Just reading in the News on KOIN, a CBS affiliated station. It seems that some Oregon politicians are in favor of banning MtF transgender athletes. In this case, I hope that common sense stops laying facedown in a mud filled fox hole.
I'm not a Medical Professional. Over the years my experience has me believing that there could be a workable solution. If a prepubescent male loses the testosterone from their Gonads (Balls) and gets on a suitable source of Estrogen, then perhaps he, now she, could compete in girls sports.
There is a dearth of stories here on BCTS with that as a basis. Less common are those who have a genetic abnormality. XXY or similar things. It is anyone's guess where that would come down. Angharad's "Bike" has a flock of that sort of individual.
With our very contentious political atmosphere, who knows where this will go. I could say lots more but that would only stir the witches pot and ignite unholy fires.
Gwen Brown
Not a clear cut answer
The scenario that Gwen puts forth above is rare in the trans world arena of athletics. As a trans woman and a fairly good amateur athlete, I don't think it is a good idea for any mtf that has gone through male puberty to compete with cis-women. If that is the driving force for a mtf transition, that is the wrong reason. I enjoy participating in sports now in my 70's as a woman, but not competing for trophies with cis-women. Some sports don't rely solely on strength, but even chess is broken into mens and womens groups. This is not a topic that I would go to battle over as a trans woman. :DD
What you said...
I will be 78 soon and you said what I was reluctant to say. Before hormones and SRS I was much stronger. Still I don't compete with women. I was married to a female for 38 years and for me that was enough punishment. My own personality issues are enough. I won't ask another person to put up with me.
Arguably those who have gone through a male puberty
May have an advantage, bigger heart and lungs and bigger frame. However, my experience is that a fit cis-woman could run rings around me, despite all my supposed advantages. It's a political hot potato and won't be sorted in the current climate where all us transwomen are obviously the spawn of the devil.
I had hoped to hear from you on this.
Of course you are!
The spawn of the devil, that is :) It is some years since we met (briefly) and I will vouch for the fact that you, spawn and Devil could not be further from being related.
Unfortunately populists like Trump are in the habit of offering simple solutions to complicated issues (we had the same problem with Brexit). They don't like subtle and thoughtful but go for something the uneducated or willfully ignorant accept without question. There's a reason Trump celebrated them in one of his incoherent rants. The USA (and the rest of us) have a very bumpy 4 years ahead. I hope I survive long enough to see it through but that's far from certain - I've overstayed my 3 score years and ten by fifteen already :)
Politicians Like Sound Bites
Politicians like to suggest that things like transgendered athletes have simple clear options. When they play to their base they need a simple A or B sound bite. Most people have short attention spans and don't want to hear a nuanced assessment of issues.
Michelle B
A Transgender Version
"What we have here is failure to communicate!"
Legislation being passed in multiple states bans gender-affirming care for minors specifically targeting hormone blockers and HRT. So an MtF transgirl is locked into male puberty until it's almost too late to prevent nearly irreversible external male traits.
BUT WAIT... There's MORE. The current administration is attempting to institute a nationwide ban on trans females competing in women's sports; including trans girls in K-12. Because they have a physical advantage over 'real girls' because of male hormonal development.
That's right. The former legislation makes inevitable the "advantage" conditions for which the latter legislation complains.
"Your dirt's in my yard, Luke!"
Love, Andrea Lena
Left the USA for SRS
In the early 2000's to get SRS where I lived was almost impossible and very expensive. That is why I went to Bangkok for it. Then it was $12,000 there. Here it was $60,000 or so.
In the 20 plus years since, I have decided that it would have been better to simply live out my life as a feminine male. EXCEPT, the way things were, with the laws and all, if I had not started living as a woman, I would likely not be alive.
Gwen Brown
How dare you confuse the issue with facts and logic? It's almost like they want to hurt transgender mtf kids rather than protect girls. /s
Wadda ya know!?
We have a winner!!!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Nice one!
How apt.
Fixing Non-Problems
The percentage of trans-girls competing against cis-women in sports where they may have some advantage due to puberty is miniscule.
This ban is just another excuse to keep himself in the headlines. That's all he cares about.
I have a theory about this..
Perhaps there is a principle that says the American people are getting the leadership they deserve? He is our hangover...
As to Musk, who knows.