Me And Sam -- Chapter 14


John's trials and tribulations continue.


Chapter 14

Somebody to Love

Wednesday morning arrived and I awoke without the need of the alarm clock. I found myself totally confused by Sam’s behavior. She had been my best friend all my life. She told me she loved me more than a few times in this last week. And now? Now she was behaving like a total idiot. My anger almost overrode the sadness that consumed me. I decided to hit the shower and hoped that the hot water would wash away my sorrows. It didn’t entirely, but I did feel better when I’d finished. I put my room back together, got dressed and made my way downstairs. Looking out the kitchen window, the day promised rain. I felt a sense of foreboding as I made my lunch. Thankfully, Mom had taken care of grocery purchases. There were ample cold cuts to choose from. I ate my breakfast in silence, wondering what the day would bring.

Mom was late awakening and I made sure she was up before I headed out the door. I looked both ways before deciding which direction to head off in. Finally, I decided "screw it." I wasn’t going to spend the rest of my life hiding from Sam. She was the one who changed the rules at every opportunity, not me. I strode passed her house and kept my eyes straight ahead. I so wanted to look over; searching for any kind of sign that she still cared. "Damn it John, just keep walking!" I screamed at myself. I arrived at Darla’s in record time. She came out to greet me as always. Her smile lifted my spirits as we began our purposeful walk to school.

"So, isn’t it great to be finished with another school year?"

"Ah well, I’ve still a few things left to accomplish," I told her while thinking about the jewelry box I needed to create. She looked at me as though I was hiding something from her.

"What is it John? What do you have to do yet at school?"

"Nothing," I replied and smiled. Perhaps I’d tell her when all was said and done, but now was not the time. "Darla?" I asked her. She looked at me quizzically. "Have you ever counted the cracks in the pavement on the way to school?" Now she looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Should I be worrying about you John?" she asked sincerely. I broke into laughter.

"Thanks Darla, I needed that." She eyed me even more carefully if that was possible before letting the matter drop.

"John, can you come over to my house after school for a few minutes?"

"I guess," I replied thinking of my new responsibilities. She sighed as if I was being difficult.

"Can you, or can’t you?"

"Yes!" I said emphatically enough to end the discussion. I wondered why she wanted me to come over on a Wednesday afternoon? Ah well, at least it would give me something to think about all day long. I smiled at the thought. Before I knew it we’d arrived at our destination. We were early and I found myself surveying the crowd for any sign of Sam. There was none.

The bell rang and we made our way inside. Next thing I knew, I was in shop class selecting from the best pieces of pine remaining to build my mother’s gift. Mr. Ferris came over and asked me just what the hell I was doing. I felt hurt for a moment before realizing that he’d probably forgotten my intentions to build another jewelry box. A light finally beamed from his eyes.

"Ah yes! You wanted to build another jewelry box, didn’t you?" I smiled at him blankly. "Well, hang on a second John. I’ve got some nice oak pieces left over. Do you think you can handle them?" I looked at him as if I’d lost another to insanity. He laughed at my expression. "Well John, working with oak is a bit more difficult than working with pine" he explained. "Do you think you’re up to the task?"

"Sure," was my enthusiastic reply. I selected several pieces from the remaining stock and began to make my measurements. The bell sounded as I finished marking the last pieces to cut. I worried about the time remaining to complete the job. Only seven days left after this one. I knew I’d have to stay after school to work on it at some point. I hoped Mr. Ferris would be available.

At length the lunch bell sounded and I made my way to the cafeteria. The new routine established, I didn’t even raise a glance as I made my way to my seat. I smiled knowingly at Sarah’s death glance. I thought to myself if there was one constant in this world, that was it.

"Oh John!" Sally exclaimed. Oh no, I’d done it again. What now, I wondered? "Let me see your hands!" Oh shit, I thought remembering that I’d left the "pink" on my nails. I put on my bravest face and held my hands out for her inspection. Darla and Sarah just sat there quietly taking it all in. "They’re beautiful!" she expounded. I gave her a knowing smile conveying thoughts of "no big deal" as I concentrated on my lunch. Sarah sat there in stone cold silence. Darla’s only comment was to remind me that I was stopping over her house for a few minutes.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully and I found myself dumping all of my texts in my locker. I thought idly that I had no need to carry my knapsack for the next seven days. I exited the building and the rain was coming down in torrents. Darla appeared out of nowhere and told me that her mother was waiting for us. I thought of Sam. Whenever the weather had been bad, Mom would always make sure we arrived home safe and dry. I hoped beyond hope that she was ok as I followed Darla to her mother’s waiting automobile.

"Good Afternoon, Mrs. Raspberry," I said upon entering the back seat of her Mercedes.

"Did you kids have a good day?" she asked. I replied for the both of us informing her that the day had been perfect and was only made better by her arrival. I didn’t realize my ability to affect people till that moment. Mrs. Raspberry smiled, turned several shades of red and replied "Oh John, you charmer you!" We arrived at the Raspberry mansion and Darla and I exited the vehicle while her mother put the car away. We stood in the foyer shaking the bits of rain that had attacked us off and waited for Mrs. Raspberry to appear. She came in and Darla informed her that we were going up to her room for a few minutes. Her mother smiled at that and I thought that her parents must indeed think I was gay. We made our way up the stairs.

For the first time that day Darla took my hand in hers as we ascended the stairs. Finally in her room, I asked her just why I needed to be there. "Shut up and kiss me," she said wrapping her arms around my neck. I was totally taken aback and found myself complying with her wishes. Her kisses were becoming more intimate, if that was possible. As we kissed, I closed my eyes and thought of how wonderful things had been since I met her. At last she released me from her grasp and awakened me from my dream.


"Yes Darla," I responded hopefully.

"I’ve put together an outfit for you to wear on Friday night." WHAT?… Houston, we have a problem, I almost said aloud. "You know silly!" she said coyly. "My party is a girls only affair and it won’t do to have you dressed as you are." What the hell was wrong with the way I was dressed? I waited patiently for her to continue. Without a word she was off to her massive closet. Hell, her closet was as big as my bedroom. She returned shortly carrying a bag and handed it to me. "For you," was all she said.

I slowly opened the bag. I knew its contents without peering inside but I made a big show of it as I looked in. A dress was at the top of the heap folded expertly by Darla herself.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked in a state of panic.

"You’re supposed to wear it," she replied not mincing any words. If I could, I’d still be holding my breath.

"Darla, I’m not so sure this whole thing is a good idea,." I told her at length.

"John?" She looked at me sadly. "Don’t you want to come to my party?"

"You know I do," I replied sincerely.

"Then what’s the problem?" She knew what the problem was, but was determined to have her way. "John, it would make the other girls uncomfortable if a "boy" were to attend one of our "girls only" slumber parties. I looked at her and began thinking again that this was not a good idea. "Ok then, just forget it." She grabbed the bag from my hands and ran towards her walk-in closet.

"No wait!" I begged her. "Darla, I’m sorry. It’s just that this is all a bit overwhelming." She kept walking. "Darla, Please!" She turned around and looked at me as if she wasn’t sure of my sincerity.

"Please," I said softly one more time.

"Oh John, I just know we’re going to have a wonderful time." I was glad somebody was sure of something. She began taking the clothes out of the bag. "Now, I put your outfit together for you last night," she informed me. I’d wear girls’ clothes if I had to, but I wasn’t sure I’d show up wearing Darla’s hand me downs. Then again, that would probably be the smartest thing to do. What would everyone think if I showed up wearing "my own" skirt and blouse? Sweet Jesus, I was losing my mind. Besides the red dress, the bag contained a full length slip, a pair of peds, and the exact same shoes that I already owned. I could tell that Darla’s shoes would be too small for me. "Do you think you can manage all of this stuff?"

"It’s not rocket science Darla, I’m sure I can figure it out."

"There’s one more thing." She walked over to her triple dresser and removed the most beautiful bra from it that I’d ever seen. It matched the black and pink panties.

I stood there tongue-tied as she placed it in my hands. I wanted to ask her just what I was supposed to do with it, but I could tell by the look in her eyes that she knew I’d be able to handle it with no trouble at all.

"Well go ahead silly, try it all on!" she demanded.

"Er, not right now Darla," I said with as much authority as I could muster. I went on to promise her however that I would be properly dressed for her party. She gave me a look that suggested I was a party-pooper. I smiled at her reassuringly and told her that I had to be getting home. One of these days I’d explain my entire home situation to her, but now was not the time. Fortunately, my backpack was empty and I was able to fit all of the items into it. "Darla, do you have just one more thing I could borrow?" I asked her playfully. I could tell her mind was thinking along the lines of female attire when she gave up at last and asked

"What do you need John?"

"An umbrella!" I exclaimed and began laughing. She laughed with me and playfully punched me on the shoulder.

She took my hand and we made our way downstairs. She told me to wait in the foyer and disappeared for a minute. Upon returning she handed me the most outlandish looking umbrella I’d ever seen. It was bright red with a large red candy cane handle.

"Don’t you have a basic black one I could borrow?"

"Beggars can’t be choosers," she replied. I looked at the umbrella and looked out the window at the downpour that didn’t look like it would let up anytime soon. Sighing, I took the umbrella from her and thanked her for everything.

"Are we on for a walk to school in the morning?" She asked me. I could tell she was testing me, waiting to see where my loyalties lied.

Thankfully, I had anticipated her question and responded "absolutely" with no hesitation at all in my voice. My thoughts however, were less certain than my voice let on. Was I ever going to stop thinking about Sam? I gave her a hug and she repeated the cheek kissing sequence that she’d implemented yesterday. I knew it would freak her out, but I decided that turnabout was fair play. I bobbed my head from side to side and kissed her in the same fashion. We both burst into a fit of giggles over that.

"You got me!" she said at last. I smiled at her knowingly and made my way outside to brave the elements. As I walked home, I really began to worry about Sam. Did she make it home all right? I decided that I’d give her a call when I got home. The rain drenched me even with the aid of the umbrella. The streets and sewers were overflowing as flash flooding took effect. I arrived home wetter than a whale. The rain had brought with it much cooler air and I began to shiver. I took off my shoes and ran up to my bathroom. Five minutes later I was dried and fully dressed.

I picked up the phone and dialed Sam’s number without thinking. Aunt Alice answered on the third ring. "Hi Aunt Alice, is Sam at home?" At least this way I’d know whether or not she made it home safely I thought slyly.

"No John, she isn’t. She went over to a friend’s house after school. I’ll tell her you called," she said and hung up on me. Aunt Alice and I had never been really close, but I found myself wondering whether she herself was responsible for the cold front that had arrived. At that point, I made a promise to myself that I knew I’d be unable to keep. I resolved not to call Sam again. I stood there still holding the phone to my ear until a high-pitched staticy sound awoke me and I placed the phone back on the receiver. I dove onto my bed and hugged Jola to my chest tightly. I had been determined not to cry again, but my body had other ideas. Darla was a great friend, but she wasn’t Sam. I examined the entire situation as carefully as I could. Was all of this my fault? I knew the answer to that was no. I narrowed my search. Was any of this my fault? Being realistic, I figured that I couldn’t be entirely blameless here. However, if I was responsible for this, I couldn’t see how. Hell, Sam never even gave me a chance to explain. Last thing I remember saying was that "I’d made other plans." That could have meant anything. Besides, I wouldn’t have attended Billy’s party even if I hadn’t made other plans. I was done with him.

I fell asleep hugging Jola. It was 4:35 PM when I awoke according to the clock on my night stand. I jumped out of bed. Oh no! I’ve got to make dinner. I ran downstairs and went into the kitchen. Mom was expecting meatballs and spaghetti at six o’clock. It would be close, but maybe. I realized that dinner wouldn’t be ready till 6:30, but what can you do? At least it wouldn’t be 7:30 PM. I never liked going to bed with a full stomach and that’s how I often felt when we ate so late. Suddenly, I remembered Shandy. The poor dog was outside stuck in her tiny dog house in the backyard. I opened the back door and before I could get the screen door open Shandy was there ready to come inside. She gave me a sad look and I felt guilty as hell. "I’m sorry girl," I said to her. A moment later she was off to her food bowl. All had been forgiven. If only people were like dogs, I smiled as I began making the meatballs.

With dinner cooking I hoped I’d be able to slow Mom down a bit by having a gin and tonic ready for her upon arrival. I didn’t mix it till she came though the door and that’s a good thing cause she was late.

"I’m sorry John, the roads are horrible out there," she said as she came through the door at 6:20 PM. I laughed as I told her I was about to organize a searching party. She took her usual seat at the kitchen table and without being prompted I brought her drink. She smiled at that and began to fill the air with smoke, drinking and puffing away contentedly.

"Did you have any trouble making the meatballs?" she asked. I laughed.

"Well Mom, I’ll let you be the judge of that." The water in the big pot boiling, I placed half the contents of the angel hair pasta box into it. I loved angel hair pasta. It wasn’t as thick and gooey as any other kind of pasta.

"So, how was your day sweetheart? Did you and Sam make up yet?" I told her that overall I’d had a very good day. I went on to explain that Sam was nuts. She asked me how exactly and I told her the whole story. "Boys," Mom said at last. I did a double-take on that one. Was she talking about me or Sam? I decided at length that she was indeed referring to Sam. What then did that make me? I put the food on the table. I was a fan of take what you want instead of doling out pre-measured portions. Sure, it was more work, but it was worth it. Mom actually smiled as she savored one of my meatballs.

"Joan! These are delicious! You must give me your recipe," she laughed.

"It’s your recipe Mom," I said. I had to admit though, these were the best tasting meatballs I’d ever had.

Dinner finished, I began the tedious process of cleanup. It was eight o’clock before I’d put everything away. I almost felt like asking Mom for a raise in my allowance as I’d taken on so much more responsibility. Then I thought about all the money she’d spent on me last night. I had no complaints.

"What would you like to do this evening?" Mom asked me. "You have to try on the rest of your clothes!" she implored. I smiled at her. Truth be told, I wanted to try them on too. More importantly, I wondered how Darla’s red dress would look on my frame. Though we were similar in height and build, I had no idea what to expect.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I told Mom about Darla’s party on Friday night. I informed her that it was a sleep over. "She’s having a boy-girl sleep over to celebrate her fourteenth birthday?" Mom asked incredulously.

"Er, no Mom, it’s an all girl slumber party," I informed her. Mom had been leading me down the garden path, I didn’t think the concept was beyond her comprehension.

"What do her parents think of all this?" I decided that being honest would be best.

"Mom, her parents think that I’m gay!"

"Hmmmm" she said. Then at length, "Is there something you want to tell me John?" I was going to have to remove these earrings from my ears for they must be the reason that my ears were failing me.

"Mom, I’m not into boys, if that’s your question?" She considered this for a minute and seemed relieved.

"I need to call the Raspberries," she informed me.

Though it was the last thing in the world I wanted to happen, I could see her point. "Of course Mom" I told her. "Let me get you the phone number." I ran and retrieved the phone book. Mom dialed as I gave her the requested digits.

"Mrs. Raspberry?" Mom asked. "This is Mrs. Johnson, John’s mother. I’m calling about Darla’s party on Friday. Yes, I know it’s a sleep-over and that’s why I’m calling. I just wanted to make sure that the party would be properly supervised and that it was indeed all right for John to attend." At one point Mom started laughing into the phone. I wish I’d known what they found so funny. Finally, Mom seemed satisfied that all would be well if I attended. "John, did you want to speak to Darla?" Mom asked me Why did she have to embarrass me like that? What could I say?

"Sure Mom, if she’s available," I replied. Mom told Mrs. Raspberry that it had been a pleasure talking to her and handed me the phone.

"Darla?" I inquired tentatively.

"Yes John?" She whispered. I gave Mom a look that told her I wanted her out of the room and out of the room now! She laughed and made her way to the family room.

"I’m sorry about all this," I informed her. "Mothers," I added resignedly.

"It’s all right John. I’m glad your mother called. If she hadn’t, my mother was going to call her." I knew I was repeating myself but I found myself saying,"mothers," yet again. Darla laughed at that.

"Did you try on the bra yet?" she asked me unable to conceal her excitement. I had no idea how she knew, but her next words were, "You’re blushing, aren’t you?" I didn’t need a mirror to tell me that my face had indeed turned a very dark shade of red. "I love you John and I’ll see you in the morning," she said at last as she hung up the phone.

Mom came back into the kitchen and asked me if I had a nice chat with my friend. "Yes Mom, I did, thank you." She eyed me suspiciously at the formality of my speech. I gave her my best angelic smile.

"Come on girl, let’s go try on your new clothes." Glad to have the subject changed and actually wanting to try on a few things, I got up and hugged her tight. "You’re too good to me sweetheart" was all she said as we made our way upstairs. "I take it those very pretty panties belonged to Darla?" She asked me. What panties I wondered? Then I remembered that she must have seen them hanging over the shower curtain.

"Yes," I sighed.

"I wonder if she had the matching bra?" Mom asked at last. Should I simply reply I had no idea? Or, should I tell her the truth.

In the end I said, "wait here,," and went and retrieved the beautiful black bra with pink lace. Mom smiled excitedly as she urged me to try it on. A real "mother-daughter" moment, I thought to myself cynically.

I removed my top, slid my arms through the straps, reached around and expertly attached the clasp. "Oh Joan! That’s simply beautiful. Go and get your breast forms." Caught up in the moment I ran and retrieved the bits of silicone. I placed them in the cups and then put on the matching panties. Damn, I wish I could see Darla wearing this outfit, I thought hungrily.

"Oh Joan, let me get your black skort," Mom said as she opened my dresser drawer. She handed it to me and I pulled the shorts up over my legs. Somehow, I felt I was in more familiar territory wearing the skort. Mom then handed me the white v-neck top with black diagonal stripes. The material was so soft, I couldn’t believe it. I pulled the top over my head and knew this top should not be tucked in.

"Oh Joan, if only your ears were healed. A pair of drop earrings would really set that outfit off."

"I think it looks just fine the way it is," I replied as I began to pose in front of the mirror. Mom smiled at my appreciation.

"I think that’s what you should wear to Darla’s party," she said at last. I had no idea how or what Mom knew about the party, but I suspected that she knew everything. The skort really did look perfect on me. I was glad Mom hadn’t noticed that I’d not shaved my legs. I simply hadn’t the time.

"Hang on a second" I said as I made my way to my knapsack. I removed the red dress and held it out in front of me. it wasn’t bad, but didn’t convey the look that I was going for. It suggested weakness. It was pretty enough, but I just knew that it wasn’t "me."

"Where did you get that?" Mom asked.

"Where do you think Mom?" I replied. That particular cat and mouse game over, I tried on the dress. It was beautiful and looked fantastic on me, but, it wasn’t something I wanted to wear to Darla’s party. I hoped Darla would be pleasantly surprised when I showed up wearing my new black skort.

"Mom, I’m really getting tired here," I said frankly.

"All right sweetheart," she said. "But, don’t forget to shave your legs tomorrow." There was no putting anything over on Mom. "Goodnight John," she said and kissed me on the forehead. I carefully put all of my things away and got ready for bed. I lay in bed hugging the teddy bear remembering that she wasn’t mine. Jola belonged to Darla. It seemed totally insane to me, but I didn’t want to give up that simple toy. I found myself whispering into her cotton stuffed ears, "Don’t worry Jola, I’ll protect you." With that, I was fast asleep.

Thursday morning arrived and I found myself wondering just where the week had gone. "Is it really Thursday already? " I wondered aloud. I followed my usual routine and I was out the door by 7:30. The only difference this time was I had a bright red walking stick. It wasn’t raining at the moment, but the sky looked threatening again this morning. I’d been unable to find my own umbrella and made a mental note to get a new one. I arrived at Darla’s and Mrs. Raspberry greeted me at the front door. "Good morning John, I spoke with your mother last night. She really sounds like a lovely person." Having no clue as to a reply, I simply nodded my head in agreement. Finally Darla arrived, I thanked her for use of the umbrella and we began our trek.

"Did you try your dress on?" I walked along thinking about my skort and wondered just how in hell Darla knew about that. I guess I was getting a little paranoid. "Did you John?" she asked again. Suddenly I remembered she was talking about her beautiful red dress. My inability to reply told her all she needed to know. "How did you like it?" she continued.

"It’s very pretty," was my abbreviated version. I wanted to add that there was no way in hell I’d be wearing it to her party. I hoped she wouldn’t mind. We arrived just as the bell sounded and made our way inside.

"I’ll see you at lunch time then?" she asked uncertainly. Did she think I’d made other plans?

"Of course!" I enthused and we went our separate ways.

The morning passed quickly. I managed to get all the cuts made for my latest project and would begin assembling it during class tomorrow. It seemed so much easier to me this time. I asked Mr. Ferris if I could bring home my original project at day’s end. He generally kept such items on display till the end of the marking period. He told me that would be fine and I was relieved. I couldn’t give Darla something I didn’t have possession of, now could I? Lunch time arrived and I made my way to the cafeteria. As I entered the room, Sam and my former friends began whispering and laughing. I was indeed becoming paranoid. I could almost feel the heat from Sam’s gaze on the back of my head as I walked over to Darla’s table. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling.

Sally greeted me first. "Hi John! Are you ready for the party tomorrow night?" I smiled at her in return and hoped that hers was a rhetorical question. "We’re going to have so much fun!" Staying up all night with a bunch of fourteen year old girls could indeed be fun under the right circumstances. Once again I simply smiled at her comment. If I kept that up, surely someone would suggest that I apply for a job as a village idiot. The rest of the day passed quickly and I began making my way back to shop class to retrieve Darla’s jewelry box. Someone shouted "FIGHT! Out front, now!" A bunch of kids began running towards the front of the building. I shook my head and continued walking.

"John, you’d better come. And hurry!" Sally said as she started running passed.

Sensing the urgency in her voice, I pushed passed the others and made my way outside. A large circle had gathered around the two combatants. I almost fainted when I realized who they were. Darla and Sam stood toe to toe, each waiting for the other to throw the first blow. I plowed my way to the front of the crowd.

"Sam! Darla! You don’t want to do this!" I screamed. Darla seemed not to hear me. There was a look of utter terror in her eyes. In a strange way this reminded me of last week’s baseball encounter all over again. I chuckled at the thought of Sam and Darla becoming best friends when it was over. I made my way between the two of them. My back to Darla offering her all the protection that I could. Sam was enraged.

"Your fight’s not with her, Sam," I said softly. She looked at me quizzically. I completed my thoughts. "It’s with me!" I said at last.

"If that’s the way you want it," she replied and punched me square in the mouth. Her punch knocked me down, but not out. The crowd began laughing and begging for more. I was only glad that I was able to extricate Darla from this situation.

"Do you feel better now?" I asked her as the tears began rolling. That was exactly what I wanted to say. In retrospect, it was probably a mistake. I slowly made my way to my feet.

"Not yet Joan, but I’m getting there." She hit me again. My head felt funny and my nose ached. I could taste the blood as it dribbled down from my upper lip.

"Had enough yet?" I asked her to the crowd’s uproarious approval. I held my ground determined not to strike back. The mob wanted more blood and didn’t seem to care whose it was. I struggled to maintain my stance. My knees were growing weaker by the second. Between gasps for air I whispered in despair, "Why Sam?"

At last Darla returned with several teachers in tow. The crowd dispersed leaving only Sam and myself remaining. Mrs. Pembroke ran over to me followed by Darla and they asked if I was all right. Sam just stood there shaking and tears began falling from her eyes as well. I caught a glimpse of Sarah standing off to the sidelines. Her face wore the proverbial "shit eating grin."

"What’s going on here?" Mr. Vance, the assistant principal, asked at last.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Nothing?" He parroted me in a disbelieving voice.

"I was running and fell face first into the fire hydrant,." I said at last. I saw no advantage to getting the school authorities involved in this. "Sam here helped me up," I added.

"Then why is she shaking and crying?" He asked skeptically.

"I guess she got upset seeing my face covered in blood," I replied trying to maintain my focus on the unfolding situation. Meanwhile, Darla mopped away the blood from my face. I began to recover my composure.

"Well Mr. Johnson, you know better than to be running outside in front of the school. This isn’t a playground." I almost laughed at the idiocy of his statement. "You’ll have to stop by my office in the morning and fill out an accident report," he said at last. With that he and the other teachers turned and walked back inside. Darla helped me to make sure I was steady on my feet and we left as well. Only Sam remained. She stood there still shaking and crying silently. She hadn’t moved as Darla and I made our way around the corner. I wished that Darla hadn’t come to my rescue. I wanted to get things right with Sam. A strange thought to have, considering she’d just beaten the hell out of me. I walked Darla home. She tried to insist on walking me home. I didn’t want her anywhere near the vicinity of Sam’s house in case she lost it again.

"Thank you John for saving me," she said and smiled.

"It was nothing ma’am," I offered, giving her my best John Wayne impersonation. She laughed at that and figured that all was well. I couldn’t believe the pain I was feeling across the bridge of my nose. I began wondering whether it was broken. Darla insisted that I accompany her inside and ushered me into the guest bathroom. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to view the damage that Sam had wreaked on my face.

"You’re going to have quite a shiner there tomorrow John," Darla informed me. I looked in the mirror. My face looked as though it had taken a few passes through a meat grinder.

"Holy Cow!" I exclaimed as I examined myself more closely. I vowed then and there that I’d never offer up myself as a human punching bag again.

Darla told me to wait right there and ran off. She returned moments later with a few small bottles. "What’s that?" I asked her.

"This is what you’re going to need to wear to school tomorrow," she informed me. I considered her suggestion. Would I look worse with a black eye or makeup? "I just want to make sure that the color matches your skin," she said as she dabbed a bit of it on my cheek. "Perfect!" She exclaimed. I looked back in the mirror and couldn’t tell by looking just where the makeup had been applied. Maybe it would be a good idea to wear it. I didn’t want to raise any more eyebrows among the faculty nor my fellow classmates.

"Thanks Darla" I said at last. "I’ll give it a try if I do indeed develop a black eye." She laughed at that telling me that it was a foregone conclusion. "Darla, what time is it?" I asked her knowing that I’d better be getting home.

"It’s almost four o’clock" she told me.

"Damn, I’d better get going if I’m going to have dinner ready when Mom gets home," I said absentmindedly.

"You cook dinner for your mother?" she asked incredulously. I sighed and told her I hoped it would only be a temporary situation. She looked concerned but didn’t say anything further.

The rain began falling again and Darla offered me her red umbrella. "It beats getting wet," she said at last. I reluctantly took it from her and thanked her again. As I made my way home, I realized that I’d forgotten to get Darla’s jewelry box. Oh well, I’d just have to do that tomorrow. I wondered if Sam appreciated what I’d done for her? I considered it for a few moments and wondered if she was still my friend at all. Would she now simply punch me when I angered her? I couldn’t allow that to happen. I wished that I knew what to do. I arrived home and let Shandy in first thing. I checked the menu on the refrigerator and realized it was a simple meal; chicken and vegetables. I could handle that. I got dinner started and dug out the vacuum cleaner. I’d have the living room carpeting done in no time.

Six o’clock arrived and Mom came through the door. "I hope you’re hungry," I announced to her approaching footsteps.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed. "What happened to you?" I was reminded of the pain pulsating through my face. I considered the fire hydrant story, but I knew that Mom would never buy it. I doubt that the school officials did either. I’d just made their jobs easier for them. I explained to Mom the altercation between Sam and myself. "You didn’t hit her, did you John?"

"No Mom, I didn’t" I replied. She considered that for a moment and then said something which gave me pause.

"Perhaps you should have?" She said softly and her voice trailed off. I didn’t want to believe that my mother had said that. I let her comment pass. "Do you feel all right sweetheart?" She asked me. Her eyes never left my face.

"I guess I’ll live" I told her and laughed with false bravado.

Mom sat at the table sipping her drink and smoking her cigarette. When she finished I served up the meal. I was really proud of my ability to take care of the household. Perhaps I should have been resentful, but I wasn’t. Dinner finished and the dishes cleaned, it was closing in on eight o’clock. I asked Mom if I could go up to my room. She told me that would be fine with a grave look of concern on her face. "I’m all right Mom, really," I told her and made my way upstairs. Moments later I heard Mom’s voice echoing down the hallway. She was on the phone with Aunt Alice and she sounded as if she was losing control. Perhaps it had been a mistake to tell her in the first place. I ran back down the stairs.

"Excuse me Mom, I need a word with you."

"Can’t you see I’m on the phone?"

"Yes, I can. That’s why I need to speak to you." Mom made her apologies to Aunt Alice and told her she’d call right back.

Mrs. Peters was Mom’s only real friend in the world. I couldn’t let what had happened between me and Sam tear them apart. "What is it that’s so important that I had to get off the phone?" she asked sternly.

"Mom, the fight this afternoon with Sam was all my fault. I started it." She looked at me as though I was speaking Chinese.

"You started a fight with Sam and let me blame her to Alice? How could you?"

"Mom, I told you it was no big deal, to just let it go. You wouldn’t listen to me." I began to worry that she might decide to punish me by not allowing me to attend Darla’s party. If that happened, I was going on strike. I’d done everything I knew to make her life easier and enough was enough.

"I’ll deal with you later, young man. Now go up to your room and wait for me." I made my way into the hallway and walked up a few stairs till I heard Mom’s voice on the phone again. "I’m so sorry Alice. I hope you can forgive me?" As Mom finished that sentence she began to cry.

I knew now that they’d work it out and I quietly made my way back to my room. I went over and picked up my guitar. It felt like an old friend sitting comfortably in my arms. It had been a few weeks since I’d played it. The sad chord progression that escaped my fingers took me away for awhile at least. Some time later Mom came into my room and told me she’d just gotten off the phone with Mrs. Raspberry. Here it comes, I thought to myself.

"I have to be honest with you John. I called her with every intention of extending your regrets. Her mother got so upset I decided that perhaps I was being unreasonable. You see, Darla told her all that had happened after school. How you saved her from Sam’s attack. Why did you lie to me John?" I began crying and couldn’t stop. Between sobs I told her that she shouldn’t be fighting with Aunt Alice.

She uttered a simple, "I see," and I thought perhaps that she did. She walked over to me, wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.

"I’m sorry Mom."

"It’s all right sweetheart," she said and continued to hold me tightly.

It was now closing in on ten o’clock. I was physically and emotionally exhausted.

"Would it be ok if I went to sleep now?"

"I know I’ve said it before, but thank you Joan, I don’t know what I’d do without you." I smiled at her and kissed her goodnight. I almost didn’t make it under the covers before falling asleep.


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