Man Overboard Chapter 3 of 9

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Chapter 3

Yuri raised his glass as he looked at each one of us.

“To absent friends and relatives. We will carry out the dive off Sardinia, but will not be going east, as planned. I have arranged for us to spend a little more time at this end of the Med, so that our rendezvous can be reorganised. We will relax at Monaco and stay there a few days.”

Behind him, the drone drivers were bringing them back, and two crewmen had carried a small anchor out, with some rope, and tied it around Gregor’s ankles, then slid him over the side. Another one had pulled a hose out and was washing down the deck. He was speaking Russian, which I could follow, but just copied what the others were doing. By the time we had drunk our toast, there was no sign that Gregor had ever been there, except for his fingerprints on his rifle. That’s when I realised that my fingerprints were on the rifle that had killed him. I was now complicit in a murder.

Svetlana had her hand on my arm, and had gripped harder when her brother had died, but, when I looked at her, there were no signs of tears. Natasha had damp cheeks and was holding on to Dimitri as if he was her support. I was finding it hard to figure out this family. It was as if there was Yuri and Svetlana with obvious military training and an ability to hold any feelings in. On the other hand, there was Natasha, who was almost normal, and Gregor had been more normal than any of them, wearing his heart on his sleeve, much to his detriment.

I looked at Katiya, who had a slight smile on her face. After last night, when Gregor had totally ignored her, I wondered if his death may have been a happy release. We all went back inside the ship, Yuri going up in the lift to his office, while Dimitri and I went aft to another lift to go down to sort out what we’ll need with the dive. Svetlana, Natasha, and Katiya said that they were going to the ships’ chapel to pray for Gregors’ soul.

Down in the diving chamber, Dimitri took me into a small rest area, where he pulled a bottle of vodka out of a cupboard, along with two glasses. We sat and drank a couple of glasses, Russian style, and then he started to give me more information.

“Mikhail. It’s time that you were told what we intend to do. You’ve guessed that we are working against the President. That’s why the information that Gregor had let slip was so terrible. If Yuri appears to be an enemy, the President will think nothing of organising his death. It may be a poison as he is going from the car to an office, it may be a recall to Moscow and a trip to Siberia on a trumped-up charge. It may even be a frigate coming out of the Black Sea that ‘accidentally’ torpedos us. That’s why Gregor telling his friends where we were going was so bad.”

“If I had lost the shooting contest, would that have been me being dumped overboard?”

“I doubt it. It did work out perfectly for Yuri, though. Gregor had been a problem for far too long.”

“I noticed that Svetlana was not as upset as Natasha.”

“Ah! That goes back a year, or so. Our previous diving expert was her husband, and he was very hard on Gregor, trying to pull him back into line. His problem was that our navy teaches you to do your specific job, and he wasn’t as good a shooter as Gregor. The shooting duel has very strict rules, which you must abide if you accept the challenge. Usually, the winner saves some ammunition for the kill. At that time, Gregor went second and outshot his opponent. When he made the kill, he only shot at the legs and pelvis, so that the diver was still alive when he went overboard. That was very ungentlemanly, and Svetlana has never forgiven him.”

“Thank you for telling me. What about Katiya?”

“Katiya was only with Gregor to keep the peace. She is like yourself, an expert who has better quarters than the crew. I don’t think her last few months have been very happy.”

“So, what are we diving for off Sardinia?”

“That is a crate, containing two complete solid-fuel engines. They fit the cruise missiles that my navy uses. They were ‘lost overboard’ by one of the transport ships, heading from the Black Sea to Africa, going the long way around. We have the GPS position, but it may not be exactly at that place, nor upright with the lifting lugs showing. We will start with the submersible being driven by Katiya, and then it’s up to the two of us to attach the hawsers. After that, we take our time surfacing.”

“I suppose that they will be taken forward of this chamber where there appears to be a section of the ship that I haven’t seen yet.”

He sat and looked at me before speaking.

“If I show you what is forward, you become one of a handful of people who are still alive who knows what we have and can deduce what is planned. That will make you with us, or dead.”

“I like to know what I’m heading for. So, I’ll be part of this plan. Now you’ve told me what we’re picking up first, I think I can see where you’re going with this. The only thing that eludes me is where you’re going to get the payload.”

He stood and led me to the forward end of the chamber. There was a pair of doors, with dogs, and he opened one wide enough for us to enter. He inputted a code on a pad before we went any further.

“If you look up, you’ll see the rail that the hoist runs on. There is a section that can be bolted in to allow the load to pass into the next chamber.”

He turned on the lights and I could see the helicopter, with the rotor blades swung back. Next to it was a large contraption that I had never seen before.

“That, my friend, is a launching unit for a pair of Kalibr Cruise missiles. They were installed well after the ship was launched, in a very quiet dock, remote from prying eyes. They are on rails, which will locate them under the hatch that the helicopter goes through. Once the helicopter has been rolled to the helipad, that hatch is closed as quickly as we can. We have done it several times, and it is only open for less than two minutes. If we launch the missiles, it will only be open for thirty seconds.”

“I’ve seen pictures of cruise missile launches. I suppose the flame will go out through the hatch next to the missiles.”

“Correct. Once they are away, we just hope they make it to their destination. The Kalibr can have a supersonic second stage to get past the waiting anti-missile systems. The launch will be timed to coincide with a salvo heading for Ukraine. They will look like they’re going to Kharkiv, which is where they should be going supersonic, if the Patriot system doesn’t bring them down. There is a lot of countryside between there and Moscow, and it’s just the air defence ring which may bring them down. If it does, it will still be close enough to do damage.”

“If the Patriot does bring one down, the simple fact that there had been a nuclear weapon aimed at Kharkiv will embarrass the President, if it does explode, it will bring a rain of missiles onto Russian soil. Are you prepared for that? To never being able to go home?”

“That’s just one scenario. If it gets to Moscow, the head of the monster will be cut off. Hopefully, the military won’t launch a strike, seeing that there are no missile tracks from a NATO country. They’ll just throw their hands in the air and say, “Wasn’t me!”

“I’ll believe you.”

“What you’ll need to do is to get up on the top of the launchers and familiarise yourself with the set-up. We’ll be collecting two missiles from a submarine, so will need to dive inside the launcher and attach the lifting lugs. They’ll not have warheads, so there will be the connecting lugs, which we have already made conversion attachments for, seeing that we have been given the engineering drawings.”

“So, how is the sub going to account for a loss of two missiles?”

“It has orders to join the launching when it gets near the home port, a couple less won’t be noticed, seeing that the usual salvo is several dozen missiles. Come on into the workshop.”

The workshop was in the bow, leaving enough room for the anchor winches. There was enough room for a workbench, big enough for a missile each side. The overhead rail had a junction with a pivoting link. I wondered who had manufactured all of this, and if any were still alive. The plan was daring and must have been in place well before the invasion of Ukraine. The President must have done something bad to upset Yuri this much.

We closed up behind us as we went back to the dive chamber. We put together a diving suit that fitted me and I checked the air tank harnesses for one that was comfortable. I also was introduced to my atmospheric diving suit that I would need for the first dive, seeing that the box would be at around two hundred metres deep. I still had questions that only Yuri could answer, so stayed quiet.

Dinner, that evening, was not as sombre as I thought it could have been. It was if Gregor had never existed. There is something fatalistic about the Russian psyche, mulling on bad times is something they don’t do. Svetlana had dressed once I was in my suit and in the dining room with Dimitri and Yuri. It must have been pre-planned, as the four ladies joined us as a group, all dressed to impress. When I looked at Svetlana, I had a tingle in my groin.

We ate well, and all drank a little more than we should. Yuri reiterated on what he had said on the foredeck, in English for my benefit. We would be heaving-to off the southern tip of Sardinia, where there is an underwater shelf. Yuri will be leaving us on the helicopter to see a business associate in Palermo, on Sicily. Then, when he returned, we would be going up the eastern side of Sardinia to dock at Monaco. Nothing about the plan was mentioned, as I could see that both Natasha and Alyona may be in the dark about it. If they had no direct input, then it would be the best for them not to know. Not that it would do them any good should the President take his anger out on the full ships’ complement.

After dinner, Svetlana took me by the hand and led me to our stateroom. We kissed, properly, for the first time and slowly undressed each other. She was ready for me, and I was more than ready for her. I hardly had time to pull the covers back before she had pulled me onto the bed, and then into her. I had never had a girl in every port, but I had known a fair few in my time. Svetlana was like no other girl I had made love to. She was totally devoid of any hang-ups, prepared to give as well as she took. I think that I would be coming up with love bites in unusual places by the morning.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms, in the early hours. I was drained dry and needed the sleep. She almost purred in her sleep, like a cat that had lapped up all the cream. As I drifted, my mind went over what I was doing. As far as the rest of the world was concerned, I had drowned off of Palma. My parents would have been sad, my partner and son sadder still, but there was nothing I could do to change things. Returning to life would raise so many questions I wasn’t even thinking that it was an option. My partner would get my navy pension and help in carrying on.

At the moment, I was an honorary Russian diver involved in a plan to drop a nuclear warhead on Moscow. I was complicit in the death of one person, already. When this was over, I would be complicit in the deaths of a million, or more. Would the world have been any different had someone assassinated Hitler? I fell asleep with that on my mind.

I woke up with a woman impaled on my morning glory, a beautiful smile on her face as she rode it for her own pleasure. When she shuddered with her climax, and laid on me, I opened my eyes and gazed into hers.

“Good morning, my love. Was that good for you?”

“You know it was Mikki.”

“Can I call you something short? Yuri called you Veta. I’d like to call you Lana.”

She closed her eyes for a few seconds, then opened them and gave me a kiss.

“I would like that. It is what my late husband called me. He was a diver, like yourself, but some years older. I loved him as I’m growing to love you.”

I rolled her over on her back and gave her a second climax as I achieved my own. We then showered together, before dressing and going up to the saloon deck for breakfast. Nothing was said, but both Dimitri and Natasha gave us knowing smiles. When I looked out of the window, I could see the coast of Sardinia off the port side, so we would be diving today.

The raising of the helicopter happened well before we slowed down. I watched from the saloon and was impressed by the slick operation. The two hatches opened, and the helicopter came into sight. It was quickly rolled to the centre of the helipad and the lifting pad lowered before you could see the rails that crossed it. The hatches closed and then crewmen clambered up to extend the rotors and lock them in place.

We all trooped down to the foredeck and Yuri came out, accompanied by Alyona, both dressed for air travel. We were all lined up and given hugs and / or kisses before his briefcase was put into the helicopter, joined by the two passengers. The pilot fired up the turbine and we all stepped back as he engaged the rotors. We gave them a wave as the helicopter lifted off.

As soon as it was gone, Dimitri, Svetlana, Katiya, and me went down to the diving chamber to get me kitted out in the deep diving suit. It’s a modern version of the old suits, but with a lot more comfort and flexibility. The dive would be about two hundred metres, so normal scuba units weren’t useable. We were joined by six of the crew, all well versed in the lifting of goods from the seabed.

I stripped down and put on a wetsuit, as the atmosphere in the big suit would be a bit humid. We had to wait until the captain rang to say that we were at the last GPS spot. Katiya opened the diving doors and lowered a submersible. It would be able to go directly to look at the sea floor and locate the box. I stood behind her as she drove the submersible. On the screen, I saw the sea creatures appear when she put the lights on.

When it was at the seabed, she piloted it to the exact GPS point and then programmed it to circle around, in increasing circles, until a large object came into view. She hovered the submersible over it and told the captain the new GPS location. She, and I were inspecting the box, seeing that it was on its side. Svetlana, who was going to drive the crane, was shown the situation and we agreed on a method to lift the box by one set of chains and then drop it back so that I could fit the second set.

I went down with the chains, Dimitri as my diving master. I was under water for nearly an hour, and was pulled up with the box, with Dimitri taking charge of me as soon as I arrived back in the chamber. I was put into a decompression chamber and had my bloods tested, all as being careful. I didn’t expect that there would be a problem, seeing the suit that I had been in.

While that was happening, Svetlana and the crew put the box onto chains attached to the rail, sliding the box forwards to the workshop. Katiya brought the submersible back and it was lifted out and hosed off with fresh water, along with the heavy suit. When I came out of the chamber, both Dimitri and Svetlana gave me a hug, followed by Katiya. As far as I was concerned, it had been a straightforward dive, with the joy of using the best equipment that money can buy.

The captain had been told as soon as the crate was off the seabed, and we had been moving forward, slowly, until the load had been brought aboard. As soon as I was out of the water, he had increased to a slow cruise. We were, so I was told, going towards the coast at Leone Beach, where we will drop anchor and wait for Yuri to return. Dimitri told me to take a rest as he would tidy up. Svetlana and I went up to our stateroom, where we made love before I showered and redressed.

We met the others in the saloon, for a late lunch. The crew were trained in the handling of cruise missile equipment, so they were left to do what was needed. Dimitri complimented me on my care in attaching the chains at such a depth, admitting that he had never dived so deep.

When we were anchored offshore, a launch was lowered so that we could go to the beach. We had dinner at the Is Fradis Beach Club, looking out at the yacht in the bay. The five of us were well looked after, with Dimitri paying at the end of the evening. The launch came to take us back and we were back on the yacht in time for some drinks and then to bed, with me eventually getting some much-needed sleep.

Yuri arrived back in the next afternoon, and that evening, over dinner, he was given a report on what we had achieved. He didn’t tell us what he had been doing, but I was coming to realise that he kept his cards very close to his chest.

For much of the next day, we stayed at anchor, and my time was my own, so I found the ships’ library to see what they had to read. I did find some books in English, notably the Sun Tzu book, ‘The Art of War’, which I had started, years ago, but never finished. I sat and picked up where I had got to. I was quietly reading when I was joined by Katiya.

“Mikhail. I have to tell you that I was very impressed with the way you worked when you were in that suit. It’s hard to make even the simplest moves when you’re that deep.”

“Thank you, Katiya. Your handling of the submersible was very good, as well. Do you drive the mini sub?”

“I do. Would you like a trip?”

“I would love to. Do we have to be moored to launch it?”

“No. We just have to let the captain know that we are going to open the doors as it does affect the steering. We have remote control from the sub so just have to match the ship speed and open the doors to come back. I’ll ask Yuri if it’s all right to take you for a spin on the way to Monaco.”

Svetlana came in.

“There you are. What are you two cooking up?”

“Katiya was just telling me that she’ll take me for a trip in the mini sub. I’ve been in full-size ones but have always wondered what it was like in a little one.”

“A bit like the big ones, Mikki, only smaller. You can’t go for a stroll in the one we have. Come with me, Yuri wants a word or two with us.”

I followed her to the saloon, which seemed to be where most things happened. Yuri stood and gave us both a hug, in that very old Russian way.

“Mikhail, you now know what we intend to do. I can only hope that you want to see the President dead as much as we do. We will spend a few days in Monaco, and you will be able to go ashore. I won’t threaten you with any harm, should you make a run for it, but will tell you that two of the crew will be shadowing you the whole time you are on shore. Both have experience in ‘wet work’. When we complete our task, there will be a big enough bonus for you to go anywhere in the world a live out your life in comfort.”

“I doubt that I would be welcome if I let it be known that I sent a nuke to Moscow. I’ll stay true, Yuri, even if I resurfaced and went back to the Navy, I’ll be considered to be a risk and likely kept somewhere in isolation. I understand why you worry and appreciate your need to maintain operational security.”

“As long as we understand each other, nothing more needs to be said. Katiya is going to give you a trip in the sub. We will do that tomorrow, when we are between Sardinia and Monaco. It would be good for you to have that knowledge, as you never know when you will need to use it.”

We sat in the saloon that afternoon, while the helicopter took off to go and pick up Alyona. When it came back, it also had several bags. This was a family that lived for shopping. Then, it was time for going back to our rooms to dress for dinner. We lifted anchors the next morning and cruised north. As the coastline of Sardinia slipped behind our port side, Katiya and I went down to the ‘toybox’ with Dimitri and Lana to work the shipboard equipment.

We both were kitted in wetsuits and rebreathers, which we would wear for the whole trip, just in case we had to leave the mini sub in a hurry. I followed Katiya through the hatch and into a very cramped space. She didn’t seem worried about my being so close. In fact, once we were comfortable, she gave me a big smile.

“I’ve been in beds bigger than this, Mikhail. It means that you have to concentrate on every move that you make.”

We were lowered into the pool, and we could hear Svetlana talking to the captain as he steadied the ship. Lana gave us the word that the doors were opening and twenty seconds later she told us that we were being released. Once we were clear of the ship, Katiya took us into a dive until we were just off the seabed. She showed me all the controls and I drove the sub for a while, as she then showed me the instruments we had, as well as the sonar detection and the cameras. We were under water for an hour, keeping up with the ship, before she was happy with my ability to control the sub.

For me, it was like a car driver being dropped into the seat of an F1 car and told to have fun. The sub was more than a toy, it was a very finely tuned piece of equipment. My second life was turning out to be even more interesting. Especially as we started to head back to the ship, and she kissed me gently.

“Thank you for beating Gregor the other day. He was a beast and I’m glad to be rid of him.”

Marianne Gregory © 2024

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