A New Style of Education - Year Five - Part 15

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A New Style of Education - Year Five

by Karen Page

Part 15

Hayfield Music School
picture created using DALL-E

Part 15
Thursday 15 April 2010

Mr Hobson rose to his feet, and the dining room fell quiet. Lunchtime announcements were unusual, but not unheard of.

"Those that follow the news might have seen a volcano has erupted in Iceland. And before someone asks, I'm not going to try to pronounce its name. As you will have learnt in Geography, the ash cloud is made up of molten rock. This can cause aircraft windscreens to get so scratched that pilots aren't able to see through. It can also cause engines to fail. With the wind direction as it is, the ash cloud is coming south, and the UK airspace has been closed. Wardenclyffe, a sister school from Canada was in Europe and they are trapped as their return flight was going from the UK. Because we don't know how long the airspace will be closed, we will open our doors to them.

"There are too many rooms for housekeeping to prepare in the time we have. Therefore, I would welcome any volunteers to help in making up the bedrooms and putting towels in the bathrooms. We expect our guests this afternoon."

This was one of the things the school encouraged. If someone needed help and you could help, you helped. It was therefore no surprise that Mr Hobson wasn't short of volunteers. Even the youngest year had raised their hands just as quickly as the eldest pupils, though that might have been because they'd miss lessons.

"That's wonderful," Mr Hobson beamed. "We have a standard checklist for the bedrooms, which I will share with you. That way everyone will be setup to the same standard. This is the second school to have visited Hayfield. The pupils might be unsettled, going somewhere unexpected. Most of them wouldn't have known about Hayfield before today. I hope you all make them welcome and give consideration they come from a different country and a different school. There will be a lot in common, but a lot different too.

"When I have them, a list of pupils for the equivalent year will be sent to the year leaders. When they get here, I hope you will show them their rooms and The Lounge. Oh, one final thing. Since they are from Canada, they speak both English and French. Canadian French is slightly different from the French spoken in France, so be mindful."

"While the bedrooms are being sorted, the caretakers will be getting some settees out of storage. These will be for your year rooms and for The Lounge. They will be left outside the doors so you can setup as you desire."

After Erika and Martha returned with our lunch, the question that had been on all year fives lips was asked. Unexpectedly it came from Brian and wasn't just aimed at Jayne.

"Have any of you heard of this school in Canada?"

"Well, sort of," said Martha. "The others in my year at The Manor mentioned them once in passing. Don't forget Erika and I didn't join until year D. There had only been eighteen in the year until we joined. Anyway, the year before we joined, they went on a trip to Quebec and stopped a night at Wardenclyffe on the way. They aren't a music school. They do theatrical performances."

Jayne smiled to herself. It was something Erika and Martha had known but kept to themselves. They all had secrets. It made her think about Erika and Martha though. Why did they join three years later? Why had there been two spaces left? Were they waiting for the right conditions for one of them?

As they ate, Jill turned to Jayne. "Do you think the kitchen will require assistance? I know when we had The Manor stay, they had extra cooks."

"Why don't you talk with them after the meal. You and Anna have worked in there several times over the years, and I know it's always appreciated."

After the meal everyone trooped back to the sleeping wing. There were trollies dotted down the corridor full of bedding and towels.

The unused floor and the extension of the first two floors weren't in use, but every pupil had been down their corridors and peeped into the rooms. Exploring the school was a rite of passage when they joined. The doors leading to them were never locked, and the cleaners seemed to keep it swept and dust free. It wasn't used, but it was maintained. All that was needed were the bedrooms to be made ready.

The adage that more hands make light work seemed very true. Jayne flipped to view the rooms list on her phone and saw that six had names against them. She watched as the screen updated as more assignments were made.

With the bedrooms ready, the pupils set to work making the daytime rooms ready.

"It isn't as cramped as when we had The Manor visiting," mused Brian as the last settee was moved into place.

"There's less of them," pointed out Emma.

"That'll be it then," nodded Brian and the whole of year five burst into friendly laughter.

The ting on Jayne's phone signalled a message. It had a lower tone, so she knew it was on the secure channel. She'd been waiting for the list of Wardenclyffe beta team, and she suspected that was what had come through.

"Let's see if we can put some extra seats in The Lounge," suggested Helen to the rest of the year, leaving Jayne to read the message in peace.

* * *

The pupils gathered just outside the front door on the grass at the other side of the drive. They were bunched into years with signs showing their year code and equivalent Wardenclyffe year. The coaches carrying the pupils, drove carefully down the drive, and stopped outside the front door.

Mr Hobson went from coach to coach, greeting the pupils. He got on the coach closest to where year five stood and were able to hear him welcome them. He explained that Hayfield pupils were waiting in year groups.

To Jayne, it didn't seem long ago that The Manor had visited. That had been four years ago. Having a second school visit must have made some wonder how many sister schools were out there. Jayne knew, but she also knew that she was part of a very select number that did.

Eventually, Mr Hobson pointed out year five, and a group made their way towards them. There wasn't the shy walk that some of the younger years had. They had nearly finished their education and had the confidence that Wardenclyffe had instilled in them.

"Welcome to Hayfield," Helen stated when they drew close. "I'm Helen, and this is Jayne. We are year leaders. Over there from the right is Anna, Jill, Erika, Martha, Paula, Emma, Brian and Lewis."

As Helen had mentioned their name, they'd put up their hand or waved.

"I'm Vanessa," smiled the young woman with red hair. "Next to me is Catherine. We are our year leaders. We have Caroline, Audrey, Marc, Nicolas, Patrick, Alexandre, Jessica and Marie."

Jayne gulped when she heard the name Jessica, remembering the ex-member of the year who'd gone to live at The Manor. She glanced at the blonde and noticed they had zero resemblance. She scolded herself for being silly. Imagining that there would only be one person in the world with the name Jessica.

"Let's go in and we'll show you around. The news is saying the ash cloud should be gone in a few days, but others are less hopeful. I hope you can make yourself comfortable until you can get home."

"Lead on."

They went into the entrance hall and paused while the guests looked around.

"Nice place!" exclaimed Caroline. "Like that Harry Potter book."

"No ghosts though," said Martha.

"You're American?"

"Yeah. Erika and I joined The Manor. They did a joint concert with Hayfield and stopped here for a bit. When they went back to America, Erika and I stayed and a couple from Hayfield went to America. The first school exchange between related schools."

Marc had been looking around the entrance hall and Jayne noticed that he'd been looking over the paintings. "Who's that?" he asked, pointing at the painting they'd all noticed as they'd come in. "It's done in the same style as the others, but the clothing is modern."

"That's Eugene," Helen said quietly. "He died of a stroke last month. He's the only one this school has ever lost. He was the study partner of Ben in our youngest year. That painting was done to help us remember him."

"I'm sorry," responded Marc, looking ashamed.

"No, we celebrate him. It's good you asked."

"We've never had anybody die," said Vanessa thoughtfully.

"It was a huge shock," said Helen. "He didn't know he was ill. Nobody knew. Be glad you weren't visiting then. We were all in turmoil. Things are a bit more settled now, but it still plays on our minds. Anyway, let's move on."

They showed the year room, and then onto The Lounge. It was more cramped than it usually was, but it didn't seem too bad. It had been deliberately created spaciously as the school might grow. An extra year had already been added since it was constructed. There wasn't any talk of the number of years expanding again, but there was always the possibility of extra per year.

Jayne left the rest of year five in The Lounge. It was pointless them all traipsing to the bedrooms.

"There is a building behind the school that contains a swimming pool and other sports facilities," said Jayne as they made their way to the sleeping wing. "Beyond that, nestled in the woods, is a small shooting range. You are all on the top floor, nearest to the main school. The three youngest years are on the middle floor at the rear. We'll show you."

The first rooms they came to were Jessica and Marie's. They all went into Jessica's and saw their luggage had been delivered to the room while they'd been looking around the school. Jayne went through the layout with them. "All the rooms are setup identically, so I'll show you were you each are. Get changed if you want. Put any dirty clothes down the wash chute. They should then get laundered for you. When you're ready, meet up in The Lounge."

Vanessa and Catherine, the year leaders, were the last to be shown their bedrooms.

"Before you go in, I have one other room to show you," said Jayne. They went next door and showed them the little office that they'd set up. Extra couches and two desks.

"Wow, this is great," said Catherine. "You've really gone to a lot of trouble for us."

"I'm sure you made The Manor comfortable when they visited five years ago."

"They only stopped the night, so there wasn't much work needed. Anyway, we will get changed and see you downstairs soon."

The school wasn't as crowded as when The Manor visited, but it was a lot busier than usual. Unfamiliar faces were all around. Some looked confused at where they were going, others just taking the time to explore their temporary lodgings. The confused ones were soon picked up by Hayfield pupils, and the start of new friendships started.

When it was time for the evening meal, the dining room was crowded. Instead of the normal round tables, there were oblong ones that seated twenty-two. Three seats on each short side, and eight along the long side. With twenty pupils, it left room for a support staff from each school.

When everyone was seated, Jayne stood, and the room went quiet. A few students hushed others who hadn't seen. "Today is a very special day. Our eyes have been opened a bit wider and we have discovered new family. They might not be a music school but are still performance arts. I will be taking this opportunity to learn more about their talents, and I hope you do too. The students of Hayfield would like to welcome those from Wardenclyffe and hope you enjoy your holiday at a home away from home."

The students from Hayfield rose and applauded the visitors.

When the applause stopped and they were again seated, Vanessa rose. "Thank you, Jayne. A welcome greeting like that isn't part of our custom, but hopefully we will find new ideas while here. I wish to thank Hayfield for opening their doors to us and I hope we don't cause too much disruption."

The other half of the students rose and applauded. When the applause died down, Mr Hobson rose to his feet.

"Very eloquent those greetings. For those visiting and didn't hear me on the coaches, my name is Mr Hobson, I'm the headmaster at Hayfield. This is a rather unexpected situation, but nature can be like that sometimes. I'm told there will be a phone update soon for both schools. This should allow inter school messaging and for Wardenclyffe, they should see maps of Hayfield. I hope this stops people getting lost. Hayfield will provide some limited clothing for Wardenclyffe students so their travel clothes can be washed, and you can present as you desire which might not be as you travelled. This clothing is being delivered to your rooms during this meal. If we have anybody's sizes wrong, please let me know. If there is no end in sight by Sunday, more clothes should be with us."

Mr Hobson paused and made sure what he'd said had sunk in, before continuing. "The latest news is that the ash cloud will probably be at least a few days, and then there will be issues like planes being in the wrong place. So, if there are any of you who think this will be over in a few days, please reassess. For those years where you have joint year leaders, please nominate just one to attend the morning meeting, otherwise it will be far too crowded.

"For the Hayfield students, the lady next to me is Mrs Tremblay. She is the head at Wardenclyffe. There is an empty office next to mine, which she will be using. For the Wardenclyffe students, that will be shown on the maps you should be getting soon.

"Hayfield were supposed to be leaving next Tuesday to give a concert abroad. This will be reassessed on Sunday, and I will make an announcement that lunchtime. I apologise now to the Canadian's. Tonight, is the first television election debate and I think it is important that at least the top two years view it. Only those in the top year will be voting, but it is good for all to know how these things work.

"Since there are double of us, two from each school should go and fetch the food from each year. Special thanks to Jill and Anna for helping out in the kitchen this afternoon."

The meal bell chimed.

"Ah, perfect timing. Enjoy your meal."

This had been the first time since Wardenclyffe had arrived that they'd all been together. The conversations were a bit stilted at first, but soon they found there was much in common, and an easy chat flowed.

The food choices Hayfield students had made earlier in the day were no more. They were replaced by a special meal. Traditional British food was on the menu, and the visitors tucked in, enjoying food that they'd not had before. They had been travelling with their school and had got used to sampling different foods. That night's dish was Beef Wellington, with a mushroom version for those that were vegetarian. This was followed by Jam Rolly Polly with huge jugs of custard.

"Tomorrow, you will be able to choose from a small selection," explained Helen. "You should see it when you get access to the school system."

"I was told that the cross-site link was activated this afternoon," said Jayne. "Julia was sorting out exposing Hayfields servers temporarily to your internal app. Messaging will be turned on when that is sorted."

"Julia?" enquired Nicolas.

"She is our IT teacher," said Jill quickly before anybody could mention her relationship.

"It sounds like a lot of work," said Audrey.

"Not really. It was mentioned earlier that The Manor stayed four years ago. The links between the two schools stayed up. This year talks a lot to them. The other years weren't aware until two singers came across to help in a concert last November. Standard interfaces were defined then, so it is just configuring things when needed."

"You seem to know a lot about it," said Vanessa with a grin.

Jayne shrugged. "IT security is my specialist skill. Anyway, I never forget the interlinks. I remember upgrading them while travelling back from Paris on a school coach. Bandwidth wasn't as plentiful as it is today."

"I remember that. You stole my bandwidth," growled Brian, trying not to smile.

"See, I told you that I had the most dangerous unpaid position at the school," said Jayne to Helen. The Hayfield students burst out laughing.

"What's the normal schedule?" enquired Vanessa.

"We normally jog or cycle before breakfast," explained Helen. "I doubt there will be extra bikes, but I'm on a jogging week, so mine will be available if you want to use it. Post breakfast, we study with specialist skills just before lunch. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday we have orchestra practice before the evening meal."

"That's really kind, but a morning run would be fine. Is your pool open early?"

"It's never officially closed, but there wouldn't be anybody there during curfew. Though I'm not sure it's used much after a certain time. No solo swimming. There must be someone else there for safety reasons. Anybody who hasn't reached a certain level has to have adult supervision. Currently there is only one person at Hayfield that has that stipulation, but that probably won't last much longer."

"Sounds like the rules are similar enough," nodded Vanessa. "I sometimes prefer a swim after a run."

"It might be nice to see your performance," said Jill. "I presume you won't have your costumes and scenery, but still, it would be great to see what you do."

There was a murmur of agreement from the other Hayfield students.

Vanessa and Catherine shared a glance. Nothing visible passed between them, but Catherine answered. "I'll bring it up and see what can be done. It will be nice for our talents to be seen. Though you won't see me on the stage. I leave that to people like Marc who seems to excel in acting."

"What do you do?" asked Jill.

"I'm costume design and production," said Catherine.

"I am a scenery painter," said Vanessa.

They went round the table, each explaining what they did. Scenery painters, stage manager, lighting, wardrobe and Marie was the Production Director. Hayfield students then mentioned what they did in the orchestra.

Lewis said, "How about instead of a practice, we put on a concert?"

"Who will conduct?" asked Marie. "You or Zoë?"

"Zoe," instantly called out the Hayfield students at the table.

Lewis explained. "Zoe, like Joe. No diaeresis."

"Oops," said Marie. "Sorry."

"You weren't to know, and you aren't the first to make that mistake. It's her name, and I respect that."

Nods of acceptance came from the Canadians. "Any other things to watch for?"

"Not really," mused Jayne. "We're British, a simple lot really."

The conversations from the meal continued to The Lounge. It was normally a place where year barriers disappeared, but this evening was an exception, as the schools got to know those they'd talked to over the meal. Year two even went to their year room rather than The Lounge.

As it got closer to 8pm, the year four and five students started to make their way into the television area. A few of the Canadian's came along, just to see what it was like. It didn't start for another thirty minutes, but they all wanted to catch the leadup.

The previous general election had been in 2005, so was two months before Jayne had joined the school. It was a time she'd hidden away, and politics wasn't something that her family had been interested in. Now she lived at a school where the pupils were taught to understand the world around them and encouraged participation. They wouldn't be forced to vote, but it was something most of them felt the need to do.

For the Beta's there was an added interest as there had been information that the election was being manipulated. There were always interest groups. People always wanted to promote their issues. That was part of politics. But a foreign entity manipulating the public because they didn't like certain people's policies was not on.

By the time they'd come out, the younger pupils had gone to their rooms. It was past 10pm which was their curfew. They sat and talked a little about the debate, and then joined back with the visitors. They split from one huge group to several smaller ones. Eventually Jayne got in a one-to-one with Marc.

"How much do the rest of your year know about the beta team?" Jayne asked Marc. She'd had confirmation earlier from Mr Taylor that they called it the same thing.

"They know to keep what they suspect to themselves," responded Marc, not batting an eyelid that Jayne asked. He obviously knew she was Beta. "Which is probably the same for you."

"Not quite. We went into action four years ago while in Russia. The whole school saw and there was no hiding it. It has gradually faded into the background again, with this year being the only one that openly knows."

"Only Vanessa and Cathy know as head pupils in the school."

"Do you know anything about last night?" asked Jayne, her voice no more than a whisper.

Marc looked across. "Very little. I know they went out, but the beta team was to provide no backup. We were locked out of all systems. That is the first time I've ever heard that happen. How do you know about it?"

"Things were locked here too, but the main team didn't go out. I knew your school were in the country, so assumed it was something to do with you."

It was the truth, but Jayne certainly hid the fact that she'd suggested that outing. She also didn't think it would be a good idea to spread more details of a leak than needed. Jayne just wanted to find out the result.

"If we went somewhere more secure, would Venessa cover for you?"

"Oh sure, but as you say, the rest turn a blind eye. Well, they think they know." Marc laughed. "I hope there is a lot they don't."

"Do you want to see if you can grab the other four? We can meet downstairs."

"In the hospital?"

"No," smiled Jayne. "I have two in year three, so have gone up to their room. I'll need to grab them so Helen will show you the way."

Jayne sent a message to Lisa and Tina. They responded that they were ready.

"We thought you might have a meeting," said Lisa as they quickly made their way downstairs. It wasn't ideal as they couldn't use the upper floor as a discrete path. But the lower years were all in their rooms, and the upper two years were busy in The Lounge.

The temperature in the building was kept at an even temperature, but with nobody around it always seemed a few degrees lower than during the day. Lisa gave a small shiver, which Tina noticed. She pulled her partner to her, and they continued their journey.

They went to the cinema stairs and made their way down them. The stairs were dimly lit, as there were no expectations that someone would be using the cinema. Tina was at the front and touched the light that was also a handprint reader. It went a soft green, and at the bottom of the stairs, the secret entrance was open.

"I see you're all here," said Jayne as she saw the other nine standing around the table. As Jayne got closer, she said, "Let me do some introductions."

Jayne introduced herself and her team. She then stated, "We changed things around a few years ago. After we were active, it was decided that having two members acting as our eyes and ears would give the team a more rounded capacity."

"You went active?" gaped someone from the Wardenclyffe team.

"Just the once," said Helen. "We can tell you about it, if you want. But why don't you let Marc introduce you."

Marc said, "I'm Marc and to my right is Nicolas. We then have Noah, Max, Vincent and Aaron."

"Are you all actors?" asked Helen.

"No," said Marc. "Just me, Nick and Aaron. Why the fascination about that?"

"It's just us thinking about the post school job. A couple that was beta one before us took on the investigator role. It's knowing how to fit into a role when deployed."

"Ahh," said Nicolas. "I see. When we're acting, we are portraying someone we aren't. However, that is for only part of the time. What you want is much more involved. You want a Method actor."

"A Method actor?"

"There are different styles of acting. Most actors slip into the role just for the time they're playing the part. A Method actor doesn't pretend, they attempt to become the character. They stay in role during takes, and sometimes during the whole shoot. When Hilary Swank filmed Boys don't Cry, she started living fulltime as a man a month before the audition. That way she could give an authentic performance."

"Some actors take it to extremes," warned Marc. "When Heath Ledger was filming The Joker, he locked himself in his apartment for a month to get the feeling of isolation and kept doing the Joker mad laugh. He continued in role while on set, which caused some issues."

"I've seen that film", said Jayne. "He stayed in that role between takes?! Yikes."

"But isn't that what you want?" asked Helen. "Not madness like playing the Joker. If you stay in role, you can't slip up. You have to become the person you're being."

"But not too far that you lose track on who you are," agreed Jayne. "We aren't going in as long-term positions. Not like—"

"Yes, not like him."

Marc looked at them quizzically.

Helen explained. "Four of us were kidnapped on the next field trip after we were active. One of the people we thought was the main culprit turned out to be a long duration field agent."

"You've been active and been kidnapped?" uttered Mac. "Nothing like that's happened at our school."

"Nor ours before or since. Just in our first year at school. We'll tell you our stories and in return you teach us some acting."

"You already do some of the things anyway. I'm sure some of you don't normally live as female. Yet when you portray yourselves as the opposite sex, you don't act, you live. Jayne, when you are male, do you find it hard?"

Jayne and Helen laughed. Jill and Anna joined in. Luke and Tina looked concerned and then relaxed.

"I was born male, and I normally live as male," said Jayne, not at all offended.

"I tell you what," said Marc. "So that it isn't obvious, why don't I suggest that we can offer sample acting pointers to anybody interested. If you four are leaving, then I presume there are four others you might want to get lessons too."

"Yes, four people who have no clue," said Helen.

The six students from each school chatted about their lives as members of the Beta team. It was similar between the two schools. The aims and activities. The biggest difference was Wardenclyffe went as male on trips and Hayfield went as female.

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