Widow's Peak - Part 4 of 5


It shouldn’t be a big deal. All Billy's friends have visited the widow's house and each seemed to come away better for the experience. Visiting her has been a rite of passage for boys in town for as long as anyone can remember.

Billy knows he should want this. The whispers about him have been growing and even his friends are starting to ask questions. Tonight is the night if he's going to end the rumors. Should it matter if it’s Halloween and there’s a full moon in the sky?

Chapter 17

Tamsyn pointed, “This part of the house was the church’s bell tower.” She pointed to the brass telescope near one of the windows. “My husband spent a fortune to take out the roof and enclose the entirety with glass. He loved sleeping under the stars. It reminded him of his time in the service.” An unmade mattress lay on the floor. It told of continued use.

Billy pointed at the telescope. “Can I take a look?”

“Of course.”

The telescope could see everything for miles. Billy saw the school. The town hall. The town’s shopping center. He shifted the telescope to the nearby woods. Four figures sat around a small campfire with beer bottles scattered nearby.

“I see my friends.”

“You’re supposed to be looking at the stars, not play peeping tom.” Tamsyn pointed up, “See that bright light? If you focus the telescope on it you'll see Venus, the second brightest object in the night’s sky. It’s harder to see when the moon is full but ancient astronomers named her the 'morning star'.”

Billy wasn’t listening to Tamsyn’s astronomy lesson, preferring to move the telescope to more familiar sights. “You can see every house in town. I can see my house. And there’s Tyler's.”

Tamsyn shook her head, “My husband used the telescope to keep an eye on his factory.”

Billy asked, “What factory?”

“It’s been closed for a long time. The jobs left years ago, and they tore down the building. If you look hard you can see the road we used to visit the town.”

Billy nodded, “I think we followed it to come here.”

Tamsyn poured two cups of tea and placed both on a small table next to the couch.

“I want to ask you a question, and I want you to think hard before giving me an answer.”

Billy said, “I’ll do my best.”

Tamsyn asked, “Why did you wait so long to visit? Your friends came to my doorstep the first weekend they were eligible.”

Billy shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Are you sure you don’t know, or is fear talking?” Tamsyn passed Billy a cup of tea.

Billy shook his head. “I don’t know.”

“What’s the problem?”

“I don’t know.”

“You keep repeating yourself.” She placed her hand on Billy’s arm. “I think you know the answer. You don’t want to admit it.”

Billy stared at Tamsyn. This woman was beautiful, there was no denying it. But even after sleeping with her, his feelings for her were different than other guys.

He took a deep breath. “People think I’m gay.”

Tamsyn asked, “Are you?”

“I don’t know.” Billy closed his eyes. “I go to church every Sunday and pray to be like everyone else but I wake up Monday morning and the feelings remain.” Billy bowed his head. “I don’t want to feel like this anymore.” He pointed at his outfit. “I mean .. look at me. I’m wearing a dress and it makes me happier than I can explain. That isn’t normal.”

“It was for my husband.”

Billy shook his head. “I don’t know what to do.”

Tamsyn placed her hand on Billy’s “I can help you. I can give you what you want but you need to ask me for it. You need to admit your true feelings.” Tamsyn pulled down her shirt to reveal her naked chest.

“Touch me.”

Billy shouted, “Weren’t you listening? I don’t think about girls like that.”

“So why did you come to my house?”

“I don’t know.”

“I think you do.” Tamsyn took hold of Billy’s wrists and moved his hands until both rested on her breasts. Billy felt a shock as soon as his hand touched her skin and he pulled away. Tamsyn smiled, “The truth is I have something you need. Something you desire deep in your soul.”
Tamsyn’s cloak fell to the ground. She stood naked in the moonlight.

Billy couldn’t take his eyes off her body. “You’re very beautiful.”

“Yes, I am." Tamsyn said without of hint of shame. "I'm sure if a modeling agency saw me, I could get signed to a contract but I've found my beauty to be both blessing and curse.” She touched Billy’s waist, moving her hand lower until it came to rest between Billy’s legs, “Why hasn’t my beauty gotten you hard? Do you have a problem?”

"I told you. I’m a freak.”

“No you’re not.” Tamsyn moved her hand over the material of the wedding dress, until her hands came to rest on Billy’s chest. “This dress was made especially for me. I never thought much about my chest as a child until … poof …one day I had these things sticking out. All the boys treated me differently after that.”

“I bet.” Billy moved his hand to own chest and felt the emptiness inside.

“Would you like to know how it feels?”

“What do you mean?”

Tamsyn put her hands on top of Billy’s and began moving them in a circular pattern. Arcs of light shot through Billy’s hands and into his chest.

“That tickles.”

Tamsyn didn’t speak as she moved their hands faster. Round and round the circle they went as the area began to hurt.

“What are you doing?”


A sudden heft in his skin took Billy by surprise. “Is that…”


Billy felt himself grow excited and taking over and moved his hands on their own, each rotation filling the fabric a bit more.

“This is impossible.”

Tears of joy sprang from Billy’s lids when he saw he had cleavage. Two white bosoms strained the material underneath and the tingling grew as Billy hands began to caress himself.

Tamsyn smiled. “Are you about finished?”

“Aren't I allowed to touch them?"

“It’s your body.”

Billy reached inside the dress and found warmth where moments before lay an expanse of empty cloth. He pulled and he tugged but his hands weren't able to get inside. The two large flesh mounds made him a prisoner inside the dress.

Billy asked, “You wouldn’t happen to have a knife?”

Tamsyn held out her hand with a handle pointed out, “This knife?” The knife looked old and very sharp.

Billy grabbed it, cutting a line straight in the cloth until a cold sting of night’s air told he'd gone far enough.

Tamsyn said, “Let me help.”

She lifted the dress, pulling it off Billy’s shoulders, and let it fall to his waist. Billy shook himself causing the fleshy mass to wiggle and move like the girls at school. A touch on his nipple caused an immediate reaction, the mix of warmth and cold that shot a pleasant feeling throughout his entire body.

“I have breasts!”

“You do.”

“How is this possible?”

“I told you Billy. I can give you what you want. I have power beyond your understanding.”

Billy asked, “What kind of power?”

Tamsyn’s eyes grew intense and her voice burst into an arcane chant. “Uk-sal-mak!”

The church-steeple-turned-solarium resembled a lighthouse for a moment as the candles in the room began to glow. Eight windows surrounded the room and in each window sat eight jars. Sixty-four glass containers surrounded the pair, and all of them burned with a magical glow with the exception of one.

Billy fell back, “What was that?”

"Come on, Billy." Tamsyn imitated a witch’s cackle, “I’m sure you’ve heard the stories the children tell about me. They say I bake the meat of little children into my pies and grind their bones for my bread.”

“Are you saying…” Billy wanted to run but his feet wouldn’t move. Fear filled him to the core as Tamsyn bowed her head. A second later the light in the room returned to normal.

“Relax, Billy.” Tamsyn smiled as her eyes grew dark. “I’m only a witch.” She gave a wicked sort of laugh.

The blood chilled in Billy’s veins. “You’re only a what????”

“You know … a witch … a sorceress … an enchanter … a siren. My kind has gone by many names over the years.”

Billy pushed Tamsyn away. “Let me go.”

“You can go if you’d like.” Tamsyn pointed at the door. “I’m not holding you captive.”

Billy jumped to his feet, the bounce on his chest a reminder of the nakedness above his waist.

“Your friends are a testament to how I treat my guests. Can you name one mistreatment I’ve given since your arrival?” Tamsyn said.

Billy tried to keep from freaking out, but failed miserably. "I need to go. I'm sure Gunther is finished with my pants.”

“Of course.” Tamsyn nodded, “But aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Like what?”

She pointed at Billy’s chest. “Won’t your friends have a lot of questions if you stroll down the hill with those bouncing on every step?”

Billy felt himself, the simple squeeze causing him to blush. “Undo the spell.”

“It doesn’t work like that.”

“I insist you reverse it.” Billy insisted.

“I can’t.”

“You tricked me.”

“Me? Trick you?” Tamsyn’s mouth formed into a cute little pout. “A minute ago you were singing my praises for giving you breasts. Now you’re calling me a trickster. Which is it, Billy?”

“Screw you.”

Tamsyn sighed, “Today's youth are so ill mannered.” She shook her head. “The truth is the spell I cast ends at the last stroke of midnight. At that point your body will return to its former state.”

“My former state?” Billy touched his chest. “You mean these aren’t permanent?”

Tamsyn laughed. “You need to make up your mind, Billy. Are you mad because I gave you breasts or mad at me because you don’t get to keep them? You're changing your mind so often it’s making my head spin.”

“I don’t…” Billy looked down. It didn't seem possible. “I don’t ... know.”

Tamsyn poured another cup of tea. “Have a seat on the couch. Let's talk a bit.” She handed Billy the cup. “Drink this. It will settle your nerves.”

Billy stared at the liquid inside and then looked at Tamsyn.

“For god’s sake Billy, drink it. If my intent was to poison you, I could have done so many times tonight.”

Billy sniffed at the brownish-orange liquid. “It smells gross.”

Tamsyn nodded. “It's not great. Bitterroot tea is an acquired taste.”

Billy took one sip and then another. He continued taking sips until the cup was empty.

Tamsyn asked, “Do you feel better?”

“Not really.”

Tamsyn looked to the sky. “We have some time before you return to normal. Can we talk like two adults? I’m sure you have questions.”

Billy nodded.

Chapter 18

November, 1921

Tamsyn gathered every blanket on her bed but found herself shivering.

Gunther growled from the other side of the room. “I’ve searched many years to find someone worthy enough to be my mate. You should feel honored we are bound.”

Tamsyn shook her head. “Your mate? I can’t be your mate. I’m married.”

Gunther laughed, “The bond between us is not about love or marriage. Those without a soul do not need love but I do need a partner.”

Tamsyn said, “I’ll never work with you.”

“Yes, Tamsyn, you will. But for now, the only thing I need from you is to get out of bed.” Gunther’s face appeared almost kind in the unlit room, as his lips curled into an evil smile. “Trust me, it’s for your own good.” When Tamsyn didn’t move, Gunther’s smile turned wicked. “I said get out of bed, Tamsyn.”

Tamsyn sat up against her will. “I don’t trust you.”

Gunther said, “I’d rather not force you to obey me. It’s easier for both of us if we work together.”

“I’ll never work for you…”

Gunther opened the closet door, “You need to get dressed. They’ll be calling soon.”

Tamsyn tried to stand but collapsed on the floor, not able to stop her shaking. “Leave me alone.”

“Of course, ma’am.” Gunther said, mocking her in a steward’s voice. He lifted Tamsyn to her feet using one arm. “I’ve run you a bath and picked out an outfit. It won’t be long until they find Mrs. McClary. You need to be ready.”

“Oh god.” Tamsyn had forgotten about her mother-in-law. “Is she?”

“I’m a man of my word. A life for a life.” Tamsyn ran from the room holding the outfit Gunther had offered.

‘This is a bad dream. It’s a bad dream. It has to be a bad dream.’

The water from the bathtub thawed her limbs, allowing Tamsyn to feel almost normal for a moment. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, falling into a deep sleep…

She had now idea how long she laid there when Gunther’s voice filled her mind. “Get out of the bathtub. You need to leave this house now or I promise, you will regret it.”

Tamsyn jumped from the tub on Gunther’s command, and began to dry off.


The cold got worse the further Tamsyn drove. A half dozen police cars were at the McClary house when she arrived. Hazel stood in the driveway, the tears in her eyes plain as Tamsyn applied the brake.

Hazel asked, “Have you heard the news?”

Tamsyn shook her head, repeating her mantra. hoping against hope. It’s a bad dream. It’s a bad dream. It’s a bad dream.

Hazel lowered her voice. “They found Mrs. McClary’s car at the bottom of Gasper Valley.”

Tamsyn tried to look surprised but the words hit like a death sentence. “Is she ok?”

Hazel's said everything. “The mister went to the crash site but the cops wouldn’t let him see the body. He’s been locked in his study for the last half-hour, and won’t come out. The police are worried. He’s got a gun in there.”

“Shit.” Tamsyn ran into the house to finding a half dozen cops on the staircase outside Mr. McClary’s study.

The captain spoke. “Hello Miss Tamsyn. He’s refusing all visitors.”

“He’ll open the door for me.”

Tamsyn’s chill disappeared as she stared at the cops. All of them looked fit. All of them looked virile. They all stared back, as the hunger built.

Tamsyn ran past them, and past the captain, pounding her hand on the study door. “Dad, open up. I’m worried about you.”

She got no response. Tamsyn knocked again, “Dad? It’s Tamsyn. It’s your daughter.”

A second later the solenoid in the door sounded and Tamsyn opened the door.

She felt the police rush forward behind her. They were about to enter as Tamsyn shouted. “No!”

Every man stopped at where he stood.

The captain was the only one to speak, “Yes, Miss Tamsyn?”

“I need to talk to him. Alone.”

“Are you sure?”

Tamsyn nodded. “Yes.”


A bouquet of two-dozen long stemmed roses lay on the desk. Behind them sat the image of a broken man.

“She called me.” Mr. McClary said, with tears in his eyes, “She invited me to dinner. We were going to meet at our favorite restaurant. She sounded so happy.”

They both knew why Mrs. McClary was happy. She finally broke up her son’s marriage. Or so she’d thought. “I’m sure she was happy.”

“They’re saying it was faulty brakes but that doesn’t make sense. The driver had them checked last month.”

“The driver was in the car?”

"Of course." Mr. McClary nodded. “He didn’t make it either.”

Tamsyn closed her eyes. Gunther had lied. She'd gotten a bargain … two lives for one. “I’m so sorry.”

"I know." Mr. McClary stood and stared at Tamsyn, the intensity of his gaze growing. “I’m glad you came.”

“Me too.” Tamsyn said, walking around the desk to give her Dad a hug.

She longed to be touched. The two met in a tight embrace, soon the heat from Mr. McClary’s body began flowing through the fabric of his shirt.

They shared a platonic embrace at first, turning more passionate as Tamsyn grew hotter. Mr. McClary’s hands pulled on her chest, and the sound of ripping fabric soon followed.

“I’ve wanted you for so long. With my wife gone, we can…”

A gnawing hunger tore at Tamsyn's innards. “What about your son?”

“I think we both know I can give you things my son never could.” Mr. McClary loosened his belt and unzipped his pants. The pair stumbled across the room, each kiss growing more frantic.

Tamsyn clung to the man who’d taught her so much. She’d noticed his stares over the years but paid them little mind. Every guy in the office stared at her. Mr. McClary did it the least. They'd maintained a professional relationship despite the innocent flirting. All thoughts of innocent disappeared as Tamsyn fell on the couch, and Mr. McClary climbed on top. A river of energy flowed from top to bottom.

It didn't take long for the ripples of pleasure to start. The changes to Tamsyn's body started soon after.

Mr. McClary tried to pull away. “What’s happening to you?"

The place which once contained Tamysn’s soul took control with it’s need to be filled. Desire ripped through her body, and Mr. McClary soon found himself on the bottom, pinned to the couch under his former employee’s iron grip. "Please…Tamsyn … Noooo…"

Tamsyn tore through Mr. McClary's shirt with one clawed hand, her other doing the same to his pants. She smiled a toothy grin when her hand found the object of its search. “My ... my ... you ARE ready to go … boss.”

As Tamsyn moved into position, she saw Mr. McClary had bowed his head. In a different mindset, Tamysn might have recognized the words of the Lord’s Prayer. In her current state, only thought remained.

Mr. McClary faced his attacker and steeled his reserves. He spoke a final plea. "My wife was right. You are a devil…" but Tamsyn wasn't listening. Soon the man’s eyes rolled back into his head and his words trailed off.

Some part of Tamsyn's brain screamed its objection, as the hunger took over. Surges of energy caused wings to sprouted from her back and a long tail which whipped from side to side.

Tamsyn’s claws pulled the man close, her wings wrapping them both in a cocoon of leathery flesh. Images of Mr. McClary’s life flashed before Tamsyn’s eyes -- his hopes, his dreams, and his disappointments. She’d felt herself drawn to him for years and now she had no doubt. He’d loved her too.


Tamsyn opened her eyes.

“You’ve done well.” She saw Gunther standing on the other side of the room.

“What happened?”

“You were sleeping when I got here.” He pointed towards the desk. Mr. McClary sat in his chair, his gray pall stating the obvious. On the desk lay the man's service revolver. “I found him laying next to you.”

Terror filled Tamsyn as she stared at her father-in-law's corpse. “I didn’t mean to do it…”

Gunther said, “Of course, my pet. You should go home and get some rest.”

Tamsyn stood, the remnants of her clothing hanging in tatters off her body but she felt no cold. She touched her belly and found the source of the warmth inside. Flashes of Mr. McClary’s life played out in her mind.

Gunther said, “I’ll clean up here.”

Tamsyn ran from the room in terror, stopping as soon as she reached the exit. A dozen cops lay on the stairs where they fell, and a feeling of horror grew in Tamsyn’s gut.

“Don't worry, they’re sleeping. Killing them would lead to too many questions.” Gunther spoke in the dispassionate voice of a person who didn't care either way. “They won’t remember your visit.”

Tamsyn carefully stepped over each police officer as she made her way down the steps. At the house's entrance, she found Hazel in the same state as the cops. She ran to her car when she heard the gunshot.

Mr. McClary’s final memories screamed in Tamsyn’s head as she started her car.

“I’ve wanted you for so long…”
“I can give you things my son never could.”
“What’s happening to you, Tamsyn?"
"Please…Tamsyn … Noooo…"
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…”
“You are a devil…”

A devil. She never thought a thing possible but the memories of sharp claws, leather wings, and a pointy tail were seared into her brain.
Tamsyn shouted at the sky as she sped into the night. “I’m a fucking demon.”

From a young age, everyone seemed to know she was no good. As the daughter of a whore and a nameless father, did she ever have a chance?

Her car approached seventy miles per hour as it sped up the hill and around the tight corners. Tamsyn had never dared to drive the car this fast but the world moved different for her now. Only when Tamsyn reached the house did she realize she hadn’t turned on the lights.

Chapter 20

Tamsyn stared at Billy, “I need to show you something and I don’t want you to freak out.”

Billy replied, “Do I have a choice?”

Tamsyn didn’t respond as she moved her hands over her belly. Her stomach glowed, getting brighter with every moment until a tiny pinprick of a wisp flew into the air. Tamsyn snatched it with both hands, holding it close to her breast like a mother might a child.

“Do you recognize this?”

Billy said, “It's some kind of witch's magic, I guess.”

“It’s your essence, Billy. More specifically, it’s your virginal essence.” Tamsyn held the light in her hand as she walked across the room to the remaining empty jar. Seconds later, Billy watched as his essence flew into the waiting container.

“That’s my virginity?”

Tamsyn pointed around the room. “This room is filled with the essence of virgins. She pointed to a jar on the wall, “That’s your friend Symon.”

She pointed to another. “That one is Quinton’s. The essences tell me everything I want to know about a person. They tell me their darkest dreams and all of their hidden secrets.”

“What does mine say?”

Tamsyn smiled. “What do you think it says?”

Billy stood, looking at the lights surrounding the room. "These are from the guys who come to this place? You take this from them?"

"I think it is safe to say these were freely given. After all, it isn't easy to get to my house."

Billy walked the perimeter until he came to the one Tamsyn had placed. ”This is mine?”

Tamsyn nodded.

Billy stared at his jar, watching the light flicker and dance. It surprised him the flame didn’t look different than the others. If Tamsyn was telling the truth, she’d known about his gender for hours.

Tamsyn whispered in Billy’s ear, her mouth so close it tickled. "I can help you become a woman. I can make those things on your chest permanent. I can do everything you’ve always wanted and more. But I need you to trust me."

Billy's heart raced still feeling Tamsyn’s warm breath. He couldn't deny the sudden warmth in his loins. This wasn't what he'd expected. He’d come to this place hoping Tamsyn might make him a man. Instead, she was offering to do the opposite. It was on offer he couldn't refuse.

“What do I need to do?”

“Tamsyn offered a champagne glass. “You’ll need this.”

“I don’t drink.”

“Take the glass, Billy.”

Billy accepted the glass and held it in front of his body. “Now what?”

Tamsyn leaned forward and pinched Billy’s nipple.

“Ouch. What was that for?”

“Look at your nipple.” A small drop of semi-transparent liquid dripped from Billy’s breast.

“What the hell? When did these things start producing milk?”

“You do understand why women have breasts, don't you?” Tamsyn said.

“I this this only happened to pregnant girls…”

“That’s normally true.” Tamsyn smiled. “The tea you drank earlier was a combination of herbs our ancestors used to help with lactation.”
A drop fell from Billy’s nipple and ran down his belly. “What the hell, Tamsyn?”

“I don’t need much milk for the spell but those things look like they’re about to explode. You should empty them or they’re going to hurt like hell.”

Billy shook his head, “You want me to milk myself?”

“Would you prefer I do it?”


Billy watched as the liquid continued to dribble. A slight squeeze shot a thin line of white liquid into the bottom of the glass. “Wow.” Several squeezes filled a third of the glass.

A few of the girls at school had gotten pregnant over the last year. All of them tried to be discreet when it came time to pump but some guys never missed an opportunity to tease. Everyone knew it shouldn’t be a big deal - women with babies had been lactating since the beginning of time. Billy watched as his hand squeezed over and over. It was one thing to feel the weight on his chest … this was something else. Billy looked down, thinking of a babe, small and innocent, looking up.

“I need another glass.”

Tamsyn pointed at a nearby cabinet, “There’s more above the bar.”

Billy walked across the room, doing his best not to spill while holding his leaking boob steady. “This is so embarrassing.”

Tamsyn grinned. “Wait until you get your first period.”

“Ohhh…. gross. Are you trying to talk me out of this?” Billy looked out over the forest, praying his friends weren’t using the binoculars.

Chapter 21

March 1922

Tamsyn’s eyes glowed red as she guided herself through the open window. A towering figure emerged from the shadows, his crimson skin radiant in the flickering firelight. Two long, curved horns protruded from the creature’s head, casting an eerie shadow over the whole room.

“You’re late.”

Tamsyn tried to run the first time she’d seen Gunther in demon form. Now the sight put her into an uncontrollable frenzy.

The demon’s sharp fangs gleamed in the flickering light, and his claws, razor-sharp talons, tapped together in an unsettling rhythm. A barbed tail lashed back and forth, leaving trails of sparks in its wake and the air crackled with an otherworldly energy as Gunther’s true form cast a palpable chill over the room.

Tamsyn lay obedient on the floor. “Come and get it.”

She knew Gunther wasn’t interested in small talk in this form or any other. He’d long become detached from the world, only interested in what others could do for him.

Gunther sniffed at her belly. “Why do you lay with such pathetic creatures and their weak seed?”

“It’s the best I can get.”

“We both know that’s a lie. You can bed any man who catches your notice.” Gunther towered over her in demon form, standing at least seven feet tall, eight if you included the horns. His dick, bigger than any man she’d ever met in human form, became an obscene twenty inches and twice as thick when turned to demon.

She screamed the first time she saw it, thinking he might break her in half. The truth was their bodies were perfectly matched for one another.
Her body was made to receive seed and his to corrupt it.

Gunther’s dick plunged deep again and again. The physics of the act didn’t make sense considering her demonic form had a twenty inch waist, but the science was the last thing on her mind.

Infernal screams echoed into the night but everyone in the house knew better than to cross Gunther. As soon as he got what he came for, Gunther disappeared from the room, leaving Tamsyn alone in the darkness.

She crossed the room in a single bound and landed on her favorite perch of her room’s window sill. The first night she come home she’d jumped from this very spot, with Mr. McClary’s seed still warm in her belly. She didn’t know her wings would sprout from her back without bidding, saving her from a nasty fall.

Again she stood in the window sill, now ready for another plunge into the darkness. She’d lost count of how many times she’d stood here. All she knew was her master had an insatiable appetite.

Across the room, the mirror showed a mesmerizing figure. Her skin was as smooth as alabaster, shimmering with an ethereal glow. Her lifeless eyes looked like two orbs of obsidian floating in a pool of blood, while her wild raven black hair cascaded down both shoulders.

She’d encountered many men in this visage, and despite the horror, none could resist her unholy appearance. At a thought, a pair of wings sprouted from her back as did the long, sinewy tail with a mind of its own. A permanent snarl remained on her face, and if ever given the cause to smile, the unfortunate observer would see a row of razor-sharp fangs, testifying to her true nature.

Tamsyn dove into the darkness, safe in the knowledge her base instinct would take over. She didn’t learn how to fly, she just knew. The town came into sight at once, and she climbed high into the heavens to get a better look. Pin-pricks of light showed from windows, mostly on the rich side of town. She flew over the church and smiled at the thought of dropping in on Preacher Stevens to give him a scare.

They'd all been right about her. Preacher Stevens. Mrs. McClary. The girls at school. She was always destined for hellfire and a lifetime of sin.
Her car came into sight quicker than she expected, and she fell from the sky, her feet hitting the ground without making a sound. Supernatural vision spied the perimeter to see if anyone waited for her return. She saw nothing. Tamsyn picked the abandoned old mine shaft with care. The closest person was at least ten miles away. She’d sleep in the mine until the hunger wore off.

A basket of food lay waiting in the trunk of her car so she could replenish her energy in the normal fashion after she woke. At present, Tamsyn only thought of sleep as her wings wrapped around her body to keep out the cold. Tears filled her face until slumber finally took her.

Chapter 22

Billy rubbed his chest. Tamsyn said the milking would relieve the pain but they still hurt.

“So you’re saying when I leave this house, the whole world will think I’ve always been a girl?”


“How will that work?”

“I’m going to cast a magic spell … poof. When you leave the house, everyone’s memory will be of a girl. It’s not difficult to understand.”

Tamsyn measured some reagents then added them to a cauldron. They reacted with the reagents inside causing a puff of smoke to rise.

Billy asked, “What about school? Does the spell change the computer system? Then there’s my driver’s license. And what about hospital records? My birth certificate? And social security cards?”

“All being handled.”

“That’s convenient.”

Tamsyn shook her head in exasperation. “It’s all a day's work in the life of a witch.”

Billy continued to massage his breasts. “Is it close to midnight?”

Tamsyn stirred the pot. “Worried about your new friends disappearing?”

“Maybe.” Bill shrugged.

“Good. Because I’m ready to start.” Tamsyn said, “All I need is your right hand.”

“My right hand?” Billy held it out and watched as Tamsyn flashed a blade across Billy’s palm. “What the fuck?” Bright crimson flowed from Billy’s hand.

“Blood is needed for the spell and I need more.” Tamsyn said, “Hold out your other hand.”

Billy shook his head. “No way.”

“Do you want to keep your tits?”

Billy held out his hand but couldn't watch. He felt the blade cut through him when Tamsyn’s knife flashed again. “Dammit. That hurts.”

“Don’t be a baby.” Tamsyn turned the knife around, offering it to Billy. “Now it's your turn to do me.”

Billy asked, “You want me to cut you?”

“Yes.” Tamsyn nodded, “Do what I did… a quick slash across each palm. The knife is very sharp so let the blade do the work.”

Billy used the blade on Tamsyn’s right hand. The knife cut deep. “Ooops. That’s might need stitches.”

“It’s fine.” Tamsyn held out her hand, the blood not as bad as Billy feared. “Do my other hand, we don’t have much time. Two minutes to

“We have to cast it at midnight?”

"The spell is strongest if cast at the stroke of midnight during a Hunter's Moon."

Billy did better with the knife for his second attempt.

“Good. Now lay back Billy and I’ll do the rest.”

Tamsyn closed her eyes. “Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”

Billy asked, “What did that mean?”

Tamsy ignored him, repeating the chant over and over.

“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”

As Tamsyn chanted, the jars grew brighter, until essence within flew from their glass cages.

Billy asked “Was that supposed to happen?

“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”

The essence began to move in a circle around the room as Tamsyn positioned her body over Billy, grasping his hands while continuing her chant. A second voice spoke.

“Why are you hesitating, Billy? Everyone at school knows you’re a girl. Your parents know. You grandparents know. You friends know. And deep down … you know it too.”

Pinpoints of light surrounded them both, the lights so bright making it hard to see. Faster and faster, brighter and brighter.

“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”

“Become the girl of your dreams, Billy.”

Billy grabbed at his chest and he screamed as something pressed down hard. He tried to take another breath but each felt shallow.

“What’s happening?” Billy gasped, his voice creeping higher.

“Dreams come true. You are turning, Billy. Embrace your destiny."

A fire burnt within Billy, as unseen hands began exploring his new self. Long dreamed curves formed around his hips and ass. Muscle shrunk. Bone disappeared.

“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”

Something cupped Billy's breasts, molding and caressing them while a sensation of spreading womanhood started between his legs then crawled up his spine.

“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”
“Aninu sullu a getsu ne qarhu ca sekura, pasaru de usku, ebetua ne ildu…”

Billy felt Tamsyn kiss him, her lips fierce as she straddled him.

“Tell me you want to be a girl.”

Billy arched his back, the crease between his legs longing to be touched, “I want to be a girl.”

“You’ve always wanted to be a girl. You’ve dreamt of it since you were a child.”

Billy nodded, “I’ve dreamt of it since I was a child.”

“You want this change to be permanent.”

Something big and hard slid across Billy’s slit. “Oh god, yes.”

“We need to work together.”

The tip pressed forward but stopped short. “Please, yes.”

“Promise you’ll serve me. And listen to all I say.”

“Oh god… oh god… yes.”

The voice asked, “At the cost of your very soul?”

A large phallus entered, pressing deep into Billy’s core. “Yes … yes … yes… for god’s sake … yes.”


Billy cried out, as if awakened from a bad dream. Intense sensations pulsed from his core. A look at the sky showed the moon shining down but something felt off. Sixty-four jars surrounded the room. Where each had recently held the wisp of a flame, all sat empty. He was cold. So cold.

Nothing seemed real. Tamsyn had shown him her powers but he never believed she could do this. Billy reached with a hand, his long nails touching his face and then his chest. His hands slid down the curves of his naked body past his hips and towards the void below.

Everything had changed.

Unfamiliar limbs made it tough to stand. The walk to the bar took twice as long as it should. The reflection in the mirror showed a girl with long black hair, a thin waist, wide hips, and two massive breasts. Billy reached once more to touch the slit, and found nothing familiar, not even a nub.

Another look in the mirror showed he looked exactly like the girl in the black & white picture. He knew he should be freaking out.

Shivering hands poured a cup of hot tea. He added two sugars and a bit of milk before taking a drink but the liquid did little to warm him. A pack of Tamysn’s cigarettes and her ivory cigarette holder lay on the counter but the craving was too much.

Billy ran to the window, finding his body’s movement easier with every step. Something called to him outside, something that could sate his hunger. A look through the night’s sky showed every house in town. He could see them clearly though most of the town’s lights had been turned off. Tiny dots of warmth called from the town but it was the nearby campfire that had what he needed.

Four boys sat in a circle telling their stories. They’d been there for hours, waiting for him.

He could feel their presence, each body calling to him but one called the loudest. Billy had been best friends with Tyler since elementary school but never had the guts to tell him his true feelings.

He unleashed a decade of longing in a single burst. The entire group looked up at the window, all seeing their changed friend standing naked before them. Billy didn’t feel an ounce of shame.

He called again. “I need you, Tyler.”

Tyler began to move. “Yes, Tamsyn.”

Tyler’s voice sounded in Billy’s head as if the pair stood next to each other. “Oh fuck.”

Billy felt Tyler began to climb the hill.

“No … no … no …” Billy shouted at Tyler but his friend wouldn’t stop.

“I see you woke up.” A voice sounded from the doorway.

Billy turned to Tamsyn, who now stood in the door’s frame. “Tyler is coming.”

“I know. Don't you think it’d be best if you put some clothes on before he arrives.”

Billy’s hunger grew as Tyler climbed each step. "I think I might hurt him."

"You need to learn control."

“Control?” Billy asked, "How do I learn control?"

"I'm going to teach you."

Thanks for reading my story --- You can find similar stories here ---> Sara Keltaine's author page.

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