So much for *my* plans.
For the half-dozen people who actually care:
While I've had a challenging year with my extended family, I've also, since April, been dealing with a big, nasty Black Dog. This led, within the last couple of months, to a personal crisis of sorts.
I'm not going to do anything fatal, but I have a situation that's consuming my free time and more.
I'll be around, but don't plan on seeing any Ma'at or Amazon for a while.
Be good to yourself
It matters to a lot of us.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Get yourself well first, then you can move on to other things
With the onset of short days in the north, many people have a harder time of it. I have coworkers with Seasonal Affective Syndrome or whateever the docs call it. Those suffering from depression are not immune.
That you recognize you are having serious problems is good, that you are getting treatment is better. It takes time but you will get better.
When you are up to it you will right again, um, write again. I doubt your muses will let you rest for long. We will be waiting and happy to see your return as a writer. That is the good news.
The bad news is this gives me more time to ...
Bru ha ha ha ha !
Serously, get well.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I guess I'm one of that half-dozen or so. Please take what time you need and remember if you need us, we are here.
Another Patient Fan
Please take good care of yourself and your family. We can wait. I'll just think of Nicole as being busy in boot camp. :)
- Terry
Take care of yourself
It is often said that you can't help anyone else until you take care of yourself. We all too often tend to get the 'superperson' syndrome and try to ram our way through it. It works for a while, but soon catches up to us. I know this from hard experience.
So please, take good care of yourself and spend lots of time loving your family. It truly makes a difference.
I really enjoy both of your series. Your writing displays a keen insight into what it means to be human, not to mention a well above average knowledge of ancient history (not that I would actually have a clue if you were faking it. LOL)
If you want to come up north (Cadillac) and unwind for a while, you're welcome to share our little ten acres of woods. BYO Snowmobile or skis [snicker.]
By the way, I suspect that considerably more than half a dozen people actually care.
half dozen?
I suspect there's a few more than that. That doggy can be a real bitch, we've met. I'll have my fluffy black girl and the big creamy bumbly boy bite it's arse. That'll fix it.
So do take care won't you and wander back to say hi when you're all refreshed. Or before if you need to.
of Mice and Men gang aft agley....
Your choice of quotes is near and dear to my heart -
I've enjoyed your writings very much and I'd have to say I think you probably low-ball the number of people who care; we may not all be able to reach out and give you a physical hug, but I'll offer a mental one any time you need it. I care about your art, for that's what I know of you, and what I've seem is impressive. That all comes from someplace deep inside, I know as a writer, and for you to be able to render such prose speaks highly of you. Please take the time you need for yourself, and, to mention another of my other favorite quotes, "avoid loud and vexatious persons..." There's always negativity out there, very little of it warranted.
It's been a while since I've had time and opportunity to participate in this community, but you are a big part of it from my perspective. Others who have written seem to know you well, and I can't agree more with their advice that you should take the time that you need and take care of #1. Please take care of yourself.
PS - The name of my new boat's gonna be the "Gang Aft Agley"
Happiness and success are neither necessarily contemporaneous nor connected.
~ Gordon Sumner, quote from a radio interview I heard around 1990
He conquers who endures. ~ Persius
Eight To Date
There's lots more that care but are shy. You take care of yourself now,
Silent Majority
Never under estimate the total numbers of the "Silent Majority" I know a writer appreciates comments on their efforts, but there are quite a few "Shy" readers out here. I for one.
I must say, your Ma'at and Amazon writings are amoung the best on this site.
I do hope you get back writing again, I will be amoung your readers beating down the doors to get to your stories.
Take care of yourself
Hi itinerant,
Hope everything settles down for you soon, I have enjoyed reading both your stories and look forward to the day you feel able to continue with them.
In the meantime take care of yourself, your personal well being is far more important than anything else, I hope your situation improves and you eventually feel up to continueing both wonderful story's till then take care.
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
I have heard from Itinerant on occasion since
And though RL is still giving difficulty, the family has been supportive.
I have seen a several page teaser of the next Ma'at and when Itinerant can write, when the muse cooperates, the genius is well and alive.
Now that I have the wireless connection between my new laptop and the DSL on my old desktop working, I hope to be writing far more often again.
I might even have a short story for the May Day contest now that MS Word 2007 isn't playing possum waiting to be registered ... danged crypto-facist )#%&*(*^##@! program.
Sorry, got all Dave Lister on you.
Hey, Intinerant, drop me a line.
John in Wauwatosa on his Studio XPS and WiFi, finally.
P.P.S. Dad and Norman, his older brother, are near Denali/Mt McKinley Alaska on their road trip and having fun.
John in Wauwatosa
Black Dog
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."---- It is only recently that I discoverd what a "Black Dog " is . (Blush ) Not delving into a lot of crap noone wants to hear , know that this old Vet has eought off packs of said mutts . Sometimes are more difficult than others , true . Just know we do care and wish you the best . ------Hugs
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."