Return of the Curl Chapter 2 of 6

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Chapter 2

We hugged and air kissed, then went through to the dining room. We had a table in full view of everybody and got a lot of looks when we were seated. Monica gave me a potted history of the shoots that she had been in since I last saw her, and I gave her a potted history of my own recent past. We were into the main course when she said something that changed the situation.

“Do you know any places I can live in London? Someone called Yvonne from an agency there has bought out my contract with the agency here.”

“Let me see what I can find out when we finish this.”

My mind was racing as I finished the main course and pulled my phone out of my bag. Janice would have been back at work for a few days, so may have some news. When she answered we exchanged pleasantries and then I broached the subject.

“Janice, have you heard anything about a new model called Monica?”

“You really have second sight, Trixie. Yvonne has me working on the storyboards for the shoot that we’ll be on. There’ll be you, me, and this Monica. We’ll be doing both the spring and summer ranges for Solon Brothers and will be going to sunny Spain for three weeks, then to Florence for another two. What makes me laugh is that they’ve resurrected your old ‘Girl with a Curl’ tagline. I thought that your old company owned that.”

“Has Yvonne done anything about getting somewhere for Monica to live?”

“Actually, she’ll be staying with us, Jemma got engaged over the holiday and has moved in with her guy. Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m sitting at a meal table in my hotel in Southampton with Monica sitting opposite me. If you look in the old catalogues that you’ve saved, you’ll find her in them. The old company has been bought by Solon and so they’ve also bought the rights to the taglines. I expect that a couple of years since we used that one would make it almost new for a lot of the customers. Tell Yvonne that I’ll bring Monica with me when I get back. I may be a few more days to let her organise herself.”

Monica was looking at me with big eyes as I hung up.

“OK, Trixie. You obviously have a lot more information than I have been given.”

“You, me, and Janice will be the three main models in a photo shoot in Spain and then Florence. The old company has been bought by Solon Brothers that we will be working with. I expect that there may be a lot of new Hokem outfits to show. You’ll be staying with Janice and me in a share house with another girl who works in the city. She’s called Tracey and is very nice. Janice is the daughter of the Hastings store owner and also works as a graphic artist, like me. The house is in Tottenham, near the Tottenham Hale station. Now, how much time do you need to be ready to leave town?”

“I’ve been living with my parents since I took up the modelling. They’ve been sending a car for me. Give me a day to sort out what I want to take, and I can leave.”

“All right! I’ll arrange to check out the day after tomorrow, and I’ll come and pick you up. My car will need some things rearranged to make room, but it will be the easiest way to get you to your new home.”

“That will be wonderful! If you come around tomorrow afternoon, I’ll have the main things packed, and will just have an overnight bag when we leave.”

She pulled a notepad from her bag and wrote the address on it. Seeing that I wasn’t driving, and that she was taking a taxi, we finished our meal and retired to the bar for a few drinks and a more detailed catch up. We talked about the old days when I first turned up in the office, and all the things that had gone on since. By the time she called for her taxi, we had returned to being the best of friends who had gone to the Isle of Wight for that photo shoot.

Back in my room, I got ready for bed and looked up the address she had given me. It was on Cranbury Avenue and on the way from the city to the M3, the northern motorway. It took me a while to go to sleep, thinking about likely scenarios and trying to foresee pitfalls. I was sure that Yvonne had been privy to the buy-out some six months before. It would mean that she was a favoured agency, I didn’t look at the magazines enough to have seen her previous campaigns. I got out of bed and looked the agency up, finding that she had been the main agency for Solon for over five years. With that sorted, I had a pee and went back to bed and a sound sleep.

Next morning, I put on my running outfit and went up to the hotel gym for a workout on the walking machine, followed by a session rowing. Sweating profusely, I went back to my room to shower, then dressed to go down for breakfast. I ate well, spending a while thinking. I seemed to be doing a lot of that these days.

To me, the progression of my near future looked positive. When we got to London and I was finally signed on to the agency, the three of us will be off to somewhere sunny to start the photo shoot, no doubt sporting draped curls for the campaign. When I thought more about this, I realised that this may be another situation where I was the catalyst. I wondered if I should haggle when I was made an offer.

I could see the logic behind the plans. Solon Brothers wanted to launch the Hokem outfits as their own, so who else to show them off but two of the youngest models from the original range. Hook customers would relate to the clothes, rather than get upset about the closure of the old stores. Solon had their own payment portal, which would be offered to new customers at a reduced interest. It had symmetry that appealed to my sense of order.

In the afternoon, I went to pick up Monica’s larger cases, repacking the car with them on the bottom. Most of my clothes, especially the new ones, were on hangers hooked on the rear grab handles. I met her parents, who were very happy to see me, having known about me from the earlier days. We had afternoon tea and told them about the likely events for the first half of the year. Both Monica and I expected that we would be touring the big stores with fashion parades once the campaign had been launched. They had a collection of the old catalogues, which they wanted me to sign, and I pointed out the look that they were likely to see in the new adverts.

They wanted me to share their farewell dinner with Monica, so we got into their car and went to the Rockstone pub, where I had the pork trio. It was a happy time, and we promised to be good when we were off galivanting around the world. I thought that being good was something I might enjoy, as long as it was with the right guy. Now, that came out of the blue!

So far, my life had been almost sexless. I had looked at the girls while I grew up, but a lot of that was looking at how they dressed and carried themselves. While I was working in Southampton, I had been too busy to think about sex, and had danced with both men and women at the club. Since my operation, I had been using the dilator as instructed, without any sexual feelings. Maybe I was trying to stop myself getting any pleasure. I decided that I would look for a sex shop when we were back in London and get something more realistic and vibrated.

We made the arrangement for me to pick Monica up around nine, and I went back to the hotel. I looked up adult shops near the house and found one which offered mail delivery. I called up the catalogue and ordered a vibrating dildo on-line, paying for it and giving the address. That saved me from having to go into a shop in person. I smiled as I went off to sleep. The future was going to be very different.

Next morning, Monica and I were heading for London by ten, with her leaving her hometown for the first time. She was a little frightened by the break from her roots, and I tried to calm her down. Having someone she knew would help her find her feet. We arrived at the house in the early afternoon, and I let us in. Janice had left a note for us, and I took Monica to her new bedroom. Jemma had left the bed and other furnishings, and Monica had packed her own bed linen, so we had her bed made up quickly.

I was careful putting my things away. Monica put her own things away, then I took her to the Volunteer for an early dinner. It was too cold to show her the park, but I did point it out to her as a good place to jog. When Janice arrived home, we sat around as she made herself a meal. Tracey was still on holiday and would be back next week. Janice had brought home the early storyboards, and we discussed the shoot. In this, Monica was the acknowledged expert, having done more shoots in the open. My own experience was mainly in studios. Janice told me that we would be having a conference on Monday, at the agency.

The next day, I took Monica around the area, to the Tottenham Hale shops and tube station. It was bright enough to walk a bit of the park. When we got back, there was a small parcel on the front step, addressed to me. I picked it up and took it to my room, thinking that it might be an interesting night.

We made lunch from the supplies we had brought back with us, and then we went back to the station and took the tube into the city, where we did the tourist trail. There was more than enough places for us to see, so that one afternoon was just a quick look. We went into the city every day until Monday came around, with Janice joining us on the weekend. By that time, Monica was getting used to being here and away from home. I was, by this time, getting used to my new toy, and had managed to have a small orgasm when I closed my eyes and thought hard about a man making love to me. That was something else that I didn’t have any experience with, letting someone use my body had never been an idea I had ever contemplated.

On Monday morning, the three of us went into the city on the tube. When we arrived, Yvonne took Monica and I into her office.

“Welcome to the agency. What we need to do is to get you both under contract. We have a meeting with our clients, today, and you will be meeting them. It will be their products that you’ll be wearing on the shoot.”

She put papers in front of us and looked at us with anticipation. I read through mine and then asked my questions.

“Yvonne, I see you have me on a standard contract, similar to the one I signed when we did the catalogue pictures. Over the holiday period, I found out that Solon Brothers had brought Hook Holdings, so taking all of the Hook and Hokem operation. Janice mentioned that she was doing storyboards for the shoot, which featured the ‘girl with the curl’. Now, if I’m not mistaken, Monica and I are going to be featured as the original models for the similar pictures we did for Hook. It looks as if we two are integral to the shoot. Don’t you think that we deserve something better than a standard contract?”

She tried to look stern, then laughed.

“Just testing, Trixie. Never allow me to play poker with you. Give me those. Here are a couple more.”

I looked at mine and it was far more generous. I took the offered pen and signed. Monica signed hers and the Yvonne countersigned. We were now employed.

“You’re right. Solon had spoken to me about their plans a few months ago. After meeting you and seeing the catalogues, I pitched that ‘Curl’ shoot to the client, and they saw it as a way to introduce themselves to the Hook customers as well as launching the new products. You’ll be meeting the clients later. First thing is for the two of you to pop along to our doctor for a check-up. Here’s his card, he’s just along the street. I’ll see you when you get back.”

We left the agency, and I led Monica to the doctor’s office. We had an appointment, and the receptionist took Monica’s details. She went in for her check-up first. I read old magazines until she came out and then I was called in.

“Hello, Trixie. How are you going?”

“All right, doctor. Nothing to grumble about.”

“We’ll just do the usual for new talent at the agency, then take some blood and urine. We already have your other details.”

The examination was quick, and he drew blood. Then I went behind the screen and peed into a bottle. When I went back out, we went back to the agency. I was told to sit with the receptionist until the clients arrived, and then to talk to them while the receptionist found Yvonne. Yvonne took Monica off for a tour.

I was sitting with the receptionist, and we were talking about the more famous models that had worked for the agency, when the main door opened, and three guys came in. The receptionist had met them all before.

“Good morning, gentlemen. I’ll give Yvonne a call. Why don’t you have a word with Trixie Southby, here, while you wait. Trixie, these gentlemen are Arthur Solon, Alphonse Solon and Walter Solon. Gentlemen, Trixie is going to be on the shoot for you.”

One of them held his hand out.

“Good to meet you, Trixie. I’m Arthur. I’ve studied those catalogues that you did with Hook. The advertising leapt off the pages and grabbed you by the throat. I was impressed.”

The oldest one came forward.

“I’m Alphonse. I agree with my brother. That campaign was brilliant, as was the one with all the franchisee sites. It was that which made us sit up and take notice. The idea that we might be able to acquire over thirty shops in some places we had no presence was too good to let go. That’s when we first spoke to Robert Hook. It took him until he was sick to get back to us with an interest in selling, though.”

Then the youngest one put his hand out, taking mine in a gentler grip.

“Hello, Trixie. I’m Walter, or Cousin Wally to these two. Unlike them, I wasn’t brought up steeped in the family business. I’ve only come to be part of it last year. My skill is in graphic arts, and I was very impressed with the catalogues and then the website. Robert told us that you were responsible for the look of both.”

“I was, sir. I was originally employed as a graphic artist and given the permission to improve the original output.”

“None of this ‘sir’ business, Trixie. We don’t stand on ceremony at Solon Brothers. Please call me Wally. Last month I looked at some of the stores and every one of them had a mural. They told me that you painted them as well.”

“That’s correct, Wally. I drove around the countryside doing the pictures that the shop owners wanted. It will be sad when some of them close to be added to your bigger stores.”

“Never fear, I have put our best photographer out to record them all for posterity. They will become part of our own heritage. I envisage a large photo to be displayed at the new sections.”

It was only when Yvonne and Monica arrived that I realised that Wally was still holding my hand. He only let go when Yvonne led us all through to the conference room. We found seats, with Wally making sure that he sat next to me, and Yvonne opened up the meeting.

“You have now met Trixie, and this is Monica and Janice. Monica was with Trixie at Hook and appeared on those catalogues. Janice came into the fashion business due to seeing one of Trixie’s early paintings. Her mother has the Hook outlet in Hastings, so she has a strong background in retailing fashion. These three will be your main models. You did ask for them to be in the early twenties range.”

Alphonse responded.

“Yvonne, you have done your usual good job. When we first thought about this shoot, we would have been happy with regular models, but having two that graced the Hokem pages over the last few years will be more than we could have hoped for. It will be interesting to see how the ‘Curl’ tagline will run. It has a cadence to it and the originator should get a medal.”

Monica laughed.

“That was Trixie. She came up with all the wording after she started with us. It was a breath of fresh air that we needed.”

The three men smiled, two being polite, and one that I could see that was almost worship. Yvonne then got Janice to run through the storyboards and the talk came down to the logistics of the shoot. When the decisions had been made, the brothers told us that we would be having lunch with them, in the executive dining room of their London store. Yvonne said that she had work to see to, so it was us three models who went to the store with them. Somehow, Janice and Monica were in one car with Arthur and Alphonse, while I was alone with Wally in a much sportier vehicle.

“Trixie, when I was shown those catalogues, I never thought that I would get to meet the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. You shone out of the pages. I suppose you have guys woo you.”

“I’ve been too busy for guys, Wally. The work we needed to do for Hook, over the lockdowns, and then going all over the country with the murals, has taken all my hours up to the end of last year. I suppose that being a good catch, you have a string of girls, or even a wife?”

“Why don’t we stop beating around the bush, Trixie. I have had girlfriends but never knew what love was until I saw your pictures. You are more lovely in person, as well as being very talented. I would offer to show you my etchings except that I would guess that yours would be better.”

“I don’t do etchings, Wally. I have just one picture at home, the rest have all been sold through galleries. I work in oils. Are you coming with us on the shoot?”

“I didn’t intend to, but I will if you don’t mind.”

“I think I’d like that, Walter.”

He took us into the underground carpark and then to a reserved space. The others were getting out of the other car as we arrived. Walter came around to my side and helped me stand, something that I found difficult from such a low seat. He kept hold of my hand as we followed the others to the lifts. Alphonse inserted a card, and we were lifted to a floor that didn’t have a number next to the light.

When we stepped out, it seemed as if we had been transported to another world. The décor was oriental, the furnishings covered in wonderful cushions, and the carvings on the table and chair legs had crouched lions as the feet. We went to another room that was much more modern, with a long table covered in a white cloth and adorned with silver, from the cutlery to the tureens and candlesticks. A smiling man in a chef outfit helped Monica and Janice to be seated while Walter did the service for me.

Over the course of a wonderful meal, we three got to know the brothers through the history of the company. We were told that the original Solon was from Egypt and came to England in Queen Victoria’s reign. He had opened a small dress shop, with his experience as a tailor and his knowledge of materials and colours that were not usual in the black, neck to ankle, days.

He had two sons, who came into the business after the first war, and they set about employing seamstresses who had lost husbands in France, expanding the business. Both of the brothers had one son and a daughter, each. One son carried on with expanding the business, while the other son became involved in real estate, finding new sites for the company. The daughters married well and had a life away from the business. Arthur and Alphonse were fourth generation, having been born in the seventies. As the families grew, so did the areas of expertise, leading to the wider product range that the shops carried. Walter was from the real estate side and was fifth generation, born a couple of years before me. He had only joined the company last year, after graduating with an arts degree. He wasn’t a board member, just family, but Arthur said that he would move onto the board once there was a vacancy.

I asked about the furnishings in the other room and was told that it had all been collected by the original Solon in his trips back to his homeland once he had enough money. It had all graced his home until he died. Arthur smiled when he said that they all lived in more modern homes, so the room was mainly a museum to the originator. I asked if I could take a picture before we left, as I thought it would make a great background for a picture. That was allowed and I took a couple of pictures on the way back to the lift.

We went down to the women’s wear level, and they showed us around the huge area, with a part hidden by hoardings. We went behind to see a Hokem range, all spring wear. I looked at a label and it read ‘Hokem partywear by Solon’. Arthur saw me look.

“These are some of the range that you’ll be modelling. The website will have every part of the range on it, and we won’t open this section until the site goes live. That’s why the shoot is so long. We could have done it all with green screen but decided that there’s nothing like the real thing in the background. You three will be working with our main photographer, and there’ll be three other models working with another one, to allow us to cover the range. If the website works well, we will organise fashion shows at several of the bigger stores.”

Before we left, Monica asked for directions to the toilets and the three of us went to powder our noses. We were at the mirrors when she spoke.

“Looks like you have an admirer, Trixie. The looks that Walter gives you would turn me to jelly if he had been looking my way.”

“I know. He told me that he fell in love with my pictures in the catalogues when he saw them. I know that there are some guys who would use those pictures to pleasure themselves, but I thank that he may have meant it seriously. He’s coming on the shoot with us.”

Both girls laughed. Janice grinned.

“That means that we’ll have to keep you occupied in the warm evenings, unless there are other guys who are hunks as well.”

Marianne Gregory © 2024

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