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Cole was in heaven as soon as we stepped through the doors. The entrance was brightly illuminated to showcase the attendees' costumes as they walked through. I hadn't even had the chance to properly take in the scene when a cameraman took one look and almost immediately accosted us, ushering us to the side where pictures were being taken.
"Okay I guess we're going this way now" I muttered to my friend.
"Just go with the flow" he replied.
Before long, we were standing together in front of a wall of spiders, pumpkins, and cobwebs. Going with the flow, Cole wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. Our bodies had already been pressed together more times tonight than in all the other times in our history put together.
I flashed an awkward smile and waited for the camera flash which followed a moment later. I breathed a short sigh of relief.
The cameraman clicked his teeth audibly, "Can we take it again?" He asked us after a pause.
"What's wrong, babe? Loosen up," he said, bringing his arm up to my shoulder. "You're not still mad about earlier, are you?"
I forced a smile, "I'm not. I'm sorry."
"Alright, go ahead boss" Cole rubbed my shoulders after turning back to the cameraman, "We're ready"
I closed my eyes and prepared myself. Casey and Cole weren't here. They were at home. I was Harley Quinn. I was Harley Quinn, Joker's girlfriend. And Cole was the Joker, my boyfriend.
His arm returned to rest on my waist and sent shivers down my spine. The hem of my shirt had moved slightly out of place, leaving just enough room to expose my skin to his.
"Lady, you good?" The cameraman called out to me and I had to imagine I was starting to get on his nerves.
"Uh yeah," I quickly composed myself, put on the best smile I could manage and even rested my head on Cole's shoulder for good measure, "Let's get this over with"
"Beautiful" the man exclaimed following a bright flash.
"Thank God" I whispered underneath my breath.
"Can we get some poses now?" he continued, "Really bring your characters to life"
"Oh, can we ever?" Cole beamed me a bright smile, "Check this out"
I watched my pretend boyfriend bring his left hand up to cover his mouth, on the back of which he'd drawn a crooked smile with a marker, "This good?" A muffled sound came through his covered lips.
"Yeah just like that, you too lady" he turned to me.
"Uh--" I quickly thought back to one of the reference photos, brought my right hand to my hip, and threw the other around Cole's shoulder. Cole quickly caught my drift and supported me with his free hand. We both equipped our most mischievous expressions and with one final flash, we were done.
Going with the flow was going to be the death of me.
"Would you like a drink?" Cole asked noticing my exhausted expression. I could only find enough strength to nod. He looked like he wanted to say something funny but didn't, "Be right back, don't move"
Before I could even protest, he'd already walked off in the direction of the refreshments table.
"You idiot, don't leave me here alone," I said quietly to myself.
Who was I kidding? I couldn't just leave Casey at home and become someone else. I had to find a way to make Casey fun to be with. I realized I was less bothered at how overwhelmed I was feeling and was a lot more concerned with how my being overwhelmed might have been putting a damper on Cole's evening.
I wasn't like him. He was the social one and I was his awkward childhood friend. I couldn't keep up with him in the way Harley was supposed to be able to keep up with the Joker. He should have been here with someone like Katie, not me.
I was sure there were a million other girls he could have asked to play this role, why'd he have to drag me into this?
I turned my gaze to my feet the way I always did when in stressful social situations. I studied my fishnet stockings that covered every inch of my legs and eventually disappeared under my skirt.
I was jarring to realise that somewhere along the line I'd started wanting to make tonight a fun experience for him. Why would I ever put so much thought into something as ridiculous as that? It was just same old, dumb Cole. Why would I care what he thought?
I was lost in thought staring at my feet when I noticed a pair of black trousers arrive to join me.
"Great job leaving me here alone" I started before even looking up, "Real nic--"
"If it isn't Harley Quinn?" I looked up to find a boy that decidedly wasn't Cole. He was showing a small smile following his cheesy opening line.
"Uh hi," I muttered.
"Care to guess who I am?" He leaned in to ask.
"No idea" I answered. The guy was only wearing a suit. It could have been anyone.
"Come on, you should know this" he leaned in closer and pressed on, "He's really popular"
I shook my head in confusion before taking a step back. It wasn't that loud in here for him to be getting so close to me to talk.
"I'm John Wick!" he exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh," I forced on an expression of realization. I guess I could see him being John Wick, with the longish black hair and everything.
"So what's your name?" he asked when my excitement didn't match his.
"I'm actually here with my friend" I finally revealed, "He's getting us drinks"
"A friend?"
"Right well, I don't know, I was hoping I could get your number?" his voice was loose and uncertain, "I just saw you and thought you were really pretty"
It was kind of refreshing when he finally got to the point. I was sympathetic knowing it probably wasn't easy to approach a stranger, or at least I guessed it would have been since it was something I never did, but he was barking up the wrong tree here.
"Thanks, but I'm not interested"
I shook my head.
"Email?" he asked again with a forced chuckle, "I'm kidding. I'll get out of your hair. I'm Mario by the way. You know, like Super Mario, the game?"
He wasn't getting out of my hair.
I forced a laugh of my own, "Yeah, I know it"
He stood expectantly waiting for me to proceed. I'd intended to stay quiet but it didn't seem like he had any plans of leaving without at least hearing my name so I gave it to him.
"I'm Cassandra"
He nodded repeatedly, "Noice. Are you Greek by any chance?"
I shook my head in response once again.
"I've been there," he told me, "Pretty cool place"
"Right" was all I had left to say.
"Well it was nice meeting you, Cassie," he said finally before taking a step back.
"It was nice to meet you too"
I flung my head back when he had finally retreated and disappeared into the crowd. I hadn't signed up for any of that. Where the hell was Cole, I wondered.
Well, he showed up with two cups in hand almost immediately after I'd successfully rid myself of Mario's incessant questions.
"I thought that guy would never leave" he smiled at me.
"Were you--" I paused and turned to look at him, "Were you watching the whole time?"
"Yeah, it was hilarious"
"Ass!" I let my face show my disapproval before turning away from him.
"What, did you want me to come to rescue you?" He asked after coming around to face me again, "You looked like you had it handled"
I didn't respond. I just crossed my arms and kept to myself.
"Come on, the guy was harmless" Cole added.
"Cole, I don't want random guys approaching me and trying to hit on me" I explained, "I'm here with you, the least you could do is step in"
"Alright, I'm sorry" he acquiesced. "I'll protect you"
I rolled my eyes and looked away. He didn't have to say it like that. It's not like I wanted him to protect me or anything.
"For real though--" he stepped forward toward me and I reluctantly looked back at him, "It won't happen again"
"Yeah," I said quietly.
"Eyeball juice?" he asked while holding out one of the cups to me and lo and behold, there was indeed an eyeball inside the cup floating on a green liquid.
"Are you a couple?" A girl holding a clipboard walked up to us after we'd been talking for some time.
Cole quickly threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer, "We sure are" he answered.
"Would you like to join the couples' costume contest?" she asked us.
"What do you think, babe?" he turned to me trying to seem all nonchalant about the whole thing. I played along.
"Sure, I guess we can if you want"
"Can I just say, you are actually so pretty" clipboard girl told me, "I love both your costumes"
"So what do you think, do we have a shot?" Cole took the opportunity to ask.
"That's up to the judges" she answered, "But if it was up to me, you'd certainly have my vote"
I noticed her eyeing Cole and checking him out but didn't say anything. I couldn't believe she was being so obvious in front of me.
"I'm sure you're underestimating your ability" Cole smiled back at her, "Maybe you can put in a good word for us"
Cole laughed, "But yeah, go ahead and put us down on your clipboard"
"Okay," she giggled, "I'm Vanessa by the way, what's your name?"
'Nobody asked' I thought to myself.
"I'm Cole and she's Cassandra" he answered for the both of us.
We watched her scribble something down before turning her attention over to us, "Good luck 'Cole' and Cassandra" she said finally.
Something about the way she said his name irked me.
The music had begun to ramp up as the party reached full swing. Groups of people that had just been socializing were now dancing. We'd found our way to one of the corners of the room where I was most comfortable but I could tell Cole wanted to be in the midst of all that dancing.
I'd noticed his eyes flit around the room multiple times as more and more couples left their perches and began swaying to the music. I however was putting off dancing with conversation.
"So I noticed you were really into Vanessa" I commented, "She seems like your type"
"I feel like dancing, don't you feel like dancing?" Cole quickly changed the subject. I wasn't going to let him off that easily.
"Don't change the subject" I stepped toward him, "There's no need to hide it, you can tell me"
"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about"
"Liar" I pouted, "You know exactly what I'm talking about. I saw the way you both went at it"
"Casey, Casey, Casey," I watched his face light up, "You're not-- jealous, are you?"
"Don't be ridiculous" I laughed, "Why would I ever be jealous? Of what?"
"Well, you tell me" The cheeky smile on his face was proof he knew he'd successfully turned the tide.
I reached over with my index finger and pushed his forehead, "Wipe that smug look off your face".
When his head fell backward in an exaggerated manner, I giggled. Thankfully he didn't press his advance and neither of us spoke more about it.
There was silence between us only for a few seconds before Cole spoke again, "Episode 8 came out today"
"Oh my God, I totally forgot with all the preparations" I replied excitedly, "We have to watch it tonight"
Neither of us ever needed to specify. On this, we were on the same page. We'd started a new show seven weeks ago and made it a thing to watch the new episode every week, whether at his house or mine.
Today I was at his-- and tonight as well.
"Woah, slow down. We'll probably get home pretty late" he informed me, "Don't want you falling asleep halfway through" he gave me a knowing look.
"I won't" I protested.
I'll admit he had cause to be skeptical. I was known to fall asleep as soon as it got too late but I won't apologize for getting a good night's rest every night. This clear skin wasn't by accident, you know?
"We can just watch it tomorrow," he told me.
"I'm leaving early tomorrow remember? I have that thing with my mum"
"Right, right" he nodded, "Well, I guess--"
I watched Cole's face light up immediately we heard the Goo Goo Muck song come through the speakers. It was pretty cute how his face twisted, possibly involuntarily, into the most precious smile.
"No," I said preemptively but it was too late, Cole's shoulders were already moving to the beat.
"No" I whined as he reached over and took my hands in his, pulling me to the dance floor. "Stop, I don't want to"
"I can't control my body" he yelled loud enough to turn some heads around us.
"You're a liar!" I yelled as well then tried to hide from the embarrassment.
He made a show of pulling my hands back and forth to the beat.
"One dance" he begged before letting go of my hands and getting into a groove.
"I don't know how to dance" My voice was just loud enough to be audible over the music.
"It doesn't matter, just do whatever"
After a few moments, I realized Cole wasn't taking his own advice. He in fact wasn't just doing whatever, he was putting together the most impressive choreography. What a show-off.
In contrast, I just shimmied and swayed to the beat as best as I could.
"I hate it here!" I called out to him as he danced.
"I can't hear you" he called back.
"I said I hate it here!"
"Your fly is open!"
I couldn't help but giggle when he bent down to inspect his pants, "Oh ha-ha"
"Where did your Joker impression go?" I leaned close to him to ask.
It was his turn to lean in close to me. "I am a professional. I require an audience to perform" So close in fact that I could feel like warm breath on my ear.
"You have me, puddin" I chose that moment to revive my Harley voice.
"Oh, the humanity!" he screamed at the top of his lungs drawing the attention of many.
"Cole!" I slapped his arm, "What are you doing?"
"Hey, that was your fault. You did that" he pointed accusingly at me, "Shame on you."
"Cole?" I heard a familiar voice call his name but it couldn't be, could it?
"Katie, hi!" Cole clearly forced a show of excitement when his ex-girlfriend emerged dressed as Daenerys with a guy I didn't recognize. It would have been an understatement to say my heart was beating a lot quicker than it had been a moment ago.
"I thought that was you" she replied, "What are you doing here?"
"You know, just chilling" he answered. I wasn't entirely sure but it seemed to me that he'd grown stiff all of a sudden, "Just chilling" he repeated.
"I really didn't think you'd come to be honest" Katie commented, "I remember how much I had to beg you to do this with me"
"I was just bored, I guess"
"This is Jason by the way" she gestured to the dude beside her dressed as Khal Drogo. Not to speak ill but I thought the age gap of their characters might have been appropriate.
"Sup, dude" Jason nodded at Cole.
"Sup" Cole nodded back.
"Hi," I managed.
"Well, aren't you going to introduce us?" Katie asked with her gaze locked on me.
"Oh yeah of course" Cole fumbled along, "This is Cassandra, Cassandra that's Katie"
I cleared my throat then put on my best smile, "Nice to meet you"
"Are you guys like dating?"
"Uh--" Cole looked to be at a loss for words so I had to step in.
"We're figuring things out"
"Are you?" Katie asked with a raised eyebrow.
What business was it of hers anyway? They broke up. In fact, she had broken up with him.
"Yeahhh" Cole slurred his words, "Doing a lot of figuring out"
"Right," Katie said. She glanced in my direction for a brief moment before turning fully to face me, "Don't I know you from somewhere?"
My heart skipped a beat and I was forced to swallow nervously, "Uh, I don't think so"
"She has one of those faces" Cole stepped in, "I thought the same thing when we first met"
"And was that--" she paused briefly, "recently?"
Nosey much? Keep in mind all of this was happening over the music so we were all straining to have this pointless conversation. What was her problem? She seemed to have a new man, why did she even care?
"Yeah. Recent," Cole answered after glancing over to me, "You could say I met her pretty recently"
"I assume you guys are doing the couples thing then?"
Oh my fucking God, again with the questions. What was it with everyone interrogating me tonight? I just wanted to hang out with Cole and no one else. Where were these people coming from?
"Um sorry--" I stepped in before Cole could answer, "I don't wanna be rude but we were kinda dancing"
"Oh my God, totally my bad" I watched her visibly snap herself out of it, "Come on, baby" She turned back to her quiet, older boyfriend.
And just as quickly as she'd appeared, she'd disappeared into the crowd.
I glanced back over to Cole who looked visibly tense after the interaction. For a brief moment, I thought to touch his arm to help him relax but thought that might have been going too far. Instead, I settled only for a comment, "You know, I'd have loved to see you as Drogo"
"Oh you would have, would you?" he turned over to me amused.
"I bet you'd have looked really stupid with that fake beard"
"We both know I pull anything off" he showed me a cocky smile. It had worked, he was calm again.
"I know no such thing"
"Stop, I can't" I shook my head vigorously as I stepped away from him.
"One dance" he promised.
"You said that before!" I laughed as I backed away.
"I mean it this time" he stepped forward toward me, "I promise"
"I don't believe you," I said through a smile. At what point do your cheeks start hurting from smiling so much?
A few seconds ago, the music had slowed down and I'd preemptively refused because I knew what was coming.
"Come on! So what are you going to do then?" he asked, "Just stand in the corner of the room like some-- corner girl?"
It was so absurd I laughed harder than I had all night and even snorted which caused him to laugh.
"What does that even mean?" I said through tears.
"I don't know," he was laughing as well and we were drawing so much attention, "It just came out"
For a few seconds, we just stood in the middle of all those slow-dancing couples laughing. They must have hated our guts.
"Well," I started when I finally regained my composure, "It is Lana Del Rey," I said in reference to the slow song.
"It is. We kind of have to" he agreed and outstretched his hand to me, "I don't make the rules"
I let out a big sigh followed by a smile that told him he'd won. I reached over and placed my hand in his. Forget the compromising photo in Alyssa's photo, I had to make sure the events of the entire night never came to light.
It was like dressing this way had made me start acting differently around him, and even worse had made him start treating me differently. Were we really going to slow dance? Cole and I?
The answer was yes. Slowly but surely, he pulled me in until we were both right there, within breathing range. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us.
"I have no idea what I'm doing" I whispered softly to him.
"Follow my lead" he whispered back.
I felt his hand on my back adjust ever so slightly and settle lower.
"Watch the hand, mister" I whispered.
"It's okay"
He started swaying gently to the music and so did I. There were so many things we could have been doing together on a Thursday night, I could never have guessed we'd be doing this. I could never have guessed it would feel so nice either.
"Ow!" I heard Cole yelp.
"Oh come on, that didn't hurt" I looked up at him and frowned. I'd stepped on his feet but how much damage could I really have done?
"I have fragile feet"
"You have 'Fee Fi Fo Fum' feet if anything," I said and listened to the cute short laugh he let out. "Say that five times fast, huh?" I added.
"Yeah," he chuckled, "This is nice" he added which caused me to freeze for a second. It was one thing to think it, another thing entirely for us to admit it out loud.
How could I admit that I was having more fun like this than I had in all of recent memory?
"It's a'ight" I replied nervously.
"'It's a'ight'?" he laughed as we kept swaying to the music, "What are you, a pimp?"
"It just came out, shut up"
"It really is alright though, isn't it?" he asked me and I noticed he was looking deep into my eyes.
"It is" I admitted while looking back in his eyes. Fuck, it really was.
Cole and I switched positions, he let go of my left hand and a moment later, I felt his now free hand join the other on my waist. I threw both of my arms around his shoulder and held on tight.
It was all so very terrifying. I couldn't shake the feeling in the back of my mind that everything would be different now.
Thanks for reading as always. Leave a comment and let me know what you think :)
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Everything would be different
Ayup. Roger that. Good prediction, Cassandra. :)
Nice chapter, Emma. Cassie’s unease and discomfort, her unwillingness to deal honestly with her feelings for Cole — all that felt very real. But getting guilted into the slow-dance (that she really wanted) put her in the place where she had to face at least some of what she was feeling. I’ll be interested to see how you resolve it.
— Emma
And resolve it we will.
Can't wait for you to read the rest of it!
Major Uh Oh
Major Uh-oh! I am assuming Casey knows precisely what she/he is doing here. Don't step in if you don't like the water!~ :)
Oh wow, it gonna get really complicated fast!
Change Of Venue
Change of character! Casey ain't Casey any more, she's Harley Quinn. She just has to get used to it. I like some of the bit-players...Daenarys and Khal Drogo.
Although I like girls, I
Although I like girls, I think if I were in Casey/Cassandra cosplaying as Harley Quinn and feeling very girly and dancing with someone I was best friends with and things were feeling kind of romantic like, I think I would lean in and kiss him and just go with the flow of the moment.
After we could decide if we truly have feelings for each other or if it was just due to being caught up in the characters and or Casey as a girl was the reason to it. Maybe Casey is bi or as a woman was really enjoying the comfort and safety she saw in her friend and wanted to explore her curiosity.
Honestly I almost see them going home and making out before making love or something haha.