Hey all,
Looks like I'm back after about a year hiatus. I had three strokes in 2024 so here's hoping that pattern doesn't continue. I'm back with a new attitude, new graphic novel, and writing about dark transfomational tales that usually includes Tg.
My patreon is active again: https://patreon.com/rainemonday
I've published a graphic novel on gumroad: https://rainemonday.gumroad.com
I've also become somewhat active on Deviant art: https://www.deviantart.com/rainemonday2
And I intend to post here again. I'm experimenting with AI in all it's forms so if anyone knows of any author or writer who has mastered it, let me know. I'm finding AI to be helpful, especially post stroke, since my creative functioning has diminished along with my site and balance. I don't intend to ever publish anything completely AI generated, but it has helped me get out of my funk, and get into writing again.
Hope everyone is well!
Welcome back!
All the most effusive Vulcan wishes for your health and prosperity. It's good to have you back.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
From another stroke survivor
Welcome back, I hope you're making good progress, depending upon how bad the stroke was, it isn't the end of the world and there is life afterwards. It all depends upon you and how well you can answer the challenge. Good luck, I'll hold you in my thoughts.
welcome back, hon