Joey & Joy - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Joy’s viewpoint

With a resigned sigh, Joy gets up from the oh so comfortable (NOT) chair that is next to the table in her hotel room. She had hoped that Joey would call tonight so that she could apologize for her unthinking teasing, but obviously he’s not ready to talk to her.

‘Not that I can blame him,’ she thinks morosely to herself. ‘Who would’ve thought he’d have that strong of a reaction this many years later.’


It started off as a Halloween dare between two lifelong friends who just happened to be of the opposite sex. They were together so often that most people who didn’t know them assumed they were a couple.

If Joey had his way, they would have been.

“You’ve got the legs to do it, Joey” she cajoled her not-convinced friend. “besides, if anyone does find out, it’s Halloween. What’s the harm? If you do get twigged, the only thing you’ve got to do is clean my room for me. How hard could that be?”

“Knowing your room, it could take me a month of Sundays to get it even close to clean Joy,” he retorted, finally a smile coming to his previously uncertain face.

“I’ve never gotten us into trouble that I couldn’t get us out of, have I?” she entreaties.

“Not yet anyway,” was his glib response.


“Guess that isn’t true anymore, is it Joy” she asks herself aloud while removing her blouse and trousers. “I just want to know what went so wrong while he was cleaning my room?”

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This story is 270 words long.