In the future, I'd like to request that people who want to violate the rules of posting here, or annoy others for such transgressions, or anything that does not contribute to the peace and tranquility of what is essentially a library -- I'd like to request that all such disturbances, disagreements and denunciations take place while I'm here at my desk and not in bed, at dinner or in the bathroom.
Thank you all and hugs,
I say let em bash it out
Nothing worse than an insecure self absorbed bitch overdosing on estrogen with residual testosterone poisening :)
Let em just go for each others throats for a scheduled melee between 1 am and 6 am, first thing in the morning erase all comments made between those times at 6:01 AM and step carefully through the gore and bodies till the cleanup crew in black jumpsuites gets in while you sip your latte and review the great stories.
Time Is Relative
Uhmmmm. Your middle of the night is early afternoon for many others. Otherwise, I like the strut in your sashay.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Speed flameing
New concept - You have 30 minutes to cause as much annoyance, anger and mayhem as possible before the thread self destructs. Flames cannot be re-instated for at least 48 hours.
Sounds Reasonable
You might also ask that everyone who plans to create a catastrophe, major or minor, must submit their plans in writing at least fifteen days prior to the estimated DOC (date of catastrophe).
A little organization people, that's really all that's necessary.
I have empathy for the frustration that has occurred. One person's idealism often seems like utter nonsense to others. That's why it's idealism and not mainstream thought.
I wonder though, when I look at the list of voters in the House for and against the Hate Crimes Bill and notice the party lines -- isn't some political discussion germane to this site?
Erin -- if you disagree, I would like to reserve July 17th for my meltdown. We can negotiate time of day if it comes to that.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Politics directly related to TG issues ...
... has a narrow window which I allow. If it gets hot, I just move such things off the main page rather than unpub or delete them. Same for religious issues directly related to TG experience.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Pee, tea or Sleepie Time
Dear Erin,
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maximum Culpa if I have ever interfered with your, Pee, Tea or Sleepie Time.
Sincerely, all you do for this site is appreciated.
P.S. If you do not like my rhyme, please do not comment, I know it is lame.
T folk drama queens?
Can that be? Gasp, my stars!
No, I have to admit that the range of my emotions can get pretty wide, and sometimes I go from PMS to weeping remorse in a single hour; faster than a speeding bullet. Gawd, it gets exhausting sometimes! Gah!
I have so wanted to have a mate that would just spank me and put me to bed but the likelihood of that happening is about equal with a Pig flying. I'm trying to learn to do it myself, so I apologize in advance for oh what ever I might do.
Many blessings
Keeping the Watch
One of the earlier commenters suggested that folks who monitor this site should simply let people have at it and argue I disagree.
There are more than enough sites on the web where folks are free to bash their least favorite religion or political parties that they feel are oppressing them. Let us have at least one site where for stories and literary relaxation. Yes, some stories do touch upon religion and politics. I know I do. In order to tell my stories, I must. But there is a difference, and Erin recognizes it.
Brava to Erin. Keep up the good work and keep this site safe for the story tellers and those who enjoy their efforts.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
A catheter
A catheter might give you 30% more time Erin :P~~~
Not Again
Why does it seem like every two months or so Erin has to be stressed out by people who refuse to follow the rules. I realize that the number of online users has increased recently, but the rules are still the same. BE NICE, BE CONSIDERATE and SUPPORTIVE. Criticism can be constructive. Personal attacks can do nothing but injure the individual. Poor humor as I'm known for is hopefully acceptable. Please play nice and keep Erin's stress level at a manageable level - at least for her.
One option might be for Erin to allow the author or individual who posted the story to delete comments. Just a thought.
The writers like to receive comments which help them improve their writing or to let them know that they are appreciated. So shutting off commenting is counter productive. If you disagree with a person's thoughts that is your right. You, of course, can always choose not to read the story or not comment. Remember Erin Rules and her rules control - that's her right as the site administrator. It has worked for quite a while, let's hope it continues to work.
As always,
As always,
Does this mean I HAVE to come up with a sceduled rant?
It's one thing to rant and rave when triggered by events it's altogether different when you have to schedule it. Man-oh-man, Erin, you’re sure making my life complicated.
Okay, to help things along, can I have this – 2009 -- Memorial Day at say noon CDT? I promise, as my contribution, to say something horridly disparaging of veterans and members of law enforcement while lewdly mocking patriotism, encouraging anarchy and … oh, promoting the abuse of cute furry animals.
Or I could tell every dirty joke I’ve ever heard, and having been in the YMCA in grade school and the Boy Scouts after that, I heard a lot of them.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. What, Erin, what did you say? The others here were being silly? I'm not required to have a scheduled rant or even rant at all?
Now THAT calls for a rant!
John in Wauwatosa
Equal opportunity
To be fair, John, you have to give the cute furry animals a chance to rebut the abuse. Have you seen Bonzi's claws? ;-)
Also, many military veterans and pretty much all members of law enforcement have loaded weapons readily available. But I suppose we could use a Taser instead.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Many small mammals are quite tasty .... --snicker--
An aprox quote from The Two Doctors from Doctor Who.
If I am required to cause a scheduled flame war, perhaps a more personal appraoch is needed.
Bonzi, remember PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals ... that is the right translation, isn't it?
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I would never say anything just to outrage some segment of the population but as to those crude, rude, half-witted Texans, what a bunch of whimps and wusses. Even Chicago Cubs fans have higher IQs or alarm clocks for that matter.
There, that shouldn't insult anybody
If that last comment doesn't have me drenched in burning pitch soon I've lost my touch.
John in Wauwatosa
So are large bipeds
And cats are carnivores. Be a shame to waste all that meat, perhaps Bonzi has some friends.
>> Why...
>> Why does it seem like every two months or so Erin has to be stressed out by people who refuse to follow the rules.
Because what may *seem* clear to someone who "knows the rules" because they form part of a pre-existing weltanschauung may seem distinctly *unclear* and arbitary to someone whose outlook is quite different to theirs.
Let's suppose almost any westerner traveled to one of the many countries in which the use of the left hand in any social setting was inherently filthy, rude, and obnoxious. How long do you suppose that the habits of a lifetime of two-handed embraces and ambidexterous manipulation of cutlery might linger? When greeting a friend with a handshake, do you ever consider that laying your left hand over the hand so grasped, a sign of special fondness or sincerity in Western culture, might just as well be taken as implying that your friend's right hand might actually be covered with shit?
I come from a culture which considers a good argument to be a sign of respect, because one considers one's debating partner to be one's intellectual equal whose opinions are important enough to listen to and even to probe in great detail to ascertain their very foundations.
To me, and to many with similar backgrounds, silencing or preempting an honest debate implies that one or more of the parties are cretins who can't be trusted in the wide world of ideas lest they wander into the street and be run over by a lorry, or children who must be protected from sudden frights or noises because they might cry until they're cranky and then refuse to lie down for their needed nap times.
Different strokes for different folks.
If you pick up a starving dog
and make him prosperous, he
will not bite you; that is the
principal difference between
a dog and a man.
--- Mark Twain
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
My Parents gave me some good advice
I was told if you can't say anything nice about people then you shouldn't say anthing at all.So to those who want to rant and rave and start flame wars I say..........
PETA: John I like you sense of humor
I thought it meant People Entertaining Tame Animals, You know cat luvers. lmao
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Giggle, all this over a little satire? GEEZE!
Anyway, I tried to post a reply to the thread involved and I did, but as a guest reader because I really don't have the time to spend on this but I will because I love this site and the people that are part of it.
It was my mistake for leaving out a bit of a TG element along with my satire piece of the Old Testament. I apologize for that and now I'm glad I hadn't had a chance to read all of the replies to the driveling dribble Chris made visually stimulating for me.
It was satire written to poke fun at humankind's inept attempts at interpreting other humans written words. I was not trying to be factual, and I was not trying to be serious at all. I mean please, it was labeled as "FICTIONAL SATIRE" and the author was correctly identified as "Angel O'Hare" that must have given a few of you at least a little bit of a clue as to the content, didn't it?"
Merciful God? Come on folks, with a title like that you had to be curious and then for those that did take it seriously even after the obvious key words and labeling, MY GOD what were you thinking? OOps, sorry...Giggle, giggle.
I do apologize for once again letting someone else post something that was mine and they were hurt not by what they had done but by the "If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all" folks. Giggle, giggle...
We all know how Chris reacts to controversy, not well really, but Chris is Chris and he has a heart of gold and helps many people in his own way and gives of his heart freely.
I'm sorry for getting you involved in another controversy Chris. It was meant as a funny satirical piece and nothing more. Me bad for not including a cross-dressed transitioning holy man/woman of some sort. It really wasn't meant to be posted but when Chris was laughing so hard and wanted to post it, well, I wasn't thinking clearly. I had just finished a 12 hour shift at work and couldn't sleep.
Anyway, I do apologize to one and all and I am working on finishing my other stories that haven't been finished yet. I just have so little time these days.
Huggles all and don't blame Chris for anything I have written, he just posted it and added the pictures and did a little formatting. The words are all mine and mine alone. Well, I did quote "God" according to what was written as what He said. Those words are His and His alone. I wouldn't dream of taking credit for anything God had said! GEEZE!!!!!!
Angel O'Hare
Giggle, giggle...
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
I just thought it was the
I just thought it was the funniest thing ever! I'm sorry everyone else wasn't able to enjoy it as much.
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Even with a TG element added, if it wasn't made into a story, I might have had to unpub it. Stories get a free pass. In fact, without a TG element, if it had been a story it could still be posted here since you are an author with other TG stories here. I might have asked you to also post it to Fictioneer, if it were a non-TG story.
Whether it was funny or not was never the problem.
Hugs to all,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
My Question
Why, after initially publishing this as fiction, did the poster change his mind and publish it as a blog? Particularly since that went against rules recently stated by Erin. To me, it appeared as nothing more than a direct challenge to her and her team. And I don't understand why anybody would want to intentionally make life more difficult for her.
I sent a PM to Chris explaining in it that I had to remove the story. I mentioned that it also wasn't a story. Chris apparently thought that I meant it should be reposted as a blog. I could have changed it to a blog easily, but that wasn't the problem and Chris just misunderstood.
I think Chris's later annoyance was due to some other PMs received, not just the ones I sent.
Hugs to all,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I Know That Angel, But
Not many people see the humor. But then, again, I tend to have a unique outlook, even for most others. Now, Angel, if you hadn't said that it was a satire, I'd have been less than pleased, but would not flame you.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine