Katie Ann - Chapter 71: Questions for Later

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Katie Ann

Katie Ann

What do you do when you look seven years old but you’re actually a college student in your late teens? For Kathleen’s entire life, she had fought against people treating her much younger than her actual age. Feeling obligated to grow up fast to show people she wasn’t the age of her size, Kathleen never let her inner child out. Tired of fighting against the world, she explores the adult submissive world. What she finds, however, is an enjoyment of regression. Had she made a mistake? Would life be better if she just let people treat her the way she looks at seven years old?

Becky Anne

Proofread by Teek



Author note: I am back from vacation. This is the last fully written chapter. 72 is at the 'I know where I want to go with it, but I need to get off my bum and write it' stage.


Chapter Seventy-One: Questions for Later

At the counter, Brianna grabbed a tray before the girl behind the counter asked, “Are you related to a volunteer from here?”

“Kathleen is my sister.”

The lady returned to the customer she was serving. After that customer was done, “So where … Oh, Kath's sister left. … What can I get you, Ma'am?”

“Here you go, a corn dog, Princess. Be careful of your face paint.” … “Sweetie, I don't see any free highchairs, so you will have to sit on your knees.” … “Let's get your bib on Jo. Please try to keep my jeans clean while I hold you on my lap.”

After the food was done, Jim dabbed a wet wipe on all three kids' faces trying not to mess up the paint.

“Honey, please watch the stroller while I bring three girls to the restroom. Katie please hold Heidi’s hand and walk in front of me.”

As the regressed girl walked toward the restroom she felt like someone was staring at her.


Looking at the food counter Katie noticed that Bridget was looking her way with a shocked face. ‘Another person who is going to interrogate me when I next volunteer.’

In the restroom, Brianna told Heidi to go use the toilet. After that instruction was done, Bobbie Jo was strapped to the changing table.

Once the youngest was done, “Heidi, are you done in there?”

“Need help wiping, Mommie.”

“Stay!” Brianna said, looking at Katie.

Katie acknowledged with a nod.

After helping Heidi and in the process of leaving, “Let's get out of this stall so this nice lady can use it.”

After removing Bobbie Jo from the table, the toddler was set on her feet. “Heidi, hold your sister's hand.”

“Eep!” Katie exclaimed as she was unexpectedly lifted. She probably should have expected it but she was currently in lala land.

The seven-year-old was strapped down on the changing table for her change. After that was done and Katie was back on her feet, “Katie, please watch your cousins while I use the facilities.”

Once the adult returned, the three girls were directed out of the restroom. Moody Bobbie Jo, who would generally be napping right now, was strapped in the stroller. The family just started again looking at the remaining animals.

“Here is the location to feed the giraffes, but I don’t see any animals on the savanna, Bree.”

“Too cold. Most African animals are in the barn, Uncle.”

“Jim, we are about done. Let's head to the office next to see if that form is available to sign.”

Jim just shrugged and passed the gift shop towards the gap in the hedge.

“Toys!” Heidi exclaimed.

“Princess, we will return to it later.”

Heidi pouted but followed the family.

“Aunty, let me whisper something to you.”

“Yes, Buttercup?”

While whispering, “Get my access card out of my purse. We don't have to go all the way to the door we went to before. Just inside the gift shop door is a door label customer service. Behind that counter is another door to the office. I shouldn't use that pad in case there is some guest at the counter. But you can.” Thinking to herself, ‘It feels weird for someone other than Daddie to call me Buttercup.’

“Thank you, Princess.” … “Change of plans, Jim. Follow me.”

Brianna followed Katie's directions and went into the customer service area.

“Hello, I will be able to help you after I am done with this couple.”

“That won't be necessary. Thank you.” Brianna mentioned while digging out the wallet. Even though Katie had dug out the card last time, she tried just holding the wallet against the pad. Brianna was rewarded with the sound of the door unlocking.

Katie looked shocked at the fact that had worked.

As the family entered the office Keith paused to look confused at the door. He didn't recognize them but they were able to unlock the office door. Shrugging, he returned to the couple he was helping set up a birthday party.

Once inside the office, Katie started acting the age on her license. After leading the other four to Uncle Mark's office, she knocked on the closed door.

“Come in, it's unlocked.”

Katie opened the door. And let the Doores in.

“Welcome back. You three are adorable. Let's see. I have seen Heidi’s and Bobbie Jo's before. Heidi’s is more popular around Easter. … However, Katie, Sweetie, I have never seen yours.”

“Sue didn't allow me to choose. She just started to paint my face.”

“Aren't you lucky?”

“Did Sue drop off a photo release form?”

“She dropped off a manila folder with your name on it. I am not sure if it is a photo release.”

Katie was handed the folder and she opened it up to be greeted with a sticky note on a photo. She read, “The two photos are yours. Please sign the form.”

Handing the photos to her sister, she looked at the form. Reading, “I, Kathleen Telgenhof, give Susquehanna Valley Zoo permission to use photos of my child, Katie Telgenhof, age seven, for …”

“Apparently, I am a child of myself,” Katie giggled as she signed it. “Uncle, make sure Miss Edgar gets that.”

“Now that is done, Mark, what should we do with the remaining tokens?” Jim asked.

“Stuff them in Katie’s pockets. I will make sure she has a pretty animal face next time she is here.”

“Not that I dislike having my face painted, but it would be hard to appear as if I belong in a volunteer uniform with a painted face.”

“We will see, Princess. It was nice meeting you four. If I don't see you before you return to Wisconsin, have a safe flight.”

“It was nice meeting you, Mark,” Jim said, pushing the stroller out into the hall.

Back in the entryway of the gift shop, Jim gave himself a pep talk. ‘Three kids in a gift shop! We only live once!’

“Katie and Heidi, only one item,” Brianna told the girls. “You must stay with us. We will slowly go around the room.”

Near the toys, Bobbie Jo grabbed for a stuffed mouse. Heidi, after a shudder, stared at what her sister picked with a shocked look. After shaking her head, “Mommie, can I have this stuffed Giraffe?”

“Yes. Katie, you want a stuffed animal?”

“No, Ma'am. I am fine with my Minnie Mouse and Teddy Bears. I am running out of space to put other stuffies. Can we head to the shirts, Aunty?”

‘There is my sister peeking through. Definitely not my niece.’ Brianna thought as she directed the girls towards the shirts.

Near the shirts, Katie looked at the shirts available and noticed a pink shirt with polar bears and the required ‘Hanna Valley Zoo. She almost requested it before she noticed one with a hippopotamus dancing in a pink tutu. The white one made her laugh, so she pointed to it. “That one, Aunty.”

Smirking at how implausible it was, Brianna flipped through the sizes. She pulled out two: an eight and a ten. Holding the ten up to Katie, the parent returned that one to the shelf. Just to be safe the eight was held up to the regressed girl. Brianna thought she might even be able to go down to a size seven, but kept the eight, “Honey, please buy these items for the girls.”

Jim left the four girls and went to the counter on the other side of the store. “I would like to buy these three items, Ma’am.”

“Can you get me Kathleen’s Zoo ID, please?”

Jim couldn’t figure out how they managed to connect him to Katie, but he quickly pushed this out of his mind and looked across the showroom to his wife, “Bree, can you come here?”

Brianna brought the three kids to the counter. Katie looked at Amanda and Kris behind the counter who were smiling at her like she was the cutest thing they had seen in a while.

“They want Kathleen’s Zoo ID.”

Brianna looked at the regressed girl and shrugged. She pulled the puppy out of her backpack. When opening the Minnie Mouse wallet, the ID wasn't hard to find since Katie apparently only had seven things in it: A license, two library cards, her debit card, her college ID, her Zoo access card, and most importantly right now, her Zoo ID.

While Aunty was flipping through her sister's wallet Kris was kneeling down in front of Katie. “Bridget told me all about how cute you were while we were on break today. You are such a cute girl.” Whispering in the girl's ear, “Later, you are going to have to tell me how you ended up like this.”

“Thank you, Miss Appleton.”

“And you two girls are equally cute. What are your names?”



“Beebie Wo.”

Kris looked surprised at the name Katie had given before looking confused at the toddler. “I think she said, Baby Jo.”

Heidi started giggling up a storm. Between giggles, “She Bobbie Jo, Miss.”

“I am sorry, Bobbie Jo.”

Meanwhile Amanda had received Katie’s ID to put Kath's discount on the purchases. After they were done at the counter he handed the ID back to Bree. Digging the tokens out of his pocket. “Here, throw these in the puppy too.”

“Come on, girls, to the car.”

Back at the car, Katie was told, “Stay right there, young girl and hold your cousin's hand.”

As Brianna was strapping Bobbie Jo into her seat, Jim was putting the stroller in the trunk.

“Heidi, you're next.”

Katie started walking towards the front to go to the other side and get into the driver's seat.

“Kathleen Annabell Telgenhof, where do you think you are going?”

“Driver's seat, Sis,” Katie said after she returned to Brianna.

“I said stay right here, YOUNG LADY.”

“Yes, Aunty.”

“Your bottom must like being sore. You can't consistently follow instructions.”

After connecting the dots, “Eep.”

Brianna grabbed Katie’s hand, “We will return to this later, Little Princess.” The two of them walked hand in hand to the driver's door. When they got there, Brianna looked around before opening the door to let Katie get in.

Katie watched her ?Aunty? ?Sister? buckle the short teenager in. The door was then closed. It didn’t take long for her to realize she had never been given her keys. After Jim got in behind her, and Brianna was in the passenger seat, “I don't have my keys yet, Sis.”

“Patience, Little Kitty. I think that is a good nickname for you. I haven't given you permission to grow up yet. Now that everyone is in the privacy of the car, you may grow up.”

Katie accepted the keys her sister was handing her. After starting the car, the typically regressed girl stared at the knob on the wheel. ‘You can do this. You are an adult. You can drive. You are nineteen and know how to drive.’

“I still don't understand what you are doing for those few moments you are staring into space,” Brianna said as Katie started out of the parking lot.

“I need to prepare myself for certain adult stuff.”

“You didn't before Adam.”

“You are looking at the wrong culprit. Wrong sex too.”

“Tiffany? Allison?”

“Hell No! I am told her name is Pearl Hart. I didn't have the best introduction to her.”

“Who? Wait! Wait! That is who attacked you.”

“Correct Sis.”

“You have trouble doing adult stuff, now?”

“Yes, sis, I have to pep talk myself now.”

“I am sorry, Sis.”

“The only time I really have to be nineteen is when I am driving. When I am around unknowing people it is easier to be seven. When I am with knowing people, I can either stay young or flip back and forth.”

Brianna didn't know what to say, and the conversation died off. At least from the front seat. Heidi was giving her father a replay of the day. Jo was nodding off in her seat since the nap was very overdue.

As Katie pulled into the driveway, the neighbor near the beginning of the street waved at her as he watched his six-year-old make a snowman. Nosy Mrs. Mills also watched the girl pull into the driveway through a crack in her curtains.

As Katie parked the car, she looked to her right. “May I get out of the car, Aunty?”

“You may. I am assuming you are seven again.”

“I got told off earlier for growing up without permission.”

“You were in public. I can't watch you and strap Heidi in at the same time. And, I was serious about a sore bottom. You are free to choose your age.”

Katie opened her door. Bobbie Jo toddled over to Katie and grabbed onto the girl's hand. Katie started towards the open garage door with the eighteen-month-old.

“Wait wor me, Katie!” Heidi exclaimed before running towards the two girls.

“Heidi, look out for that ice!” Uncle exclaimed.

The warning was too late. Heidi burst into tears as the four-year-old went sliding on her hands.

Brianna kneeled by her daughter. As she picked the girl up, she examined the preschooler's hands. “No blood, ironically the ice protected you from anything more than some minor scratches.” While hugging the child, “You are OK. You don't want to ruin your bunny before Grandma and Grandpa have a chance to see it.” After kissing the hands, “I kissed it better.”

The tears started to get fewer as Mommie hugged the girl as they walked inside.

With a giggle, “Do you want to kiss me knee too.”

“Does that hurt too?”

“Not as bad as me hands.”

As they walked into the house, Grandma noticed that Heidi had been crying. “What is wrong, my cute grandbunny?”

“Me faw on ice, Granny.”

“Other than some minor scratches on her hands, she is mostly unhurt, Mom. She apparently hit a knee but she is not really complaining about that.” … “Cupcake, can I set you down?”

“Yeth Mommie.”

“So we have a unicorn, a bunny, and a kitty. Did you all pick what you wanted?”

“All but me, Granny.”


“Miss Edgar, the face painter, didn't give me a choice. Don't get me wrong, I am not upset. As a matter of fact, I would like to contact Ann, Zoe, and Daddie on Yahoo.”

“Jan will be here in thirty minutes to pick you up.”

“That is why I had to be home by three.”


“Can I at least get on messenger?”

“Before you run away, I had an interesting conversation with Hilda next door.”

Katie sighed, “What did Mrs. Mills have to say?”

“She was complaining about you wearing a girl's Christmas dress a week and a half ago. She also expressed how she felt your pink coat was inappropriate.”

“Does she ever not complain?”

Marlene smirked because Katie wasn't wrong. However, since the short girl was usually regressed now, Marlene wasn't going to encourage that feeling. “I quote, ‘A teenager should not wear those clothes. She looks like a school-age girl. If she wanted to impersonate a school-age child, no one would be the wiser.’”

“I would never impersonate a school-age child.” Katie had her fingers crossed behind her back while saying that.

‘Smack,’ Katie jumped from the surprise spanking on her bum.

“Don’t be lying, little girl.”

“Sorry, Aunty.”

“Anyway, I pointed out that girls’ clothes are all that fits you. I thanked her for volunteering to pay for custom made clothes for Kathleen. She suddenly decided to change the subject. I would have rather she just stayed quiet.”

“Why Grandma?”

“She started complaining about the two new neighbors. I won't repeat what words she used for them. She said with people like them moving in, the neighborhood is going downhill.”

“New neighbors, Mom?”

“New neighbors, Grandma?”

“A lovely young Chinese couple moved in down the road. They are expecting a child. A nice black gentleman also has moved on the street.”

Katie didn't know what to say.

“Did Hilda see you, Katie, when you girls got back?”

“Does anything happen without her knowing? Her curtains moved when I parked the car.”

“She must be having a heart attack over the kitty on your face.” Marlene was almost excited about the neighbor being upset over Katie’s face.

“Should I worry, Grandma?”

“No. You don't change anything because of our closed-minded neighbor.”

Not knowing anything more to say on the subject, “Can I be excused to get on messenger?”

“Yes, you may.”

“Oh wait, I wonder if my new laptop is ready to go.”

Katie walked towards the bedroom, listening to Heidi giving a turn-by-turn description of the day to Grandma. In the bedroom, she heaved the laptop box to her bed. Opening the box she took out the laptop and charging cord. Setting the box aside, she pressed the power button and … nothing. Katie grabbed the cord and plugged it both into the wall and the computer. This time the power button booted it up.

“Welcome to Windows XP,” the computer said.

Besides other questions, it asked for a WiFi, so Katie left her room to go to the office to get the password. Walking out of her room, she heard Heidi still excitedly telling about the day. ‘She must've not been too hurt from the ice.’

Katie got the computer to where it was updating itself. She decided that was all that could be done until after her appointment.

The short teenager walked to Aunty. “Can I get a change before Miss Moore gets here?”

“Sure, let's go.” … “Let me move your laptop out of the way so we have room.”

Five minutes later, as Katie’s jeans were being helped up, the doorbell went off.

“Just in time, Princess.”

“It is nice to meet you, Miss Moore.” Katie heard Granny say.

“Please call me Jan. Where is the little angel?”

“Our little kitty is getting her diaper changed … oh here she is.”


“Hello, Miss Moore.”

“I see your face got the same treatment as the rest of the girls.”

“Yes, Miss.”

“I am assuming you are going to be seven today?”

“What are we doing? Do you want me seven?”

“I am fine with both ages. As for what we are doing, I was just getting to that.”

“Marlene, I will make sure she gets some dinner.” Jan had already got permission to call her by her name.

“What time do you expect her back?”

“Sixish or Sevenish. We are staying in Clearwater.”

Aunty looked at the regressed girl and said, “Behave yourself. Your bum already has a date with my hand.”

“Yes, Aunty,” Katie said with a blush. No one would see the blush under her face paint.

“Shall we go, little girl?”

“Yes, Miss Moore.”

After Brianna helped with the pink polka dot coat, Jan grabbed Katie's hand and walked out towards her car. “You are extremely cute with your face painted. Have you had your face painted before since you started regressing?”

“Yes, Miss. This isn’t the first time. I think the first time was at a Halloween fun farm.

The car door was opened and Katie crawled on the car seat, which had Cinderella on it. Reaching between the girl’s legs, Jan pulled up the bottom part of the harness system.

The remaining parts of the five-point harness were fastened.

“Miss Jan, not that I mind, but last time this seat didn’t have a harness.”

“My daughter was moving too much in the seat belt. I also know that this isn’t the first time you've been in a five-point harness.”

Not really upset, Katie decided to watch where they were going. She had the town of Clearwater memorized by heart. They were heading towards the hospital.

With an obvious giggle, “Miss Jan, are you going to check me into the funny farm?”

“Katie Telgenhof, are you putting yourself down?”

“No, Miss. I was just joking.”

“That had a hidden put down. You really shouldn’t put yourself down.”

The car turned in towards the hospital. Katie watched the main entrance come and go. They eventually stopped by a door that read ‘Medical Offices.’

Katie was helped out of the car after Jan opened the door. The two girls went hand in hand towards the door. After they entered the building, Jan unzipped Katie's coat.

“My colleague’s office that I am borrowing is on the second floor.”

Nodding, Katie just followed Miss Moore’s lead.

They got to a door marked ‘Clearwater Counseling.’

Inside was a waiting room with a receptionist behind a desk.

“Hello, do you have an appointment, Ma’am?”

“I am Jan Moore. Steve said he had an office I could borrow from.”

“Oh, yes, I was told to expect you. Let me show you to the children’s office.”

Katie, with her hand held, followed Miss Moore, who was following the receptionist.

At an office door, they stopped.

“Here is the office. And you, little girl, are a cutie.”

Katie just blushed.

As the receptionist walked back to her desk, she thought, ‘Strange that the counselor would come with the child, and no parents or guardian.’

Entering the room, Katie saw what appeared to be a playroom, with a couple of chairs dotted around. She sat on a pink bean bag chair and grabbed a doll.

“Let's get that coat off first, Sweetheart.”

Once the coats were off, Jan sat on a chair that faced the bean bag.

“You appear to be seven right now.”

“It is hard not to be seven with my face painted.”

“Your sister mentioned something about a spanking.”

“I drove them to the zoo today. Spent 99 percent of the time at the zoo as seven. When we got back to the car, I left Aunty’s side to go to the driver's seat. She was not impressed by me leaving her side without permission.”

“I see. Why did you drive?”

“I had the only available car. Only one person fits in the driver’s seat.”

“I am assuming your car has been modified to fit you. I am also assuming it is the beige car.”

“Correct on both parts.”

“Ok, Little Lady, we are here to deal with the attack, not your zoo trip.”

“Aww. The zoo trip is much more fun.”

“First thing, I have to say that I had a very nice discussion about you regressing with Tiffany and Allison separately on the phone. I also had a Sara Bullard visit me at my office about you.”

“Eep, hope nothing bad. What did they say?”

“I don’t think anything was bad. I am not allowed to say what they said. Just like I am not allowed to say what you say to them or your Daddie.”


“Way back before I met you, when I first met your Daddie, he repeated a worrisome quote of yours.”

While hugging the doll, Katie nodded.

Grabbing Katie’s notes, Jan wrote, ‘Without prompting, Katie grabbed a doll. When freely allowed to choose an age, seems to choose seven.’ Flipping through the notes, she said, “Let me quote a certain child, ‘Kathleen is not here right now. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP.’ I also was told you said, ‘Kathleen? Who is that?’”

“I seem to remember saying both of those.”

“Care to explain more?”

“I tried calling up the nineteen-year-old during the attack, and she failed me. Since the attack, I feel safer as the seven-year-old.”

“Did Kathleen really fail you, Katie?”

“Assuming you mean that Kathleen is the nineteen-year-old. She just made the attacker more upset.”

“You did call the nineteen-year-old Kathleen in the quotes.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Was Katie able to stop the attack any better than Kathleen?”

“Umm No.”

“Let's talk about Kathleen. Who is driving your car, Katie or Kathleen?”

“Kathleen is driving, but she must give herself a pep talk before she drives anywhere.”

“A pep talk? Please explain.”

“Basically, it consists of reminding myself that I am actually nineteen. I also remind myself that I can do it.”

“Let's talk about your exams. Who did your exams?”

“Umm, that is complicated.”

Jan just looked expectantly at the girl on the bean bag.

“Katie and Kathleen were swinging back and forth.”

“Let's change the topic quickly. Are Katie and Kathleen different people in your head?”

“Are you asking if I have multiple personalities?”

“That is exactly what I am asking.”

“No, I am aware of that disorder, and I don’t think I have that. Katie and Kathleen are just different sides of the same person, me. It is just easier to call the older one Kathleen.”

Looking very relieved, Jan said, “Let’s return to your exams, and the switching back and forth.”

“Kathleen should have been doing the exams. I found it hard to concentrate and would rather have my nose in a coloring book.”

“Do you think that affected your exams?”

“I hope not. Even with that, I felt like I did good on them.”

“Do you know your grades yet?”

“I don't think they are released yet. I admit to not having checked yet if they have been released.”

“When was the last time you were required to be seven.”

“Umm, yesterday at the family Christmas party.”

“Were you seven all yesterday? Besides driving have you been nineteen today?”

“No, Miss. I woke up as nineteen. After Kathleen got her gifts, I was regressed so Katie could get her gifts. I spent very little time being nineteen today, other than driving. I think I was Kathleen during breakfast.”

“How did being regressed make you feel?”

“I didn’t mind it. When the regression is a surprise it does foozle my mind a bit.”

“Foozle your mind?”

“I have to switch from thinking like an adult to thinking like a child.”

“How long does that take.”

“Maybe a couple of minutes, at max ten minutes.”

“How often are you surprised?”

“Unless it is one of Daddie’s weekends, it is normally a surprise. I am not given advance notice of what is going to happen to me.”

“Are you upset that you are not given an advance notice?”

“Hell no. It plays into my submissive side.”

“Language little girl.”

Feeling a warm face, “Sorry, Miss Moore.”

“What did you get for Christmas yesterday?”

“Kathleen got a phone and a computer,” after those two items were listed, there was a change in demeanor and a big smile appeared on Katie’s face as she continued. “Katie got a Lego set, a My Little Pony play set, her third American Girl doll, and notification of an Olsen, Bullard, and Telgenhof trip to Disney sometime next year.”

“Quite the haul.”

“ I guess you could call my trip to Disney on Ice as a gift.”

“Yes, I would call it a gift. Were you Katie during this trip?”

“Yes, I was. Those gifts are from just one of four Christmas parties I have been to, plus my Boss slash Uncle gave me gifts today too.”


“I was basically treated like seven at all of them, except for half the time yesterday. There was the party between my dorm mates, and ones with the Bullard, Olsen, and Telgenhof families.”

“That is a lot of parties. I am sure you got a mountain of gifts from them.”

“I did. Ninety-nine percent of the gifts are sitting in my room unplayed. I haven’t had much time to relax and play with them.”

“Let’s change topics and discuss the days since I saw you last week, Monday.”

“About what?”

“What did you do, and were you seven or nineteen during them?”


“Where did the time go? It has been an hour and a half, Katie. We better get out of here so my colleague can close his practice on time.”

Katie, who hadn't had a sense of time since September, just looked shocked. She didn't realize it had been that long.

“Return your doll to where you got it. I will help you get your coat on.”

After the doll was put away, Katie put her arm into the open jacket sleeve.

“I like talking to you, Miss Moore.”

As they walked into the hall, “You are enjoyable to talk to, also.”

“Tell Steve thanks for the room, Ma'am.”

“I will. Have a nice day.”

At the car, as Katie was being strapped into the car seat, “Should I be calling you Mrs. Moore?”

Jan closed Katie’s door and got into her seat. Once her door was closed, Jan told the little girl, “No, Miss is the proper address. Abby's father has never been in the picture.”

Katie decided to drop the subject since it seemed like it was sensitive.

“I promised I would feed you. Let's head to McDonald's to get you a happy meal.” Thinking to herself, ‘That would also let me observe her in the play area.’

“Sounds good to me, Miss Moore.”

A few blocks later, the hatchback pulled into McDonald's. Katie waited patiently for Miss Moore to unstrap her.

“I noticed you never unstrap yourself, Sweetie.”

“I am physically unable to unstrap myself with either of Daddie's car seats. His required a key to unlock the straps. Grandma and Grandpa Olsen's doesn't lock. However, I have been taught with a red bum to not let myself out. Zoe, my best friend, and you are the only other car seats I sit in.”

“What does your Grandma Telgenhof have?”

“She doesn't own any. I have my own booster which comes back and forth to … “ Katie looked around and decided college was not the word to use. “ … to my babysitter's with me.”

“Allison is your babysitter?” Jan was holding the door open for the preteen to enter.

“Yes, Miss.”

“Now, Katie, Chicken Nuggets, Hamburger, or Cheeseburger?”

“Cheeseburger, please.”

“Fries, apple slices, or a salad?”

“Hmmm. Fries… or Apple slices. I am not sure. They both are good.”

“Apple slices it is. How about what to drink? Juice, soda pop, milk, or iced tea?

“Iced tea.”

“Sweet or unsweetened.”

“May I try sweet?”

“How may I help you, Ma’am?” The girl at the counter said.

Katie stared at the girl. She and Kathleen graduated together from high school.

Christina looked at the cute little girl with the kitty on her face. She always thought little girls looked so cute, and this cutie reminded her of her old classmate Kathleen. Christina guessed this little girl must be a cousin, or it was just a fluke of nature.

“One girl’s cheeseburger Happy Meal with apple slices. Sweet tea to drink. I will have a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, just the sandwich. I would also like sweet tea to drink.”

“Medium or Large?”

“Medium, please.”

“That will be seven sixty-four, Ma’am.”

Katie was looking longing at the play area as she stood near Jan.

“We will go play after we eat, Katie”

With a bit of pout in her voice, “Yes, Miss Moore.”

Looking at the little girl, Christina couldn’t get her thoughts off of Kathleen. She noted that Katie was close to Kathleen and wondered if the little girl was named after Kathleen. Smiling at the painted face girl, Christina wondered what fun event she went to today.

“Here is your food Ma'am.”

Christina watched the lady and girl walk to a table and was curious about what Kathleen was up to nowadays. She hadn’t seen the old classmate for a while. Thinking about who might know, Christina remembered that Ann was best friends with Kathleen. She would have to ask Ann on Sunday at church.

“Here is your happy meal, Sweetheart.”

“Thank you, Miss.”

Always a counselor, Jan observed Katie eating and mentally logged details to add to her notes.

Katie paused eating to play with the Little Pet Shop toy she had gotten in the meal.

“Play later, eat now, Katie.”

“Sorry, Miss.” Katie went back to finishing her burger. As she took a sip of her tea, Katie thought that she preferred her regular unsweetened tea.

“I finished, Miss.”

“Very good young lady, as a reward, we can go to the play area.”


“We need to swing by the trash first.”

Katie was trying to keep her excitement in check.

Once in the play area, Jan helped her charge remove her coat and shoes. “Go play.” ‘She is either generally excited or an award-winning actress.’

Katie climbed the tower to get to the tubes. Once in the tubes, she went around, pausing to look at Miss Moore through a window. Her temporary guardian was sitting on a bench, writing something in a notebook. Looking through another window she noticed that there was a higher level to this play structure. The regressed girl continued until she got to a net-covered junction.

Katie paused to examine the routes available to her. ‘I need to go that way to get up there. Oh, there is a spiral slide to the ball pit from up there.’

Once Katie got up to the top level, she paused to wave at Miss Moore. With giggles, she went into the spiral slide. Still giggling, she splashed into the ball pit.

As Katie was heading to the tubes again she almost ran into a worker. “Sorry, Christina.” In the blink of an eye, the preteen was back to the top level of the play structure. Opposite of the slide was a hammock. Katie thought this would be a perfect place to relax with a book.

Christina looked towards the back of the departing girl. ‘Smart girl, she can already read name tags.’ Shrugging, she returned to her task of washing tables.

“Katie, it is time to leave.”

“Aww.” Again, with giggles, Katie was soon splashing into the ball pit. The regressed girl skipped to her babysitter.

“Arms out, young girl.” Once the coat was on. “Please sit so I can get your shoes on.”

As the lady and girl walked out the door, Christina thought, ‘Aww, her shoes have lights on them. I remember when I had shoes like that.’

“Up you go, little lady.” … “Spread your legs so I grab the strap.”

Just before the back passenger door was shut, “I had fun, Miss Moore.”

“You looked like you were having fun,” Jan said from the driver's seat.

Ten minutes later, the two of them were pulling into the Telgenhof house driveway. Katie waited patiently to be released before heading to the door with her handheld.

Aunty answered the doorbell.

“How was she?” Aunty asked as she removed her niece's coat.

“An angel-like normal.”

“Are you sure you brought the right kid back? That doesn't sound like my niece.”


“Quiet young lady, the adults are talking. Why don't you remove your shoes and join the rest of the family.”

Shrugging, Katie did as she was instructed, walking into the family room where her cousins were playing with their toys. Bobbie Jo had obviously already had her bath. The toddler was in her pajamas with a clean face.

Heidi, however, was still sporting a bunny on her face.

“Granny, may I grow up and deal with my laptop in my room.”

“You may.”

“Katie … Aunty, can me follow you?”

“Come on, Little Bunny. Hop right along.”

Heidi giggled as she did exactly as she was told.

Katie patted the bed. After Heidi jumped on the bed the two girls struggled together.

‘Good, the laptop is at the desktop now.’ … While shuddering, ‘I will have to download Firefox later. I can't stand Internet Explorer. Yahoo messenger is more important right now.’

“Heidi, can you ask your Mommie for my puppy, please.”

Heidi quickly skipped out of the room and returned with the requested purse. Katie pulled her phone out.

“Hello, Daddie.” …

“Can you please join me on yahoo?” …

“No, nothing bad. You will know why when you see my camera.”

“See you there.”

Katie hung up the phone and clicked to open her webcam on Yahoo.

She was rewarded with Heidi’s and her face staring at her.

“Hello again, Daddie.”

“Hello, my kitty, it seems.”

“We got our faces painted at the zoo today.”

“Heidi and you look cute.”

Turning to Heidi, “Uncle Adam says you look cute.”

“Tell Uncle Adam dank you.”

Typing again, “She says thank you for calling her cute.”

“Did Bobbie Jo get painted too?”

“Yes, a unicorn, but she has already had her bath.”

“So it is gone.”

“Yes. Daddie, I don't want to be anti-social but we need a bath before bedtime, and I still want to contact A & Z to show them my face. My bum also has a date with Aunty's hand.”

“What did you do?”

“I left her side. We were at the zoo, on the passenger side of my car, and I left to get into the driver's seat. WHICH reminds me, THANK YOU.”

“Were you seven at the Zoo?”

“I was until I tried to get into the driver's seat.”

“What is the thank you for?”

Katie stared into the camera, “You definitely are related to Grandma Olsen. You know exactly what I am thanking you about. You are the only one who had access to my car. That is besides Grandma and Grandpa Telgenhof. History shows they wouldn't have done that.”

“I still don't know what you're talking about.”

“OK, Grandma Olsen’s son.”

“Careful, Buttercup, you don't want your bum to have a double date.”

Out loud, “Heidi, say goodbye to Uncle.”

“Goodbye, Uncle Adam.”

Typing, “Heidi says goodbye to Uncle Adam. Goodbye, Daddie.”

Katie minimized Daddie’s window. The short teenager created a group chat with Ann and Zoe. She hit the buzz button.

“Hello, Sweetie,” Ann replied to the buzz.

“Are you looking at the webcam?”

“Not yet. Let me open it. … CUTE!”

“Thank you. Where is Zoe?”

“Sitting next to me. We didn't invite you because we knew you had family this week.”

“That is fine. I couldn't join you anyway. I had an appointment with Miss Moore.”

“Is that Heidi or Bobbie Jo?”


“I thought Heidi was four. That cute girl looks like she is two or two and a half.”

Katie just stared at the camera. Then she typed, “Think about it.”

“You are talking like I am missing something.”

“Two words: Kathleen and hereditary.”

“Zoe is slapping me behind my head for being so clueless. Will she be like you?”

“Not as bad as me. Apparently, I was half her height when I was her age.”

From the hall, “Katie and Heidi, it is bath time.”

“OK, Aunty.”

Ann replied, “I see.”

“We apparently have to go. I’ve been told it is our bath time.”

“Goodbye, Katie and Heidi.”

“Goodbye, Ann and Zoe.”

Katie shut the top of the laptop and hopped off the bed just as Aunty walked in.

“Katie, do you mind if you share a bath with Heidi?”

Katie just shrugged.

The two girls were ushered to the bathroom, where the tub was already prepared with bubbles.

Brianna turned to stripping her daughter first. When Heidi’s clothes were off, the preschooler was set in the tub.

Katie's clothes soon joined the pile of dirty laundry. After the diaper was removed Brianna sat on the toilet.

“Eep!” Katie exclaimed as she found herself over her sister's lap.

“Remind me why you are getting punished?”

“I walked away from you at the zoo.”


Smack! Smack! Katie looked toward Heidi, who was trying not to watch. Smack! Smack! Smack!

Katie was helped into a sitting position. With a hug. “All is forgiven, Princess.”

“Eep!” Katie exclaimed as she was picked up to be sat in the tub.

Brianna told the two girls, "You two cupcakes have about ten minutes to play.”

Katie grabbed a mermaid which was floating near her. Heidi was more interested in making artwork with a tub crayon.

“Girls playtime is over. Nice flowers, Heidi.”

Brianna started by attacking her daughter’s face. When that was done the rest of the body was washed.

“Katie, you are next.”

Katie thought that her face would be scrubbed off. Then as quickly as it started, it stopped. When Aunty got to her feet, the regressed teenager was giggling up a storm.

Katie watched her Aunty grab some things off the counter. She watched her sister turned Aunty put something on her head. When Aunty turned toward Heidi, Katie realized she was wearing a visor to protect her eyes. The regressed girl could see that Heidi was wearing a pink visor right above her eyes.

Katie tried to figure out what that smell was as her hair was washed. She was clueless until the preteen saw the bottle as Heidi was washed. ‘Oh, it is baby shampoo.’

“Let's get you dry, you two drowned rats.” Brianna mentioned as she drained the tub.

Wrapped in a towel Katie followed Aunty holding Heidi also wrapped in a towel to the teenager’s room.

Brianna sat Heidi on the bed and then patted the bed for Katie to sit on it.

“Do you mind if I set your laptop aside, Princess?”

“No, Aunty, but it probably should stay plugged in for a good battery charge,” Katie explained as she sat on the bed next to her cousin.

Brianna first concentrated on her daughter. The preschooler got a diaper and a Barbie footed onesie before being encouraged to sit on the bed. “Your next little princess.”

Katie laid down on the bed discarding the towel.

Aunty diapered the girl before helping Katie into a princess footie jammie. She then directed the girls back to the bathroom.

“Heidi hop on the toilet please.”

After Heidi sat down, Mommie grabbed the hair dryer and slowly dried the wet hair. When Heidi was done, Katie got the same treatment.

“You two girls have about an hour until bedtime.” Brianna said after looking at her wrist.

After stopping in her room to grab both of her My Little Pony sets, Katie headed to where the rest of the family is.

Katie opened the Twist and Styled set's box. She saw that the toy had been zipped tied to a sheet of cardboard. The regressed girl got up to go to the kitchen to get some scissors.

“Where are you going, Pumpkin?” Grandma asked.

“To get some scissors to free my toys.”

Aunty exclaimed, “Absolutely not!”

Grandma got up and headed to the junk drawer, “I will do it.”

Katie felt very young because she wasn't trusted with scissors anymore. She took a mental note to never ask to use an Xacto knife. After Grandma had the toys free, Katie laid on her belly to play with it.

“Katie, can I play with it?”

Katie didn't mind if Heidi played with the play set. However, she wasn't sure if it was safe for Heidi so looked at Heidi’s Mommie with a blank look.

“Katie tell her no if you want to,” Brianna said with a disappointed tone.

Heidi’s face fell.

Katie did damage control, “No! No! I don't mind if she plays, I'm just not sure what the recommended ages are. I didn't know if it was safe.”

“Recommend ages: three plus.” Aunty read off the box.

“Then Heidi you may play with it, but this set only has two ponies. One regular size and other half sized. Probably better if we get out a pony from my other Crystal Princess set.

“I will do that Buttercup,” Aunty mentioned while grabbing the other box and the scissors. She handed one of the ponies from that set to her daughter. “Take care of your cousin's toys.”

Katie slowly moved her pony across the floor toward Heidi, “My name is Daffidazey, what is your name?”


“That is either Dance Around or Dance Slippers. I would have to study the box to tell you. Of course you can come up with another name.” Katie said while staring at the pony in Heidi’s hand.

“Me is Dancer.”

“Dancer, you want to join me in my salon?”


“Katie, it is time to put your toys away,” Granny instructed.

Aunty added, “Heidi, help your cousin.”

The toys were soon set on Katie's bookcase. Looking at them sitting in front of the books, ‘I might have to ask Daddie for a toy box.’

Taskmaster Aunty told them to head to the bathroom to brush their teeth. When they got there Uncle handed Heidi her toothbrush which already had paste on it. Katie was handed her toothbrush and the toothpaste. She soon handed Uncle the paste back.

After they were done making the dentist happy they returned to Katie’s room. Aunty had Katie's covers pulled back. Brianna was about to tuck in the older girl so Heidi’s bed could be pulled out when Heidi asked, “Me sleep with Katie?”

Brianna looked at the regressed girl.

“Come on you little bunny. You can be my stuffed animal.”

With giggles Heidi laid down next to the seven-year-old.

Brianna handed Heidi her stuffed bunny before asking, “Katie do you still want your Minnie Mouse?”

“No, I am afraid I will suffocate my bunny if I also had that.”

After tucking the girls, Brianna chose a picture book from Katie’s bookcase. “Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book.” …

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This story remains the same

Beoca's picture

This story remains the same remarkable tale of a double life that reeled me in in the first place. Katie is living on a knife's edge, admittedly, as a single slip will cause extremely awkward moments. But she pulls it off smoothly nonetheless.