Could a story like this happen in real life? Yes!
Would it progress in the same manner? Probably not, but it could if the people around boy were as open minded as most of the ones so far in this story.
Are there idiots and assholes out there that would be cruel and much less than understanding? Yes, because that is how it is in the real world but most keep their thoughts to themselves. Thankfully and there are few reports of somebody getting beaten up for wearing pantyhose or other forms of legwear. That doesn't mean that it doesn't happen but the incidents don't happen as much as they could. Why? Because most people are caught up in what they are doing and don't notice. It's when people are waiting for something that they look around to see what is around them. Even so, many still won't notice pantyhose under shorts and even less will comment on it.
Back in April, we were flying home from a visit in Florida and I wore moderate support pantyhose with knee length shorts. They were a darker shade and more noticeable than if had worn a lighter shade. A non-event, one or two may have noticed but no comments. The most obvious was a guy doing a second scan as we waited in Philadelphia for our flight home. I'm not a youngster nor slim and trim, a late fifties old farte, a little on the heavy side and graying hair. I do have mild circulation problems in my legs and hoped the support hose would help prevent any problems.
Support hose come in several styles, compression rating and lengths. The expensive surgical weight made with real latex.
The high end brand name product made with lycra. A mid priced lycra product from a distributor. And lastly, stuff you find at a large retailer. Usually, it can be found in three lengths: knee high, thigh high and waist high. And the compress can vary from almost none in "light support" types such as Hanes or NoNonsense up to rated 40 to 50 mmhg graduated compression with the rating at the ankle. A hose rated 40 to 50 would probably be quite hard to get on, a 20 to 30 rated is the most I have worn. A pain to get on but don't feel too bad once on but not sheer enough to not be noticed. The price can vary over quite a range, from a few dollars for light support NoNonsense to over one hundred fifty (150) dollars for waist high surgical support.
I have to agree with the author about the kinds of shorts available for men, I don't like the ones that rest at the top of the knee. Up until a few years ago, men's shorts were at mid thigh and that is where I like them. If I wanted them longer, I would buy them that way. But I also know that my legs aren't that attractive and I don't want shorts that are the length of running or athletic shorts. I have seen some of the teen-aged boys with shorts so long that they might as well be capri pants or pedalpushers or clamdiggers. They aren't shorts if they land half way on the calf. Would I buy women's to get the right length? I don't really know.
Back to the story; I do wonder why he is at the Grandmother's. I wonder why he is just lazing around and not helping her more. I wonder who will come to his aid or defense as things progress. I hope Jeremy answers these and more in the coming chapters.
Back to lurking from my little corner.
PS If anyone is interested in real people in real life situations, a discussion forum can be found at:
After over 30 years in Construction
I pounded concrete floors, climbed ladders, sloshed around in muddy ditches, climbed poles on spikes and about everything a person can do to their bodies. When my legs were hurting, or it was cold, I wore support panty hose under my long johns and pants or insulated Carharts.
Was it part of my pre tranny acting out? Damfiknow. I didn't care and still don't.
Khadija Gwen Brown