A Slave is Born Chapters 1 & 2

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A Slave is Born
by Sailjeffa
An innocent young man becomes enslaved.


Chapter 1 — The Beginning
Having just finished school, Dave found himself working in a small office as a dogs body, sorry, office assistant. In such difficult times he was happy to have a job and worked his hardest to please his co-workers, who happened to be women in their early twenties. Being only eighteen, he felt in complete awe of such beautiful and experienced women.
One lunch time as he approached the vending machine, he noticed Julie sitting on the edge of a table. He had always liked Julie, in fact he liked her so much, he was dumb struck when in her presence and always blushed whenever she spoke, the best he could manage, was “thank you” or “yes I'll do that as quickly as possible”
Julie beckoned and instinctively he found himself walking towards her with head bowed, already starting to blush and trying desperately to collect his thoughts, which failed, all he could think was “god she is so beautiful”.
Julie was indeed exceptionally beautiful, with long flowing hair, the deepest brown eyes, which made men weak at the knees, the kind of eyes men would fall into and never escape. Her legs were long with perfect shape, to a man they seemed to go on forever. Her dress sense was impeccable smart blouse, straight tight skirt and high heels. She looked the most powerful business woman on the planet.

When Dave arrived at Julie's table, she said “Do you like my new shoes ?”

Dave looked up from the floor to her beautiful feet. “emmm yes, they are very nice”, he nervously replied.

“Good, I'm pleased you like them, they look soooooooo sexy” she said in a playful manor.

“yes they look great” , by now Dave's mouth was dry, he was feeling embarrassed he did not know where to look , hide , what to say or do.... his eyes had become fixed on Julie's shoes and his mind focused on her word “sexy”. This only served to embarrass him further. Julie continued “the only problem is they are new and my foot is aching a little, would you give me a little relief ?”

Confusion must have been written all over his face. Julie continued, “kneel down, remove my shoe and massage my foot silly, the left one is a little tight”, she said with a smile and little laugh.
“Oh sorry, I ….” he said as he knelt before her and could not think what more to say.
Supporting Julie's left shoe in his hands, he started to unfasten the delicate strap around her ankle. Whilst thinking, my god, this heel is so high and thin, how on earth could anyone ever walk in these. Carefully placing Julie's shoe on the floor, removing his hand slowly to ensure it did not fall and his attention returned to Julies foot.
Now his mind, eyes, hands and smell was completely focused on Julie's foot which was only a few inches from his face. He started to think about, how perfectly formed her foot was being so small and dainty, it was perfect, each tiny toe was perfect, her entire foot was perfect. For a moment he experienced the happiness the likes of which he had never experienced before. Completely intoxicated, his mere existence had become the foot before him. This gave the enthusiasm to give Julie's foot the massage he was capable of.
Out of the blue, came the words, “You may kiss it if you want”

Without hesitation he lowered his mouth as his lips made contact he was sure he had died was in heaven.

With no comprehension of how much time had past, he heard the words, “thank you, its ok to stop now.”

Replacing Julie's shoe and carefully fastening the strap around her beautiful ankle, he said “thank you”

His eyes were fixated on the beautiful shoe and foot before him as he heard an invitation from heaven, “You can visit me at home after work this evening, I will give you the address on a post it note this afternoon. Arrive at precisely 6 o'clock, do not be early and if you are late, do not even bother to arrive at all. I will deal with that problem tomorrow. Do you understand ?”
“Yes thank you” he replied. Julie stood and left, a few seconds later Dave rose from his knees feeling a little dizzy and very hot he tried to compose himself and return to his tasks.

The afternoon was normal apart from the fact the other women in the office were giving him strange looks or making smart remarks as they ordered him around. Suddenly the dawn of realisation hit like an express train.
In the middle of the office canteen, he had knelt before Julie and worshipped her foot. In plain view for all to see. His own excitement would also have been clearly on display. There would have been no way of hiding the strong erection he had felt whilst kissing Julie's foot.

After what felt like a lifetime, 5:30 arrived, he was only a few yards from Julie's home. All that was needed was to wait until the magic 6:00 arrived.

At the appointed time, he rang the bell, the door slowly opened.......................

Chapter 2 — Dave's Education Begins
Before him stood a vision of absolute beauty. Dave could not believe his eyes.
Julie was wearing a short red latex dress, the latex moulded itself to Julie's perfect body. Her thigh boots were a shiny patent red with a 5” stiletto heel and a pointed toe.
Julie invited him in and and closed the door “Do not say a word ! That is very important, not a single word! Take all of your clothes off and put them on the floor over there.” Being in a state of embarrassment, confusion Dave did exactly as Julie had instructed.
“Put your hands behind your back”. Julie's voice was different to normal, it sounded serious and stern.

Julie stepped in close to him and placed her hand on this cock, which was already growing hard. She moved her mouth to Dave's ear and whispered. “This belongs to me, you belong to me. You will not speak unless I tell you to. You will do exactly what I tell you to do and I will give you the most exciting night of your life.”
As she spoke he could feel the warmth of her breath and the gentle rhythmic squeezing of her hand. His heart was pumping like steam train, his mind was spinning and he visibly shaking.
Julie produced a short leather strap from behind her back and fastened it around his scrotum, it had a small metal loop at the front with a dogs lead attached.
Julie spun around on her heels and walked into the hallway with her new pet following close behind. She loved leading a guy by their balls and revelled at feeling of power and control it gave her. Her mind was running at full speed into Dom mode, she felt great.
They entered a room, Julie stopped in front of a chair and sat. It was a chair like none other Dave had ever seen. It was like a throne with a small shelf for Julie to place her feet.
Julie motioned for him to kneel before her and taking a collar from the table next to her throne she fastened it around Dave's neck.
Julie spoke with in authoritative tone, “Look at the platform my feet are on. There is a metal ring and clip between my feet. Attach this clip to the ring on the front of your collar”.
Without hesitation Dave did as he was told.
The clip was small, this meant his face was only a few inches above the platform. In fact just enough for Julie to move the toe of her boot under his face.
Julie instructed Dave to begin kissing her boot and spoke,
“You probably do not understand what is happening to you. It is obvious you are enjoying it, your cock is giving that away. I need to ask you a couple of questions, you must answer honestly. If you tell the truth, this will be the beginning of the most wonderful life you could ever dream of. Do you understand ?”
Dave momentarily stopped kissing her boot to reply “yes”.

Julie continued, “Are you a virgin ? “

Dave was shocked at the question and was not sure what the right answer was, what did she want him to say. He was in sensation overload and could not think what to say, there was no choice, he told the truth, “yes, a girl at school kissed me once, nothing more”.
Julie was looking down at the fit, muscular handsome naked man, kissing her boots, with a strap and chain around his balls. She felt great, almost a little dizzy herself at the sight and power she had over him, she continued “Thank you Dave, that must have been embarrassing for you and I believe you have told me the truth”.

“Yes it is the truth” was the all Dave could think of saying and quickly returned to kissing the toe of Julies boot.

Julie spoke again - “Do you agree to follow my rules. 1 you will obey me completely. 2 when I give you an order, you will obey quickly and with enthusiasm. 3 you will not speak unless spoken to. 4 mmmm no will stop there for now, there are more rules but I do not want to confuse you, the others will follow later once you have had time to think about these”

Dave wanted Julie so much he did not even hesitate before speaking “Yes I agree”.

Julie continued “Good at work you may continue to address me as Julie. Outside of work you will call me Mistress. Stop kissing my boot.”
Julie stood and walked behind him, his hands were still behind his back exactly as she had instructed, she smiled and decided it was time to test her new pet. She cuffed his wrists and blindfolded him. Now the fun begins she thought to herself as she was stepping into her strap on. Ill be kind and use the smallest one for now, it would be a shame to break him after we have made so much progress.
Rubbing lube on her latex gloved finger she eased her index finger into his rectum. “Relax my pet, it will be easier that way for you and I do not want to hurt you”, this time her voice was soft, kind and loving. Dave tried his best to relax, it was difficult, he had never experienced anything like this before. Julie kept working her finger in and out of his hole, easing it open and speaking gentle reassuring words. Gradually, his ass relaxed and opened wider, feeling the tension easing, she slipped in a second finger. Perfect she thought to herself and she started to move both fingers opening his hole even wider.
She could feel his muscles tensioning and relaxing to her stimulation. Julie felt it was time to reward her new pet and with her other hand started massaging his cock. He will soon learn to associate me fucking his ass and playing with his cock. His cock was twitching under Julies expert control in synchronisation with the twitching of his ass muscles.
Removing her two fingers, Julie felt it was time to use her strap on. She rubbed some more lube along its length and eased it to the point of touching his rectum. She loved this moment, the slave could feel her cock waiting to enter him. The anticipation grows and slowly she enters him a few inches and stops. Again she loves to saviour this moment, for her the moment of entry always felt special and was not something to be rushed. A wave of emotions filled her with extreme pleasure, now she was feeling a little dizzy. She pulled back a little then pushed in some more then stopped. Repeating this action several times until the entire length was in. She now started a slow pumping motion, now she was fucking him properly, her clitoris was feeling each movement and she was almost at climax herself. Losing herself in her own pleasure a few minutes later her pleasure rose as she climaxed, it was intense she collapsed on his back with her cock forced deep inside him.

As she was laying on him she was thinking, this one has a lot of potential if I train him properly, mmmmm I think I'll keep it.

When she was ready she withdrew her cock and thought, shall I make him lick it clean, may be that would be too much for his first time, he can learn to do that later.

With all this attention his own cock had leaked a lot of pre cum, Julie asked “My pet when did you last masturbate ? “

“A few days ago Mistress. I'm sorry” he replied.

“Its ok my pet, I will help you with your difficulty. I have something here which will take care of it, today I will finish you off. You may not cum with out my permission. You do have my permission to ask to cum when you need to” Julie said whilst applying some more lube to her latex glove and gently wrapping her fingers around his cock she started her sensuous massage taking him to the edge and back down again, back to the edge and down again. His mind was in a mess and not capable of anything more than remembering to breath and even that was difficult to remember. When Julie was ready she brought him to the edge one final time. Thank god, he remembered for her permission to cum.
She waited, in her mind she counted from 5 down to 1, just for her amusement. When she reached 1, she spoke, “You have my permission to cum”. Just as well, Dave was not really in a position not to at this stage, on hearing her words, he thanked her for her kindness as he sprayed his load.

In the future he would have to lick that mess up, today she would be kind, she released his collar from her throne's platform and instructed him to take a tissue from the table in his mouth and use it to clean the mess.
When finished, she told him to remain on his knees and to sit up. During this time Julie had walked over to the cupboard with her special toys and removed what was going to be Dave's new best friend.
When Dave was in position, Julie used some tissues and antiseptic wipes to clean Dave's cock. Taking one of her old stockings from the table next to her throne, she slipped it over his cock. Dave was very confused, What could she be doing now he thought.

Julie now spoke, “I am about to give you a special gift, when I have finished, you will thank me. It is important, you show me your deep and true gratitude for my special gift. This is important. You must make me feel your gratitude”.

Reaching down she removed the strap and lead from his balls and slipped a plastic ring over his cock and behind his balls followed by feeding the toe of her old stocking into the tube of the CB2000 she had previously removed from her toy cupboard. As the parts joined, she smiled and thought to herself, “one small click for Woman kind”, securing the padlock and the task was complete.
She spoke, “All done, you may thank me now”.
Dave had no idea what had happened his cock felt strange in its new prison. Realising he could sort things out later, he quickly began thanking Mistress, at first a little slowly but after a swift slap to his ass his mind focused and his enthusiasm grew to an acceptable level.

Mistress took her place on her throne and directed his head to her boot for a few more moments of worship.
It was getting late now, she told slave to stand, she kissed him passionately and noticed the little problem he had in his groin.... speaking softly “This is to help you remember me, my pet. You did well tonight, you are probably very confused and need some time to think about what has happened and our future. I have a few days holiday from the office, this should give you all the time you need. When I return to work, you will treat me normally as though this has never happened. When I am ready, I will give you the next instructions. Well done my pet, if you remember My rules and always obey them we will have a lot more fun”.
She guided him back to the entrance, removed his cuffs, blindfold and told him to dress and let himself out.
As his eyes adjusted to the light, she turned and walked away. For a moment he admired her beauty and then did as Mistress had instructed.

If you like this story and want it to be continued please contact me.
Thanks for reading.
NOTE: This is a work of fiction which i believe is my original idea.

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very nice

really want to see where this is going.... you just got me hooked...