The Butterfly Effect | Part 2 - Confusions

butterfly_effect.jpg    "You're taking an age, girl. How come I'm not the slow coach today?" she responded.
"Sorry was day dreaming," I said, as I quickly unzipped my skirt and pulled up my own tracksuit trousers.
"I wonder who," said Sophie with a big grin on her face.
I poked my tongue at her and then concentrated on undoing my blouse...

The Butterfly Effect
Part 2 - Confusions
By Alys

Part 2
I looked at my locker in the main foyer of the sixth form block. It was the same one I had opened this morning and put my sports kit inside but with the name plate altered to reflect my new reality. I took my key out of my purse and opened it. I was surprised to see the same bag I had put inside this morning. However a quick glance at the pink trimmed tracksuit, sports bra and pink trainers was enough to remind myself of my changes.

"Hey, come on Alex, we're going to be late," yelled Sophie from the other side of the foyer next to her own locker.

I quickly shouldered my sports' bag and secured my locker before walking after my friend, as fast as possible in my tight skirt and two inch heels.

I joined the group of year 12 girls milling round outside the sports hall. As far as I could see there was no-one whom I didn't recognise from my earlier male reality. I received warm greetings from some of the girls who had usually spoken to me as Alexander and also from others who had never had anything to do with me as a boy. Courtney Williams, whom I saw no reason to alter my feelings of detestation for, was, as usual, doing her best to be the centre of attention for the majority of the group.

"If I'd known Lewis was going to have an extra five minutes fag* break I wouldn't have bothered coming, don't know why we have to do games anyway?" she complained, as she touched up her make up.

"It's bloody Mason and her stupid ideas," agreed Jeanette, one of Courtney's acolytes, referring to the new head-teacher's healthy living initiative, "who wants to do stupid sport?"

"Yeah, why can't we just watch the boys," opinioned Courtney, "running around is so for losers and lezzies."

A number of girls in the circle expressed their agreement.

"Well, I think it's good fun," I countered, to the general surprise of the rest of the group, including me.

Sophie gave me a funny look before contradicting me, "what you on about Alex, you hate this lesson."

"Well I meant....." I spluttered, trying to think of a sensible explanation, being pretty sure 'As a boy I loved sport' wouldn't suffice.

I was saved from the need to rescue myself from my previous faux pas by the arrival of Miss Lewis carrying an enormous kit bag bulging with rugby balls.

"Sorry girls I was caught up in a meeting," she said as she unlocked the changing room.

I noticed Courtney mouthing 'lying cow' to her friends, there was a titter of laughter which was cut short by Miss Lewis's scowl.

"OK, can you all get changed quickly I want to get started on this session, let's see if we can fashion a team out of you for next week's match," she said as she pushed open the door and walked in, turning on the light.

"Aww Miss do we have to do rugby again? I chipped a nail last week." whined Courtney as we all followed Miss Lewis into the room.

"Try looking at the person passing to you and catching the ball this time Courtney," retorted our tall athletic teacher before she went into her small office.

On entering I was initially confused by the shape of the changing room, being a mirror image arrangement compared with the boys' but, after getting my bearings, I walked over and sat on an equivalent bench to my usual one.

I emptied the contents of my bag onto the bench and then took off my shoes. I looked down at my legs and wondered what the best way of taking my tights would be. I looked around and noticed everyone else standing and carefully sliding their own tights down their legs.

Courtney was still complaining about the choice of activities for the session as I rose, hitched my skirt up a little and took my tights off.

"Something wrong, Alex?" asked Sophie, standing next to me, already pulling up her tracksuit trousers.

"No, why?" I asked.

"You're taking an age, girl. How come I'm not the slow coach today?" she responded.

"Sorry was day dreaming," I said, as I quickly unzipped my skirt and pulled up my own tracksuit trousers.

"I wonder who," said Sophie with a big grin on her face.

I poked my tongue at her and then concentrated on undoing my blouse, initially quite confusing with the buttons on the opposite side. This accomplished I encountered a more difficult problem, how to unhook my bra without evolving some extra joints in my elbows!

I heard a chuckle behind me, "Let me do it, you'll be here all day."

I felt Sophie's hands on my back and then the pressure across my chest was released. I felt the straps being eased over my shoulders and my best friend's hands seeming to linger a little on my back. The unexpected subtle caress was very pleasurable and for a moment I forgot where I was. My inattention led to my bra slipping through my fingers to fall on the floor. I bent down quickly to retrieve it and in the process was reminded painfully of my gender change by the gyrations of my unrestrained boobs.

I was grateful for the support from my sports bra after I had pulled it over my head. I zipped up my top and quickly laced my trainers before looking round to see whether the rest of the girls were ready. After my earlier mistake about appearing too enthusiastic I wanted to wait for an appropriate cue before leaving the room.

My eyes wandered around the room, noticing most of the class to be almost ready, until my gaze stopped at Courtney.

Obviously doing her best to delay having to take part in the session she was still in her bra and panties and taking time in brushing her hair. Although I knew she was considered one of the prettiest girls in the sixth form I had never seen her in her underwear. As I stared at her perfectly proportioned body I felt my nipples enlarging and the need to touch myself between my legs. Without being fully aware of what I was doing I felt my hand slowly rubbing myself, in the new space where my male member used to be, as I continued to be captivated by Courtney.

The intensity of my gaze caught her attention. She turned to look at me and an unpleasant smile spread across her face. Embarrassed I turned away and quickly moved my hand to the bench.

"Were you ogling me, Alex?" she yelled.

All other conversations stopped and suddenly I was the centre of attention of everyone in the room.

"No of course not," I spluttered while at the same time my face went a very dark shade of red.

"Yes you were, look you're blushing," countered Courtney, triumphantly, "is there something you need to tell

"No, don't be stupid...." I started to reply before being once again saved from further explanations by Miss Lewis.

"Come on girls lets go and Courtney, one thing." she said, loudly.

"What's that Miss Lewis?" Courtney asked as she slowly put her tracksuit on.

"If you're not down on the field in two minutes then you'll be doing five miles on the cross country track, which is very muddy after last night's rain," replied our teacher before she indicated for us to follow her out of the changing room.

I noticed Courtney mouthing 'bitch' at the back of Miss Lewis to the suppressed amusement of her little gang.

"You'll get it later, Lez," she muttered to me as I went past her.

As I went through the door I was glad to be back in the open air, after the previous surreal minutes in the changing room. I was going to have to be really careful and try and find out more about my new reality before I made any more mistakes.

I noticed Sophie was giving me a strange look.

"What's up Sophe?" I asked as we walked together down the gentle, grassy slope to the games fields.

"Nothing," she answered quickly.

"Yes there is, you were looking at me, like weirdly," I countered.

There was a pause before she replied," You were touching yourself, I saw you when you were staring at Courtney."

I felt my face redden again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," I muttered, before breaking into a jog to catch up with Miss Lewis and a few of the more enthusiastic girls accompanying her.

"Need a hand Miss," I asked as I noticed the heavy bag full of sports equipment she was carrying.

"Sure Alex, this is a surprise, thanks," she answered, "can you take a couple of balls over to Mr Renton on the other pitch with the boys."

I took two rugby balls out of the bag and looked over to where the other sports teacher was standing, about thirty metres away, looking in our direction. Without thinking I put one ball on the floor and kicked the other, with a smooth action, towards him. To my satisfaction I had measured the trajectory perfectly and the rugby ball landed in his arms without him having to move to either side.

"Wow, great kick," said one of the girls behind me.

"How did you do that, Alex?" asked Miss Lewis.

"Miss, my foot hit the ball and it went up in the air," I replied with a slight chuckle.

"Yes, Alex, I know how to kick a ball but how did you kick it so well?" she asked.

"Want me to do it again?" I asked.

"If you can, please do," responded Miss Lewis.

"OK, here we go," I said before drop-kicking the second ball.

This time the trajectory I had chosen was slightly higher and it sailed over the head of Mr Renton.

"OK, first time did you do that!?" asked an astonished Miss Lewis as the ball flew through the middle of the uprights of the rugby posts.

"Practice I guess," I shrugged before I made my way to follow the rest of the girls in the other direction.

"I don't know how you managed to do that, Alex, let's see if you can do anything else with the ball," responded Miss Lewis.


Two hours later Sophie and I paused outside my house after the fifteen minute walk from school. I had enjoyed the games session as Miss Lewis, obviously intrigued with my unexpected ball skills, had put me into one of the trial teams. I had been pleased to find I had retained the abilities from my male self and had found myself shining in the training.

"I don't know what's happened to you today, Alex, I almost believe your story about losing you memory," said Sophie.

"It's been an odd day," I commented, as neutrally as possible.

"You were awesome in games, I can't wait to see you play next week," said Sophie, "gotta go now or Mum will be worrying, see you tomorrow."

She turned towards me, hesitated briefly then pulled me towards her, kissing me full on my lips.

Before I could say anything, Sophie had turned and hurried away along the pavement towards her own estate. I watched as she walked quickly away, wondering what her feelings were towards me. About fifty metres down the path she turned around and gave me a little wave, which I returned, before she resumed her rapid pace.

I walked along the drive and opened the door with my key

The house seemed quiet and I hoped there was no-one around so I could make myself aware of any changes since the morning's reality altering moment.

I picked up the Guardian** and looked at the story on the page where my Father had left it about a cluster of vCJD*** deaths in Cardiff in the last month. I quickly read the sad details before I was suddenly jolted by the sound of a familiar voice.

"Hi Alex," called Mum from the lounge, "there's a odd postcard for you on the stairs."

I walked along the passage towards the front door and picked up the card, with a picture of an idyllic country scene on the front. I turned it over and noticed it was addressed to Alexander Johnson with the 'er' crossed out and replaced with 'ra'. Apart from the address and a smudged postmark there were only four lines of text in black ink and a signature.

I quickly scanned the neatly written sentences.

'Changes unwanted and uncalled for
Confusions and the question why?
One day resolved by a basic law
And the beauty of the Butterfly'

it was signed 'Dirk Gently'.

*Fag = slang for cigarette
**Guardian - UK liberal paper
*** vCJD =Variant CJD,

To Be Continued...

End of Part 2

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