thank you all for that great welcome, you are all very kind. Please call me Lin.” Lin told them all as she shook everyone’s hand and finally sat down.

Amil and Emil both stood up at the same time and Emil spoke. “We will be right back with our dinner, roasted Chinat.” Amil and Emil went into the kitchen ad they both grabbed plates of food and put them in front of everyone. Each person politely waited for everyone to be served. Everyone chatted throughout the meal; they talked about all that Lin should expect while on the station and what they all did on a daily basis. When everyone had finished eating Amil stood up and said. “If everyone is finished please place your dishes into the wash bin in the kitchen, Emil and I will clean in here and put the tables back. Lin was the second to get up just after Kuval gathered his dishes and headed for the kitchen. Lin followed suit and placed her dished in the wash basin then left. Kuval and the rest left the dining hall for their living quarters. Kuval then said good night to Lin. “Lin I will see you in the morning, have a good night.”

“Thank you Kuval, I will.” Lin said as she walked back to her room, as she entered her room she went to the bathroom and cleaned up and then got ready for bed. She then sat at the desk were the communications panel in their room was. She pressed a few buttons and a call went through. “Hello mother, how are you?”

“I am fine Lin baby, how was your trip? Verana asked her daughter.

“It was fun, I got to pilot the Jindan up to the station. And I did well at it too. I also met everyone that works here at a big dinner get together we had tonight. Everyone is really nice.”

“That’s great dear, how’s your room?”

“Its fine, I have a girl named Anali as a roommate. She’s very nice and friendly.”

“Good, what else did you do today?”

“Well my boss Kuval had a coworker Ardin, he’s nice too by the way, teach me how to use the telescope and computers.”

“He's nice huh?” Verana questioned her daughter.

“Yes, nice, don’t worry I’ll be careful. I just wanted to tell you that I was ok and got here ok. I’ll call you once a week.” Lin told her mother.

“That sounds fine honey, you do well and I am proud of you. Have a good night.” Her mom said with excitement.

“Thank you mom, good night.” Lin ended the call then went off to bed as she was tired from this first exciting day and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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