The German Green Party has proposed the creation of “women only” train cars for the underground network in the capital city of Berlin, due to the huge increase of sexual assaults and rapes in the last ten years. This proposal has caused a huge backlash from most other sectors of the German society.
In the last ten years (since 2015) violent crimes, especially assaults and rapes against women, have registered a huge increase in Germany. Numbers of up to 300% have been mentioned. Police statistics show that close to 60% of the perpetrators do not have a German passport. Which is a big over-representation. And the vast majority of these are male and Muslim.
It is a fact that the situation for women in Berlin, as well as many other cities in Germany, has had a dramatic turn for the worst. Especially at night, and especially in public transit.
Based on the Tokyo model, where extra compartments for women exist during rush-hour to better protect them from male assaults during the over-crowding, the Greens of Berlin have proposed special women compartments for the metro in Berlin. In a recent interview “KRITIK AN FRAUENWAGGONS: Rückschrittlich! Mehr Sicherheit für Frauen in der U-Bahn?” (the interview is in German) the human rights activist and author Seyran Ates has sharply condemned this idea. She went so far to say that it is a contempt of our values. Another poignant statement is: “It is wrong to tell our daughters to wear longer skirts and high necklines to hide the cleavage, in order to protect them from sexual assault and rape. Instead we should tell our sons that it is absolutely not acceptable to touch or grab any women, no matter what they wear or how they are made-up.”
On one hand most commentators are glad that the problem is [finally] being recognized and has entered the public debate. But on the other hand, the proposal of a female compartment is seen by many as symbolism instead of security.
Many people opt for a passive retreat from threats by staying home and avoiding public transit at night. Thus handing the public spaces over to those who do not respect the cultural and ethic values of this country.
But let us all not forget that it is not only women who are potential victims of assault and rape. Especially trans and gender queer people are extremely vulnerable, and more often than not run afoul of the so-called safe-space regulations.
Socially, I have lived, self-identified and presented as a female for the last three years. For various reasons neither a legal nor a medical transition is a short term option for me. In general I am treated as a female, like I am presenting, here in Germany. And strangely enough, at least in my personal experience, the most tolerant, friendly and welcoming people are [Muslim] women wearing the hijab. While the most bigotry and aggression I have experienced tends to come from young males with beards and pretty obvious middle-eastern ethnicity.
Given my own trust issues towards males, and a feeling of unease when dealing with males in a social setting, I have a lot of sympathy and empathy for genetic women who need a safe space that, to put it bluntly, is free from penises. And even though I self-identify as female, I know that legally and biologically I am still classified as a male. As such, I feel that it is wrong for me to sue for access to such a safe space. I may quietly and respectfully request for admission. But demanding access is counter-productive in the medium to long term.
As the refrain goes: you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
When I Started Work
Some 65 years ago, British Railways had 'Ladies Only' compartments, just as they had 'No Smoking' compartments. This did not cause any comment, but somehow they disappeared and I have no idea why. So this segregation is not a new idea and I don't understand why it should now be controversial.
It is not
the idea that is causing the controversy rather the need which is caused by a large influx of 'middle eastern' immigrants who are predominantly Muslim. The sexual assaults towards women in Germany multiplied overnight after the mass resettlements @ 15 years ago, the same year there were literally hundreds of such attacks at Cologne Karneval.
The problem is cultural and much like the child trafficking/pornogrophy gangs in places like Rotherham and Bradford, its a hot potato politically. Other immigrant groups have integrated into society both in Germany and the UK and whilst most offenders are Muslim, it is clearly as much to do with the culture of these latest arrivals, Turkish Muslims have not been an issue in Germany and they have been there since at least the 1950's.
The provision of female only compartments is, quite rightly, seen as an admission of failure and sends the wrong signal to this relatively small segment of the immigrant population.
There is a solution of course, cut off their goolies! I'm sure older UK residents will remember this first being suggested @ 1980.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I'm a bit of a hawk on this issue
I'm very much in favor of physical castration of convicted rapists. In my most outraged moments, I sometimes think it should be done with the claws of a claw hammer.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Only one problem
Mind you, I don't have a problem with punishing the guilty, with the punishment being equal to the crime. But that's what this is, strictly punishment. Part of punishment is the assumption that others will learn and cease the behavior. Most laws work on aversion therapy. If there is no aversion there is no effectiveness.
I don't believe that in this case the potential offenders are capable or willing to change. The culture in question has repeatedly shown that far from altering their behavior it actually encourages their behavior. It's a form of entitlement, their religion teaches them that their behavior is their right, and those that attempt to change that behavior must also be punished. So their behavior actually becomes worse.
This is true of all religions, to some degree. The catholics and the baptists are two other examples of how religion does as much or more harm than any good they pretend to.
I don't have any idea of how to correct this. There is just no way I know of to fix this. Look at the harm religion has done to the LGBTQ+ in the name of some mythical sky fairy. They can't even get along with each other, how can we expect them to get along with others.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
It is true
The culture that these people come from has things more than a little backward compared to the western ideas. In their country, if a woman is out and about without a male member of her family to protect her and she gets raped, it's her fault. I heard, but can't substantiate, that in one case a woman was raped, and then her family exercised their right to avenge their family honor by killing her and all was good with the authorities. It was her fault after all and she brought dishonor on her family, so she deserved it.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Make the victim responsible
That same attitude is very sadly also exhibited in most “western” courts during trials for rape and/or sexual assault. Sadly it is the favorite strategy of defense attorneys to put the blame and responsibility for the rape and/or sexual assault squarely on the victim: “Your wearing of such a short skirt demanded the rape [etc]” or “Your showing so much cleavage …” or “By wearing such high heels my client lost his mind …” etcetera.
If your mind goes into the gutter when you see a short skirt, that is your responsibility! Because you [consciously or unconsciously] allow your mind to go into the gutter!!! And any action you take or make after following your mind into the gutter, is also your responsibility. Because you decided against stopping an inappropriate action.
This attitude by Muslims — and indeed by the vast majority of rapists and sexual assailants — that the women are responsible for the inappropriate actions of the men against them, actually demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that females are morally superior to males! Which in turn explains why so many [especially fundamentalist] males have such a hostile attitude towards us trans people. They are unwilling to admit to their inherent moral inferiority!
Allow me to leave you all with a quote from one of my favorite stories published here on BigCloset:
From chapter 31 of Frills by Alecia Snowfall
Mel Smith?
Not the Nine I Clock News I think? Pamela Stephenson.."I know these kids, I work with them, and your suggestion absolutely right. Cut 'em off..
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
There were also ...
... ladies' waiting room on the stations. I suppose like the gas lighting, coal fires in waiting rooms and the steam-hauled trains I caught to school every day in the 50s, they are long gone.