Acidalia XV
Two scientist invent a transgender virus in the attempt to heal a crippled man
I know it's been a long time coming. Hope it was worth the wait. As Always please leave a comment.
Previously: Dr's Sam Grayson nd Laura Wayne created a retro virus meant to cure Sam of the disease that robbed him of use of his legs. The virus had the unexpected effect of turning Sam Female. Unknown to both scientists a single does was stolen from the lab by DR. Carla Ryson, who gave it to her sick nephew to cute him of his cancer. From there the virus has spread to all corners of the world. The UN has blockaded US ports. Canada has forced the US to give up land in the north. Meanwhile life goes on for those trying to live in this trying time. This is their story....
Sunday Sept 1. 11am
"Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of the United States"...said the disembodied voice of press secretary Kerry Enrich as he stepped away from the podium making room for president Robert Fuller.
Fuller confidently stepped up to the podium. He placed two hands on the side of the lectern, sighed heavily and began.
"My fellow Americans, in these days of continual challenges placed upon our nation, the notion of war has become unacceptable." He looked up and surveyed the gathered members of the press and continued. "That being said I cannot in good conscience sign the proposed peace treaty with our neighbors to the north as currently negotiated."
Looking back up at the crowd he saw the stunned faces of the assemblage. Looking to his right he saw off stage Davis Carlyle throw his hands up in the air as he stood next to Enrich. The looks gave him almost as great a satisfaction as the flabbergasted silence that Prime minister Montclair had let settle in after being warned that any offense launched by Canada at the United States, no matter how justified it might seem, would result in all their major cities being reduced to smoking radioactive craters. It wasn’t the card he wanted to play but it was the only one left in the deck, so he’d played it. Thankfully the Prime minister taken it seriously.
"I along with Secretary of State Constantine have in the last few hours spoken to the Canadian Prime Minister and his chief negotiator. We had a very frank discussion, explaining that our nation does not want war.” The President waited a moment before continuing. “That being said, it does not mean we will not wage war to the bitter end if we are pushed to do so. With this in mind he has agreed to a cessation of hostilities between our great nations."
Fuller lifted his head and once again surveyed the gathering. The assembled reporters were all leaning forward in their seats, hanging on his every word. He knew this news was the last thing they were expecting today.
"The Prime minister has agreed to face to face meetings between the two of us, in Ottawa beginning early next week where we seek will hammer out a much more equitable solution to our current issues." He took a breath. "My administration made a mistake and provoked Canada unnecessarily. We acted on bad intelligence information. Regardless of the why, I take full responsibility for the actions of our military. The ill-fated attack happened on my watch, and I am the President. I pledge to the great people of Canada they will be made as whole as is humanly possible."
He let out another long breath, glanced back over to the side and saw Mr. Carlyle looking furious and smiled to himself. It had been Carlyle that took the negotiation over Joanne and despite her objections agreed to the treaty president had in front of him. According to Secretary Constantine the Chief of staff had simply agreed to whatever Canada demanded without thinking of what was in the United States best interest also. It was an unpardonable sin that made the administration look weak and cowardly. That combined with the way he had bullied himself onto the list of replacements for Vice President was giving Fuller serious doubts as to where his loyalties lay.
"Thank you for your time today." With that said the President stepped down and quickly exited the room leaving Press Secretary Enrich to deal with the reporter’s questions.
As he followed behind the pack down the hallway towards the oval office, Davis Carlyle silently fumed. Who was Joanne Constantine to derail the entirety of his work in creating the treaty? How dare she talk Fuller into throwing such a massive wrench in his grand plan to make the sitting President look weaker and more ineffectual than he was already perceived as being. His next conversation with Harkin was going to have to involve eliminating Constantine. After that he could work on getting an ally installed the Secretary of State.
As the others went this separate ways Davis continued to follow the president to the oval office. Once inside they could her the wind driven rain spattering against the windows. The storm outside matched the furry Caryle felt.
Without preamble as soon as he door closed, he said. “Mr. President, I think this is a very bad idea.
Further provoking the Canadians when our military resources are spread so thin is an act of folly.”
Fuller tuned and looked at Carlyle and thundered "I don't care what you think Davis. The so-called treaty you negotiated it gave away too much. Did you even think of what was in our country’s best interest? How can I as the president be seen as giving over one of our most honored soldiers as well as additional territory within our borders? It would be political suicide, especially in an election year. If I sit idly by and watch us be bullied like 8-year-olds in the school yard I might as well just had the election over to Senator George on a silver platter."
"But the Canadians..." Carlyle began to retort before being cut off.
"They are going to fall in line and settle for restitution we offer and that will be that." Fuller interrupted.
"Why would they agree to that? They certainly weren't conciliatory in any way during negotiations."
"Joanne and I called Montclair personally. I informed him that unless they were willing to come back to the table and be more reasonable, we would use every weapon at our disposal to defend our sovereignty and our people. Even if it meant a massive loss of life in Canadian population centers." Fuller said angrily. "Additionally our position is that any country that were to offer aid in the threat of mutually assured destruction as a deterrent attempt would also be targeted. We do not want war but we will burn the world down around us if we're pushed into it and now they all know it.”
Carlyle stood there looking at the president, mouth agape. Fuller had threatened a nuclear response. He couldn’t believe the balls on him in taking that route. It was a huge risk but one that seems to have panned out. Despite himself he felt a grudging respect for the man even if it messed with the chief of staff’s plans. Lightning cracked outside breaking Carlyle’s chin of thought and bringing him back to reality.
“Is there anything else you wanted to say Davis?" Fuller asked in a tone of voice that suggested he wasn't really looking for any more feedback.
"No sir, I guess not." With a touch of defeat in his voice.
"Then see yourself out. I have way too much on my plate today to waste any more time explaining myself." Fuller told him as he escorted his chief of staff towards the door.
Carlyle stepped outside the office and spent a moment trying to regain his composure. He turned and looked at the president’s secretary distractedly for a moment trying to decide what to do next. After the brief hesitation he turned and strode purposefully out the door and down the hall to the Secretary of Defense office. With out as much as word to his receptionist Davis burst through the door into the inner office.
“Can you believe the bullshit Fuller just pulled?” he roared. “He’s completely trashed the treaty I worked out!”
Defense Secretary Blake looked up at the Chief of staff and blew out a long, annoyed breath.
“He informed me right before the start of the press conference. I don’t see what your so upset about though.”
“Don’t see? He just fucked us. That’s why I’m upset. Weeks and weeks of planning down the drain because he finally thought of nukes.” Carlyle all but shouted.
Blake looked at Carlyle and shook his head. “Why don’t you say that a little louder. Not sure they heard you in the Oval Office.” He said sternly. “Look we’re not fucked. This is going to play to our advantage perfectly once we let it leak out that he’s lost it so bad that he threatened not just Canada but the entire world with nuclear war. Senator George is going to go nuts over that. He’ll expand his investigation even further and we might even get an impeachment vote out of it. He’ll think it will make winning in November a shoe in.”
Davis Carlyle blinked, the smiled. “You want to leak this to George?”
“No. I want the press asking George why he isn’t investigating it already.”
“So you’re going to leak it to the media then.” Carlyle said with a bit of satisfaction, “I have to admit Blake I love the way you think.”
“Thanks, it won’t be me personally but there are channels…” Blake left the rest of the sentence hanging. “Relax Davis, it’s under control. Just make sure next time you talk to him reassure him that you’re on board with whatever he decides to do. We need you in that VP spot for when the time comes by hook or by crook.”
“I need to get him to pull the trigger on that. I’ll schedule a meeting tomorrow with him and get the list narrowed down.” The chief of staff said thoughtfully.
“Get it done Davis. Time is running out.”
Reynolds 3pm
Robi lay on the gurney moaning in pain. Even breathing hurt like hell. Her body had paid a tremendous price from her night at the not so tender mercies of Major Brady. Three broken ribs, deep body bruising all over her abdomen and back, a dislocated shoulder and a sprung knee and what felt like a concussion were the worst of her long list injuries. According to Dr. Benatar she’d gotten off easy. She shuddered to think how bad it would have been had the Cow not told the psycho bitch to not leave any permanent damage.
She looked over to her left and saw her new bodyguard Thomas Logan pacing back and forth as she watched the entrance to the medical ward. She remembered hazily how enraged Thomas had been when she was carried back into the medical ward yesterday. Robi wasn’t positive if it was her injuries or finding out that Brady was alive that upset her the most. Regardless Thomas had sworn Robi would not be left alone again as long as she was in the ward. True to the new woman’s word she’d not left her side since.
“Are you planning to babysit me all day every day?” Robi asked her would be guardian.
“That bitch will never get the chance to harm you again.” Thomas said simply. “Now that I know the fat bitch lied and Brady’s still alive, heaven help him if I get out of this ward.”
Dr. Goings looked long and hard at Thomas. “Who is Brady? I gather by the title she was in the military.”
Thomas sighed. “He oversaw this place when the first of us arrived here. The sadistic son of bitch that he is. He took great…pleasure I torturing all of us in here. Mentally, physically sometimes both. Whenever the opportunity presented itself he make life as miserable for those interned here as he could. For me personally I was told he took my refusal to change my name as some kind of personal affront. He took a personal interest in the sows experiments on me to test my physical limits. The two of the tortured me for weeks until they fucked up. Somehow one of the guards or the medica staff forgot to sedate me. I laid on the table waiting forte right moment. Boy was he surprised when I jumped on him and gave him a firsthand taste of the bug. It was the best moment I’ve had since being infected.”
Robi watched as a satisfied smile spread across the new woman’s face as she savored the memory.
“Thomas, as much as I appreciate your determination to keep me safe, you’re pregnant. There is no way you can fight off the guards. You certainly can’t get into any kind of violent altercation with the psychopath Brady. The child you carry would never survive that kind of fight. I don’t think I need to remind you that it’s the only reason Stanley lets you roam around here .”
Thomas gave Dr. Goings a steely eyed look. “I know what my condition is. I’m the great experiment along with the others in the maternity ward.” She said quietly with an air of frustration in her voice. “I just can’t do this anymore. I’ve been stuck here for a very long time, we all have. I just can’t let them continue to win every single time anymore. They beat us down every chance they get. I’m just tired of suffering injustice after injustice.” She put her hand over her belly. “Look what they did to me? Look around Robi. Look at what they do to all of us.”
“I know. It’s horrible. I haven’t even been here that long. I can’t imagine what it’s been like to live through it for as long as you have but what can we do about it? The cow has all the power. The guards might ridicule her behind her back but they do as she says.” Robi told her.
“I don’t know yet.” She paused for a thoughtful moment. “But I might have an idea….”
“What idea?”
“Hutchenson. I can see how much she hates what the cow’s been doing to us. If we can get her to blow the whistle on Stanley, we might be in business.” Thomas told her.
“And how do you plan to get her to do that? “Dr. Benatar asked stepping over the Robi’s cot. She lifted her fellow doctors ram and checked her pulse. The shone a light in her eyes. Robi recoiled like she’d been hit. “Yep. That concussion is going to take a while to clear up. I don’t know what she hit you with, but she did a damn good job with it. Besides the headache, how are you feeling?”
Roberta looked up at Benatar’s weary face. The doctors’ eyes were so bloodshot you could barely see the white. “Sore. Very very sore but not as bad as you look. When was the last time you slept?”
The doctor sighed. “I have no idea. Maybe yesterday. Hard to sleep when the asshole running the place keeps turning my other doctors into patients,” She looked at Thomas. “So how ae you going to convince the head of security in here to betray the chain of command and rat the fat twat out?”
“I was thinking of using Paka actually. Hutchinson seems t have taken a shine to her. Mybe we can use that as a way in.” Thomas replied.
“That’s not a bad idea except Paka’s nonverbal. Going to be hard to get her to convince the Sargent Major.” Benatar replied.
“I never said to have Paka talk to her. I use her to get into Hutchinsons head.” The new woman replied.
“How? I’m not going to do anything to the little mouse to generate sympathy.”
Thomas looked at the doctor with a tinge of disgust. “I don’t know what exactly happened to Paka before she arrived here, but it was obviously traumatic. She had been beaten severely. Her male self was covered in bruises and bleeding from places you don’t normally bleed from when he was dumped into our cell. I don’t think he was infected either to be honest. I saw the look of disgust on Hutchinsons face that day. Now Paka seems to be Stanley’s favorite test dummy. With her ability to heal like she does she kind of the perfect lab rat like that. What we need to do is get Hutchinson to see her before she heals. Find away to get her in here immediately after the fat cunt is done experimenting on her. Let her see what’s being done to Paka. I think that’s our way in.” Thomas told them.
“And if that doesn’t work?” Robi asked.
“If that doesn’t move Hutchinson than we’re no worse off than we are now.” Logan replied.
“So now we just hope Dr. Stanley abuses Paka again. Lovely.” Benatar said with a bitter edge to her voice.
“Ya that part sucks. A lot. If you have a better idea doctor, I’m all ears.” Thomas told her.
“Sadly I don’t” Was Benatar’s reply.
San Bernadino Monday Sept 2nd 8:30am
The early morning sun shone brightly on this cloudless day as Yvonne logan waited patiently on the street corner. Two days ago she had managed to reconnect with a different arm of the resistance she’d worked with before her tragic return home. It had not been in her plans to return to this life but fate it seems had its own ideas on her future.
She didn’t know any of the members of group that worked in particular part of the state personally, but thankfully the number Hillay Marko had given her all those months ago was still active.
The voice on the other end of the line had been extremely dubious of who she was. To the point where she was nearly hung up upon several times before convincing the man she was who she said she was. Even then it seemed word of her exile by Philip Bastion had spread. Not that she’d done anything to deserve it. She simply hadn’t been part of his plan. He had only wanted Gail and thus had sent Yvonne n her merry way with a warning to never return.
“Blackballed by terrorists.” She thought disgustedly to herself as she pleaded her case for a face-to-face meeting. “My life has hit yet another new low.”
“Look,” she told him finally letting her frustration show. “I have information that your people are going to want to hear. All I want is a meeting. I want to see who I’m speaking to so I know I’m not being set up by some mysterious voice on the other end of the phone line god damn it! I don’t think that’s too much to ask considering what I have to tell them!”
Finally, she convinced him. She was told to be here this morning. She was to be picked up by someone in the organization and taken to meet up with a local leader by the name of Flint.
Now she waited and impatiently paced back and forth on the sidewalk as the anointed time of her pickup came and went. After checking her watch for what felt like the 53rd time in the last half hour a dingy looking light blue chevy pulled up beside her.
The driver leaned across the dingy looking bench seat and cranked the manual window on the passengers side down. “Are you Yvonne Logan?” He asked
“Yes that’s me.” She replied.
“Come on then. Get in. There are people waiting to meet you.” The short balding man behind the wheel told her.
Doing as instructed Yvonne hopped in. The interior f the car was in as bad a shape as the exterior. The plastic seats were deeply cracked and the stuffing inside showed through. The dash board also was so cracked and pitted it looked like ill-fitting jigsaw puzzle pieced jammed together. Added to that the vehicle smelled like a very old bag of Dorito’s and god only knew what else. It was all she could do to keep from gagging.
Seeing the way she scrunched her nose at the stench the driver laughed. “Ya, I know it’s not exactly a limo but it blends in with the scenery and no cops gonna see us in it and pull us over cause we look like we don’t belong.”
He offered a hand to shake and said “My name is Tom. Pleased to meetcha.”
Yvonne gave him a quick shake and replied “like wise.”
“Might as well settle in its going to be about a half hour before we get there. Though before the breakout it would have been more like an hour and a half. The bug might be bad news, but it’s been a miracle for the traffic problems around here.” He said chuckling at his own joke.
Yvonne looked over and glared at him.
“Hey, no need for the death stare lady. I was just trying to make a little joke ya know? Lighten things up a bit.” Tom said defensively.
“I don’t have much of a sense of humor when it comes to this thing.” Yvonne replied simply.
Tom nodded. “Some fricken people.” He thought to himself as he considered whether discussing the rather large stick that seemed to be stuck up her ass was worth the effort. In the end though he decided it wasn’t a conversation he felt like having since he was going to be stuck in the car with her for the next thirty minutes or so. Last thing he wanted was to listen to her bitch at him the whole ride.
“Life’s way too short for that shit.” He thought to himself and let the rest of the tip go by in silence.
Traffic was as light as he expected and approximately thirty five minutes later the pulled up in front a large yellow and brown home with the biggest oak tree on the block in the front yard.
“I’m surprised you didn’t put a hood over my head or anything. You people are very trusting.”
He smiled at her and replied “Naa. Way we figure it you either got real info for us and your on our side or you don’t and we’ll be burring you in the back yard this afternoon.”
Yvonne nodded and shrugged thinking “Either way I’m on the road to getting my problem solved.”
Tom hopped out of the car. Meeting her on the passenger’s side he lifted his arm towards the house and guided up to the front door together. As the driver reached for the front door a very tall, imposing looking red headed man wearing a long black leather coat and biker boots opened it from inside. Minus the big hat he kind of resembled the old WWF wrestler the Undertaker.
The giant of a man looked them over through bottle green eyes and said in a deep smooth baritone voice “You must be Yvonne. I thought you were supposed to be here an hour ago.” Flint shot Tom a something less than pleased look.
“It was traffic boss…” Tom began to explain.
“We will discuss it later.” Flint Interrupted.
Tom’s mouth snaped closed with an audible click and he three of the stood awkwardly on the doorstep for several seconds before Flint said. “Thank you, Tom, I’ll take it from here” and waved her driver off dismissively. “Won’t you please come in Mrs. Logan.”
Finally taking the hint Tom scurried away back down the walkway and leaned on the car in apparent attempt to look casual. Flint watched and just shook his head. He moved out of Yvonne way and ushered her inside.
Upon entering the dimly lit house Yvonne noticed immediately how much cooler it was inside. Following Flint down a short hallway she saw all the shades were drawn. He stopped in front of a doorway about halfway down that opened into a large shabbily furnished living room area. He gestured for her to enter then showed to her a seat.
“I am Micheal Flint.” He told her introducing himself officially. “You’ve gone through a lot of effort to get hold of us from what I hear. I assume that means you have something important to discuss.”
Yvonne looked around the room for a moment takin her surroundings in in case this meeting went badly the said simply “Dr. Sam Greyson is out of quarantine.”
The red headed giant looked taken aback for a moment. Then said, “The Sam Greyson?”
“Yes. The one and only Sam Greyson.” She replied.
“I assume you saw him yourself and this isn’t some kind of secondhand report.” He asked looking at her intensely.
“I saw her up close and personal two days ago at a little strip mall in Yuba.” She replied.
“How did he get out?”
“I don’t know the how’s or the why’s. She was with Mia Blue and a few others that looked to be new women. The guy I was traveling with said they were what’s left of that group the Sisters of Acidalia. I guess before joining with Rev. Mannings group he was with them. We’d hooked up when Manning and his people attacked Dillion Quarantine last week. Warren said he’d had enough of the Reverand.” Yvonne recounted. “I didn’t know who it was we were going to meet up til we got there. He introduced me to everyone he knew, then this short woman, the leader I guess, introduced Greyson to him and I. At first, I was too stunned by her being there to do anything but then I remembered I had a gun. I pulled it out meaning to shoot the mother fucker but the tall redhead one was too fast and strong. She as able to disarm me before I could get a shot off.”
“Strong and fast huh? She must really be something if she could get a gun away from you before you could fire it.” He replied obviously tossing this revelation around his mind as he spoke.
“You’re one hundred percent sure it was the Sam Greyson. No chance it was another.” He asked verifying.
“I am one thousand percent sure. Why would anyone make a claim like that if it wasn’t true?”
“Yeah. I see your point.” Taking a deep breath he asked her “I don’t suppose you heard where they were going before all this came down?”
“Sadly no. This all happened almost as soon as I met them. After I pulled the gun on Greyson I didn’t think they’d be too inclined to tell me their travel itinerary.” Yvonne replied sarcastically
“There’s no need to be snarky.” He told her with obvious irritation in his voice. “We have people we not to far from Yuma. I’ll have them start looking around for a group of women traveling together. How many were there?
“Including Warren there were five.”
“Four women and one man. One’s a tll red head. Anything else that will distinguish them?
“Ya, there was another that was nearly as strong as you look.”
“Ok got it. Thank you for coming to us with this.” He said sincerely. “Is there anything I can get you before Tom drives you back to the city?”
Yvonne looked at him incredulously. “Drive me back to the city? I don’t want to go back to the city. I have nothing there. I want in on this. I want to find the son of a bitch and put a bullet in his head like we did his partner Dr. Wayne a couple month back!”
Micheal stood up and walked over to where she was seated. From this perspective he looked twenty feet tall. “I appreciate you wanting to deal with this, but you were told to go home by Phil Bastion before he was killed. You should have stayed there. Would have been a lot safer for you.”
“Wait….Phil Bastion is dead?.” She interrupted stunned. “What about Gail?”
“As far as I know they are all dead. The whole thing got fucked up. The one that was supposed to kill Ryson shot Bastion instead. There was a shoot out of some kind after, and she got a few of the others somehow before getting shot herself. From what I was told it was a real cluster fuck. We lost a few good people and then on top of it, Ryson stole one of the cars and took off. We’re all supposed to be on the lookout for her too. But I doubt she got this far west.”
“Good for you Gail.” Yvonne thought to herself. Then to Flint she said, “Guess Phil got what was coming to him after all.”
“Ya he was a blow hard but a well-financed blow hard. Anyway” he said after a brief pause. “None of that changes the fact that you were told to go home and stay disappeared.”
She looked at him angrily. “I did go home but it got all fucked up. Just like everything else in my life these days.”
She stood up and poked the big man in the chest. “I want Greyson! If you won’t help me get him, I’ll find him myself, again. He’s the reason my husband and father are in quarantine, my kids were taken from me and my mother is dead and I’m going to kill that son of a bitch for it. Now the only question is whether you and your cronies want to help me do it or not. Don’t give me this you were told to go home bull shit again either. I don’t answer to you people!”
He stood there as Yvonne seethed, then chuckled to himself. She had spunk and he admired her determination.
“Wait here. I need to make a couple calls.” He said as he attempted to escorted her back to her seat.
“Don’t just try and placate…” She started to shout but the big man grabbed her arm and pushed her into the seat.
“I’m not placating anyone!” he roared. “Don’t think for a minute that just because you yelled at me, and I let you get away with it you have a leg up here or anything. I don’t know you and I have no idea if you’re telling me the truth or setting us up. I’m inclined to believe you but we still need to do some checking and verify your information. After we know if you’re telling the truth then I can see about letting you come along for the ride. Now stop being an asshole and let me do my thing.” He glared at her menacingly.
“Fine!” She said defiantly “So, what now?”
“Now you sit tight, and I’ll be back.” He said walking out of the room.
Carol stood in the doorway looking at the dead woman on the floor. There were many things she thought she might find when she returned to the abandoned motel the sisters had been staying in but Vera being dead was not one of them.
After the scene with Warrens friend at the mini mall and finding out the newest member was the one responsible for what had happened to her, Carol hadn’t been able to stay with them any longer. Sam Greyson’s virus had turned her entire life upside down and she hated her for it now that she understood who she was.
A long loud argument ensued after the woman Warren was with stormed off. Carol had begged Ellie and Nicole to leave Sam and by extension Mia, behind but to no avail. She loved the two of them and it baffled her why they would choose to keep protecting that one over her objections. Nicole had at least come off like she understood Carol’s objection, Ellie however, didn’t want to hear any of it and had angrily declared discussion of the matter closed.
Ellie’s lack of understanding or empathy pierced her like knife through her heart and the next morning as soon as the sun was up, she left. With no plan or clue on what her next move would be she reluctantly back tracked to the shit hole abandoned motel the Sister’s had been living out of. Carol hoped to find Vera or at least get a lead on where she might have gone. There was no love lost between the two but looking like you were a 12-year-old female limited your options and Vera, despite her betrayal, had been one of them. Carol felt that she’d be reasonably safe with her, at least until a better option appeared.
The idea of using Vera like that left a sour taste in her mouth. “Who knows maybe Vera will be easier to get along with now that she’s seen what it’s like to betray the ones that cared for her.” Carol had thought as she made her way along the journey.
She stepped carefully into the room. The stink of death was nearly overwhelming, still Carol squatted down and took a close look. “Yep, she’s dead as dead can be.” She thought morbidly.
Standing up Carol ran her hand through her mop of brown hair. Despite the coolness of the day the room seemed to be getting hotter with each passing moment. The smell of corruption and decay along with the sound of buzzing flies alighting the bloated body was becoming overpowering, making her choke and gag.
The longer she looked the greater the need to get away from the death scene became until it was impossible for her to resist. Carol turned heel and ran back out into the empty courtyard with no other thought than to get as far away from Vera’s body as she could. Panting and sobbing she crossed the asphalt to the roadside the brown-haired girl stumbled over the curb only to be caught at the last moment by a familiar set of arms. Confused, she looked up and saw the imposing form of Nicole holding her upright.
Seeing the sorrow etched on Carols face the imposing red head asked as she let her go. “Carol? What wrong?”
Her voice choked with emotion, Carol replied, “Vera….she’s dead back there..”
“Dead? Vera? What do you mean she’s dead? How?” Nicole demanded in disbelief.
“I don’t know. It looks like she choked or something. Her hands were up by her neck…I don’t know.” Carol sobbed.
Nicole gathered the new girl in her arms as Carol cried, holding her tight. She kissed the top of Carol’s head, soothing her until the emotional storm passed, at least for the moment.
As Carol wiped the tears way Nicole asked, “Are you going to be ok?”
“Ya. I think so. I don’t know. It…I …this was the last thing I expected to find when I got here is all.”
“I know sweetie. It’s awful. Just terrible. If you’re ok, I need you to wait here while I go take a look.” The tall red head told her.
“Nicole…” Carol began.
“Just wait honey. I’ll be right back.” She said putting up reassuring smile all the while hoping it looked less hollow than it felt.
Nicole steeled herself best as she could in anticipation of the scene but still it was a shock as she looked inside the dank little room. She understood that it was going to be bad but that understanding did little to lessen the impact of the scene. She choked back a sob as she gazed down at the bloated, discolored body. It certainly looked like she’d choked on something with the way her hands were up by her neck. However, something about the way Vera lay in a crumpled heap on the floor next to the bed bothered Nicole. It just didn’t seem quite right for an accidental choking.
“I’ve watched way too much CSI on TV.” She thought to herself humorlessly as something about the scene before her continued to niggle at a corner of her mind.
Stepping in she crouched down waving the flies away and touched Vera’s cold discolored cheek. Sighing loudly, she then spoke quietly to the body. “Rest well my friend. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but you deserved a far better fate than die alone like this.”
Tears rolled freely down her cheeks as she got back up. Nicole took another long look at the room trying to put to pinpoint whatever it was the seemed so wrong.
After a fruitless minute she turned and walked back to where Carol waited. Once again, she gathered the new girl in her arms and hugged her tightly. The stood in each other’s arms letting the tears flow. It was a long time before either was able to speak.
Finally the time came to break the embrace. Nicole looked down at her smaller companion and said, “We need to go back. The others need to know what’s happened.”
“Nicole. I can’t. Sam..”
“I know were different in that you never wanted this so, maybe I’m not in the best position to give you advise. That being said, I get it. However, Sam never meant for any of this to happen.” Nicole told her. “She was crippled by a spinal infection. She was only looking for a counter measure to the virus that put her in a wheelchair. A way to reverse the damage. What’s happened since was purely accidental. And I know none of that matters to you. You got a raw deal. Your whole life has been turned upside down. I see why you’d hate her for it, but please, come back with me. We’re your family now. Let us help find you a safer place to be than out wandering the world on your own if you can’t stay with us.”
“I can take care of myself.” Carol replied forcefully.
Nicole sighed. “I know you think you can, but you need to look at your situation realistically. If your caught on your own no one is going to believe you’re 32. In the best case, you get put into state care. The worst is the figure out who you were, and you put into a quarantine, and we all know the rumors of what goes on in there. Please come with me.”
Carol considered what Nicole said. Much as she hated to admit it, she was right.
“Fine. I’ll go but as soon as we find a safe place I’m gone. I love you and Ellie but since you’ve sided with Sam over me, I don’t feel so much like part of your family anymore.” She finally said with frustrated resignation in her voice.
“We didn’t choose anyone over anyone. You are our family whether you feel like it or not and we love you.” Nicole told her with more than just a touch of sadness in her voice.
Carol stared at her friend for a long time not saying anything. The conflicting emotions left her unsure what to say. If not for Elli and Nicole taking her in all those weeks ago, she’d have been caught for sure and she felt a great loyalty to them both. Moreover she shared their original vision of offering acidalia patients a safe place to be than a government quarantine.
Finally, she said. “Ill give it a try I guess.”
Nicole smiled. “Let’s go then.”
“Umm…we can’t just leave Vera like that for someone else to find.” Carol told her.
Nicole looked back over her shoulder at the room. “No, we can’t. We need something to wrap her body in so we can move her.”
Early evening
Ellie Wolf stepped out of the camper she was currently calling home on their journey to see what all the commotion she’d heard from inside was about. As she moved down the steps, she saw her family, The Siters of Acidalia they had named themselves in more optimistic times and felt that all too familiar anger boiling up at how pitifully few of them there were left. There were only eight of them now, with the return of Warren, out of nearly forty before the raid.
It had started the night of the raid on their former warehouse quarters by the army and she’d not been able to shake it since. It was a helpless rage that left her feeling more sad than anything else. She was left with a never ending need to lash out at the unfairness of it all.
The fact that it had been on of her closest friends that led the authorities to their doorstep made it hurt even more. Sure, Mia had played a part but to Ellies mind the lions share of the blame lay squarely at Vera’s feet. It was Vera that had gone out and gotten caught despite being told to stay at the warehouse by Nicole. Was she who traded her friends for a few extra fleeting days of freedom. The fact that she lied when confronted about it all was the worst part and with the help of the ever-loyal Wendy, Ellie made sure the price for such treason had been paid. Vera would never betray any one ever again.
Seeing Nicole with Carol in tow made her smile. She had been worried her friend wouldn’t be able to convince her to return. The argument about Sam being with them had been awful and her inability to give in even a little bit on the subject of Sam hadn’t been the least bit helpful. She knew Carol’s departure had as much to do with that as with Sam’s presence.
Ellie felt a terrible shame over it all and promised herself that if Carol retuned, she’d do her best to make it up to her. Thought sending Sam away was still out of the question. Normally she’d have asked God for guidance, but she didn’t feel the nearness to her lord that she used to.
The creator of the Acidalia virus being part of the group was a divisive issue to say the least. Her presence pitted those grateful for the change at odds with those that weren’t. Even Warren had expressed grave reservations about her.
It was only the force of Ellie’s will that had kept their little group together to this point. How much longer that would be enough remained to be seen.
Stepping over to the assemblage she announced her self by saying “Hello everyone.”
With a warm smile on her face, she said. “Welcome back Carol.” Before the young-looking girl could reply Ellie gathered her in for a big hug. “So happy you decided to come back to us. I’m very sorry for my part in your decision to leave and hope you will let me make it up to you.”
Releasing her grip, Ellie smiled even more brightly at her. It was only then when she noticed the tear dried streaks on Carol’s cheeks. Looking over she could tell Nicole was upset too.
“What’s wrong?” the short woman asked with a lump rising in her throat.
Nearly in unison the two replied “Vera’s dead.”
The look of shock and sadness spread around the circle of friends like a wildfire.
“Dead?” Mia stammered after several second of silence. “Oh dear. How? When?”
“We don’t know. She was still in the motel room where we left her. Vera was just lying there on the floor. I can’t say for sure but it looked like she might have choked on something.” Nicole told to the assemblage. She frowned a for a moment as she caught Ellie glancing over at Wendy as she took the story in.
“That’s terrible. Is she still there?” the diminutive leader asked. “What if the police discover her? They’d know we’d been there.”
Through teary eyes Carol told her, “No. We took her and buried her out in the desert.”
“It was the best thing we could think of.” Nicole added. “We certainly couldn’t just leave her. And not just because the police might find her either.”
“Yes, of course. It was the decent thing to do.” Warren added.
The group of women and one man pulled together and hugged each other with Sam Greyson standing off to the side holding baby Sara. She hadn’t known Vera. She didn’t know any of these new women. Her only connection to the group was Mia. However, she felt terrible seeing them in such pain. They were after all her rescuers. Without their help she’d still be imprisoned at Greyson labs.
Sam observed after the long embrace the Sisters pulled away from each other and Nicole approached Ellie ad though she couldn’t hear what was being said it was obvious there was some tension in the air between the two. After a few moments they both walked away in separate directions, Nicole to her motor home and Ellie to where the hulking Wendy stood. The leader spoke for several minutes then they too went their own way leaving Sam wondering what was happening.
Mia came to over to her. “Are you ok mom?” she asked.
“I will be. It’s just the shock of it all. No one deserves to die alone like that. Not even someone as awful as Vera.” Mia replied s she took the baby from Sam. “Right now, the best thing for me is the two of you.”
“I’m not sure many of the others share that sentiment. Are you sure we should stay with them. One already left because of me.” Sam said glumly.
“What Carol did was her choice. From what I understand she had a bit of trouble after her infection. She’s just scapegoating you for it.” Mia told her. “Ellie asked us to come along. She and Nicole have welcomed you with open arms and with the whole world looking for us thanks to Jordon this is the safest place for the three of us to be right now.”
“Carol’s not scapegoating me mom. She’s right to blame me for wat happened. I’m responsible for all of this. Including whatever she went though after. I created the damn bug….”
“That’s enough of that for now.” Mia interrupted putting an end to Sam’s guilt wallowing. “We can discuss this later but right now this little one needs a new diaper.”
Sam followed her up the steps into their camper and closed the door.
Nicole lay in her bunk. Tired as she was, she couldn’t stop tossing then conversation she’d try to have earlier with Ellie about Vera over in her mind. While the red head understood Ellie was deeply hurt by her betrayal and was still angry, her reaction to Nicole’s attempt to discuss the circumstance of her ending with her was still baffling.
There was no reason she could think of for Elie to be pissed off with her over it and yet there it was. Everyone else had been shocked to hear of Vera’s demise but Elie seemed mostly unaffected. That coupled with the way she’d kept looking over at Wendy made her wonder how much of their discovery of Vera’s body was really news to the two of them.
She rolled onto her side. As much as she loved her new self, there were times that she missed her former life as Roger. As a man life was far simpler. She’d just kind of let things roll on by without much deep thought as to why they’d happen. So consumed by his misery at not being what he felt was his real self that he never paid much attention to anything else going on around him. Since her transformation, with that constant stress and obsession now relieved, she couldn’t help but see things far differently. The world no longer seemed like a long grey string of events that happened to others. She was wholly part of it now and because of that she was seeing things she never noticed before.
Never once in her life had she ever considered that Elli might lie to her. They’d always been the closest of friends but now it felt like she was….
Nicole didn’t want to complete the thought because if she did it would mean she’d have to confront Ellie with her fears, and she was deathly afraid of where that might lead.
“It’s probably all in my head. “She thought as she rolled over again trying to convince herself everything was fine, but it was a long time before sleep finally claimed her.
Tuesday Sept 3rd Quantico Virgina 10am
Dr. Carla Ryson sat at the edge of the woods watching the pay phone across the parking lot attached to the Crab shack. It had been a much harder search than she’d have believed otherwise to find one. After several days of looking at every gas station and shopping mall exterior wall she’d come upon, she finally found this one today. From her spot just beyond the tree line of the bordering woods, she’d been watching for better than an hour, hiding, hoping not to be seen. All the while fingering the piece of paper containing her only possibility of salvation.
During her time on the Quantico Marine base, she’d developed a respectful relationship with Col. Robert Sa’heed. While it wasn’t exactly what she’d call friendly, the Col. made sure she was treated well and came by to check on her every few days. None of her guards had harassed her in any way and any opinions they may have held on what she was accused of they’d kept to themselves.
Since her escape from the house where she had been held hostage, she’d been hiding. She stayed in a small, abandoned shack in the woods she’d stumbled on the day after her escape. With the need to avoid being seen her primary objective she only came out when absolutely necessary to find food or to wash up in a gas station bathroom.
Luckily the car she stole had enough gas to get this far north. The ride had been terrifying. The windshield was cracked badly from when she ran one of her captors over. Add to that the trunk was sprung and dented in from backing into the truck in the driveway as she tried to escape. Luckily the wind pressure of the highway driving had kept it mostly closed. Despite it being a mess, the car didn’t attract the attention of any police or at least enough that they’d felt the need to pull her over.
She hadn’t really known where she was headed until she saw the sign for the Quantico exit. Once she got off the highway ditching the car was her highest priority. Ryson puled it into the lot of the first big hotel she found and parked it as far away from the building as possible. The trunk popped up as soon as she stopped moving. She’d taken a few minutes to try and find something to weight it down but eventually gave up. Even this far back in the lot it stuck out like a very sore thumb. Carla shrugged and decided distance was going to be her best option.
Before leaving it she rummaged through the vehicle and found a few dollars in the arm rest as well as a very interesting name on the certificate of registration. She’d taken both when she abandoned the car.
Much to her dismay the government had made sure her face was plastered to every television news cast from coast to coast since her kidnapping. There wasn’t a single police agency in the entire country that wasn’t looking for her. With the situation being what it was, there was no chance she wouldn’t be spotted eventually if she didn’t find safe harbor soon, especially once the car was discovered. Though there was a pretty good chance the owner probably hadn’t reported it missing yet.
She poked her head out again and looked up and down the street. Traffic was light and the coast seemed clear. Best of all the parking lot was still empty. How much longer it would remain so was the big question.
“Come on Carla, time to shit or get off the pot.” She chided herself.
Swallowing hard she stepped out onto the pavement. She looked both ways again. Still no traffic. A huge knot of fear twisted in her gut as she ventured out onto the tarred lot. With will power she wasn’t aware she possessed until now, Carla forced herself to walk at a normal pace even as every instinct told her to run.
Last night she’d stumbled upon an old phone book and was surprised to find the Col’s home number listed in it. The odds of both things happening were so long he felt as if she had an angel looking over her shoulder guiding her down this path. Now that she stood phone in hand what seemed like clear providence in the dark of night felt fool hardy in the light of day. For several minutes she stood paralyzed, debating whether to dial or scurry back to hiding. Finally resigning herself to the fact that this gamble was her only hope, she dropped the coins into the slot and nervously started punching the numbers into the keypad.
On the third ring a female voice answered. “Sa’heed residence.”
“Yes, may I speak to Col. Sa’heed please.” Carla asked.
“May I ask who’s calling?” The voice asked.
Carla swallowed hard, did her bast to steady her nerves and said “This is Dr Carla Ryson. I really need to speak to the Col.”
Without so much as another word she heard the muffled sound of the woman calling out to the Col. “Robert, pick up the phone!”
A moment later the line clicked as the Col picked up the extension. “Col Sa’heed speaking.” He said into the receiver.
“Col, this is Carla Ryson..” She began before he immediately cut her off.
“Doctor, I cannot speak to you. You need to go to the nearest police station and turn yourself in.” He told her the stern voice of someone that was used to his ever command being followed.
“Col, I know I’m putting you in a bad spot with this call, but I can’t go to the police. If it’s possible I’d like to turn myself into you personally. Please Colonel, I desperately need to speak in person before we go to the cops.”
“Doctor, you are an escaped fugitive. Anything you have to say can be said to the proper authorities.” He told her not bothering to mask his annoyance.
“I didn’t escape. I was kidnapped!” She shouted into the phone hoping it would keep him from hanging up. “I was held in basement of a farmhouse for several days, and I escaped in the White house Chief of staffs car!”
Sa’heed shook his head. “You escaped in Davis Carlyle car?”
“I have the registration in my pocket.” She replied. “Col, I can prove everything I’ve said but not on the phone. Can we please meet?”
Sa’Heed shook his head trying to make sense of Rison’s ravings. How in the world would she even know what kind of car the chief of staff drove unless she was telling the truth? Deciding there was nothing to be lost by speaking to her before taking her to the police he said “Alright Doctor, I will meet you and let you explain. Where are you?”
Half an hour later a large white Chevy SUV pulled up into the Crab Shack lot. Upon seeing the vehicle Carla got up from the picnic table she’d been sitting on. Filled with apprehension, she stared walking quickly towards the back of the building and her wooded refuge beyond when a familiar voice called out to her.
Turning back, she saw Sa’heed behind the wheel. With a sigh of relief, she trudged back to where the Tahoe has stopped. Through the open passenger’s side window she said “This isn’t exactly what I was expecting you to drive.”
Sa’heed shrugged. “It’s my wife’s. Thought it would be better than using my government issued car to pick up the number one most wanted woman in the world.”
Despite herself Carla smiled. “Good idea.” She said as she opened the door and hopped in.
Once settled she looked over at him and saw his phone in his hand. Panic struck her and she blurted “Did you call on me already?”
“No.” he said in a neutral tone of voice. “However, you have exactly 5 minutes to convince me why I shouldn’t finish dialing this number so start talking.”
“The day of my “escape” I was kidnapped by a well-funded group run by a man named Philip Bastion. I know his name because he told me what it was after I’d been transported to what he claimed was his house in a little town called Farms Corner. I was held there for several days while they set up my public execution. Philip was very clear about how my time there was going to end. They also kidnapped another woman named Gail. She was going to be my executioner.” Carla explained quickly.
The Col nodded and motioned for her to continue.
“Things didn’t go as they planned. Gail rebelled. She shot Philip instead. I don’t know why she made that choice. I guess she hated him more than she hated me.” The doctor relayed in a voice filled with wonder. “I didn’t see much of what happened because I had a hood on but somehow this Gail woman managed to pick off a few of the others before getting shot herself. She grabbed me and pulled me into the house where she took my hood off and undid the ropes binding my hands. She was hurt. Bleeding out. I did what I could to save her but there wasn’t time.”
“As she was dying she said there was another still in the house and I needed to run. I did what she told me, but this giant of a man was outside. He tried to stop me from leaving. I didn’t have any choice so i ran him over in a car I found in the driveway. I… I killed him. I didn’t want to do it but he made me. He’d have killed me for sure if I didn’t. Every time I close my eyes I see him flipping over the hood of the car. It was awful.” Carla said with a sob.
“After that I just drove. I didn’t know where I was, and I had no idea where I was going. I just drove and drove until I wound up back here in Quantico. I wasn’t intending to come here but one I got here I knew I had to ditch the car. The windshield was all smashed up from him pounding on it.”
“I found a big hotel off the highway and parked the car there. I hoped no one would notice it while. I reached into the glove box looking for some napkins or something to clean up with and I found this.” Carla handed him the cars registration certificate.
Col Sa’heed took the paper and looked over closely. The doctor wasn’t lying, the slip was made out in the name of the Chief of staff. “Did you actually see Davis Carlyle there with your own eyes?” He asked the doctor.
“No she replied. I had a hood on but he must have been there. How else would his personal car wind up parked in the driveway?”
“I don’t know” he replied. “Perhaps it was stolen.”
“Colonel.” Carla said in an exasperated tone. “There are millions of cars in the DC metro area. What are the possibilities that the Chief of Staff to the President car got stolen and wound up in the exact place I was to be killed in?”
“Maybe it was there as a means to set him up. Make it look like he was involved.” Robert replied not really believing it himself.
“Why? To what end? I was going to be executed. They had unmasked Gail before they started filming. She was going to be the fall person. There is no reason they would need to implicate anyone else. He was there. He had to be. That’s the only explanation that makes any sense.” She looked at the Colonel intently.
She could see he was mulling her story over. Possibly looking for holes in her logic about Carlyle’s possible involvement.
After a minute he said. “Ok you’ve convinced me. At the very least this needs to be looked into.”
“Thank you, Colonel.” Carla replied with relief in her voice.
“Don’t get too excited.” He warned her. “I said I need to check into this, not that I was convinced. In the meantime, I need to put you someplace safe and the only place I know that fits that description is your cell at the base.”
Carla started to protest but he held up his hand. “This is not open for debate madam. Even if this story checks out you are still going to be tried for the crimes you’ve been accuse of. This episode is not a get out of jail free card. I will, however, keep you safe until that time comes. You have my word.”
Carla sighed. “I guess that is the best I can ask for. Wouldn’t want to be shot on my way to the gallows.”
“Have faith doctor. Everything will be fine.”
“Will it? You know I had nothing to do with the release of the virus. I’m being railroaded. My guilty verdict in whatever mockery of a trial this eventually comes to has been predetermined. Regardless of whether you come to believe my story or not I’m a dead woman. How are you going to protect me from that? No Robert nothing is going to be fine.” She told him with defeat in her voice.
Ft Rawling Nebraska mid afternoon
The door opened as 3 guards led Kate Becket back into her barracks. It was far from the first time she’d made this type of entrance and figured there wasn’t much chance it would be the last the way things were going. Since her abduction and subsequent arrival to what she thought of as her interment, here at Fort Rawlings life had become a constant cycle of fights with her fellow inductees and nights spent in the brig.
She didn’t want to fight any of them but her piss poor attitude and constant complaining about the situation she found herself in eventually led to arguments, especially with those trying to make the best of things, which in turn led to fights. That and the fact that despite not looking like she could fight her way out of a paper bag she was undefeated in altercations, at least so far, led to a lot of non-believers to challenge her. No one on the base it seemed was her physical equal.
Her squad members especially hated her attitude and gave a very sarcastic round of applauds of as the MP’s removed her handcuffs. She rolled her eyes and gave them all a sneer.
“Welcome back Private Becket.” Her squad leader Kara Charles said mockingly.
Katie shot the small blonde a dirty look but decided not to respond. She surveyed the other 4 members of her squad giving them all a similar look.
Lou Amaretto flipped Kate the bird. “Maybe you should save your energy for fighting the enemy instead the people on our side. Or do you like the brig?” The 6’5” muscular smokey skinned woman with a long scar over her left eye asked.
“Shut the fuck up Lou.” Becket replied. Tough as Lou looked, Becket knew she could handle her with ease and that was the basic problem with everyone on the base. She hated it here and they all knew it and not one of them could make her do anything she didn’t want to. “That’s the thing. I don’t want to fight the “enemy”. I don’t even want to fight you. I sure as hell didn’t want to fight Ramirez last night either. I don’t want to fight anyone. I don’t want any of this. I just want my life back. I was finally happy…”
“Ya ya ya. Save it Becket. We’ve all heard this line of shit before.” Drill instructor Elizabeth Russov barked to her as she strode into the room.
Russov was average sized and slightly built with short cropped brown hair with a medium light coffee complexion that belied her eastern European decent. She more resembled an officer’s secretary than a drill instructor. She was the absolute last thing anyone would call intimidating, but she scared the hell out of Kate Becket.
Russov stepped over right in front of Kate. “You are a useless, childish, selfish son of a bitch Becket. How many men did you infect while you were “living your life”? Do you know? Do you even care? I’d bet not. I don’t think you have single clue. What have you ever done that wasn’t centered on you? What have you ever done for anyone other than yourself? The DI taunted.
Russov poked her shoulder ”Do you understand how much good you could do with all that power inside you if you just once tried to give a flying fuck about anyone but yourself?”
Katie stared at Russov reproachfully.
“Nothing to say private Becket?” Russov asked. “That’s what I thought. Your nothing but a pathetic bully. Next time you want to start a fight come find me and we’ll have some real fun.”
After several ticks of the clock went by without an reply, the drill instructor turned to the rest of the squad and barked “Outside in five for PT!” then strode out the building.
“Guess she told you.” Laughed Joan Ashford as she passed Becket by on her way to her bunk.
Katie reached out and grabbed the laughing blonde, pulling her off her feet. “You want to laugh at me?” She asked menacingly with her right fist raised.
Before Ashford could answer Lou grabbed Katies arm and pulled back with all her might lifting the antagonist completely off the floor and bouncing her onto the neared cot. Katie was up in a flash nose to chest with the far taller new woman.
Ashford slipped between then and shoved both in opposite directions. “Thank you Resnik, but I don’t need your help with this shit head.”
To Becket she said “Didn’t you hear Russov? Now cut the shit and stop being the company asshole! We got pt, get your ass outside!” as she pointed to the door.
Katie continued to glare at Lou. “Whatever Becket. Sit there for all I care. God, I hope I never have to into combat with your sorry ass.” The squad leader said over her shoulder as the rest of the group gathered and walked out together.
After taking a moment to get her anger under control Kate followed the other outside. The entire platoon was lined up in formation by the time she arrived. She took her spot at the end of the line and waited.
Like everyone else on base hell, as Kate liked to call it, the drill instructors all the way up the LT Colonel were enhanced Acidalia victims. Unlike the recruits however, all those in charge were in the military before becoming infected. They were all here willingly, or at least they all were in the army of their own violation. The military had assigned them all this duty after their change and while the top brass treated them all like something they’d found stuck to the bottom of their shoe it beat the hell out of being in quarantine.
Russov was one of the army’s most elite Rangers before her change. As a member of the special forces, she had been in wars. She’d killed and seen people she’d grown close to die. The life she’d chosen as a man had made her hard inside. The army considered her perfect for this assignment, turning unwilling civilians into soldiers and while she missed her former life, she took a great amount of satisfaction from the challenge.
At the same time, she’d come to care deeply for the lives of those she was trying to train. Russov wanted to make sure that when their time came, and boy did she hope that would not be anytime soon, they were as prepared as she could make them. So, she rode them hard and worked them even harder even if made them hate her.
And hate her some of them did. She could see it in their eyes every time they would look at her. Becket and those like her especially. She had known Katies type from the moment she laid eyes on her. Russov had made sure first thing to stick her boot heel on the back of Beckets neck and never let off the pressure. The only way to handle a bully, in her opinion, was fulltime intimidation. She didn’t know for a fat that she could honestly beat Becket in a fight if it came down to it but she had done her best to make the new woman believe she could. So far, her strategy had worked, though she often wondered how much longer it would last.
“Alright!” She hollered. ”Everyone get in formation! Let’s go ladies you know your spots by now!”
Russov watch with a mixture of disgust at the would-be soldiers lined themselves up, side by side 4 rows across. After several seconds a minor chaos they managed to get set.
“Very good ladies.” The DI told them in a vice dripping with sarcasm. “We’re gonna do five miles today. A simple stroll around the park for most of you. Let’s see if you can manage to stay in formation for once.”
The entire platoon stared off on the march with Russov towards the rear so she could watch them. For a change she was moderately pleased as they kept a tight formation even Becket stayed in line. Perhaps there was hope for them after all.
After the first mile was completed another of the instructors, Sargent Major Crystal Brickhouse joined the march. Brickhouse was the head instructor on the base and Russov’s direct superior having been a DI before catching the bug. As such she was third in command of the base.
The two walked side by side for a bit watching the platoon. From their vantage point it as the march wore on it was very easy to see who didn’t want anything to do with being there and there were several. Russov had to continually bark at them as they would fall out of step with the others or wander too far to the side, breaking formation while the rest did their best to hold their spots.
Brickhouse nodded at Russov to fall back a bit. Doing as she asked the two fell about 15 feet behind the platoon.
The Sargent Major was very tall, 6’6”at least, if Russov were to guess, with a dark mahogany complexion and long reddish-brown braids that hung over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. Additionally, she was amazingly well toned from hours spent in the gym to augment her prodigious strength. She’d been known to bend steel rods with her bare hands when challenged to in the officers’ club. The male parts left of Russov would have said she was gorgeous, if not a bit scary. Maybe more than just a bit if she were being honest. Russov was glad they’d become friends since being stationed here together.
“What’s up?” Russov ask her companion as the fell out of ear shot.
“What do you think of your group? The Lieutenant Colonel has me out here asking cause she thinks I’ll get more honest assessments then if she asked on her own.”
The two friends laughed halfheartedly before Russov began. “Tell me Sergeant Major, before I start, exactly how honest an assessment are you looking for?”
“I want it all baby.” She said jokingly. “No holds barred; no punches puled. Need to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”
“Ok then just remember you asked.” The DI said in preamble before going on. “There are maybe eight to ten that have real potential. Maybe another five that if I can find the proper motivation will pan out. The rest, I don’t have much hope for. Trying to turn a bunch of unwilling civilians into combat ready soldiers is a bad idea. You have to want the life if you’re going to succeed in it and most of these girls have no interest. I hammer them, cajole much as possible but it really isn’t working. At least not at the level we’d need to achieve to get them ready to defend the nation if it comes to that.”
The tall black woman watched her intently as she gave the report. “I was afraid that was going to be the case. The rest of the DI’s have all given similar reports.” She told her with a frown. “The Lieutenant Colonel has some kind of idea on how to up their motivation. She wants your two worst to report to her office at 0700 tomorrow.”
“What’s the idea?” Russov asked curiously.
“That is one hundred percent need to know Sargent. Which means not even I have a clue. I just need you to give me the names of who you’ll be send and have them there at the time specified.”
Russov gave her a quizzical look. “Top secret huh?
“Seems so.” Crystal replied.
“Ok. It will be privates Sonja Henderson and Kate Becket then.”
“Thank you Sergent. I’ll pass on the names. Have a good afternoon.” Brickhouse replied as she strode off back in the direction the Lieutenant Colonel’s office.
Monday Sept 4th 7:20am
The two of them arrived on time as per orders to Lieutenant Colonel Paula Wrights office. They were greeted by the base commander’s secretary with a pair of Military policemen standing in the corners behind to her left and right. The pair quickly took each of them by the arm and ushered Kate and Sonja out the back door of the office and down a back hallway that led to an elevator. There was no question of refusal as their guards’ other hands rested on the buts of their 9mm beretta’s as they walked them.
“What’s this all about?” Private Henderson asked the guard nearest her.
“You find out when the Lt. Colonel is ready to tell you.” was the only reply.
As the four of them got in the elevator Sonja looked over at Kate and whispered, “I don’t like this Becket.”
Before Kate could reply, Sonja’s guard told her “Shut the fuck up. No talking. Jesus. You two really are a pair of fuck ups aren’t you.”
The elevator slid to a stop and the doors opened to another hallway that led to what looked like a largish conference room with a small stage with a large video screen behind it set at one end. Inside were ten other recruits all milling around. It seemed to Kate they were the last to arrive.
As they entered all eyes turned to them then turned away when they realized they weren’t the base commander. Upon seeing the faces, Sonja immediately realized they were all known malcontents. Everyone in the room seemed to be aware as well and that gave the room the acute air of nervousness. That and there seemed to be well-armed guards everywhere, in all four corners, next the small stage and on either side of the solidly built door.
“This can’t be good.” Kate whispered to Sonja. This time no one told them to shut up. Their escorts had moved off to the side with the rest of the Mp’s.
“Nope. What the fuck is with all the guards too? I gotta tell you Becket I feel like the next step will leading out back to the firing squad.” Sonja replied nervously.
“Whatever this is about they are definitely expecting trouble. Stick close to me. Whatever happens we’re in this together, ok?” Kate said to her.
Sonja nodded.
Another twenty minutes went by before the Lieutenant Colonel herself stepped in. They all snapped to attention without being told and saluted as the short brown haired wide hipped woman as she stepped up on the wooden stage at the end of the room. The change hadn’t been good to the base commander, reducing her stature and changing her body composition. Where once had stood a well built thirty something man now stood a woman far to large for her short build that looked to be in her early fifties. Despite that the Lt. Col. still carried the air of command with her everywhere she went.
“Recruits” Lieutenant Colonel Wright began. “As I’m sure you are all aware you represent the worst of the personnel currently stationed on base. All of you have shown extreme indifference to our attempts to turn you into soldiers this country can be proud of. While I do understand your method enlistment was something less than ideal our mission remains unchanged.”
She stopped a moment and looked over the assemblage as the video screen came to life. “Joining us today is Dr. Jack Ryan. The doctor is the country’s lead researcher into a cure for the virus out of Greyson Labs in California. By Presidential decree he has been given wide latitude to achieve that end. What does wide latitude entail you might be asking yourselves. It includes among other things human experimentation. No stone is to be left unturned in the search for the cure.”
Another brief pause to let that statement sink in before continuing followed. “So, what does all this have to do with you here in the room today? I’m here to inform you that any continued resistance on your part will not be tolerated. If you continue with your current attitudes towards life in the military, I will have no choice but to hand you over to the good doctor to be used as he sees fit. If you cannot serve your country as we asked you will serve it in that manner. You may be thinking that there’s no way we can do this to you. That you have rights. Let me assure you there isn’t a court in the land that will stop us.”
The look of horror on the recruit’s faces were exactly the reaction Wright had hoped for. The suggestion to bring Ryan in on this had been a stroke of genius on the part of Col Jordan. They had spoken at length three days prior on how to motivate these recruits and it seems it was a home run. His presence gave the threat a face and lent credence to it. With that achieved now it was time for the coup de gras. “When I call your name step forward. Private’s Sonja Henderson, Raffiel Parker and Indra Katour.”
The color drained from Sonja’s face. She looked at Kate.
Becket gave her hand a squeeze and whispered, “Go ahead. I’m right behind you.”
Sonja nervously stepped forward along with the other two as ordered. The three of them looked at each other at each other and then back at the others assembled behind them.
“You three have been deemed the worst of the worst and will be made example of. You are going on a trip to California this afternoon to see the good doctor.” She turned her head to the right and with menacing grin continued “Guards escort those three to the holding area.”
Twelve of the thirty or so guards descended on the three. The rest pointed their weapons at the others not being taken. While the would-be detainee’s all had enhanced abilities the guards did too. Despite their valiant attempts to resist they were quickly overwhelmed by numbers as well as clubs and tasers.
Some of the others, to their credit, tried to help. The guards around the perimeter fired rubber bullets at them as others waded into the center of the room smashing heads and backs with clubs. Kate Beket despite her earlier promises and bravado was too scared to move. She pushed herself to the back of the room and up against the corner wall. With her hands over her ears Katie curled into a tight ball tying not to hear Sonja pleading for help. She watched helplessly as the three were dragged out of the room by a mob of guards.
“Now that you know we are not bluffing I expect to see rapid improvement from the rest of you.” Wright told them sternly after the dust settled.
“Dismissed!” She barked and strode out of the room as the image of Dr. Ryan on the screen went to black.
The walk back to the barracks was surreal. All seven of the remaining troublemakers leaned heavily on each other during the trek. None could believe what they’d just witnessed. Most were shocked to see just how precarious their situation really was.
After helping one of the wounded girls to her bunk Becket walked to the back of the barracks where her squad’s sleeping area was. Her skin was ashen, and she burned with shame for being such a coward. Getting to her bed she flopped down on it and started to cry.
Seeing how upset she was Joan Ashford came over and sat next to her. She rubbed the back of Beckets shoulders until the tears dried up. Joan had seen Kate in a great variety of moods but never as emotionally devastated as this.
“What’s wrong Becket?” She asked. “Where are Parker, Henderson and Katour?”
“They took them.” Was all Kate could offer between choked cries.
“Took? Who took them? Where?” Ashford asked.
“We…we went to the Lieutenant Colonel office like we were told to.” She began. “After we,,,they took us to the basement. There were a bunch of others there. A…all troublemakers like me I guess…and the Lieutenant Colonel had some doctor from California on video conference.”
“Ok. Then what happened?” Joan inquired trying to make sense of what she’d just been told.
“They said he was the guy in charge of finding a cure. An….and he could experiment on people and then they called names and Sonja was one of them and they took them away and told us that if we didn’t get with the program, they’d take us there too….”
“Take you and do experiments on you?” Joan looked up and noticed for the first time quite a crowd had gathered around the bunk.
“Yes. She said if we didn’t serve our country on the battlefield, we’d have to serve it in the lab.” Katie told the assemblage.
“That’s fucked up!” Lou said in utter disbelief. “How did they take her? You were in the room, weren’t you? Didn’t you help her?”
Becket looked up at the others. “I..I…..there wasn’t anything I could do…”
“Nothing you could do? You’re a fuckin tank on two feet. What do you mean there was nothing you could do?”
“I…I…”Katie swallowed hard. “I was scared, ok? I was scared they’d try and take me too!”
“Scared? You stood there and them take Sonja away and did nothing? You fucking coward. You selfish fuckin asshole coward mother fucker…” Lou dove at her and began pounding her with her fists. Katie didn’t even try to defend herself. “You let them take one of your own without a fight and yet anyone of us that annoys you you’ll fight no problem! Your pathetic Becket. You’re the worst kind of person there is!” She screamed as the others pulled her off.
“Your right Lou. I am pathetic. I’m selfish. I’m an asshole. I’m a coward. I’m everything you all say I am and worse.” Katie sobbed. “But I’m gonna be better. I have to be better. We can’t let them do this kind of shit to us. I won’t stand by and watch it happen ever again. I promise!”
“I’ll believe that when I see it.” Lou retorted.
“Yes you will.” Kate replied as her squad mates walked away leaving her to her guilt and misery.
6pm KLTR news
“Good evening, San Francisco. Our top story at this hour I the announcement that all delegates to the UN will officially discontinue reporting to the UN building in New York city. Moving forward the United Nations delegates and their staff’s will be working out of Geneva. While most ambassadors left the city weeks ago in light of the ongoing Acidalia out breaks, this move officially moves the United Nations headquarters out of the United States permanently.
The move has been described by one senior Fuller administration official as the severing the final link between the United States and the rest of the world.
“It does not matter what excuse they use” Press Secretary Enrich said in a release earlier today. “this shows the rest of the world has no interest in trying to help the American people as we attempt to deal with this ongoing crisis. This move along with the attempts to blockade our ports show the rest of the world only have their interests at heart. To this we say fine. Go. We will not only prevail in this time of crisis, but we will also come out all the better for having gone through it and then it will be time for favors returned.”
“UN General Secretary Mosbard’s office has at this time has not issued a response to the administrations strongly worded statement.”
“In other news the rumors continue to circulate that President Fuller threated Canda with a nuclear attack if our neighbors to the north did not agree to come back to the table and negotiate a more amenable resolution of our current points of contention. While neither side has commented on the rumors the evidence continues to pile up that our leader may have used the ultimate threat to bully then into reneogitation.”
“Senator George was quoted as saying that if these reports turn out to be true it could the final straw in the decision whether to issue articles of impeachment on President Fuller and various other members of the administration based on their handling of the Acidalia crisis.”
“In other news from the capital, officials from the president’s office today said President Fuller has narrowed down his choice for a new Vice President to just two names and has committed to making a final decision before weeks end.
“For too long the VP’s office has stood empty. We need to get a nomination in the hands of congress to get the confirmation process into movement.” Press Secretary Enrich said in a statement issued late last night.
“The removal of United states military personal from abroad continues to reverberate around the globe as today China has announced the annexation of Tiwan. This morning citizens of the tiny island nation woke up to see a fleet of Chinese battle ships blocking all ports of entry as paratroopers rained down upon the capital city capturing it in less than an hours’ time. China’s president said in a statement “Finally, now the state of China has reached its historical boarders. Long have the people of China and Tiwan longed to be reunited. Today China answered that call. Our nations now stand as one. United as the expanded Peoples Republic.”
“World leaders from across the globe have issued statements condemning the move and threatened sanctions on the Chinese government if they do not withdraw.
In national news there have been several videos released on social media platforms showing a homeless woman fighting off and injuring several police officers in New Yorks Battery Park late yesterday. The homeless woman who has been identified as form movie star Ronald McTavish can be seen attacking police as they attempted to move her into a transport vehicle to be taken to a Acidalia testing facility. After knocking several of the officers down and tackling two more before savagely ripping at their protective gear the woman ran off into a thicket of trees. Somehow, she was able to evade pursuit and eventually made her way out of the park where she was lost in the crowded streets.
Police spokesman had this to say about today’s incident. “After officers confronted the woman, later identified as Ronald McTavish, and attempted to bring her to the transport to the testing location, Mr. McTavish attacked two officers without provocation injuring both. When back up arrived seconds later he tore into those officers as seen on the video circulating around the country. It was like nothing we've ever seen; she was like some kind of animal with the way she fought back. Anyone that see's this woman needs to contact police immediately. She is incredibly dangers and quite possibly infectious. Please do not approach her on your own. Thank you."
Mr. McTavish is additionally wanted for questioning in the murders of a Harlem restaurant owner, two police detectives, his butler as well as several uniformed officers.”
Dr Ryan burst into Col Jordon’s office unannounced. “Colonel, I need to speak to you immediately!”
Jordon shook his head and turned off the tv “What is it Jack?”
“It’s Rogers. He’s the one that got exposed to the virus Sunday night. He wasn’t paying attention and accidently stuck himself with a contaminated hypodermic needle.” Dr Ryan told him.
Jordon thought for a moment. He vaguely remembered seeing something about an accident on one his daily update reports. “Yes ok Jack I think I remember. What about him? Has he started his transition?”
“As a matter of fact, Colonel he has not. I did a blood test on him an hour ago and the results just came in. He’s virus positive but asymptomatic. Not only has he got no symptoms, but the virus count in his blood has declined by over eighty percent!” Ryan exclaimed excitedly.
“Declined without an infectious period? How is that possible?”
“I don’t know exactly but his white blood cell count is through the roof. It’s almost as if he has some level of resistance to it. Perhaps even an immunity.”
“Immunity”…..Jordan said with wonder in his voice. “Do you really think it’s possible?”
“I don’t know for a fact but at least so far the testing seems to point to the possibility.”
“How do we prove or disprove your theory, Jack?”
“I need you to have him relieved of his position on staff so that I can run tests.” Ryan told him.
“We’re a bit short on researchers can’t you run tests while he continues to work?” The Colonel asked.
“No, not with the kind of tests I’m talking about.” Ryan told him simply.
“I see.” Said Jordon, understanding Ran’s meaning. “Ok then Jack, consider him relieved of duty. He’s all yours. Do what needs to be done. I’ll have him listed as infected and sent to quarantine.”
“Thank you Colonel. I will keep you apprised of the results.” Ryan told him as he turned to leave.
“Thank you Doctor. And Jack…” Ryan turned back to look at the Colonel “Good luck. We need this to pan out.”
“Yes sir we do.” Ryan told him as he closed the door behind him.
Jordon sat staring at the closed door trying to take in what Ryan had just told him. It was hard not to feel a touch of hope at the preliminary results. This was exactly the kind of news they all needed. The never-ending string of failures had been tough on moral. The brass in Washington had been breathing down his back demanding progress as if they could simply order it to happen.
This however, this was different.
After a moment the Colonel picked up the phone and started dialing.
The Pentagon Tuesday Sept 5th
“General King?” the intercom asked.
“Yes Rosie?” the General replied.
“Colonel Sa’heed is on line one sir.”
The Marines Commandant smiled as he told her “By all means put him though.”
King and Sa’heed had been three years apart at Quantico OTS with King being the senior when Sa’heed was a freshman. During their time together in school they developed a close friendship that had managed to survive the intervening twenty years since Kings graduation. The general had watched with great satisfaction as Sa’heed moved up though the ranks culminating with his appointment as commanding officer of Marine Base Quantico.
A moment later the voice of the Colonel came though the receiver. “General King?”
“Robert!” The General exclaimed. “How are you? It’s been ages my friend. How are Marcie and the kids?”
“They are fine Sir. How is your wife doing these days? I heard about her health scare last year.”
“She’s doing much better these days. Truly a miracle of modern medicine.”
“That’s tremendous news Sir.”
“Yes we are both greatly relieved. It was a very close call.”
“Yes Sir. I’m sure you are. Send my best to her.”
“I will my friend. So, tell me Colonel, what do I owe the pleasure of this call? I’m sure you didn’t call just to check on my wife’s health.” King asked turning serious.
Sa’heed took a deep breath. “No Sir I didn’t. There is a bit of a delicate situation I need to discuss with you.”
“Talk to me then Colonel.”
“No Sir. This isn’t something that we can discuss on the phone. I was hoping you could find sometime to come to Quantico so we can discuss it in person Sir.” Sa’heed replied.
“Robert” King began. “I don’t have time for games. In case you didn’t notice we’re in a bit of a crisis right now. I can’t just up go visit bases upon request.”
“I understand Sir, but this is a special case I assure you. Due to security concerns Sir, I cannot discuss this in any way other than in person.”
The General let out a loud sigh. “Ok. Give me a moment and let me see what I can do.” He clicked hold and then the intercom “Rosie, what does my schedule look like this the rest of week?”
“Very busy General. Thursday is your slowest day. Only a meeting with the Secretary of the Navy at one.”
“Very well. Cal the Secretary’s office and reschedule the meeting to tomorrow night please.”
“Yes General. I’ll call over now.”
“Thank you Rosie.” To Sa’heed he said “Colonel, I will be there first thing Thursday morning. And Robert, his had better be as important as you say.”
“Yes General. Thank you, Sir. I will see you in Thursday morning.”
Confirmed cases: 55,879,283
Actual Cases: 120,342,751
End Part XV
It's been ages since I posted. Idk if there is anyone left who still cares but here's the latest chapter. Please enjoy my little Tg dystopia if your unfamiliar and as always thank you for taking the time to read my story.
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Wow!! The previous chapter of this story was posted in 2014
but i do remember loving it; it impressed me + really stuck in my memory. Not a fun-filled gigglefest but a gripping biodrama about a pandemic I wouldn't mind becoming a statistic of; although i could probably do without all the societal and international chaos it causes (This is BCTS, so even those unfamilar with Acidalia can probably guess what the main symptom is...)
Hi Amanda, I'm glad you haven't given up on this one. But I'm definitely gonna have to go back and reready a few chapters to refresh my memory before reading and commenting for real on it.
See Folks? There's hope for all my unfinished serials yet!
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Never read this before
I started with chapter one a few days ago and read it all the way through. It has been a hell of a story and I have enjoyed it. Hope you continue to write and post new chapters soon.
EllieJo Jayne