Pardon my interruption as I don't visit this site all that often. Since FictionMania is down due to moving to another server, I returned to visit to fill a void. It's funny how we can under-appreciate these sites we visit until they're gone. I applaud all authors who make the effort to entertain us but FM is my first port of call. The original and the best. I guess I'm just suffering from withdrawal symptoms. Haste ye back Fiction Mania!
To me, fiction mania
is nothing but soft core porn, most of the time. There is only a few authors worth reading there, like Clara.
I hope I am one of those FM authors worth a read, Holly.
I am essentially a romance writer, but like many romance writers, I am not afraid if the story leads to an erotic scene.
I post here and on FM, and I do not draw a distinction although I am aware that here the audience is more refined and intellectual!
I save the raunchy stuff for an occasional foray into Literotica where I have 74 postings.
Like the comment following yours, it does irk me that anything trans is marked as porn, or even as erotic. Transgender is a state of being that some of us have to live with. We are not in it for kicks. But for many of us we crave the sexual life we should have been born too. There is nothing wrong with that.
P.S. Any idea when Fictionmania will return?
There's a place for both sites...
FM has more sexually oriented material, for they who prefer more erotic fare; We have less,
for those like me who don't care for it, or some who are even offended by it, which I'm definitely not.
Too bad PROJECT 2025 won't see any difference
(if it's transgender, it's PORN; and a danger to the Fatherland) + will shut us both down if they get their way.
I sure hope not, but we're such an easy target for they who like to throw their weight around and stir up
fear and hate to distract from issues that actually matter + they don't know how to or don't want to fix.
~happy happy, joy joy! Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,