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TG Universes & Series:
By: Annette MacGregor
An authorized story, based on the characters and environment of A New Style of Education by Karen Page.
Part 14 — Wednesday, July 15, 2004 (Late Afternoon)
I stood there, wondering if I should wait for Renee, or head back to our room. As I'd just about decided to wait, my PDA went off.
"Hello, Sophia, this is Dan."
Danged, how'd he find out. "Umm, yes, sir?"
"Nothing serious, I just heard about your swimming this morning, and wondered if you had time to chat?"
I've had it now. "I can be there in a few. Let me send Renee a note."
"You had arranged to meet her? This can wait until tomorrow."
"No, sir. No plans. I'd just thought I might walk her back."
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit. You do remember where my office is, don't you?"
Laughing, "Yes, you're behind the door with no name."
"Okay, clown. I'll see you in a few minutes."
"Um. One question though?"
"She's still in with Simon, I think, and I don't want the message chime to interrupt..." my voice trailed off at the end.
I could hear his chuckle "You can tag a message with a delayed delivery, and hook the delivery up to a time, or even to your study partner's schedule. You can also set one up to your year leader's schedule too, just like she can set them up for all of you."
He quickly told me how to find the delivery settings on the notes, and then how to link it to Renee's schedule.
"I'll be there as soon as I can send this." I quickly sent Renee a short note saying Dan had called me in to chat about swimming this morning and I would see her back in the rooms. Taking a breath; I headed off for Dan's office, figuring I may as well get this over with.
As Dan had previously taken me to his office, I was able to find it without resorting to the "follow me" directions in the PDA. Well, I did have to go a bit roundabout, 'cause there wasn't a straight hall, but still. I think the building is starting to make more sense now. I'm glad the halls and stairs don't move, like they do in Hogwarts! Reaching his office, I tentatively knocked, worried that my blowing the swimming test might land me in trouble.
Through the door, "Come on in, it's always open." I smiled, thinking that a closed door being open sounded funny.
"Good afternoon, Sophia. It's good to see you in a happy mood."
"I was just laughing at the closed door being open."
He snorted, "I'd never thought about it that way. In any event, what I meant was that, if I'm here, I'm available to you, or any other student here, and as you've found, available via PDA. You'll find the rest of the staff is equally accessible."
I nodded. "I hope I don't need to take regular advantage of that as I get to know how stuff is supposed to work."
"I'm sure; though explaining PDA functions is not our primary job."
Attempting to postpone the discussion about my swimming fiasco, I came up with the only thing I could think of relating to shrinking heads... Those shrunken heads, like we saw on the Night Bus in the movie, "You shrinks do head hunting too?" I know it's a stretch, but it's all I can think of.
"Let's see, have I actually gotten any heads?" He stood up, and went over to a wall cabinet, and opened it. "Nope, the shelf for heads is still empty. I'd hoped one day, to get an Abby Normal one," he said with an exaggerated sigh.
"You saw the movie?"
"It was memorable." Then as he returned and eased into his overstuffed chair, "Now that we have that out of the way; why don't we get down to this morning's swimming?"
"I didn't do too good."
"The report Jon filed didn't agree with what your parents said in the questionnaire they filled out..."
He paused and looked at me. As I had no idea what to say, and knew I'd not done my best on the test, I just sat there.
"Did something happen to cause you to not do your best?"
Maybe Kelly was messaging Dan. Best own up to something. Sighing, "I must have put the gaff on wrong or something, 'cause it was very uncomfortable and even painful at times, 'specially when I was trying to kick in the swimming and treading water. I could barely pull myself out of the pool."
"Why'd you tell Jon that you kicked something? Were you embarrassed?"
I nodded. Dan's a nice enough guy, but talking about this is weird. It was embarrassing enough when Dr. Bill explained it.
"That's understandable. Even some of the students that are transgendered have issues talking about the equipment when they first start using it. And, you're just learning out of respect, or so you've said."
"Yes. I did some reading the other night, and I've talked to one..." I stopped. I can't say Fran, 'cause I promised.
"One? Have you talked with one of the students about it?"
I nodded, not willing to say anything.
"Let me guess, you promised to not say anything, am I right?"
I nodded again.
"I thought so, not to worry. Knowing that does help me understand what you're thinking, but, we can be a lot more help to you and the other students if you trust us and are open with us. Hopefully, you will soon come to realize we really are here for your benefit."
I nodded, steeling myself for a long lecture; I was surprised when he left it there.
"So, do you know what you did wrong with the gaff?"
"Not really, I thought I was doing what Dr. Bill had described."
"Maybe you should go back to the clinic and see him or the duty nurse, and see if they can sort the problem." He was watching me, "You don't like the idea of going back. Is it going back so soon, or is there some other reason?"
"Umm, mostly so soon, I guess. I mean, I'm not sick or anything. Except for my annual checkups and getting sick, I don't think I've ever been to a doc's office that much. Now, I've seen him twice in two days, and at least one of them was not needed. I feel like I'm wasting his valuable time."
"We're all here to help you, you know."
"Yes, but not just me. I have to believe there are others that need his care more, or at least they probably do."
"I see where you're coming from. I assure you that we all will give you as much time as you need. Yes, occasionally someone else may have something happen that is more immediately critical, and we'll ask you to postpone or find someone else to help you. Life happens and we're not in a vacuum."
I was glad he'd at least said that, though I dunno what I'd have done if he'd claimed we were all first priority no matter what.
"Okay, so you don't want to see him yet. You could always skip the gaff, you know."
"But, I wouldn't look right."
"In a few things, maybe, but nobody at the school would question you if you decided to do that."
"'Kay." I sat quietly thinking. What am I really trying to learn here? Does it make a difference? "No, I'd best learn what I was doing wrong." I looked at him then.
"Sorry, I can get you help there, but I've never tried one myself."
That broke the tension that had been building in me. I tried to picture Dan dressed as a girl, and just couldn't. Apparently this even showed on my face.
"That strikes you funny, does it?"
I nodded sheepishly.
"You may be surprised someday then. But, if you don't want to go the clinic for help, perhaps another student that knows how they work can help you? Maybe the one you've not told me about knows, and would be willing to help? In addition, many of the upper class students have worn them, and could help you as well."
He suspects it's Fran I'm protecting; otherwise he'd not have separated things like that, unless there's another in the class? No, I can't see Sally or Pru... no it's not them.
We talked for another half hour, and I eventually agreed I'd ask for help, if I couldn't figure it out on my own.
"Remember, Sophia, call or stop by any time. If you need help, and don't want to go somewhere else, I can help you, too. You don't need to wait for me to call you. You certainly were not hesitant a few days ago."
"That was different..." I started to say, then realized it really wasn't that different, just that I'd thought of it differently. "Sorry, I guess it really wasn't."
"No, and I'm glad you realized it. You're a good boy, and I'm sure you'll do well."
Suddenly, it hit me; he'd offered to help me with the gaff, I thought. "Wait, you said you'd never tried the gaff."
"No, I haven't, but that doesn't mean I don't know how it works."
"Why, just so you can help kids?"
"No, now, perhaps I should back up a bit. You know I'm a shrink. Did you know that all of us here in the UK are medical school graduates before we go on to study counseling?"
"You're a doctor, too?"
He smiled. "Yes, and I examined patients while in school. So, I know where and how things are supposed to fit. So, as I said, if you can't bring yourself to admit to someone else that you're having an issue, let me know and we'll sort your problem."
"Thanks, Dan. As I was saying, if I can't manage on my own, I'll let you know."
With that, our chat came to a quick close. Wow, with the shrinks being docs, too, they have a lot of docs here for the number of people! I made my way back to my room, hoping to find Renee there, to talk to.
Opening my door, I heard something. Hmmm, what? I closed my door, and went in further. Why would someone be crying in here? It had to be Renee, but I couldn't figure out what she could be crying about. I quietly kicked my shoes off, and put down my things before going over to her room.
I saw her on her bed with her face in her pillow. Tentatively, I said, "Renee," as I walked over toward the bed, "Are you okay?"
Not knowing what else to do, I went over, and sat on the side of her bed, and held out my arms. What do I do now? Renee dropped the pillow, and flung herself into me. I held her, like I had the other day, when she was crying over her lost family. Did something remind her of her dad again?
After what seemed like an hour, but must have only been a few minutes, she seemed to quiet some.
"Oh, Dan, I'm so sorry." She choked out.
"What's wrong, Ren?"
"I-I-I ca-can't do it anymore."
"Do what?"
Her sobbing got worse again for a little, then, "Simon," she choked out.
"Did Simon do something?" I couldn't believe that anyone here would hurt someone. So far, it's been so positive.
"No-no." she said. Then, choking back her tears, "I'm not taking the classes any more, I'm sorry." Then she was bawling even louder.
I held her a bit more, saying "It's okay," over and over. As she settled back down, "Did Simon kick you out?"
I felt her shake her head. I continued to hold her, and stroked her back. "It's okay, Renee."
"Dan, I quit."
"Hey, I know it's been hard on you. I don't mind."
"But, we were..."
I interrupted. "I appreciate your thought about taking classes with me, but you don't have to, you know."
"I-I-I'm sorry, I thought I could."
"You do what you need to. I'm the strange person that has to learn things like this. I mean, how many guys do you see walking around in skirts, well, other than on the telly."
This surprised a little gasp from her, that I was willing to call a laugh. If she could do that, maybe she'd be getting better soon. I knew I'd need to change this top before dinner, or at least I assumed I would 'cause it was feeling soaked.
She did stop sobbing though, and pulled back a little, "Oh, I soaked your blouse."
"I kinda figured that. There's plenty more in the closet."
This surprised another almost laugh out of her. "But,"
"Hey, don't worry, I don't mind. Can you tell me what happened?"
She then proceeded to tell me about how poorly she'd been doing, and that Simon had stopped the lesson, and talked with her briefly about why she was trying to do it. "He suggested that with my difficulties, it appeared, to him to be due to some lack of motivation; almost as if I didn't really want to. He suggested that this apparent lack of motivation was getting in the way of my ability to learn, and that it might best postpone any more lessons until my issues are resolved".
"Sounds like he wasn't as bad as all that."
"No. Not really, but I couldn't do the exercises he wanted me to, 'cause it made me..." she cut off then.
I didn't move, not wanting to cause any reaction. It was apparent to me that the class made her remember something that was painful. Maybe someday soon, she'll be able to tell me what it was. "I'm sorry I wasn't out there waiting when your class finished."
She looked at me then, "What happened? I saw a note from you, but was so upset, I just came back here."
"You've been crying since then? Why?"
"Maybe I'd best look at your note, huh."
I was distracted from my thought by this. She pulled out her PDA, "Oh, I've another note too." Then, she said, "Dan sent me a note, too. I guess, right after you got done with him. Looks like I get to go see him next." She showed me her PDA.
"He's not hard to talk to. He can ask hard questions, though." I wonder what he knows about her?
"What was yours about?"
"Remember how I had trouble with the swimming?"
She nodded.
"And my walking this morning?"
"You were in pain, weren't you?"
I nodded. This was embarrassing, but it was also distracting her. "Yeah. The gaff, that's what the thing to hide stuff down there is called, didn't work right for me for some reason."
"And Dan wanted to talk to you about that?"
"That was part of it, but what he'd brought me in for was to talk about why I'd done so bad on the swim check, this morning. But, he also brought up that I'm trying to protect someone by not saying who I know that's transgendered again. And then, I got the trust the staff speech, again."
"What did he want you to do about the ga- what did you call it?"
"The gaff. He wanted me to go back and talk to Dr. Bill or one of the nurses again, or maybe ask another student for help with it. Believe it or not, he even offered to help."
She giggled at the last. "No, he's a medical doctor as well as a shrink."
She was quiet for a minute or so, then said, "Want me to help you get it right?"
"You would?"
"Just a sec, let me go get the torture device."
I ran next door, and came back handing it to her.
I then dropped my skirt, and started pulling down my panties. "I've gotta get that close, then push up my..." I suddenly got very red in the face, as I realized I'd pulled my panties down right in front of a girl.
"What-" she started, then "Ohhhh."
I didn't look, but I figured she was probably as red as I was. "I'm sorry." And pulled my panties back up.
She took a breath. "No, it's okay, Dan. I'll still help you."
I looked up at her, "Are you sure?"
"You don't want to see the doc again, do you?"
"Not really, no." I really wasn't sure why.
"Seriously, Dan, if you'll let me, I'll help.
I swallowed. "If you're sure..."
Taking a deep breath, I explained what was supposed to happen, and that it hadn't worked for me. "I tried holding things in place with one hand, while pulling it up, but they slipped out."
"How about I pull the gaff up while you try to hold things in place?"
Gulping, I agreed.
I pushed and tugged, "Okay."
She pulled it up; it felt funny with her doing that. I mean, I don't remember anyone pulling up my unders before. I know my folks must have when I was a little kid, but that was different. They're my parents.
"You have to move a hand now."
I let go of the one holding it back, hoping I could hold things in place while she worked it up. I grabbed the front of the gaff. Well, it was up, except I still had one hand in the way. "Ummmm"
"Maybe if you put your other hand on the outside, and pushed, while you pull the right one out?"
"That's an idea." I did it, and was able to extract my right hand. Stepping back, "I think that worked."
I looked at her, and realized she was holding both fists to her chin. "What's wrong?"
"I-we-I Umm. Your, ummm."
I looked where her eyes were glued. "Oh, my go..." I pulled at the hem of my blouse, trying to cover myself, to no avail. "I-I-I wasn't thinking." I said as I gave up, and grabbed for my panties and skirt. "I'm sorry." I couldn't take it anymore; I just ran for my room.
I ran for my bathroom, closed the door and sat throne, still holding my panties and skirt. What did I do? She said she'd help, when my panties were down, but then at the end. I KNOW she has guy issues, and I went and... She's a girl... My mind sat there running around in circles for a few minutes. I did eventually settle down, and realized my bum was getting cold. I'd best get back dressed. Maybe she'll come over so I can apologize. I pulled my panties over my gaff. You know, this thing's uncomfortable, but it doesn't hurt like it did this morning. I next pulled up my skirt, and zipped it. Reaching for my PDA, I discovered it wasn't there. Oops, my PDA must be on Renee's floor. I can't go back in now. She's still pissed at me.
I went out, into my room, and checked the time and my schedule on the PC. It was okay. I had about an hour to work on the assignments we'd gotten. So, I quietly grabbed my books and started to work. I plugged away at it, thinking that it was much harder than I'd expected. When the chime on my PC went off, I realized I'd run out of time, and would have to go to dinner. I listened carefully, and could hear someone moving around in Renee's room. Maybe she is getting ready to head to dinner as well.
I checked my outfit, and my hair. I noticed it was a little mussed, so ran a quick brush through to get it under control, before I slipped the heels back on, and I headed out into the hall. Turning toward the dining room, I saw Ingrid and Fran coming out of Fran's room. "Hi."
"Hi, Sophia, want to walk with us to dinner?"
"Sure. Did ya'll find the homework a little tougher than usual?"
They looked at each other, and Fran answered, "No, about the same. Were you having a problem?"
"I was getting there, but... It's okay. We should get going."
At that point, Renee opened her door. "Um, Sophia, you dropped your PDA." She held it toward me, not really looking at me.
"Thanks, Renee." I took it, and put it away.
We all turned then, and headed for dinner.
Renee was quiet, as usual. I didn't think she'd tell anyone what had happened, and I certainly wasn't going to. I mean, she...
My thoughts were interrupted, "Aren't you going to sit down with us, Sophia?"
I looked around, realizing I'd been lost in my thoughts and walking with the others on autopilot. "Sorry, Mrs. Mayhew, I mean Kate."
"Lost in thought, were you?"
"Yes, ma'am."
She chuckled. "It's a good idea to pay a little attention when you're walking."
I ducked my head. I know I ate dinner, but I don't have any recollection as to what it was, which was a shame, 'cause the food here had been really good.
Just before desert was served, Mr. Hobson stood up. "I've one short announcement before we get on to the desert. As you may all recall, we had to postpone Mix-up Monday due to guests." I wondered what was going on, but a quick glance at one of the other tables showed they seemed to know what was going to happen. "It's now time to announce the rescheduled day this coming Monday. If any of you first years have forgotten the rules, you can check with your support staff or any of the upper year pupils. I look forward to seeing you all. Now, those of you collecting tonight can go pick up the sweet. I've delayed you all quite enough." The last generated a few laughs from the older kids. I think most of our table was lost in thought.
I sat quietly, worried about Renee. Then, I heard Mark chime in, "Why doesn't the staff switch too?"
"Mark, that's a worthy question. The simple reason is a combination of time, and the fact that most staff do not live on the school grounds. Take a look at Keith over there, or Dan. Don't you think they might have some issues driving to school in the morning, in a dress? But, it's more than that. There's nothing to stop anyone on staff from joining you, but we generally don't for the simple reason we want you to recognize us, and react to us normally."
I could see some heads nodding. I tried to picture Dan, with his goatee, in a dress. It just didn't work. Maybe THAT's why I've never seen any of the older kids with a beard or mustache. In the last school, some did sport them, and lorded it over those of us that didn't need to shave yet. A beard would make dressing hard.
"Does that answer your question, Mark?"
"Yes, ma'am. But, I still think it'd be only fair for all of you to do this too."
She smiled. "Objection noted." Then, I'm not sure how she did it, but she turned a little, and was addressing us all. "Don't over stress with this. I know, you're thinking 'easy for her to say'. But it's NOT intended to be overly stressful. It is a learning experience. Some of you may choose to keep up in the opposite sex attire," There was a snort which, I'm sure came from Mark. But Kate continued as if nothing had happened. "while others may choose to experiment with androgynous attire for a while. That's happened before, and I'm sure it will again."
"Do we have to take the classes, like Sophia?" queried Sally.
"No, of course not. You're welcome to, but there is certainly no requirement to do so. The vast majority do not take the lessons"
I noticed that Renee seemed to be trying to keep me between Kate and herself. I thought it was guys she avoided. Is it something Kate said? Dessert arrived then, and we all quieted down to eat.
"Sophia, are you alright?" asked Kate quietly.
"Yes'm." I didn't want to go into things right then, or anytime really.
"Are you sure? You're not talking much tonight?"
"I'm a little tired, I expect."
"All right." She turned back to her desert.
I must have spaced out again. 'Cause I was suddenly done eating. What got my attention was Kate pulling out her PDA, and keying something into it.
"Enjoy your evenings. I'll be seeing you." And Kate was off.
"Sophia, Renee." Dan had walked up behind us, as we were standing waiting for Ingrid and Fran to get back from taking the dirty dessert dishes back. "Do you two have a few minutes?"
Renee nodded, and I agreed. I mean, what else could we do?
Ingrid and Fran walked up.
"The four of you don't have anything planned, do you?"
"No, sir," responded Ingrid.
"Then, I'm afraid I need to steal these two for a little chat."
They nodded, and headed out.
Dan led us off to his office. "I thought it might be a good idea to talk over what you're going to do on Monday, Renee."
She nodded.
We continued on in silence, until we got to his office.
"Have a seat." He indicated the settee, while he took the chair opposite.
Renee sat at one end of the settee, and I took the other end. I didn't want to offend her further. I mean, that's got to be what I did.
"Renee, I understand you stopped the boy lessons."
She nodded in agreement.
"Would you care to tell me why?"
"I-I-I just couldn't."
I could see Dan nodding. What was so hard? Was it harder to be a guy?
"You didn't have to take the lessons for mix-up Monday."
She nodded. "I guessed, because they had our first mix-up Monday scheduled before anyone had a chance."
"Then, why did you start them?"
"Because Dan was taking the girl lessons."
"I applaud your desire to support your study partner. She's put a lot into learning." He turned toward me. "Sophia, what do you think about Renee dropping out of the boy classes?"
"It's up to her, sir. I thought she wanted to take them, at first, but she admitted it was hard."
"And, you don't have any issue with her stopping?"
I shook my head.
"Renee, there is no need or requirement to do the lessons to participate in mix-up Monday, as you deduced." He paused. I thought he was going to wait for one of us to say something; then he continued. "Are you going to be okay Monday?"
Renee was very quiet, so I jumped in. My issue didn't affect what we'd talked about earlier. "We talked about that before dinner. She's going to try just wearing the clothes."
"I see, did she explain why she had issues?"
I looked over, and could see her almost shrink into herself. Turning back to Dan, "No, I figure it's her business, not mine."
"Have you hidden anything from your past?"
I'd turned to look at Renee, but jerked my eyes back to him at the question. "Of course not."
"Renee, has Sophia been helpful?"
"Oh, yes. He's-she's wonderful."
Dan smiled; I think at her changing her pronoun at his reminder.
"It's important that you both be there for each other. It's likely that there will be times Sophia needs you, and you may well need her. Don't hesitate to trust each other, and, as much as you can, try not to keep important secrets from each other. I don't mean simple little things like a surprise party or some such. I mean things you consider important. A good example; is Sophia's reasons for dressing and learning what she's learning. Has she explained, to you, her full reason?"
She nodded. "And, how it caused some confusion."
Dan gave a big smile at that. "That's very good. Study partners, in many ways, should be each other's first place to go for help." He paused, "What did you think about the Judo lesson?"
"Oh, it was fun. I never thought falling down would be so hard. I mean, falling down, without getting hurt."
"Yes, I heard about that." He paused thinking, "Now, what was that joke? Oh, Yes. Flying isn't hard. You just throw yourself at the ground..." he paused a moment to let the start sink in, "... and miss."
That surprised a barked laugh out of me, and I heard Renee laugh some too.
"Good, you're beginning to lighten up. As to the plan to just wear the clothes, that'll partially work. You need to decide on what you want us to call you when wearing boy's clothing. You don't necessarily have to act any different from normal, but you will wear the clothes, and need to answer to the name. Have you thought about one?
I chimed in. "How about Rene'? Like that French mathematician Descartes or something."
Dan chuckled. "That's quick thinking, Sophia. And, it IS within the rules for naming. So, if you like, it's fine, Renee."
"I-I-I might."
"I'm glad you're helping, Sophia." Then, he sat forward, and turned toward Renee. "If you have any problems on Monday, or before getting ready or anything, please don't hesitate to call or ask for help."
Wow, there really IS something deep here. I mean, she's just wearing the clothing. What is there in her past that makes things so hard for her?
She nodded agreement.
Dan looked at her for a moment, though it seemed longer, before turning his gaze on me. "Do either of you want to tell me why Kate sent me a note that you weren't acting normally at dinner?"
I didn't even want to look at Renee right now, fearing what she might be thinking about me. And, not willing to talk about my issue, I sat quietly.
"I can see she was right. Did something happen?" He paused a moment, but neither of us responded. "I could get the same answer from the settee itself. How about we try another tack? Sophia, we had a nice chat a before dinner, and you were nervous, but talking, right?"
"Um, yes sir." What else could I say, he'd been there too.
"And, I sent a note to Renee that we needed to talk about her class with Simon and the mix-up Monday. Did you know about that?"
"She showed it to me when I got back to the room."
"So, you were talking then?"
I dunno about Renee, but I nodded agreement.
"Did you tell her about our discussion?"
Quietly, I said, "Yes" with a nod.
"Renee, did learning about Sophia's dressing problem disturb you?"
I could barely hear her response. "Not really."
"Did he tell you I'd suggested he ask one of the students to help?"
I interrupted then, before she could embarrass herself, "I got it fixed."
"How did you manage that?" he turned back to me.
Suddenly, both Renee and I were talking. I was trying to say I'd gotten it on, I think she was trying to say she'd helped.
"Whoa, slow down." We both quieted down at this. "First, I couldn't get more than a handful of words out of you, now you're both babbling like there was no tomorrow." He paused, looking at us both. "Do you think that maybe getting things sorted there might have led to this little chat?"
I sighed, and nodded.
"I think we're getting somewhere. Renee, did you help Sophia with her issue?"
"Yes" came quietly from her end of the couch, then "Dan, I mean Sophia needed help, and I was there. I had to help him, I mean her."
I'd not taken my eyes off Dan, and saw his eyes narrow briefly. I started to open my mouth, but Dan interrupted me.
"Let Renee take it for now, Sophia." I settled back, hoping she wouldn't get into trouble. I figured I was in enough trouble already. "Now, Renee, would you mind describing how you helped her?"
"Dan held his willly and things in place, and I pulled up the thing."
"The gaff?"
"Yes, that's it. I pulled it up, while Dan took care of getting stuff in the right place.
I know I'm going to catch it now. I mean, I'm not really a girl. My mom would have had a cow already, and Dad. I remember when Karen had that guy in her bedroom, and their clothes were on, I think. She really caught it. Kirk and I had a big laugh over it.
"I see... That was very helpful of you; the kind of thing study partners SHOULD do for each other." He paused and looked at both of us.
Huh? That's good? I mean it helped? But Renee... My thoughts trailed off.
"However," I knew there was a BUT in there somewhere. "The school has a rule that you must both always keep your underwear on, when in the room together."
"Renee, did you have any problems, when you helped Sophia?"
"No. He-she was. I dunno. Dan needed help and I was there. What else should I have done?"
She didn't have problems? I thought she had issues with guys?
"You did what you should have, Renee. And, don't worry about which pronoun you're using. That comes with practice. The action you took, while technically breaking the rule, was the right one. The rule that says you should help your fellow students should take precedence. Thank you for giving DAN a hand."
What the heck? We're not in trouble? She isn't upset?
"I can see you appear a bit confused, Sophia. Why don't you tell us why?"
"She-she's not upset with me?"
"No, Dan, why should I be?"
"But, I-I made you."
"You didn't MAKE me do anything. You're my FRIEND." Then, she continued in a quiet voice, "The first friend I've had since my parents died."
Was there wonder in her voice? I thought I knew what it was like to be lonely, sorta. But, to think of years with nobody...
She continued, "I-I was afraid you were upset with me, when you ran off."
Turning toward Renee, "No, I realized what you'd helped with, and, uhhh. I was afraid you'd be upset with me." Then, all in a rush, "I know you have issues with guys."
"Huh, but you're different."
It continued more of the same for a few minutes. I suspect that Dan was having a little laugh at our exchange. I vaguely remember him chuckling at my 'Yeah, I guess, not many guys dress like this.' but, not much after that.
After we'd settled down a little, he said "I don't know, when you weren't talking, my ears were feeling better."
"But, she doesn't..." I started.
"Hate me, and we're still" Renee interrupted.
"Friends." I continued.
"Whoa. Slow down, you two. Completing each other's sentences is easier for me to follow than that talking on top of each other before, but it is still disconcerting."
"We were what?" we said together.
"Enough. Please."
We looked at each other, and I don't know which of us started it, but it wasn't long before we were both giggling. Yes, I know. I'm a guy, but I don't know how else to describe it. It wasn't long, and I suspect part of it was the relief of tension we'd not even known we were feeling. It was for me, anyway.
"Now that you've got it out of your system, maybe we can talk about what happened earlier and how you both reacted."
"First, would you explain what you meant earlier by talking across each other?" I asked.
"I said talking on top, but across works just as well, Sophia. What I meant was you were both talking at the same time, and apparently hearing what the other was saying. If I listened to one and then the other, I could follow what you were saying, or if I reversed it. It wasn't quite two different conversations, but it was a little hard for an outsider to keep up.
I shook my head. "Weird."
"Yes, but, completing each other's sentence and asking together was weird, too." Renee added.
"I wouldn't worry, unless your mates start to comment or complain about it."
We looked at each other again. I suspect my eyes had gotten as wide as Renee's were.
Dan talked to us for another ten or fifteen minutes, and restated his congratulations on our finding a way to work out my issue. He did suggest that I explain my problems to Dr. Bill the next time I saw him, but since I was apparently not in pain any more, we'd apparently worked through the matter.
"Now, you two need to keep talking. Don't let something come up that drives you apart like this. A misunderstanding is not hard to deal with early on, but let it build and things will get worse. Renee, I think we should talk some tomorrow before rehearsal."
"What? You said what we did was okay." I jumped to her defense.
"No, not about that. As I said, helping each other is very important here. Of course, there are limits, and you're generally better off sticking to the school's few rules."
"What are they? So far, we've not seen much evidence of special rules."
"The school does have a number of rules, intended primarily to protect you, the pupils. The keep your underwear on when alone with another pupil is one of them." At our questioning looks, "Once you're older it could become an issue; think back to the sex education," I think my jaw dropped or something, because he paused briefly before continuing, "boys and girls health lesions" –Oh, that stuff–"you had before coming here."
I thought about it, then looked at Renee, and saw her looking at me. Her eyes were the size of saucers, and I realize she'd had the same thought I had. "Ewww."
Dan laughed. "You're still young, Sophia. Did your older brother ever date?"
"Yeah, he even kissed her. But, I wasn't sure why."
"That's one of the things that seems to come with aging. Don't worry that neither of you have that issue now, but I'm sure you see how keeping your underclothes on keeps things from getting, shall we say, inconvenient?"
I thought about what he'd said, "Are there other rules we need to know about?"
"Probably, though, they usually wait until after a few weeks have passed before going over them, to let you get settled. There's really little opportunity for you violate any before then. In a way, you've probably set a record here, violating that rule." He shook his head a bit. "I'll send you a link to a list of the more important rules, so you can get a feeling for them and I'll talk to Mr. Hobson about moving up that rules chat with your year. But, back to Renee, and why I think she and I need to talk. Do you recall your earlier comment about her having issues with guys?"
"Oh." I responded. I really wish she'd tell me what the issue was.
Renee quietly said, "I'll be here."
"Fine, I'll post it to your calendar. Now, I suspect you both either have some practicing or studying to finish, so I'll let you go. Again, I'll remind you to ask for help when you need it. And, remember, if you have any problems on Monday, let me or another support staff, know."
We acknowledged his directions, bade him farewell, and headed off to our rooms.
Author's Note: I want to thank Karen for allowing me the pleasure of continuing this story and I hope you all get as much pleasure out of reading it as I've had writing it. I also want to thank the individuals that proofed and commented on the story as it developed and moved toward what you see posted here (Karen, Penny, Gabi and Holly). Their comments and criticisms helped immesurably! Any problems remaining are mine and not that of any of these remarkable ladies.
Comments are greatly appreciated!
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Hi Annette,
Thank you for posting another great chapter. I thought the help with the gaff was pushing the "help another student" rule a little far, as it bull-dozered the "keep the underwear on" rule out the window, but it certainly emphasised the heirachy of rules at Hayfield. The misunderstanding after the 'gaff episode' and its resolution were well written.
Thanks again for posting.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Thank you for posting another great chapter of your story for us to read. I can't wait for the next one
Jayme Ann
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
Good For Renee!
I have my own ideas about why she has issues, but only she, and Annette know for sure.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'd be curious...
to see your speculation Stan, preferrably here in the open forum, but PM if you don't want to share. I actually find the speculation helpful, as it tells me whether my "hints" are doing what they're supposed to, or if I need to put some more out there to be found... Before "all is revealed"...
So, please, I encourage you (and any others) to speculate to your hearts content...
"Please, Miss..."
You feel a tug on your skirt, and turn about. Looking down, you see an adorable waif dressed in a simple blue frock and black Mary Janes. She's all dark curls and dimples, with enormous blue eyes. She smiles up at you shyly.
"Can we have another?"
I'm getting a feeling that
I'm getting a feeling that someone in Renee's family was possibly TG/TS and the family shut that person out of their lives. Then to cap it all was the death of her parents. The other thing that comes to me is perhaps Renee's Father was TG and she considers his death as the consequences of that issue. Then again, what do I know, only Annette knows and she "ain't" telling yet. I guess we will all just have to wait and see eh? :) J-Lynn
Hey there
Hey there I am glad that you are working on a piece with Karen but I am crious when will we get to see hidden gifts 15. You are a good writer. I hope you haven't given up on this. Also if you need help with proof reading or something I think I can be help if you want it that is.
HG 15 is...
complete - first draft wise. And HG-16 is at about the 50% point. I know where HG is going, and what events "have" to happen over it's course. There is a definite "planned" conclusion to THIS story during the characters first year. And, I'll hint - though it's obvious from other things read - Dan/Renee don't die during Year 1. :-)
The Interludes were written over the past year or so. SOME of the interludes are intended existed originally to just work out "how" a certain part of the world goes. (Interlude 2 is like that - and it's back from editor 2 as well). problem with getting the bigger stuff done is two fold. The biggest is RL. I've averaged 80-90 hour work weeks the last month - vacations canceled and such. Before that, I was commuting 3+ hours a day (by car)... Which chewed up a lot of writing/editing time. I will also admit to spending a little too much time on Facebook for a while. I might be a little (luckily not a lot) further along otherwise... But, I pulled out of some of the games I was wasting my time on there! And my project is winding down at work!!!
One more reason I've had less writing time... I've spent a LOT more time with my wife (since coming out and starting toward transition at some point in the future). You readers may feel the story is more important, but I refuse to agree. So, my output will continue to be slower than it was in the first year and a half of my time here.
Did you know that Electrolysis takes time? It hurts too!
Then, add some editing I have to do... (I owe two chapters for others now.) My current plan is to get these two chapters reviewed & Interlude 2 off to the final editor in the next week or so. Then, there's one more Interlude that's really close to running the editor round. Once those are done, I'll finish the proof of HG-15, and send it around for editing (something that readers appear to have appreciated).
Hope that clarifies things.
Rooting for you!
Oh sweetie it sounds like you've got your plate full and them some. Granted I await very impatiently the arrival of anything from the SPA Universe, but I say do what you must. I'd hope no one would suggest you altering your life just so we could have another amazing chapter to read. We'll all just be waiting on pins and needles until then. Thanks so much for taking the time to entertain us all.
Good Luck!
I Understand
I understand why you would do that. But in a way it really bites seeing as you are a very good author. I would have loved to see how this would have gone on even with the way Karin was writing her's. But it is after all your story and her universe. Anyways I hope to see more of hidden gifts soon. But must asked what happen to HH3 of the interlude?
Yours Truly
Hooray! These people are so
Hooray! These people are so perfect and without even minor conflict. It was getting a bit unrealistically bland. Then you tackle this very difficult relationship drama wonderfully. Makes everybody more human. Well, except the staff that is beginning to rub... so intrusive in their over-zealous and over-stated concern that I find it hard to believe any more. Perhaps this is the intent. If I were a student having to face a staff that knew and responded to my every mood, thought, act, and move; I would be hiding and finding ways to get out from under "big brother". Just having to carry a PDA all the time set up my teen rebelliousness and fear of, well, things from childhood. Come to think of it, if Renee is a loner and distrustful; this all must be tearing her up and triggering in a major way!
Just some feelings that may confirm your intentions or give another perspective.
One of my pleasant (bittersweet?) feelings is the yearning for a friendship such as Renee and Dan are creating... and from a total lack of safety in the past for her. I identify... and wish...
It's a unlearning process
These kids have spent several years in a State or Public school being conditioned to how it's best to survive, or who could be trusted and who couldn't. Or when it's best to keep things to themselves.
Now they're attending a school which encourages openness with each other and the staff. Now they have a staff that actually puts their wellbeing even before their lessons.
Being taken from an environment where it was best to keeps things to themselves, to one which wants them to be open about their feelings, is quite a jump. Even when it comes to trust.
Renee needs to level with Dan, no matter how hard it will be. What she's holding back is affecting her ability to move forward as the staff wants.
Those two actually act like an old married couple, in being able to know what the other is thinking and finishing each other's sentences. It is probable those two will develop a deeper relationship that came about because of their friendship.
Others have feelings too.