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Cal is a 16 year old boy who has been chasing the girl of his dream almost all his life. When some pesky nanites infect Cal and turn him into a girl how will he deal with it? Will he still be the same person or will he become someone else when the girl in him now takes over?
Updated: 2/28/10 Hello all this chapter has now been updated along with the two before it one more to go and then I can focus solely on writing new chapters. I hope that any still reading back over these chapters approves of the changes I have made even as small as they have been. So far I feel that this has improved the story a lot getting rid of little things that weren't needed. This story is inspired by the "Kate Draffen" and the "For a Girl" stories like I perviously stated but is NOT set in either universe. There are however some common elements but other then that this story stands on it's own. Enjoy all and thanks for the votes and comments!
The house was quite as I sat up in bed after my nightmare. The rest of my family was still asleep and I tried to put it out of my head but the images from my dream didn’t seem to fade. I could still see myself as a girl, the guy that held my hand, the pregnant belly and my family all smiling at me. It was clear now that sleep was out of the question as my alarm clock changed from 3:31 am to 3:32 am but I didn’t want to get up either. School was out of the question today with everything that was going on but there was one thing I had to do once the sun came up. My friends had to know what was going before I got too far along in the transformation. Still laying in bed I’d been awake for only a short time but I could already feel the differences in my body.
It was a lot of small things really my skin felt softer against the sheets of my bed, my nipples were little more sensitive too, and I could see I had less hair on my arms now. The nanoids had been busy while I slept and I hated them for it. Why did they have to be so much better at this then the ones before them? As much as I wished this wasn’t happening to me I wished just as hard it’d take a bit longer if it did. I wasn’t sure if I could handle this and the thought of ending it all had already come into my mind. The more I thought about it though I knew I couldn’t do that to my family and I knew that I was stronger then that.
I decided right then and there I’d do my best to deal with this even if I was going to need a lot of professional help in doing so. The ceiling in my room was still dark as I stared up at it lost in thought about how to tell everyone what was happening. Like I said I knew I had to tell my friends but I didn’t know how I was going to do it. I thought about texting it to everyone to avoid facing them but I didn’t think they would believe me if it came in a text. No they had to see me, they had to see the changes already taking place to believe any of this. Ashley, Kevin, Scotty and Madison deserved to be told in person that was for certain but everyone else could wait.
As a guy I thought I knew how my male friends would react. They would all freak out of course and probably feel very uncomfortable around me but would eventually learn to deal with it. However the big mystery to me was how Madison would react especially after everything I’d put her through lately. I felt like she had ever right to hate me and wondered if she would even listen to me or come see me so I could tell her. I couldn’t help but think the worse case scenario was going to happen no matter what I did and I struggled to hold any train of thought as the sun rose outside. Life wasn’t going to be easy for me anymore I just knew I’d be seen as the freak my brother said I was.
The others in the house started to stir so as I got up and went to take a shower. I felt dirty from the pervious night and the dream that I still couldn‘t shake. Scrubbing my body it was hard to not notice the lumps under my chest or the increase in nipple size but I tried to anyway. The shower didn’t make me feel any better if anything it just made things worse as I noticed the changes in my body’s shape and tone. I couldn’t be for sure but it felt like my hair had only grown out too. It was much less then but to me an inch felt like it was a mile. All I could tell myself was I was over reacting even if I wasn’t even if it was obvious today what was happening.
After I got dressed I braced myself for the day to come and went down stairs where my father and mother were sitting at the kitchen table. As soon as I walked in the room their conversation stopped and their eyes went straight to me. I decided to just ignore it so I grabbed something to drink and sat down at the table with them as they smiled at me. Sipping on my orange juice I knew they were waiting for me to say something but I really didn‘t want to. Since being told yesterday what was going to happen to me I hadn’t said but a couple words to anyone and I knew it was worrying them by the looks on their faces. Not wanting to put them through anymore then what they already had to deal with I decided I’d do my best to communicate a little more.
I waited for one of them to speak or ask me something as the nervous silence continued but it didn’t seem like they knew what to do. Sitting there I got the feeling they didn’t want to speak for fear that it would keep me from speaking but I also knew my mother and knew that wouldn’t last long. Once it was clear I wasn’t going to speak my mother proved me right. “How are you feeling today honey?” I smiled at my mother knowing that I could always count on her to break an awkward silence. “Numb” I told her unable to really force myself to say much more. “Well I’m sure that’s normal dear you take all the time you need to deal with this “ Patting me on the back my mother started fixing a breakfast I knew I wouldn’t eat obviously feeling a little better that I even said anything.
“So what do you want to do today Cal your mother said the doctors won’t be here till 1 so whatever you want just name it.” I looked at my father and wondered if he wanted to have one more day with the boys before it was too late for me. “I think I just want to for a walk if you don’t mind dad. “ I could tell he was disappointed but the last thing I wanted to do today was to try and act like everything was alright. “Ok buddy be careful and if you change your mind I’ll be home all day.”
As soon as I saw my opening and felt like my parents were ok I left the kitchen before my mother could protest. I didn’t feel like eating and all I did feel like doing was getting out of the house. I wanted to spend some time thinking about everything and I knew that I couldn‘t do that at home with my parents looking over me. So when I could I almost ran out the front door still trying to avoid any more awkward conversations after I grabbed my keys and sneakers. Normally I wasn’t much of a walker since I got my driver’s license but I didn’t have much of a choice since my car was still at school from the day before.
It was still early so there wasn’t anyone on the streets as I started my walk around the neighbor hood. School had already started so all my friends were gone which was good because I wasn’t ready to talk to them yet anyway. It also didn’t really give me anywhere to go so I walked for miles around my town just thinking about anything and everything that popped into my head. Hours passed as I walked and before I knew it time had caught up with me and it was almost noon. I started the long walk back home and even though I was going to be late meeting the doctors I didn’t care.
The walk back was slow and I took my time trying to avoid what was waiting for me at home. As soon as I was in sight of my house I could see the cars in the drive way and knew the doctors were waiting. It was almost 1:30 when I walked through the door into our crowded living. My mother and father were talking with about five doctors including Dr. Rivers and Dr. Phillips as I walk into the living room. “Cal! Thank god there you are I was starting to get worried.” Walking over my mother put her arm around me and brought me into the room.
I looked around at the new doctors nervously that others were starting to find out what was happening to me as my mother introduced them. “Well this is Doctor Reed, Doctor Foster, Doctor Simons, and you already know Doctor Phillips and Rivers.” Looking around the room if anything was for certain the I.Q. of the room had just exceeded the height limit of the ceiling in our house. I was sure they were all nice people but the simple fact that they knew what was going on made me not want to be around them even if they were doctors.
For a while I listened as my parents and the doctors discussed everything that was going to happen to me in great detail. I didn’t like hearing any of this so I tried to tune it out but certain words like clitoris, ovaries, breasts, and womb keep sneaking in. Most of it was things I didn’t want to hear even when they weren’t talking about me having them so to say the least I was a little uncomfortable. Sitting on the edge of the I squirmed nervously still doing my best to block it all out when one of the new doctors stood up and looked at me.
“Well should we go ahead and get the examine part over with then we can discuss exactly how far along Cal is.” I couldn’t remember which Doctor is was but he seemed a little eager to see what progress I’d made as he put it. With two of the new doctors, Dr. Phillips, and Dr. Rivers went up stairs with me and into my room where I was given a very thorough examine by all members present. By the time they were done I think they’d poked, prodded, squeezed, or probed almost every part of my body. Once they were certain they had done all the examines they needed to and had all the information I could give them they headed back down stairs as I got dressed. Not want to go back downstairs and face them again I took my time until I could stal anymore and went back down stairs with the rest.
My mother had made cookies and tea for the doctors and everyone was partaking as I walked back into the living your nervously. In what was becoming a normal fact of me entering a room all conversation stopped and their eyes all shot to me. Dr. Reed the psychologist and a younger attractive blonde stood up first and came over. She’d stayed down stairs during the examine not being a medical doctor but now it was her time with me and she took me into the kitchen for a little talk. Taking out her notebook Dr. Reed smiled at me in a very warm and welcoming way as we sat down at the table and the others chatted in the living room.
“Listen Cal I’m going to be your psychologist from now on so I want you to feel free to talk about anything you want. I’m here to listen to you so what would you like to talk about today?” I stared at the table and having had plenty of time on my walk to think about it I had a few things I actually did want to talk about. “Well I want to know why when I enter a room I become the black hole for all conversations. I don’t want people to baby me and treat me so like I’m a child. I’m 16 I can handle whatever it is people are talking about. The truth is it’s already starting to get on my nerves.”
Dr. Reed smiled at me again and I really did feel good talking to her. She seemed like someone who was prefect for her job a warm, caring and open person that seemed like she was good at listening. “Well Cal you’re very observant and people will feel the need to baby you with what’s happening. However I know from now on and I’ll try to remember you’re not a kid but a young adult. I want to say Cal that what you just said shows you’re coping as well as can be expected so far.”
Dr. Reed had a soft and faint voice to match her petite size and once I noticed it made me wondered if I would have a voice like hers. All it had taken was her talking to get me thinking of what I was going to be like as a girl and it annoyed me. “God! Why does everything make me think how different I’m going to be after this? I can’t help but wonder what I’m going to look like, sound like, act like and I don’t even care”
“Not even a little?” I had to pause and think about it for a minute before I agreed that maybe I did care a little. “That’s only normal Cal everyone likes to look good and feel good about themselves no matter what gender. The fact that you keep thinking about it though shows me you’re not living in hope that this isn’t going to happen.” I chewed on one of my nails as Dr. Reed and I chatted about everything from my family to how I could still do everything I wanted to in life as a woman. As much as she believed it I just couldn’t believe that I could do the same things as a woman I could have as a man.
After we finished the chat we went back in with the rest of the Doctors so I could get the full run down from Dr. Phillips where I was in my transformation. “Alright judging from our tests and the examine I’m pretty sure your son is about a third of the way through the transformation. Internally most of his organs have either transformed already or are well under way. Right now Cal’s internal reproductive system has pretty well been formed which means that by tomorrow morning I would say all of his external reproductive system will be gone.”
I watched my parents as Dr. Phillips spoke to them very clinically about what was going on and she almost completely ignored me. The thought I was already at least internally a third female made me shiver at how fast things were going. It was only two days ago that I was a perfectly health male and in another two I’d be a perfectly health female. It seemed impossible that this could happen but I knew it was because I felt different inside. I couldn’t explain it but everything had felt strange since I’d woke up and now I knew why.
“Now externally his skin has lost a lot of hair and softened, his hair has grown, his hips have started to widen and his waist has started to contract compared to the exam done yesterday. He has also shrunk a significant bit which isn’t that big of a surprise as you Mrs. Anders are very short so more then likely Cal as a female will also be.” Great I thought my mother was very short alright so short in fact she had to shop in the little girls department at certain stores. I always liked how I’d taken after my father who was six two but instead of being six two now I had to look forward to being more around four eleven in height like my mother.
“Now on to the more obvious changes in Cal his breasts. Cal has what could be called breast buds which are very common among young women who are starting to develop breasts. His nipples have started to increase in size and sensitivity as well as his areola and again judging from you Mrs. Anders he’ll probably be a decent size for a petite young woman.” I tried not to but I couldn’t help but look at my mothers chest. She wasn’t a D or anything for sure but because she was so small whatever she was looked very full on her.
It felt like my body was betraying me growing these things that would soon make it forever obvious I was a girl. I’d never really looked at my mother so hard before but now that I would probably look a lot like her I had to. I knew she was attractive from my friends and if I had to look like someone I guess looking like my mother wasn’t bad if I had to a woman. That’s when a new thought crept into my head that not only was I going to be a woman but I could be an attractive woman. No one wants to be ugly like doctor Reed said but for me the idea of guys thinking I was attractive or hot made me sick. How would I deal with being a woman and even worse how would I deal with being an attractive woman?
After the update the doctors chatted with my parents as I went up stairs and tired to let it all sink in. The next day I would be admitted to the hospital to monitor the finally stages of my transformation and by the nest day I would be a girl. With hospitalization certain tomorrow I now I had to talk to my friends tonight. So sending out text messages to Kevin, Ashley, Scotty and of course Madison. I told them to meet me at the Alley a trendy coffee shop we all hung out at from time to time at five o‘clock. With the messages out there was no turning back now I had to tell my friends I was turning into a girl.
The group downstairs were still talking my parents trying to find out all they could about what was going on with me as I waited for the right time to sneak out. Making sure the coast was clear I snuck out of my second story room using the tree outside my window that I had used many times before. I made sure to cut through the back yard to stay away from the front of the house and hoped no one would check my room as I started the walk to the Alley.
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I must say that I like this version a whole lot better. I believe that with this story line you can create a completed story that is alot more wholesome and can bring more hope and satisfaction to all.
Just my humble oppinion.
Jessica Marie
I do like this version better so far. Of course we do not know what is next. If you decide to write two versions of this story, I will read them.
Much better
I like this version a whole lot more. I also like the fact that Cal has a good head on his shoulders, and isn't prone to spout off or go into denial.
Very well done.
Ray Drouillard
Not better in quality, (both are equally well done) but ...
better in terms of what I like. There is too much depressing stuff going on in real life; I like my fiction happy, or if not immediately happy, ultimately so. I don't like the bad guys to win.
BE a lady! read chapter 3 read chapter 3 1st draft, and if i'm honest did'nt much care for it... this 2nd draft however is much more to my liking, I like stories with a touch of science fiction in them and i do feel that this version offers more scope in dealing with emotions and hopefully Cal's continuing relations with her family and friends, I would probally read both versions but have to agree with other comments and say this version is so much better.......Hugs Kirri
changing cal
I much prefer this to the first draft. thanks for the rewrite
Super CAL ifragil............!!!!!!!!
I will join the chorus of those who sing the praises of this version. Unless, this was planned by you in advance, that you could, on short notice, rewrite half of the chapter, and take it in a very different direction is a testament to your creativity and writing ability. Bravo!
It is a Super Cal ifrag.... well you know the rest.
Write on and I will read on.
Chapter 3 alt
Please continue the story along these lines.
Another voice in the chorus
I have to go along with the others - I like this version much more. The sudden shift of theme in the other version was just too jarring. You've made a good start - keep it up!
It would also be a good idea to have someone look it over before you post it - spell checkers are notorious for giving you the wrong word, and that seems to have happened quite a few times in both versions.
Use both story lines
I liked both story lines, but I also thought the first version didn't flow very well. That being said, I think it would be better to follow this story line for a while and introduce the Evil Doctor after this line develops a bit more.
I have become,
Comfortably Numb........
I have become,
Comfortably Numb........
Writing by consensious
Writing by consensus is like the old line " A camel is a horse designed by a committee". I agree that some storylines are more difficult to read than others. I am not bothered by people writing in and saying "hey this is off putting to me" That's totally cool. What bothers me are writers who will change their creative paths to please a crowd. I would rather see the writer start and finish the first story and see where it goes(uncomfortable or not) than to have them change it because people thought that it was too dark. I personally feel that I was enjoying the first story but felt that I had already read that story before. When it took it's "dark turn", I thought "wow" I didn't see that coming. I wonder where it will go. Yeah! it just might now be pleasant but perhaps much more heartfelt and quite a bit more interesting then what I was expecting........ Adoy
p.s. sorry that I replied. I was just trying to post a comment. I guess that I'm new at this!
Writing by consensus
Writing by consensus is like the old line " A camel is a horse designed by a committee". I agree that some storylines are more difficult to read than others. I am not bothered by people writing in and saying "hey this is off putting to me" That's totally cool. What bothers me are writers who will change their creative paths to please a crowd. I would rather see the writer start and finish the first story and see where it goes(uncomfortable or not) than to have them change it because people thought that it was too dark. I personally feel that I was enjoying the first story but felt that I had already read that story before. When it took it's "dark turn", I thought "wow" I didn't see that coming. I wonder where it will go. Yeah! it just might now be pleasant but perhaps much more heartfelt and quite a bit more interesting then what I was expecting........ Adoy
Cal's Two Versions
I think that ISSY decision to try and write two versions of this story is great. It shows great writing talent and flexibility.
I liked version 2 much better.
So give us both and see where that takes you. Perhaps have a voting competiton and ask reader's to either vote only one that they read or liked best, but not both and see where that goes.
Two Minds
I have to weight in that I liked the revised version better too, but I have reservations as well. Who am I to tell someone how to write their story? Shouldn't a writer be feel to express themselves as their muses direct them? On the other hand, real world editors do that all the time. At least a few of us write as a form of therapy as well as for entertainment, so again I feel conflicted about (pushing?) a writer in a direction that looks really different from the original. However the intent could still be the same just more subtle and in more terrifying if she found herself acting in ways she knows isn't right.
I feel the same way.
If it weren't for the long discussion about leaving comments both as expressions of appreciation and as feedback about how one feel about the story, I would have quickly scanned the next episode to see if the story was going to be about a struggle with the possibility of success, or simply a long downward spiral; and quietly decide whether or not to continue reading. I have done that before, and the author was none the wiser.
(None the wiser -- interesting choice of words, eh?)
I feel bad about pushing Issy to write what I want. Even though that's not my intention, my comments are bound to have some effect.
Then, I figured that I would politely give him the information and let him decide what to do with it. No pressure. He can write what I want or he can write something else -- his choice. No matter which way he goes, someone is going to like it. After all, Stephen King makes lots of $$$ writing stuff like that.
In the end, we are doing the author (any author) more service by providing the feedback than by withholding it. We are doing all the other authors more service by posting it publicly because they can learn from others' work and the results thereof.
So, Issy, write what you feel inspired to write. In the end, you are the one who has to be happy with your work. Take all the comments, including mine, as information -- not orders.
Ray Drouillard.
Just to clarify the comments
Just to clarify the comments about the other version from people did get me to look at it again. After I re-read it I decided that it was a little dark and not where I wanted the story to go at first. The first version of this chapter that I wrote was more of something I was feeling at the time and less about the over all story I wanted to tell. I still like the first version but I’m now thinking it’d work better as another story.
This version actually came out a lot easier and seemed to fit a lot better after I re-wrote it. From now on I’m planning to hold every chapter for a couple days and see if it still works for me or if it was just something I was feeling at the time. To the others who liked the first version give me some time and you will probably see that theme in a different story from me.
Thanks for the comments
I would say that the first
I would say that the first draft of Chapter 3 seems much more appropriate for a very short story, where you intend to simply drop the character of Cal in the cacky, and she then has to live with it. Something like how he was 'given' to the bad guys by the girlfriend-wannabe, and is now an eternal sex toy.
The second draft is much better for a general development story, which could go on for a long time.
My largest 'complaint', if it could be called that, is not with word choice. That's not the worst thing that can happen. (Through instead of threw, and so on). It's with commas, or lack thereof. For an example, "Well Cal I see you are up" should be more like "Well Cal, I see that you are up", or even "Well, Cal, I see that you are up to hearing about this."
Keep writing, I'll keep reading. (or wreading, if you prefer :) )
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
This Version Is Definitely Better
I definitely think this version is better. There is too much darkness in the real world and this version is so much better than that. Cal needs friends now more than ever and I can see so many more positive things happening with this storyline. I see Madison becoming closer to Cal as a girl and helping her adjust to the life of a young woman. Cal's mother will be a great support, but she will need friends her own age to show her how things are from a teen girl perspective. Stay on the positive track with this one. Great story Issy!
A definite improvement
While both versions were well written, this one is a definite improvement. The first version was, I think, far too dark and depressing, with no real room to expand the story. This version definitely leaves open the door for more character development. Feel free to continue the other story line if you so desire; but I'm not sure where it really can go.
No matter what, it would be a real shame not to continue this version!
Much better story line now.
Much better story line now. I did not even want to comment on the last version, as it is not in my story trends that I like. Thanks for creating this version. J-Lynn
Good work Issy
So far so good.
Needs a spell check, and a little bit of editing - but you'll get there.
Good luck!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)