Jwargod's story contest (Work in Progress)

Heya, been working on a contest when a writer suggested I come here for questions and feedback. Seems Crytal's isnt providing much of either at the moment. Going to post the contest info, but keep in mind its always being updated especially here: http://www.tgcomics.com/forum/index.php?action=vthread&forum...

Here's the info (looks alot better in Word):

Jwargod’s Uncommon TF/TG Story Contest!
(Still a work in progress)

I’m looking to get some inspriration going in the rarely explored parts of the TF/TG universe, so this contest is being held to promote thinking in those areas.

- The cash prizes will be $100, $50, and $25 for first, second, and third place winners respectively. (Via paypal, not sure how this will work for non-$ using winners)
- There will be four judges looking at the stories and deciding which take the top places (how this is done exactly haven’t figured it out yet). This includes three from the various communities: one representing the TF community, another from the TG community, and another from the BE community. I will be the fourth judge since I am the sponsor and frequent all communities mentioned.
- The contest will be held on Deviantart.com, and submission will be done in the following method:
1. Create a Deviantart account if you haven’t already. https://www.deviantart.com/join/
2. Under your own profile, post your story up (the story is yours, not mine)
3. Send an E-mail me along with a link to your story so I know that you wish to participate and can link from a specially made favorites section for the contest submissions. E-mail = [email protected] Deviantart profile: http://jwargod.deviantart.com/
- Judge scoring will be based on overall quality of story and type of TF/TG used; the rarer the better. (and ya, still have no idea what the “scoring” system will actually be)
- When the contest starts there will be an 8 week window to submit stories till it closes and judging takes place. Do your best on editing your stories till you actually submit it!

Wants and Do Not Wants

These are the rules and/or guidelines that I want the stories to follow, anything else is not required to be followed but may help you in getting chosen by a judge. Anything not explained here will be mentioned in the FAQ as needed.

- Story length must at least be 7,500 words long.
- Off-screen TF: The character’s transition into their new form/setting is either instantaneous or happens off-screen (awhile asleep, unconscious, time skip, etc.). Hurts me to say this but it’s wanted because it gets the author right into the post-TF/TG area of the story.

- Freedom of Choice: The character has time and freedom to examine and think about their new situation and take action based on that

For example: Gary finds that he is alone in a very crude shelter or cave. He examines himself to see that he is a troll, but a female one at that with all the common female parts. He finds himself having to relieve himself, and wonders how he should go about doing it being in the middle of swamp/cave.

- TG: Character’s new form is always of the opposite gender. Now this is really my own personal want, but it does a lot more “unusualness” to the story, even if the emphasis is minor.

Do Not Wants:
- God-mode: Do not make character’s new form more capable of what it’s typically being able to do or exaggerate it. This does not mean that character’s new form is incapable of growth/learning. It also doesn’t mean that the character can’t be a being capable of near god-mode because of his/her form, such as a dragon.

For example: Gary (who was a typical geek before) the Troll effortlessly tossed and tore apart the dozen of knights that attacked her, even if they were veteran troll slayers.

- Shape-Shifting capable beings: Character cannot be a being that capable/reliant on shape change or shifting, such as were-anythings and dopplegangers. Beings that might be associated with some shape-changing/shifting such as a xenomorph, a dryad, or dragon are okay as long as okay as long as they stay in one/original shape all or most of the time. I feel that shape changing takes away a lot from the whole story-beyond-the-transformation idea.

- Personality Change/Identity Kill/Mind Wipes: Character undergoes extreme mental changes that suits them to their new form to be of convenience, sometimes even to the point where you wonder why it’s even a TF/TG story or the character wasn’t just killed off.

Many times I have read a TG/TF story of unusual themes/TFs only to have the character follow the above. Man/woman who turns into a woman of bimbo-proportions but is also completely mind-altered to a new identity. Any character suffering from amnesia post-TF. Woman into bug/alien/beast, but mind is wiped to being nothing more than just another bug/alien/beast. Can go on and on for this Do Not Want.

- Scat/Watersports/Dominance/Sissification/(Heavy)Bondage: Nuh-uh, eithers its too common nowadays or too masochistic. Scat/Watersports does not include creatures that are slimy or deal with less than desired enviornments i.e. slugs, some bugs, space monsters, etc.

- Copy-righted material: As this contest is dealing with a cash prize, don’t do anything that is based on a copy-righted story universe or creature/character. (Wondering how much this will limit sci-fi based creatures though)

- Convenient story settings: Putting the character in a setting where whatever he/she TFs/TGs into isn’t out of the ordinary. An example would be a world where everyone is a furry.

- Does the creature have to be uncommonly done? This is a very big yes, but can also be interpreted many different ways. A man turning into a dragon is less common then turning into a dog, but more common then turning into roach.

- Humans/Humanoids/Antromorphics, are these allowed? Yes, do whatever you can imagine. Maybe you’re not keen on anything beastial, but you want to do a woman into black man with 4 arms, or maybe a man into a female drider compete with dark elf upper-half.

- Sex, nudity, and violence, are these okay? Scoring is based on overall quality, so if these make the stories better (or not necessarily worst), go for it. All the communities mentioned have their fair share of sex-fest stories. Giving a graphic example of a person exploring their Green Hag form (look at DnD wiki) and having sex with it would take a lot of imagination (and stomach!).

- Why those guidelines? To protect against plot devices that I see too much in many stories, especially in rarely done TFs. A story that is just one big transformation sequence is very common, as well major/complete mental changes when the character is in their new form.

- But I really want to do a girl-next-door/anthro-skunk/werewolf TF! No one is stopping ya, in fact I’d like to see how those stories turn out written along the guidelines. Just don’t expect to score very high in the TF/TG portion.

- Got any references? Barely. Try doing a search of “Wolf TF” and “Squid TF” on Deviantart or a TG story of a man into sex-bomb of a woman without mental changes/heavily forced circumstances to see what I mean. There are gems out there though:

“In Search of Self” by Bad Irving (man into bimbo (not mentally)) http://www.bearchive.com/~stories/stories/isos1.html
“Blessing of the Goddess” by Morpheus (man into female body-builder/amazon)
“One Favor” by S. Leigh Farmer (man into pregnant woman, woman into man)
Notice these are all extreme cases and TG only stories.

There are a few things that do come close TF wise however.

“Ants” by Umgestalten (Man and Woman into Ants)
“In Alien Waters” by Darcy Dallas (Woman into some kind of alien thing)
Any of Morpheus’ “The Travel Agency” stories (Mostly into fantasy creatures)
Here’s the original:

- Woah! Those people are all awesome writers! Yes they are, but this is more to get the point across then lengthy expectations. Feel free no matter your skill level to participate in the contest! After all, this is about bringing more light to a neglected part of TF/TG fiction.


Post anything you have to say about this, ANYTHING! I don't have much of an imagination but will work on any serious issues that I'm missing.

On another note: Don't really know anyone that stands out in my mind as the TG judge, anyone have suggestions? Already found a TF and BE judge.