I appreciate the Kudos. What I'm wondering is just how well did I do in picking up the storyline and the writing style that Jeremy Chandler used.
It was a stretching of my writing skills to run multiple story arcs at the same time. I had particular trouble keeping multiple time lines running parallel. That and I haven't written in third person in years.
So what do you think; did I accomplish my goal of making a seamless transition of authors and did I do a credible job of taking the story where it needs to go?
I'm still binging the original
I'm nearly there. I'll let you know what I think when I get there.
24 Chapters
That's a lot to read through. I expect that there are several people doing the binge read at the moment. The chapter average about 2500 words per. That's 60K. I've added another 18 chapters. That adds 45K plus a short epilogue. That's a 105K quite an epic novel.
I decided to continue the story after binge reading the original for the third time. If I do nothing else, on this site, it takes about 2 days. Think of the time I spent writing the continuation as I made reference to something in the original and needed to go back, find it and read the passage again to fully understand the context.
The good thing is it got my muse stirred up and I'm now adding to one of the stories in my bone pile. This is after being over a month of being non-productive.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann