What was Stu thinking?

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This is the sort of thing that I find embarassing for all T folk. I don't normally comment on the conduct of another person. Portland is pretty weird and you can see just about anything. A case in point would be the rod that ran cheek to cheek on a youth. Unguhah!

So Stu, the Mayor of Silverton ... what were you thinking girl?

Oh, by the way, in a personal conversation, she does not claim to be Transgendered. Just another case of the Media just not getting it.





Why is this embarrassing to anyone, even the mayor of Silverton? Apparently the city council was embarrassed but isn't that their problem? I think he looks rather nice.


A time and a place

My thinking is that there is a time and a place for exhibitionisim. My favorite picture of me was taken on the happiest day of my life; a birthday party thrown by friends. The skirt almost covered my butt, and I was dressed to the nines. But, I was not going before 6th graders. Proper attire for 6th graders is as I usually dress now; floor length skirt, long sleeved shirt and hair covering Hijab.

Goodness, their post pubescent little minds need very little to start off down the masturbatory trail ! :)


No disrespect,

But I hardly think the mayor was actually masturbatory material.

I may be wrong, but wouldn't she have needed ironing first?

I don't just look it, I'm totally evil

How much does the Hijab cover?

Does it JUST cover the hair? I'm sorry, I just know you've mentioned you're Muslim and I see on the Birthday Party what you mention but are you big in covering yourself?
I mean seeing your last sentence I'm wondering if you believe in covering up to avoid tempting kids. I know that some Muslim women take up that part of the Qu'ran when in public.

Oh dear...

I'm astonished.

I don't just look it, I'm totally evil


Looks about right to me. There are places that would chide a (genetic) woman who dressed like that in those circumstances, after all. Probably people trying to see offence where none was intended. A quiet word in her ear would probably have been sufficient.


Dress Code?

Regardless of the "out dated" dress code, I would think that her attire was outside of proper decorum for such a venue. Even a "GG" would be chastised for appearing in a swimsuit and mini-skirt. She seems to have yet to "grow" out of her child phase of dress. Maybe we should submit her to the "What Not to Wear" program?





It's both sad and confusing...

To see that picture, and the references to a "HE" in the article.

Is Stu a "he" or a "she" ? From your comment, I think she... (I don't want to make assumptions, and don't have time to go do a lot of research online - and get more confusion from mistaken articles...)


I thought that the Mayor's

I thought that the Mayor's choice of clothing was inappropriate at best and tacky at worst. What I found far more offensive, though, was the repeated references to her as a "him" by the newscasters.

Stu does not claim to be a woman.

KristineRead's picture

Stu is a cross dresser / transvestite, and does not claim to be a woman, in fact in the video Stu claims to not be a man or a women, but I think that is disingenuous on Stu's part, as it is quibbling on whether the dress code applies or not. Frankly the argument that Stu is neither and therefore it doesn't apply seems ludicrous to me.

If Stu chooses to dress as a women, then the female dress code should apply, or if dressed as a man, then the male should apply. Maybe the code should be made genderless, but to say it doesn't apply is as I said disingenuous.

Since Stu uses a masculine name and does not claim to be female, I have to say that outrage over the use of the masculine pronouns in Stu's case is misplaced here. I think from what is availble on the web, that Stu is a guy that likes to wear womens clothing, publicly presents himself as being a guy in womens clothing, and that under the circumstances He/Him is appropriate in this case.


As for being censured for the outfit, IF they would have censured a woman in the same outfit, then it is appropriate to do so here.

By the way, Stu uses the term transgendered in his reality check tab, in the link I provided above. He is TG, he just is not TS.



Thanks for the info

I was looking for that.

I agree that if he is a HE (and only he really knows) then masculine pronouns are appropriate.

The attire described doesn't really sound "appropriate" for a Mayor representing a town at a function... But, descriptions can be off. I agree with your point that he should follow one of the two codes, at least until a "neutral" code is established... Or all codes are eliminated. Then, it's a matter of what is in good taste, as opposed to tasting good.

Thanks again,

If the issue is inappropriate dress then fine.

But we know there are some that would use that excuse just because Stu is dressing in women's clothing.
Oh and like others said he identifies himself as TG, we all know that's a catch all term in the Community.

Frankly I say kudos to Stu for not identifying as completely male or female. I mean yes Stu prefers the identification of "he" but that's more so we don't use a cold term like "it". I mean there isn't an IS term referring to someone who identifies themselves as both.

Oh and to one of the posters: What's wrong with Portland anyway?! They have a Vegan Mall for crying out loud! :D
As far as I'm concerned I REALLY want to visit there and that's one of the reasons, I'm also just kinda curious to check out the Organic scene down there.

If . . .

If this is the same person I saw on a newscast on my local ABC affiliate, then I'd have to say the attire was completely inappropriate. Frankly, it looked like an outfit a streetwalker would wear. And I say that in all seriousness.

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

Cocktail dress

erin's picture

I don't see what the fuss is about but I suppose it depends on what sort of function this was worn at. I see schoolgirls wearing stuff like this everyday around here.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

He was wearing this at a charity function presenting to young

KristineRead's picture

He was wearing this at a charity function presenting to young school children. Supposedly, it is not actually a cocktail dress, it is a swimsuit and a mini skirt is my understanding. I can't tell for sure from the pictures, so can't argue it either way.

From what I saw, admittedly limited, I have not heard anyone state that it did not violate the dress code for female public officials representing the town, so the question really is was he in violation or not, and would they have censured a female mayor for wearing that outfit. His argument was that the dress code does not apply to him because he is neither male nor female, not that he wasn't violating the dress code for female dress.

I can't answer that question, but I would say that Mayor Stu should err on the side of conservative dress, rather then the other side. I am by no means saying he has to dress as a man, he was elected as a transgender person, so the town was by no means surprised by this.



In that case

The phrase "age inappropriate" comes to mind. He or she is not a "schoolgirl". I wondered about the colored straps across the back of what appeared to be a dark (black) halter-top dress, if that is a swimsuit top underneath that would explain that. This seems to be a true "crime of fashion". ;-)

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

Strikes Me As An Erin Brockovich....

Strikes me as an Erin Brockovich hot mom cougar look. Age appropriate; probably not. Over the top; probably. Offensive; not to me. I think the people of Silverton should be talking to their city council members about doing their jobs rather than participating in the mayor's attention seeking activities.

Can't see the problem

It's just my opinion, but the fact is, it's not really a miniskirt - if the pictures are anything to go by and it's not as if her tits are popping out or that her bum-cheeks are on show.

Not shame on Stu, but shame on the idiots who have had the gall to complain and shame too on those who upheld the complaint. Since girls of today are subjected to Girls Aloud, Amy Winehouse and God knows who else, strutting around in next to nothing, I would have thought this would have seemed conservative, comparatively speaking.

What you're looking at here is not what was described at all in the news report and sadly, that's what will be remembered from all this.

I don't just look it, I'm totally evil

I have been in meetings with this guy

Stu does not see himself as TG. He just says he is crazy and has some strange habits. He has a female companion, and as far as I know is intact. I figure that he can live what ever life he wants to.

There should be a standard of dress around kids though.


I resist such things

erin's picture

Standards of dress, once established become an onerous burden to everyone. Someone has to decide what they are. Who decides? Someone has to enforce them. Who does that? Society does not need more rules, it needs fewer. We already have rules about indecency, the mayor was not in violation of those.

If Cher had come to address those kids, she might have dressed much the same. If Madonna, Brittany or Paris had come, well, Katie bar the door. I haven't seen anyone say they had asked the kids what they thought before some adult told them what to think. No one ever does.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Whether Stu is transgendered or not depends on your definition of transgendered.

Merriam Webster online defines it as:

Date: 1979

: of, relating to, or being a person (as a transsexual or transvestite) who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person's sex at birth.

(That's pretty close to the definition given by Dr. Prince when she coined the word in 1979.)

And transvestite as:

Date: circa 1922

: a person and especially a male who adopts the dress and often the behavior typical of the opposite sex especially for purposes of emotional or sexual gratification.

While the sexual gratification part is outdated and a result of a narrow observation by a German psychiatrist in the early 1900's Stu, by observation, is a transvestite, IE wearing women's clothes when he is a man. Having gone the trouble and expense of having breast implants, then he must be expressing a gender identity that differs from his sex at birth.

Crazy? That's dangerous thing to say. I really don't want us to go back to being thought mentally unstable. I'm sure that many of us have wondered about our own mental condition as we struggled to deal with our transgendered nature, but to get to Stu's point in life, elected mayor while cross living and to be mentally unstable is a hard to believe.

([email protected])

Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper ubi femininus sub ubi


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann