Latest Doctor Who- The T.G. Factor

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Doctor Who is a B.B.C. Iconic T.V. series abot a wacky Gallifreyan Time Lord who has adventures through time and space as he travels in his T.A.R.D.I.S. But until now, he hasn't broached the T.G. theme in his adventures. That changed tonight.

Tonight, he met a homan male who was made to believe that he was the Doctor. The Cybermen had attacked Victorian London in pre industrial times to resurrect their fallen empire and Crown their ruler, the Cyber King.

Well, the Cyber King turned out to be a woman who when faced with what she had done, destroyed the Cybermen. I guess that those cyborgs NEVER heard about a woman's scorn.


Dr When?

Angharad's picture

We saw that one at Xmas.



saw it at christmas

Fhe US does not get the new episodes until usually the summer after it airs in the UK. We do not get the regular BBC here but would love to have it.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

We get new Doctor Who soon after they air in the UK and Canada

Our local Doctor Who/sci-fi/British comedy club often gets the episodes within days or even hours of air from other Who fans. I also get copies from a very generous person I met online.

Um, that reminds me, thanks again unknown person who sends me the DVDs.

-- snicker --

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Ummmm ...

... I did send you that episode, didn't i, John? *grin*
